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3rd Grade Life Science:

Plants Unit

Developed for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools

Northside Elementary School Outdoor Wonder & Learning (OWL) Initiative

Unless otherwise noted, activities written by:

Lauren Greene, Sarah Yelton, Dana Haine, & Toni Stadelman
Center for Public Engagement with Science
UNC Institute for the Environment

In collaboration with 3rd grade teachers at Northside Elementary School:

Whitney Dunlap, Brian Mason, & Tequila Powell
Many thanks to Dan Schnitzer, Coretta Sharpless, Kirtisha Jones and the many wonderful teachers and
support staff at Northside Elementary for their participation in and support of the Northside OWL
Initiative. Thanks to Steve Stadelman for sharing hands-on activities and boundless enthusiasm for all
things soil and geology during the creation of this unit. Thanks also to Shelby Brown for her invaluable
assistance compiling, editing, and proofreading the curriculum.
Instructional materials and supplies to promote STEM-based outdoor learning were instrumental to the
successful implementation of this curriculum. The purchase of these materials was made possible with
funding provided by the Duke Energy Foundation to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.

Curriculum developed June 2018 – July 2019

For more information, contact:

Sarah Yelton, Environmental Education & Citizen Science Program Manager
UNC Institute for the Environment Center for Public Engagement with Science
[email protected]
3rd Grade Plants Unit Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3rd Grade Plants

Overarching Unit Question

How do plants survive in different environments?

Essential Questions
Arc 1: Why is soil important?
Arc 2: How do the systems and structures of plants function to support life?
Arc 3: How do environmental conditions affect plant growth?

Transfer Goals
o Use scientific approaches and methodologies to investigate phenomenon, claims, results and information.
o Use scientific thinking to understand the relationships and complexities of the world around them.

Enduring Understandings (Science)

 We can learn about the world around us by observing its features, patterns, and changes.
 Living organisms have systems and structures that function to support life.
 Living organisms experience cycles that vary over the span of their lives.

Target Science Essential Standards

3.L.2 Understand how plants survive in their environments.
3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following structures as it relates to the survival of plants in their
• Roots – absorb nutrients
• Stems – provide support
• Leaves – synthesize food
• Flowers – attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction
3.L.2.2 Explain how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow.
3.L.2.3 Summarize the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants.
3.L.2.4 Explain how the basic properties (texture and capacity to hold water) and components (sand, clay and
humus) of soil determine the ability of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants.

Secondary Target Standards (ELA, Math, Social Studies)

RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, identifying words that impact the
meaning in a text.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 1 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the
basis for the answers.
RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
W.3.2 Write informative /explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
W.3.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive
details, and clear event sequences.
SL.3.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.3.3 Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.
SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descriptive details, speaking clearly in complete sentences at an understandable pace.

3.OA.3 Represent, interpret, and solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division.
3.MD.2 Solve problems involving customary measurement.
3.MD.3 Represent and interpret scaled picture and bar graphs.

Unit Overview
In this unit, students will learn all about plants starting with the soil in which they grow. Throughout the unit,
students will be going outside to make connections between the content and the plants around school. In Arc 1,
students will begin to identify the importance of soil and how soil relates to plants. Students will design
experiments involving growing plants from seeds.

Exploring the parts of plants and the life cycle of plants is the focus of Arc 2. Each plant part deservingly receives
its own learning activity. Two learning activities study the life cycle of plants, one focusing on trees.

In Arc 3, students will then investigate how environmental conditions affect plants. The culminating activity
examines how the environmental conditions students imposed affected the growth of their seeds planted during
their experiment at the end of Arc 1.

Note: You may want to ask students at the beginning of the unit to bring in materials, such as empty paper towel
rolls, toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, or granola bar boxes, to share with the class for Learning Activity 15: Design &
Build a Plant.

21 days of 30 minute learning activities

Soil, sand, silt, clay, topsoil, humus, nutrients, plant, leaf, root, stem, seed, seedling, flower, fruit, function,
photosynthesis, pollination, germinate, environment, drought, botanist
* Definitions of vocabulary words can be found on the Arc overview pages. Relevant vocabulary is also listed on each
learning activity page.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 2 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Go Outdoors! Tips & Tools
Taking your class outside for science or any lessons can be rewarding and challenging. Along with behavior and
materials management tips with each lesson, this section is intended to help you have the tools you need to
successfully take your class outside.

Before You Go Outside

• Create ground rules with students for all outdoor lessons. Post the rules for students to be able to easily see.
• Ask for parent volunteers. Extra help can make an outdoor learning experience much more manageable.
• Teach students proper use, including safety, of the science tools they will be using.
• Set expectations before go. Give instructions both inside and repeat once outside.
• Have a clear objective for going outdoors. This will help focus students’ attention.
• Be flexible. Structure lessons to take advantage of opportunities and challenges.
• Establish a meeting spot and emergency plan. Have a signal for emergency situations.
• Take students outside for short exercises to practice rules before longer outdoor lessons.
• Use same door to always go outside for learning. Emphasize this is different than going outside for recess.

While You Are Outside

• Model the activities and outdoor skills for students. Show them what you expect them to be doing.
• Participate in the activity. Get down on your students’ level. Get your hands dirty.
• Model respect for nature with your students.
• The outdoors is full of teachable moments. Use “I wonder” statements to engage students in questioning the
experience. Have students write down questions to be researched back in the classroom.
• Allow students to be leaders in the activity. Ask students to volunteer as teacher assistant or materials manager.
• Acknowledge that students want to explore and can do so once the assigned task is complete.

Safety First!
• Scout outdoor areas ahead of time if possible, to note potential hazards such as poison ivy.
• Students should never be alone. If a student needs to go back to the building, send 2 students.
• Take a first aid kit and phone/walkie-talkie. Consider bringing along staff trained in first aid/CPR.
• Let office staff know where you and your class are going if headed out on a walking field trip.
• Stay on the trail/path, unless otherwise directed. On the greenway, stay on the right side of path.
• Do not eat wild plants, unless harvesting in the garden with a teacher.
• Set boundaries for the students to stay within. You have to be able to see me and I have to be able to see you!

A Note on Nature Journaling

Nature journals that you use with your class should be small composition books or other blank books that students
use to make outdoor observations, including writing, drawing, and painting. Students can use colored pencils,
watercolor pencils, or other materials to remember details of plants, animals, and habitats they are investigating
around the schoolyard. This is different from a science notebook. However, some teachers may choose to have
students paste blank pages into their science notebook to use for nature journaling pages.
3rd Grade Plants Unit 3 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Arc 1 – Soils

Essential Questions
Why is soil important?

NC Science Essential Standards – Unpacked Content

3.L.2.4 Students know that different soils possess different textures and capacities for the retention of water and
nutrients. Students know that soil consists of different components. Students know that these
characteristics of soil influence the growth and survival of plants.

Lessons in this Arc

 Engaging Activity: What Do You See?
 Learning Activity 1: What is in soil?
 Learning Activity 2: How Does Water Move Through Soil?
 Learning Activity 3: Compost
 Learning Activity 4: From a Seed to a Plant - Part 1

Go Outdoors! Nature Journal Connection

 Engaging Activity: What Do You See?  Engaging Activity: What Do You See?
 Learning Activity 3: Compost  Learning Activity 3: Compost

5 days of 30 minute lessons

Background Information
Soil is responsible for supporting the growth and survival of many plants. Soil is made of weathered minerals,
organic matter, water, and air and is the outermost layer of the earth. Soil texture refers to the particle size of the
rock pieces, which are classified as sand, silt, or clay. Particles of sand are the largest pieces of weathered rock that
make up soil. With large spaces between the grains, sand does not hold water well. In order to provide water to
plants, the soil must be able to retain it. Due to this and sand’s lack of nutrients, many plants do not grow well in
sandy soil. Silt is made of rock fragments that are smaller than grains of sand and larger than grains of clay. Silt
feels smooth and velvety like flour. Clay is made up of the smallest particles and, therefore, does hold water well.
Clay feels sticky when wet. It can be gray, red, or yellow.

Topsoil is the outermost layer of soil where plants and animals live. It is the best soil for plants to grow in because
of ample nutrients and water. Topsoil consists of humus and small particles of rock. Humus is the rotten remains
of plants and animals, broken down by decomposers. This organic part of soil provides nutrients to the soil that

3rd Grade Plants Unit 4 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
plants need to be able to live. Nutrients that plants need to grow include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
Compost is created when the decomposition of the remains of plants and animals by microorganisms is sped up
due to where and how the remains are kept. Anything made from organic materials, such as grass clippings, paper
towels, and apple cores, can be added to a compost pile. Once fully decomposed, compost can be added to the
soil to enrich its nutrient content.

• Clay is a type of soil made up of very small particles and holds water very well.
• Humus is rotting or rotten plants and/or animals that provides nutrients to the soil.
• Nutrients are materials needed for plants to grow and develop.
• Sand is a gritty feeling type of soil made up of small grains of weathered rock.
• Silt is a type of soil made up of very small pieces of broken rock.
• Soil is the outermost layer of the earth made up of a mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and air.
• Topsoil is the top layer of soil where many plants and animals live. It is made of humus and rock.

Literature Connections
Articles from Soil-Net.com:
• How Do Soils Form
• Properties of Soil
• What is Soil? Fact Sheet
• Why Does Soil Matter? Fact Sheet
• Why and How Soils Differ
• Soil, Plants and Food Production
• Thirsty Plants

• Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin (E CRO)*

Book sets
• Compost Basics by Mari Schuh*
• Soil Basics by Mari Schuh*

*currently available in Northside Elementary’s media center

3rd Grade Plants Unit 5 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Engaging Activity
What Do You See?

Lesson Prep
 Preview the slideshow and video.
 Make copies of the Why Does Soil Matter? graphic organizer, 1 per Learning Objectives:
student. Students will make a connection
 Make copies of the Soil Nature Journaling Prompt, 1 per student. between life and soil.
 Determine where you will take your class outside and note any
potential safety hazards. Students can give examples of why
soil is important.

Vocabulary Science Essential Standards:

Soil, clay, topsoil, humus
ELA Essential Standards:
SL.3.1, W.3.2

Procedure Time:
30 minutes
• Use the slideshow What do you see? to start a conversation about soil. Teacher Materials:
• Students should talk about what they see in each slide for slides 2 o “What do you see?” slideshow
through 7. o Video clip on Soil-Net .com
o You can do this through a class discussion of each slide or by
Student Materials:
having students turn and talk to a partner. o Nature Journals
o The objective is to get students to make the connection that o Soil Nature Journaling Prompt
without soil we wouldn’t have food, shelter, clothing, etc. o Writing utensils
o Why Does Soil Matter? graphic
• For the second half of the slideshow, you will be giving them
information on how each picture connects to soil (and plants). For
these slides, ask students for a thumbs up or down if they made the
same connections.

Guided Practice
• Watch the video clip from Soil-Net .com
o Click on the link.
o Click on “Digging Shallow”.
o Click on “Why does soil matter?”.
o Continue clicking through the video when prompted.
• Students will complete the table on the Why Does Soil Matter?
graphic organizer while watching the clip.

Independent Work
• Before going outside, have students glue the nature journaling
prompt into their journals.
• After the video, take students outside to the garden. Have them
write a response to the Nature Journaling prompt:

3rd Grade Plants Unit 6 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
o Soil is not dirt! Dirt is unwanted and not necessary. Soil, on the other hand, is extremely wanted &
extremely necessary. Without soil there is no life! Soil is essential for life above the ground and in the
ground. “Soil is the foundation of every terrestrial ecosystem.” (Know Soil Know Life, 2012) Plants and
animals are adapted to the type of soil within their ecosystem. Describe in a paragraph the evidence of
soil’s importance that you see around you.

• Students’ nature journaling responses can serve as a formative assessment. You could have some students
read their paragraphs aloud to the class or share within a small group.

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Before taking your class outside, discuss outdoor learning behavior expectations.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 7 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________

Why Does Soil Matter?

Why is soil important? Examples from video clip:

Grows food

Helps trees grow

Helps plants & animals

Helps buildings and roads

Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________

Why Does Soil Matter?

Why is soil important? Examples from video clip:

Grows food

Helps trees grow

Helps plants & animals

Helps buildings and roads

3rd Grade Plants Unit 8 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Soil Nature Journaling Prompt:
Soil is not dirt! Dirt is unwanted and not necessary. Soil, on the other hand, is
extremely wanted & extremely necessary. Without soil there is no life! Soil is
essential for life above the ground and in the ground. “Soil is the foundation
of every terrestrial ecosystem.” (Know Soil Know Life, 2012) Plants and
animals are adapted to the type of soil within their ecosystem.
Describe in a paragraph the evidence of soil’s importance that you see
around you.

Soil Nature Journaling Prompt:

Soil is not dirt! Dirt is unwanted and not necessary. Soil, on the other hand, is
extremely wanted & extremely necessary. Without soil there is no life! Soil is
essential for life above the ground and in the ground. “Soil is the foundation
of every terrestrial ecosystem.” (Know Soil Know Life, 2012) Plants and
animals are adapted to the type of soil within their ecosystem.
Describe in a paragraph the evidence of soil’s importance that you see
around you.

Soil Nature Journaling Prompt:

Soil is not dirt! Dirt is unwanted and not necessary. Soil, on the other hand, is
extremely wanted & extremely necessary. Without soil there is no life! Soil is
essential for life above the ground and in the ground. “Soil is the foundation
of every terrestrial ecosystem.” (Know Soil Know Life, 2012) Plants and
animals are adapted to the type of soil within their ecosystem.
Describe in a paragraph the evidence of soil’s importance that you see
around you.

Soil Nature Journaling Prompt:

Soil is not dirt! Dirt is unwanted and not necessary. Soil, on the other hand, is
extremely wanted & extremely necessary. Without soil there is no life! Soil is
essential for life above the ground and in the ground. “Soil is the foundation
of every terrestrial ecosystem.” (Know Soil Know Life, 2012) Plants and
animals are adapted to the type of soil within their ecosystem.
Describe in a paragraph the evidence of soil’s importance that you see
around you.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 9 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 1
What is in Soil?

Lesson Prep
 Preview the slideshow from StudyJams.
Learning Objectives:
 Collect soil from the school garden or other outdoor location. Do not
Students will be able to recognize that
use purchased, bagged soil from a store, as you want the sample to soil is made of living and non-living
contain all the ingredients of soil. things.
 Make copies of the graphic organizer and lab notes for each group.
Students can identify living and non-
Vocabulary living parts of soil.

Soil, nutrients, clay, humus, sand, silt, topsoil Science Essential Standards:

Procedure Math Essential Standards:

Mini Lesson
• Use the slideshow on StudyJams: Soil to introduce what is found in
30 Minutes
• Note: the link for the image of a soil horizon is broken in the Teacher Materials:
slideshow. The Soil Science Society of America has an informative o Slideshow on soil from StudyJams
webpage about soil horizons with an image. o Soil Ingredients lab instructions
from UEN

Independent Group Work Student Materials:

• Use the Soil Ingredients lab on the UEN website to have students For each group:
explore what is found in soil. o 1 cup of soil (not potting soil)
o Graphic organizer for sorting
parts of soil
Assessment o Soil Ingredients Lab Notes
• Exit ticket: Ask students to list the four ingredients of soil. Beside o Private Eyes
each ingredient, ask them to identify it as living, nonliving, or once o Tweezers
o Measuring tape or ruler
living. o Newspaper

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Instruct students to keep all parts of the soil either on the newspaper
or on their sorting sheet.
♦ Have a clean-up plan. In particular, be prepared with a container for
the soil.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 10 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Soil Sorting Sheet

3rd Grade Plants Unit 11 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Names ____________________________________________________________

Soil Ingredients Lab Notes

Use the soil parts you have sorted into the boxes labeled Animal, Plant, and Mineral to answer these questions.

1. Which section has the most sample pieces? ___________________________

2. Which section has the largest pieces? _____________________________

3. Measure the width, height, and depth of your largest rock particle. Record the number to the quarter inch.

width ________ height________ depth________

4. Name an object that is about the same size as your largest rock. _____________________________

5. Look at the rocks in your sample with your magnifier. Describe their color and shape. Record other observations.



6. Do you think you could easily break the rock particles into smaller pieces? _____________

Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________________________

7. Looking at the soil as a whole, do you think that it is about the same color as the individual rocks? ___________

Why or why not do you think this is so? ______________________________________________________________

8. What are the ingredients of soil?


Adapted from Soil Ingredients Worksheet from https://www.uen.org/lessonplan/view/2494

3rd Grade Plants Unit 12 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative


3rd Grade Plants Unit 13 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative




3rd Grade Plants Unit 14 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3rd Grade Plants Unit 15 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3rd Grade Plants Unit 16 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative




3rd Grade Plants Unit 17 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative


• •

• •
• •
• •

• •

• •

3rd Grade Plants Unit 18 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 4
From a Seed to a Plant: Part 1

Lesson Prep
 Make copies of From a Seed to a Plant: Part 1 and A Seed’s Journey data
Learning Objectives:
sheets, 1 per student.
Observe how the environment, i.e.
 Obtain and gather materials. type of soil or amount of water, affects
 Determine a location for plants to grow in your classroom. the growth of a plant.

Vocabulary Students can design and set up
experiments about plants and how
Soil, seed they are affected by their

Procedure Science Essential Standards:

3.L.2.2, 3.L.2.3, 3.L.2.4
Students will perform an experiment on plant growth and environmental
conditions which will be concluded at the end of the unit in Learning ELA Essential Standards:
Activity 16 – From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2. W.3.2, W.3.3, SL.3.1, SL.3.3

Mini-Lesson 30 Minutes, plus a few minutes daily
• Ask the students to remind you of what a plant needs to survive - to collect data as plants grow
sunlight, water, air, and nutrients. A Seed’s Journey - 15 Minutes
• Ask students if all plants need the same amount of these. Briefly talk Student Materials:
about how different plants have different soil and water o Containers to plant in
requirements. o Seeds
• Explain that groups will be performing experiments to learn more o Soil
o Spoons
about the needs of the seeds they will be planting.
o Measuring cups for water and soil
• As a class, decide if you want to test either the effects of soil or o Rulers
water on plant growth. o Data sheets
o The whole class should focus on either soil or water. Within that o Masking tape
variable students should be allowed to create an experiment, i.e.
how much water will they use daily, how frequently will they
water, compare the different types of soils studied, combine
types of soils in varying amounts.
o Create an overarching question for the students’ experiments
to fit under, such as “In what types of soil do plants grow best?” or
“How much water do plants need?”
o Example experiment: Students compare the growth of their
seeds using two different neighborhood soil samples. Students
will use two identical containers to plant two seeds of the same
kind. Students will measure out the soil, so each container has
the same amount of either soil sample one or soil sample two.
The seeds will be watered at the same frequency with the same
amount of water.
• Each group should only be testing one variable with everything else
remaining the same.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 19 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
• The teacher should plant seeds as the control group for the class. This also is a way to model to the
students how to plant the seeds.

Independent Group Work

• Have students work together in groups of 2-4.
• Planting seeds:
o Seeds can be planted in cups or other containers. Consider putting holes in the bottom of the container
to allow for water drainage. You may want to then put the containers on a tray or other method to catch
the drained water such as two different sized cups.
o Students label their containers with their names and identifiers for their experiment i.e. type of soil.
Masking tape is an easy way to label them.
o Students add soil to their containers. Students should put the same amount of soil in each container
unless that is what they are testing.
o Students place seeds in a hole as deep as the seed is wide.
o Students water plants. Students should determine an amount and frequency of watering as part of their
• Plants should all be located in the same area in the classroom. As best as possible, you want the experiments
to only focus on the 1 variable the students are intentionally changing. Keeping the plants in the same area
helps eliminate variables in sunlight and temperature.
• Radish seeds are a good choice to plant as they grow quickly, connections to other lessons can be made,
and they can be eaten. Radishes are ready to harvest in about 3 weeks. More background information on
growing radishes.
• Have students work in their small groups to collect data regularly using the s until the end of the
ecosystem/plants unit. Students should record measurements of the plant’s height, number of leaves, and
other observations.
o Have students use Part 1 of the data sheet to record their experiment parameters and daily observations
of their plant’s growth.
o Have students use A Seed’s Journey part of the data sheet to write a story about their seed. This activity
could be worked on daily or during a class one day after the plant has begun to grow.

• A Seed’s Journey writing assignment can be graded. Part 1 of the data sheet will be used in Part 2 of the
learning activity and the data sheets from both parts can be graded together.

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. Students learn about various plants found in different habitats using the Plant Habitats section of the Plants
module in Pebble Go.
o Which habitats are found at school? In North Carolina?

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Before students are allowed to collect materials, have them determine their jobs, i.e. measures soil, counts
seeds, records data.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 20 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name: ___________________________ Group members: ___________________________________

From a Seed to a Plant: Part 1

Date seeds planted: _______________ Type of seeds planted: _____________________

1. What is your experiment?

My group will be testing __________________________________________________________________________

My group will keep the same ______________________________________________________________________

2. Make a prediction about how your plants will grow in your experiment.

We think _______________________________________________________________________________________


3. How did your seeds change in the first week?


From a Seed to a Plant Observation Log

Day How tall? How many leaves? Observations

Day 1 Seeds all = ______ All seeds _________________________________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

3rd Grade Plants Unit 21 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

3rd Grade Plants Unit 22 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name: ________________________

A Seed’s Journey

What would life be like as a seed? You have planted seeds and will watch them
grow. Create a story of the life of one of your seeds and plants using the below
sentence starters.

Finally, I have found a new home! I have been planted by ______________________________ in

__________________________________________________. I heard the students talking about how I

will become ________________________________________________________. On my second day,

water has changed me by _______________________________________. Each day I keep growing and

changing. I predict I will be _______________ cm tall. Three adjectives that describe how I look as a

seedling are _____________________________, _____________________, and

_____________________________. I think I will have _______ number of leaves that are

_________________________ and __________________________. As I continue to grow, my roots are

_________________________________________, and my stem is

____________________________________. Under the soil I am _________________

_________________________________. Growing seems so slow because _______________

_______________________________________. I knew that water would help me grow, but I am

surprised that _____________________________________________________________. Compared to

the seed I started as, I am now ________________________________________. As a plant, my purpose

in life is to ________________________________________________. After ___________ days, you could

describe me as __________________________________, ________________________________, and


3rd Grade Plants Unit 23 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Arc 2 – Plant
Structures & Life

Essential Questions
How do the systems and structures of plants function to support life?

NC Science Essential Standards – Unpacked Content

3.L.2.1 Students know the names and functions of major plant parts (roots, leaves, stems, flowers). Students know
that plants have special parts that perform special functions in order for the plant to survive.

3.L.2.3 Students know the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants (seed, germination, seedling, adult).

Lessons in this Arc

 Learning Activity 5: Plants and Their Parts
 Learning Activity 6: Down Under
 Learning Activity 7: Looking at Leaves
 Learning Activity 8: Flower Power
 Learning Activity 9: Sizing Up Seeds
 Learning Activity 10: Plant Life Cycle
 Learning Activity 11: Tree Lifecycle

Go Outdoors! Nature Journal Connection

 Learning Activity 5: Plants and Their Parts  Learning Activity 7: Looking at Leaves
 Learning Activity 6: Down Under  Learning Activity 8: Flower Power
 Learning Activity 7: Looking at Leaves  Learning Activity 11: Tree Lifecycle
 Learning Activity 8: Flower Power
 Learning Activity 11: Tree Lifecycle

10 days of 30 minute learning activities

Background Information
A plant is a living thing that makes its own food using sunlight. It is unable to move and remains stationary in the
ground. Plants have specific structures that allow them to survive. From the ground up, roots, stems, leaves, and
flowers are responsible for the growth of the plant. The structures have different functions or purposes. The root
of the plant is underground and anchors the plant in the ground. The roots absorb nutrients and water from the
soil. The stem of the plant grows out of the ground and provides support for the leaves and flowers. The stem
contains the xylem and phloem which transports nutrients, food, and water throughout the plant. The leaves

3rd Grade Plants Unit 24 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
grow off the stem or twig and is where photosynthesis occurs. Chlorophyll found in leaves is essential to the
process of photosynthesis and gives leaves their green color. Photosynthesis is the process plants use to
combine water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to make food. The flat shape of leaves allows them to absorb more
sunlight. A product of photosynthesis is the oxygen we breathe. The flower of the plant consists of petals and the
reproductive parts. The flower becomes the fruit which contains the seeds enabling the plant to reproduce. The
fruit is the ripened ovary of a seed plant which holds the new seeds required for reproduction. Seeds allow a new
plant to grow. Seedlings are young plants that originated from the seed.

Seed plants have distinct life cycles beginning with the seed. After being in the soil for a few days, the seed will
begin to germinate. This is when the plant beings to grow or sprout. In order for the seed to germinate it needs
specific nutrient and water requirements. After germination, the seed will continue to grow into a seedling and
begin growing leaves. The leaves allow the plant to use photosynthesis to create food for energy to be able to
continue to grow. The flowering plants (angiosperms) will produce a flower allowing the plant to begin the
process reproduction. Pollination is part of the reproduction process and occurs when pollen is transferred from
the male part (anther) of one plant to the female part (stigma) of that plant. In conifers (gymnosperms), instead of
flowers, cones will be produced with male cones producing pollen that fertilize the ovulate cones through
pollination. It can also occur between two different plants of the same kind. Birds, insects, water, air, or other
pollinators will carry the pollen from the anther to the stigma. The fertilized eggs in the female plant ovary will
then become seeds. If the plant is fruit producing, the ovary ripens and will become a fruit. The seeds then
develop into new plants continuing the life cycle. Not all plants produce seeds for reproduction, such as mosses
and ferns, which instead reproduce through spores.

To allow seedlings to have enough room to grow, plants have various methods of seed dispersal to help move the
seeds away from the parent plant and each other. Seed dispersal methods are often grouped into wind, water,
and animals. Seeds and their coverings are designed for their dispersal method. Seeds that disperse by wind are
often light and fluffy like a dandelion seed or shaped to be carried by the wind like the maple samara. Some seeds
are designed to float in water, such as the coconut. Animals can transport seeds both externally and internally.
Seeds may stick to animal fur or feathers. Velcro was designed to mimic the hook and loop structure of burdock
seeds which attach themselves to passing animals. In particular, seeds encased in fruit are designed to survive
traveling through an animal’s digestive system.

• Flower is a specialized plant part usually made up of petals and the reproductive parts of a plant which
become the seeds and the fruit.
• Fruit is the ripened ovary of a seed plant which contains the seeds of the plant.
• Function is the purpose of a certain part of a living thing.
• Germinate is when a plant begins to grow or sprout.
• Leaf is a flat, green plant part growing from a stem or twig which is where photosynthesis takes place.
• Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make food.
• Plant is a living thing that makes its own food and cannot move.
• Pollination is when pollen is transferred from the male part (anther) of one plant to the female part (stigma)
of that plant or another plant of the same kind.
• Root is the bottom part of the plant that grows underground.
• Seed is the part of a plant from which a new plant can grow.
• Seedling is a young plant grown up from a seed.
• Stem is the main part of the plant that supports the leaves and flowers.

Literature Connections

3rd Grade Plants Unit 25 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
• Roots by Vijaya Bodach (580 BOD)*
• What Do Roots Do? by Kathleen Kudlinski
• The Reason for a Flower by Ruth Heller
• Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert (E EHL)*
• Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the Move by Joann Early Macken
• A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long (581.4 AST)*
• Seeds by Vijaya Bodach (580 BOD)*

Book sets
• Plant Life Cycles by Anita Ganeri*
• From Seed to Sunflower by Anita Ganeri*
• From Seed to Apple by Anita Ganeri*
• From Bean to Bean Plant by Anita Ganeri*
*currently available in Northside Elementary’s media center

3rd Grade Plants Unit 26 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 5
Plants & Their Parts

Lesson Prep
 Make copies of the Plants and Their Parts graphic organizer for each
student. Learning Objectives:
 Familiarize yourself with the PebbleGo Plants module. Define plant vocabulary terms.

Vocabulary Students use the text to answer
questions and define terms.
Plant, leaf, root, stem, seed, seedling, flower, fruit, function,
photosynthesis, pollination, germinate Science Essential Standards:

Procedure ELA Essential Standards:

RI.3.1, RL.3.4
• Introduce the word “function”. Time:
30 minutes
• Give several examples of the function of different objects, such as a
pencil, a clock, and a bus. Teacher Materials:
• Ask students to define the term “function”. o Plants and Their Parts graphic
• Improve and refine the definition by having a few students share. organizer answer key
• Write the final definition on the board. Student Materials:
• Explain that today students will be learning about plants, their parts, o Chromebooks or iPads
and the function of those parts. o Headphones
o PebbleGo Plants module
o PebbleGo login
Independent Work o Plants and Their Parts graphic
• Students will use PebbleGo to learn some of the plant unit organizer
• Have students go to PebbleGo -> Science -> Living Things -> Plants
• Instruct students to go through all the parts of “What Are Plants?”,
“Plant Classification”, and “Plant Parts” within the Plants module.
• As they navigate through the module, have them complete the
Plants and Their Parts graphic organizer.

• Use the Plants and Their Parts graphic organizer answer key to grade their graphic organizers.
• Once graded, give students an opportunity to correct their papers as it contains many key vocabulary words
and their definitions.

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. Take the class outside to an area with plants.
2. Have students turn and talk to a partner about each part of a plant.
3. Each student should have a chance to talk about each part of a plant and its function. Have students point at
or gently touch each part as they are talking, i.e. “Where are the roots of the plant?”.
4. Remind students to be gentle with the plants and to leave the plants the way they found them.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 27 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name _________________________________

Plants and Their Parts

Directions: Login to PebbleGo. Click on Science -> Life Sciences -> Plants to complete the below sentences.

What Are Plants?

1. Plants are _______________________________, ________________________________, and


2. Plants need ________________________, _________________________, __________________, and


3. Nutrients are ____________________________________________________________________


4. Most plants have three main parts: ______________________, ___________________, and


5. A leaf is _________________________________________________________________________________


6. A root is ______________________________________________________


7. A stem is ______________________________________________________


8. A seed is _______________________________________________________________________


Plant Classification

9. Conifers are ___________________________________________________________.

10. A cone is _______________________________________________________________________.

11. A seedling is ____________________________________________________________________


3rd Grade Plants Unit 28 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
12. A fern is a plant __________________________________________________________________


13. A spore is _______________________________________________________________________.

14. A flower is _______________________________________________________________________


15. The fruit is _______________________________________________________________________


16. Pollination is when pollen ____________________________________________________________ by wind or

animals. Then fruit and seeds form.

17. Germination is when a _________________ sprouts and a ________________________ grows.

18. Moss is ________________________________________________________________________.

Plant Parts

19. Petals are _______________________________________________________________________.

20. Nectar is ________________________________________________________________________.

21. Examples of flowers that we eat include ______________________ and ______________________.

22. _______________________ protect _________________________ until they start to grow.

23. Seeds are spread by _________________, ____________________, and ______________________.

24. We eat fruits, like __________________________, _________________________, and

______________________, as well as seeds, like _______________________________.

25. The function of a leaf is to ________________________________________________.

26. Photosynthesis is how plants use __________________________, ________________, and

_____________________ to make their own food.

27. Some leaves that we eat are ____________________, ___________________, and _______________________.

28. One job of a plant’s roots is to __________________________________________________________________.

29. We eat roots, such as ______________________, ____________________, and __________________________.

30. A trunk is ______________________________________________________________________.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 29 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name __ANSWER KEY_________________________

Plants and Their Parts

Login to PebbleGo. Click on Science -> Life Sciences -> Plants to complete the below sentences.

What Are Plants?

1. Plants are ____living things____________, ____made of many cells_______, and ______cannot move


2. Plants need _____sunlight___________, _______air___________, ________water________, and


3. Nutrients are ___a substance a living thing needs to stay healthy__________________________________


4. Most plants have three main parts: ______leaves_______, ______roots______, and


5. A leaf is ___the flat and usually green part of a plant that grows out

___________________________________ ______________________________________.

6. A root is ___the part of the plant that is underground____________


7. A stem is __the long main part of a plant from which the leaves and flowers grow_______


8. A seed is ________the part of a plant that can grow into another plant____________________________.

Plant Classification

9. Conifers are _____an evergreen tree that produces cones____________________________.

10. A cone is __________the hard, woody fruit of a pine or fir tree______________________________.

11. A seedling is _______a young plant that has been grown from a seed _____________


12. A fern is a plant a plant with feathery leaves, or fronds, and no flowers that usually grows in damp places.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 30 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
13. A spore is ____a way that some plants reproduce; does not have food for the young plant_____________.

14. A flower is ______the colorful part of a plant that makes fruit and seeds___________________.

15. The fruit is ___the fleshy, juicy part of a plant that contains seeds and usually can be eaten_______


16. Pollination is when pollen _______is carried to other flowers______________________________ by wind or

animals. Then fruit and seeds form.

17. Germination is when a __seed____ sprouts and a _____seedling__________ grows.

18. Moss is _____a soft, short plant with no roots; moss grows on damp soil, rocks, and tree trunks_.

Plant Parts

19. Petals are _____ one of the colored outer parts of a flower ______________________.

20. Nectar is ____a sweet liquid found in many flowers _______________.

21. Examples of flowers that we eat include ____artichokes_____ and _____cauliflower______________.

22. ____Fruits___________________ protect ______seeds___________________ until they start to grow.

23. Seeds are spread by __wind_______________, _____water____________, and ______animals____________.

24. We eat fruits, like _____apples________________, ________pears_____________, and ___oranges________,

as well as seeds, like _____peas OR sunflower_________________.

25. The function of a leaf is to ______make food___________________________.

26. Photosynthesis is how plants use _______sunlight__________, _____air________, and

____water_____________ to make their own food.

27. Some leaves that we eat are ____lettuce____, _____basil____, and __parsley (OR cabbage OR spinach)__.

28. One job of a plant’s roots is to __hold it in place and keep it from falling over OR store food OR soak up

water and


29. We eat roots, such as _____carrots______, ____sweet potatoes______, and ____radishes OR turnips_____.

30. A trunk is ___the thick, woody stem of a tree_______________________________________.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 31 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 6
Down Under
Adapted from the activity Down Under from The Budding Botanist: Investigations with Plants by the AIMS Education Foundation

Lesson Prep
 Review the activity Down Under from The Budding Botanist (p. 86-91).
Learning Objectives:
A copy of The Budding Botanist can be found in the professional Observe the root system of a plant
collection of the Northside Elementary Media Center. and compare it with the growth
 Determine if you want to use the provided text in The Budding above ground.
Botanist or the book Roots to introduce roots to the students.
 Make copies of the graphic organizer on p. 90. Students can describe the root system
 Identify a location to take students to observe and remove weeds. of a plant.
 Identify and gather best available tools to use for weed removal.
Science Essential Standards:
ELA Essential Standards:
Root SL.3.1

Procedure Math Essential Standards:

Complete Part One of Down Under from The Budding Botanist:
Investigations with Plants by the AIMS Education Foundation (p. 86-91). Time:
30 minutes

Mini-Lesson Teacher Materials:

• Use the text on p. 86 or Roots by Vijaya Bodach (580 BOD) to o Down Under from The Budding
introduce root types and purposes. Botanist: Investigations with Plants
by the AIMS Education
Foundation (p. 86-91)
Independent Work o Roots by Vijaya Bodach (optional)
• Take the class outside to find a weed to observe.
• You may choose to have students work in small groups, in particular Student Materials:
o Digging tools
if the number of weeds is limited. o Rulers
• Using shovels or other digging tools have students carefully dig up a o Private Eyes (or other magnifiers)
weed, including the roots. o Copies of graphic organizer
• Students will complete the graphic organizer which includes
sketching and measuring the plant.

• Discuss the questions on p. 91 to formatively assess the students.
• Students could first discuss with partners or in small groups before participating in a class discussion.

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. If the class grows radishes or other root vegetable, complete Part Two of Down Under.

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Model and describe proper tool use for observing and removing weeds. In particular, discuss applicable
safety issues with digging tools.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 32 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 7
Looking at Leaves

Lesson Prep
 Identify the species of a few trees in the schoolyard.
 Determine which field guides students will be using and familiarize Learning Objectives:
Observe how leaves from different
yourself with them.
plants compare.
 Make copies of the nature journaling prompt for students if
preferred. Nutshell/Skill:
 Preview the video on leaves. Students can describe and identify

Vocabulary Science Essential Standards:

Leaf, photosynthesis
ELA Essential Standards:
Procedure Part 1: Time:
Independent Work Part 1: 30 minutes
• Take your class outside for students to observe leaves. Part 2: 30 minutes
• Students will describe, draw, compare, and contrast leaves in their Teacher Materials:
nature journals. o Video on photosynthesis by They
• Instruct students to observe leaves where they find them, whether Might Be Giants
on the ground or on a plant. Students do not need to remove the
Student Materials:
leaf from the plant for this assignment.
o Tree field guides
• Nature Journaling Prompt: o Nature Journals
o Describe your leaf. What does it look like? What does it feel o Private Eyes (or other magnifiers)
like? What shape is it? What does the edge of the leaf look like? o Colored pencils
o Sketch your leaf. Be sure to include the veins of the leaf. Are the
veins parallel? Do they radiate out from a central point?
• Have students choose a second leaf to compare to their first leaf. At
least one of their 2 leaves needs to be a leaf from a tree.
• Nature Journaling Prompt:
o How are the leaves different? List at least 3 differences.
o How are the leaves the same? List at least 2 ways the leaves are
the same.
o What is the function of a leaf?
• Nature journaling prompts are on a separate page at the end of this
lesson to allow you to print them out for students if preferred.

• Discuss the leaves students examined, and the function of leaves.
• Bring a few leaves inside with you to use during your discussion, or
you can use pictures such as the ones at the end of this lesson.
• Show a video on photosynthesis to connect back to the function of
leaves - “Photosynthesis” by They Might Be Giants (1:58).

3rd Grade Plants Unit 33 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Procedure Part 2:
Independent Group Work
• Have students go outdoors to look at leaves to identify the species of a tree. They can use books or online
field guides, such as:
o Common Forest Trees of North Carolina from the North Carolina Forest Service
o “What Tree is That?” online tree identification guide from the Arbor Day Foundation
• Before going outside, introduce the tree identification guides you will be using and how to use them. If
using books, show them how the trees are grouped. Show them the table of contents and the index.
• Choose trees for students to investigate that you have previously identified.
• Some common trees you may find on your school grounds are:
o Black Oak o River Birch o Sycamore
o Flowering Dogwood o Southern Magnolia o Tuliptree (Yellow Poplar)
o Redbud o Sourwood o White Oak
o Red Maple o Sweetgum o Willow Oak
• Give students a short list of possible trees, including the correct one, for them to look up.
• Have students work in groups of 3-5 people.
• Assign a group per tree.
• Rotate between groups to assist with identifying the trees.
• Once students have identified the trees, have each group share their tree’s identity and where they found
the information. Also, have students share a fact they learned about their tree.

• Exit ticket: What is the function of a leaf?

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. To go more in-depth on leaves, watch Mystery Doug’s video on “Why do leaves change color in the fall?”

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Before going outside, have a brief discussion about how to behave respectfully toward plants and nature. In
particular, discuss how they can observe leaves without removing them from the plants or otherwise
hurting the plants. Ask students for their ideas.
♦ For the nature journaling prompts, emphasis that students are honing their observation skills and should be
looking at the details. Give them a timeframe of how long they will be working on each prompt.
Announcing how much time they have left can help clarify that expectation.
♦ Set expectations of interaction and talking amongst each other for nature journaling. For example, tell
students to stay silent and focused on their own leaves as well as that they will be given a chance to discuss
the leaves later.
♦ To help students stay focused, make identifying the trees into a challenge. For instance, you could have a
time limit or a challenge to be the first to correctly id their tree.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 34 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 1:
1. Describe your leaf. What does it look like? What does it feel like?
What shape is it? What does the edge of the leaf look like?
2. Sketch your leaf. Be sure to include the veins of the leaf. Are the
veins parallel?

Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 2:

• How are the leaves different? List at least 3 differences.
• How are the leaves the same? List at least 2 ways the leaves are
the same.
• What is the function of a leaf?

Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 1:

1. Describe your leaf. What does it look like? What does it feel like?
What shape is it? What does the edge of the leaf look like?
2. Sketch your leaf. Be sure to include the veins of the leaf. Are the
veins parallel?

Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 2:

• How are the leaves different? List at least 3 differences.
• How are the leaves the same? List at least 2 ways the leaves are
the same.
• What is the function of a leaf?

Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 1:

1. Describe your leaf. What does it look like? What does it feel like?
What shape is it? What does the edge of the leaf look like?
2. Sketch your leaf. Be sure to include the veins of the leaf. Are the
veins parallel?

Leaves Nature Journaling Prompt 2:

• How are the leaves different? List at least 3 differences.
• How are the leaves the same? List at least 2 ways the leaves are
the same.
• What is the function of a leaf?

3rd Grade Plants Unit 35 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3rd Grade Plants Unit 36 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 8
Flower Power

Lesson Prep
 Buy flowers, such as Alstroemeria.
 Review the Flower Power slideshow. Learning Objectives:
Recognize flowers are made of parts
 Print slide number 6 showing a labeled diagram of a flower. Make that help it attract pollinators and
half sheet sized copies to give to pairs of students. make seeds.
 Make copies of the Flower Dissection worksheet, 1 per student.
Students will identify the parts of a
flower by dissecting a real flower,
Vocabulary completing a diagram, and then
comparing it to a real flower in the
Flower, pollination
school garden.

Science Essential Standards:

Procedure Part 1 3.L.2.1

Mini-Lesson ELA Essential Standards:

• Use the slideshow to teach basic parts of a flower and their W.3.2
corresponding functions.
• Start by discussing the question “What is the job of the flower of the Part 1: 30 minutes
plant?” found on the first slide. Have students turn and talk to a Part 2: 30 minutes
partner before calling on a student. Elaborate on the answer as
needed using the next slide. Teacher Materials:
• Read through each slide which give details about the parts of o Flower Power slideshow
o Scissors for cutting off flowers
a flower.
• Bring it all back to the function of flower with slide 7 showing the Student Materials:
pink lily before giving instructions for flower dissection. Ask students o Flowers, 1 per student
to name the parts of the flower. Flip between slides 6 and 7 as (Alstroemeria work well)
o Private Eyes or hand lenses
needed. o Copy of labeled flower diagram
per pair (laminated) (in
Independent Group Work slideshow)
• Each student will receive a flower to draw and then dissect. o Copy of worksheet per student
o Colored pencils
• Go over the worksheet. Emphasize to students that they must
o Pencils
draw their flower before dissecting it. o Transparent tape
• Using a document camera, model dissecting (pulling apart with your o Optional – small paper plates for
hands) from the outside of the flower (sepals and petals) to the dissecting flowers
middle (carpel).
• Model how students will tape the parts of a flower in the
corresponding boxes on the Flower Dissection worksheet (at the end
of the lesson).
• Ask the students what they noticed about what you modeled. If a
student doesn’t, point out that you used one piece of tape to attach
the flower part to the paper.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 37 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
• Before passing out the worksheet, ask students what to do after they write their name on their paper to
confirm they know to draw their flowers before dissecting.
• Have students help pass out materials while you cut off individual flowers. If your schedule allows, you can
precut individual flowers, but they will wilt the longer they are off the stem and out of water.
• Monitor and assist students as needed. As you circulate, confirm students are labeling their diagram
correctly and placing flower parts in their corresponding boxes.
• Have cards with higher order questions ready for students to think about and discuss as they finish.
• Have students clean up. A sample clean up slide is included. Make a detailed clean up slide with pictures
showing how you want your students to clean up and where you want items put away.
• Ask for volunteers to show their drawing, explain the function of the parts, and show their dissected flower.
Students can place their worksheet under the document camera to show their work.
• Discuss the higher order questions as a class.
• You can use slide 10 about the different types of plants, including flowering plants to talk about different
types of flowers.

• As you circulate while students are dissecting flowers, formatively assess their knowledge of flowers.
Additionally, you can use the class discussion of the higher order questions as a formative assessment.

Procedure Part 2
Independent Work
• Take the students outside to observe flowers in bloom around the school.
• Nature Journal Prompt:
o Sketch and label a flower in your nature journals.
o Compare the flowers you see with the ones you dissected. How is this flower the same as the flower
you dissected? How is this flower different?

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. Read a book about flowers and gardening. Many good choices are listed on the main page for this Arc, such
as The Reason for a Flower by Ruth Heller and Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert (E EHL).
2. Have a coloring sheet of a labeled flower for students to complete as they finish their dissection.
3. Watch the SciShow Kids video “Look Inside a Flower!” (4:13). (You can slow down the playback speed in the
settings for the video.)
4. Watch the Mystery Doug video “How do flowers bloom in the spring?” (5:14).

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Students don’t need anything to dissect a flower other than their hands. Tools, such as toothpicks and
probes, are not necessary for this activity and, therefore, are more likely to be misused.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 38 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name ______________________________________________

Flower Dissection
1. Draw your flower. Label ALL the parts:
Sepal, petal, stem, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovule, stamen, anther, filament

2. What is the function of a flower?



3rd Grade Plants Unit 39 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3. Dissect, or take apart, your flower. Tape the parts in the correct boxes.

a. Petal b. Stamen

c. Pollen d. Carpel

e. Ovary f. Ovule

3rd Grade Plants Unit 40 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Higher order questions that can be made into cards to hand to students who finish

Why do flowers What does the

have pollen? ovary do?

Describe What does the

pollination. anther do?

Why do flowers Why don’t all

have petals? plants flowers?

What is the Describe a

function of the plant without
stigma? flowers.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 41 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
How would What is the
cutting all the purpose of the
flowers off a petals?
plant affect it?

List some

3rd Grade Plants Unit 42 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 9
Sizing Up Seeds

Lesson Prep
 Obtain a copy of the book about seeds you will read to the class.
 Collect a variety of seeds, preferably from your schoolyard. Learning Objectives:
Observe a variety of seeds and
 Determine how seeds will be handled during lesson, i.e. what they recognize how they disperse.
will be in and where.
 Make a copy of Sizing Up Seeds graphic organizer for each student. Nutshell/Skill:
Through observing the characteristics
of seeds, students can identify
dispersal methods.
Science Essential Standards:
Seed 3.L.2.1

ELA Essential Standards:

Procedure W.3.2, W.3.3, SL.3.1, SL.3.4 (all in
• Read Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the Move by Joann Early Macken, A Seed Time:
30 minutes
is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long, or another book on
seeds. Teacher Materials:
• Discuss the importance of seeds and the term dispersal (how seeds o Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the Move
move) as you read the book. by Joann Early Macken or A Seed
• Prompt students to make connections between how a seed looks is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston
and Sylvia Long (581.4 AST) (or
and how it moves. For example, fluffy dandelion seeds are designed other seed related book)
to be moved by the wind.
Student Materials:
Independent Work o Private Eyes
o Various seeds (preferably
• Have students complete the Sizing Up Seeds graphic organizer as
collected from school grounds)
they observe various seeds. o Petri dishes, small paper plates,
• Model how they will be drawing the seed without and then with or other containers for seeds
magnification. o Colored pencils
o Sizing Up Seeds graphic organizer
• Explain that they will be observing and drawing 4 different seeds.
• Remind them to also answer the questions about the dispersal and
the function of seeds after their observations.

• After collecting the graphic organizers, ask students to share about a
few different seeds and how they are dispersed as a method of
formative assessment. Also have students tell you what the function
of a seed is.
• Grade their Sizing Up Seeds graphic organizer for completeness
overall and for accuracy on their answer to what is the function of
o Remember the function of a seed is to produce more plants as a
new plant grows from a seed.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 43 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Opportunities for Extended Learning
1. Have students design and create a seed.
o Students will need to think like a plant and an engineer to determine the shape and materials of their
seed for it to move in the way that is best for their plant.
o Have students share their seeds and describe how their seed moves.
o Students could work in pairs or small groups.
2. Connect seeds to what people eat through a discussion and writing assignment.
o Ask students for examples of seeds that we eat (or foods made from seeds), such as sunflower seeds,
peas, beans, corn, rice, oats, wheat, sesame seeds, peanuts, pecans, almonds, and walnuts. You could
show students pictures of some examples, such as the page of pictures at the end of this lesson.
o Have students write about their favorite seeds to eat or which seeds they have eaten in the last week.
o The assignment could include having students write about what other animals, like birds and squirrels,
might eat the same types of seeds.
o This could be done as a Nature Journaling Prompt in the garden.

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Place a container of various seeds on each table for students to share OR have a central location where
students can come to get one seed at a time.
♦ Describe how they will be sharing the seeds or collecting 4 at the beginning of the activity.
♦ Give clear instructions about if students are allowed to break open seeds and seed holders in their
♦ Have a plan for collecting the seeds at the end of the lesson. Consider having one student from each table
collect the seeds and return them to a central location.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 44 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name: ____________________________________________ Date __________________

Sizing Up Seeds
Observe the seeds and seed holders. Choose 4 to draw. Use The Private Eye or other magnifier.

1. Draw what you see. Draw what you see under magnification.

How is this seed dispersed? Circle your answer.

Wind Animal Water Bursting

2. Draw what you see. Draw what you see under magnification.

How is this seed dispersed? Circle your answer.

Wind Animal Water Bursting

3rd Grade Plants Unit 45 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3. Draw what you see. Draw what you see under magnification.

How is this seed dispersed? Circle your answer.

Wind Animal Water Bursting

4. Draw what you see. Draw what you see under magnification.

How is this seed dispersed? Circle your answer.

Wind Animal Water Bursting

5. What is the function of a seed?



3rd Grade Plants Unit 46 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Seeds We Eat




sunflower seeds



3rd Grade Plants Unit 47 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 10
Plant Life Cycle

Lesson Prep
 Preview the plant life cycle video. Learning Objectives:
 Become familiar with the concept mapping app of your choosing. Explain the steps in a flowering plant’s
Popplet has a demo on their website. life cycle.
 Gather books on plant life cycles, such as those listed in the student
materials, for students to use to create a mind map. Nutshell/Skill:
Students can describe the life cycle of
a plant.

Vocabulary Science Essential Standards:

Plant, leaf, root, stem, seed, seedling, flower, fruit, function,
photosynthesis, pollination, germinate ELA Essential Standards:
RI.3.5, W.3.2

Procedure 30 minutes
Mini-Lesson Teacher Materials:
• Show a video, such as SciShow Kids “How does a seed become a o SciShow Kids “How does a seed
plant?” video (3:46), or another video showing the life cycle of a become a plant?” video
plant. (You can change the playback speed in settings on the video.)
Student Materials:
o iPads (or Chromebooks)
Guided Practice o Popplet or other mind map app
• Have the students move their bodies through the plant life cycle. o One of more of the following
o Students begin crouched down on the floor as a seed. book sets by Anita Ganeri:
o Ask the students what a seed needs to grow - sunlight, water, • Plant Life Cycles
• From Seed to Sunflower
air/carbon dioxide, nutrients/soil.
• From Seed to Apple
o Have students stretch out a leg to represent a root growing from • From Bean to Bean Plant
the seed.
o Have students reach an arm up to represent a seedling growing
up through the soil.
o Have the students very slowly stand up as they grow as a plant.
o Reinforce that the plant is receiving sunlight, water, air, and
nutrients as it grows.
o Have students reach their arms out to represent leaves.
o Have students smile big to represent a flower growing.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 48 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Independent Work
• Have students use an app, such as Popplet, to create a mind map of the plant life cycle. (see example below)
• Give specific parameters, such as students must use at least 6 vocabulary words and include 3 pictures in
their map.
• Provide books on plant life cycles, such as Plant Life Cycles by Anita Ganeri, From Seed to Sunflower by Anita
Ganeri, From Seed to Apple by Anita Ganeri, and From Bean to Bean Plant by Anita Ganeri, for students to use
as a resource.
• After showing you their mind map, students can watch “Seed Plants” on BrainPop.

• Formatively assess student’s knowledge of the vocabulary and plant life cycle by looking at students’ mind
maps once they are complete.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 49 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 11
Tree Lifecycle
This activity adapted with permission from Activity 79 Tree Lifecycle in the Project Learning Tree PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide.

Lesson Prep
 Read Activity 79 Tree Lifecycle in Project Learning Tree. A full copy of
Learning Objectives:
the Project Learning Tree PreK-8 Activity Guide is available in the Diagram the life cycle of a tree to
Northside Media Center professional collection. show their understanding of that life
 Make copies of the Tree Lifecycles student page, 1 per student or cycle and the tree’s role in the
small group. ecosystem throughout its life.
 Walk around your schoolyard to plan where you can walk with your
class to see various stages of a tree’s life cycle. Students can draw and describe each
stage of a tree’s life cycle.

Vocabulary Science Essential Standards:

Seed, leaf, plant 3.L.2.3

ELA Essential Standards:

Procedure Part 1
Use Project Learning Tree Activity 79 - Tree Lifecycle (p. 341-344) for both Part 1: 30 minutes
Part 1 and Part 2. Note: The directions below modify the order in which the Part 2: 30 minutes
activities are conducted from the original version.
Teacher Materials:
o Project Learning Tree Activity 79
Mini-Lesson Tree Lifecycle (p. 341-344)
• Discuss the idea of life cycles by comparing the life cycle of a person
with that of a tree. (1. under “Doing the Activity” p. 342) Student Materials:
o Nature Journals
o Pencils
Independent Work o Tree Lifecycles student page
• Have students create a life cycle of a tree. (2. under “Doing the
Activity” p. 342)

Procedure Part 2
Independent Work
• Take students on a walk outside in search of trees at the varying
stages of their life cycle. (Enrichment p. 343)
• Nature Journal Prompt:
o Sketch and describe each stage of the life cycle you see: Sapling,
Juvenile, Young Adult, Adult, Injured or Unhealthy, Elderly, Dead.
What factors are affecting each stage?

• Grade the independent work from Part 1 and/or Part 2. Refer to
“Assessment Opportunities” on p. 341 for criteria for grading.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 50 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Opportunities for Extended Learning
1. You could do the “Variation – Plant Personification” (p. 342-343) in addition to or instead of one of the other
parts of this activity.
2. Have students compare the life cycle of a tree to the life cycle of another plant.

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Discuss appropriate ways to interact with the trees.
o Students should be observing the trees with their eyes.
o Suggest positive interactions like high five’s and fist bumps or even hand to leaf shakes.
o Give limits such as they may choose one stage of the life cycle to touch the tree.
o These will reduce the leaf pulling and other damaging interactions and help the flow of the activity for
timing purposes.
♦ For your tree walk, plan multiple stops for students to be able to draw and describe each stage in a tree’s life
o Use each stopping point as a way to refocus the group on the task.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 51 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Arc 3 – Environmental

Essential Questions
How do environmental conditions affect plant growth?

NC Science Essential Standards – Unpacked Content

3.L.2.1 Students know the names and functions of major plant parts (roots, leaves, stems, flowers). Students know
that plants have special parts that perform special functions in order for the plant to survive.

3.L.2.2 Students know that how well plants grow and survive is determined by a combination of environmental
conditions. For example, drought conditions will tend to diminish plant health and growth.

3.L.2.3 Students know the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants (seed, germination, seedling, adult).

3.L.2.4 Students know that different soils possess different textures and capacities for the retention of water and
nutrients. Students know that soil consists of different components. Students know that these
characteristics of soil influence the growth and survival of plants.

Lessons in this Arc

 Learning Activity 12: Plant Scavenger Hunt
 Learning Activity 13: Garden Activity – Weeding
 Learning Activity 14: Schoolyard Plants
 Learning Activity 15: Design & Build a Plant
 Learning Activity 16: From a Seed to a Plant – Part 2

Go Outdoors! Nature Journal Connection

 Learning Activity 12: Plant Scavenger Hunt  Learning Activity 12: Plant Scavenger Hunt
 Learning Activity 13: Garden Activity – Weeding  Learning Activity 13: Garden Activity – Weeding
 Learning Activity 14: Schoolyard Plants  Learning Activity 14: Schoolyard Plant

6 days of 30 minute lessons

Background Information
Soil and other environmental conditions determine how well a plant will be able to grow and develop. Plants
need the right environment which provides the right amounts of what it needs. For example, a banana tree needs
hot temperatures year-round to produce fruit and a cactus needs water infrequently. The environment consists

3rd Grade Plants Unit 52 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
of all external conditions and influences acting on living things. For instance, plants need proper sunlight to be
able to grow. Nutrients are materials, including nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, needed for plants to grow.
Plants also need water and carbon dioxide to complete photosynthesis. These factors are necessary parts of the
plant’s environment. Changes in a plant’s environment can affect its ability to grow and its growth rate. A
drought is a prolonged period of dry weather. During a drought the plants may not receive enough water to be
able to grow and develop properly. How environmental conditions affect plants is studied by botanists. A
botanist is a scientist who studies plants.

• Botanist is a scientist who studies plants.
• Drought is a long period of dry weather.
• Environment is all external conditions and influences that affect the development and survival of a living
thing or group of living things.

Literature Connections
• Weslandia by Paul Fleischman (E FLE)*
• The Curious Garden by Peter Brown (E BRO)*
• The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (E SIL)*
• How Groundhog’s Garden Grew by Lynne Cherry

Book sets
• Where Do Plants Grow? By Louise and Richard Spilsbury*
• Plant Secrets by Anna Claybourne*

* currently available in Northside Elementary’s media center

3rd Grade Plants Unit 53 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 12
Plant Scavenger Hunt

Lesson Prep
 Make copies of the scavenger hunt.
 Identify where you plan to take your class to be able to find most or Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to accurately
all of the items on the list. identify the parts of a plant on live
 Gather other supplies as needed. plants.


Students can use their observation
skills and knowledge of plant parts to
Leaves, stem, flower, seed, fruit, root complete a scavenger hunt.

Science Essential Standards:

3.L.2.1, 3.L.2.3
Independent Work 30 minutes
• Students will complete a plant scavenger hunt outside.
• The scavenger hunt can be completed on a slow hike or in one Student Materials:
o Copies of scavenger hunt
location. Clear boundaries should be set at any stopping points that
o Writing utensil
do not involve staying on a trail. o Rulers or ruler app
• Students should check off on their paper each item they find. o iPads (optional)
• Students could take pictures using iPads of each item that they find. o Clipboards (optional)
• Students could work in pairs. If working in pairs, have students
discuss how they will share the work before going outside.
• Before going outside, talk about appropriate interactions with the
plants. Students should leave plants in the same condition they find
them. Students are not collecting plant parts for this scavenger hunt.
Teach students how to identify poison ivy.

• Students could share their photos in a group or with the class.
• Students should be able to identify which item on the scavenger list
the photo matches.

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. Nature Journaling Prompt:
o Draw and describe 2 things from your scavenger hunt.

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Ask students to remind you of the expectations for outdoor learning.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 54 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Plant Scavenger Hunt

A leaf: A stem:
____ With 5 points ____ That is stiff
____ Longer than 2.25 inches ____ That is flexible
____ Shorter than 2.25 inches ____ With more than 20 leaves
____ With smooth edges ____ That is longer than 1 foot
____ With jagged edges ____ That is shorter than 4.25 inches
____ Wider than 1.5 inches
____ Thinner than 1.5 inches
____ That is green
____ That is brown
____ That is yellow ____ A seed
____ With insect holes ____ A fruit
____ A tree
____ A weed
____ A flowering plant
____ Evidence of a decomposer
____ A plant that you could eat

A flower:
____ That is yellow
____ With 5 petals
____ With more than 10 petals

3rd Grade Plants Unit 55 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 13
Garden Activity: Weeding

Lesson Prep
 Find a location in the school garden, or in a planting bed on school
grounds, where students can pull weeds. Learning Objectives:
Practice identifying different parts of a
Environment, plant, seed, leaves, stem, roots, flowers, fruit Students can demonstrate their ability
to identify different parts of a plant.

Procedure Science Essential Standards:

3.L.2.1, 3.L.2.2, 3.L.2.3, 3.L.2.4
• Take the class to the school garden. Alternatively, you can use any Math Essential Standards:
NC.3.OA.3 (extension)
landscaped area of the school grounds.
• Ask students to tell you what a weed is. Time:
o A weed is a plant that is growing somewhere you don’t want it to 30 minutes
grow. It can be any type of plant.
• “What plants in our garden are weeds? What plants don’t we want Student Materials:
o Small trowels or other tools for
growing here?” Have students point to weeds near them. digging
• “How did these weeds get here?” o Nature Journals
o Seed dispersal - wind, washed by rain, animals, etc. The plants o Writing utensils
were here before the garden was planted and grew back. o Private Eyes or other magnifiers
• “Why are these weeds growing here?” The seeds found the right
environmental conditions to grow. The plants are getting the right
amount of sunlight, water, air, and nutrients.
• “Do weeds have all the parts of a plant?” Ask for volunteers to point
out the different parts on a weed. You may pull a weed to be able to
see all the parts.
• Explain to students that when you pull weeds from a garden, you
want to pull up the whole plant, roots included. You also don’t want
to hurt the plants you do want growing in the garden.
o “How can we pull up weeds without hurting other plants? What
tools do we need to be able to remove the roots and all of the
• Model how to pull weeds gently.

Independent Work
• Have students spend time pulling weeds in the garden.
• Grass is usually an easily identified weed for students to pull. Ask
students to describe what grass looks like and how it is different from
other plants in the garden. Grass has very long, thin leaves which
often appear to grow directly from the roots without a stem. The
veins in grass leaves run parallel to each other.
• Another option is to pull all plants growing on paths in the garden.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 56 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
• Nature Journaling prompt:
o Draw and label one of the weeds you pulled.

• Exit ticket – Name the parts of a plant that you observed today. Give the function of each part.

Opportunities for Extended Learning

1. Have students complete the multiplication and division worksheet of garden related word problems
“Numbers in the Garden”. There are two versions – one with the problem set up and one without.
2. Learning opportunities in the garden abound!
o Improve soil conditions for plants by adding compost to the garden beds. Make sure you use
compost that has decomposed to look like soil.
o Start vermicomposting. NC State Extension has resources about vermicomposting, such as
Earthworm Composting and Vermicomposting.
o Have the garden soil tested by NC Cooperative Extension. Discuss the results and what can be done to
improve the soil for plant growth.
o Plant vegetables or flowers. Observe over time. Compare to the plants growing in the classroom.
o Harvest what is ripe. Discuss what part of the plant it is and what part of the plant’s life cycle.
o Walk through the garden identifying parts of plants and their needs. Do any of the plants look like
their needs aren’t being met? Do they need watering?

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Model and describe proper tool use for observing and removing weeds. In particular, discuss applicable
safety issues with digging tools.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 57 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name ________________________________ Date ___________________

Numbers in the Garden

1. A garden bed has 9 earthworms living in it. An earthworm can eat 5 leaves each week. How many leaves can
the earthworms eat all together?

2. The garden has 35 flowers growing in it. The garden was planted with 5 flowers in each garden bed. How
many garden beds are in the garden?

3. The class has been divided into 6 groups. Each group is given 4 seeds to plant in the garden. How many seeds
in total will the class plant?

4. One garden bed has 18 kale plants growing in it. The kale was eaten by 6 rabbits. If each rabbit ate the same
amount of kale, how much kale did each rabbit eat?

5. Each class gets to spend 10 minutes working in the garden. Each day 6 classes work in the garden. How much
total time is spent working in the garden each day?

3rd Grade Plants Unit 58 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name ________________________________ Date ___________________

Numbers in the Garden

1. A garden bed has 9 earthworms living in it. An earthworm can eat 5 leaves each week. How many leaves can
the earthworms eat all together?

9 x 5 = ___________

2. The garden has 35 flowers growing in it. The garden was planted with 5 flowers in each garden bed. How
many garden beds are in the garden?

35/5 = ___________

3. The class has been divided into 6 groups. Each group is given 4 seeds to plant in the garden. How many seeds
in total will the class plant?

6 x 4 = ___________

4. One garden bed has 18 kale plants growing in it. The kale was eaten by 6 rabbits. If each rabbit ate the same
amount of kale, how much kale did each rabbit eat?

18/6 = ___________

5. Each class gets to spend 10 minutes working in the garden. Each day 6 classes work in the garden. How much
total time is spent working in the garden each day?

10 x 6 = ___________

3rd Grade Plants Unit 59 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative

Numbers in the Garden

1. A garden bed has 9 earthworms living in it. An earthworm can eat 5 leaves each week. How many leaves can
the earthworms eat all together?

9 x 5 = 45

2. The garden has 35 flowers growing in it. The garden was planted with 5 flowers in each garden bed. How
many garden beds are in the garden?

35/5 = 7

3. The class has been divided into 6 groups. Each group is given 4 seeds to plant in the garden. How many seeds
in total will the class plant?

6 x 4 = 24

4. One garden bed has 18 kale plants growing in it. The kale was eaten by 6 rabbits. If each rabbit ate the same
amount of kale, how much kale did each rabbit eat?

18/6 = 3

5. Each class gets to spend 10 minutes working in the garden. Each day 6 classes work in the garden. How much
total time is spent working in the garden each day?

10 x 6 = 60

3rd Grade Plants Unit 60 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 14
Schoolyard Plants

Lesson Prep
 Register for a Project Budburst Educator Account. Click on “My
Account” at the top right of the screen to create a Log In. Learning Objectives:
Observe the different types of plants
 Identify areas in the schoolyard where students can make and the environments in which they
observations of chosen plants. grow around school.
 Preview the slides about Project Budburst
 Make copies of the Budburst datasheets. If completing where Nutshell/Skill:
Students can observe plants, their life
there is Internet access, students could complete the online cycle stage, and their environmental
version of the datasheets. conditions.
 Make copies of the Nature Journaling prompts, 1 per student.
Science Essential Standards:
3.L.2.1, 3.L.2.2, 3.L.2.3, 3.L.2.4
Vocabulary ELA Essential Standards:
Botanist W.3.2

Procedure 30 minutes

Independent Group Work Teacher Materials:

• Students will observe plants growing in different parts of the campus o Project BudBurst Educator
and hypothesize why they are growing in that location. Account
o PowerPoint about Budburst
• Before going outside have students paste the Nature Journaling
prompts into their nature journals. Student Materials:
• Tell students they are going to be botanists today. Ask a student o Nature Journals
what that means. Botanists are scientists who study plants, as they o Budburst data sheets or
will be doing.
o Writing utensils
• Students will go outside to make observations of the plants in their
schoolyard and nearby areas by participating in a Citizen Science
project called Budburst, https://budburst.org/.
• Groups of 3-4 will collect and submit data about the plants growing
near the school.
o Scientists will use the data collected by students to improve the
understanding of how different species are affected by human
impacts on the environment.
• Choose to collect data on one occasion, or begin collecting life cycle data of a plant species throughout the
unit or school year, such as the American beeches growing along the greenway.
• Use this PowerPoint to help teach about Budburst. Additional information about using Budburst in your
classroom can be found here, including forms for collecting data.
• After students have finished collecting data, they can respond to the Nature Journaling prompt:
o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current stage of the plant’s life cycle and
label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support the growth of your plant in this

3rd Grade Plants Unit 61 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Opportunities for Extended Learning
1. Have students research the plant for which they collected data. Have students include in their research and
a subsequent writing assignment the environmental conditions the plant prefers and information about its
lifecycle. Additionally, have them research if the plant is native to the area or considered an invasive species.
2. Opinion Writing Prompt: Your school grounds have native plants, invasive plants, and exotic plants. What
are the differences between the three categories? What would you change? How would you get rid of the
plants you do not want?
3. Additional resources and lessons on invasive species from the NC Invasive Plant Council.
4. Additional resources and lessons on native species from the North Carolina Native Plant Society. They also
have information about invasive species, including a video to show students.

Behavior Management Tips

• Ask students to remind you of the expectations for outdoor learning.
• Before going outside, remind students about how to behave respectfully toward plants and nature. Ask
students for how they can observe plants and gather data without harming the plants.
• Define the boundary for where the students can sit and work on their nature journaling prompt.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 62 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:
o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:

o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:

o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:

o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:

o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

Budburst Nature Journaling prompt:

o Sketch and describe your plant. Include information about the current
stage of the plant’s life cycle and label the plant’s parts.
o What evidence do you see of the environmental conditions that support
the growth of your plant in this location?

3rd Grade Plants Unit 63 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 15
Design & Build a Plant

Lesson Prep
 Gather materials students can use to build a model of a plant. A Learning Objectives:
variety of materials is great, but students can use just paper and tape. Apply their knowledge of plants, soil,
 Copies of the Design and Build a Plant Instructions, one per group. and environmental conditions by
 Copies of the Environmental Conditions Cards, if using. building a plant.
 Copies of the presentation rubric, one per group.
 Preview the slideshow. • Students can design and build a
model of a plant to suit particular
environmental conditions.
Vocabulary • Students can present their
models and related information.
Botanist, drought, environment, nutrients, leaf, stem, flower, fruit, roots,
soil Science Essential Standards:
3.L.2.1, 3.L.2.2, 3.L.2.3, 3.L.2.4

ELA Essential Standards:

Procedure SL.3.1, SL.3.3, SL.3.4

Mini-Lesson Time:
• Use this slideshow presentation to review plants and give instructions. 1-3 sessions of 30 minutes each
Go over the presentation rubric with the class before they begin
designing and building their plants. Teacher Materials:
o Build A Plant slideshow
o Rubric for presentations
Independent Group Work
• Students will work in small groups (2-3 students) to build a plant Student Materials:
with all its parts out of various materials such as construction paper, o Plant building materials such as:
o paper towels tubes
paper towel tubes, and plastic spoons.
o cardboard
• You can choose to assign environmental conditions to different o construction paper
groups using the cards on the following pages. You could also assign o tissue paper
the same environmental condition to the whole class. o toothpicks
• This lesson works best at the end of the plants unit to allow students o chenille stems
o craft sticks
to incorporate their knowledge of soils, root structure and o straws
environmental conditions. o tape
• Students will need to prepare to present their plants to the class. o markers
• Students will present their plants to the class explaining the various o Design and Build a Plant
parts and how it is adapted to its environmental conditions.
o Environmental Conditions Cards
• Use the rubric to assess the presentations.

Behavior & Materials Management Tips

♦ Be prepared with clean up instructions for the plant model materials.
♦ Consider using a photograph to show students what cleaned up looks like.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 64 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Design and Build a Plant Instructions
• As a team of botanists, your group has discovered a new species
of plant.
• Build a model of this new species of plant.
• Include all the parts of a plant.
• What are the habitat needs of your plant?
• Describe your plant’s environment.
• Where does your plant grow?
• What is the name of your plant?
• Prepare to present your plant, including the answers to all these
questions, to your class.

Design and Build a Plant Instructions

• As a team of botanists, your group has discovered a new species
of plant.
• Build a model of this new species of plant.
• Include all the parts of a plant.
• What are the habitat needs of your plant?
• Describe your plant’s environment.
• Where does your plant grow?
• What is the name of your plant?
• Prepare to present your plant, including the answers to all these
questions, to your class.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 65 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Environmental Conditions Cards for Build a Plant

You can give each group an environmental condition card as a starting point for the conditions in which their
plant grows.

Grows in a Good at
desert surviving

Grows in soil Grows in a

that is mostly forest

Grows near the Grows in the

ocean shade

3rd Grade Plants Unit 66 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Grows in very Grows in a
sunny places windy habitat

Grows in sandy Grows in a cold

soil climate

Grows in the Grows near

mountains water

Grows in a Grows in
rainforest humus

3rd Grade Plants Unit 67 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Names ____________________________________________________ Score ______________

Rubric for Build a Plant Presentations

4—Excellent 3—Good 2—Fair 1—Needs


Model All Parts of a Plant All Parts of a Plant Missing 1 plant Missing 2 or
- Roots, leaves, - Roots, leaves, part more plant parts
stem, flower or stem, flower or
explanation as explanation as
why no flower why no flower

Content of Detailed Brief description Missing 1 or 2 Missing 3 or

presentation description of the of the plant’s pieces of more pieces of
plant’s parts, parts, habitat description of the description of the
habitat needs, needs, plant’s parts, plant’s parts,
environment, environment, habitat needs, habitat needs,
location, and location, and environment, environment,
name name location, and location, and
name name

Delivery *Makes consistent *Makes eye *Makes some eye *Doesn’t make
eye contact which contact with contact with eye contact with
holds audience’s audience audience audience
attention *Speaks loudly *Speaks loudly *Speaks too
*Speaks loudly and clearly and clearly most quietly, mumbles,
and clearly with *Answers of time or too fast
fluency questions clearly *Answers *Can’t answer
*Answers and completely questions but not questions
questions clearly and
thoroughly completely

Collaboration All of group All of group Most of group Only 1 person

equally shares presents presents presents




3rd Grade Plants Unit 68 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 16
From a Seed to Plant: Part 2

Lesson Prep
 Make copies of From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2 data sheet, 1 per
student. Learning Objectives:
Students will draw conclusions about
their experiment planting seeds.

Vocabulary Nutshell/Skill:
Students can make connections
Environment, leaf, stem, roots, soil between the environment in which
their plant grew and how well it grew.

Procedure Science Essential Standards:

Guided Practice
• Model how to use the data to create a bar graph. Math Essential Standards:
NC.3.MD.2, NC.3.MD.3
• The students’ data sheet has a blank bar graph on the back.
Additionally, there is a blank bar graph at the end of this lesson to Time:
use as an example. 30 minutes
• Prompt students to tell you how to add numbers to the y-axis on
Teacher Materials:
their graph.
o Control plants
• Model adding a bar for group 1.
• Give students the option to use different colors for the bars to make Students Materials:
it easier to read. o Plants that students have grown
o Rulers
o From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2
Independent Group Work data sheet
• Students will use the data sheet to collect final data on the plants o Completed From a Seed to a
that they have grown in the classroom. Plant: Part 1 data sheets
• Once final plant data is collected, have students share their final
measurements with the class. You can project the class data sheet
for each group to fill out.
• Students will analyze their data and compare it with the class data.
• Students will draw conclusions about their findings about the best
conditions found to grow the biggest, healthiest plants.
• If radish or other vegetable is grown and ready, allow students to
harvest and taste what they have grown.

• Grade From a Seed to a Plant: Part 1 and From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2
data sheets.

Behavior Management Tips

♦ Have 1 group member from each group take their plants to a spot
where the group can work together to complete the data sheet.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 69 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Name: ____________________________ Group members: _______________________________________

From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2

1. Collect your final plant data.

Day How tall? How many leaves? Observations

Day Plant 1 = ________ Plant 1 = ________

Plant 2 = ________ Plant 2 = ________

2. Draw your plants. Label the parts: roots, stem, leaves.

Plant 1 Plant 2

3. Which plant grew better? Why?



3rd Grade Plants Unit 70 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
4. Create a bar graph of each group’s tallest plants.

Height of Plant

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5. Which environmental conditions grew the biggest plant?


6. What could you have done different in your experiment to grow a bigger plant?




7. Describe another experiment you could do to learn about the best environmental conditions for a
plant to grow and survive.



3rd Grade Plants Unit 71 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Class Data - From a Seed to a Plant: Part 2

Enter your groups final height data below. Under “What testing?”, write what was different between the
environmental conditions for plant 1 and 2.

Group Names How tall? What testing?

1 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

2 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

3 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

4 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

5 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

6 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

7 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

8 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

9 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

10 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

11 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

12 Plant 1 = ________
Plant 2 = ________

3rd Grade Plants Unit 72 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Bar graph of each group’s tallest plants.

Height of Plant

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3rd Grade Plants Unit 73 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
3rd Grade Plants
Unit References

Unless otherwise noted, activities written by Lauren Greene, Dana Haine, Toni Stadelman, and Sarah Yelton
Center for Public Engagement with Science, Institute for the Environment, UNC-Chapel Hill
For more information, contact:
Sarah Yelton, Environmental Education & Citizen Science Program Manager
UNC Institute for the Environment Center for Public Engagement with Science
[email protected]

Engaging Activity: What Do You See?

Cranfield University. (2019). Soil-Net.com. Retrieved from http://www.soil-net.com/primary/

Learning Activity 1: What is in Soil?

Scholastic Inc. (n.d.). Soil: StudyJams! Science. Retrieved from
Soil Science Society of America. (n.d.). K-12 Soil Science Teacher Resources. Retrieved from
Utah Education Network. (2018, February 5). Soil Ingredients. Retrieved from

Learning Activity 2: How Does Water Move Through Soil?

Driscoll, L. (2018). Soil Solutions. Retrieved from https://growforit.ces.ncsu.edu/curriculum/soil-solutions/
NC State University. (n.d.). Orange County Center NC Collaborative Extension. Retrieved from
Utah Education Network. (2018, February 05). Sand, Clay and Humus. Retrieved from

Learning Activity 3: Compost

Driscoll, L. (2018). Soil Solutions. Retrieved from https://growforit.ces.ncsu.edu/curriculum/soil-solutions/
NC State University. (n.d.). Orange County Center NC Collaborative Extension. Retrieved from
SciShow Kids. (2016, April 20). Make the Most of Compost! Retrieved from

Learning Activity 4: From a Seed to a Plant: Part 1

Capstone. (n.d.). Pebble Go. Retrieved from https://www.pebblego.com/
Old Farmer's Almanac. (n.d.). Radishes. Retrieved from https://www.almanac.com/plant/radishes

Learning Activity 5: Plants and Their Parts

Capstone. (n.d.). Pebble Go. Retrieved from https://www.pebblego.com/

Learning Activity 6: Down Under

Hoover, E., Larimer, H., Mercier, S., Walsh, M., Youngs, D., Tillman, B., . . . Mercier, S. (2009). The Budding Botanist:
Investigations with Plants. Fresno, CA: Aims Education Foundation.
Bodach, V. (2018). Roots. Oxford: Raintree.

3rd Grade Plants Unit 74 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative
Learning Activity 7: Looking at Leaves
Arbor Day Foundation. (n.d.). What Tree Is That? Retrieved from https://www.arborday.org/trees/whattree/
Mystery Doug. (2017, October 09). Why do leaves change color in the fall? Retrieved from
ParticleMen. (2010, March 25). They Might Be Giants - Photosynthesis (official video). Retrieved from

Learning Activity 8: Flower Power

Mystery Doug. (2019, May 13). How do flowers bloom in the spring? Retrieved from
SciShow Kids. (2017, February 16). Look Inside a Flower! | Science Project for Kids. Retrieved from
Tulip Diagram Coloring Page: Crafts for kids: Teaching plants, Kindergarten science, Preschool worksheets. (n.d.).
Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/235524255489175532/

Learning Activity 9: Sizing Up Seeds

Aston, D. H., & Long, S. (2014). A Seed is Sleepy. Mankato, MN: Amicus.
Macken, J. E., & Paparone, P. (2009). Flip, float, Fly: Seeds on the Move. New York: Scholastic.

Learning Activity 10: Plant Life Cycle

BrainPOP. (n.d.). Seed Plants. Retrieved from https://www.brainpop.com/science/diversityoflife/seedplants/
Ganeri, A. (2007). From Bean to Bean Plant. Oxford: Heinemann.
Ganeri, A. (2007). From Seed to Apple. Oxford: Heinemann.
Ganeri, A. (2007). From Seed to Sunflower. Milwaukee, WI: Raintree.
Ganeri, A., Bellamy, K., & Attwood, J. (2006). Plant Life Cycles. Oxford: Heinemann Library.
Notion, Inc. (n.d.). Popplet Demo. Retrieved from http://popplet.com/app/#/demo
SciShow Kids. (2015, June 22). How Does A Seed Become A Plant? Retrieved from

Learning Activity 11: Tree Life Cycle

Project Learning Tree. (2015). Activity 79: Tree Lifecycle. In Project Learning Tree PreK-8 Environmental Education
Activity Guide (pp. 341-344). Washington, D.C: American Forest Foundation.

Learning Activity 12: Plant Scavenger Hunt

Jonathan Sachs Graphics. (2016, June 17). Identify the Plant. Retrieved from https://www.poison-ivy.org/identify-

Learning Activity 13: Garden Activity: Weeding

North Carolina State University. (2001). Earthworm Composting: NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved from
North Carolina State University. (2018). Soil Testing for Lawns and Gardens. Retrieved from
North Carolina State University. (2008). Vermicomposting: A 5th Grade School Enrichment Curriculum. Retrieved
from https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/vermicomposting-a-5th-grade-school-enrichment-curriculum

3rd Grade Plants Unit 75 Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative

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