Nouns, Quantifiers, Articles
Nouns, Quantifiers, Articles
Nouns, Quantifiers, Articles
Plural nouns
Adding -s Dogs, songs, tables
Nouns ending in -sh, -ch, -ss, -x, -o takes Brushes, churches, But:
-es kisses, Kilos, radios,
boxes, tomatoes pianos (foreign
Countable nouns
We can count them
They have singular and plural forms and can take both singular and plural verb
We can use a, an, the, my, etc.
In the plural we can use some, any, many, few.
Uncountable nouns
We cannot count them.
They are always singular and do not take a or an. They can take some.
To show the amount of an uncountable noun, we can use expressions such as
a piece of, a bar of, a glass/cup/bowl of, a bottle of, a loaf of, a tin of, etc.
Much With uncountable nouns (only in negative sentences and questions): I
don’t have much money.
Little With uncountable nouns (=not much): she has little money.
Few With countable nouns (=not many): few people go to the theatre
A few With countable nouns (=some): there are a few boys playing in the yard.
Indefinite articles – a or an
With singular countable nouns mentioned for the first time.
To mean per/each in expressions of frequency (I go to the gym twice a week)
To show job, nationality, political persuasion, etc. (she is a conservative)