Technical Specifications

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IV. MASONRY WORKS (Including re-bars and plastering)
VI. CARPENTRY WORKS (Includes ceiling joist, hanger & acrylic painting)
VII. DOORS & WINDOWS (Including jambs)
ANNEX-A: FPA Registered Termiticides

Prepared by: Approved:


Municipal Engineer Municipal Mayor

A. The Contractor shall conduct thorough inspection of the existing job site conditions.
B. The scope of work shall include all additions necessary in order to implement the whole set
of approved Plans, Working Drawings and Specifications.
C. The Contractor shall construct All Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Sanitary/ Plumbing,
Mechanical / Fire Protection works in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. All
items shown on the Plans but not mentioned in the Specifications shall be included.
Discrepancies shall be verified with the Procuring Entity.
D. The Contractor shall have a licensed surveyor to locate benchmarks. Shop drawings of
stake out plan and actual reference marks shall be verified and approved by the Procuring
Entity prior to any permanent construction.
E. The Contractor shall submit details and shop drawings, templates, and schedules required
for the coordination of the work of the various trades. Drawings should include information
on all working dimensions, arrangement and sectional views, connections and materials.
F. Final Cleaning As Pre-requisite To Final Acceptance: Final cleaning of the work by a
reputable building maintenance company shall be employed by the Contractor prior to the
Procuring Entity’s final inspection for certification of final acceptance.
G. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and safe working practices of its
respective employees, servants and agents.
H. The Procuring Entity may at any time without invalidating the Contract changes by altering,
adding to or deducting from the work as covered by the drawings, specifications, and
general scope in written instructions. Provisions under General Conditions of the contract
cover such circumstances.


All areas within which the structure or related construction has to be
accomplished shall be completely cleared of matted roots, trees brush, snags,
vegetation, rubbish, spoils and other objectionable matters.
The Contractor shall provide sufficient security in the construction site to prevent
illegal entry or work damaged during nights, holidays and other period when
work is not executed, and during working hours. The Contractor shall take
ample precautions against fire by keeping away flammable materials, and ensure
that such materials are properly handled and stored.
the Contractor shall construct and maintain a field office and facilities at the site
of the work at which he or his authorized agent shall be holding office, while the
work is in progress. The Contractor shall also provide all temporary lighting, power,
water supply and all necessary facilities sufficient enough for the simultaneous use of all
possible fields of work to complete the project.
All excavations shall be performed by the Contractor to the
excavation lines, grades and slopes and profiles shown in the drawings.
All excavation shall be performed in the dry condition, unless as
otherwise approved by the Subproject Manager.
Excavations carried out below the depth indicated on the drawing
without the approval of the Subproject Manager shall be refilled to the
proper grade with thoroughly compacted suitable fill materials to the
satisfaction of the Subproject Manager except for footing excavation
where concrete shall be replaced to the bottom of the excavations;
additional work of this nature shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
The entire area of the original ground under pavements and
concrete slabs shall be excavated to remove all objectionable matter, sod,
muck, rubbish and other unsuitable material to a minimum depth of 300


2.1 Scope of Work

The work includes construction of concrete structures complete in accordance with the
standard specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical
cross-section shown on the plan.
2.3 Materials Requirement

2.3.1 General

Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement; fine and coarse aggregates,

water and admixture as specified all thoroughly mixed and brought to the proper
consistency, uniformity and temperature for final placement.

2.3.2 Cement
Concrete shall be Portland cement of a brand conforming to ASTM Specification
C150, Type I or Type II. All cement shall be product of one reputable manufacturer

2.3.4 Admixtures

Admixtures shall be subject to prior approval by the Subproject Manager. The

admixtures shall be capable of maintaining essentially the same composition and
performance throughout the work.

2.3.5 Fine Aggregates

Fine Aggregates shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a

combination thereof. The shape of particles shall be generally rounded or cubical and
reasonably free from flat or elongated pieces. The use of beach sand shall be prohibited.
2.3.6 Coarse Aggregate

Coarse aggregate shall consist of washed gravel, crushed stone or rock, or a combination
thereof conforming to ASTM C33. The particle shape of the smallest size of crushed
coarse aggregate shall be generally rounded or cubical and the coarse aggregate shall be
reasonably free from flat and elongated particles. A thin, flat and elongated particle can
be defined as a particle having a maximum dimension greater than five times the
minimum dimension.

2.3.7 Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing steel shall be locally manufactured, deformed billet steel bars conforming to
Philippine Standard, Grade 275, Intermediate Grade (30,000 psi).

2.3.8 Forms

Concrete form shall be wood, plywood, steel or other suitable materials. Form surfaces
requiring standard or special finish shall be plywood or a non-absorptive hand pressed
fiberboard or other suitable materials. Plywood shall not be less than 6mm thick and
shall be free from irregularities, dents and sags. Forms shall be coated with no staining
form coating compound such as form oil of the approved make.

Removal of forms shall be accomplished in such a manner as will prevent injury to the
concrete and will insure the complete safety of the structure. The following removal
times are the minimum and may be increased by the Engineer.

a. Where the structure as a whole is supported on shores, vertical forms for beam and
girder sides, columns and similar vertical forms may be removed twenty-four (24)
hours after completion of the pour, providing the concrete has hardened sufficiently
to sustain its own weight to prevent injury.
b. Wall forms shall not be removed in less that four (4) days after pouring.
c. Supporting forms or shoring must remain in place until the concrete can carry any
loads to be imposed upon it and in no case in less than fourteen days.
d. Form ties requiring any peroration in removal of forms which would tend to destroy
the bond between the tie and the concrete in order to remove the form shall not be
disturbed for seven (7) days after completion proper.

2.3.9 Water Proofing

• Materials
Materials shall be Plexibond or Mortaflex brand or approved equivalent.
• Surface Preparation
All surfaces shall be free of dirt, dust oil, grease and other contaminants by solvent
cleaning in accordance to SSPC-SP1.

• Concrete – At least 28 days cured, voids, cracks, holes or concrete irregularities shall resurface
using grouts or mortars. Acid-etched the Surface in texture resembling coarse sandpaper,
concrete must be neutral prior to application.

•Application Equipment
Brush and Roller is acceptable.

• Mixing
Mix 6.5 to 8 kgs. Of cement to 4 liters of Plexibond or Mortaflex.

• Application Procedure
Apply 5 coats by brush or 3 coats by textured roller.

2.3.10 Storage of Materials

(1) Cement
Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure as airtight as
practicable. Floors shall be elevated above the ground, sufficient to prevent the
absorption of moisture. Bags shall be stocked against outside walls. The manner of
storage shall permit easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment.
Cement that has been stored for so long that there may be doubt of its quality shall
be tested by standard mortar tests to determine its suitability for use, and shall not
be used without approval of the Subproject Manager.

(2) Aggregates
Aggregate shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid the inclusion of foreign
materials. Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate piles. Stockpiles of
coarse aggregate shall be built in horizontal layers not exceeding 1200mm in depth
to avoid segregation. Should the coarse aggregate become segregated, it shall be
remixed to conform to the grading requirements here on before. Sufficient stockpiles
shall be maintained at all times to permit continuous placement of concrete at the
rate specified.
(3) Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel shall be stored in a manner to avoid excessive rusting or being
coated with grease, oil, dirt and other objectionable materials.

2.4 Construction Requirements

2.4.1 Concrete Proportion

The proportion of all materials in concrete shall be subject to the approval of the
Subproject Manager. The Contractor shall employ at his own expense an approved
testing laboratory, which shall design the mix, proportions in accordance with ACI
211.01. Strength requirements shall be 20.7 Mpa (3000 psi) for footing columns, beams,
slabs, and stairs, slab on grade, water meter box; grease trap; and 13.8 Mpa (2000 psi) for
lean concrete or as required by the Subproject Manager. The adequacy of this tests shall
be verified by a test on a minimum of 6 cylinders; 3 tested at 7 days, 3 at 28 days, in
accordance with ASTM C39.

If, at any time during construction, the concrete resulting from the approved mix design
proves to be unsatisfactory for any reason such as too much water, lack of sufficient
plasticity to prevent segregation, honeycomb, etc., or insufficient strength the Contractor
shall notify the testing laboratory and the Subproject Manager. The laboratory shall
modify the design, subject to the approval of the Subproject Manager until satisfactory
concrete is obtained.

2.4.2 Compression Tests:

At least two (2) sets of samples consisting of three (3) concrete cylinder specimen per set
shall be made. Fresh concrete shall be placed inside standard 50 x 300 mm cylindrical
mould in three (3) separate equal layers and rodded separately with 25 strokes with a 16
mm diameter. Surface shall be leveled with trowel and samples are to be labeled to
identify the class, strength of concrete, date taken and part of structure samples are
taken. The samples shall be cured in accordance with ASTM C31.

One set of cylinders shall be tested at the age of seven (7) days and one set at the age of
twenty eight (28) days, in accordance with ASTM C39. Additional cylinder samples may
be molded in reserve for further tests, if the results of the twenty-eight (28) days test do
not meet the requirements.

b. Slump Tests

Slump tests shall be performed to determine the consistency or workable fluidity of

freshly mixed concrete in the filed. At least two slump tests shall made and the sample
concrete from which test specimens are made shall be representative of the entire batch
and shall conform to the procedures are specified in ASTM C143.
Freshly mixed concrete shall be placed in the slump cone 100 x 200 mm x 300mm in
three (3) equal layers. Each layer shall be rodded with 25 strokes of the 16-mm diameters
tamping rod with the tamping and rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter.
The mould shall be leveled and lifted at once and then measure the slump action
immediately by getting the difference in height between the height of the mould and the
top of the slumped concrete.

The slump for vibrated concrete shall be 50-mm minimum and 100 mm maximum,
provided that the required strength of concrete is obtained.

c. Test Reports

The testing laboratory shall submit four (4) copies of its test cylinder which are to
include as far as applicable, the following items: Location of pour in the structure,
concrete design mix number, concrete design strength, type and manufacturer of
cement, amount of any admixture used, slump tests, date of sampling, cylinder
application number, days cured in the filed, days cured in the laboratory, age at time of
testing, crushing stress, type of failure, who made the samples, who shipped the samples
to the laboratory and whether concrete strength meets the specifications.

d. Additional Tests

If, in the opinion of the Subproject Manager, based on test cylinder reports, concrete
with strengths below specification requirements has been placed, the Subproject
Manager, at the expense of the Contractor shall make additional tests. Additional test
may be compression test on cored cylinder, ASTM C42, and/or load tests as outlined in
ACI 318, Sec. 202.

2.4.3 Mixing concrete

Mixing shall be thoroughly mixed in a mixer of an approved size and type to insure a
uniform distribution of the materials throughout the mass:

a. Site Mixed Concrete

All structural concrete shall be machine-mixed for at least 1 ½ minutes after all
materials including water are in the mixing drum. The time elapse between the
introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregate and placing of the
concrete in final position shall not exceed 45 minutes. Placing of material in the
mixer in the mixer shall be done in such a way that the first batch of concrete
materials in the mixer shall contain sufficient excess of cement, sand and water to
coat the inside of the drum without reducing the cement content of the mix to be
discharged. The retempering of concrete, placing additional cement, aggregate or
water during mixing period shall not be permitted.

No hand mixing shall be allowed, except in case of emergency of breakdown during

pouring operations, subject to the approval of the Subproject Manager.

b. Ready-Mixed Concrete
Ready-mixed concrete, when shall be batched, mixed and delivered from a plant
approved by the Subproject Manager, and shall be in strict compliance with the
requirements set forth in ASTM C94.

The rate of delivery of the mixed concrete shall be such that the interval between
placing of successive batches shall not exceed thirty (3) minutes. The elapsed time
between the introduction of mixing water to the cement and aggregate and
completion of discharge shall not exceed one (1) hour, or not more than 1 ½ hours if
a retarder is used. It should be kept constantly agitated during the transit period.
Delivery tickets shall contain data on the weight of sand, gravel and amount of
cement and water added. The Contractor shall keep legible copies available for
examination of the Subproject Manager.

Retempering of concrete shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall mix only
quantities required for immediate use and mixture, which has developed setting,
shall not be used. Concrete, which has partially hardened, shall not be retempered.

2.4.4 Concrete Placing

Concrete shall be placed only after all formworks, materials to be embedded and
preparation of surface involved in the placing have been inspected and approved
by the Subproject Manager. The Contractor shall provide equipment and shall
employ methods that will minimize separation of aggregates from the concrete

Water shall be removed from excavation before concrete is deposited. Flow of

water shall be diverted through proper side drains to a pump or be removed by
other approved methods to avoid washing over freshly deposited concrete.
Hardened concrete, debris and foreign materials shall be removed from the
interior of forms and from inner surfaces of mixing and conveying equipment.
Reinforcements shall be secured in position, inspected and approved before
pouring concrete. Runaways shall not be provided for wheeled concrete-
handling equipments such equipments shall not be wheeled over reinforcement
nor shall runaways be supported by reinforcements.
Concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly
as practicable by methods, which shall prevent the segregation or loss of the
ingredients. It shall be deposited in the forms in approximately horizontal layers
and as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling.

Conveying or handling of concrete by the use of long inclined chutes or pipes or

more than three (3) meters shall not be permitted. Dumping of concrete into
buggies, buckets or wheelbarrows with a free fall of more than one (1) meter
shall not be permitted. When placing operations would involve dropping
concrete more than 1 ½ meters, it shall be deposited through a sheet metal or
other approved conveyor. As for practicability, the conveyor shall be kept full of
concrete during placing and their lower ends shall be kept buried in the newly
placed concrete. After the initial set of concrete, the forms shall not be jarred and
no strain shall be placed on the ends of the reinforcing bar, which are being

Concrete in columns shall be placed in one continuous operation. Concrete in

girders, beam and slabs in superstructures shall be poured in a monolithic and
continuous manner. No construction joint shall be allowed on any part of the
structure without the approval of the Subproject Manager.

Consolidate all concrete in accordance with provisions of ACI 309R. Consolidate

each layer of concrete greater than 4 inches in depth with high frequency,
interval and mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand spading
and tamping. Consolidate concrete slab 4 inches or less in depth by wood
tampers, spading and settling with a heavy leveling straight edge. Operate
vibrators with vibratory element submerged in the concrete with a minimum
frequency of not less than 6000 impulses per minute when submerged. Insert and
withdraw vibrators approximately 18 inches apart. Penetrate the previously
placed lift with the vibrator when more than one lift is required. Place concrete in
180 inches maximum vertical lifts. Limit duration of vibration to time necessary
to produce adequate number of units and power source at all times. Maintain
spare units on hand to ensure adequacy. If in the opinion of the Subproject
Manager may order delay in further placement of concrete until such equipment
is available for use at the location of placement of concrete.

2.4.5 Protection and Curing

a. General
Concrete surfaces exposed to conditions causing premature drying shall be
protected as soon as possible with canvas, straw, burlap, sand or other
satisfactory material and kept moist; or if the surfaces are not covered they
shall be kept moist by flushing or sprinkling, as directed by the Subproject
Manager. All concrete shall be moist cured for a period of not less than seven
(7) consecutive days after placing by an approved method or combination of
methods applicable to local conditions.

b. Moist Cutting
The surface of the concrete shall be kept continuously wet water for a period
of seven (7) days, by spraying or by covering with burlap or other approved
material thoroughly saturated with water and keeping the covering wet by
spraying or intermittent hosing. Water for curing shall be generally lean and
free from any element, which might cause objectionable staining or
discoloration of the concrete.

2.4.6 Repairs to Concrete

All imperfections on concrete surfaces are corrected to produce concrete surfaces that
conform to the requirements of this section. Unless otherwise approved by the
Subproject Manager, patching with cement mortar shall repair imperfections on formed
surfaces. Cement mortar for patching shall be of the same composition as used in the
concrete, except for exposed surfaces; part of the cement shall be white cement to
provide a finish color matching the surrounding concrete. Honeycombed or otherwise
defective areas shall be cut out from solid concrete to a depth of not less than 25 mm.
The edges of the cut shall be perpendicular to the surface of the concrete. The area to be
patched, at least 15 mm adjacent thereto shall be saturated with water before placing the
mortar. The mortar shall be mixed approximately one (1) hour before placing and shall
be remixed occasionally during this period with a trowel without adding water. A grout
of cement and water, mixed to the consistency of paint, shall then be brushed onto the
surface to which the mortar is to be bonded. The mortar shall be compacted into place
and screened slightly higher that the surrounding surface. Patches shall be cured as
specified for the concrete. Exposed surfaces shall utilize plywood forms, after the
removal of forms, shall not be plastered, unless otherwise directed by the Subproject
Manager. All joint marks on the formwork shall be reworked to a smooth surface to
match adjacent areas and to present a new appearance.

2.4.7 Forms

(1) General
Forms shall be used whenever necessary to confine the concrete and shape it to the
required lines and dimensions, or to protect the concrete from contamination. Forms
shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placement and
vibration of the concrete and shall be maintained rigidly in correct position. Forms shall
be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. Forms for exposed
surfaces shall be lines with form grade plywood. Bolts and roods used for interval ties
shall be so arranged that when the forms are removed, they shall not less than two (2)
centimeters from the formed surface.

(2) Cleaning and Oiling of Forms

Before placing concrete, the contact surfaces, the forms shall be cleaned of incrustations
or mortar, grout or other foreign material. Forms shall be coated with standard from oil
that can effectively prevent sticking and will not stain the concrete surfaces.

(3) Removal of Forms

Forms shall be removed in a manner, which shall prevent damaged to concrete
structures. Forms shall not be removed without prior approval of the Subproject
Manager. Any repairs of surface imperfections shall be performed at once and curing
shall be started as soon as the surface is sufficiently hard to permit it without further
damage. The minimum time period for removal of forms shall govern where it exceeds
the minimum for another curing period. Where the formwork for one element supports
the formwork for another element, the greater time period apply to both elements.
Forms shall not be removed before the expiration of the minimum time specified below:

Element Time Period

Walls, columns, sides of beams and girders, 1
And slabs on grade

Pan joist forms (sides only):

76 cm (30 inches) wide or less 3
Over 76 cm (30 inches) wide 4

Where design live load is:

Less than greater than
Dead load dead load
Joist, beam, or girder, soffits:
(clear span between structural
Under 3.00m (10ft): 7 4
3.00 m (10ft) to 6.00 (20 ft.) 14 7
Over 6.00m (20 ft.) 21 14
One-way floor slabs: Clear span
Between structural supports)
Under 3.00m (10 ft.) 4 4
3.00m (10ft) to 6.00m (20ft.) 7 4
Over 6.00m (20 ft.) 10 7

Sufficient shoring members to support dead loads including construction loads on

beams and slabs shall be provided for a period of eight (8) days in addition to the seven
(7) days specified thereto. The time for removal of forms for structures not included
thereto shall be as directed by the Subproject Manager. Concrete work shall be protected
from damage during construction.

2.4.8 Reinforcing Steel

(1) General
Steel reinforcement shall be provided together with all necessary tie wires, chairs,
spacers, support and other necessary devices.

(2) Cutting and Bending

Reinforcing steel shall be accurately cut and bent in accordance with the approval
detailed reinforcement drawings. Reinforcing steel shall not be straightened or re-bent in
a manner that will injure the material. Bars with kinks or with bends not shown on the
approved detailed reinforcement drawings or with cracks or splits of the bends shall not
be used. All bars shall be bent cold. If Contractor elects to have reinforcing steel cut and
bent off the site, he shall provide, maintain and operate a small cutting and bending
shop on the site and maintain a representative stock of steel. This provision is to take
care of minor revisions and additions in an expeditious manner.

The subproject Manager may require the contractor to prepare and submit bar cutting
schedule prior to fabrication of reinforcing steel bars.

(3) Placing of Reinforcement

Reinforcing steel be accurately placed in accordance with approved detailed
reinforcement drawings and shall be adequately secured against displacement by using
specified tie wires or approved clips at all intersections. After it has been installed,
reinforcing steel shall be inspected by the Subproject Manager for compliance with
requirements as to size, shape, length, splicing, position and number. Reinforcing steel
shall be supported by concrete or metal supports, spacers or metals hangers, except for
surfaces exposed to the ground or to the weather, where supports shall be concrete.
Wooden support spreaders shall not be used. At surfaces where an attractive
appearance is required, the supports shall be of type, which shall not cause subsequent
staining or marring of the exposed surface.
2.4.9. Joints in Concrete
(1) Construction Joints
Construction joints shall be provided where indicated in the drawing or as directed by
the Subproject Manager. Joints not indicated on drawings shall be constructed and
located as not to impair the strength of the structures. When a construction joint is to be
made, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance
removed. In addition, the joint shall be thoroughly wetted and sloshed with a coat of
neat cement grout immediately prior to placing of new concrete.

(1) Expansion and Construction Joints

Expansion and contraction joints shall be provided where indicated and shall be in
accordance with details.

2.4.10 Concrete Protection

Unless otherwise noted, the thickness of concrete over reinforcement shall be as follows:

(a) Where concrete is deposited against ground

ground without use of forms, not less than. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 3”

(b) Where concrete may be exposed to ground

but is placed in forms, not less than . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 2”

(c) Where concrete may be exposed to weather

not less than . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... 1 ½”

(d) In slabs and walls not exposed to the ground

or to weather, not less than . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . ¾”

(e) In beams, girders and columns not exposed to

Ground or weather, not less than . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 ½”

In all cases, the thickness of concrete over the reinforcement shall be at least equal to the
diameter of round bars and one-half times the side dimension of square bars.

Exposed reinforcement bars intended for bonding with future extensions shall be
protected from corrosion by concrete or other adequate covering.

2.5 Methods of Measurements and Basis of Payment

The Subproject Manager shall in accordance with the dimension in the plan or as otherwise
direct the measurement of completed work. The quantities to be paid for under this section shall
be measured as follows:
A. The volume to be paid for under this item shall be the number of cubic meters of
concrete placed and accepted. Payment for concrete shall be construed to include the
cost of reinforcements, forms, false works, curing, fasteners and accessories
necessary to complete this item of work.
B. The quantities for reinforcing steel to be paid for shall be deemed to be included in
the final quantity of concrete placed and accepted in the completed structure. No
allowance will be given for tie wires separators, wire chairs and other materials used
in fastening the reinforcing steel in place. No measurement for payment shall be
made for splices added by the Contractor for his convenience. Payment for the
accepted quantities shall be deemed to include the cost of tie wires, separators, wire,
supports, hangers, chairs and other materials necessary to complete the work.

The quantities measured as provided above shall be full compensation for furnishing
and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.

3.0 MASONRY (Including Re-bars and Plastering)

3.1 Scope of Work

The work includes furnishing and placing of concrete masonry units in conformity with
the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings and in accordance with the

3.2 Applicable Documents

The latest edition of the following specifications and standards shall form part of this
specification to the extent required by the references thereto.

ASTM American Society for Testing Materials

C144 Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar
PSA Product Standards Agency Publications (Philippines)
PNS 16 Specification for Concrete Hollow Blocks

3.3 Material Requirements

3.3.1 Concrete Hollow Blocks
Concrete hollow blocks shall be a standard product of recognized manufacturer
to PNS 16, as indicated on the drawings. Exterior and interior masonry units shall be
non-load bearing units. However, load-bearing units maybe provided in lieu of non-
load bearing units. For non-load bearing units, the required compressive strength shall
be 25 kg/cm² or 2.48Mpa. Exterior and interior walls shall be 6” x 8” x 16” and 4” x 8” x
16” CHB respectively both faces plastered.

3.3.2 Cement, Reinforcing Steel and Water

Cement, reinforcing steel and water shall be as specified in Section 2.3.

(1) Sand
Fine aggregates for plastering shall be natural sand and shall be retained between No. 50
and NO. 100 sieves

3.4 Construction Requirements

3.4.1 Workmanship

Masonry walls shall be placed level and plumb all around. One section of the walls shall
not be placed in advance of the others, unless, specifically approved. Unfinished work
shall be stepped back for joining with new work; tooting shall not be permitted. Heights
of masonry shall be checked with an instrument at sills and heads of openings to
maintain the level of the walls. Door and window frames, louvered openings, anchors,
pipes, and conduits shall be installed in carefully and neatly as the masonry work
progresses. Spaces around doorframes shall be filled solidly with mortar. Drilling,
cutting, fitting and patching, to accommodate the work of others, shall be performed by
skilled workers. Bolts, anchors, inserts, plugs, ties and miscellaneous metal work
specified elsewhere shall be placed in position as the work progress. Chases of approved
dimension for pipes and other purposes shall be provided, where indicated or
necessary. Top of exposed walls and partitions, not being worked on, shall be covered
with a waterproof membrane, well secured in place. Walls and partitions shall be
structurally bonded or anchored to each and to concrete wall beams and columns.

3.4.2 Mortar Mixing

Mortar materials shall be measured in approved containers to insure that the specified
proportions of materials are controlled and accurately maintained during the progress of
the work. Unless specified otherwise, mortar shall be mixed in proportions by volume.
The aggregates shall be introduced and mixed in such a manner that the materials will
be distributed uniformly throughout the mass. A sufficient amount of water shall be
added gradually and the mass further mixed, not less than 3 minutes, until a mortar of
the plasticity required for the purpose intended shall be obtained. The mortar shall be
mixed in a manner such that the quality of water can be controlled accurately and
uniformly. Mortar boxes, pans of mixing drums shall be kept clean and free of debris of
dried mortar. The mortar shall be used before the initial setting of the cement has taken
place; retempering of mortar in which cement has started to set shall not be permitted.

3.4.3 Proportion of Mortar Grout

Fine mortar shall be mixed in the volumetric proportion of one part Portland cement. ¼
part hydrated lime and 3 parts sand. Coarse grout shall be mixed in proportion of one
part Portland cement, ¼ part hydrated lime, 3 parts sand and 3 parts pea gravel passing
a 3/8-inc sieve.

3.4.4 Use of Fine and Coarse Grout

Fine grout shall be used in grout spaces less than 50 mm in any horizontal dimension or
when clearance between reinforcement and masonry unit is less than 17 mm. Coarse
grout shall be used in grout spaces more than 50 mm in all horizontal dimensions or
where clearance between the reinforcement and masonry is more than 17 mm.

3.4.5 Mortar Joints

Mortar joint shall be uniform in thickness and the average thickness of any three
consecutive joints shall be 9.50 mm. “Gage rods” shall be made and approved prior to
starting the work and shall be used throughout the work. Changes in coursing or
bonding after the work has started shall no be permitted. The jointer shall be slightly
larger than the width of the joints, so that complete contact is made along the edge of the
units, compressing and sealing the surface of the joint. Joints in masonry, which will not
be exposed, shall be struck flush. Joints shall be brushed to remove all loose and excess
mortar. All horizontal joints shall be on level and vertical joints shall be plumbed and
aligned from the top to the bottom of the wall with a tolerance of plus or minus 12 mm.

3.4.6 Concrete Masonry Unit

The first coarse of concrete masonry unit shall be laid in full bed of mortar, for the full
width of the unit; the succeeding courses shall be laid with broken joints. Concrete
masonry units with the cells verticals shall have bed-joints formed by applying the
mortar to the entire top surfaces of the entire top surfaces of the inner and outer face
shell, and the head joints formed by applying the mortar of a width of about 25 mm to
the ends of the adjoining units laid previously. The mortar for joints shall be smooth, not
furrowed, and shall be of such thickness that it will be forced out of joints as the units
are being placed in position. Where anchors, bolts, ties and reinforcing bars occur within
the cell of the units, such cells shall be solidly filled with mortar or grout as the work

3.4.7 Reinforcement

Horizontal tie reinforcement shall be provided where indicated. Reinforcement shall be

continuous and provided in the longest available lengths. Reinforcement above and
below openings shall be extend and be embodied into the columns, unless otherwise
shown on the drawings. Spices shall overlap not less than 150 mm. reinforcement shall
be embedded in the mortar joints in the manner that all parts shall be protected by
mortar. The two top courses of filler block walls shall have their cores filled with grout
when placed in position.

Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the size and spacing of bars shall be as

For Vertical Bars (100 mm CHB): 10mm dia. at 600mm

(24”) on centers

For horizontal bars: 10 mm dia. at 600mm

on center (every third course)
of CHBs

3.4.8. Bounding and anchoring

Masonry walls and partitions shall be accurately anchored or bonded at points where
they intersect and where they about or adjoin the concrete frame of the building. All
anchors shall be completely embedded in mortar.

3.4.9 Grout Placement

Grout shall be performed on the interior side of wall, except as approved otherwise,
Sills, ledges, offsets and other surfaces to be left exposed shall be protected form grout
falling on such surfaces and be and shall be removed immediately. Grout shall be stirred
before placing to avoid segregation of the aggregate and shall be sufficiently fluid to
flow into joints and around the reinforcement without leaving any voids. Grout shall be
placed by pumping or pouring from buckets equipped with spouts, in lifts not
exceeding 1.2 meters high. Grout shall be puddle thoroughly to eliminate voids without
displacing the masonry units from its original position. Masonry units displaced by the
grouting operation shall be removed and relayed to its proper alignment using fresh
mortar grout.

3.4.10 Tests and Test Reports

The testing requirements stated herein or incorporated in referenced contract documents

may be waived provided certified copies of report of tests from approved laboratories
performed on previously manufactured materials are submitted and approved. Test
reports shall be accompanied by notarized copies from the manufacturer certifying that
the previously tested material is of the same type, quality, manufacture and make as
those proposed of this project.

3.4.11 Cement Finish on Masonry Walls

(1) General

The work consists of furnishing all materials, labor and performing all operations in
connection with plastering masonry wall surfaces, complete in every respect as shown in
the drawings and as specified herein. Plastering work shall be coordinated properly
with the work of other trades. The work of other trade shall be protected properly from
being damaged during plastering operations. Scaffolding shall be amply strong, well
braced, tied securely and inspected regularly. Overloading of scaffolding shall not be

(2) Mixing of Plaster

Except where hand mixing of small patches is an approved mechanical mixer of an

approved type shall be used for the mixing of plaster. Materials shall be accurately
measured by a device that will maintain the specified proportions within a plus or
minus tolerance not in excess of 5% by volume. Plaster materials shall be accurately
measured in approved containers to insure the specified proportions. Caked and
lumped materials hall not is use. Mixing boxes and tools shall be cleaned after mixing
each batch and kept free of plaster from previous mixes. Plaster materials shall be
thoroughly mixed with the proper amount of water until a uniform color and
consistency is attained. Tempering shall not be permitted and all plaster that has begun
to stiffen shall be discarded.

(3) Proportioning Plaster

Portland cement plaster shall be a two-coat application, the base and the finish coat.
Each coat shall be proportioned as follows: One part by volume of Portland, to three
parts sand. Hydrated lime may be used as directed by the Consultant.

(4) Application of Plaster

Surface to receive plaster must be free from structural defects and shall be thoroughly
dampened prior to application of plaster.

Plaster base coats shall be applied with sufficient pressure and the plaster shall be
sufficiently plastic to provide good bond on masonry base. The base coat shall be
compacted and straightened to a true surface without the application of water and the
entire surface shall be floated to receive the finish coat. The finish coat shall be applied to
a thickness approximately 3 mm before the scratch coat has set. Maximum pressure
shall be applied in order to compact the finish coat and to provide smooth finish free
from blemishes or irregularities. Trawling shall be continued until the finish surface sets.
Immediately after setting, the surfaces shall be scoured vigorously with clean burlap or
cement bag paper or brush to remove the sheen finish produced by trawling.

Plaster work shall be finished level, plumb, square and true, within a tolerance of 3mm
in 3 meters without waves, blisters, pits, crazing, discoloration, projections or other
imperfections. Plasterwork shall be formed carefully around angles and contours, and
well up to screens. Special care shall be taken to prevent consequent dropping of
applications. There must be no visible junction marks where one day’s work adjoins
another. Finished work shall be protected in an approved manner to prevent damage.

(5) Portland Cement Plaster

Cement plaster shall have a total thickness of not less than 12 mm thick. The base coat
shall be applied not less than 9 mm thick. The base coat shall be applied not less than 9
mm thick and allowed to dry slowly for 24 hours. Then the finish shall be applied to a
thickness of not less than 3 mm brushed with 4 applications of fog spray of clean water.
The first spray shall be applied 12 hours after the finishing coat has been completed and
three subsequent spraying shall be applied at sufficient intervals thereafter as approved
by the consultants.

(6) Patching and Pointing

Upon completion of the work, all loose, cracked, damaged or defective plastering shall
be cut and replastered in a satisfactory and approved manner. All pointing and patching
of plastered surfaces and where plastering abuts or adjoins any other finished works
shall be done in a neat and workmanship manner ready to receive pain or other finish.

(7) Curing and Protection

Dump curing shall begin as soon as the mortar has hardened sufficiently to prevent
injury and water applied in a fog spray to keep the plaster damp throughout soaking.
The period for damp curing shall be as specified for each coat. Protect the plaster from
uneven and excessive evaporation during hot or drying weather conditions.

(8) Cleaning
After the completion of plastering work, all scaffolding surplus materials, debris and
plaster daubs and stains on floors, windows and other surface shall be removed to the
satisfaction and approval of the Subproject Manager.

3.5 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

In measuring the quantity of masonry units for payments, the dimensions to be used shall be as
shown on the plans or as directed by the Subproject Manager in writing. Projections extended
beyond the faces of the wall shall not be included. The area to be paid for under this section
shall be the number of square meters of concrete masonry wall including plastering and
partition placed and accepted in accordance with the plans and specifications. Payment of
accomplished work shall be deemed to include the cost of mortar grout, reinforcing steel, tie
wires, false work and other necessary works to complete this item.

The quantity of concrete masonry wall with plastering and partition shall be paid for at the
contract unit price shown in the bid schedule, which payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.


4.1 Scope of Work

The work includes the furnishing, fabrication, erection or installation of structural steel roof
framing and miscellaneous metal work in accordance with this specification and as shown in
the drawings.

This section also includes the furnishing of all plant, tools, equipment, materials and other in
the installation of waterproofing and roofing, including miscellaneous sheet metal works as
required providing a waterproof installation.

4.2 Applicable Specifications and Standard

The latest edition of the following specifications and standards refereed to hereinafter by basic
designation only, shall form part of this specification:

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A36/A36M Specification for Structural Steel
A53 Steel Pipe Zinc Coated Welded and Scam less Black and Hot-Dip
A307 Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength
A325 Standard Specification, high Strength Bolts for Joints
A570 Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality
A611 Steel, Cold-Rolled Steel, Carbon, Structural Quality
AWS American Welding Society
D1.1 Structural Welding Code, Steel
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, Specification for the Design,
Fabrication, Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings
AISI American Iron Steel Institute, Specification for the Design of Light Gage
Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members

4.3 Material Requirement

4.3.1 Structural Steel Shapes Plates and Bars
Unless other wise shown or specified on the drawing, structural steel shapes plates and
bars shall conform to ASTM specification A36/16M.

4.3.2 Hot-Formed Steel Sheet and Strip

Unless otherwise shown or specified on the drawings, hot-formed steel and strip shall
conform steel sheet and strip shall conform to ASTM A570.

4.3.3 Bolts, Nuts and Washer

It shall conform to specification ASTM A370, with a minimum yield point of 33,000 psi
unless otherwise shown in the drawings, Heavy hexagonal structural bolts, heavy
hexagonal nuts and hardened washers, shall be quenched and tarpapered medium-
carbon steel bolts, nuts and washers complying with ASTM A325.

4.3.4 Screw and Expansion Bolts

Screw and expansion bolts shall be of standard commercial grade, and of sizes and types
indicated as approved by the Subproject Manager.

4.3.5 Electrodes

Electrodes for are welding shall be E60, or E70, AWS D1.1.

4.3.6 Galvanizing

Unless otherwise specified, galvanizing shall be of standard quality, hot-dipped process

of 1.25 ounces per square foot of coating. Galvanized surfaces that are damaged prior to
final acceptance shall be repaired using an approved repair compound to the satisfaction
of the Subproject Manager.
4.3.7 Construction Requirements
Miscellaneous metal including fastenings, and incidentals not specifically mentioned
herein or in other section of this specifications but are required to complete the work, for
which there are no detailed drawings, shall be provided and installed in accordance
with standard practice of the trades as approved by the Subproject Manager.

4.4 Construction Requirements

4.4.1 General

Fabrication and erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with AISC specification
for the design, fabrication and erection of structural steel for buildings, except as
specified herein. The Contractor shall submit to the Subproject Manager for approval
shop drawings showing the proposed method of fabrication and installation of all metal
work. No work shall started until the shop drawings have been approved and all work
shall conform to the approved shop drawings.

4.4.2 Fabrication of Steel Structure

The work shall be well formed at the shape and size shown and assembled as detailed.
Structural members shall be fabricated and assembled in the shop to the greatest extent
possible. Shearing and punching shall be produced in clean, true lines and surfaces with
burrs removes. Nuts shall be drawn up tight. Joints, which ate to be exposed to the
weather, shall be watertight. Hole shall be cut, drilled or punched at right angles to the
surface of the metal and shall be made or enlarged by burning. Holes in base or bearing
plates shall be drilled.

(1) Welding
Structural steel shall be welded in accordance with the standard code of Are and Gas
Welding in Building Construction of the AWS. Qualified welders shall perform all
welding work only.

(2) Shop Painting

Unless otherwise specified or indicated in the drawings, all structural steel work (except
galvanized surfaced and surfaces that will be painted with epoxy) shall be given a shop
coat of red or zinc chromate primer.

4.4.3 Erection
The steel structure shall be erected true to line and grades. Bracings and support shall be
introduced whenever necessary to take care of all the loads to which the structure may
be subjected. Such bracings shall be left in place as may be required for safety. As
erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted to take care of all the dead loads,
wind and erection stresses. No reaming of undersize bolt holes shall be permitted and
erection bolts shall not be used for lining up members.

(1) Drift Pins

Drift pins may be used only to bring together several parts; they shall not be used in
such manner as to distort or damage the metal.

(2) Gas Cutting

The use of gas cutting torch in the fields for correcting fabrication errors shall not be
permitted on any major member in the structural framing. Its use may be permitted only
when the member is not under stress, and subject to the approval of the Subproject

(3) Base plates and Bearing Plates

Base plates and large bearing plates shall be supported on steel wedges or shims until
the supported members have been plumbed, following which the entire bearing area
shall be grouted with non-shrink cement grout.

(4) Grouting Mortar for Setting Base Plates

Concrete grout shall be a non-shrinking grouting mortar. The mortar subject to the
approval by the Subproject Manager can either be a mixture of Portland cement, well
graded fine aggregate, aluminum powder; and water or an approved commercial
grouting mortar containing a non-metallic chemical oxidizing agent. If adopted, the
approved product shall be delivered to the site of the work in original sealed container
bearing the trade name of the manufacturer. Surfaces to receive the mortar shall be clean
and shall be clean and shall be moistened thoroughly before placing the mortar.
Exposed surfaces of mortar shall be water cured with burlap for at least seven (7) days.

(5) Setting Up
Steel shall be erected plumb, level and properly guyed. In setting or erecting structural
steel, the individual piece shall be considered plumb or level where the error does not
exceed 1 to 500.

(6) Inspection
The Contractor shall give the Subproject Manager at least fifteen (15) days notice prior to
the start of work at the mill or shop, so that the required inspection may be made. The
term “mill” means any rolling mil, shop or foundry where material for the work is to be
manufactured or fabricated. No materials shall be rolled or fabricated until said
inspection has been provided.

The Contractor shall furnish the Subproject Manager with copies of the certificate mill
reports of the structural steel structure preferably before but not later than the delivery
of steel structure to the job site.

The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for inspection and the Subproject Manager shall
be given free access to the mill or shop and premises at all times. The Contractor shall
furnish without charge all labor, machinery, materials and tools necessary to prepare
test specimens.

Inspection at the mill or ship is intended as a means of facilitating the work and
avoiding errors. It is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from
any responsibility for imperfect materials or workmanship and the necessity for
replacing the same. The acceptance of any materials or finished member at the mill or
shop by the Subproject Manager shall be preclude their subsequent rejections if found
defective before final acceptance of the work. Inspection of welding works will be in
accordance with the provision of Section 5 of the “Standard Code for Arc and Gas
Welding in Building Construction” of the AWS.

4.4.4 Roofing and Siding Installation

(1) General
Except as specified otherwise herein, all materials shall be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s printed erection instructions. Care shall be exercised in storing,
handling and installing to prevent any damage to roofing sheets. The sheets shall be of
the length indicated or the greatest length to suit the purlins spacing. End laps of roofing
shall be located over purlins. Extreme care shall be exercised in drilling, pilot holes for
fattening to keep drills perpendicularly center valleys or crowns as applicable. After
drilling, all melt fillings and burrs shall be removed from holes prior to installing
fasteners and washers. Sheets deformed or otherwise damaged by over-torque
fastenings, shall be removed and new sheets be installed. Size and spacing, of fasteners
used in erection shall be as recommended by manufacturer subject to the approval of the
consultant. All metal shaving shall be swept from roofs upon completion to prevent
rusting and discoloration. Prior to the installation of roofing, purlins should have been
placed and spaced properly to fit the length of roofing sheets to be used.

(2) Installation of Roofing Sheets

Installation of roofing sheets shall start at the lower part of the roof and to proceed
towards the direction of the prevailing monsoon wind. Side laps be two and a half (2 ½)
corrugations and end laps shall be 250-mm minimum. Each sheet shall be fastened
temporarily by a galvanized flat head to be covered by side or end laps. Succeeding
upper tows of roofing sheet shall be installed in the same manner until the roof area is

(3) Joint Sealing

To provide watertight construction joint sealing material shall be provided to seal all
joints in and around sealing strips at ridges, eaves valleys and bolt holes before inserting
fasteners for all flashing and elsewhere as necessary.

4.4.5 Water testing

All waterproofed surfaces, roof, sidings, gutter and downspout system shall be tested
for water tightness by flushing or flooding, with water as directed by the Subproject
Manager. Floodwater shall be kept on gutters, downspouts for a minimum time of
twenty four (24) hours. If any leak occurs, the works shall be repaired or reconstructed.
Test shall be repeated until satisfactorily result has been attained.

4.5 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

1. The quantity of structural steel roof framing/trusses to be paid for shall be the
number of sets completed in-place and accepted, while the quantity of purlins/rafters to
be paid for shall be the number of linear meters completed in-place and accepted.
Payment for the accepted quantities shall be deemed to include the cost of steel plates,
anchor bolts buckles, sag rods, cross bracing, mounting accessories and other works
necessary to complete this work item.

2. The quantity for roofing sheets and heat insulator to be paid for shall be the number of
square meters completed and accepted. Payment of this item shall be deemed to include
the cost fasteners, gutter, ridge roll, fascia, flashing, accessories and other works
necessary to complete this work item.

The quantity determined as provided above shall be paid for the contract price for each
for the pay item listed in the bid schedule, which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.

5.1 Scope of Work
These sections include all rough and finish carpentry, aluminum works and joinery
works, as shown in the drawings and in accordance with this specification. (Acoustic
board for interior and hardiflex for exterior ceiling). All specifications of acoustic board ceiling is
specified in the drawing.
5.2 Material Requirements
5.2.1 Lumber
All number shall be in accordance with the accepted commercial standard and shall be
of the approved quality of each kind and shall be of the following spaces and grades as
shown in the drawings:

Use Species Grade

Lumber in contact with
Concrete, masonry and
Cement plasters
Lauan/Yakal Good

Jambs, transoms, mullions

Headers, sills, frames and
Wood base of detachable
Gemelina/Lauan Clear
Wood trims, wooden
Planks and wood vent
And frames
Gemelina/Lauan Clear

(1) Quality of Lumber

All lumber shall be the approved quality of each kind required for the various parts of
the work, well seasoned, thoroughly dry, and free from large, loose or unsound knots,
saps, shakes, and other imperfections, impairing its strength, durability and appearance.
Jambs, transoms, mullions, headers, sills, frames and wood base shall be air dried and
well seasoned for at least two (2) months before use.

(2) Substitutions
Any lumber equally for the purpose may be substituted for the kinds specified,
provided that the substitution shall be acceptable to the Subproject Manager.

(3) Moisture Content

Except where otherwise specified, lumber shall be sun-dried, or kiln-dried. At time of
installation, the maximum moisture content, expressed as a percentage of the oven-dry
wood, shall be as follows:

a. Rough Carpentry and Framing

Framing lumber 2 inches and less in thickness: 19 percent
Framing lumber over 2 inches thick: 25 percent
Boards: 19 percent
b. Interior millwork, finish and trim: 17 percent

5.2.2 Hardiflex
Ceiling shall be 6-mm thk hardiflex nailed with galvanize or zinc coated common nail.

5.3.2 Fasteners
Fasteners shall be of the type and size best suited for the purpose as shown in the
drawing, fasteners shall be galvanized or zinc coated, regular commercial size as
indicated and shall conform to ASTM specification A307.

5.3 Construction Requirements

5.3.1 Workmanship
Lumber for framing and other carpentry shall be filled closely, set accurately to the
required lines and levels, and shall be secured in place in a rigid and substantial manner.
Spikes, nails and bolts shall be of the proper size and care shall be taken so as not to split
the members. All frames coming in contact with concrete or masonry shall be anchored
by means of nails spaced sufficiently apart all around the contact surfaces. Bolt holes
shall be drilled accurately and shall have a diameter of 3 mm more than the bolt size. All
exposed wood surfaces shall be smoothly dressed and if so required, shall be well sand
papered to an even smooth surface ready for finishing.

5.3.2 Finish Framing

Grades and species of wood shall be as specified. Interior finish shall be set plumb, level,
square and in true alignment and joints shall be tight and formed to conceal shrinkage.
All finish framing shall be done as much as possible with carefully fitted mortise and
tendon joints. Surface finish of woodwork shall be smoothly dressed and well sanded by
machine or by hand. Conceal fastening and joints as much as possible, if not possible
locate them in inconspicuous places where nailing is permitted on wood surfaces.
Nailing and blocking shall be provided as necessary.

5.3.3 Rough Framing

Framing and other rough carpentry shall be fitted closely and set accurately to the
required line and levels and shall be secured in place in a rigid and substantial manner.
Framing members shall not be spliced between bearing points and shall be free from
pronounced defects. All framing members, not indicated or specified shall be provided
as necessary for the proper completion of the work. Nailing shall be done in an
approved manner, so as not split the framing members.

5.3.4 Protection of Work

The Contractor shall protect all finished woodwork and millwork from injury after it has
been set in place until completion and final acceptance.
5.3.5 Hardware
Items of hardware to be installed shall be as directed or as shown in the drawings and
shall be fitted carefully and attached securely. Care shall be exercised not to mar or
injure the work.

5.4 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

The quantity of carpentry, aluminum and joinery works shall be paid for at the contract unit
price shown in the bid schedule which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
described on this Section.

6.0 DOORS & WINDOWS (Includes ceiling joists, hanger and acrylic painting)

6.1 Scope of Work

This Section calls for the furnishing, fabrication and installation of doors in accordance with the
plans and specifications.

6.2 Material Requirements

6.2.1 Wood Doors
(1) General
Door panels shall have 44-mm thickness, unless otherwise specified or shown on plans,
except for counter doors, which shall be 31 mm thick.

(2) Door Types

(a) Hollow Core Doors
Except as otherwise specified, flush door shall be done in accordance with the detail as
shown on the plans. The plywood edge protection shall be around and into the outside
frame of the door in order to prevent “peeling off” of the plywood veneers at the edges.

(b) Panel Doors

Except as otherwise specified, panel door shall be done in accordance with the detail as
shown on the plans. The whole door shall be made of kiln dried solid wood or as
specified on the plans.

(c) PVC Doors

Except as otherwise specified or shown in the plans, PVC door shall be pre-fabricated
including accessories and jambs. Shop drawings shall be submitted by Supplier or
Contractor for approval of the Subproject Manager.
(d) Aluminum Doors
Except as otherwise specified or shown in the plans, aluminum frame doors shall be pre-
fabricated including accessories and hardware. Shop drawings shall be submitted by
Supplier or Contractor for approval of the Subproject Manager.

(3) Lumber
Lumber for doors shall be commercial grade, of the approved equity of each kind, well
seasoned, thoroughly dry, and free from loose or unsound knots, shakes, pitch, pockets
or other imperfections affecting its strength, durability or appearance.

(a) Door frames in contact with concrete shall be nil, good grade of the design size and
thickness as indicated in the drawings. Application of black coal tar between contact
surfaces shall be provided.
(b) Door studs, nailed and frames shall be nil, S4S and kiln dried with not more than
fourteen percent (14%) moisture content.

(4) Plywood
Plywood for interior flush doors shall be nil, first class and of commercial standard.

6.3 Construction Requirements

6.3.1 Installation of Doors
Doors shall be installed only after completion of other works, which may affect the
moisture content of the door. Doors shall be fitted and trimmed as required by the
opening they will cover. Doors shall have a clearance of 3 mm at the side and top and
shall have a bottom clearance of 6 mm over thresholds or as shown on details. The lock
edge of doors shall be beveled at the rate of 3-mm. in 50 mm. Cuts made on the jambs
shall be sealed immediately after cutting, using a clear water-resistant varnish or
sanding sealer.

Doors with surfaces receive paint or stain finish may be furnished factory primed, and
doors with natural finish may be furnished factory pre-finished. Final furnishing shall be
done in site in accordance with painting and varnishing specifications.

6.3.3 Installation of Builders Hardware

(1) Door knobs, Lock and Latch Strikes
All lock and latch strikes shall be installed in doorframes at the same height from the
floor. Doorknobs shall be located that the center of the knob is 0.90 m. from the finished

(2) Hinges
Hollow Core Flush type Doors, PVC Doors shall be provided with three (3) butt hinges
(100mm x 100mm loose pin, Brass type). Solid Wood Panel shall be provided with four
(4) butt hinges (100mm x 100mm loose pin, Brass Type). For Aluminum frame Doors,
use hinges specified by manufacturer’s standard.

6.4 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

(1) The quantities for doors to be paid for shall be the number of sets of door panel
and/or number of units completed and accepted. Payment of this item shall be deemed
to include the cost of jambs, heads, doorframes, nailers and glass pane (if any) and finish

(2) The quantities accomplished for each type of window shall be paid in square meters
of area and/or number of units completed and accepted for each item of work. Payment
for these items shall be considered to include the cost of steel frames, glass panels, finish
hardware and glazing and incidental works.

The accepted quantities measured as stipulated above, shall be paid for at the contract
unit price for each item, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work described on this Section.


6.1 Scope of Work

This Section calls for the furnishing, fabrication and installation of windows and partitions in
accordance with the plans and specifications.

6.2 Material Requirements

6.2.1 Awning, Fixed type Windows:
All windows shall be Anodized Aluminum Frame as shown on plans: Sizes of openings
must be verified by the contractor at the job site before fabrication of frames. Aluminum
framed window shall be pre-fabricated including accessories and hardware. Shop
drawings shall be submitted by supplier or contractor for approval of the subproject

6.2.2 Glass and Glazing

Glass - All window casement shall be glazed 6mm thk glass. It shall be of high
quality, free from unevenness or other imperfection that affects its quality
and form.
Glazing- All glass shall be bedded and sealed with best manufactured silicon
sealant. All stains due to glazing shall be removed from other work. The
windows shall be cleaned and washed and left perfectly clean.

6.3 Construction Requirements

6.3.1 Installation of Windows
Window framing for Aluminum frame, Awning or fixed type window shall be fitted
and embedded closely to finished concrete, set accurately to the required lines and
levels, and secured in place in rigid manner with the use of appropriate fasteners. Frame
corners shall be mitered and mechanically locked to attain extreme rigidity.

6.4 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

(1) The quantities for windows and partition to be paid for shall be the number of sets of
window panel and partitions and/or number of units completed and accepted. Payment
of this item shall be deemed to include the cost of jambs, heads, doorframes, nailers and
glass pane (if any) and finish hardware.

(2) The quantities accomplished for each type of window shall be paid in square meters
of area and/or number of units completed and accepted for each item of work. Payment
for these items shall be considered to include the cost of steel frames, glass panels, finish
hardware and glazing and incidental works.

The accepted quantities measured as stipulated above, shall be paid for at the contract
unit price for each item, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work described on this Section.


7.1 Scope of Work

This section covers all required in connection with surface finished on wood, metal, masonry
and concrete surfaces in accordance with this specification and as shown in the drawings.

7.2 Material Requirement

7.2.1 Tile Works

(1) Floor Tiles
Tiles shall be standard grade, 600mm x 600mm granite tiles and unglazed ceramic tiles
in comfort rooms and 6mm thick. Color and pattern shall be as specified in the drawing
or as approved by the Subproject Manager.

(2) Wall Tiles

It shall be 6-mm thick, standard grade, glazed ceramic tiles. Color and patterns shall be
as shown in the drawing or as approved by the Subproject Manager. Tiles shall be free
from lamination, serrated edges, chipped off corners and other imperfections affecting
their quality, appearance and strength.

(3) Cement Grout

It shall be of standard quality approved by the Subproject Manager.

7.3 Construction Requirements

7.3.1 Cement Finish on Concrete Floor Slabs

(1) General
This work includes plain cement finish with or without red cement, and plain cement
finish as bed for tiles, including all labor, materials, equipment and other facility to
complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications.

(2) Finishing Requirements

Floor and slabs shall be sloped uniformly to the drains. In areas where tiles are to be
laid, the concrete base slab shall be depressed to not less than 50 mm, when not
indicated. Floor and slab finishes, where not indicated, shall receive a single steel
trawling. Dry cement shall not be placed directly on the new concrete surface to absorb
excess moisture.

(3) Finishing Procedures

Finishing procedures for floors and slabs, where not indicated on the drawings, shall be
as follows:

Finish Description Uses

Screened Rough, free from ridges and holes Slab and concrete surfaces
under earth fill

Floated Medium rough with texture

finished Light storage areas, base
slabs and heavy machine

Trawled Fine and texture to flossy glass

finish depending upon the
number of passes of All surfaces:
1) Under floor- 1 pass
2) Normal wearing surface-
2 passes
3) Dense wearing surfaces-3

(4) Screened Finish

Concrete shall be placed, consolidated and immediately struck off to bring the top
surface of the slab to proper grade. Floors shall be leveled with a tolerance of 3 mm
in 3.0 meters, except where drain occurs, in which case the floors shall be pitched to
the drains. Striking off and bull floating shall be completed before water appears on
the surface of the fleshly-placed concrete. If water is still visible by the time floating
is to start; the excess water shall first be scrubbed off the surface by appropriate

(5) Floated Finished

Floating shall begin when the water sheen has disappeared and when the surface has
stiffened sufficiently to support a man without indenting the surface. Floating shall be
performed by hand with a wood float. During the floating, the surface shall be checked
with a 3.0-m straight edge applied at different angles. The surface shall be floated to a
true plane within 3 mm in 3.0 meters.

(6) Trawled Finished

Upon attaining proper set, the floor shall first be given a floated finish as specified
herein above and then hand trawled. The first trawling should produce a smooth
surface, free of defect. The finished surface shall be free of trawled marks, uniform in
texture and true to a plane within 3 mm in 3.0 meters.

(7) Broomed Finish

The floor shall first be given a floated finish and a steel trawled finish a specified herein
above and then surface shall be bromide with flexible bristle broom. The topping
mixture shall be spread evenly over the roughened base before the final set has taken
place. At the time of brooding, the trawled surface shall have hardened sufficiently to
retain the scoring on ridges. The brooding shall be in a direction transverse to that of
traffic or at right angles to the slope of the floor.

(8) Application of Cement Finishes

The concrete slab to receive cement top finish shall be roughened before the concrete has
set. Before applying the cement top finish, the concrete surface shall be further
roughened with a pick of similar tool to remove laitance, loose particles, plaster and
anything that would prevent bond and then cleaned by an approved method or device.
After cleaning, the slab shall be thoroughly wet before top finish is applied. The cement
top finish shall have minimum thickness of 19mm and shall be poured continuously
until the entire section is complete. Cement top finish shall be floated either manually or
by machine, struck off with straight edge, steel trawled to a hard smooth surface, and
graded to drain where required. Where the floor is to be hardened, ½ of the pre-mixed
floor hardener shall be spread over the freshly poured cement top finish after screening
and removing any excess water from the mixture and the floor shall then be floated. The
angles to the first application. The floor shall then be floated and care shall be taken to
embed the floor topping with hardener firmly in surface of the concrete floor. The
treated cement top finish shall be allowed to set sufficiently so that the surface maybe
steel trawled to a hard-scaled surface.

7.3.1 Other Cement Finish

(1) Patching of Surface Defects

All surface defect shall be repaired with cement mortar of the same composition as used
in the concrete. Part of the cement in the mortar may be white cement, for patching
exposed areas to match the color of the surrounding concrete. Patching shall begin as
soon as the forms are removed and areas to be patched are cleaned thoroughly. Minor
defective areas shall be cut out of the solid concrete to a depth of not less than 25 mm
and edges of cuts shall be perpendicular to the surface of the concrete. Areas to be
patched and about 150 mm of the adjacent surrounding areas shall be saturated with
water before placing the mortar. Mix the mortar approximately one (1) hour before
placing and remix occasionally during this period without adding water. An initial
grout of cement and water mixed to the consistency of paint of the required color shall
be applied into the surface to which the mortar is to be bonded.

(2) Repairing of Structural Defects

Concrete with excessive honey-comb, exposed reinforcing bars and other defect, which
affect the structural strength of the members, shall be removed and repaired by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the Subproject Manager.

(3) Finishing of Formed Surfaces

Finishing of formed surfaces, where not indicated in the drawings, shall be as follows:

(a) Surfaces exposed to public view shall be smooth form finished. No plastering work
shall be done on exposed surfaces to correct imperfections. Form facing materials
shall be used to produce a smooth, hard and uniform texture on the concrete. Tie
holes and defects shall be patched and all fins shall be completely removed.
(b) Surfaces not exposed to public view shall be rough form finished. Tie holes and
defects be patched and fins exceeding 6 mm in height shall be chipped off or rubbed
(c) Finishing of formed surfaces shall be accomplished after removal and repair of
surface defects.

7.3.2 Tile Works

(1) General
The work consist of furnishing all materials, labor and performing all operations in
connection with tile finishing of floors and walls, complete including mortar beds for the
tile. Tile work shall not be started on portions where embedded lines crossed – over the
area until roughing-ins for plumbing and electrical work has been completed and tested.
The work of all other trades in the areas where the work is to be done shall be protected
from damage in a workmanship manner as directed by the Subproject Manager.

(2) Mortar for Tiles

A scratch coat for wall tile shall consist of one part Portland cement, ¼ part lime putty
and 3 parts sand by volume. Scratch coat shall have a minimum thickness of 9 mm. The
buttering mortar for setting wall tiles and mortar setting bed for floor tiles shall have the
same proportion as that of scratch coat.

(3) Floor Tilling

(a) Preparation of Surfaces

Before tile is applied with a dry-set mortar bed, the structural floor shall be tested for
levelness or uniformity of slope by flooding it with water. Areas with water ponds
shall be filled, leveled and resetting before the setting bed is applied. The slab shall
be soaked thoroughly with clean water on the day before the setting bed is applied.
Immediately preceding the application of the setting bed, the slab shall again be
wetted thoroughly but no free water shall be permitted to remain on the surface. A
skim coat of Portland cement mortar shall then be applied not more than 1.5 mm
thick. The mortar shall be spread until its surface is true and even and thoroughly
compacted, either level or sloped uniformly for drainage, where required. A setting
bed, as far as can be covered with the tile before the mortar shall have reached its
initial set, must be placed in one (1) operation, but in the event that more setting
mortar has been placed that can be covered, the unfinished portion shall be removed
and cut back to a clean leveled edge.

(b) Application of Floor Tile

All tiles shall be soaked in clean water to a minimum of one (1) hour before they are
installed. Placing tile on a wetted cloth in a shallow pan before installing shall damp
absorptive mounted tile. Before the initial set has taken place in the setting bed, a skim
of Portland cement mortar 75mm to 1.5mm thick, shall be trawled or brushed over the
setting bed r plain Portland cement .75 mm and 1.5 mm thick may be hand dusted
uniformly over the setting bed and worked lightly with a trowel or brush until
thoroughly damp. The tiles shall then be pressed firmly upon the setting bed, and
carefully tapped into the mortar until true and even with the place of the finished floor
base. Tapping and leveling shall be completed within one (1) hour after placing tiles.
Borders and defined lines shall be laid before the field or body of the floor. Where floor
drain is provided, the floor shall be sloped properly to the drains. Cutting of tiles, where
necessary, shall be done along the outer edges of tile against trim, base, thresholds,
pipes, built-in fixtures and similar surfaces and shall be geared and joined carefully.
Tiles shall be secured firmly in place and loose tiles or tiles sounding hollow shall be
removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Subproject Manager. All lines shall be
kept straight, parallel and true and all finished surface brought to true and even planes.

(4) Wall Tilling

Scratch coat shall be applied on prepared surface to serve as backing for wall tiles, not
less than 24 hours or more than 48 hours before starting the tile setting. Temporary
screeds shall be applied to the scratch coat to provide a true and plumb surface to the
proper distance back from the finished wall. The setting bed shall be applied, rotted and
floated flushed with the screeds over an area no greater than will be covered with the
tile while the bed remains plastic. The thickness of the setting bed shall not exceed 20
mm and the mortar shall not be tempered.

(b) Application of Wall Tile

Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for a minimum of one (1) hour before they are
installed. A skim coat of Portland cement mortar mixed with water to the consistency of
thick cream .75mm thick shall be applied to the mortar setting bed, or to the back of each
tile. The tiles shall then be pressed firmly upon the setting bed and tapped until flush
and even with plane of the other tiles. The tiles shall be applied before the mortar bed
shall be taken its initial set. Intersections and returns shall be formed accurately. All lines
shall be kept straight and true; and all finished surfaces brought to true and even planes;
internal corners squared and external corners rounded. Horizontal joints shall be
maintained level and vertical joints plumb in alignment.

(5) Jointing
Joints shall be parallel and uniform in width, plumb and level and in alignment. End
joints in broken-joint shall be made, as far as practicable, on the centerline of the
adjoining tiles. Joint widths shall be uniform and measured to accommodate the tiles
in the given spaces with a minimum cutting.
(6) Grouting
Grouting shall be done as soon as the mortar beds have sufficiently set. All cement
shall be Portland cement, colored or white, as required. Where light colored mortar
is required in joints, mixture of white cement and non-fading mineral oxide shall be
used to produce the desired colors. The quantity of mineral oxides shall not exceed
10% of the volume of cement in any case.

(7) Cleaning
Upon completion of grouting, the tile shall be thoroughly cleaned and maintained in
this condition in this condition until completion of the contract.


8.1 Scope of Work

This item shall consists of furnishing all materials, tools, equipment and fixtures required as
shown on the Plans for the satisfactory performance of the entire plumbing system including
installation in accordance with the latest edition of the National Plumbing Code and this

8.2 Material Requirements

All piping materials, fixtures and appliances fitting accessories whether specifically mentioned
or not but necessary to complete this Item shall be furnished and installed.

8.2.1 Pipes and Fittings

A. All pipes shall be PVC S-1000, Blue for sanitary; orange for wastewater and soil pipe.

B. Valves for water supply shall be PVC with threaded ends. All valves are gate valves
unless otherwise specified. Gate valves shall have solid wedge body and discs
conforming to specification requirements.

8.2.2 Approved Alternate Pipes and Fittings

Pipes and fittings for sanitary and potable water lines as approved alternative shall be
Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes and Fittings (UPVC).
Pipes and fittings shall be made of virgin materials conforming to specification
requirements defined in ASTM 2-2241 and PNS 65: 1986. Fittings shall be molded type
and designed for solvent cement joint connection for water lines and rubber O-ring seal
joint for sanitary lines.

8.2.3 Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings

Exposed traps and supply pipes for fixtures shall be connected to the urging in, piping
system at the wall unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. Built-in fixtures shall be
watertight with provision of water supply and drainage outlet, fittings and trap seal.
Unless otherwise specified, all plumbing fixtures shall be made of vitreous china
porcelain complete with fittings.
A. Water closet shall be vitreous china porcelain or its equivalent free saddling toilet
combination, round front bottom outlet siphon was down with extended rear self
and closed coupled tank with cover complete with fittings and mounting accessories.
The Engineer shall submit model make and color for approval prior to delivery at
job site.
B. Lavatory shall be vitreous china porcelain or its equivalent wall-hung with rear
overflow and cast-in soap dishes, pocket hanger with integral china brackets,
complete with twin faucets supply pipes, P-trap and amounting accessories. Where
indications the Plans to be counter top model make and the Engineer shall approve
8.3 Construction Requirements

The Contractor before any installation work is started shall carefully examine the Plans and
shall investigate actual structural and finishing work condition affecting all this work. Where
actual condition necessitates a rearrangement of the approved pipe layout, the Contractor shall
prepare Plan(s) of the proposed pipe layout for approval by the Subproject Manager.

8.3.1 Installation of Waste and Vent Pipes

A. Horizontal lines shall be secured strongly by hooks to the building frame ands
suitable brackets or chairs shall be provided at the floor from which they start.

B. Vent pipes in roof spaces shall be run as closes possible to under side of roof with
horizontal piping pitched down to stacks without forming traps. Vertical cent pipes
may be connected into one main vent riser above the highest vented fixtures.

C. Where an end or circuit vent pipe from any fixtures is connected to a vent line
serving other fixtures, the connection shall be at least 1.20m above the floor on which
the fixtures are located.

D. Horizontal waste line receiving the discharge from two or more fixtures shall be
provided with end vents unless separate venting of fixtures is noted on the Plans.

E. All changes in pie sizes on soil and waste lines shall be made with reducing fittings
or recessed reducers. All changes in directions shall be made by appropriate use of
45 degrees, wyes, half wyes, quarter bends or elbows may be used in waste lines
where the change in direction of flow is the horizontal to the vertical and on the
discharge from waste closets. Where it becomes necessary to use short radius fittings
in other locations the approval of the Subproject Manager shall be obtained prior to
installation of the same.

F. Vent pipe shall be flashed and made watertight at the roof with ferrule lead.
Flashing shall be turned down into pipes.

8.3.2 Water Pipes, Fittings and Connections

A. The water piping shall be extended to all fixtures, outlets and equipment from the
gate valves installed in the branch near the rise:

B. Mains and Branches

1. All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements and shall be worked into place
without springing or forcing. Care shall be taken so as not to weaken the structural
portions of the building.
2. All piping above the ground shall be run parallel with the lines of the building unless
otherwise indicated on the Plans.
3. All service pipes valves and fittings shall be kept at sufficient distance from other
work to permit finished covering on the different services.
No water piping shall be buried in floors, unless specifically indicated on the Plans and
approved by the Subproject Manager.
4. Changes in pipes shall be made with reducing fittings.

C. Drain Cocks
1. Pipe drain indicated on the drawing shall consist of 12-mm globe valve with
renewable disc and installed at low points on the cold water piping so that all piping
shall slope 100 in 30.5m.

D. Threaded Pipe Joints

1. All pipes shall be reamed before threading. All screw joints shall be made with
graphite and oil or with an approved granite compound applied to make threads
only. Threads shall be cut and not more than three threads on the pipe shall remain

E. Expansion and Construction of Pipes

Accessible contraction-expansion joints shall be made whenever necessary. Horizontal
runs of pipe over 15m in length shall be anchored to the wall to the supporting structure
about midway on the run to force expansion and contraction equally toward the ends or
as shown on the Plans.

1. Valves shall be provided on all supplied fixtures as herein specified.

2. The cold water connection to the return circulation connection shall have gate and a
check valve.
3. All connection to domestic hot water heaters shall be equipped with unions between
valve and tanks.
4. Valve shall not be installed with its stem below the horizontal. All valves shall be
gate valves unless otherwise indicated on the Plans.
5. Valves p to and including 50-mm diameter shall be threaded ends; rough bodies and
finished trimmings, except those on chromium plated brass pipe.
6. Valves 63 mm in diameter and larger shall have iron bodies, brass mounted and
shall have either screws or flange ends.
7. Hose bibs shall be made of brass with 12.5-mm inlet threads, hexagon shoulders and
19 mm male.

8.3.3 Fixtures, Equipment and Fastenings

A. All fixtures and equipment shall be supported and fastened in a safe and satisfactory
workmanship as practiced.
B. All fixtures, where required to be wall mounted on concrete or concrete hollow block
wall, fasten with brass expansion bolts. Expansion bolt shall be 6-mm diameter with 20-
mm threads to 25 m into solid concrete, fitted with loose tubing to sleeves of proper
length to acquire extreme rigidity.
C. Insert shall be securely anchored and properly flushed into the walls. Inserts shall be
concealed and rigid.
D. Bolts and nuts shall be horizontal and exposed. It shall be provided with washers and
chromium plate finish.

8.3.4 Plates and Flashing

A. Plates to cover exposed pipes passing through floor finished walls or ceiling shall be
fitted with chromium plated cast brass plates or chromium plated cast iron or steel
plates on ferrous pipes.
B. Plates shall be large enough to cover and close the hole around the area where pipes
pass. It shall be properly installed to insure permanence.
C. Roof areas penetrated by vent pipes shall be rendered watertight by lead sheet
flashing and condor flashing. It shall extend at least 150 mm above the pipe and 300 mm
along the roof.

8.3.5 Septic Tank

The Contractor shall construct the septic tank in accordance with the size and dimension
shown on the detailed plans. The septic tank shall be construed with three chambers;
two primary sedimentation chambers, which serve as a digestion chambers and the final
sedimentation chamber, which receives the overflow water from the digestion chamber.
The effluent from the final sedimentation chambers shall be discharged to sewage
disposal system. In some cases or as shown on the drawings, the final sedimentation
chamber will be designated as leaching chamber i.e., with open bottoms/flooring with
gravel for leaching.

8.4 Drainage System Test

A. The entire drainage and venting system shall have all necessary openings, which can
be plugged to permit the entire system to be filled with water to the level of the highest
water or a full 30 minutes during which time there shall be no drop greater than 102
B. Where only a portion of the system is to be tested, the test shall be conducted in the
same manner as described for the entire system except that a vertical stack 3.00 m
highest horizontal line to be tested may be installed and filled with water to maintain
sufficient pressure or water pump may be used to supply the required pressure.
C. If and when the Subproject Manager decides that an additional test in needed, such as
an air to smoke test on the drainage system, the Contractor shall perform such test
without any additional cost.

8.5 Water Test on System

A. Upon completion of the roughing-in and before connecting fixtures the entire cold
water piping system shall be tested at a hydrostatic pressure 1 ½ times the expected
working pressure in the system during operation and remained tight and leak-proofed.
B. Where piping system is to be concealed the piping system shall be tested separately in
a manner similar to the described for the entire system and in the presence of the
Engineer or his duly designated representative.

8.6 Defective Work

A. All defective materials replaced and tested will be repeated until satisfactory
performance is attained.
B. Any material replaced for the satisfactory performance of the system made shall be at
the expense of the Contractor.
C. Caulking of screwed joints or holes will not be permitted.

8.7 Disinfections
A. The entire water distribution system shall be thoroughly flushed and treated with
chlorine before it is operated for public use.
B. ids-infection materials shall be liquid chlorine or hydrochloride and shall be
introduced in a manner approved as practice or potable water.
C. Valves for the water distribution system shall be opened and closed several times
during the 16 hours chlorinating treatment is done.

8.8 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

The work done under this Item shall be quantified per length and/or number of units as
provided in the Bill of Quantities, tested and accepted to the satisfaction of the
Subproject Manager. The accepted quantities measured shall be paid at the contract unit
price and payment shall be full compensation including labor, materials and incidentals
necessary to complete this Item.

The work done under Construction of septic tank, holding tank and water storage tank
(including reservoir and piping) shall be considered to include the cost of excavation
and backfilling, bedding, forms and false work, curing, fasteners and incidentals to
complete each item of work.


a. Wires and Cables THW, THHN, Copper Wires, Phelps
Dodge, American Wires & Cables or
approved equivalent

b. Rigid steel conduits (RSC) “Super, Emerald”, RS galvanized or

approved equivalent

c. Rigid PVC Conduits “Atlanta, Neltex/Emerald, Moldflex

PVC or approved equivalent

d. Switches Light switch, 15A, 250V, Flush

mounted (complete set), “National”
or approved equivalent

e. Convenience Outlet Duplex, Single, ACU, Special

Purpose with ground, Telephone
“National” or approved equivalent

f. Fluorescent Lamps 1-40 Watts Box Type, rapid start

“Philips, G.E. or approved

g. Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) 22W, Electronic Ballast, “Philips

Essential”, “G.E.”, or approved

h. Emergency light “OMNI, Himmax or approved

i. Ballast “Philips, G.E.”, 230V, high power
factor, Rapid start or approved

j. Circuit Breakers “G.E., Westinghouse, “Fuji”,

“Mitsubishi”, “Square D” Flush-
mounted with molded case or
approved equivalent

k. Junction Box 4 x 4, Heavy duty (PVC with

cover),Atlanta or approved

l. Utility Box 4 x 2, Heavy duty, Atlanta or

approved equivalent

m. Fire Alarm System Manual Pull Station and Bell 6” dia.,

250V, Simplex or approved

n. Transformer Brand new, OICS, 50 KVA capacity

as per Electric Cooperative
Specifications, Wagner, Wescor or
approved equivalent


The work under this Division consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and all
services necessary for the complete and make ready for operation, the Electrical Power and
Lighting System and other Auxiliary Systems described below and/or indicated in the electrical
plans, all in accordance with the Electrical Plans and Specified here in the Specifications.


The work shall include the furnishing and installation of the following each complete and in
proper operating condition, unless otherwise stated in these Specifications.

1. Furnishing and installation of service entrance and all items as per policies, rules and in
2. Furnishing and installation of Panel boards at location indicated in the plan.
3. Furnishing and installation of feeder and branch circuit conductors with necessary
conduits and fittings.
4. Furnishing and installation of all types of utilization devices, outlets and wall switches
5. Furnishing and installation of conduit rough-in, service entrance ducts, terminal
cabinets, boxes and outlets.
6. Furnishing and installation of all lighting fixtures, both for interior and exterior.
7. Reinstallation and rewiring of all existing lighting fixtures, both for interior and exterior,
portions affected by the construction.
8. Furnishing and installation of all items as stated or specified and shown elsewhere in
these specifications and plans.


The installation of the equipment shall conform to good engineering practice and in particular,
comply with the requirements laid down in the following documents or its equivalent, which
are mandatory and modified only be specific agreement.

Philippine Electrical Code PEC

National Electric Code NEC
Underwriter’s Laboratory UL
American Standard Association ASA
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association NEMA
American Society for Testing Materials ASTM
Local Utility Power Company LUPC

In addition to the requirements of the codes and specifications referred to above, local
regulations and supplier’s specifications, if any, shall be followed.


The Drawings and Specifications are meant to be complementary to each other and what is
called for by one shall be called for by both.

Any apparent conflict between the Drawings and Specifications and any controversial or
unclear points in either shall be referred to the Electrical Engineer in Charge for final decision.
On the plans, keep records showing all deviations occurring during construction. At the
completion of the work, said copy of the plans shall be submitted to the LGU for its copy and

Upon completion of work as described herein the Contractor shall furnish the Owner, at his
own expense, Five (5) copies of the “AS BUILT” plans for future reference and maintenance

The Electrical Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor and the LGU/Owner to
determine how and where his work fits with that of other crafts, after familiarizing himself with
the plans and specifications. This shall be done at the beginning of construction. Should there be
any existing doubt at any point, a ruling shall be secured from the LGU/Owner and shall be
given time to inspect the work covering this point and to prepare a detail in the form of
Drawing and written instructions as required.


The Contractor shall obtain, at his own expense, all the necessary permits and Certificate of
Electrical Inspection from the proper government authorities required both for the performance
of his work involved and the operation of the system upon completion of work.

The Contractor shall, at his own expense, reproduce the electrical plans for his work to the
necessary scale and complete them with the necessary information and requirements as
required by the Government approving authorities concerned in issuing permits and Certificate
of Electrical Inspection.


Perspective bidder is required to examine the Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and

Electrical Plans of the Project, to visit the site and carefully take note all the conditions thereat
and to have informed himself thoroughly under which the electrical work is to be done. No
allowance shall subsequently be made in his behalf because of any error on his part. He will be
deemed to have done this before submitting his proposal and no subsequent claim on the
ground of inadequate or inaccurate information will be entertained.


Electrical System layout, indicated on the drawings is generally diagrammatic and locations of
outlets, devices, apparatus and equipment are approximate.

The exact routing of conduits, locations of outlets, devices, apparatus and equipment shall be
governed by structural and architectural conditions and limitations.

Consult the LGU/Owner for exact locations. This is not to be construed to permit redesigning
of system; all outlets are to be interconnected as indicated in the drawings.

Locate and install equipment-requiring maintenance where it will be readily accessible. Any
equipment located without the approval of the LGU or Owner shall be done at the risk of the

The Owner reserves the right to make any reasonable changes in locations of outlets and
equipment prior to roughing-in without involving additional expense.
The Contractor shall be held responsible and pay charges for cutting and patching for piping
where sleeves or slots were not installed or where incorrectly located.


All materials to be installed, brand new and shall conform to the applicable standards.

Only skilled workmen using proper tools and equipment shall be employed during the entire
course of installation work. All workmanship shall be of the best quality and all work shall be
done in accordance with the best practices of the trade involved.

The same job foremen shall be assigned and maintained at the job site during the entire course
of the job.


The Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install the 220-volt, 3-phase, 2-wire service entrance
connection for the proposed building. The service entrance conductors and raceway shall be
thermoplastic and Rigid Steel Conduit, respectively. Sizes are indicated on the plan and
electrical riser diagram.


The Contractor shall furnish and install as indicated in the Drawings the necessary panel boards
and circuit breakers.

Circuit breakers shall be molded case with trip mechanism with ratings and number of poles as
indicated in the drawings. It shall be standard factory products of reputable electrical
manufacturer, and shall be of the flush type. The rigidity and gauge of steel is to be as specified
in UL Standard for Cabinets.

Panel boards to be used shall be flush mounted when located in areas that are visible to the
general public.

All panel boards shall be set plumb and symmetrical with surrounding objects. Panel boards
shall be installed in a perfectly fit cabinet of appropriate size provided with a stop-in-door trim
and good quality locks. Provide Cardholder on inside of the door with clear plastic cover and
complete type written schedule of panel branch circuits. Leave spare circuits blank for future


PVC rigid conduit is required for lighting and RSC pipe for service entrance feeder wires. RSC
pipe shall be zinc coated galvanized rigid steel conduit pipes. Conduit runs shall be concealed
in drop ceiling and/or embedded in concrete structures where concealment is not possible.
Actual routing subjects to the approval of the Owner. No conduit of less than ½” dia nominal
diameter shall be installed for this project.

Conduit shall enter knockouts of conduit boxes and cabinets squarely. Locknuts and bushing
shall be used at termination of conduit in outlet boxes, pull boxes and panel board. Install
approved couplings and unions to provide electrically continuous and moisture tight systems.

Bonds and offsets shall be avoided where possible but where necessary they shall be made with
approved hickory or conduit bending apparatus. The use of pipe tool or vise for bending shall
not be permitted. Conduits, which have been deformed or crushed in any manner, shall not be
installed. The contractor shall plug with lead or closed with approved pipe caps to ends of all
conduits, which are to be left empty within the conduit boxes so as to prevent the entrance of
white ants and dirt within the conduit systems. This lead shall be so placed that it can be easily
removed when so desired and at the same time serve the purpose of which it is intended. Full
wires shall be inserted in the empty ducts before they are closed with lead and caps and shall be
left therein for future use.


Wiring for all system shall be PVC or RSC conduits using type “THW OR THHN Conductors.
Minimum sizes of conduits to be used shall be ½” diameter. Size larger than ½” mm diameter
shall be indicated in the drawing. Smallest size of conductor to be used shall be 3.5mm2. dia.
Type “THHN or THW” unless otherwise indicated in the plans. Circuit homeruns for lighting
shall be 3.5mm2 and No. 3.5 mm2 for power or otherwise indicated on the plan.

All splices, tape and junctions for all system using conductors shall be accomplished by using
electrical friction or rubber tapes to provide proper insulation and protection for 600 volts.


Feeders shall be laid out in accordance with one-line diagram shown in the Drawings. Unless
otherwise specified in the specifications or shown in the Drawing type “THHN or THW wires
shall be used for feeder runs. The wires and conduits shown in the Drawings shall be the
minimum sizes to be used.


All boxes shall be galvanized enameled or primer zinc coated and approved products of
reputable manufacturers. All ceiling outlet boxes intended for lighting outlets shall be 100mm
octagonal box. All junction box, pull box, and blank boxes shall be fitted with standard flat
metal box cover. All boxes including junction and pull boxes shall be of sufficient size to
provide free space for all conductors enclosed in the box in addition to the fitting such as switch
mechanism and receptacles that may be contained in the box.


Suitable single-pole and three-gang switches of flush tumbler type, and receptacles with
proper Bakelite cover plates shall be furnished and installed as indicated in the

Wall switches intended to control lights on the 240-volt system shall be rated 10amp.,
250 VAC. HD receptacles shall be 20A, 2-pole, 250 VAC.


All motor outlets that will be used in connection with concealed and embedded conduit
wiring shall be of flush type, and shall be standard factory products of a reputable
electrical rated as shown and indicated on the plans, the minimum ratings to be used
shall be not less that 15 amps, 220 volts.


The Contractor shall furnish and install all ground cables, connections, ground rods and
all other materials required to provide a permanent and effective grounding system for
the complete project. Grounding, in general shall conform to the provisions of the
Philippine Electrical Code and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.

All enclosures for electrical regardless of voltage, shall be grounded, including metal
frames of switchboard, motors, generators and steel poles. Each shall be grounded in a


Contractor shall furnish and install as covered by these specification, to be wired,
connected and left in first class operating condition. All equipments shall be approved
by the Underwriter’s Laboratories.

Manual Station
Stations shall be Pull-Lever or push button type. Switch ratings shall be a minimum of 3
amperes at 120 VAC. Flush mounted station shall mount on a 2” x 4”” Utility box that
will also serve as splicing box.
Fire Alarm Bells
Fire Alarm Bells shall be installed and provided with 4” x 4” junction box at the location
shown on the plans. Bells shall be non-contact vibration 6” diameter, undertone type,

Smoke Detector
The Electrical Contractor shall provide and install smoke detectors, wiring and
connection flow switches as shown in the Plan.

Fire Alarm Control Panel

The Fire alarm panel shall be factory wired to accept this and any other devices specified
herein or as shown on the drawings.

Fire Extinguishers
Furnish and install two (2) units of fire extinguishers, stallion brand or approved
equivalent, 10 lbs., mounted at 1.2m high at locations specified by the Subproject
Manager, one (1) unit at the first floor and one (1) unit at the second floor.


Other fixtures shall be installed following the other provisions of the Electrical Code and
notes and specifications specified on electrical plans for the satisfaction of the entire


Wherever hereafter the word “Approval” or “Approved” (make, type, size, arrangement, etc.)
are used specifically with regard to manufactured items, etc., or wherever its is desired to
substitute a different make or type, all information pertinent to the adequacy and adaptability
of the proposed apparatus, shall be submitted to the Electrical Engineers for their approval
before the apparatus, shall be submitted to the Electrical Engineers for their approval before the
apparatus is ordered or installed.


All fixture components shall be covered with a warranty for a period of one year against failure
resulting from normal use and/or factory defects.


The quantities to be paid for under each item shall be measured by the number of items
completed to the satisfaction of the Subproject Manager and shall be paid for at the contract unit
price shown in the bid schedule, which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete each work

All paint materials shall be as manufactured by recognized company acceptable to the

Subproject Manager. Tinting colors shall be of the same type as to the paint specified in the
schedule of paint materials. All paints except paint for metals shall have fungicides added
(Phenol Mercuric Chloride) in the amount of 1.5 percent to the total weight of paint.


10.1 Painting

(1) General

The work covered by this section consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and
materials in performing all operations in connection with painting and finishing,
including protective coating of metal surfaces, complete in accordance with the
specifications and the applicable drawings.

(2) Color and Samples

The Subproject Manager shall in accordance with the color schemes shown in the
drawings or as direct all colors.

Sample panels of selected colors, as least (1) meter square in area shall be prepared for
approval by the Subproject Manager prior to application.

(3) Workmanship

Skilled workers shall do all work in a workmanlike manner. Paints shall be evenly
applied and free from sags, runs, crawls and other defect. All coats shall be of proper
consistency and well brushed out or rolled on so as to show a minimum brush or rolled
marks. Brushes or rollers shall be clean and in good condition.

All coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied. Allow at least
twenty-four (24) hours or more between applications of coat. For exterior painting
during rainy season, allow one (1) week drying before the succeeding coat is applied.

Painting coats as specified are intended to cover surfaces perfectly., if surfaces are not
fully covered, further coats shall be applied to attain the desired evenness of the paint
application. All finishes shall be uniform as to sheen, color and texture. Paint may be
applied by spray method, except when, in the opinion of the spraying in any particular
application would produce unsatisfactory results. The Contractor shall provide all drop
cloths and other covering requisite to the protection of floors and other work.

Each surface shall be inspected carefully before applying any finish; and if surface is not
in proper condition, the Subproject Manager shall be notified to that effect in writing.
Otherwise the Contractor shall be held responsible for any defects in the finishes arising
there from. Should a coat of paint be applied to a certain area and defect such as large
cracks, hollow spots or unevenness in plastering are discovered, such defects shall be
knocked out and re-plastered by the Contractor and repainted to the satisfaction of the
Subproject Manager.

(4) Inspection of Surfaces

The Contractor shall inspect all surfaces to be painted and all defects shall be remedied
before starting the work. No work shall be started unless the Contractor shall have made
certain the dryness of the surfaces. Test shall be made, in the presence of the Subproject
Manager, to verify the dryness of surfaces to be painted.

(5) Concrete Surfaces

(a) Surface Preparation:

Before applying paint, concrete and cement surfaces shall be allowed to dry thoroughly.
Clean surfaces of all dirt, alkali and grease before commencing work. Treat all surfaces
with a solution of two (2) kilos of zinc sulfate to four (4) liters of water and sufficient
phenolphthalein to act as color warning. Presence of alkali is indicated when
phenolphthalein turn red and further treatment is required to neutralize it. Allow the
surface to dry at least three (3) days and remove and loose crystals from the surface
before finishing.

(b) Finishing:

For exterior and interior concrete surfaces and all other surface with cement plaster
finish, use flat concrete paint with the specified brand approved by the Subproject

First Coat-Apply flat concrete paint thinned with ½ liter water per 4 liters of paint; tint
with latex tinting color to closely match color of topcoat or use premixed paint. Dry for 3
to 6 hours.

Intermediate Coat- Repair all minor surface imperfection with paint putty made by
mixing paint with patching compound powder. Let it dry for 24 hours, and then
smoothen the surface with sandpaper, before applying the intermediate coat.

Final Coat- Apply semi-gloss or gloss paint tinted with latex tinting color to the shade

(6) Wood Surfaces

Plane the surface of wood with sandpaper to remove roughness, loose edges, slivers,
slingers, then clean to remove dust. All frames in contact with concrete or plaster shall
be treated with an anti-termite solution or solution or equivalent before applying paints.
Set nail heads into the wood, fill holes, cracks and defects. Dry for three (3) hours and
clean surface with sandpaper to smoothen the surface.

(b) Finishing:

For all woodwork, use gloss latex house paint with the specified brand approved by the
Subproject Manager.

First Coat- Apply paint thinned with ½ liter water per 4 liters of paint.

Second Coat – Apply latex paint thinned with latex tinning colors to the shade specified.
Dry for 4 to 6 hours.

10.2 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

The finished area to be paid for under each item shall be measured by the number of square
meters of painted/finished surface and tile finish accepted in accordance with the plans and
specifications. The cost of tinting color, thinner, sand paper, putty including mixing, mortar,
grout, application, curing, false work and protection work shall be deemed to be included in the
contract unit price for each pay item as shown in the bid schedule.

The accepted quantities measured as stipulated above shall be paid for at the contract unit price
shown in the bid schedule, which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidental necessary to complete each work

11.o OTHER WORKS (Ground Floor Railing, Mirror, Perimeter Fence, Tinsmithry Work, Painting
Work, Concrete Walkway, Driveway Pavement, Burial Pit)


11.1.1 Materials

Stair and ramp railings shall be 75mm diameter Stainless Steel Pipe with 50mm
diameter Stainless Steel Pipe horizontal and vertical support, properly welded and
anchored to reinforcement of stair and ramp slab. Wall handrails shall be 50mm
diameter Stainless Steel Pipe with 25mm G.I. pipe support, properly welded and
anchored to reinforcement of wall.

11.1.2 Method of measurement and basis of payment

The quantity to be paid for railings or handrails shall be in the number of units placed
and accepted. Payment shall be construed to include the cost of false work, anchors and
other materials used in mounting this item.

11.1.3. Materials

The facial mirror shall be installed inside the toilet above the lavatory or as shown on
plan. It shall be one-sided clear glass, 3/16mm thick with size as shown on the plan. It
shall be cladded or screwed on four corners or as instructed by the Subproject Manager.

11.1.4 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

The quantity to be paid for facial mirrors shall be per units or sets, placed and accepted.
Payment shall be construed to include the cost of false work, anchors and other
materials used in mounting this item.



Scope of Work

The work includes of concrete fence structures complete in accordance with the standard
specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross-
section on the plan.

Material Requirement


Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates,

water and admixture as specified all thoroughly mixed and brought to the proper
consistency, uniformity and temperature for final placement.


Concrete shall be Portland cement of a brand approved by the Subproject

Manager and conforming to ASTM Specification C150, Type I or Type II. All cement
shall be product of one reputable manufacturer.


Water shall be lean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkali, salts,
organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. The
Contractor shall provide adequate for mixing and a constant pressure supply system to
the mixer.


Admixtures shall be subject to prior approval by the Subproject Manager. The

admixtures shall be capable of maintaining essentially the same composition and
performance throughout the work.
Fine Aggregates

Fine Aggregates shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a

combination thereof. If the fine aggregate shall be a combination of separately processed
sizes, or if batching shall result in a combination of natural and manufactured sand, the
different components shall be batched separately. Fine aggregates shall consist of hard,
tough, durable, uncoated particles. The specified percentages of fines in the sand may be
obtained either by the processing of natural sand or by the production of suitably
graded manufactured sand. The shape of particles shall be generally rounded or cubical
and reasonably free from flat or elongated pieces. The use of beach sand shall be
prohibited. The fine aggregate shall conform to the following specific requirements.

Sieve Designation Cumulative Percentage by

Std U.S. Std., Square Mesh Weight Passing
9.5mm 3/8 100
4.75mm No. 4 95-100
2.36mm No. 8 80-100
1.18mm No. 16 45-80
300micron No. 50 10-30
150 micron No. 100 2-10

In addition to the grading limits shown above, the fine aggregates, as delivered to the
mixer, shall have a fineness modulus of not less than 2.3 more than 3.0 and during
normal operations, the grading of the fine aggregate shall be controlled so that the
fineness modulus of at least nine (9) out of ten (10) test samples of fine aggregate as
delivered to the mixer shall not vary by more than 0.20m from the average fineness
modulus can be determined by dividing by 100 the sum of the cumulative percentages
retained on U.S. Standard Sieves No. 4,8,16,50 & 100.

Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate shall consist of washed gravel, crushed stone or rock, or a combination
thereof conforming to ASTM C33. The coarse aggregate, as delivered to the batching
plant, shall have uniform and stable moisture content. The approval of deposits and the
be construed as constituting the approval of all materials taken from the deposits, and
the Contractor shall be held responsible for the specified quality of all such materials
used in the work. Coarse aggregate shall consist of hard, tough, durable, clean and
uncoated particles. All foreign materials and dust shall be removed by adequate
processing. The particle shape of the smallest size of crushed coarse aggregate shall be
generally rounded or cubical, and the coarse aggregate shall be reasonably free from flat
and elongated particles. A thin, flat and elongated particle can be defined as a particle
having a maximum dimension greater than five times the minimum dimension. The
coarse aggregate shall be graded from fine too coarse. It shall be separated into size

The grading of the aggregate within the separated size groups as delivered to the mixer
shall be as follows:
Sieve Sizes Percent by Weight Passing Individual 1-1/2
Std(MM) U.S. Std. Sq. Mesh ¾ Size Size
50 2” 100
37.5 1-1/2” 90-100
25 1” 100 20-55
19 ¾” 90-100 0-15
9.5 3/8” 20-55 0-5
4.75 No. 4 0-10

Use 19-mm (3/4”) coarse aggregate for slab on grade, columns, beams, suspended slabs,
and tie beams

Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel shall be locally manufactured, deformed billet steel bars conforming to
Philippine Standard, Grade 275, Intermediate Grade (30,000 psi).

Concrete from shall be wood, plywood, steel or other suitable materials. Form surfaces
requiring standard or special finish shall be plywood or a non-absorptive hand pressed
fiberboard or other suitable materials. Plywood shall not be less than 6mm thick and
shall be free from irregularities, dents and sags. Forms shall be located with no staining
form coating compound such as form oil of the approved make.

Removal of forms shall be accomplished in such a manner as will prevent injury to the
concrete and will insure the complete safety of the structure. The following removal
times are the minimum, and may be increased by the Engineer.
e. Where the structure as a whole is supported on shores, vertical forms for beam and
girder sides, columns and similar vertical forms may be removed twenty-four (24)
hours after completion of the pour, providing the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to sustain its own weight to prevent injury.
f. Wall forms shall not be removed in less than four (4) days after pouring.
g. Supporting forms or shoring must remain in place until the concrete can carry any
loads to be imposed upon it and in no case in less than fourteen days.
h. Form ties requiring the tie and the concrete in order to remove the form shall not be
disturbed for seven (7) days after completion proper.

Storage of Materials
(4) Cement
Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure as airtight as
practicable. Floors shall be elevated above the ground, sufficient to prevent the
absorption of moisture. Bags shall be stocked close together to reduce circulation of air
but shall not be stocked against outside walls. The manner of storage shall permit easy
access for inspection and identification of each shipment. Cement that has been stored
for so long that there may be doubt of its quality shall be tested by standard mortar tests
to determine its suitability for use, and shall not be used without approval of the
Subproject Manager.

(5) Aggregates
Aggregate shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid the inclusion of foreign materials.
Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate piles. Stockpiles of coarse
aggregate shall be built in horizontal layers not exceeding 1200mm in depth to avoid
segregation. Should the coarse aggregate become segregated, it shall be remixed to
conform to the grading requirements here on before. Sufficient stockpiles shall be
maintained at all times to permit continuous placement of concrete at the rate specified.

(6) Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing steel shall be stored in a manner to avoid excessive rusting or being coated
with grease, oil, dirt and other objectionable materials.

Construction Requirements

Concrete Proportion

The proportion of all materials in concrete shall be subject to the approval of the
Subproject Manager. The Contractor shall employ at his own expense an approved
testing laboratory, which shall design the mix, proportions in accordance with ACI
211.01. Strength requirements shall be 20.7 Mpa (3000 psi) for footing, columns, beams,
slabs and stairs, suspended ramp, lavatory counter, wash basin; 17.2 Mpa (2500 psi) for
ramp on fill, slab on grade, water meter box; grease trap and 13.8 Mpa (2000 psi) for lean
concrete or as required by the Subproject Manager. The adequacy of this test shall be
verified by a test on a minimum of 6 cylinders; 3 tested at 7 days, 3 at 28 days, in
accordance with ASTM C39.

2.4.2 Concrete Samples and Testing

Sampling and testing concrete shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor.
Throughout the period that the concrete is being poured into the forms and while
spading operation are being done, sets of test samples in cylinder shall be taken from
fresh concrete from the forms.

The test shall be made for each 10 cu.m. of concrete of fraction thereof for each portion of
structure as may be required by the Subproject Manager as follows:

c. Compression Tests:

At least two (2) sets of samples consisting of three – (3) concrete cylinder specimen per
set shall be made. Fresh concrete shall be placed inside standard 150 x 300 mm
cylindrical mould in three (3) separate equal layers and rodded separately with 25
strokes with a 16 mm diameter. Surface shall be leveled with trowel and samples are to
be labeled to identify the class, strength of concrete, date taken and part of structure
samples are taken. The samples shall be cured in accordance with ASTM C31.
One set of cylinders shall be tested at the age of seven (7) days, and one set at the age of
twenty eight (28) days, in accordance with ASTM C39. Additional cylinder samples may
be molded in reserve for further tests, if the results of the twenty-eight (28)-day-test do
not meet the requirements.

d. Slump Tests

Slump tests shall be performed to determine the consistency or workable fluidity of

freshly mixed concrete in the field. At least two slump tests shall made and the sample
of concrete from which test specimens are made shall be representative of the entire
batch and shall conform to the procedures are specified in ASTM C 143.

Freshly mixed concrete shall be placed in the slump cone 100 x 200 mm x 300mm in
three (3) equal layers. Each layer shall be rodded with 25 strokes of the 16-mm diameters
tamping rod with the tamping end rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter.
The mould shall be leveled and lifted at once and then measure the slump action
immediately by getting the difference in height of the mould and the top of the slumped

The slump for vibrated concrete shall be 50-mm minimum and 100 mm maximum,
provided that the required strength of concrete is obtained.

c. Test Reports

The testing laboratory shall submit four (4) copies of its test cylinder which are to
include as far as applicable, the following items: Location of pour in the structure,
concrete design mix number, concrete design strength, type and manufacturer of
cement, amount of any admixture used, slump tests, date of sampling, cylinder
application number, days cured in the field, days cured in the laboratory, age at time of
testing, crushing stress, type failure, who made the samples, who shipped the samples to
the laboratory and whether concrete strength meets the specifications.

d. Additional Tests

If, in the opinion of the Subproject Manager, based on test cylinder reports, concrete
with strengths below specification requirements has been placed, the Subproject
Manager, at the expense of the Contractor shall make additional tests. Additional test
may be compression test on cored cylinder, ASTM C42 and/or load tests as outlined in
ACI 318, Sec. 202.

Mixing Concrete

Mixing shall be thoroughly mixed in a mixer of an approved size and type to insure a
uniform distribution of the materials throughout the mass:
b. Site Mixed Concrete

All structural concrete shall be machine-mixed for at least 1 ½ minutes after all materials
including water are in the mixing drum. The time elapse between the introduction of the
mixing water to the cement and aggregate and placing of the concrete in final position
shall not exceed 45 minutes. Placing of material in the mixer shall be done in such a way
that the first batch of concrete materials in the mixer shall contain sufficient excess of
cement, sand and water to coat the inside of the drum without reducing the cement
content of the mix to be discharged. The retempering of concrete, placing additional
cement, aggregate or water during mixing period shall not be permitted.

No hand mixing shall be allowed, except in case of emergency of breakdown during

pouring operations, subject to the approval of the Subproject Manager.

The rate of delivery of the mixed concrete shall be such that the interval between placing
of successive batches shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. The elapsed time between the
introduction of mixing water top the cement and aggregate and completion of discharge
shall not exceed one (1) hour, or not more than 1 ½ hours if a retarder is used. It should
be kept constantly agitated during the transit period. Delivery tickets shall contain data
on the weight of sand, gravel and amount of cement and water added. The Contractor
shall keep legible copies available for examination of the Subproject Manager.

Retempering of concrete shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall mix only quantities
required for immediate use and mixture, which has developed setting, shall not be used.
Concrete, which has partially hardened, shall not be retempered.

Concrete Placing

Concrete shall be placed only after all formworks, materials to be embedded, and
preparation of surface involved in the placing have been inspected and approved by the
Subproject Manager. The Contractor shall provide equipment and shall employ methods
that will minimize separation of aggregates from the concrete mix.

Water shall be removed from excavation before concrete is deposited. Flow of water
shall be diverted through proper side drains to a pump, or to be removed by other
approved methods to avoid washing over freshly deposited concrete. Hardened
concrete, debris and foreign materials shall be removed from the interior of forms and
from inner surfaces of mixing and conveying equipment. Reinforcements shall be
secured in position, inspected and approved before pouring concrete. Runaways shall
not be provided for wheeled concrete0handling equipment’s, such equipments shall not
be wheeled over reinforcement nor shall runaways be supported by reinforcement.

Concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly as
practicable by methods, which shall prevent the segregation or loss of the ingredient. It
shall be deposited in the forms in approximately horizontal layers and as nearly as
practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling.

Conveying or handling of concrete by the use of long inclined chutes or pipes of more
than three (3) meters shall not be permitted. Dumping of concrete into buggies, buckets
or wheelbarrows with a free fall of more than one (1) meter shall not be permitted. When
placing operations would involve dropping concrete more than 1 ½ meters, it shall be
deposited through a sheet metal or other approved conveyor. As for practicability, the
conveyor shall be kept full of concrete during placing and their lower ends shall be kept
buried in the newly placed concrete. After the initial set of concrete, the forms shall not
be jarred and no strain shall be placed on the ends of the reinforcing bar, which are
being projected.

Concrete in columns shall be placed on one continuous operation. Concrete in girders,

beam and slabs in superstructures shall be poured in a monolithic and continuous
manner. No construction joint shall be allowed on any part of the structure without the
approval of the Subproject Manager.

Protection and Curing

c. General

Concrete surfaces exposed to conditions causing premature drying shall be protected as

soon as possible with canvas, straw, burlap, sand or other satisfactory material and kept
moist; or if the surfaces are not covered they shall be kept moist by flushing or
sprinkling, as directed by the Subproject Manager. All concrete shall be moist cured for a
period of not less than seven (7) consecutive days after placing by an approved method
or combination of methods applicable to local conditions.

d. Moist Cutting

All imperfections on concrete surfaces are corrected to produce concrete surfaces that
conform to the requirements of this section. Unless otherwise approved by the
Subproject Manager, patching with cement mortar shall repair imperfections on formed

Cement mortar for patching shall be of the same composition as used in the concrete,
except for exposed surfaces; part of the cement shall be white cement to provide a finish
color matching the surrounding concrete. Honeycombed or otherwise defective areas
shall be cut out from solid concrete to a depth of not less than 25 mm. The edges of the
cut shall be perpendicular to the surface of the concrete. The area to be patched, at least
15 mm adjacent thereto shall be saturated with water before placing the mortar. The
mortar shall be mixed approximately one (1) hour before placing and shall be remixed
occasionally during this period with a trowel, without adding water. A grout of cement
and water, mixed to the consistency of paint, shall then be brushed onto the surface to
which the mortar is to be bonded. The mortar shall be compacted into place and
screened slightly higher than the surrounding surface. Patches on exposed surfaces shall
be finished to match the adjoining surfaces, after they have set for an hour or more.
Patches shall be cured as specified for the concrete. Exposed surfaces shall utilize
plywood forms, after the removal of forms, shall not be plastered, unless otherwise
directed by the Subproject Manager. All joint on the formwork shall be reworked to a
smooth surface to match adjacent areas and to present a new appearance.


4) General

Forms shall be used whenever necessary to confine the concrete and shape it to the
required lines and dimensions, or to protect the concrete from contamination. Forms
shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placement and
vibration of the concrete, and to shall be maintained rigidly in correct position. Forms
shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. Forms for exposed
surfaces shall be lines with form grade plywood. Bolts and roods used for interval ties
and shall be so arranged that when the forms are removed, they shall not be less than
two (2) centimeters from the formed surface.

5.) Cleaning and Oiling of Forms

Before placing concrete, the contact surfaces, the forms shall be cleaned of incrustations
of mortar, grout, or other foreign material. Forms shall, be coated with standard from oil
that can effectively prevent sticking and will not stain the concrete surfaces.

6) Removal of Forms

Forms shall be removed in a manner, which shall prevent damage to concrete structures.
Forms shall not be removed without prior approval of the Subproject Manager. Any
repairs of surface imperfections shall be performed at once and curing shall be started as
soon as the surface is sufficiently hard to permit it without further damage. The
minimum time period for removal of forms shall be govern where it exceeds the
minimum specified curing period. Where the formwork for one element supports the
formwork for another element, the greater time period shall apply to both elements.
Forms shall not be removed before the expiration of the minimum time specified below:

Element Time Period

Walls, columns, sides of beams and girders
& slabs 1
Pan joist forms (sides only):
76 cm (30 inches) wide or less 3
Over 76 cm (30 inches) wide 4

Where design live load is:

Less than Greater than
Dead Load Dead Load
Joist, beam, or girder, soffits:
(Clear span between structural
Under 3.00m (10ft.): 7 4
3.00m (10 ft) to 6.00 (20ft) 14 7
Over 6.00m (20 ft) 21 14
One-way floor slabs: (Clear span
Between structural supports)
Under 3.00m (10ft). 4 4
3.00m (10ft) to 6.00m (20ft) 7 4
Over 6.00m (20ft) 10 7

Sufficient shoring members to support dead loads including construction loads on

beams and slabs shall be provided for a period of eight (8) days in addition to the seven
(7) days specified thereto. The time for a removal of forms for structures not included
thereto shall be as directed by the Subproject Manager. Concrete work shall be protected
from damage during construction.

Reinforcing Steel

4) General
Steel reinforcement shall be provide together with all necessary tie wires, chairs, spacers,
support and other necessary devices.

5) Cutting and Bending

Reinforcing steel shall be accurately cut and bent in accordance with the approval
detailed reinforcement drawings. Reinforcing steel shall not be straightened or re-bent in
a manner that will injure the material. Bars with kinks or with bends not shown on the
approved detailed reinforcement drawings or with cracks or splits of the bends shall not
be used. All bars shall be bent cold. If Contractor elects to have reinforcing steel cut and
bent off the site, he shall provide, maintain and operated a small cutting and bending
shop on the site and maintain a representative stock of steel. This provision is to take
care of minor revisions and additions in an expeditious manner.

The Subproject Manager may require the contractor to prepare and submit bar cutting
schedule prior to fabrication of reinforcing steel bars.

6) Placing of Reinforcement
Reinforcing steel shall be accurately placed in accordance with approved detailed
reinforcement drawings and shall be adequately secured against displacement by using
specified tie wires or approved clips at all intersections. After it has been installed,
reinforcing steels shall be inspected by the Subproject Manager for compliance with
requirements as to size, shape, length, splicing, position and number. Reinforcing steel
shall be supported by concrete or metal supports, spacers or metals hangers, except for
surfaces exposed to the ground or to the weather, where supports shall be concrete.
Wooden support spreaders shall not be used. At surfaces where an attractive
appearance is required, the supports shall be of type, which shall not cause subsequent
staining or marring of the exposed surface.

Joints in Concrete

3) Construction Joints
Construction joints shall be provided where indicated in the drawing or as directed by
the Subproject Manager. Joints not indicated on drawings shall be constructed and
located as not to impair the strength of the structures. When a construction joint is to be
made, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance
removed. In addition, the joint shall be thoroughly wetted and sloshed with a coat
cement grout immediately prior to placing of new concrete.

4) Expansion and Contraction Joints

Expansion and contractor joints shall be provided where indicated and shall be in
accordance with details.

Concrete Protection

Unless otherwise noted, the thickness of concrete over reinforcement shall be as follows:

a) Where concrete is deposited against ground

without use of forms, not less than . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. 3”
b) Where concrete may be exposed to ground
but is placed in forms, not less than . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 2”
c) Where concrete may be exposed to weather,
not less than . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ½”
d) In slabs and walls not exposed to the ground
or to weather, not less than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¾”
e) In beams, girders and columns not exposed to
ground or weather, not less than. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ½”

In all cases, the thickness of concrete over the reinforcement shall be at least equal to the
diameter of round bars and one-half times the side dimension of square bars.

Exposed reinforcement bars intended for bonding with future extensions shall be
protected from corrosion by concrete or other adequate covering.

Methods of Measurements and Basis of Payment

The Subproject Manager shall in accordance with the dimension in the plan or as
otherwise direct the measurement of completed work. The quantities to be paid for
under this section shall be measured as follows:

C. The volume to be paid for under this item shall be the number of cubic meters of
concrete placed and accepted. Payment for concrete shall be construed to include the
cost of reinforcements, forms, false works, curing, fasteners and accessories
necessary to complete this item of work.
D. The quantities for reinforcing steel to be paid for shall be deemed to be included in
the final quantity of concrete placed and accepted in the completed structure. No
allowance will be given for tie wires separators, wire chairs and other materials used
in fastening the reinforcing steel in place. No measurement for payment shall be
made for splices added by the Contractor for his convenience. Payment for the
accepted quantities shall be deemed to include the cost of tie wires, separators, wire,
supports, hangers, chairs and other materials necessary to complete the work.

The quantities measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract price for
each of the pay item, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing
and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work.

MASONRY (Including Re-bars and Plastering)

Scope of Work

The work includes furnishing and placing of concrete masonry units in conformity with
the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings and in accordance with the

Applicable Documents

The latest edition of the following specifications and standards shall form part of this
specification to the extent required by the references thereto.

ASTM America Society for Testing Materials

C144 Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar
PSA Product Standards Agency Publications (Philippines)
PNS 16 Specification for Concrete Hollow Blocks

Material Requirements

Concrete Hollow Blocks

Concrete hollow blocks shall be a standard product of recognized manufacturer
to PNS 16, as indicated on the drawings. Exterior and interior masonry units shall be
non-load bearing units. However, load-bearing units maybe provided in lieu of non-
load bearing 2.48 Mpa. Exterior and interior walls shall be 6” x 8” x 16” and 4” x 8” x 16”
CHB respectively both faces plastered.

Cement, Reinforcing Steel and Water

Cement, reinforcing steel and water shall be as specified in Section 2.3.
2) Sand
Fine aggregates for plastering shall be natural sand and shall be retained between no. 50
and No. 100 sieves

Construction Requirements


Masonry walls shall be placed level and plumb all around. One section of the walls shall
be not placed in advance of the others, unless specifically approved. Unfinished work
shall be stepped back for joining with new work; tooting shall not be permitted. Heights
of masonry shall be checked with an instrument at sills and heads of openings to
maintain the level of the walls. Door and window frames, louvered openings, anchors,
pipes and conduits shall be installed in carefully and neatly as the masonry work
progresses. Spaces and around doorframes shall be filled solidly with mortar. Drilling,
cutting fitting and patching, to accommodate the work of others, shall be performed by
skilled workers. Bolts, anchors, inserts, plugs, ties and miscellaneous metal work
specified elsewhere shall be placed in position as the work progress. Chases of approved
dimensions for pipes and partitions, not being worked on, shall be covered with a
waterproof membrane, well secured in place. Walls and partitions shall be structurally
bonded or anchored to each and to concrete wall beams, and columns.

Mortar Mixing
Mortar materials shall be measured in approved containers to insure that the specified
proportions of materials are controlled and accurately maintained during the progress of
the work. Unless specified otherwise, mortar shall be mixed in proportions by volume.
The aggregates shall be introduced and mixed in such a manner that the materials will
be distributed uniformly throughout the mass. A sufficient amount of water shall be
added gradually and the mass further mixed, not less than 3 minutes, until a mortar of
the plasticity required for the purpose intended shall be obtained. The mortar shall be
mixed in a manner such that the quality of water can be controlled accurately and
uniformly. Mortar boxes, plans of mixing drums shall be kept clean and free of debris or
dried mortar. The mortar shall be used before the initial setting of the cement has taken
place; retempering of mortar in which cement has started to set shall not be permitted.

Proportion of Mortar Grout

Fine mortar grout shall be mixed in the volumetric proportion of one part Portland
cement, ¼ part hydrated lime and 3 parts sand. Coarse grout shall be mixed in
proportion of one part Portland cement, ¼ part hydrated lime, 3 parts sand and 3 parts
pea gravel passing a 3/8-inch sieve.

Use of Fine and Coarse Grout

Fine grout shall be used in grout spaces less than 50 mm in any horizontal dimension or
when clearance between reinforcement and masonry unit is less than 17 mm. Coarse
grout shall be used in grout spaces more than 50 mm in all horizontal dimensions or
where clearance between the reinforcement and masonry is more than 17mm.

Mortar Joints
Mortar joint shall be uniform in thickness and the average thickness of any three
consecutive joints shall be 9.50mm. “Gage rods” shall be made and approved prior to
starting the work and shall be used throughout the work. Changes in coursing or
bonding after the work has started shall no be permitted. The jointer shall be slightly
larger than the width of the joints, so that complete contact is made along the edge of the
units, compressing and sealing the surface of the joint. Joints masonry, which will not be
exposed, shall be struck flush. Joints shall be brushed to remove all loose and excess
mortar. All horizontal joints shall be on level and vertical joints shall be plumbed and
aligned from the top to the bottom of the wall with a tolerance of plus or minus 12 mm.

Concrete Masonry Unit

The first course of concrete masonry unit shall be laid in full bed of mortar, for the full
width of the unit; the succeeding courses shall be laid with broken joints. Concrete
masonry units with the cells verticals shall be laid with broken joints. Concrete masonry
units with the cells verticals shall have bed-joints formed by applying the mortar to the
entire top surfaces of the inner and outer face shell, and the head joints formed by
applying the mortar of a width of about 25 mm to the ends of the adjoining units laid
previously. The mortar for joints shall be smooth, not furrowed and shall be of such
thickness that it will be forced out of joints as the units are being placed in position.
Where anchors, bolts, ties and reinforcing bars occur within the cell of the units, such
cells shall be solidly filled with mortar or grout as the work progresses.

Cement Finish on Masonry Walls

9) General
The work consists of furnishing all materials, labor and performing all operations in
connection with plastering masonry wall surfaces, complete in every respect as shown in
the drawings and as specified herein. Plastering work shall be coordinated properly
with the work of other trades. The work of other trade shall be protected properly with
the work of other trades. The work of other trade shall be protected properly from being
damaged during plastering operations. Scaffolding shall be amply strong, well braced,
tied securely and inspected regularly. Overloading of scaffolding shall not be permitted.

10) Mixing of Plaster

Except where and mixing of small patches is an approved mechanical mixer of an
approved type shall be used for the mixing of plaster. Materials shall be accurately
measured by a device that will maintain the specified proportions within a plus or
minus tolerance not in excess of 5% by volume. Plaster materials shall be accurately
measured in approved containers to insure the specified proportions. Cakes and lumped
materials hall not is use. Mixing boxes and tools shall be cleaned after mixing each batch
and kept free of plasters from previous mixes. Plaster materials shall be thoroughly
mixed with the proper amount of water until a uniform color and consistency is
attained. Tempering shall not be permitted and all plaster that has begun to stiffen shall
be discarded.

(11) Proportioning Plaster

Portland Cement plaster shall be a two-coat application, the base and the finish coat.
Each coat shall be proportioned as follows: One part by volume of Portland, to three
parts sand. Hydrated lime may be used as directed by the Consultant.

(12) Application of Plaster

Surface to receive plaster must be free from structural defects and shall be thoroughly
dampened prior to application of plaster.

Plaster base coats shall be applied with sufficient pressure and the plaster shall be
sufficiently plastic to provide good bond on masonry base. The base coat shall be
compacted and straightened to a true surface without the application of water and the
entire surface shall be floated to receive the finish coat. The finish coat shall be applied to
a thickness approximately 3 mm before the scratch coat has set. Maximum pressure shall
be applied in order to compact the finish coat and to provide smooth finish free from
blemishes or irregularities. Trawling shall be continued until the finish surface sets.
Immediately after setting the surfaces shall be scoured vigorously with clean burlap or
cement bag paper or brush to remove the sheen finish produced by trawling.

Plaster work shall be finished level, plumb, square and true, within a tolerance of 3mm
in 3 meters without waves, blisters, pits, crazing, discoloration, projections or other
imperfections. Plasterwork shall be formed carefully around angles and contours, and
well up to screens. Special care shall be taken to prevent consequent dropping of
applications. There must be no visible junction marks where one day’s work adjoins
another. Finished work shall be protected in an approved manner to prevent damage.

(13) Portland Cement Plaster

Cement plaster shall have a total thickness of not less than 12 mm thick. The base coat
shall be applied not less than 9 mm thick and allowed to dry slowly for 24 hours. Then
the finish coat shall be applied to a thickness of not less than 3 mm and brushed with 4
applications of fog spray of clean water. The first spray shall be applied 12 hours after
the finishing coat has been completed and three subsequent spraying shall be applied at
sufficient intervals thereafter as approved by the consultations.

(14) Patching and Pointing

Upon completed of the work, all loose, cracked, damaged or defective plastering shall be
cut and replastered in a satisfactory and approved manner. All pointing and patching of
plastered surfaces and where plastering abuts or adjoins any other finished works shall
be done in a neat and workmanship manner ready to receive pain or other finish.

(15) Curing and Protection

Dump curing shall begin as soon as the mortar has hardened sufficiently to prevent
injury and water applied in a fog spray to keep the plaster damp throughout without
soaking. The period for damp curing shall be as specified for each coat. Protect the
plaster from uneven and excessive evaporation during hot or drying weather conditions.
(16) Cleaning
After the completion of plastering work, all scaffolding surplus materials, debris and
plaster daubs and stains on floors, windows, and other surface shall be removed to the
satisfaction and approval of the Subproject Manager.

Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment

In measuring the quantity of masonry units for payments, the dimensions to be used
shall be as shown on the plans or as directed by the Subproject Manager in writing.
Projections extended beyond faces of the wall shall not be included. The area to be paid
for under this section shall be the number of square meters of concrete masonry wall
including plastering and partition placed and accepted in accordance with the plans and
specifications. Payment of accomplished work shall be deemed to include the cost of
mortar grout, reinforcing steel, tie wires, false work and other necessary works to
complete this item.

The quantity of concrete masonry wall with plastering and partition shall be paid for at
the contract unit price shown in the bid schedule, which payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.
List of registered termiticides as of _______________________________
Source: Fertilizers and Pesticide Authority – Department of Agriculture (FDA-DA)


Agri-Care WAZARY 10 FENVALERATE FL 3 T 100 g/l Termite
Service FL
Bayer Crop AGENDA 2.5 FPRONIL EC 3 T 25 g/L Pre/Post
Science, Inc. EC Construction
TC Subterranean termite


SC Subterranean termite
Diana Agro CHLORDREX CHLORPYRIFOS EC 2 T 480 g/L Termite
Sciences BV LENTREK TC CHLORPYRIFOS EC 2 T 480 g/L Termite
RECRUIT 1 HEXAFLUMURON B 4 T 5 g/kg Subterranean
Jardine BIFLEX 10 TC BIFENTHRIN EC 2 T 100 g/L
Davies, Inc. Subterranean termite
BIFLEX 2.5 TC BIFENTHRIN EC 2 T 25 g/L Subterranean
Product WAZARY 10 FENVALERATE FL 3 T 100 g/L Termite
Corporation FL

Marine BIFLEX 10 TC BIFENTHRIN TC 2 T 100 g/L Termite

Conolds BIFLEX TC BIFENTHRIN EC 2 T 25 g/L Subterranean
Philippines termite
Orsus TERMITE-X CHLOPYRIFOS EC 2 T 480 g/L Termite
Planters TERMEX 43 EC CHLORPYRIFOS EC 2 T 480 g/L Termite
Product, Inc
Covran and 48 EC

Type: WP-Wettable Powder, L-Liquid, SC-Soluble Concentrate, EC-Emulsifiable Concentrate, P-

Powder, G-Granule, EW-Emulsion in Water, F-Flowable, WDP-Water Dispersible Powder, WDG-
Water Dispersible Granules, ME-Microencapsulated, IP-Impregnated Plastic, D-Dust, B-Bait, DP-
Dispersible Powder

Use: I-Insecticide, H-Herbicide, F-Fungicide, M-Molluscicide, R-Rodenticide, FUM-Fumigant, O-

Others (e.g. Surfactant, Synergist, Wood Preservative, etc.)

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