Name: Mika Sophia G. Gonzaga Section: Bsn-1B Score

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Describe Elaborate the Illustrate the Describe the Insights

Zumba Origin of Zumba Benefits of components of
Zumba Zumba
Inspired by In 1998, Zumba Firstly, Zumba is Cardiovascular Zumba is a
Latin dance, was created by a fun, doable Endurance is good,
Zumba has Alberto Perez in activity that needed to dance physical
become a Cali, Colombia as helps you for long periods activity as it
popular fitness a result of a relieve stress of time without is a full-
program that is “happy accident”. and encourages stopping. body
suitable to Perez, an continuous Muscular workout that
anyone aerobics exercising. This Endurance is is not too
regardless of instructor, was on benefits us as essential to move strenuous
their age and his way to teach studies show your body in compared to
lifestyles. The an aerobics class that exercising repetitive an actual
word "Zumba" and realized he’d can make us motions. exercise
is derived from forgotten to bring feel happier due Muscular routine. It is
a Colombian his regular music. to the presence Strength is fun and
word meaning He improvised by of endorphins, enhanced when enjoyable to
“to move fast using the salsa which trigger certain muscles do which
and have fun”, and merengue positive feelings are used makes it
which is how tapes he throughout the constantly. appealing to
most people happened to body. Zumba is Flexibility is most
describe the have on him. also great for important to people,
dance routines Instead of strict achieving properly execute specifically
incorporated in rep-counting, the weight loss as the dance moves. those who
the workout. class turned out you are able to Body turn a blind
By using to be the perfect burn 600 to Composition is eye to
upbeat music mix of dance and 1,000 calories in important exercising.
combined with aerobics that kept a span of an because the Zumba not
cardiovascular his students hour. leaner body mass only shapes
exercise, moving and Additionally, it you have, the our
Zumba is having fun. This promotes total easier it is to do physique
aerobic was later taught body toning as it the routine. but also
dancing that is by Perez as targets different Speed is needed improves
both enjoyable “Rumbacize”. In muscle groups to change our overall
to do and easy 2001, Perez at once. Doing positions quickly. fitness. It
to learn. partnered with Zumba not only Reaction Time is can also be
Moreover, Alberto Perlman boosts your needed to swiftly a good
Zumba is and Alberto heart health but follow the alternative
deemed an Aghion as he also helps you instructor’s to relieve
excellent started teaching maintain a good dance. stress by
fitness choice, his hybrid cardiovascular Agility is needed dancing and
mixing cardio dance/aerobics in and respiratory to easily perform staying fit at
intervals with Miami. Together, system. Lastly, the dance steps. the same
resistance they called the it also improves Balance is time.
training, new style one’s needed to stay on Therefore,
resulting to the “Zumba”, a word coordination as your feet while the Zumba
maximization that does not the repeated changing craze was
of caloric have any specific dance steps positions often. fueled by its
output, fat definition, but eventually aid Coordination is dynamic yet
burning, and through time, has you to feel more needed to move simple
total body become identified comfortable more than one steps. More
toning. with this great moving your body part so, it is
combination of body. smoothly about the
fitness and fun, Power is culture that
and brought it to produced due to has been
fitness centers all the speed of the built around
over the world. movements your this dance
muscles are phenomena.

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