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R-200A Digital Controller


A new standard of reliability

This manual should remain with the unit.

R-panel Technical Manual

 
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – The manufacturer suggests that these rules for safe
operation be copied and posted in potential hazard areas. Safety should be stressed to all
operators and potential operators of this equipment.
Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before install- • Do not handle any kind of electrical device while
ing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Become standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or
familiar with this manual and all literature pertain- feet are wet. DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL SHOCK
ing to the generator set and related equipment. This MAY RESULT.
equipment can operate safely, efficiently, and reliably • If people must stand on metal or concrete while
only if it is properly installed, operated, and main- installing, operating, servicing, adjusting, or repair-
tained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow ing this equipment, place insulative mats over a
simple and fundamental rules or precautions. dry wooden platform. Work on the equipment only
The manufacturer cannot anticipate every possible while standing on such insulative mats.
circumstance that might involve a hazard. The warn- • Wire gauge sizes of electrical wiring, cables, and
ings in this manual, and on tags and decals affixed cord sets must be adequate to handle the maxi-
to the equipment, are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If mum electrical current (amperage) to which they
using a procedure, work method, or operating tech- will be subjected to.
nique the manufacturer does not specifically recom- • Before installing or servicing this equipment, make
mend, ensure that it is safe for others. Also make sure sure that all power voltage supplies are positively
the procedure, work method, or operating technique turned off at their source. Failure to do so will result
utilized does not render the equipment unsafe. in hazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.
• When installed with an automatic transfer switch,
the generator may crank and start anytime, with-
 GENERAL HAZARDS  out warning. To prevent injuries caused by sudden
start-up, disable the generator’s automatic start
• For safety reasons, the manufacturer recommends
that this equipment be installed and serviced by circuit before working on, or around, the unit.
an Authorized Service Dealer or other qualified Then, place a “Do Not Operate” tag on the genera-
electrician or installation technician who is famil- tor control panel and on the transfer switch.
iar with applicable codes, standards, and regula- • In case of an accident caused by electric shock,
tions. The operator also must comply with all such immediately shut down the source of electrical
codes, standards, and regulations. power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the
• When working on this equipment, remain alert victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECT
at all times. Never work on the equipment when CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM. Use a nonconduct-
physically or mentally fatigued. ing implement, such as, a rope or board, to free
the victim from the live conductor. If the victim
• Inspect the equipment regularly, and promptly is unconscious, apply first aid and get immediate
repair or replace all worn, damaged or defective medical help.
parts, using only factory-approved parts.
• Never wear jewelry when working on this equip-
• Before performing any maintenance on the gen- ment. Jewelry can conduct electricity, resulting in
erator or any related equipment, disconnect the electric shock, or may get caught in moving com-
generator’s battery cables and remove panel fuse ponents, causing injury.
to prevent accidental startup. Disconnect the cable
from the battery post, indicated by a NEGATIVE,
NEG, or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last.  FIRE HAZARDS 
• For fire safety, the generator and related equip-
 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS  ment must be installed and maintained properly.
Installation always must comply with applicable
• Generators produce dangerous electrical voltages codes, standards, laws, and regulations. Adhere
and can cause fatal electrical shock. Avoid contact strictly to local, state, and national electrical
with bare wires, terminals, connections, etc., while and building codes. Comply with regulations the
the generator and related equipment are running. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Ensure all appropriate covers, guards, and barri- (OSHA) has established. Also, ensure that the
ers are in place before operating the equipment. equipment is installed in accordance with the
If working around an operating unit, stand on an manufacturer’s instructions and recommenda-
insulated, dry surface to reduce potential shock tions. Following proper installation, do nothing
hazards. that might alter a safe installation and render the
unit in noncompliance with the aforementioned
codes, standards, laws, and regulations.
Table of Contents
R-panel Technical Manual

Table of Contents
Safety Rules ........................................ Inside Front Cover High Coolant Temp (Red LED Indicator)................ 7
General Information ......................................................... 2 Low Coolant Level (Flashing Red
Introduction ........................................................... 2 High Coolant Temp LED Indicator) ..................... 7
Control Board Dip Switch & Jumper Settings ....... 2 Overspeed (Red LED Indicator) ............................. 7
Generator Operation .............................................. 5 RPM Signal Failure
Engine Timing ........................................................ 5 (Flashing Red Overspeed Indicator) .................... 8

Utility Failure ......................................................... 5 RPM Signal Failure During Cranking .................. 8

Manual Mode ...................................................... 5 RPM Signal Failure During Running.................... 8

Auto Mode ........................................................... 5 Overcrank (Red LED Indicator) ............................. 8

Exercise Mode ..................................................... 5 Invalid Dip Switch Setting (All Red LED's On) ....... 8

Utility Restored ...................................................... 5 Alarm Cancel ......................................................... 8

Initial Cranking ...................................................... 5 Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS Mode) ................. 8

Active Alarm ........................................................... 6 Engineered Transfer Switch

(2-wire Start GTS Mode)..................................... 9
Re-crank ................................................................ 6
Voltage Regulator Adjustment .............................. 10
Normal Exercise Mode ........................................... 6
R-200A J1 Connector (23 Pin,
Low Speed Exercise ............................................... 6 Gray=1800 rpm, White=3600 rpm) .............. 11
Auto Start .............................................................. 6 R-200A J2 Connector (14 Pin White) ................ 11
Manual Start .......................................................... 7 2A and 10A Battery Chargers............................... 11
System Ready (Green LED Indicator) .................... 7 2A, 12VDC Battery Charger .............................. 12
Low Fuel Pressure (Yellow LED Indicator) ............. 7 10A, 12VDC Battery Charger ............................ 12
Low Battery (Red LED Indicator) ........................... 7 Notes ................................................................................... 13
Low Oil Pressure (Red LED Indicator) ................... 7

To locate the nearest AUTHORIZED
SERVICE DEALER, please call this number:

or visit the website at www.generac.com.

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

INTRODUCTION DIP Switch Position 2: Selects the type of transfer

switch to be used with the generator. When an "HS" or
The R-200A Controller incorporates the generator
control circuitry, the ignition coil driver circuitry and RTS-type transfer switch is used (ATS Mode) this DIP
the interface circuitry to an external governor driver. Switch should be in the OFF Position. When a W-type
transfer switch is used (GTS Mode) the generator
The R-200A Controller can control a; 2-wire start inputs can be used to control the gen-
• 4-cylinder, 1.6L, 3600rpm engine erator operation. The 2-wire start inputs are labeled
• 4-cylinder, 2.4L, 1800rpm or 3600rpm engine as 178 and 183 on the wiring terminals inside the
The R-200A controller will monitor the utility voltage generator's customer connection panel.
to determine if stand-by power is required. Should DIP Switch Position 3: Selects the engine operating
the utility voltage fail, the unit will start and run, speed in exercise mode.
detaching from the utility and supplying the customer
DIP Switch Position 4: Selects the type of Fuel used
load from the generator.
by the generator. The fuel regulator must also be con-
Both the 1.6L and 2.4L engines use a magnetic figured for the correct fuel type.
pickup on the flywheel gear to provide speed informa-
DIP Switch Position 5: Selects the engine displace-
tion. A cam sensor is used to provide engine position
information. Each engine uses two coil drivers in a ment.
waste spark coil pack for ignition. With a waste spark DIP Switch Position 6: Selects the alternator kW
coil, each high-voltage coil output is connected to two rating for the 2.4L at 3600rpm. The position of this
spark plugs resulting in each spark plug being fired DIP switch does not affect generator operation for the
during both the compression and exhaust cycle. 1.6L, or the 1800rpm 2.4L.
The above generators are configured, at the factory, DIP Switch Position 7: Reserved for future use. The
to use either LP Vapor or Natural Gas (NG). The gov- position of this DIP switch does not affect generator
ernor gains have been pre-set and are not adjustable. operation.
The output frequency of the generator main alterna-
tor is 60Hz. DIP Switch Position 8: Reserved for future use. The
position of this DIP switch does not affect generator
The controller PCB, located on the inside door of the operation.
R-200A, may have one of several part numbers. Early
1.6L units will have part number 0G1505A. Early Jumper JMP1/S2: Selects the engine displacement.
2.4L units will have part number 0G1505B. Later Set to position 1 and 2 for 1.6L. Set to position 2
units have part number 0G1303A for 1800rpm or, and 3 for 2.4L. The jumper is not used on PCB's
0G1303B for 3600rpm. The 0G1303B is a suitable 0G1505A or 0G1505B. On later revisions, JMP1 is
replacement for the 0G1505A and 0G1505B. In the replaced by S2.
latest units, or if the engine has emission controls,
part number 0G1303C is used for 1800 rpm and Switch OFF Switch ON
0G1303D is used for 3600 rpm. The 0G1303C will Position 1 Reserved Reserved
work in plce of 0G1303A. The 0G1303D will work in
place of 0G1303B, 0G1505A or 0G1505B. Position 2 ATS Mode GTS Mode
Position 3 Low Speed Exercise Normal Speed Exercise
CONTROL BOARD DIP SWITCH & Position 4 LP Vapor Fuel (LP) Natural Gas Fuel (NG)
JUMPER SETTINGS Position 5 2.4L 1.6L
The Switch "ON" position location is marked on the
Position 6 45kW (2.4L, 3600rpm) 35kW (2.4L, 3600rpm)
DIP switch housing (see Figures 1 and 2.) To activate
the DIP Switch settings place the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL Position 7 Reserved Reserved
switch in the OFF Mode, make the DIP switch chang-
Position 8 Reserved Reserved
es and then push and hold the Set Exercise Switch
for five seconds.
DIP Switch Position 1: Reserved for future use. The
position of this DIP Switch does not affect generator

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

Figure 1 — Dip Switch & Jumper Settings

(Old Revision)
JUMPER - JMP1  Ifcorrectly,
the DIP switch and jumper settings are not set
the generator engine may run rough,
not start or not provide rated power. When LP
J5 fuel is used it is very important that DIP Switch
Position 4 be in the LP fuel position (switch

LED Indicators visible through front panel (see Table

U7 1 and Figure 3).
Table 1
7 J2
RL1 • System Ready Green LED
J1 • Low Fuel Pressure Yellow LED
• Low Battery Red LED
• Low Oil Pressure Red LED
• Hi Coolant Temp/Low Coolant Level Red LED
DIP SWITCH 1 RESERVED • Over Speed/RPM Sensor Loss Red LED
• Over Crank Red LED
kW RATING FOR 2.4L, 3600rpm
Figure 3 — LED Indicators on Front Panel

Figure 2 — Dip Switch & Jumper Settings OVERCRANK

(New Revision) OVERSPEED



C15 C14 C13



6 45kW 35kW kW RATING FOR 2.4L 3600RPM

Jumper Position* Description

1&2 1.6L Selected
2&3 2.4L Selected
* When S2 is used, see decal adjacent to S2.
General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

Switch Position
Condition System Low Low Low High Over Over Manual Auto Off
Ready Fuel Bat Oil Temp Speed Crank

Generator Switch is OFF @ X OFF OFF OFF OFF O

in the OFF Mode

System Ready for ON @ X OFF OFF OFF OFF O

Automatic Start

Generator Switch is OFF @ X OFF OFF OFF OFF O

in the MANUAL Mode

Weekly Exerciser X @ Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing O O O

is not Set (Note A) (---------------------------------------1 sec rate -------------------------------------)

Battery Voltage <12.2V X @ ON O O O

for > 1 minute (Non-Latching)

Battery Voltage <6V OFF @ ON O O

For > 0.05 seconds

Unit Shutdown due OFF @ X ON O O

To Low Oil Pressure

Unit Shutdown due OFF @ X ON O O

To High Cooant Temp

Unit Shutdown due OFF @ X ON O O

To Engine Overspeed

Unit Failed to Start OFF @ X ON O O

During it's Crank Cycle

Utility Voltage is Flashing @ X O O

< 60% of Nominal 1 sec rate

Unit Shutdown due OFF @ X Flashing O O

To Low Coolant Level

Engine Speed Signal OFF @ X Flashing O O

Fault/RPM Signal Loss

Control Board is Flashing @ X O O O

In GTS Mode 5 sec ON, 1 sec OFF

DIP Switch #5 is OFF @ ON ON ON ON ON O O O

not set correctly

@ = Low Fuel Pressure is a Yellow LED and will be ON when fuel pressure is less than 5 inches Water Column
X = indicates that the LED can be ON or OFF depending on the Operating Mode (i.e. Manual, OFF or Auto)
Note A: a RED LED fault indication has priority over the flashing LED's used to indicate exercise time not set

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual


The R-200A controller monitors the front panel When the utility fails, a 15 second timer will start.
switch position and reads the DIP switch position set- If the utility is still gone when the timer expires the
tings when the control board is initially powered-up. engine will crank and start. Once started a 10 sec-
In the OFF position the controller will only be incre- ond engine warm-up timer will be initiated. When
menting the exercise timer and monitoring the bat- the warm-up timer expires, the R-200A controller
tery voltage and low fuel pressure sensor. will transfer the load to the generator (ATS Mode).
The transfer of load when the generator is running is
In the MANUAL position the controller will start and dependent upon the operating conditions as follows:
run the generator.
In the AUTO position the controller will go into a ‹ MANUAL MODE
"standby" mode, where the controller will monitor
The unit will not transfer if the utility is present,
the utility voltage and the exercise timer, and deter-
will un-transfer if the utility voltage is above 80% of
mine if the generator needs to be started and the load
nominal for > 15 seconds and will re-transfer if the
utility voltage drops below 60% of nominal for >15
Battery voltage is continuously monitored and a seconds.
warning LED is lit if the battery voltage drops below
approximately 12.2 volts for longer than one (1) min-
ute. The LED will turn off when the battery voltage
goes back above approximately 12.5 volts. The engine will run if the utility fails for >15 sec-
onds, will not transfer if the utility is present, will
If, however, the battery voltage drops below 6V during
un-transfer if the utility is above 80% of nominal for
cranking the low battery LED will stay lit.
>15 seconds, and will stop the engine after a one 1
While starting and running the engine, the controller minute cool-down time.
will monitor the engine condition and shut the engine
down on; ‹ EXERCISE MODE
• Over Crank The unit will not exercise if the generator is already
• Over Speed running (in manual or auto mode). The generator
• High Coolant Temperature will only transfer if the utility fails during the exer-
• Low Coolant Level cise period for >15 seconds, and the switch is in the
• Low Oil Pressure AUTO mode above.
• Engine Speed Signal Loss/RPM Sensor Loss (the
overspeed LED flashes to indicate this fault)
• Dead Battery (battery voltage < 6V during crank-
When the utility returns, a 15 second timer will start.
ing) At the completion of this time, if the utility supply has
been above 80% of nominal voltage for the previous
ENGINE TIMING 15 seconds, the control will transfer the load back to
Nominal engine timing when Natural Gas (NG) fuel the utility. When the load is transferred a one (1) min-
is selected is: ute cool down timer will start, after which the engine
will be shutdown.
• 1.6L engine is 24 degrees BTDC
• 2.4L engine is 30 degrees BTDC
Nominal engine timing when LP fuel is selected is: INITIAL CRANKING
The initial crank cycle will be a 15 second crank fol-
• 1.6L engine is 18 degrees BTDC lowed by a seven (7) second rest. This will be followed
• 2.4L engine is 21 degrees BTDC by 5 additional cycles of seven (7) second cranks fol-
lowed by seven (7) second rests. If the engine still
fails to start, the overcrank LED will be illuminated.
Based on the above, the maximum number of engine
crank events is six (6), which is approximately 90
seconds, prior to illuminating the overcrank LED.

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual


Low Oil Pressure, High Coolant Temp, Low Coolant To select this mode place DIP switch position 3 in the
Level, Overspeed, Overcrank, Engine Speed Signal OFF position.
Loss and a Dead Battery indication will all be latched In Low Speed Exercise mode the normal speed 3600
shutdowns. In the event one of these conditions rpm generators will exercise at 1800 rpm. The nor-
occurs, the unit will be shut down, the appropriate mal 1800 rpm generators will excercise at 1400 rpm
LED will be illuminated, and the unit will not start in this mode.
again without manual intervention (see Re-Crank
below). If the utility fails during the low speed exercise period,
a 10 second timer will start. If the utility returns to
RE-CRANK a normal operating level, during this 10 second time
If an engine speed signal failure occurs while the gen- interval the low speed exercise operation will contin-
erator is running the engine will shutdown and then ue. If the utility is still not present (i.e. utility voltage
attempt a re-crank. A maximum of two re-cranks will less than 60% of nominal) when the above 10 second
be attempted after which the overcrank LED will be timer expires then the low speed exercise mode is
set. If the engine speed signal failure occurred during terminated and the engine will ramp up to its normal
the engine exercise mode the exercise timer will con- running speed within five (5) seconds. If the utility
tinue from where it was at the start of the re-crank returns during the five (5) second ramp-up period
and is not reset. the generator will terminate the exercise mode. If the
utility is still not present, once the generator is up
NORMAL EXERCISE MODE to its normal running speed, then the controller will
To select this mode, place DIP switch position 3 in transfer the load to the generator. When the utility
the ON position. returns the generator will shutdown.
In Normal Exercise Mode the 1.6L and 2.4L genera- If battery power to the R-200A Controller is lost, the
tors will exercise at 3600rpm. weekly exercise time setting will be lost. This is indi-
cated by all 5 red LED's continually flashing in ATS
The R-200A controller will start and run the genera-
mode. In this state the generator will still start and
tor once every seven (7) days for approximately 12
minutes. If the utility fails during the exercise period, run in MANUAL mode, or automatically start and run
this exercise period is aborted and the R-200A if utility voltage is lost while in AUTO mode, but it
Controller transfers the load to the generator output, will NOT perform a weekly exercise cycle.
assumes automatic operation and continues to run In the event of a failure while running in this mode,
until the utility is returned. the five (5) red LED's will stop flashing, the indi-
The weekly exercise cycle is set as follows: vidual fault LED will turn on and the engine will be
shut down. Once the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is
1. Place the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch in the switched to OFF, the individual fault LED will turn off
AUTO position. and the five (5) red LED's will begin flashing to show
2. Press and hold the "Set Exercise Time " switch for that the exercise mode has not yet been set.
five (5) seconds and then release.
At this time all five (5) red LED's will flash for 10
seconds, then the engine will start and run for it's AUTO START
12 minute exercise period, then shut down. The gen- This unit is designed to automatically start in the
erator will now start and run each week at approxi- event of a utility failure. A utility failure is defined as
mately the same time. the utility voltage being less than approximately 60%
of nominal, while the utility is considered good when
If battery power to the R-200A Controller is lost, the
it is restored to approximately 80% of its nominal
weekly exercise time setting will be lost. This is indi-
cated by all five (5) red LED's continually flashing in
ATS mode. In this state the generator will still start If the generator is already running under exercise
and run in MANUAL mode, or automatically start when an auto start is required, it will simply transfer
and run if utility voltage is lost while in AUTO mode, the load after a 15 second delay and then switch to
but it will NOT perform a weekly exercise cycle. auto operation.
In the event of a failure while running in this mode,
the five (5) red LED's will stop flashing, the indi-
vidual fault LED will turn on and the engine will be
shut down. Once the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is
switched to OFF, the individual fault LED will turn off
and the five (5) red LED's will begin flashing to show
that the exercise mode has not yet been set.
General Information
R-panel Technical Manual


The R-200A controller continually monitors the bat-
 With the switch set to AUTO, the engine can
crank and start suddenly without warning. Such
tery voltage and turns on the low battery LED if the
battery voltage falls below approximately 12.2VDC
automatic start up normally occurs when utility for one minute. A low battery voltage is a non-latch-
source voltage drops below a pre-set level. To ing alarm and will not shut down the engine, however,
prevent possible injury that might be caused by it is a possible indication of a potential issue with
such sudden starts, set the AUTO/ OFF/MANUAL the battery or battery charger and should be inves-
switch to OFF and remove the NEGATIVE battery tigated.
cable from the battery before working on or The low battery LED will automatically turn off if the
around the unit. Then, place a “DO NOT OPER- battery voltage rises above approximately 12.5VDC.
ATE” tag on the control console. If the engine is running when the low battery condi-
tion occurs, the engine will continue to run as long
MANUAL START as possible.
Allows the user to start and run the generator manu- If the battery voltage drops below 6V at any time dur-
ally. Transfer of the load to the generator will occur ing cranking, the crank cycle will be terminated and
if the utility is lost while the engine is running in the the low battery LED will remain lit. This is a latched
manual mode. fault and will shut down the engine.


Is a positive status indicator and dependent upon the Occurs if the oil pressure switch closes while the
following conditions being true: engine is running after the 10 second hold off timer
1. Switch in the AUTO position. expires. This is a latched fault and will shutdown the
2. No other warning indicator present.
3. Controller is functional.
The System Ready LED will also indicate if utility HIGH COOLANT TEMP (RED LED
voltage is present at the control board. The system
ready LED will flash every second (at a 0.5 second INDICATOR)
ON and a 0.5 second OFF rate) when utility voltage is Occurs if the high coolant temp switch closes. Checks
not present at the control board when the switch is in are made after the 10 second hold off timer expires.
either the AUTO or MANUAL position. This function This is a latched fault and will shutdown the engine.
is ONLY available with DIP Switch Position 2 in the
The system ready LED will also indicate if the genera-
tor is in the GTS Mode (i.e. DIP Switch Position 2 in
Occurs if the coolant level is low. Checks are made
the ON Position). The system ready LED will flash at after the 10 second hold off timer expires. This is a
a five (5) seconds ON and one (1) second OFF rate in latched fault and will shutdown the engine.
GTS Mode.


An overspeed shutdown will occur if the engine speed
INDICATOR) is greater than 4300 rpm for a 3600 rpm engine;
The yellow low fuel pressure LED will turn ON if the 2160 rpm for an 1800 rpm engine; 2250 rpm for an
fuel supply pressure drops below approximately five 1800 rpm engine, for three (3) seconds. An overspeed
(5) inches water column (i.e. occurs when the low fuel condition will shutdown the engine and activate the
pressure sensing switch on the fuel regulator opens). over speed LED. An immediate overspeed shutdown
This is a non-latched fault (visual LED warning only) will occur if the engine speed is greater than 4500
and does not trigger the controller alarm output. Low rpm for a 3600 rpm engine.
fuel pressure sensing is active in all generator operat-
ing modes (i.e. MANUAL, OFF and AUTO).

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual


If the R-200A controller does not receive a signal All five (5) RED LED’s on the front panel will be ON
from the engine flywheel sensor, the R-200A control- all the time if DIP switch position 5 is not set cor-
ler cannot maintain the generator output frequency rectly.
or monitor for an overspeed condition. If this sig-
nal is lost the R-200A controller will shut down the ALARM CANCEL
engine as follows: When the generator is shut down on a latched fault or
latching alarm, the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch must
‹ RPM SIGNAL FAILURE DURING CRANKING be set to the OFF position to turn off the correspond-
ing fault LED. Prior to moving the switch to the OFF
The engine control board (R-200A controller) will position, record which LEDs are ON or FLASHING
monitor the engine speed signal during engine crank- and the date on the back cover of this manual.
ing. If the control board does not see a valid signal
within the first four seconds of each crank cycle it
will stop the crank cycle, lock out on a shut down AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS
fault and flash the overspeed LED. MODE)
When this generator, along with an RTS-type or HS-
‹ RPM SIGNAL FAILURE DURING RUNNING type automatic transfer switch has been installed and
connected, a circuit board in the generator control
Running mode is handled differently because there panel constantly monitors the utility voltage and con-
is always the possibility the engine could slow down trols the operation of the transfer switch.
or stop running due to a temporary overload. To
avoid shutting down and latching out on a temporary To implement this mode of operation, Position 2 of
problem the following is done. If the engine is up and the eight-position DIP switch, which is located on the
running, and the control board stops receiving a valid generator circuit board (see Figures 1 and 2), must
engine speed input signal it will respond as follows: be in the OFF position. In ATS Mode utility voltage
sensing, weekly exercising, and load transferring is
1. It will close the throttle. under the control of the generator.
2. It will shut down the engine by turning off the fuel
supply. Should the utility voltage drop below a preset value,
3. It will wait for 15 seconds to ensure the engine and remain at this low voltage for a preset amount
has stopped. of time, the generator cranks and starts. After the
generator starts, the transfer switch transfers the
4. It will then energize the starter and monitor the load circuits to the generator so the generator can
engine speed signal. power them. When the utility source voltage has been
A. If the control board does not see the engine restored, the transfer switch re-transfers the load
speed signal it will stop the crank cycle, lock out circuits back to the utility source voltage and the gen-
on fault, and flash the overspeed LED. erator shuts down.
B. If the control board does see the engine speed
input signal during cranking it will start and run The transfer switch is controlled by the generator
the engine normally. If the engine speed signal is circuit board via control wires 23 and 194. Wire 23
again lost while running it will repeat the above connects the collector of an NPN transistor on the
procedure one more time. generator circuit board to the “low side” (Terminal
23) of the transfer relay coil in the transfer switch.
C. If the failure should repeat a third time, the con-
Wire 194 connects positive battery voltage from the
trol board will shut down the engine, lock out on
generator circuit board to the “high side” (Terminal
fault, and flash the over speed LED.
194) of the transfer relay coil in the transfer switch.
In order for the generator utility voltage sensing
OVERCRANK (RED LED INDICATOR) function to work, it is necessary to provide a 5 amp
Occurs if the engine has not started within the total
fused 240VAC for 240V or 480V systems or 208VAC
90 second crank cycle. This is a latched fault and will
utility source connection (depending on the generator
shut down the engine.
being used) from the transfer switch main N1 and N2
terminals to the generator wiring panel N1 and N2
terminals (See Figure 4).

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

Figure 4 - Connection Diagram (ATS Mode)

T1 120 VAC
(T3) NEU

RTS-TYPE 194 194

23 23
E1 E2 (E3) E1 E2 (E3)

Generator control board DIP switch position 2 ON =

2-wire Start GTS Mode:

 Be very careful when connecting high-voltage

wires labeled N1 and N2 and low-voltage wires
• The generator control board will NOT monitor the
labeled 23 and 194 in both the generator wiring • The generator control board will NOT perform a
panel and the transfer switch wiring panel. The weekly exercise. (In GTS mode the green system
control board will be damaged if these wires are ready LED will be ON for five (5) seconds and OFF
not connected correctly. for one (1) second).
In order for the generator battery charger function • The generator control board will NOT activate the
to work, it is necessary to provide a 120VAC util- transfer output.
ity source connection to the generator wiring panel • The generator control board WILL monitor all
LINE, NEUTRAL and GND terminals (see Figure 4). engine conditions and shut down on all the faults
listed in this document.
For the W-type transfer switch to control utility volt-
ENGINEERED TRANSFER SWITCH age sensing, weekly exercising and load transferring,
(2-WIRE START GTS MODE) suitable wiring must also be connected from the
When required, the generator can be installed with transfer switch 178 and 183, 2-wire start terminals
an engineered W-type transfer switch which controls to the corresponding generator 178 and 183 2-wire
utility voltage sensing, weekly exercising and load start terminals. Recommended wire gauge sizes for
transferring. the 2-wire start wiring depend on the length of the
wire (see wiring length chart).
When Position 2 of the eight-position DIP switch,
which is located on the generator circuit board (see MAXIMUM WIRE LENGTH RECOMMENDED WIRE
Figures 1 and 2), is in the ON position then utility SIZE
voltage sensing, weekly exercising and load transfer- 460 feet (140M) No. 18 AWG.
ring is under the control of the engineered W-type 461 TO 730 feet (223M) No 16 AWG.
transfer switch (GTS Mode). 731 to 1,160 feet (354m) No 14 AWG.
1,161 to 1,850 feet (565m) No 12 AWG.
General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

Figure 5 - Connection Diagram (GTS Mode)


T1 120 VAC
(T3) NEU

178 178
183 183
N2 N1
E1 E2 (E3) E1 E2 (E3)

Route the 2-wire start control wires through suitable, MANUAL: The control board will start and run the
approved conduit which is separate from the AC generator whenever the switch is in the manual posi-
power leads. Connection of wire 178 to wire 183 by tion.
relay contact closure action (volt free switch contacts)
AUTO: The control board will monitor the 2-wire
in the transfer switch must result in generator engine
start circuit. When the 2-wire start wire 178 is con-
cranking and startup (see Figure 5).
nected to 2-wire start wire 183, via a relay contact
closure in the W-type transfer switch, the control
board will start and run the generator. When the
2-wire start wire connection is opened the control
 Do NOT connect battery voltage, utility voltage
(N1/N2) or load voltage (T1/T2) to either the board will stop the generator.
178 or the 183 2-wire start terminals as this will When the control board is in AUTO, MANUAL or OFF
damage the generator control board. (GTS mode) the GREEN System Ready LED will flash
In order for the generator battery charger function (five (5) seconds ON, one (1) second OFF) to indi-
to work, it is necessary to provide a 120Vac util- cate that the transfer switch is performing the utility
ity source connection to the generator wiring panel monitoring and transfer functions.
LINE, NEUTRAL and GND terminals (see Figure 5).
When in GTS mode, the control board will respond VOLTAGE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT
as follows based on the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch Although adjustment potentiometers are provided on
position. the voltage regulator installed in the control panel,
OFF: The generator will not start and run in this the voltage regulator potentiometers have been set at
position. Only the System Ready LED and the Low the factory and should NOT be re-adjusted.
Battery LED are active in the GTS OFF mode.

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual

‹ R-200A J1 CONNECTOR (23 PIN,

Pin #  Refer to the individual generator wiring dia-
grams and schematics for additional informa-
1 Governor 12V Supply
2 Reserved (Do not connect any wires to this
3 GND-B to Governor Driver 2A AND 10A BATTERY CHARGERS
4 Hi-Coolant Temp Input There are two types of battery chargers. A 2 Amp bat-
5 0V to Governor Driver tery charger and a 10 Amp battery charger.
6 5V Supply to Governor Driver The 2 Amp battery charger is a "float" type charger. A
7 Distributor (Hall Sensor) 12V Sensor Supply "float" type charger will charge the battery at its maxi-
8 Low Coolant Level Input mum output current rating until the battery voltage
reaches a "float" voltage and then the charge current
9 Crank Signal Input
will decrease to maintain the battery at that "float"
10 Crank Signal Return voltage.
11 Low Fuel Pressure Input
12 Governor Position Feedback Input The 10 Amp battery charger is an "equalize" type
charger. An "equalize" type charger will charge the
13 Reserved (Do not connect any wires to this battery at its maximum output current rating until
pin.) the battery voltage reaches an "equalize" voltage and
14 Coil + (Supply voltage to engine coil pack.) then the charge current will decrease to maintain the
15 Coil A Driver battery at a lower "float" voltage.
16 2.4L Distributor Sensor Return
The 2 Amp charger incorporates fuses on both the
17 2.4L Distributor Sensor Input input ac line and the battery charger output. The
18 Governor PWM Output input AC line fuse is a Littelfuse 2 Amp, Slo-Blo Fuse,
19 Governor Enable Output 5x20mm, P/N 218002. The AC line fuse is located on
20 Lo Oil Pressure Input the charger printed-circuit board. The output DC bat-
21 2.4L Flywheel Sensor Screen tery fuse is a Littelfuse 5 Amp, Mini-Blade Fuse, P/N
22 Coil C Driver 297005. The battery fuse is located on the charger
23 Coil B Driver printed-circuit board.
The 10 Amp charger incorporates fuses on both the
‹ R-200A J2 CONNECTOR (14 PIN WHITE) input ac line and the battery charger output. The
input AC line fuse is a Littelfuse 5 Amp, Slo-Blo Fuse,
Pin #
5x20mm, P/N 218005. The AC line fuse is located
1 Reserved on the charger printed-circuit board. The output DC
2 Start (Crank) Relay Driver Output (minimum battery fuse is a Littelfuse 15 Amp, ATO Fuse, P/N
coil resistance is 90 ohms) 257015. The battery fuse is located on the charger
3 Fuel (Run) Relay Driver Output (minimum printed-circuit board.
coil resistance is 90 ohms)
These chargers require that the battery be connected
4 2-wire Start Input (from relay contact in W- to the charger in order to turn on. The battery voltage
type transfer switch) must also be above a certain "boost" voltage for the
5 Momentary Open Switch Input (B+) charger to turn-on.
6 2-wire Start Return (from relay contact in W-
type transfer switch) The boost voltage required is approximately 11 volts
for a 12V system. If the battery open-circuit voltage is
7 Manual/Auto Input (+BS)
less than the above boost voltage, it is recommended
8 19.5VAC Utility Sense Input that the battery be checked.
9 Reserved
If the voltage of the generator's 12V battery exceeds
10 Transfer Switch Relay Driver Output (mini-
15VDC, during normal charging operation, the bat-
mum coil resistance is 60 ohms)
tery should be checked. Typical battery voltages,
11 Manual Input when a 12V battery is being charged, should be in the
12 19.5VAC Utility Sense Return 13VDC to 15VDC range.
13 Reserved
The 2 Amp and 10 Amp chargers are UL recognized
14 GND-B (Battery Ground) for use in the R-panel enclosure and are not to be
operated outside the R-panel enclosure.

General Information
R-panel Technical Manual


Nominal Input AC Line Voltage .......................... 120Vac
 Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen
gas. This gas can form an explosive mixture
Operating AC Line Voltage Range ................... 108Vac to
around the battery for several hours after charg- Input AC Line Frequency ..............................50 or 60Hz
ing. The slightest spark can ignite the gas and AC Line Fuse ......................... 2 Amp Slo-Blo, 5x20mm,
cause an explosion. Such an explosion can shat- Littelfuse P/N 218002
ter the battery and cause blindness or other Battery Fuse ........................................5 Amp, Littelfuse
injury. Any area that houses a storage battery Mini-Blade Fuse P/N 297005
must be properly ventilated. Do not allow smok- Nominal Charge Rate ........................................ 2 Amps
ing, open flame, sparks or any spark producing Float Voltage (typ) ..........................................13.4 Volts
tools or equipment near the battery. Battery Undervoltage Shutdown (typ) .............. 11 Volts
LED Indicators
 Battery electrolyte fluid is an extremely corro-
sive sulfuric acid solution that can cause severe
AC Line Voltage > 108Vac ................Green LED ON
Battery Connected & Charging .........Yellow LED ON
burns. Do not permit fluid to contact eyes, skin,
clothing, painted surfaces, etc. Wear protective (the Green LED must be ON to obtain a valid bat-
tery charging indication,
goggles, protective clothing and gloves when
Yellow LED ON if charge current > approx 0.5
handling a battery. If fluid is spilled, flush the
affected area immediately with clear water.
Battery Current Drain (AC Power OFF) ........ 30mA (typ)
 Do not use any jumper cables or booster battery
to crank and start the generator engine. If the
AC Line Connection........................... via terminal block
(AC Hot, AC Neut & GND)
battery has completely discharged, remove it Battery Connections .......................... via terminal block
from the generator for recharging. (Pos +, Neg -)


 Be sure the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is set to
the OFF position, before connecting the battery
Nominal Input AC Line Voltage ........................ 120Vac
Operating AC Line Voltage Range ......108Vac to 132Vac
cables. If the switch is set to AUTO or MANUAL, Input AC Line Frequency .............................50 or 60Hz
the generator can crank and start as soon as the AC Line Fuse ...................................... 5 Amp, 5x20mm,
battery cables are connected. Littelfuse P/N 218005

 Be sure the utility power supply to the battery

charger is turned off, or sparking may occur at
Battery Fuse ..............................15 Amp, Littelfuse ATO
Blade P/N 257015
the battery posts as the cables are attached and Nominal Charge Rate ..................................... 10 Amps
cause an explosion. Equalize Voltage (typ) ....................................13.8 Volts
Float Voltage (typ) .........................................13.0 Volts
Current at Equalize to Float Transition (typ) .. 5 Amps
Battery Undervoltage Shutdown (typ) ...............11 Volts
LED Indicators
AC Line Voltage > 108Vac ...............Green LED ON
Battery Connected & Charging ........Yellow LED ON
the Green LED must be ON to obtain a valid
battery charging indication,
Yellow LED ON if charge current > approx 2
Battery Current Drain (AC Power OFF) ....... 30mA (typ)
AC Line Connections ......................... via terminal block
(AC Hot, AC Neut & GND)
Battery Connections .......................... via terminal block
(Pos +, Neg -)
Control Connections ......................AC Power Fail Relay,
Form C, 2Amps, 12Vdc
(N.O. Contact closes when ac line voltage is applied)
(N.O. Contact opens when ac line voltage is removed)

R-panel Technical Manual

P.O. BOX 8
Part No. 0G1341 Revision C (10/02/06) Printed in U.S.A.

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