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Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya

Faculty of Management

Course – Curriculum



YEAR 2018-2020
MBA- 2 YEAR (FULL TIME) III semester
There will be three compulsory papers (Two theory papers and One practical paper) in this
semester. The students have to opt for any two specializations out of four specializations
available i.e. Human Resource, Finance, Marketing and Information Technology.
In all a student has to appear for 9 papers (three compulsory papers and six papers from two
specializations i.e. three papers from each specializations)
The Internal marks will be calculated based on the following:
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30
Attendance- 10 Marks
Test 10 Marks
Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks
Scheme for MBA III Semester
Paper Papers Specialization INTERNAL SEMESTER-END
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Marks Marks Marks Marks
MS-301 Entrepreneurship Management Compulsory 30 12 70 28

MS-302 Business Ethics and Corporate Compulsory 30 12 70 28


MS-303 Evaluation Of On-Site Training Report Project Evaluation-60 marks

And Viva Voce * Compulsory Viva-voce-40 marks
Max.Marks-100 Min. Marks-50
MS-304 Organisational Development H.R. 30 12 70 28

MS-305 Industrial Psychology H.R. 30 12 70 28

MS-306 Industrial Relations and Labour H.R. 30 12 70 28
MS-307 Management of Financial Institutions Finance 30 12 70 28
and Services
MS-308 International Financial Management Finance 30 12 70 28
MS-309 Tax Planning & Management Finance 30 12 70 28
MS-310 Sales & Distribution Management Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-311 Advertising & Brand Management Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-312 Consumer Behavior & Market Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-313 Business Decision Management IT 30 12 70 28
MS-314 Data Base Management And Integrity IT 30 12 70 28
MS-315 Data Communication & Network IT 30 12 70 28

[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: To give an overview of who the entrepreneurs are and what competences are
needed to become an Entrepreneur. The course aims to acquaint the students with challenges of
starting new ventures and enable then to investigate, understand and internalize the process of setting
up a business.

UNIT I - The Entrepreneurial Development Perspective

 Entrepreneur – meaning, evolution, importance, Qualities, nature, types, traits.
 Entrepreneurship development - its importance, role of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial
environment, culture and stages in entrepreneurial process, changing dimensions in
entrepreneurship – Digital entrepreneurship.
 Entrepreneur Vs. Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur Vs. Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Vs. Manager

UNIT II - Family Business Development

 Family Business – meaning, characteristics, importance, types and models.
 Growing and evolving family business – Complexity of family enterprise – Diversity of successions :
Different Dreams and challenges.

UNIT III - Starting the Venture

 Generating business idea – sources of new ideas, methods of generating ideas, opportunity
 Feasibility study – market feasibility, technical/operational feasibility, financial feasibility,
environmental scanning, competitor and industry analysis.
 Drawing business plan - preparing project report, presenting business plan to investors.

UNIT IV – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

 Concept, role and importance of MSME
 Policies governing SMEs - Steps in setting up a small unit.
 SME funding - Requirements of capital (fixed and working), Factors determining capital
requirements, Importance of fixed and working capital, Sources of finance for SME’S.

UNIT V – Government Initiatives

 Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship - Introduction to
various incentives, subsidies and grants.
 Role of following agencies in the Entrepreneurship Development - District Industries Centers (DIC),
Small Industries Service Institute (SISI), NABARD, National Small Industries corporation and other
relevant institutions / organizations.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation - David H. Holt

 Entrepreneurship - Hisrich Peters
 The Culture of Entrepreneurship - Brigitte Berger
 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development - Vasant Desai
 Entrepreneurship Development - Dr. P.C.Shejwalkar
 Thought Leaders - Shrinivas Pandit
 Entrepreneurship - Steven Brandt
 Business Gurus Speak - S. N. Chary
 The Entrepreneurial Connection - Gurmit Narula
[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: This course has been designed to create a mindset of value system among the
students who are the future managers. To help the students appreciate the essential complementarily
between 'VALUES' and 'SKILLS' to ensure sustained happiness and prosperity which are the core
aspirations of all human beings.

UNIT I Introduction to Business Ethics

 Introduction, definitions, need, importance for Business ethics; factors affecting business ethics;
 Importance of Ethics & Moral standards; Ethics & Moral Decision Making, ethical Principles in
 Business theories: Normative Theories, Gandhian Approach, Friedman’s Economic theory, Kant’s
Deontological theory, Mill & Bentham’s Utilitarianism theory.

UNIT II Indian Ethos & values

 Need, purpose & relevance of Indian Ethos.
 Meaning and Nature of values; Holistic view of life and its value, Values impact in Business. Indian
Value System -Teachings from scriptures and traditions.

UNIT III Workplace Ethics

 Introduction, Needs, benefits, Principles, Development of Personal Ethics, Employee Attitude and
Ethics, Employee Etiquettes.
 Workplace Ethics for Employees - Ethical behavior in workplace- Professionalism; Formulating &
implementing professional ethics code and Professional ethos.

UNIT IV Corporate Governance

 Introduction, systems of corporate governance, OECD principles, Indian model of Corporate
Governance, Whistle blowing and its codes.
 Ethical Issues related to Advertisements, Finance, Investment, Technology and Ethical Dilemma.,
Social Responsibility of Corporate.

UNIT V Corporate Governance & CSR

 Impact of globalization on Indian corporate and social culture, Advantages and disadvantages of
MNC’s to the Host Country, Corporate Governance and ethical responsibility.
 Corporate Social Responsibility - Introduction, Advantages, Scope for CSR in India, steps to attain
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Foundations of managerial work – Chakraborty S.K

 Contribution from Indian thoughts- – Himalya publication
 Business Ethics – Andrew Crane and Dirk Matten,Oxford Press
 Business Ethics: A Philosophical Reader - Thomas I. White
 Business Ethics -A.V.RAO(excel books)
 Social Responsibility of Business Enterprises, - Sarkar, C. R., New Century Publication
 Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases - Velasquez,
 Ethics in Management - Sherlekar, S. A., Himalaya Publishing House
 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics – U. C. Mathur, Macmillan India Ltd

[Maximum Marks 100] [Minimum Marks 50]

Note- Every student shall be required to undergo a practical training in an organization for 4 to 6
weeks, at the end of the Second Semester Examination but before the commencement of the Third
Semester course. Student will have to submit THREE copies (soft copy in CD) of the Project Report based
on the training with an attendance certificate from the organization, at least one month before the
commencement of term end examination.

Project Report Evaluation 60 Marks (By External and Internal Examiner Jointly)

Project Report Based Viva- Voce 40 Marks (By External and Internal Examiner Jointly)

External Evaluation – 60 Marks (50% minimum )

Viva voce – 40 Marks (50% minimum )


[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: This course aims to give a broad theoretical and practical understanding of key
concepts and issues in managing organization. In this fast changing world of business the organizations
have to be ready for the changes and should facilitate in adopting these changes.

UNIT I Organisational Development - Overview

 Meaning, Features, Evolution, Components, Objectives, Principles, Process, Importance of OD
 Relevance of Organisational Development for Managers, OD- HRD Interface.
 Meaning, Role of OD Practitioner, Competencies of an OD Practitioner

UNIT II Organisational Diagnosis and Change

 Meaning, Need, Phases, Levels of Organisational Diagnosis, Techniques of Organisational Diagnosis,
Tools used in Organisational Diagnosis.
 Organisational Change- Meaning, Organisational Life Cycle, Planned Change, Organizational Growth
and its Implication for Change.
 Change Agents- Meaning, Features, Types, Role, Skills required

UNIT III OD Interventions

 Meaning, Features, Factors Affecting Success of Interventions, Steps in OD Interventions.
 Types of Interventions- Human Resource Intervention, Structural Intervention, Strategic
Interventions, Third Party Peace Making Intervention.
 Techniques and Evaluation of OD Interventions.

UNIT IV Organisational Effectiveness

 Meaning , Effectiveness v/s Efficiency, Approaches and Parameters for Judging Organisational
Effectiveness, Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness.
 Issues Faced in OD- Issues Related to Client Relationship, Power-Individual skills and Attributes
as a Source of Power, Power and Influence Tactics, Politics and OD.

UNIT V Future of OD
 Emerging Trends in OD - Expanding the use of OD, OD and Business Process ReEngineering (BPR).
 Organisational Development and Globalization, Creating whole system change, Using OD to
facilitate partnerships and alliances, Enhancing constant learning, Trends within the
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Organisational development – French & Bell . PHI

 Human behaviour at work – Keith Devis Tata Mc-graw hill
 HRD – PC tripathi Sultan chand
 Organisation behaviour – F Luthans, Tata Mc-graw hill
 Organisation development & change – D Thakur Deep & Deep
 Organisation and change – Weiss, Joseph
 Organizational Behaviour -- Archana Tyagi ( Excel Books)
 Organizal Behaviour -- P.G. Aquinas ( Excell Books)
 Organizational Behaviour -- Mishra M.N. ( Vikas Pub. House)
 Organizational Behaviour -- Chandan J.S. ( Vikas Pub. House)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: This course aims to give a broad theoretical and practical understanding of key
concepts and issues in managing organization. In this fast changing world of business the organizations
have to be ready for the changes and should facilitate in adopting these changes.


 Definition, History, Goals, Forces and Fundamental concepts of industrial Psychology, Nature of
people and nature of organization. Industrial Psychology Vs Organizational Behavior, Areas of
Industrial psychology.
 Two classical studies - Time and motion study –Nature, characteristics and importance. Hawthorne
studies –Nature, Implications and criticisms.


 Job Analysis: Definition, uses and methods, Personnel tests and development - Training and
 Selection: meaning, process
 Interview – guided and unguided interview, stress interview and group interview; Assessment centre

UNIT III Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour

 Employee attitude: Job Satisfaction, Job involvement, Organizational commitment Attitude
measurement: Attitude and social phenomenon, Methods of measuring attitudes, Attitude surveys
and their application The attitude of employees vs. attitudes of employers.
 Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Individual responses to downsizing, Anti-social Behaviour in the

UNIT IV Industrial Morale

 Defining morale, Determinants of morale, Measurement of morale, Methods of Increasing morale,
comparison of methods for increasing morale, Group dynamics, Motivation, incentives, fatigue,
monotony and boredom.

UNIT V Ergonomics and Work Conditions

 Ergonomics approaches to work design, Human/ computer interactions in the work place Safety and
Accidents, Physical stressors in the workplace, work schedules, pro-environment behavior:
employee eco-initiative, Engineering Psychology.
 Positive Psychology: Definition, History, Need, Concepts of resilience, Happiness and Wellbeing
Gratitude, Forgiveness, Effectiveness and Growth, Optimism and hope, Positive Organizations.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Industrial Psychology – P.K Ghosh, Himalaya Publication

 Industrial Psychology – Mc Cormic &Iigen Prentice Hall Blum & Naylor
 Industrial Psychology – J Tiffin Prentice H
 Industrial Psychology – RA Griggs, SL Jackson
 Introductory Psychology Textbooks – P Marek Lawrence Earlbaum
An objective Analysis and Update
 Applied industrial/organizational psychology – MG Aamodt - Belmont, Calif
 Industrial/Organizational Psychology – Ronald E. Riggio Scott Foresman & Co
MS 306 Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The Course intends to educate and create awareness among the students about
various aspects of Industrial Relations and thus equip them to handle this delicate subject with maturity,
objectivity and understandings.

Unit I
Industrial Relations -Concept, evolution, characteristics, scope, components, factors affecting industrial
relations, approaches to IR, IR in India, prerequisites of successful industrial relation programme,
Government and Corporate approaches and strategies on IR.

Unit II
Industrial Conflicts/Disputes- Meaning, essentials, classification, recognition of disputes, impact of
industrial disputes, factors of industrial disputes/conflicts, Strikes-forms, prevention of strikes, lock-outs,
gheraos, Ways to achieving industrial peace, Code of discipline in industry. Grievances Handling-
meaning, nature, causes of grievances, procedure for redressal.

Unit III
Collective Bargaining :- Concept - function and importance - Principles and forms of collective bargaining
- Procedure - conditions for effective collective bargaining - worker's Participation in management:- Role
and methods of worker's participation.

Trade Union : Industrial setting, growth, structure and strategies, functions, recognition. Employer’s
organization and their working. White collar Trade unionism.

Unit IV
Working Conditions: Factories Act 1948 - The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 – The Employee's
State Insurance Act, 1948 - The Employee's Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

Unit V
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - The Minimum wages Act, 1948 - The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 -
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,1946 - The Trade Union Act, 1926, The Maternity
Benefit Act, 1961.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 IR and Trade Universe – GP sinha and PRN Sinha

 Labour Legislation – SC Srivastava
 Handbook of Labour and Industrial Law – P. L. Malik Eastern, Book company, Luckhnow
 Labour and Industrial Law – P.L. Malik Eastern Book company, Luckhnow
 Industrial Relations and Labour laws - Shrivastava S.C. ( Vikas Pub.House)
 Business Laws -- S.S.Gulshan (Excel Books)
MS 307 Management of Financial Institutions and Services

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective – The present course aims at familiarizing the participants with objectives, strategies,
policies and practices of major financial institutions in India and various financial services.


Financial System and Markets: Constituents and functioning; RBI – Role and functions. Regulation of
money and credit, Monetary and fiscal policies, Techniques of regulation and rates; Overview of Foreign
Exchange Market, Financial Sector Reforms in India, Overview of Financial Services: nature, scope and

Unit II

Banking Industry in India, constituents, banking sector reforms, determination of commercial interest
rates: fixed and floating, Management of capital funds- capital adequacy norms, Liquidity Management,
Asset Liability Management - Gap analysis, Management of Non- performing assets, Strategies for
making commercial banks viable.

Unit III

Securitisation : concept, nature, scope and their implications. Securitization of Auto loans and housing
loans, Securitisation in India. DFIs in India - IDBI, ICICI, IFCI, NABARD, RRBs, State Level Institutions ;
NBFCs - Their status, types, working and strategies for commercial viability ; Insurance organisations -
Their status, types, working and strategies for commercial viability.

Unit IV

Leasing and Hire Purchase: Industry. Size and scope. Parties involved, Evaluation of Lease transaction,
Types of lease and their implications, Hire purchase and lease - differences and implications for the
business. Other financial services: Factoring, Forfeiting, Discounting and Re Discounting Of Bills,
Consumer Credit and Plastic Money – concept, working and uses of each.

Unit V

Concept, Types, Significance of Mutual Funds, NAV, Evolution & Growth of Mutual Funds, Role of
Registrar, Underwriter according to SEBI guidelines.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Financial Markets and Services - Gordon & Natrajan; Himalaya Publishing.

 Management of Indian Financial Institutions - Srivastava, Himalaya Publishing
 Investment Management – Preeti Singh
 Global Capital Market – Joshi P.R.[Tata Mc Graw Hill]
 Fund management in India – Thomas [Tata Mc G. Hill]
 Indian Capital Market – Trends & Dimensi Shasshi Kant & Arumugam
 Indian Financial system – Machiraju
 Merchant Banking – JC Verma (Bharat Law House)
 Merchant Banking – Nidhi Prakashan
 Lease Financing Theory & Practice – Dr.B Brahmaiah(Himalaya Publishing House)
 Financing of Hire Purchase –JC Verma (Bharat Law House

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the international
financial environment and the special decision variables underlying the discharge of finance function in a
multinational corporation.

Unit I

Introduction to International Finance & its Fundamentals, Growing importance of international finance.
Evolution of the International Monetary System - bimetallism, Classical Gold Standard, its strengths and
weaknesses, Bretton Woods System, Flexible Exchange Rate regime, Fixed versus floating exchange rate
systems, Special Drawing Rights.


Balance of Payments - current account, capital account, official reserve account, forex reserves - costs
and benefits. Current Account deficit, balance of trade and their implications on exchange rates. Foreign

Global Financial Markets:- Domestic and Offshore markets and Euro Market, Euro Currency Markets.
Exchange rate quotations, direct and indirect rates, factors affecting exchange rate, determinants of
demand for and supply of currency.


The Foreign Exchange Market: Structure, Types of Transactions & settlements. Spot market, direct and
indirect exchange quotations, bid ask spread, cross exchange rates, Forwards, Futures, Swap and
Options market. Concept of hedging, speculation and arbitrage.

Interest Rate Parity, covered and uncovered interest arbitrage, Purchasing Power Parity - absolute and
relative, Fisher Effect and International Fisher Effect.


Foreign Exchange Exposure: managing transaction, translation and economic exposure, Techniques for
covering the foreign exchange risk - Internal and external techniques of risk.

International financial market instruments – International Equities – ADR and GDR – Foreign Bond and
euro-bond- Short-term and medium term instruments.


Foreign Investment Decision : Capital Budgeting Techniques - Project IRR, NPV and pay-back period.
Project Investment Decisions: FDI investments- Decision process and Strategies, FDI Via Mergers, and
Acquisitions (M&A): Rational and difficulties. International Joint ventures.
Export and Imports Financial tools: Letter of Credit, Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as
assignment and asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be
arranged on current issues related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students
performance. (Cases or Seminars can be given on individual basis or on group basis.)

 International Financial Management – Rodriguez RM,
 Financial Management – SN Maheshwari
 Multinational Financial management – Alan C. Shapiro
 International Financial Management – David B. Zenoff, J. Zwiek
 International Financial Management – P.G. Apte
 International Financial – Buckley Adrian
 Multinational Financial Management -- Madhu Vij (Excel Books)
 International Business -- Bedi N.V. ( Vrinda Pub.)
 International Business -- Prabhakar rao ( Kalyani)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The present course aims at familiarizing the participants with the principles, problems
and structure of different types of business taxes in Indian and relevance of these taxes in business

Unit I
Concept, Nature, Scope, Importance, Techniques, Advantages and limitations of Tax Planning; Nature,
Objectives, process of Tax Management; Tax Planning vs Tax Management, Tax Avoidance & Tax
Evasion, Assessment Year, Previous Year, Assessee – types, Residential status, Non-resident Indians.

Unit II
Tax on Individual Income – Computation of tax under the heads of Salaries, Income from House
Property, Profits & Gains of Business, Capital Gains & Income from Other Sources. Tax deductible at
source (numerical).

Unit III
Corporate Income Tax: Tax concessions and incentives for corporate decisions. Tax planning for
depreciation; Treatment of losses & unabsorbed items; Carry forward and set off losses. Tax and
business reorganizations: merger and amalgamation, Tax planning regarding Employees Remuneration,
Tax appeals, Revision & Review (numerical).

Unit IV
Wealth tax on closely held companies; Valuation of assets; Filing of returns; Assessment; Appeals;
Review; Revision and Rectification (numerical).

Central Excise Act 1994 and Excise planning; Customs Act and Customs Duties Planning.

Unit V
Introduction to Goods and Service Tax (GST) - Key Concepts, Phases of GST, GST Council, Taxes under
GST, Cess, Registration under GST, Supply under GST and Valuation of Supply, Input Tax Credit under
GST & Returns, Custom Duty and Indirect Taxation levied by either Central or State Government.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as
assignment and asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be
arranged on current issues related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students
performance. (Cases or Seminars can be given on individual basis or on group basis.)

 Income tax law & Practice -- A.K.Dhagat & Gargav
(Ramesh Book Depot Jaipur)
 Income tax law & Practice – K.P. Gour & B. Narang
 Income tax law & Practice – K.K. Singhania (Tax – Man publication)
 Income tax law & Practice – Bhagwati Prasad
 Income tax law & Practice – H.C. Mehrotra
 Income tax law & Practice – N.V. Mehta (S.K. Publishing House Bombay)
 Income tax law & Practice – K. Chaturvedi
 Tax planning with Precedents – S.X. Potter, H.H. Monree

[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective - The objectives of this course is to provide an extensive picture with regards to theory
and practice of managing sales and to inculcate personal selling skills

UNIT I Introduction to Sales Management

 Concept of sales management: The nature and role of sales management, Objectives of sales
management, Theories of selling, sales executive as a coordinator, Relations of sales management
with other marketing activities.

UNIT II Sales and Marketing Planning

 Concept of Sales and marketing planning. The place of selling in marketing plan. Relationship selling.
Personal selling objective. Diversity of personal selling situations Process of personal selling. Sales -
Related marketing policies, Product policies, Distribution policies, Pricing policies.


 Personal management. Recruitment and selection of sales personnel. Training programmes,

Concept and Evaluation, Compensation.
 Sales meeting. Different type of sales organization. The development of personal selling skills.

UNIT IV Sales Operation

 Sales control:- sales budget, Evaluation and supervision. Sales quotas, Management of territories.
The sales analysis, Sales audit system, Sales resistance, Psychology of customer, Field sales control –
Sales reporting system which includes weekly, monthly, quarterly reports and interpretation of the
data for future action plans, sales analysis and marketing cost analysis, sales audit, managing

UNIT – V Sales Distribution

 Sales Forecasting, Sales Environment, Sales channel, Sales promotion, Selling and Reselling.
Telephone selling and Internet Selling. Selling service and Sales responsibilities. Importance of
Distribution and Logistics Management in relation to Sales Management. Understanding lead time
and delivery schedule.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Sales Management decision & cases – Still, Cundift

 How to build dynamic sales organisation – Mury & Arnold
 Salesmanship & Publicity – RS Davar
 Elements of salesmanship & publicity – Pradhass
 Sales distribution management – FL Lobo
 Sales and distribution Management -- S.L.Gupta (Excel Boks)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective:- The aim of the paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give
experience in the application of concepts for developing an effective advertising programme.

UNIT- I General understanding about advertising.

 Advertising - Nature, scope & classification.
 Role of advertising in Indian economic and social development
 Ethics and truth in Indian advertising.

UNIT-II Advertisement Concept & strategy

 Marketing communication Programme.
 Advertising Planning:- Objectives and Budget .
 Advertising research as a supporting tool.
 Development of concept, selection of the concept.
 Selection of the advertising message.
 Building an advertising copy.
 Factors related with copy strategy.

UNIT III Campaign management

 Campaign planning process .
 Media Planning:- Target and Media Research, Media objectives, Media mix selection and Scheduling
and Budgeting.
 Media Buying:- Media Tactics, Monitoring.
 Evaluation of Media Planning.
 Media Strategy:- Delivering on Objectives, Target audience strategies and Media Vehicle selection,
Allocation of media budget.
 Advertising effectiveness.
 Comparative study with different promotion mix.
 Digital Advertising campaign plan
 Social site campaign plan

UNIT – IV Advertising agency

 Advertising agency:- Management and Survival .
 Reorganizing agency.
 Global standards of agency functioning.

UNIT - V Branding – Core Issues.

 Brand equity(brief description), Brand building exercise:- Concept, Strategy and Culture.
 Brand personality and Positioning .
 Brand life cycle,
 Brand identity.
 Branding for commodities
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Advertising Management AAKER

 Advertising Management Chunnawalla
 Brand Positioning S. Sengupta
 Product Management Majumdar
 Advertising Management M. Mohan
 Advertising And Sales Promotion Kazmi & Batra(Excell)
 Brand Management Harish V. verma( Excell)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer
decision making process and its applications in marketing function of firms.

UNIT I Introduction
 Study of consumer Behavior – Role of Consumer Research.
 Need system. Consumer motivation.
 Personality, Dynamics of Perception.

UNIT II Components of consumer behaviour

 Consumer as an Individual: Involvement and motivation, knowledge and values .
 Nature, role of motive and classifying motive
 Personality, learning and characteristics and classification of learning.
 Characteristics, functions and sources of attitudes, attitude theory and models.

UNIT III Consumer Culture

 Environmental Influences on Consumer Behavior: Cultural, Social, Personal, Family and situational
influences, opinion leadership and life style marketing.
 Characteristics of culture, cultural understanding, nature of social class, Social class and consumer
behaviour. Green Marketing Consumer behaviour
 Nature and significance of personal influence, marketing Implications of personal influence
significance of family in Consumer behaviour and family life cycle .
 Opinion leadership forms.

UNIT IV Consumer Decision Making

 Consumer Decision Processes
 Consumer Decision rules. Post purchase processes: Framework, dissonance, satisfaction /
 Consumer Behavior Models: Nicosia Model, Howardsheth Model, Engel-Blackwell and Miniard
Model, Sheth Family Decision Making Model.
 CRM: Concept of CRM, CRM as an indicator of Consumer Behavior, Consumer Roles, Market Values
and CRM. Introduction to digital consumer behavior.

UNIT V Marketing Research Planning

 Research Plan, Research Design
 Management Uses of Market Research
 Difference Between Marketing and Marketing Research
 Data Collection Methods. Sample Planning Process
 Model of Market Research for Decisions Coding of Data, Significance Testing,
 Analysis and Interpretation of Data
 Sales research format
 Product Research format
 Introduction to Bigdata analytics
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Consumer Behavior- – Schiffman

 Marketing research – Biod
 Marketing Management – GC Beri
 Marketing Management – Sangeeta Agarwal
 Consumer Behavior -- Kazmi & Batra (Excell)
 Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behavior Indian Contest - S Ramesh Kumar Pearson
 Consumer Behavior - Louden, Delebeta
 Consumer Behavior: Marketing Strategy Behavior - J.Paul Peter & Jerry C. Olson
 Consumer Behavior - John. C. Mowen
 Market Research - G.C. Beri, Pearson Education
 Market Research, Concept & Cases - Cooper & Schindler, Tata McGraw Hill
 Market Research Learning - Churchill & Iacobucci, Thomson
 Market Research - Boyd, Westfall & Stasch, AITBS
 CRM - Alok Rai

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: It aims at acquainting these students with tools techniques of planning, analyzing,
designing, implementing and maintaining Information system.


Systems Concept; Characteristics of a System; Elements of System; Types of Systems; Decision Support
System; System Development Life Cycle, Investigation, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Post
Implementation Review and Maintenance.


Systems Planning and Investigation: Basis for Planning in Systems Analysis - Dimensions of Planning,
Initial Investigation, Needs Identification.


Determining the User's Information Requirements, Feasibility Study, Feasibility Considerations, Steps in
Feasibility Analysis - Feasibility Report.


Tools of Structured Analysis: Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data Dictionary,
Process Modeling : Structured English, Decision Tree & Decision Table, Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)
and Object Oriented Design (OOD).


Basics of Information Security, Types of Attacks, Viruses, Virus Control, Hackers, Overview of Risks
associated with Internet, Intrusion Detection Risk Management, Disaster Recovery Plan, Cryptography
and authentication, Managing Risk, Information Security Policy, Creating a secure environment, Internet
Security Standards
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Management Information System – Davis and Olson.

 Management Information System – Javadekar.
 Decision Support – Devis Michel W.
 Management Information System – W.S.Jawadekar
 Management Information System – Gordon B.Danis and Margrethe H.Olson.
 Management Information System – Kenneth C.Laudon and Jane P.Laudon.

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The basic objective of data base management system is to make the students attain a
certain level of expertise in creating and handling relational databases.


 Introduction to Database, file, Record fields, problems with database. Categorization of DBMS,
(Networking, hierarchical & Relation database) Application of DBMS. The three-layered Architecture
Advantages & disadvantage of DBMS.


 Important Components DBA, database, application program, DDL, DML etc. Component of DBMS
query processor, Data dictionary. Physical database structures, Normalization and logical design.


 Introduction to RDBMS, E – R Model and E – r Diagram Examples and exercise E F. CODD 12 rules for
relation database, data base concept:- Transaction management properties of a transaction, commit
and Rollback, concurrency, locking


 Data integrity, integrity constraints, Auditing, backup and recovery. Data dictionary, system
catalogue, introduction to distributed data base. Introduction to client – server and ODBS


 Introduction to SQL: - SQL language DML language DML commands, Relation Algebra & SQL.:
Introduction, Security and Integrity Violations, Authorization, Granting of Privileges, Security
Specification in SQL Data warehousing, Multidimensional Data Models, Data Warehouse
Architecture, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, OLAP and OLTP Understand the Concept of Data Warehousing
Data Mining, Data Preprocessing, Data Marts, Cluster Analysis, Decision Making
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Data Base Management System – C.J.Date

 Data Base Management System – Korth
 Data Base Management System – Vipin Desai
 Data Base Management System –leon

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: This course provides an in-depth discussion of computer networks. It includes a
detailed discussion of the different Network Models.

Unit I

Fundamentals of Communication System; Communication Links, Communication System Formats;

Character Codes, Digital Data Rates; Asynchronous and Synchronous Data. Types of signals: AM; FM;
PM; PCM; PDM; TDMA; FDMA; SDMA; CDMA; ASK; FSK; PSK Features: Error detection and correction
codes; Hamming codes.

Unit II

LAN topologies: Workstation; Server; Cables; Types of Ethernet; Broadband and base-band; Optical
Fibers; Network Interface Card.

Unit III

Networks and accessories: LAN, MAN, WAN; Hub; Bridges; Switches; Routers; Gateways Cell Relay;
Frame Relay; ISDN; B-ISDN.

Unit IV

OSI Model; Broadcasting; Multicasting; Point-to-point communication; IP Addressing, Concepts of Port;

Socket; ATM; Tunneling; Virtual Private Network. Network Operating systems: Unix; Linux; Windows.

Unit V

Mobile Communication: Applications of Mobile Communication; Wireless Communication: Bandwidth,

Transmission Impairment, Interference, Terrestrial Microwave, Broadcast Radio, Infrared & Light Waves,
Mobile Internet & WML: Mobile IP, Wireless TCP& UDP, WAP, WML
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Computer Network – Tanne Baum PHI

 Data & Network Communication – Tiller
 Computer network in Win-NT – BPB Publication
 WIN NT Architecture – Tata Mcgrawhill
 Data and Computer Communication – Wlliam stallings, PHI


There will be two compulsory papers (one theory paper and one practical paper) in this semester.
The students have to opt for any two specializations out of four specializations available i.e.
Human Resource, Finance, Marketing and Information Technology. The theory papers are
related to each specialization.
In all a student has to appear for 8 papers (two compulsory papers and six papers from two
specializations i.e. three from each specializations)
The Internal marks will be calculated based on the following:
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30
Attendance- 10 Marks
Test 10 Marks
Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks
Scheme for IV Semester:
CODE Papers Specialization
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Marks Marks Marks Marks
MS-401 Strategic Management Compulsory 30 12 70 28
Evaluation of Management Skills Through
MS-402* Compulsory -- -- 100 50
MS-403 Human Resource Development H.R. 30 12 70 28
MS-404 Strategic Human Resource Management H.R. 30 12 70 28
MS-405 Total Quality Management H.R. 30 12 70 28
MS-406 Risk Management & Insurance Finance 30 12 70 28
Investment Analysis & Portfolio
MS-407 Finance 30 12 70 28
MS-408 Project Management Finance 30 12 70 28
MS-409 International Marketing Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-410 Rural & Industrial Marketing Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-411 Marketing Of Service Marketing 30 12 70 28
MS-412 System Analysis & Design IT 30 12 70 28
MS-413 E-Business Technology & Management IT 30 12 70 28
MS-414 Enterprise Resource Management IT 30 12 70 28
* MS 402 Evaluation of Management Skills Through Presentations term end examination will be
conducted at the concerning institute by the external examiner / examiners as decide by the Kulpati,
RDVV along with an internal examiner as appointed by concerning institute.

[Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The course has been designed to incorporate strategic management concept by a
sequential description of the strategic management process. It is specifically meant for providing
academic training to future managers by giving them a global vision through undertaking general
business policy as a management tool.

UNIT I Introduction to Strategic Management

Introduction, Fundamentals of Strategy, Scope and Importance of Strategies, Purpose of Business,

Introduction, Overview and importance of Business Policies, Strategic Intent through Vision and
Mission Statements, Difference between Goals and Objectives of Business.

Meaning, Need, scope, key features, importance and process of strategic management, Role of
Strategists in Decision Making, Strategic Management process.

Unit II Environmental Appraisal

Concept, environment appraisal, importance of environmental appraisal, Strategic analysis and choice,
organizational capability profile, strategic advantage profile, corporate portfolio analysis, SWOT analysis,
Porter's Five Forces Model of Competition, BCG Matrix, Mc Kinsey's 7s framework, GE Nine Cell Model,
Red–Blue-Purple Ocean strategy, distinctive competitiveness, environmental threat and opportunity
profile (ETOP).

Unit III Corporate level strategies

Grand strategies, stability strategies, expansion strategies, retrenchment strategies, combination

strategies, restructuring of business. Turnaround – divestment and Liquidation strategies. Strategies for
competing in globalizing markets.

UNIT IV Strategic Implementation

Issues in implementation, project implementation, procedural implementation, organization structure,

matching structure and strategy, behavioural issues, leadership style, functional issues, functional plans
and policies, financial, marketing, operations and personnel plans and policies

UNIT V Strategic Evaluation and Control

Strategy Evaluation: Importance, Overview of strategic evaluation, Importance, symptoms of

malfunctioning of strategy, operations control and strategic control, techniques of strategic evaluation
and control.

Corporate culture, values, power, social responsibilities, ethics, building a capable organization.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Strategic management - JA pearce , RB Robinson Jr

 Strategic management & Operations Research - Sudhir Lakhanpal
 Strategic management - Robinson
 Corporate strategy - Ansoff HI
 Business policy & strategic Management - Glueck & Jaunch LR
 Strategic management (Concept/Practice & Cases) - Thomas
 Business Policy - Kazmi A
 Strategic Management Text and Cases - Rao VSP (Excel Books)
 Strategic Management - Kachru(Excel Books)
 Business Policy & Strategic Management - Lomash S. (Vikas Pub.House Ltd.)

[ Max Marks:100] [ Min Marks: 50]

Note: Candidate is expected to choose a topic from an emerging issue and prepare a research report
which has to be presented by the student during viva voce examination. Student will have to submit
THREE copies (along with soft copy in CD) of the Research Report based on the topic identified and
selected for study, at least one month before the commencement of term end examination. The selected
topic must be from one of the opted specializations.

Research Report Evaluation Through Presentation - 100 Marks (Minimum 50 %)

& Viva Voce (By External and Internal Examiner Jointly)

Note: * MS 402 Evaluation of Management Skills Through Presentations term end examination will be
conducted at the concerning institute by the external examiner / examiners as decide by the Kulpati,
RDVV along with an internal examiner as appointed by concerning institute.

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Objective: The objective of the course is to make student aware of the concepts, techniques and
practices of human resource development. This course is intended to make students capable of applying
the principles and techniques as professionals for developing human resources in an organization.

UNIT I Introduction to Human Resource Development

Concept, features, need, scope and framework to HRD; Relationship between HRM and HRD; HRD
mechanisms, HRD matrix; HRD interventions; Challenges in HRD, Roles and competencies of HRD
Manager; HRD Practices in Indian Corporate Sector.


HRD process; Assessing need for HRD; Designing and developing effective HRD programs; Implementing
HRD programs; Evaluating effectiveness of HRD Programs; HRD audit; HRD culture and climate.

UNIT III HRD Activities

Employee development activities- Role of training in HRD, Approaches to employee development,

leadership development, action learning, assessment and development centre; Intellectual capital and
HRD; Influence of motivation on development activities.

UNIT IV HRD Applications and Trends

Coaching and mentoring; Career management and development; Employee performance counseling;
Making executive appraisals effective, Appreciative inquiry; Integrating HRD with technology, Employer
branding and other emerging trends.

UNIT V Performance Management

Concept, characteristics, role and significance of performance; approaches to measuring performance,

concept and process of performance management, performance appraisal vis-à-vis performance
management, performance management & reward systems: performance linked remuneration system,
performance linked career planning & promotion policy.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 HRD in 21st Century - Rao & Pareek, Tata Mc- Graw Hill Pub.
 Human behavioral at work, OB - Keith Davis, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Pub.
 Organisational Development - Aswathapa Himalaya Pub. House
 HRD practices (Assimilation & Implications) - Bhatia & Verma
 Human Resource Development & Mgmt. - Biswanath, ghosh
 Human Resource Management - Bhattacharya D.K. (ExcelBooks)
 Human Resource Management - Rao VSP.(Excell Books)
 Performance Appraisal & Compensation Mgt., - Dewakar Goel,
- A Modern Approach

[ Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: It is designed to acquaint the learners with the tools & techniques essential as a
strategic contribution of HRM to organizational growth.

Unit I Introduction to Strategic Human Resource

Definition, Types of HR Strategies, Criteria for an Effective HR Strategy, Formulation of HR Strategies,

Challenges and Emerging Ethical Issues in HR Strategy; concept of HR policies and strategy; Human
Resource Realignment and Retention Strategies; strategic HR issues in global assignments.

UNIT II Strategic Human Resource Management

Concept, Challenges and Evolution of Strategic Human Resource Management, HR Strategies Vs

Strategic HRM, Strategic HRM in International Business Scenario, Human Resource Evaluation and
Analytics, Linking people, strategy and performance.

Unit III Competency Management

Concept and Characteristics of competency, Types of competencies – generic/specific,

threshold/performance, and differentiating and technical, managerial and human. Competency
identification – Competency assessment and competency development. Historical development,
definitions, approaches to competency mapping.

UNIT IV Talent Management

Overview, History, Scope, Need, process and sources of Talent Management, Identification of talent,
Tools for Managing Talent, Consequences of Failure in Managing Talent, Talent vs knowledge &
experience (Case study).

Introduction to Talent Acquisition, Recruiting Process, Strategic Trends in Talent Acquisition.

UNIT V Knowledge Management

Definition, scope, principles, significance, Techniques of Knowledge Management.

Leveraging Knowledge, Organizational knowledge, characteristics and components of organizational

knowledge, Measures for meeting the challenges of implementing KM programmes.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Strategic Human Resource Management - Charles R. Greer, Pearson Education, 2003.

 A Concept of Corporate Strategy - Kenneth Andrew
 Competency based HRM - Shermon, Ganesh. Tata Mc Graw Hill
 360 degree feedback, competency mapping - Sharma, radha R. Tata Mc Graw Hill
& assessment centers
 Knowledge Management - B. Rathan Reddy: Himalaya.
 Knowledge Management - Tapan K Panda: Excel.
 Talent Management Hand Book - Lance A Berger, Dorothy R Berger, McGraw Hill
 Talent management in India: Challenges - Hasan, M., Singh, A. K., Dhamija, S. (eds.),
and opportunities

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: To understand the Total Quality Management concept and principles and the various
tools available to achieve Total Quality Management.


Definitions – TOM framework, benefits, awareness and obstacles. Quality – vision, mission and policy
statements. Customer Focus – customer perception of quality, Translating needs into requirements,
customer retention. Dimensions of product and service quality. Cost of quality.


Overview of the contributions of Deming, Juran Crosby, Masaaki Imai, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Taguchi
techniques – introduction, loss function, parameter and tolerance design. Concepts of Quality circle,
Japanese 5S principles and 8D methodology.


Meaning and significance of statistical process control (SPC); Process capability – meaning, significance
and measurement – Six sigma, concepts of process capability.
Reliability concepts – definitions, reliability in series and parallel. Total productive maintenance (TMP) –
relevance to TQM. Business process re-engineering (BPR) – principles, applications, reengineering
process, benefits and limitations.


Quality functions development (QFD) – Benefits, Voice of customer, information organization, House of
quality (HOQ), building a HOQ, QFD process. Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) – requirements of
reliability, failure rate, FMEA stages, design, process and documentation. Seven old (statistical) tools.
Seven new management tools. Bench marking and POKA YOKE.


Introduction to IS/ISO 9004:2000 – quality management systems – guidelines for performance
improvements. Quality Audits. TQM culture, Leadership – quality council, employee involvement,
motivation, empowerment, recognition and reward- Introduction to software quality.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 TQM - Dr. B Narayan (APH publishing house)

 TQM - Parag Diwan (Deep & Deep)
 Management concept & strategies - JS Chandan (Vikas publication)
 HRM - T.N Chabra
 Managing for total quality - N. Logothetis (Tata-Mc Graw Hill)
 Total Quality Management : Principles and practice - Mandal S.K. (Vikas Publishing
 Total Quality Management - Shalendra Nigam (ExceL)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective- To develop and familiarize students with an understanding of what risk is, how it can
be measured and transferred I any business enterprise. Any also make then acquaint with insurance
business and its environment in India.


Concept and classification of Risk, Acceptable risk Vs Unacceptable risk, cost of risk, Degree of risk,
influencing factors, constraints, monitoring, and evaluation of Risk.
Meaning, Scope & Objective of Risk Management, Risk Management Process, Risk management
models, Personal risk management Vs Corporate risk management, Risk Control, Risk avoidance,
Classifications, Evaluation and measures of risk reduction.

UNIT II Enterprise Risk Management

Meaning of ERM, Source of risk to an Enterprise, Prerequisite for ERM. Integrated risk assessment-
Market Risk Management: Importance, Exposure in financial markets, Methods to handle & control
Market risk.
Credit Risk Management: Need, Securitization for credit risk, Credit derivatives, Methods for credit risk
Strategic Risk Management : Strategic out look to risk management, Strategic planning to manage risk -
Managing risk in Merger & Acquisitions.

UNIT III Operational Risk Management

Meaning, Sources, Objectives & Classification of Operational Risk, Operational Events- Regulatory issues
of Operational Risk Management, Measurement and Stages of Operational Risk Management, Roles of
Supervisor, Disclosure Requirement, Insurance & Operational Risk Management.

UNIT IV Financial Risk Management

Definition and Source of financial risk, Need & Importance of Financial Risk Management, Tools for
Financial Risk Management - Derivatives- Futures- Swaps- Options, Role of Chief Risk Officer, Integrated
Risk Program, Double trigger option. Liquidity Management-Tools for Treasury Risk Management.

UNIT V Insurance
Definition, Purpose & need of Insurance, Insurance as risk transfer & risk sharing mechanism, Benefits &
Cost of insurance to society, Insurance as contract, Essential elements and Fundamental principles of
insurance, Types of insurance business – Life insurance, general insurance – meaning, types and
regulatory framework.
Internal Assessment Marks Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Principles of Risk Management & Insurance – George E. Rejda.

 Risk Management & Insurance - Scott Harington.
 Risk Management & Insurance - C. Arthur Williams.
 Risk Management - IIBF, Macmillan, New Delhi.
 Financial Markets and Institutions - S Gurusamy, Thomson
 Insurance Institute of India – IC 30, Practice of Life Assurance
 Insurance Institute of India – IC 33, Life Assurance
 Insurance Institute of India – IC 34, General Insurance

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the concepts, tools and
techniques applicable in the field of security analysis and portfolio management.


 Investment – A Conceptual Framework: Investment process, risks of investment and the common
mistakes made in investment management. Investment Environment: Features and composition of
money market and capital market, money market, capital market instruments and financial
 Risk and Return: Concepts of risk and return, how risk is measured in terms of standard deviation
and variance, the relationship between risk and return.


 Fundamental Analysis: Economy analysis, industry analysis and company analysis, weaknesses of
fundamental analysis.
 Technical Analysis: Tools of technical analysis, important chart formations or price patterns and
technical indicators. Efficient Market Hypothesis: Concept of ‘Efficient Market’ and its implications
for security analysis and portfolio management.


 Behavioral Finance: Meaning of Behavioral finance, deals with when, how and why psychology
influences investment decisions.
 Valuation of securities – Beta, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
 Valuation of bonds and shares: PV Model, Bonds Yield, Measures Duration, Modified Duration,
Immunization Conversity, Bond Value Theorem, Valuation of Equity and Preference shares.


 Portfolio Management: Meaning, evolution, Need & objectives, nature & scope, phases, types, steps
to Portfolio investment process, General responsibilities of Portfolio manager and his code of
conduct. SEBI guidelines.
 Portfolio Analysis and selection, Traditional Portfolio Analysis.
 Markowitz Diversification and Classification of Risks.


 Portfolio Performance Evaluation: Sharpe, Treynor and Jensens index.

 Portfolio Revision: Formula plans; constant rupee plan, constant ratio plan and variable ratio plan.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Fisher Donald and Ronald J.

 Financial Institutions and Markets Bhole L.M (2002)
 Financial Services Khan M.Y (2002)
 Evaluation and portfolio Analysis Elton Edwin J and martin G.
 Fundamentals of Investments Alexander Gordon J. William
 Portfolio Management Barua, Verma, Raghunathan
 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Bhat Sudhindra (ExcelBooks)
 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Pandian P (Vikas Publishing)
MS 408 Project Management

[Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The course is intended to develop the knowledge of the students in the management
of projects, special emphasis will be provided on project formulation as also on various tools and
techniques for project appraisal and control so that they are able to draft the project proposal in any
area of management and evaluate the worth of projects.


 Concept of project: Basic concepts, classification, characteristics of project, Project life cycle, Project
management, Tools & Techniques of project management, BMRED, project organization.


 Project identification: Identification, generation of ideas, SWOT analysis, Preliminary screening,

project rating index.
 Market & Demand Analysis: Collection of data, market survey, market planning, market
environment, project risk analysis, demand forecasting techniques.


 Technical Analysis: selection of technology, material input and utilities, plant capacity, location &
site, machinery and equipment, structures and civil work, environmental aspects, project charts and
 Financial Estimation: Project cost, source of finance, utilization of funds, cost of production.


 Financial Analysis: Characteristics of financial statement, Working Capital, Project income statement,
projected cash flow statement, projected balance sheet, projected profitability.
 Investment Evaluation: Investment decision rule, techniques of evaluation, payback period,
accounting rate of return, profitability index method, Net profitability index, Internal rate of return,
discounted payback period.


 Social Cost Benefit Analysis: Concept of social cost benefit, significance of SCBA, Approach to SCBA,
UNIDO approach to SCBA, Shadow pricing of resource, LM approach.
 Project Implementation: Schedule of project implementation, Project Planning, Project Control,
Human aspects of project management, team building, high performance team.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Project preparation appraisal budgeting - Prassan Chandra

and Implementation
 Project Finance - Machraju
 Project Management - Dr.N.P.Agarwal
 Project planning and control - Rosy joshi
 Project management and Control - S. Ghosh

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: - This paper deals with a broad conceptual focus on the marketing management
problems, techniques and strategies necessary to incorporate the marketing concept into the
framework of the world market place.

UNIT- I Introduction to International Marketing

 Identification of Foreign Markets
 International Marketing Planning
 Mode of Entry in International Marketing
 Marketing mix decision
 Domestic to International Marketing

UNIT- II International Marketing Environment

 Overview of World economic system; World Trading System
 International Political Situation
 The New Global Environment
 Regionalization
 Cross Culture System
 Country-Specific Advantages; Firm specific advantages
 Country of Origin

UNIT- III Global Marketing Strategy

 Global Market Research
 Global Market Segmentation
 Global Targeting
 International and Global Branding.
 Global Product Positioning System
 Global Strategic Partnership
 International and Global Product Life Cycle
 Brief Description On Global Marketing Mix system
 Global Value System

UNIT- IV Core Issues In International Marketing

 Transfer Pricing
 State Trading , Export Documentation and Procedure
 Development of Multinational Corporation; Development of Global corporation

UNIT V Global Brand Development Promotion

 Global Advertising System
 Global Public Relations
 Digital Global Promotion
 Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution
 Strategy Alternatives in Physical Distribution
 Global Marketing Organizations
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30
Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Global Marketing and Management Warren J Keegan

 Export Marketing B S Rathore
 International Marketing Rathore & Rathore
 International Marketing P Sarvanvel
 International Business Scenario MS Thakur
 International Marketing RajaGopal(Vikas Publishing)
 International Business Shyam Shukla(Excell)
 International Marketing Vasudava P.K. (Excell)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: - The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding among the students
about various concepts of Industrial Marketing which are helpful in developing sound marketing policies
for Industrial goods.

UNIT- I Introduction to Industrial Marketing

 Industrial Marketing- Definition, nature & scope – comparison between Industrial & Consumer
marketing – Characteristics of Industrial Marketing – Marketing mix for industrial products. Buying
motives of Institutional customers.

UNIT- II Organisational Buying

 Organisational Buying process, concept of BUYGRID MODEL, phases in purchasing decision process
& their marketing implications, Buying centers, value analysis & vendor analysis.

UNIT- III Industrial Marketing Segmentation

 Industrial market segmentation, bases for segmenting industrial market-macro and micro variables.
Targeting and positioning the industrial product. Industrial product life cycle, product mix.
 Service component—The provision of parts, technical assistance, terms of sales.

UNIT- IV Introduction to Rural Marketing

 Rural Marketing – Definition, Objectives, functions and importance of Rural Market. Determinants of
change in Indian Rural Marketing. Classification of inflow marketing and out Flow marketing in rural
Sector. Difference between Urban & Rural Marketing System. Influence of government sponsored
rural development programs on rural markets (case studies).

UNIT- V Rural Marketing Strategy

 Rural Marketing Communication, Concept of Rural Marketing Strategy, Rural Marketing Product
strategy, Rural branding strategy, Pricing system in rural marketing, Promotional component of
Rural Market. Rural distribution system. Measurement of Advertising effectiveness in rural
marketing. Special publicity reference to the Rural Marketing System, Digital campaign for rural
marketing (case studies).
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Industrial Marketing J S Hill

 Rural Marketing T. Gopal Swamy(Vikas)
 Industrial Marketing Reeder & Reeder
 Marketing Management Ramaswamy
 Industrial Marketing Gandhi
 Rural Marketing Shamim Ahmed

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course objective:-The objective of the course is to develop an understanding of services and service
marketing with emphasis on various aspects of services marketing which make it different from good

UNIT I Introduction to Service Marketing

 Concept of service and importance. Reasons of growth of service sector. Characteristics of service,
classification of services. Role of services sector in India Economy. Career Opportunities.

UNIT II Service Marketing Strategies

 Strategies for service marketing. Molecular model and Client centered marketing. Gronross Service
Marketing Model. Internal external and interactive marketing. Focus Strategy, Service Strategy -
Market Leadership.

UNIT III STP in Service Marketing

 Service Segmentation: Meaning and elements, Service Targeting: meaning and elements, Service
Positioning: meaning and elements, Industrial Services, Service distribution. Component of service
delivery system, potential management. Problems associated with retailing of services.

UNIT IV Service Marketing Mix

 Promotion – concept for service, advertising. Sales Promotion & Personal Selling in service industry.
People – Importance of people in service marketing. Role of various people involved. Physical
evidence –concept of physical Evidence, importance type of Physical evidence in various services.
Process –concept type of process, Role of process in various services. CRM in Service Marketing

UNIT V Service Quality

 Service Quality –concept of service quality. Gronross model of service quality. Conceptual model of
service quality. Marketing of service –challenges in India. Productivity in services, increasing
productivity. Customer Service handling SERVQUAIL.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Services Marketing - Sinha

 Services Marketing - S.M. Jha
 Services Marketing : - M. K Rampal, S.L Gupta
Concept Application & cases
 Services Marketing : Integrating Customer - Valarie .A. Zeithamal
Focus Across the Firm
 Services Marketing - P.N Reddy , H.R. Appanniah
 Services Marketing - Vasanti Venugopal ,Raghu V.N
 Service Marketing - Bhattacharyya D.K. (ExcelBooks)
 Service Marketing - Ravi Shankar (ExcelBooks)

[Max. Marks: 70] [Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective – This Course aim for developing the skills for analysis and design of Computer based
Information system


 Overview of S.A.D, software application today, The changing scenario, problem identification,
requirement Analysis, feasibility study, fact finding roll of a system analyst, qualities of the Analyst.


 Details of SDLC approach; - Business system concept system development life cycle, project
selection, feasibility. Tools for Analysis, and design. Need for structured techniques, Structured
System Analysis.


 System requirements and analysis, Data flow Diagram, data dictionary. Process organization and
investigation:-decision analysis, decision trees, decision Tables, expansion explosion and
 Introduction to system design: - logical and physical design.


 Detail design modulation, module Specification, file design, data base design, input output, design
System control and quality system Assurance.


 System testing and Audit trails system Administration and training. Conversion and operational plan,
H/W & S/W selection criteria, performance and acceptance testing criteria.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 System analysis and design – Elias Award

 SAD – Condon
 Analysis, design and implementation – A.K. Sharma
Of information System

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: To learn the E- business concepts and to implement these applications in business

Introduction to Electronic Commerce, Benefits, Impact, Classification, Application of Electronic
Commerce Technologies, Business Models.
EDI – Conventional Trading Process, Building Block of EDI Systems, Layered Architecture, Value Added
Networks, Benefits of EDI, Applications of EDI, Framework of Electronic Commerce.

Network Infrastructure, Local Area Networks, Ethernet – Wide Area Networks, Internet, TCP/IP
Reference Model , Domain Name Systems, Internet Industry Structure, Information Distribution &
Messaging, File Transfer Protocol Application, Electronic Mail, World Wide Web Server – HTTP – Web
Server Implementations, Information Publishing Technology, Information Publishing

Web Browsers, Hypertext Markup language, Common Gateway Interface – Multimedia Content – Other
Multimedia objects, Virtual Reality Modeling Language.
Securing the Business on Internet – Security Policy, Procedures and Practices, Site Security, Protecting
the Network, Firewalls, Securing the Web Service, Securing. Network Transaction – Transaction Security

Cryptography, Algorithm, Public Key Algorithm, Authentication Protocols, Digital Signatures – Electronic
Mail Security, Security Protocol for Web Commerce.
Electronic Payment Systems, Online Payment Systems, Prepaid Electronic Payment Systems, Post Paid
Electronic Systems, Requirements Metrics of a Payment System.

Internet Advertising, Emergence of the Internet as a Competitive Advertising Media, Models of Internet
Advertising, Banner Advertisements, Sponsoring Content, Screensavers and Push Broadcasting,
Corporate Web Site.
Mobile Commerce – Benefits, Impediments, Framework. Agents in E-Commerce, Agent Technologies,
Agent Standards and Protocols, Agent Applications.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 Computer Network - Tanne Baum

 Computer Network - Ragesh
 Creating a Winning E- Business - Napier
 Data &Network E-Business - Napier
 Data &Network Communication - Miller
 Internet for everyone - Leon & leon, Dr.
 E -Commerce - Diwan & Sharma(ExcelBooks)

[ Max. Marks: 70] [ Min. Marks: 28]

Course Objective: The course aims to provide an understanding of the issues involved in design and
implementation of ERP systems. It focuses on the cross-functional processes and integration of
events/transactions across different functional areas in organizations.


Overview of ERP Introduction of ERP, Need of ERP, Advantages of ERP, Growth of ERP, Features of ERP,
MIS Integration, ERP drivers, Trends in ERP, ERP in India.

Communication in ERP Systems Enterprise Integration Application Tools for ERP, Network Structure of
ERP System, ERP Work flow, Process modeling for ERP Systems.


ERP and Related Technologies Business process Reengineering (BPR), Management Information System
(MIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Support Systems (ESS), Data Warehousing, Data
Mining, Online Analytical Processing (OLTP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship
Management (CRM).


Control & maintenance of ERP Finance, Production planning, Sales & Distribution, Human Resource
Management (HRM), Inventory Control System, Quality Management.


ERP Implementation Life Cycles Evaluation and selection of ERP package, Project planning,
Implementation team training & testing.

ERP- Resource Management Perspective Business Modules in ERP Packages, Finance, Production,
Human Resource, Plant Maintenance, Materials Management, Quality Management, Sales and
Distribution, Resource Management.


Next generation enterprise Emerging trends, information mapping, role of centralized/distributed

databases, Linkages of the enterprise customer - enterprise, vendor enterprise.
Internal Assessment Total Marks 30

Attendance- 10 Marks

Test 10 Marks

Seminars/Cases analysis/Presentations: 10 Marks

Guidelines for Case analysis / presentations:- Students should be given case studies as assignment and
asked to present the same in the class for discussions, or seminars may be arranged on current issues
related to the subject and marks be given on the basis of students performance. (Cases or Seminars can
be given on individual basis or on group basis.)


 ERP, Countdown 2000 - Aleix Leon

 ERP - Ptak, Lucie
 Concept in Enterprise - Carol A. & Eli Schrfagenheim.
 Resource planning - Monk /Brady


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