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Abstract for Raichur UGD Variation Proposal under AMRUT

Sl. No Details Amount in Rs

1 Cost of DPR approved in SHPSC (Project cost (CAPEX) only) 99,80,00,000.00

2 Amount Put to Tender (APT) 1,09,56,18,846.82

3 Contract value (project cost) excluding maintenance 1,02,25,52,012.25

4 Tender premium (plus ) ,+0.23%

5 a. EIRL cost 90,13,496.00

5 b. Workslip cost 16,22,29,977.57

5 c. Total variation amount= Sl no 5.a+ 5.b 17,12,43,473.57

6 Overall Savings 32,29,23,587.81

7 Net savings = Sl no 6 - 5.c 15,16,80,114.24

8 Revised contract value = Sl no 3- Sl no 7 87,08,71,898.01

9 Price Adjustment cost 4,35,43,594.90

9 a. Paid
9 b. To be Paid 4,35,43,594.90

10 Total Variation amount including Price Adjustment 21,47,87,068.47

11 Actual cost of work including workslip amount and EIRL 87,08,71,898.01

12 Deposits to NH/NHAI/PWD/Railway/BESCOM/KPTCL. 12,23,668.00

Actual cost of work including variation and price adjustment including
13 91,56,39,160.91
Net Savings cost of work after considering variation & price adjustment
14 8,23,60,839.09
etc., when compared to SHPSC Approved cost
15 Amount of non-executed items -

Net Savings cost of work after considering variation & price adjustment
16 8,23,60,839.09
etc., when compared to SHPSC Approved cost == Sl no 14+ 15
Net Savings cost of work after considering variation & price adjustment
17 17,99,79,685.91
etc., when compared to APT = Sl no 2- 13
Net Savings cost of work after considering variation & price adjustment
18 10,69,12,851.34
etc., when compared to Contract Amount= Sl no 3 - 13

Out of Net Saving of Rs.17,20,42,359.42 an Sub Estimate Amount into Rs. 9,24,61,827.01 is Approved in
SHPSC vide Proceeding no--- dated 15/05/2020 Accordigly Tender were invited and agency is yet to be
fixed and who has coated in Amount of Rs. 8,44,30,494.53 (CAPEX) and 61,27,368 (OPEX)

Agency Team Leader, Assistant Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer,

M/s. IPE Global Ltd., KUWS&DB, Sub Division, KUWS&DB, Division,
PDMC - AMRUT, Raichur Bellari

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