Online Exam Training Document - SPPU
Online Exam Training Document - SPPU
Online Exam Training Document - SPPU
MAC – Safari
Browser Link:
Ans- No, application is only for Android phone users. i-Phone users can open
URL shared above in Safari browser and take the test.
Take the cursor on the button and you can see when your test is starting.
2. The ‘Proceed Now’ button is enabled but I am still not able to proceed.
Test window-
Left Side- Question Panel shows number of questions in the test. Questions
answered are automatically marked ‘Green’ colour in panel, questions
skipped remaining ‘gray’ in colour. Candidates can click on any question
number on panel to move directly to that question on screen.
Timer on top middle of the page: Timer shows time left for the test to be
completed. Once the test duration is over, test will get automatically
submitted. It is recommended to finish the test within the test duration and
submit the test anytime during the allotted duration. (60 mins)
Auto next, View Instructions, Help centre: These three buttons on top right
side of the screen indicates the following-
By clicking on Auto Next, candidates will automatically move to next question
after clicking the answer to a question. Need not press Next button again and
again to move to next question. Auto next can be unchecked any time to skip
any question.
View instructions helps the candidate to view instructions during the test that
were visible before starting the test.
Help centre displays instructions or basic FAQs that helps students to answer
common questions related to platform and assessment.
Clear Response: If candidates want to clear the response for any question.
Use this option for every question wherever required. This button is visible
below the options.
Previous/Next Button: Using previous and next button, candidates can move
to next or previous question.
End test: Candidates can end the test only when all questions are answered. If
test is ended in between, it will be considered as final submission and you will
not be allowed another chance to give the test. Make sure the end test button
is used only when all questions are answered.