Changing Classroom Practice Through Blogs and Vlogs

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Literacy Learning:

the Middle Years Changing classroom practice

Volume 25
Number 1 through blogs and vlogs
February 2017
Sarah La Caze | United World College South East Asia, Singapore

New media and globalisation has significantly transformed what it means to be literate in today’s
society. As educators, it is important we use current research to inform the literacy opportunities we
offer our students. This article investigates some of the current research in multiliteracies and how
it might be used to transform classroom practice through the use of blogs and vlogs.

Being literate in today’s society is significantly different from that of decades past. The effects of new
technology and globalisation have transformed the amount and diversity of information available,
how information can be presented, and the ease with which anyone can become a published author for
a global audience (Jewitt, 2008; Potts, Schlichting, Pridgen, & Hatch, 2010). In addition, children’s
learning of literacy is no longer limited to the classroom, as students are constantly engaged in the
process of making meaning and sharing multimodal texts in their out-of-school lives (Rowsell &
Walsh, 2011).
In many classrooms today, literacy education appears to be different from what has been traditionally
expected: students use technology to access information online and they use it to produce a range of
computer-generated, colourful, professional-looking end products. But, literacy education needs to do
more than integrate technology ‘to learn old things in old ways’ (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009b, p. 88).
As educators, it is imperative we understand how the nature of literacy is evolving and how changes in
technology mean more than easy access to, and reproduction of, information.
This article will explore how teachers can critically review and transform their current literacy
practices by understanding the current research in literacy education and the significant technological
advances that have occurred. It begins by discussing recent understandings about multiliteracies, then
it presents my rethinking of literacy practice in relation to my Grade 5 class and the consequent writing
of blogs and vlogs.

The New London Group (1996) developed the term multiliteracies to describe the complex nature of
literacy that exists in today’s society (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009a). The New London Group recognised
that, to be literate, individuals needed a variety of communicative strategies that they could use flexibly
to engage in a range of social and cultural settings. They highlighted that literacy education could not
be limited to reading, writing and speaking a national language. Hence, according to the literature
(e.g., Education Queensland, 2002), a multiliteracies approach includes three key dimensions:

• cultural and linguistic diversity;

• media and technology;
• critical literacy.

Integral to a multiliteracies approach is the understanding that students develop the skills to unpack
16 the messages behind images, text and audio, understand that all texts are socially constructed and
engage as active citizens who recognise that they have the choice to reproduce or transform the ideas Literacy Learning:
that surround them (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009a; Jewitt, 2008; Rowsell & Walsh, 2011; Unsworth, the Middle Years
2001). Many authors (e.g., Education Queensland, 2002; Jewitt, 2008; Rowsell & Walsh, 2011; Volume 25

Unsworth, 2001) discuss the way that multiliteracies is more than developing students’ technological Number 1
skills, while Cope and Kalantzis (2009b) provide a detailed yet succinct summary that is very helpful. February 2017
They discuss four dimensions of new media that are different from those of traditional media:

1. agency;
2. divergence;
3. multimodality;
4. conceptualisation.

Firstly, new media provide opportunities for increased agency. The interactivity of reading and
writing online, social media and digital entertainment allows everyone to select their own path to
investigate or view. Traditionally, information was disseminated in one direction, via politicians,
established experts or bosses, who were the producers of information; but now ‘consumers are
creators and creators are consumers’ (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009b, p.  91). Increased agency leads to
the freedom of difference being openly shared, celebrated and explored. Hence, Cope and Kalantzis
recognise divergence as the second dimension of new media. New media provide everyone with the
opportunity to publish and share perspectives and ideas. Cope and Kalantzis explain that this sharing
and exploration of diversity leads to even more diversity and ultimately allows ‘knowledge and culture
to become more fluid, contestable and open’ (p. 94).
Thirdly, the technology of new media means that text and image are made from the same raw
material, pixels. So, creating messages using one or more modes has become easily achievable for
everyone. In just a short time, this has resulted in images replacing the written word as a dominant
mode of communication (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009b; Jewitt, 2008). Finally, Cope and Kalantzis
(2009b) describe how new media require individuals to monitor how they think. They call this fourth
dimension, conceptualisation.
To be an active participant in the world, one must do more than view, read and consume. One must
use metacognitive skills to successfully navigate media and understand how messages are constructed.
A thorough understanding of the multiliteracies approach and the four dimensions of new media can
help educators to identify which areas of their current curriculum support students to develop their
multiliteracies competencies and to identify areas for improvement.

Rethinking practice
I currently teach a class of Grade Five students (10- and 11-year-olds) in a large international school
in South East Asia. The school is well resourced with one-to-one laptops and the availability of iPads,
which are shared within the grade. Students are proficient in using and collaborating with Google
applications such as Google Docs and Slides along with many other applications on the computers
and iPads.
As a school, we have a structured and rigorous reading and writing program that provides students
with a range of strategies to become readers who think deeply and writers who explore different ways
to enhance their writing. The literacy program encourages students to be metacognitive through
regular teacher-student conferences. The student is always the centre, with discussion about strengths
and the next steps that will help the student move forward.
As a teacher, I thought my integration of technology in the classroom was very good, as students
in my class regularly access technological tools to enhance learning through gathering information,
recording their thinking using a variety of platforms and using technology to collaborate as learners.
However, as my own understandings of multiliteracies developed, I started to review the literacy 17
Literacy Learning: program I provided to my students. The readings I have already mentioned and a table provided by
the Middle Years Bull and Anstey (2010, p. 5) were helpful in supporting my critical reflection. As shown in Table 1,
Volume 25 some aspects of my teaching were aligned with a multiliteracies approach, while others were not.
Number 1
February 2017 Table 1. Reflecting on teaching in relation to a multiliteracies approach

Areas aligned with Areas not aligned with

a multiliteracies approach a multiliteracies approach
• Students are supported and encouraged to be • Reading and writing programs are heavily
knowledge producers. print-based.
• Students have agency in choosing reading books • The audience for writing is predominantly the
and writing topics within a specific genre. teacher.
• Students’ prior knowledge is valued and built upon • Students’ life experiences to create texts
during units. using digital technology are not recognised or
• Metacognition is modelled and encouraged. developed.
• Students have access to technology and • All summative literacy assessment is print
confidently use a range of applications (e.g., Google based.
applications and Pages, a word processor from • There is no instruction to develop students’
Apple) to record, share and collaborate. understanding of how multimodal texts are
• Discussions between teacher and students and created or to explore synesthesia (Cope &
between and amongst students allow students to Kalantzis, 2009b).
process and articulate their thinking as well as hear • Limited instruction to develop critical literacies.
alternative perspectives.
• Teacher’s role is facilitator.

What became clear through this critical reflection was that my program had many elements of a
multiliteracies approach, but three vital elements were absent:

• critical literacy development;

• students did not have the opportunity to share their knowledge with the community
beyond our classroom walls;
• multimodal texts were accessed for information gathering purposes, but no deeper
investigation or critical lenses were applied to understand them or to consider how they are

The culminating unit in Grade Five is called Exhibition of Learning. This unit gives ownership for
students to lead their own inquiry learning and to demonstrate the skills they have developed through
Junior School. During this unit, students have the opportunity to research, in small groups, a topic
about which they are passionate. In their groups, students ask questions and research extensively using
a wide range of primary and secondary sources, in order to become experts. Using their expertise,
students are encouraged to take action to make a positive difference in their sphere of influence. In
the past, this unit has largely been isolated to our Social Studies program and not integrated with
literacy. With my developing understanding of multiliteracies, it became clear that this unit needed to
be more purposefully linked to the literacy program. Prior to beginning the Exhibition of Learning,
the reading unit was adapted to include critical literacies and I began working with students to develop
their understandings of multimodal texts and how they are constructed.
From my critical reflection outlined in Table 1, I recognised the possibility of providing students
with the opportunity and skills to share their own knowledge to a wider audience. Through the
medium of blogging, students could develop their skills to publish their own messages to the world
through text, images and audio. Several researchers of educational blogs (Jimoyiannis & Angelaina,
2012; Kim, 2008; Novakovich, 2016; O’Byrne & Murrell, 2014; Yeo & Lee, 2014) identify numerous
benefits to blogging and show how this platform can support multiliteracies pedagogy. For example,
18 the benefits can include:
• learners feeling empowered and motivated to communicate; Literacy Learning:
• the easy integration of a variety of modes; the Middle Years
• the alignment of the participatory culture with real world literacy practices; Volume 25
• critical thinking encouraged through commenting. Number 1
Ebrecht (2015) highlighted that blogging promotes meaningful communication and develops February 2017
critical and analytical thinking, along with collaborative and reflective skills. O’Byrne and Murrell
(2014) stated that blogging helps students to construct meaning and participate in meaningful
dialogue within and beyond the classroom.
To support teachers’ implementation of a multiliteracies approach, The New London Group
(1996) described a pedagogical framework that contains four pedagogical acts: situated practice,
critical framing, overt instruction and transformed practice. This framework was later adjusted to
focus on the types of actions required by students: experiencing, conceptualising, analysing and
applying (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009a, pp. 185–186; Kalantzis, Cope, & the Learning by Design Project
Group, 2005). Using this framework, along with understandings of multiliteracies, the new literacies
studies and multimodal research, Mills and Levido (2011) developed a very practical and teacher-
friendly pedagogical model named iPed. As can be seen in Table 2, this model incorporates the key
areas identified by Cope and Kalantzis (2009a), but it simplifies them and makes them more accessible
for developing units for students in all age groups. As can be seen by the unit detailed in Tables 4 and
6, the phases of the iPed Model are not linear and may be repeated or cycled during a lesson or unit.

Table 2. The iPed Model, adapted from Mills and Levido (2011)

iPed Pedagogy Link to the work of

Cope and Kalantzis
Link • Provide opportunities to make connections to Experiencing
students’ experiences.
• Teachers support students in making three kinds of
connections: text to self, text to culture and text to
Challenge • Teach students that social meanings are inherent in Analysing
• Develop students’ abilities to judge authenticity and
authority, question the underlying message and look
for alternative perspectives.
• Students question and critically analyse the messages
underlying their own products.
Co-create • Scaffold learning by developing specific terminology Conceptualising + Applying
and skills, co-producing media for a real audience. (functionally)
• Three phases of instruction:
1. Predict: Anticipate new knowledge for students
and support.
2. Demonstrate: Teacher or other experts
demonstrate how to create, thereby building
terminology and process skills.
3. Do: Students apply their knowledge and create in a
supported environment.
This cycle may occur many times within a lesson.
Share • Publish texts to a meaningful audience for interaction Applying (functionally or
and feedback. creatively)

Literacy Learning: A writing unit: Blogs and video blogs (vlogs)
the Middle Years In this section, I present the culminating unit for Grade 5 that I designed. I set out to transform how
Volume 25 students reflected upon and shared their learning during the six week Exhibition of Learning unit.
Number 1 Students were encouraged to think deeply about the whole learning process they were experiencing.
February 2017 The blogging platform offered the students an authentic audience with whom to share a range of
meaningful messages. Students received regular feedback via peers, parents and other teachers.
Table 4 shows the unit’s assessment and Table 5 shows the writing checklist used by the students
to self-reflect. The next tables present the unit outline, which incorporated Mills and Levido’s (2011)
iPed Model. Table 6, Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9 show Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Weeks 4–5

Table 4. The unit’s assessment

Summative Assessment:
Students select 2 of their blog posts to evaluate. Students self-reflect using the writing checklist (see Table
5) before teacher assesses it using the same checklist.
Small group and class discussion to determine prior knowledge and experience.
Formative assessment: Open feedback by peers and wider community through comments; teacher
reading posts and giving regular feedback via comments; teacher/student conferencing.

Table 5. Checklist for students’ self-reflection and teachers’ use Literacy Learning:
the Middle Years
Benchmarks Checklist Tick the Star the Put a
Volume 25
or Targets ones I have areas I really triangle in
shown in focused on the areas that Number 1
this piece of during this I still need
February 2017
writing piece to work on
(max. 3)
Structure I can organise my writing to have a
clear focus and/or message.

I can organise my writing into

a logical sequence of separate
sections, bullets or numbered lists.
I can introduce and conclude
my writing to help the reader
understand my focus.
I can use transitional words to
help readers follow my thinking
and connect my piece. Sometimes
the transitional words are within
sentences, sometimes they
begin a sentence, e.g., as a result,
Critical I can support my ideas with
thinking/ evidence or examples.
I can synthesise and summarise
my research/experience and show
deeper thinking.
I can recognise and include different

Text features I can use images and graphics to

complement and support my focus.

Vlogs I can use a variety of modes Give example:

(linguistic, audio, spatial, gestures,
visual) to enhance my message.
Word choice I can make deliberate word choices
that complement the purpose of my
post, e.g., persuade, teach, reflect.
Punctuation I can use capital letters, commas and
full stops correctly.

I can make deliberate choices to

punctuate my work to emphasise
my message and make the reader
stop and think.
References I cite all images from outside
I use hyperlinks or Easybib to
reference sources.

Literacy Learning: Table 6. Week 1 of the unit outline, showing how the phases of the iPed Model were incorporated
the Middle Years
Week iPed phase Learning experiences Resources
Volume 25
(from Mills & (1-to-1 laptops and
Number 1 Levido, 2011) headphones; iPads available)
February 2017 1 Link Introduce the term blog and discuss prior Model blogs
knowledge. (example blogs that showed
Students explore four examples of blogs that how blogs can be used in
connected to their world in some way. contexts relevant to their
During exploration students were asked to experience and people they
consider: knew):
• What is a blog? • Exhibition blogs from
• How do people use them? another international school
• Why do people use them? • A blog by the school’s digital
literacy coach
• A blog by a parent of a
student in the class
• A blog written by a previous
Co-create Students identify and name common elements
across the four examples.
Guest speaker: Digital literacy coach discusses her
blog and answers questions.
As a class develop the key features a blog must
Set up blog access and permissions for students.
Demonstrate: How to write an About Us page.
Do/Share: In groups, students write their About
Us page.
Challenge Whole class and group discussions around
questions (Mills & Levido, 2011, p. 84):
• What is the purpose of our blog?
• How can I use words, images and audio to
enhance my message?
• Who is our intended audience?
• Who can view this blog?
• What personal information/images should we
share or hide?
• How do my blog posts build on the work of
my peers?
• How do I show respect for others in my post
and comments?
• What perspectives do I include or leave out in
my posts? Why?
• Who benefits from my blog? Why?
Guest speaker: Parent blog writer addressed her
response to many of these questions.
Link Demonstrate: How to add a meaningful image Writing guidelines with
Co-create that represented their Exhibition topic to Blog examples, available online for
Share Header. students
Do: In groups students found a meaningful image
to represent their topics.
Writing posts
Students explore connection between Blogger
and other programs they are familiar with.
Do/Share: Students reflect on shared experience
to create their first blog post and publish to the
blog. Guidelines from previous lesson available as
Do/Share: Students choose from suggestions in
guidelines to write another post and publish on
group blog.
Table 7. Week 2 of the unit outline Literacy Learning:
the Middle Years
Week iPed phase Learning experiences Resources
Volume 25
(from Mills & (1-to-1 laptops and
Levido, 2011) headphones; iPads Number 1
February 2017
Week Link Commenting: Reflect on established practices of Show several examples to
2 Co-create giving feedback to peers via conversations, sticky illustrate appropriate and
Share notes and Google docs. thoughtful commenting
Make connections to how commenting can be Example on the digital
used in blogs. literacy coach’s blog
Demonstrate: Explore examples of comments
and discuss.
Use to develop class guidelines to write
Do/Share: Students comment on the blog of
students from another international school.
Link Hyperlinking in posts (links to reading unit) Blog example relevant to
Co-create Review websites used during reading unit. our reading unit
Discuss how hyperlinks were used to strengthen
the argument the author presented. Allow reader
to read further about the issue.
Demonstrate: Model summary of one website
and how to add hyperlink.
Do: Students write summary of one or two
websites including hyperlinks.
Co-create Do/Share: Students write a blog post, choosing
their own focus and comment on another
person’s post.

Table 8. Week 3 of the unit outline

Week iPed phase Learning experiences Resources

(from Mills & (1-to-1 laptops and
Levido, 2011) headphones; iPads
Week Link Vlogs: Vlog slideshow
3 Challenge Link to students’ prior knowledge of videos on the providing information
Co-create internet. about vlogs, guiding
Share Students independently explore examples using questions and links to
guiding questions. vlogs on YouTube
Students develop list of what they noticed. Shared slideshow that
Demonstrate: Students develop possible topics for allowed students to
vlog. add their thinking to
Whole class select a topic and discuss how to plan share with the class
vlog and recording techniques. This also provided a
Do: Within Exhibition groups, students choose to record for students
work independently, in partnerships or in triads to to refer to later when
plan and practise vlog. developing their own
Students upload vlogs to their blogs. vlogs.
Co-create Do/Share: Students write a blog or vlog per week
Share and comment on another person’s post.

Literacy Learning: Table 9. Weeks 4–5 of the unit outline
the Middle Years
Week iPed phase Resources
Volume 25
(from Mills & Learning experiences (1 to 1 laptops and
Number 1 Levido, 2011) headphones; iPads
February 2017
Weeks Link Do/Share: Students blog after their Exhibition
4–5 Co-create presentations are complete.
Share Link: Whole class discussion about how to regard the
appropriate end posts for blog.
• What final messages do you want to share with
your viewers?
• What will be the most appropriate mode (e.g., vlog
or blog) to do that?
• Will you vlog individually or in a group?
Do/Share: Students write their final post on the blog.
Do/Share: Students comment on each other’s final
Students choose 2 posts from their collection to assess Checklist
using criteria set by class. (see Table 5)
Students reflect on unit.

The integration of a multiliteracies approach in this unit provided the students with the opportunity
to use multimodal texts to reflect on their learning and to connect with a wider, authentic audience.
Students felt empowered by the realisation that they had the power to share their ideas and knowledge
with the world. Knowing their posts could be read by anyone, most students demonstrated a higher
level of thought to their work and took greater care to edit before publishing. They recognised that
their audience was not limited to readers this year, but it also included future Grade 5s who would be
able to read their posts and find them useful.
Student choice was critical in ensuring that this unit was successful. It allowed differentiation to
occur naturally, in addition to inspiring creativity. Students showed more enthusiasm and commitment
to their work because they had the opportunity to choose the purpose of their post, as well as to
decide whether it was written (a blog) or video (a vlog).
Students experienced the natural power of ‘hooking’ the reader through powerful words, images
and text layout. A post that utilised one of these three elements or a combination of the three generated
more comments from those reading/viewing the blogs/vlogs.
Using the iPed model to support the planning of the unit helped me to ensure that learning
opportunities for the students were balanced and in line with multiliteracies research. In particular,
it helped me to ensure that I was linking the learning to the students’ own real life experiences and
incorporating opportunities for the students to be both critical viewers and writers as they were
developing their own texts. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 provide examples of the students’ work.
After watching a Kid President clip, available from YouTube, students recorded their thinking on
to the Google slide shown in Figure 1. The students were encouraged to use their critical thinking
skills to analyse how different modes – sound, image and language – were used to portray a particular
message. They had so many ideas that we needed three slides to record all of their thinking.
Students experienced agency through choosing their own topic for each blog post. This led to
increased motivation and gave insight into what they valued in their learning. The post in Figure
2 shows a student’s reflection on his learning about using the Internet for research and on staying
24 New media provide students with access to a variety of perspectives about one issue. This helps
Literacy Learning:
the Middle Years
Volume 25
Number 1
February 2017

Figure 1. A slide showing students’ thinking about how different modes can portray a message

Figure 2. A student’s blog showing his reflections on the use of the Internet for research

Figure 3. An example of a student’s blog that shared a perspective with a wide audience

Literacy Learning:
the Middle Years
Volume 25
Number 1
February 2017

Figure 4. The use of the commenting feature of blogging

Figure 5. A student’s use of image and Creative Commons attribution

them to see beyond the stereotypes often generated by mass media. Through their blog posts, students
were then able to share their own perspective with a wide audience, as indicated in Figure 3.
Figure 4 shows how comments were used as part of the unit. The commenting feature of blogging
provides students with authentic feedback – from their class peers, as well as from students in another
school. In addition, students were able to see that their posts have a positive impact on others.
Image has joined written word as a dominant mode of communication. In their blog posts,
students were encouraged to utilise the power of images to hook a reader’s attention. An example
is shown in Figure 5. Students were taught how to attribute the images they used. In Figure 5, a
Creative Commons attribution accompanies the image and shows that the image came from https://
Conclusion Literacy Learning:
The nature of literacy has changed. An understanding of multiliteracies and the underpinning the Middle Years
pedagogy can empower educators to transform the literacy curriculum in their classrooms. The new Volume 25

dimensions of technology provide clarity in understanding how to ensure the curriculum is not simply Number 1
using technology at a surface level, but rather develops students’ understanding and skills to be critical February 2017
thinkers and creators who can share their perspectives of the world and be agents for positive change.
Using blogs and vlogs in the classroom enhanced students’ engagement and their desire to produce
writing of a high quality. For some students, the blogging platform linked to their own experience
of creating texts and sharing media; for other students, it provided them with the knowledge,
understanding and skills to inspire them to be publishers of meaningful text in the future.

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Mills, K.A., & Levido, A. (2011). iPed: Pedagogy for digital text production. The Reading Teacher, 65 (1),
80–91. doi:10.1598/RT.65.1.11
Novakovich, J. (2016). Fostering critical thinking and reflection through blog-mediated peer feedback. Journal
of Computer Assisted Learning, 32 (1), 16–30. doi:10.1111/jcal.12114
O’Byrne, B., & Murrell, S. (2014). Evaluating multimodal literacies in student blogs. British Journal of
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Potts, A., Schlichting, K., Pridgen, A., & Hatch, J. (2010). Understanding new literacies for new times: Pedagogy
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The New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational
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Unsworth, L. (2001). Changing dimensions of school literacies. In Teaching multiliteracies across the curriculum:
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Yeo, H.I., & Lee, Y.L. (2014). Exploring new potentials of blogs for learning: Can children use blogs for personal
information management (PIM)? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45 (5), 916–925. doi:10.1111/

Sarah La Caze is a Grade 5 teacher at United World College South East Asia. She is currently working
towards a masters degree in Education.


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