Quiz 1

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The artist create art from there idea, imagination and their skills we have three stages in the
production. Which are the development stage, Adaption Stage, and Completion stage
a. Development Stage (Creations of Ideas). Artists are usually impressionable persons. They
used their experiences as their basis in the making of dance, picture, a poem, or a play or a
song. For example, a composer may write a song on the developing romance between a man
and a woman, or on the pains of a brokenhearted.

b. Adaptation Stage (Creations of the Materials). The artist uses different materials or mediums
to give form to an idea. For example, a painter uses pigments; a sculptor uses wood, metal or
stone; an author uses words; and a composer who uses musical sounds to determine the notes.

c. Completion Stage (Creations of the Forms). There are diverse forms used by the artists in
expressing their ideas. It is a medium of artistic expression recognized as fine art. This form is
used to explain the physical nature of the artwork like in metal sculpture, an oil painting, etc.

2- According to the books art define as the articulation of an idea or experience of an artist
Through the use of a medium in a visual way. Art is valuable to education because everything
We do is a form of art specially in education, the way we read is an art, the way write is an art,
the way we answer question is an art, the way we present our report is an art and etc. I mean
art is a part of education. -
according to the books there several reason for the arts in the education.
1. Art are worth studying
2.Art are always used in everyday
3. Arts are connected every person’s daily life
4. Arts are energizing
5. Arts Develop Students attitudes

3.art of communication
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
another. Communication through arts can sometimes achieved in many ways that don’t rely on
words Example from the ancient times, people have used image to communicate. Cave arts or
Egyptian hieroglyphics, visual arts can explore concepts or ideas without requiring written

4.Craft is came from the German word Kraft which mean power or ability. I can say that a craft
was made with the application human intelligence when it was made with human skills through
the use of hand, and the craft has a purpose to produce things for various human purposes and
tend to exhibit their prettiness around a goal external to the object itself.

5. humanities came from the Latin word Humanus which means educated, it refers to the
learning of arts such as Architecture, dance, literature, music, and etc. Humanities also explores
on the human conditions through the use of analytical, critical, or theoretical methods. The
importance of humanities as a science of art is that it is designed to let us become creative and
artistic individuals, because humanities is more concerned on how we express our feeling by
means of body or facial movement so art is one of its way to express our feeling, ideas, or
6. art is all about practice, patience persistence and etc. the longer you have been in the arts,
the more you will develop each of these traits. This is really what experience is about.
Experience makes an artist unique. Being a deep experience of ourselves art can help us to
understand ourselves and enhance our lives through our creativity.

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