Common Terms Used in Maternity Nursing: Triplets Counted As 1 para
Common Terms Used in Maternity Nursing: Triplets Counted As 1 para
Common Terms Used in Maternity Nursing: Triplets Counted As 1 para
❖ A woman who is pregnant for the first time is a primigravida and is described as
Gravida 1 Para 0 (or G1P0).
❖ A woman who delivered one fetus carried to the period of viability and who is
pregnant again is described as Gravida 2, Para 1. A woman with two
pregnancies ending in abortions and no viable children is Gravida 2, Para 0.
T - represents full-term deliveries, 37 completed weeks or more.
P - represents preterm deliveries, 20 to less than 37 completed weeks.
A - represents abortions, elective or spontaneous loss (miscarriage) of a pregnancy before
the period of viability.
L - represents the number of children living. If a child has died, further explanation is
needed for clarification.
❖ 7-5-0-2-5, pregnant seven times, had five term deliveries, zero preterm
deliveries, two abortions, and five living children.
o G - represents gravida.
o T - represents full-term deliveries, 37 completed weeks or more.
o P - represents preterm deliveries, 20 to less than 37 completed weeks.
o A - represents abortions, elective or spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the
period of viability.
o L - represents the number of children living. If a child has died, further explanation is
needed for clarification.
o M - represents the number of multiple gestations and births (not the number of
neonates delivered).
▪ 5-5-0-0-6-1, pregnant five times, had five term deliveries, zero preterm
deliveries, zero abortions, six living children, and one multiple gestation/birth.
A. Initial Prenatal Visit
Health History
o Current pregnancy history
o History of previous pregnancy
o Gynecologic history
o Current medical history-
o Medical history
o Family medical history
o Occupational history
o History of the baby’s father
o Personal Information
A. Physical Examination
o Pelvic size for adequacy-Pelvimetry
o Inspection and palpation of breast for normal and questionable
changes of pregnancy.
Laboratory and diagnostic tests
o Urinalysis (UA)
o Blood test- CBC to determine hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
o Blood type, RH factor and presence of antibodies to blood group
o Blood glucose/sugar
o Others.
Evaluation of Fetal well-being.
o Fetal Activity/movement
▪ can be felt by the mother at 18-20th weeks of pregnancy and
peaks at 28-38th weeks.
▪ Sandovsky method: lie in a left recumbent position after meal.
▪ Moves twice every 10 minutes or an average of 10-12 times an
▪ Less than 10 movements: repeat the test after 1 hour.
▪ 2 hours = 10 movements: REPORT
▪ “Count-to-Ten” (Cardiff method): 10 movements = 60minutes.
▪ Fetal heart beats at 120 – 160 beats/minute
▪ Fetal heart sounds at 10th to 11th week by Doppler
▪ Rhythm Strip Testing
▪ Placed in a semi-fowlers position, external fetal heart rate and
uterine contraction monitors are attached abdominally
▪ Recorded for 20 minutes
o Ultrasound
▪ Diagnose pregnancy by visualizing gestational sac as early as
week 4
▪ Date pregnancy by evaluating size or volume of gestational sac
and crown to rump length (CRL)
▪ Detect multiple gestation
▪ Monitor fetal growth
▪ Evaluate fetal structure and function: fetal movement, presence
of structural anomalies
▪ Estimate amniotic fluid volume
▪ Evaluate placental and efficiency of function
▪ Facilitate safe performance of other antepartal tests by locating
essential structures.
o Fetoscopy
▪ Fetus is visualized by inspection through a fetoscope;
photograph can be taken.
▪ Purposes: confirm the intactness of the spinal column and obtain
biopsy samples of fetal tissue and fetal blood samples.
o Amniocentesis
▪ Aspiration of amniotic fluid : done at around 12-14weeks.
▪ Purpose – obtain a sample of amniotic fluid by inserting a
needle through the abdomen into the amniotic sac; fluid is
tested for:
▪ Genetic screening
▪ Chorionic Villus Sampling
o Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
▪ Also called cordocentesis or funicentesis : aspiration of blood
from the umbilical vein for analysis.
o others
Nutritional Assessment
1. Health-seeking behaviors related to learning more about the minor
discomforts of early pregnancy such as morning nausea
2. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to prolonged vomiting.
3. Altered nutrition: more than body requirements
4. Knowledge deficit
5. Altered role performance
6. Disturbed sleep pattern related to frequent need to empty bladder during night
7. Disturbed body image related to breast and abdominal enlargement in pregnancy
8. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to vomiting secondary to hyperemesis
9. Health-seeking behaviors related to interest in using herbal remedies to
relieve discomforts of pregnancy
10. Constipation related to reduced peristalsis in pregnancy
11. Fatigue related to increased physiologic need for sleep and rest during pregnancy
12. Acute pain related to frequent muscle cramps secondary to physiologic
changes of pregnancy
a. The woman will have a complication-free pregnancy
b. The woman will achieve adequate nutritional status and fluid intake
c. The woman will learn how to relieve common discomforts of pregnancy
d. The woman and her partner will achieve a positive psychosocial adjustment
toward the pregnancy
a. Stress the importance of regular prenatal appointments to detect prenatal
complications and to assess fetal growth and development.
▪ Explain prenatal testing to the woman and partner
▪ Prepare the woman and partner for prenatal testing.
▪ Teach the woman about danger signals of pregnancy.
b. Promote an adequate nutritional status and fluid intake.
▪ Stress well-balanced diet
▪ Explain the importance of increasing fluid intake, to prevent UTI and
improve kidney function.
c. Provide client teaching about ways to relieve the common discomforts of
d. Promote positive psychosocial adjustment to pregnancy.
▪ Discuss sexual concerns with the client and partner as appropriate;
include reasons for altered libido (increased or decreased).
▪ Provide information concerning parenting, sibling and encourage to
attend mother’s class.
▪ Record all data observed and gathered.
▪ Carry out doctor’s orders/prescription
▪ Documents nursing management rendered including medications given.