Adobe Scan 13 Oct 2020
Adobe Scan 13 Oct 2020
Adobe Scan 13 Oct 2020
B)is v (m/s)
Now.R A B
and R=A B+2 ABcos e
R 2A 2A cos .(i)
using Eq (0
Again, R= A -B
R A+ B -2ABcose 1 2 3 45 6 7 8
Tume (s)
R=2 A- 2A cose Displacement of particle Area of OPA + Area
Fusing Fq. 01 of PABSP+ Area of QBCRO
Given, A= nR
x2 x22x2)- (3x
2+ 4+ 3= 9m
Dividing Eq. (i) with Eq. (ii), we get
21. Abody is projected att =0witha velocity 100
=1+Cos 8
i Cos 6 ms at an angle of 60° with the horizontal.
The radius of curvature of its
Or n-1 (1+COs)-(1- cos 0) t=l s is R.
trajectory at
n+1 (1+ cos 6) +(1-cos ) Neglecting air resistance and
taking acceleration due to gravity
n-1 2cos 6cos e g=10 ms, the value of R is
+1 2 JEE Main 2019, 11 Jan (Shift-i)]
(a) 10.3 m (b) 2.8 m
o cos -1 (c) 5.1 m (d) 2.5 m