How Does The Brain Work?: For Grades 3-5 Fact Sheet
How Does The Brain Work?: For Grades 3-5 Fact Sheet
How Does The Brain Work?: For Grades 3-5 Fact Sheet
Here’s how it works: Your body collects Keeping your brain healthy means getting plenty
information, like sights and sounds, from the of sleep, studying, and eating your fruits and
outside world through the five senses. This vegetables! Finally, it is important to know that
information travels to the brain along pathways your brain never stops learning and changing.
called nerves. When you think about information Just like a muscle, if you work it out, your brain
traveling along nerves, imagine cars traveling can grow and stay healthy.
along highways. Just like cars travel to and from
their destinations on highways, information
travels to and from your brain and other parts of
your body along nerves. Without your nerves, the
information would not know how to get to your