Week 1 M
Week 1 M
Week 1 M
We are so happy
that you are here!
How to Zoom:
● Keep your camera on!
● Mute your microphones unless Miss Beth or Miss Olivia tell you to
○ Use the chat or raise your hand if you have a question!
○ Miss Beth or Miss Olivia will then call on you!
Let’s Meet Each Other!
● Name
● Grade/School
● Favorite Art Material
Artist of the Week!
M.C. Escher
Ms. Olivia and Ms. Beth
M.C. Escher
● Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972)
● Left-Handed
The covering of a surface using one shape with no overlaps and no gaps.
Our Project: Animal Tessellations!
3, 2, 1… Hands Up!
● Who was M.C. Escher?
● What is a tessellation?