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Scimitar Petroleum

WS - CTS - Egypt

Matrix Stimulation Campaign of 4 Wells Program


Company: Scimitar Petroleum Company

Well Name: ISS-094

Date: 21th Oct 2019

Proposal Version: V2

Contact: Scimitar Team

Made By: Seif Seoudy

Service from District: WS Coil Tubing Egypt

Reviewed by:

Objective: Matrix Stimulation

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Table of Contents
Approval List ........................................................................................................................ 3
Version List ........................................................................................................................... 3
Back Ground ......................................................................................................................... 4
Wells History and Performance ............................................................................................ 4
Operation Safety ................................................................................................................... 5
Main Treatment ..................................................................................................................... 5
Wells Data............................................................................................................................. 7
Job Preparation...................................................................................................................... 9
Mobilization Considerations ............................................................................................... 10
Spot, Rig up Plan & Considerations ................................................................................... 11
Pressure Test management Envelope.................................................................................. 13
Job Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 19
Pumping Sequence .............................................................................................................. 21
Rig Down & De Mobilization............................................................................................. 21
BHA Schematic .................................................................................................................. 23
Chemical Required.............................................................................................................. 24
QHSE Consideration and Equipment ................................................................................. 25
H2S Envelope ..................................................................................................................... 26
Management of Change ...................................................................................................... 27
Equipment and Personnel ................................................................................................... 28
Chemical Recipe ................................................................................................................. 29

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Approval List
Schlumberger Name Title Date Phone
Prepared by: Seif Seoudy Production Engineer 21 Oct 2019 01065506642
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:

Version List
Version No. Description of the Changes Date
0 Initial 14/10/ 2019
1 Pumping Schedule & Isolation depth 21/10/2019

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

The main objective of the Coiled Tubing intervention is to perform Matrix Stimulation
campaign for four oil-producing wells to enhance the well productivity by opening new wormholes in
the formation. Treatment will be done utilizing the Jet Blaster Tool and pumping MSR – SXE –
CleanSweep-1 Combination for deep penetration.

The campaign planned to perform the four wells consecutively

Wells History and Performance

The next plots showing the history and the current performance of the candidate wells for this

The next table showing each well with it is current average oil production rate and water cut off

Well Oil Bbl./day WC


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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Operation Safety
SLB is committed to provide a safe working environment for all personnel. An environment,
which is conducive to feedback from all personnel concerning safety issues, is essential to promote
safe and efficient operations. A safety meeting will be held prior to commencing each operation and
each crew change so that all personnel involved understand exactly what is expect from them and
what the potential hazards are. Special emphasis should place on well control procedures, pumping,
RIH & POOH procedures and crane operations. Coordination and a clear understanding of coiled
tubing operations will be critical for the safety and efficiency of all operations. A review of the
appropriate HARCs shall conducted prior to the start of any applicable operation.

• Ensure emergency management, oil spills containment, and blowout response plans are
available, conduct daily safety meetings on location with all personnel on board.

• A full record is to be maintain of every tool run (OD’s, Lengths, Fishing neck size, etc.)

• Verify that all crane operators on location meet or exceed SLB Safety Standard on
mechanical lifting

• Each person, when arriving on location, shall be orientated on emergency procedures,

location of escape route, muster stations, individual responsibilities in an emergency.

• All personnel on location are required to wear all safety equipment, including, but not
limited to; safety glasses, steel toe boots, hard hats, ear protection, etc.

• Hold pre-job safety meeting and on the job HARCs. Initial safety meeting ensures all relevant
worksite personnel are aware of the requirements of the operations, contingency plans, and
emergency response procedures. Review scope of work with the service technician prior to
starting the job. Count the number of rounds to open and close the swab and master valve
and record the same.

Main Treatment
The treatment will be done utilizing mainly the following treating fluids:

MSR (Main Treatment Stage)

Mud and silt remover from Schlumberger is an acid solution containing a clay dispersant-
suspending agent. It provides not only good dispersion of drilling muds and formation silt, but also
provides unusually effective suspension properties.

Well treatments using an MSR fluid have returned unexpected amounts of mud and silt. Greater
production increases have resulted from the use of the fluid than from any commonly used
formation cleaner.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

There are many applications for an MSR fluid. These include the removal of drilling mud damage, use
as a workover fluid to restore fracture conductivity, and use as a breakdown or matrix treating fluid
to open clogged perforations and restore permeability.

The MSR fluid is very effective in dispersing and removing drilling mud and formation silt from the
target interval. Zones damaged during drilling have responded exceptionally well when treated with
the MSR fluid.

Super X Emulsion, SXE (Main Treatment Stage)

Super X Emulsion is a viscous, highly retarded, concentrated acid system designed for use in Matrix
Stimulation and acid fracturing. Super X Emulsion is an oil external emulsion, stabilized with an
emulsifier. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) concentrations ranging from 7.5 to 28% may be used.

The Super X Emulsion is the most efficient acid retarding system offered by Schlumberger. The
emulsion retards the acid reaction rate of 28% HCl approximately 13-fold. Even greater retardation
has achieved at lower acid concentrations. The Super X Emulsion may be batch mixed or continuous

The graph below shows the difference between the HCl effect and the SXE on the worm holing when
simulating a Matrix Stimulation treatment of Horizontal well at BHT 250 F.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

Wells Data
Wells Type Oil Producers

Wellheads connection 3.5 EUE

Rig/Site name Rig less

Deviation Vertical

Tubular 3.5 EUE 9.3 lb/ft, grade J55

Casing 7”, 23 lb/ft, grade L-80

Reservoir name Lower Dolomite

Rock type Dolomite

Oil Density 18~20 API

Reservoir pressure 200 psi

BHT, BHP 122 F

MPWHP 46 psi

Frac gradient 0.65 psi/ft

H2S- Co2 contents 10%-10% H2S Bottom Hole SOUR ENVIROMENT

Killing Fluid PPG 3-11ppg 0.156-0.572psi/ft.

Fracturing Fluid PPG 12.5ppg

Used Stimulation Fluid PPG 8.38ppg 0.435psi/ft.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Tubing Data
Well Depth (ft.) OD (in) ID (in) Lb./ft. Grade Isolation Depths (ft.)
ISS-094 1575.30 3.5 2.992 9.3 J55 NA

Minimum restriction is 2.99” and need to be confirm with the Client represented for each well.
The Isolation Depth to taken in consideration and to be confirm with the Client Represented for each

Well ID ISS-94
Cased/Open Cased hole
Net Interval 71 ft
Isolation Depth NA
Intervals to be Treated 1507 – 1578

Job Preparation
SLB Job Preparation

• Each job has its different plan of preparation but here are some keys:
• STEM all necessary equipment for the operation,
• Prepare the units, pumps, Tanks as required, make sure of certification validity and clean
• Prepare and Function Test all the equipment.
• Prepare and pressure test BOPs (blind rams, pipe rams),
• Prepare the BHA package.
• Check WH flange adapter, Restriction in the well
• Check for the Flow Tee if needed.
• Prepare CT reel,
• Prepare the tool container,
• Check certification of treating equipment,
• Check monitoring equipment,
• Check for all low-pressure connection and hoses for circulating and pumping from the tank
and to be able to connect to tanks to the suction side.
• Check the Crew PPE and Certification.

SLB Job Preparation on the location

Once you are on the location make sure that:

• You have the right amount of mixed gel for the job expectation
• You have the right amount of the foam agent needed to circulate with the gel
• You have the right connections for the wellhead, the low suction side and the nitrogen.
• You have the right size OD BHA

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

• You have the technical support number and no mind to contact and update the situation

Client Job Preparation

• Rig Up surface testing/fluid handling equipment

• Provide crew full accommodation
• H2S detectors
• Provide crane and tower lights
• Provide Diesel for the campaign = 12000 Gal (for mixing) + Diesel for equipment.
• Provide Fresh water for mixing = 60,000Gal

Mobilization Considerations
The job supervisor to take in consider the below points upon the mobilization to the site;

• Site Survey and Hazards.

• Review the technical proposal.
• Review well completion (minimum restriction).
• Review rig up layout (equipment).
• Review CoilLIFE and CoilLIMIT.
• Review PCE stack (minimum ID, X-over to client’s connection).
• Review BHA schematics (max OD and length).
• Review water, diesel, and chemicals requirements.
• Review personnel requirements, responsibilities, and lines of communication.
• Review pressure tests and job procedures.
• Review risk assessment (HARC) and safety equipment.
• Review HSE/SQ emergency plan procedures.
• Confirm the journey management plan.
• Discuss with the truck drivers any special requirement or roots during the trip.
• To discuss the mobilization time line and any rest stops if needed.
• To perform all needed lifting plans.
• To confirm that all the trucks has all the needed safety equipment.
• STEM1 for all Pickups and Trucks to be done.

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Spot, Rig up Plan & Considerations

1. CT Job Supervisor to meet with client’s representative to discuss the below:

• Survey the site and identify hazards,

• Review the technical proposal:
• Review well completion (minimum restriction),
• Review rig up layout (equipment),
• Review CoilLIFE and CoilLIMIT,
• Review PCE stack (minimum ID, X-over to client’s connection),
• Review BHA schematics (max OD and length),
• Review water, diesel, and chemicals requirements,
• Review personnel requirements, responsibilities, and lines of communication,
• Confirm wellhead pressure rating and operating pressure limitations,
• Review pressure tests and job procedures,
• Review risk assessment (HARC) and safety equipment,
• Review HSE/SQ emergency plan procedures,
• Issue work permit.

NOTE: The Job supervisor shall:

- Review the Job Risk Index JRI, HARC, exemption, and relevant contingency plans then, if
applicable, reassess the HARC using the Pocket HARC to document any additional hazards and
risk control measures,

- Reduce or eliminate any risks to an acceptable level and communicate the remaining risks to all
personnel on location. If the remaining risks are deemed unacceptable, the job supervisor has
the authority to postpone or cancel the treatment until the risks are addressed,

- In case of any change in job design data or job procedure, contact FSM for Management of

2. Hold pre-rig up safety meeting with all involved people including the crane operator, discuss:

- Job objective,
- List of all personnel on location,
- The identified risks and hazards (fluids, chemicals and flammable materials),
- The positions for the equipment and land guides,
- The job assignment during placement and connection of the equipment,
- The safety equipment (attachment 6),
- The pressure testing instructions (PT1, PT2, MWCP),
- The escape routes and assembly point,
- The emergency plan, evacuation instruction, and rescue team,
- The smoking area (if applicable),
- The safe area for personnel who are not associated with the rig up,

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WS - CTS - Egypt

3. Spot CT and pumping equipment under the guidance of the client representative and the
Schlumberger Job Supervisor as per the rig up layout.

- Ensure that tag lines and guides are used,

- Mobilize the CTU truck no closer than 6ft from the edge of the WH cellar,
- When possible, locate pumping equipment on the swivel side of the coiled-tubing reel,
- Locate equipment upwind of WH and ensure good visibility of CT operators to WH.

4. Inspection:

- Inspect all equipment/materials for any damage incurred during transportation,

- Confirm physically that all wellhead and riser crossovers are correct,
- Confirm physically that any X-over to third party BHA is correct.

5. STEM and run the equipment at operating conditions.


- Perform and document formal shift handovers with sign-offs by the Job Supervisor.
- A safety meeting, led by the Job Supervisor, must be held after rigging up, prior to initiating
coiled tubing operations on the well, and at all shift changes.
- Radios if available should be used to maintain optimum communication between personnel at
the wellsite during all operations.
- Before working on or entering, the inside of a coiled tubing reel, set the brake and chain the reel
in both directions so it cannot move. Enforce the lockout/tag out process.

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Pressure Test management Envelope

MPWHP 200 psi (Reservoir Pressure) - 0.1* 1575ft = 42 psi

During Stimulation 3500-4000psi

Expected Circulating Pressure During circulation brine to fill the well, 1500-2000 psi
For shear Pins

Service Line& CT String Pressure Test 6000psi.

LPT 200psi for 5min.

PT-1 2500psi for 10min.

PT-2 2500psi for 10min.

MWCP 2500psi, PT1

Category CAT1 (0-3500)psi

Stack Working Pressure 10000psi.

Killing Fluid PPG 3-11ppg 0.156-0.572psi/ft.

Fracturing Fluid PPG 12.5ppg.
Used Stimulation Fluid PPG 8.38ppg. 0.435psi/ft.

Pressure Test 1 Procedure

This pressure test intended for treating line, WH master valve, BOP body and blind rams.

1. Assemble the BOP(s) on top of the X-tree using the necessary X-over, connect hydraulic hoses,
function test each ram (visually check operation and position of BOP rams’ indicators),

General Flange Make Up:

a) Ensure the connection, ring gasket and seal areas are clean and free from damage. (Note:
The use of lubricants is not recommended),
b) Place or install the ring gasket and align the flanges for closure of the joint,
c) Loosely install the flange bolts and tighten one side of the flange (half the bolts) until the
raised flange faces are separated by 0.125-in,
d) Beginning in the middle of the flange on the opposite side, tighten the bolts until the gap
between the flange faces is almost closed. The gap between the faces on the first side of
the flanged joint will be less than the original 0.125-in,
e) Close the gap between the flanges faces using the bolt-tightening sequence shown below.

2. Rig up 2-in treating equipment from the pump units to the reel, BOP kill ports, and other surface
equipment as required following SLB Standards (5, 11, and 22),

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WS - CTS - Egypt

NOTE: The Job Supervisor shall walk along the full rig up to check and confirm that the pressure
rating of all equipment rigged up is within the required pressure test limitations.

3. Connect all tanks to the manifold using 4-in hoses, connect the manifold to the pump units,

NOTE: All SLB personnel involved with tank handling and mixing should be wearing the
appropriate PPE.

NOTE: Barriered off mixing/high pressure areas with tape and spot safety signals. During the
operation, this area shall be restricted to only those people performing critical tasks necessary to
completion of the operation.

4. Test the safety showers and eyewash,

5. Set and prepare the monitoring and recording equipment,

6. Fill up the pressure control equipment with test fluid, leaving the blind rams and blind ram
equalizing valves open to ensure the air is vented from the system,

7. Perform a low-pressure test (200 to 300-psi for 5-min), followed by a high-pressure test (Max
expected CTP 6000-psi for 15-min) for the treating line against the isolating valves of reel and WH,

NOTE: Follow the below steps for every pressure test:

a. The immediate test area shall be cordoned off with barrier tape and signs,
b. All personnel should be informed of the pressure test location and instruct nonessential
personnel to keep clear of the test area,
c. All pressure tests will be monitored by at least one recording device,
d. All pressure tests shall be bled off downstream of the check valves to not risk the collapse
of the coiled tubing or BHA,
e. Upon completion of all pressure tests, all personnel should be informed that pressure
testing is complete.

8. With the blind rams and equalizing valve closed, perform a low-pressure test (200 to 300-psi for
5-min), followed by a high-pressure test (PT1 2500-psi for 15-min), for the BOP assembly and blind

9. With the test complete, open the blind ram pressure-equalizing valves to confirm satisfactory
operation. Close the equalizing valves,

10. Bleed off any residual pressure and then open the blind rams,

NOTE: If multiple blind ram functions are included in the BOP stack, each blind ram should be
tested as described above.

Coiled Tubing String Pressure test, Pickling, and Drifting Procedure

This pressure test intended for the CT string, BOP pipe rams, reel swivel, and stub shaft.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

1. Stab the CT string into the injector head,

a) Ensure the below steps are followed:

• Use of fall protection equipment for all personnel working at height,
• Safe use of cranes, lifting or rigging equipment when handling the CT string,
• Proper use of CT stabbing aids,
• Close coordination and communication between CTU operator and person directing the
b) Install a clamp or similar retaining device at the end of the CT string and attach a winch line or
crane hook to safely pull the CT string from the reel,
c) Pull enough length from the reel to allow the CT string to be safely manipulated into place
above the injector head. Before disconnecting the pulling cable, install a clamp on the tubing
at the reel level wind assembly to secure the reel,
d) Disconnect the pulling cable, remove the clamp and prepare the end of the CT string for
e) Connect the winch line or crane hook to the CT string at a point that will enable the end to be
lowered vertically into the injector head chains,
f) Lift the CT string above the injector head and prepare to stab. Any personnel on top of the
injector head must have fall protection equipment and the person directing the CT string
stabbing process must have direct communication with the CTU operator,
g) With the injector head chains running slowly and minimal skate pressure, the CT string end
should be inserted into the top of the chains. The injector head should be run until the CT
string is just above the bottom of the chains then stopped,
h) Secure the chain guides and rollers on the gooseneck and ensure personnel are removed from
the top of the injector head before proceeding with further equipment rig up or testing,
i) Complete the stabbing process by running the CT through the stripper, ensuring that the end
of the CT string is correctly aligned with the stripper for proper entry.

NOTE: When cutting coiled tubing or working with free ends, take all precautions to prevent
personnel from being struck by the tubing. Restrain the tubing and move all nonessential
personnel to a safe distance.

2. With the CT string stabbed into the injector head, assemble the CT connector,

• Check CT OD/ID size tolerance for the intended,

• Check condition of threads,
• The manufacturers make up procedure should be completed.

3. Visually check the installed connector for correct assembly,

4. Mark the CT (using a non-damaging marker or tape) close to the connector to enable any
movement during the pull test to be seen,

5. Install a pull-test plate on the connector. Perform the pull test against the bottom connection
of the stripper assembly to 20,000 lb. (Do not perform a pull test against the internal
components of the stripper),

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WS - CTS - Egypt

6. Release pull test and inspect connector for movement or distortion. Cut pipe and repeat pull
test if needed,

7. Fill up the coiled tubing with test fluid and pressure test the CT string to 200-300-psi for 5-min
then to 6000-psi for 15-min

NOTE: the test should be performed to the lesser of PT1 or the CoilLIMIT. Confirm that test
pressure will fall within CoilLIMIT for the string on location.

8. (Only at the First Job) Drift the CT with the biggest size of ball needed in the MHA,

NOTE: Pressure up against the reel valve to 2,000-psi before opening the valve to launch the
ball into the reel.

BHA Function Test Procedure

9. Prepare accurate fishing diagrams for all tool strings,

10. Connect the rest of the BHA to the CT connector after performing any required drift,

a) Applying the correct torque when making up a tool connection is important to ensure the
mechanical and hydraulic integrity of the connection. Insufficient torque can result in the
connection backing-off, while excessive torque can cause galling damage to the thread
and potentially reduce the strength and integrity of the connection,
b) All threaded connections should be inspected prior to assembly for burrs, galling or
damage to the thread (pin and box),
c) Threaded connections should be assembled hand tight prior to installation of any seals to
identify thread problems. Seal friction often makes early detection of thread damage
d) Threaded connections should be lubricated with high temperature grease,
e) Ensure the proper seal or O-ring is used. Using an oversized O-ring may result in pinching
or damage to the O-ring. The resulting distortion may then interfere with the proper
makeup of the tool connection,
f) When possible, friction wrenches should be used to prevent damage to tool housings or
components. The wrench and vise should generally be applied on knurled areas or over
thick-walled sections of the tool and avoiding placing the wrench over the tool joint,
g) It is recommended that a torque system, which indicates the actual torque applied to the
connection be used when making up tool connections,
h) Manual torque wrenches are recommended for tool sizes up to 3-in. and up to 600-ft/lb
i) Hydraulic torque machines are recommended for connections requiring more than 600-
ft/lb torque,

NOTE: Check the SLB General Operating Procedures & Guidelines 2 for proper make up torque
of common tool connection types and sizes.

11. Perform any required function test for the BHA,

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WS - CTS - Egypt

Pressure Test 2 Procedure

This pressure test is intended for WH master valve, Pressure Control Equipment (PCE) body, stripper,
CT string, reel swivel, stub shaft, and dual flapper check valves DFCV.

12. Rig up the injector head to the pressure control equipment stack as per Attachment 5A, then
follow SLB General Operating Procedures & Guidelines 2 to ensure that the complete
injector head and pressure control equipment stack is stable and secure by connecting
adequate guy wire or chain system to significant anchors (concrete blocks or dead-man

13. Tag the stripper and adjust the CT depth to the reference,

14. Pump slowly to ensure the system is full of fluid, stop pumping and energize the stripper to a
minimum pressure of 500-psi,

15. Apply required injector head traction pressure to secure the string against the forces generated
under the test conditions,

16. Pump through the CT to perform a low-pressure test (200-300-psi for 5-min) of the stripper,
followed by a high-pressure test (PT2 7,500-psi for 15-min),

NOTE: In case PT2 < PT1, increase the pressure below the pipe rams through the PCE stack to PT1.

17. Check that all applicable pressure gauges have the same reading,

18. Bleed-off pressure in the CT string and PCE through the kill port valve when the tests are complete,

NOTE: If multiple stripper functions (including annular BOPs) are included in the PCE stack, each
stripper should be tested as described above.

19. Retract the stripper and pump slowly through the kill line to ensure system is full of fluid. Stop
pumping and energize the stripper to a minimum pressure of 500-psi,

20. Perform a low-pressure test of the CT DFCV and connector assembly by pumping through the kill
line (200-300-psi for 5-min), followed by a high-pressure test (PT2 7,500-psi for 15-min),

21. When the tests are complete, bleed-off pressure,

22. (Only at the First Job) Pickle the CT with 10 to 20-bbl of 7.5-10% HCl acid (5 to 10-bbl acid+10-bbl
water+5 to 10-bbl acid+ reel volume Water),

23. Pressure up TCA to as required NOTES:

- Crane lifts above the coiled tubing are not permitted after the tubing is stabbed with the injector
rigged up on the well,
- A crane or coiled-tubing support structure must be used to support the injector head once
connected onto the wellhead stack.
- Perform and document formal shift handovers with sign-offs by the Job Supervisor.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

- A safety meeting, led by the Job Supervisor, must be held after rigging up, prior to initiating
coiled tubing operations on the well, and at all shift changes.
- Radios should be used to maintain optimum communication between personnel at the wellsite
during all operations.
- Before working on or entering, the inside of a coiled tubing reel, set the brake and chain the reel
in both directions so it cannot move. Enforce the lockout/tag out process.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

Job Procedure
1. Mix the treatments fluids. See the design sheet for the chemical recipe. Do a QA/QC for the
mixtures that going to be pump after mixing, check the strength and the PH of the Acid before
and after mixing. Take samples of each mixture and samples of the raw acid. Send the Samples
to WS Chemical Lab in ECE base for post Job evaluation.

2. Before opening access to the wellbore, close all chokes and kill port valves. Pump through the
coiled tubing slowly; equalize the pressure across the Swab Valve.

• Make sure that the CoilSAVER has properly set up before RIH.

3. Check the starting depth, reset depth using A, B, and C values on the CoilCAT acquisition system.

4. Open Swab Valve, and Slowly RIH passing through X-mass tree and all jewelry in the Completion,
do not exceed 15 ft/min.

• Minimum restrictions ID and depth to be confirmed by Company Man. Refer back to the last
completion diagram available in location

5. Perform pull test while RIH and Fill the well with 2% NH4Cl brine by pumping at min rate to the
max Hydrostatic Pressure. In case of drag / over pull increase, pull test frequency to 350 ft.

• Check CoilLIFE before any pull test to avoid cycling in a high-fatigue zone.

6. Continue RIH w/CT speed of 45 ft/min, until reaching depth of BP depth; keep pumping brine
while the well is open to make sure the well is full of fluid or to the max Hydrostatic column.

7. Keep the well opened, start POOH to the bottom perforation, and start pumping Pre-Flush

8. When the pre-flush volume reaches the nozzle, Shut in the well and start squeezing the mixed
volume of pre-flush treatment while pulling out of hole to the top perforation. Record Injectivity
while pumping to determine the maximum pumping rate. After finishing Injectivity, continue
pumping while reciprocating across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and
Injection Pressure as per below table.

Pump rate (bpm) Circulating Pressure WH Pressure Comments

9. Keep well shut in. Pump and Squeeze the mixed volume of CleanSWEEP-1 while reciprocating
the CT across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and Injection Pressure.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

10. Keep well shut in. Displace the CT Volume by Pumping 2% NH4Cl Brine while reciprocating the
CT across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and Injection Pressure.

11. Keep well shut in once all the CleanSWEEP-1 have been squeezed inside the formation, Pull up
the CT to depth 500 ft and Soak the CleanSWEEP-1 for 3 hours.

12. Open the well. Start Pumping MSR to displace the CT volume and get the brine out. Once the
MSR reaches the Nozzle Shut in the well and RIH to Bottom Perforation interval. Start
reciprocating across perforated reservoir intervals while continuing pumping and squeezing MSR
volume Record Injection rate and Injection. Pressure.

13. Keep well shut. Follow MSR by Pumping and Squeezing the mixed volume of SXE while
reciprocating the CT across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and Injection

14. Keep well shut in follow MSR by Pumping and Squeezing the mixed volume of VDA while
reciprocating the CT across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and Injection

15. Keep well shut. Follow VDA by soaking 3 hours

16. Keep well shut in. Pump and Squeeze Post Flush volume while reciprocating the CT across
perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and Injection Pressure as per below table

Pump rate (bpm) Circulating Pressure WH Pressure Comments

17. Displace the CT volume with the clean Brine, to Continue squeezing the Post flush to make sure
it is out of the CT and totally squeezed into the formation by pumping displacement clean brine
inside the CT while Reciprocating across perforated reservoir intervals. Record Injection rate and
Injection Pressure. Compare it to the measurements before the job.

- Do not squeeze the displacement fluid (brine) inside the formation - Only CT volume as
per the updated SDB.
- Record the WHP, annular, pumping press & pumping rate during the whole job
- Use CoilLIMIT to monitor Coiled Tubing pressure safety limits during the stimulation job.
- Do not exert more than 1500 lbm weight on top of the Jet Blaster tool

18. Upon results have reviewed and agreed with Company Man / Witness Engineer. POOH CT to
surface. Slowdown 15 ft/min at restrictions / through the Tubing Accessories. Reduce CT speed
to 5 ft/min in the last 100 ft, and tag stripper with 500-1000 lb.

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WS - CTS - Egypt

- Minimum restrictions ID and depth to be confirm by Company Man. Refer to the last
completion diagram in location.

19. Close the Swab Valve, bleed off pressures, and rig down CT equipment –perform all required
pipe management steps while POOH. Note:

20. With CT at surface:

• Record wellhead conditions,

• Secure the well (close the WH swab valve and confirm the number of turns),
• Bleed off the PCE pressure through the choke,
• Perform required pipe management,
• Prepare for next CT run or rig down.

Pumping Schedule :
1 Pre- Flush 71 bbl
2 Clean Sweep 42.6 bbl
3 Soak 3 hours
4 MSR 53.2 bbl
5 SXE 88.6 bbl
6 MSR 53.2 bbl
7 VDA 56.8 bbl
8 MSR 53.2 bbl
9 SXE 88.6 bbl
10 MSR 53.2 bbl
11 Soak 3 hours
12 Post- Flush 71 bbl

Rig Down & De Mobilization

1. Hold the pre-rig down safety meeting,

2. Rig down, clean location, and prepare to leave location,

3. Perform mass balance inventory,

4. Obtain client ratings (SQ/HSE performance) / Service order,

5. Conduct pre-trip convoy meeting,

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

6. Demobilize crew and equipment.

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

BHA Schematic

Item Tool Schematic
Client: 0
Location: EGWD
Company Rep: 0
25 Helwan Rd,Zeiny Tower
Well: 0
Fluid: 0
BHST 0 1
Tel: 0 BHA Name: 0
Fax: 0 Date Drawn: 0

Item Tool OD Tool ID T-Length T-Length FC

Tool Description Tool Connections
(inch) (inch) (inch) (feet) S/N

IBL 1-1/2 CT Connector Upper Thread: 1-1/2"

1 Tensile Rating (lbf): 31,790 Lower Thread: 1" AMMT-S 1.69 0.81 5.89 0.49
Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 318 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 10,000 Shear (lbf): 0
Upper Thread: 1" AMMT-S BOX
26,667 Lower Thread: 1" AMMT-S PIN C100440181
2 Tensile Rating (lbf): 1.69 0.70 25.80 2.15
Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 333 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 10,000 Shear (lbf): 0
Upper Thread: 1" AMMT-S
3 C100599109
Tensile Rating (lbf): 19,556 Lower Thread: 1.50" DS 1.69 0.51 25.20 2.10
Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 338 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 10,000 Shear (lbf): 0

Assem bly, Sw ivel 1-11/16 Upper Thread: 1.50 10SA BOX

4 Tensile Rating (lbf): 26,667 Lower Thread: Nozzles 1.70 0.50 24.24 2.02
Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 240 Seat Size (inch): 3/4 3
Pressure Rating (psi): 10,000 Shear (lbf): 3374

0 Upper Thread: 0
5 Tensile Rating (lbf): 0 Lower Thread: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 0 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 0 Shear (lbf): 0

0 Upper Thread: 0

6 Tensile Rating (lbf): 0 Lower Thread: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 0 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 0 Shear (lbf): 0

0 Upper Thread: 0

7 Tensile Rating (lbf): 0 Lower Thread: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 4

Torque Rating (lbf-ft): 0 Seat Size (inch): 0
Pressure Rating (psi): 0 Shear (lbf): 0

*All BHA dimensions must be checked physically on location before RIH. Actual dimension may be
slightly different from schematics.

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Chemical Required
The below tables show the total needed amounts of all campaign chemicals

Total Chemical Required

Component Totals Units

J-285 (2%) 14,652.63 Lb

W-054 135.64 gal

Water 59,921.25 gal

H-30 59,729.03 gal

A-262/A-264 513.70 gal

L-41 9,794.82 Lb

L-58 1,333.58 Lb

F-112 231.21 gal

U-066 4,007.64 gal

A-284 998.83 gal

A-26 7,333.98 gal

L-400 924.84 gal

A-272 18.50 gal

U-108 192.68 gal

Diesel (30 %) 11,560.50 gal

K46 123.31 gal

A270 73.99 gal

J557 924.84 gal

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

QHSE Consideration and Equipment

• The personal protective equipment (PPE),

oNomex, Hard hats, safety glasses, boots, suitable gloves, ear protectors, H2S personal
detectors if available,
o Respiratory protection,
o Chemical goggles, suits, face shield, other as per MSDS.
• Communication system,

• Valid First-aid kit with eyewash bottle

• Valid Fire extinguishers,

• 2 ea SCBA as contingency if available,

• CTS approved fall protection gin pole and self-retracting lifeline installed on the injector
head, along with a full body harness fitted to persons working at heights,

• Chains and ratchet type binders to lock the coiled tubing reel in position, plus lockout/tag
out equipment,

• Pump units emergency shutdown,

• Safety showers with eyewash station,

• The hazardous area around CTU and the mixing area will be barriered off with tape and
safety signals (High Pressure, No Smoking, Hazardous Materials…),

• All MSDS of the chemicals used are available.

• All chemicals must be storage in a ventilated area with restricted access.

• JRI has been done.

• HARC has been done and need to be reviewed.

• Identify the master points and site access.

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

H2S Envelope
▪ With H2S & CO2 concentrations of 10% each.
H2S/CO2 partial pressure calculator

Expected H2S/CO2 concentration ppm Mole % Mol fraction
Enter expected H2S 100000 10.0000% 0.100000
Enter expected CO2 100000 10.0000% 0.100000

Expected well pressure psia

Enter Wellhead pressure 0 maximum expected surface pressure
Enter Bottom hole pressure 200 maximum expected downhole pressure

Wellhead H2S Partial Pressure 0.000
Bottom hole H2S Partial Pressure 20.000
Wellhead C02 Partial Pressure 0.000
Bottom hole CO2 Partial Pressure 20.000

NOTE: If Any Output Cell(s) turn(s) RED then H2S/CO2 Corrosion Inhibitor for Coiled Tubing is required.
H2S sour service threshold = 0.05 psi
CO2 sour service threshold = 32 psi
▪ The well is only a Sour Well on Bottom Hole for H2S
H2S Bottom Hole Consideration;
▪ A255 Inhibitors to be used according to the manuals recommendations.
H2S Surface Consideration;
▪ H2S monitors.
▪ Proper training.
▪ H2S level is above 10 parts per million a barrier must be erected at a safe distance where the
reading drops below 10ppm.
▪ If operational needs require working in H2S levels above 10ppm, a cascade breathing system
or a safe alternative will be agreed and authorized

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Management of Change

ISS-094 V-2 21 Oct 2019 27

Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Equipment and Personnel

• Equipment

- CT Unit

- Fluid pump

- Backup fluid pump

- N2 Unit

• Acid Tanks

- 2 x Frac Tank

- 1 x Mobile Tank

- 1 x Patch Mixer

- 1 x 6000 USG tank

- 1 x 10,000 USG tank

- 1 x 15,000 USG tank


- 3 x Blaster tool (2 of them will be ready all the time on location & 3rd will be send back
and forth to Karama for redressing)

- 1-11/16” MHA (Please confirm the min ID and if we can use 2-1/8” MHA)

- 1.5” CT (Anti-Rotating roll on connector)

• Personnel

- 2 Job Supervisors

- 2 Coiled Tubing Operators

- 2 Fluid Pump Operators

- 2 N2 Pump Operators

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

Chemical Recipe
• 5 bbl Pickling:

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit

1 H-30 637.4 gal 133.85 Gal
2 A-262 6 gal 1.26 Gal
3 L-41 100 Lb 21 Lbm
4 L-58 15 lb 3.15 Lb
5 Water 356.57 gal 74.8 Gal

• 213 bbl of MSR100:

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit

1 H-30 637.428 gal 5702.43 Gal
2 A-262 6 gal 53.68 Gal
3 W-54 2 gal 17.89 Lb
4 L-41 100 Lb 894.60 Lb
5 L-58 14 Lb 125.24 Gal
6 F-112 5 gal 44.73 Gal
7 A-255 10 gal 89.46 Gal
8 J-285 168 Lb 1502.93 Lb
9 Water 322.572 gal 2885.73 Gal

• 42.6 bbl of CleanSWEEP-1

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit

1 L-400 100 gal 178.92 Gal
2 U-066 100 gal 178.92 Gal
3 A-26 793 gal 1,418.84 Gal
4 A-255 3 gal 5.37 Gal
5 A-272 2 gal 3.58 Gal
6 W-054 2 gal 3.58 Gal

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WS - CTS - Egypt

• 177.5 bbl of SXE

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit

1 H-30 621.71 gal 4,634.80 Gal
2 A-262 6 gal 44.73 Gal
3 U-108 5 gal 37.28 Gal
4 Diesel (30 %) 300 gal 2,236.50 Gal
5 L-41 100 Lb 745.50 Lb
6 L-58 13 lb 96.92 Lb
7 A-255 10 gal 74.55 Gal
8 Water 57.29 gal 427.15 Gal

• 56.8 bbl for VDA

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit
1 H-30 467.14 gal 1114.39487 Gal
2 J557 75 gal 178.92 Gal
3 K46 10 gal 23.856 Gal
4 A270 6 gal 14.3136 Gal
5 L-58 14 lb 33.3984 Lb
6 L-41 100 Lb 238.56 Lb
7 W-054 2 gal 4.7712 Gal
8 Water 429.87 gal 1025.48833 Gal
9 A-255 10 gal 23.856 Gal

• 142 bbl of Pre and Post Flush

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit

1 U-066 100 gal 596.40 Gal
2 J-285 (2%) 168 lb 1001.95 Lb
3 Water 883 gal 5266.21 Gal

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Scimitar Petroleum
WS - CTS - Egypt

• 41.76 bbl for Displacement

Item Component Conc. /1000 gal Unit Total Volume Unit
1 J-285 (2%) 168 lb 294.7 Lb
2 Water 983 gal 1,724.1 Gal

ISS-094 V-2 21 Oct 2019 31


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