FIGO Postpartum Intrauterine Device Initiative: Complication Rates Across Six Countries
FIGO Postpartum Intrauterine Device Initiative: Complication Rates Across Six Countries
FIGO Postpartum Intrauterine Device Initiative: Complication Rates Across Six Countries
International Federation Gynecology and
Obstetrics, London, UK Abstract
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Objective: To record and analyze complication rates following postpartum intrauterine
Trust, Oxford, UK
device (PPIUD) insertion in 48 hospitals in six countries: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Kenya.
Medicine, London, UK
Association of Gynaecologists and Methods: Healthcare providers were trained in counselling and insertion of PPIUD via
Obstetricians of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, a training-the-trainer model. Data were collected on methodology, timing, cadre of
staff providing care, and number of insertions. Data on complications were collected
Kenya Obstetrical and Gyanecological
Society, Nairobi, Kenya at 6-week follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed to elucidate factors associated
Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological with increased expulsion and absence of threads.
Societies of India, Mumbai, India
Results: From May 2014 to September 2017, 36 766 PPIUDs were inserted: 53%
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib
vaginal and 47% at cesarean delivery; 74% were inserted by doctors. Follow-up was
Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh attended by 52%. Expulsion and removal rates were 2.5% and 3.6%, respectively.
Nepal Society of Obstetricians and Threads were not visible in 29%. Expulsion was less likely after cesarean insertion
Gynaecologists, Kathmandu, Nepal
9 (aOR 0.33; 95% CI, 0.26–0.41), following vaginal insertion at between 10 minutes and
Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists, Colombo, Sri Lanka 48 hours (aOR 0.59; 95% CI, 0.42–0.83), and when insertion was performed by a
St George’s, University of London, nurse (aOR 0.33; 95% CI, 0.22–0.50).
London, UK
Conclusion: PPIUD has low complication rates and can be safely inserted by a variety
*Correspondence of trained health staff. Given the immediate benefit of the one-stop approach,
Anita Makins, International Federation of
Gynecology and Obstetrics, London, UK.
governments should urgently consider adopting this model.
Email: [email protected]
Funding Information Absent thread; Complications; Expulsions; FIGO initiative; Outcomes; Postpartum intrauterine
FIGO initiative funded by anonymous donors.
device; PPIUD; Removal
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2018 The Authors. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology and
20 | Int J Gynecol Obstet 2018; 143 (Suppl. 1): 20–27
Makins ET AL. |
patient outcomes is of notable importance in an environment where society willing to work with FIGO, and governments that were accept-
task-sharing among doctors, midwives, and other healthcare pro- ing of PPIUD.
fessionals is increasingly used to expand and deliver family planning The facilities selected in each country were referral hospitals with
services.4 Current available evidence is supportive of task-sharing in over 5000 deliveries per year. Meetings were held with senior clini-
PPIUD provision. One case-control study analyzing secondary data cians and hospital managers to explain the health benefits of birth
from a PPIUD program in India found no association between pro- spacing and the advantages of PPIUD. Following this, a training-of-
vider cadre and adverse outcomes such as expulsion or infection.5 This trainers model was used to train providers in family planning counsel-
remains to be demonstrated across a variety of settings. ling and PPIUD insertion techniques following vaginal and cesarean
There is currently no consensus in the literature on methods of deliveries. This involved teaching a core of 12–18 master trainers, who
insertion of PPIUD. Common insertion techniques include manual would then go on to repeat the training sessions in their own facilities.
insertion, Kelly forceps, ring forceps, and dedicated PPIUD insert- All six countries were given the same training materials, which
ers.6–8 It has been posited that high fundal placement, which can be included a standard set of slides, training videos, and outlines for prac-
achieved either manually or with instruments such as Kelly forceps or tical sessions including role plays for counselling and Mama-U models
a dedicated PPIUD inserter, may be desirable to minimize expulsion (Laerdal, Stavanger, Norway),12 with accompanying clinical equipment
rates. However, many existing studies on PPIUD do not describe for insertion of PPIUD. A FIGO minimal training standards document
the methods used, or simply characterize the insertion as instrumen- was shared and adhered to by all countries to ensure standardization.
tal versus manual. More research is imperative to guide and optimize Following correct practice insertions on the Mama-U model, each
delivery of PPIUD in family planning services. provider had to perform supervised insertions on a live patient fol-
Interpreting data on complication rates following PPIUD insertion lowed by unsupervised successful insertions before being signed off
is equally problematic for service providers. While rates of infection as competent. The thresholds set varied from country to country as
and perforation following insertion are consistently low,9 the authors skill level and cadres of health staff were different. A unique identifier
of a 2015 Cochrane review called for more research assessing expul- number allowed their progress to be tracked over the course of the
sion rates.10 Existing studies vary hugely in their rates of expulsion initiative. Facility mentors could then follow up their trainees’ achieve-
after PPIUD insertion, from under 2% to over 25%.6,11 Comparisons ments over time.
are made even more challenging by inconsistencies in definition of A total of 4904 providers were trained in counselling and insertion
expulsion (complete vs incomplete) and timing of follow-up. In addi- over the period studied. Not all of these providers went on to be pro-
tion, very few studies have included rates of lost threads with IUDs in ductive as many were clinical managers not directly providing services.
situ after insertion. This complication has the potential to cause signif- It was nevertheless important to include them to gain support for the
icant patient anxiety, particularly where access to follow-up services initiative. All providers were trained in providing balanced counselling
such as ultrasonography may be problematic. where all available methods of family planning, including PPIUD were
Thus, the question at the core of current debate around PPIUD discussed. In India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, additional family planning
remains: to what extent does PPIUD represent a trade-off of conve- counsellors were employed by the initiative as clinical staff were over-
nience and usefulness versus potential complications?10 More evi- loaded and could not spend sufficient time counselling women. These
dence is essential to enable healthcare professionals to counsel their counsellors were employed from the start in India, but midway through
patients and expand contraceptive choices for women in the postpar- the project in Nepal and Bangladesh. Women were counselled prena-
tum period. The present article describes experiences gained from a tally (preferably at multiple clinic encounters), in early labor (if it was
FIGO initiative to provide PPIUD in 48 facilities across six low- and felt appropriate), and also immediately postpartum (within 48 hours
middle-income countries. Data are included on insertion timing and of birth). Consent for insertion was taken at any of these encounters.
technique, provider cadre, and subsequent rates of complications at For vaginal deliveries, the insertion technique taught used the 33 cm
the 6-week postnatal check including infection, expulsion, and lost long, curved Kelly hemostatic forceps (Sklar Surgical Instruments, West
threads. To the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the largest studies in Chester, PA, USA) that ensure high fundal insertion. This technique has
the literature on this subject to date. been well described in the literature.6,9,10,13–15 Timing of insertion after
vaginal delivery was categorized as either postplacental (within 10 min-
utes of delivery of the placenta) or immediate postpartum (within
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS 48 hours) (Table 1). Insertion after 48 hours was not recommended
owing to the known higher risk of complications.3 Cadre of health staff
The FIGO PPIUD initiative started in Sri Lanka in July 2013 where six trained in insertion varied from country to country (Table 2).
facilities were chosen to take part in a pilot project. Following suc- Women were asked to return for follow-up at 6 weeks postpar-
cessful implementation, the initiative expanded in 2015 to a further tum so that information on adverse effects and complications could be
12 hospitals in Sri Lanka and six facilities in each of five additional obtained. The majority of women attended at around the 6-week mark
countries: Tanzania, Kenya, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India. The coun- as this was the recommended time to return. No cases were excluded
tries were chosen based on contraceptive prevalence, unmet need from the analysis if they returned before or after 6 weeks. As a result
for contraception, presence of an obstetrics and gynecology national of low face-to-face follow-up rates, telephone follow-ups were also
22 Makins ET AL.
Vaginal Postplacental Within 10 min of placental delivery Insertion conducted using 33 cm long curved Kelly forceps
to ensure high fundal placement
Immediately Between 10 min and 48 h after Insertion conducted using 33 cm long curved Kelly forceps
postpartum placental delivery to ensure high fundal placement
After 48 h 48 h after placental delivery Not recommended owing to increased risks of
Cesarean Intraoperative Following delivery of placenta Insertion is under direct vision through the uterine incision.
Can be performed manually or using instruments
conducted in all six countries. Those who were followed up by tele- reports outcomes at 6 weeks across both data sets where the ques-
phone could not have a speculum examination, nor could the same tions asked were the same, making it possible to amalgamate and
level of detail be ascertained with regard to complaints. However, this interpret the data. The FIGO PPIUD initiative did not follow up women
was preferable to having no information on outcomes. Missing data who had a PPIUD inserted after the 6-week postnatal check.
are acknowledged in the results tables. Data were anonymized and appropriate ethics committee approv-
Women delivering in those facilities taking part in the initiative als were obtained from the respective country’s institutions, as well as
were asked for their consent to take part in a short 15-minute face-to- from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for analysis
face structured interview. In those cases where consent was obtained, and publication.
in-country data collection officers (DCOs) conducted the interview
prior to their discharge from hospital following birth.
Healthcare providers seeing women at the 6-week follow-up were 3 | RESULTS
asked to fill in a follow-up questionnaire. Data were entered using
tablets and stored in a CommCare database (Dimagi, Cambridge, MA, From May 2014 to September 2017, a total of 725 647 deliveries
USA). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using occurred in the 48 facilities participating in the initiative. Following
Stata version 15.0 software (StataCorp LLC, College Station TX, USA). counselling and consent, a total of 36 766 PPIUD insertions were
When looking at expulsion rates and missing threads, factors adjusted undertaken: 53% performed following vaginal and 47% follow-
for were country, cadre of health staff, and method of insertion. It was ing cesarean delivery, although this varied from country to country
not possible to adjust by experience of provider; however, as PPIUD (Fig. 1). A total of 27 395 insertions were performed by doctors, 5695
services were new in all facilities, if provider experience had affected by nurses, and 2969 by midwives (Fig. 2). In Sri Lanka, all insertions
expulsion rates then this should have been the same across all sites. were performed by doctors, whereas in other countries vaginal inser-
An external evaluation of the initiative was conducted by the tions were also performed by midwives, nurses, and other profession-
Harvard School of Public Health over a 1-year period in three of the six als. In Kenya and Tanzania, the majority of vaginal insertions were
countries (Nepal, Tanzania, and six facilities in Sri Lanka). These data performed by midwives. In one facility in India, nurses performed
are also included in the overall analysis. The questionnaires used were 4326 vaginal insertions, totaling 26% of all insertions done in the
slightly different, as were follow-up rates in the two sets of data. The country, whereas in the remaining five facilities insertions were con-
Harvard questionnaire was longer with more detailed questions about ducted by doctors only. In Nepal, skilled birth attendants (classified
the service provided and included longer follow-up. This analysis only as “Other”) contributed to 19% of insertions. In Bangladesh, although
Cadre of
health staff Description
Doctor Includes both junior and senior doctors working on maternity wards. Senior doctors are obstetrics and gynecology specialists and
junior doctors are those who have not completed specialist training
Nurse Includes all staff with a nursing degree working on maternity wards. In this study the vast majority were from India with either a
General Nursing and Midwifery course (3 y) or Bachelor in Science Nursing (4 y). There were no Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (1–2 y
Midwife Includes all midwives and nurse-midwives with degrees or diplomas. In this study these were from Tanzania and Kenya. In Kenya, all
nurses receive comprehensive midwifery training and were therefore classified as midwives
Clinical Practicing in Kenya and Tanzania. These are nonphysician healthcare professionals with 3–4 y diplomas who function like doctors and
Officer occasionally work on maternity wards. Tanzanian assistant medical officers were also included in this category. These have 2 y
additional clinical training to achieve an advanced diploma
Makins ET AL. 23|
Timing of PPIUD Inseron T A B L E 3 Information on insertions (n=37 383) across all six
No. %
<10 mins
10 mins to 48hrs PPIUD successfully inserted
Intraoperavely at cesarean Yes 36 766 98
Sri Lanka No 615 2
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% (Missing data 2)
T A B L E 5 Details of outcomes following PPIUD insertion for each country participating in the initiative.
Period of time 1 May 2014 to 7 Nov 2015 to 1 Dec 2015 to 1 Dec 2015 to 24 Sep 2015 to 11 Mar 2016 to
monitored 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017
No. facilities 18 6 6 6 6 6 48
No. deliveries 291 861 87 951 72 195 119 844 72 340 81 456 725 647
No. providers trained 932 1014 914 210 1007 827 4904
No. insertions 8055 5255 16 643 2503 1651 2659 36 766
No. followed up 3375 2829 8786 2091 716 1163 18 960
Follow-up rate, % 42 54 53 84 43 44 52
No. expulsionsa 66 84 198 80 27 14 469
Expulsion rate, % 2.3 3.3 2.3 3.9 4.3 1.2 2.6
No. removalsb 121 71 229 150 16 95 682
Removal rate, % 3.7 2.8 2.6 7.4 2.6 8.3 3.7
Missing data in 850 from 18 960 reports collected on expulsion (rates calculated excluding missing data).
Missing data in 526 from 18 960 reports collected on removals (rates calculated excluding missing data).
more impressive results. A second limitation was that not all women
were followed up, and these rates varied from country to country.
Analysis of the characteristics of the two groups showed some dif-
The data collected over the course of this initiative is vast, which
ferences with a slightly higher proportion of women who had a
strengthens its scientific value. Nevertheless, it is important to rec-
cesarean delivery in the follow-up group (52% vs 42%; P<0.001).
ognize some limitations. First, all the facilities involved in the ini-
This is to be expected, as these women would be more likely to
tiative are large referral units of over 5000 births per annum. One
attend for postnatal follow-up given their postoperative state.
must therefore exert caution in generalizing the findings to smaller
Outcomes at 6 weeks could therefore be skewed toward those
peripheral hospitals. However, it is interesting to note that from an
expected following insertion after cesarean. Multivariate analysis
implementation perspective, the initiative seemed to work best in
did demonstrate a lower expulsion rate after insertion at cesarean
the smaller referral institutions where initial buy in, as well as train-
delivery compared with following vaginal delivery, and this should
ing and monitoring were much easier to achieve. One could pos-
be taken into account. One could also postulate that women would
tulate that it may be easier to roll out in smaller units and achieve
be more likely to attend for follow-up if they had encountered prob-
lems or wanted the IUD removing, which would make complication
T A B L E 6 Follow-up across all six countries (n=18 960). rates higher in the follow-up than in the lost-to-follow-up group.
No. % However, this is the opinion of the authors and cannot be accu-
rately ascertained.
Adverse effects reported
Despite these limitations, analysis of the data was possible and
Yes 3711 22
it is interesting to interpret the results. The data demonstrate that
No 13 302 78
PPIUD is a safe and acceptable form of contraception. Success rates
(no data 1947) of insertion were 98%, and only 3% required more than one attempt
Adverse effects at insertion. There were few recorded complications during insertion,
Vaginal discharge 1177 6.9 with heavy bleeding at insertion being the main complaint (0.14%).
Abdominal pain 742 4.4 No perforations were recorded. This is to be expected as the immedi-
Irregular bleeding 403 2.4 ate postpartum uterus differs greatly from the nonpregnant uterus—
Threads not palpable 437 2.6 which is at known risk of perforation during interval insertion. The
Threads coming out of vagina 147 0.9 large, thick walls of the immediate postpartum uterus make perfora-
all women who had an IUD inserted, which may also have contributed ultrasound machines were not readily available in many of the facili-
to the low rates of PID. However, the questionnaire was not well set ties involved in the initiative and this needs to be taken into account
up for recording mild infections. Complaints of vaginal discharge and during future implementation. There may have been a slightly higher
abdominal pain could indicate a mild infection and this would not have rate of invasive procedures such as hysteroscopy to retrieve IUDs with
been picked up in this study. lost threads. However, the data were not set up to analyze this further.
Interestingly, 147 cases (0.9%) of follow-ups mentioned threads The data also demonstrate that insertion can be safely achieved
coming out of the vagina as a complaint. Threads were not trimmed by a variety of health staff and need not be limited to doctors. Task-
at insertion and it was always a concern that this could occur. Women sharing to nurses and midwives was safely and effectively performed in
were advised of the potential risk, and were asked to return for the all participating countries other than in Sri Lanka. In Sub-Saharan Africa,
threads to be trimmed if this happened, but it appears also to be a rare midwives and nurse-midwives have taken on a variety of additional
complaint. Absence of strings was more common, and was recorded roles, increasing access to health care that would otherwise have been
in 29% of cases that were followed up with a speculum examination. limited to those fortunate enough to have care provided by doctors.
Further statistical analysis demonstrated that missing threads With low doctor:patient ratios in several countries, task-sharing
were 2.88 times more common following insertion after cesarean is an essential strategy ratified by the WHO.16 In Kenya and Tanzania,
delivery. During cesarean, the provider must make an extra attempt to midwives performed 94% of all vaginal insertions. Statistical analysis
straighten the threads once insertion has occurred; following vaginal demonstrated that there is no difference in expulsions rates between
insertion the threads should naturally sit at the cervical os. Although insertions of PPIUD by senior doctors and midwives and, therefore,
laying threads is the standard protocol at cesarean delivery, it is an this skill can be safely added to their list of competencies. In India, one
extra step, and one that providers might forget. This could explain the out of the six facilities was able to expand training to nurses working
difference. All healthcare providers trained in insertion were also pro- on maternity wards. The impact in this one institution was dramatic,
vided with information on the benefits of using a thread retriever and with a sudden increase in insertion rates as the service became more
the need for ultrasound in cases where it was not possible to confirm available to women with normal vaginal deliveries who are often in and
the location of the PPIUD. However, in reality, thread retrievers and out of the facility too rapidly for doctors to intervene.
26 Makins ET AL.
Analysis also demonstrated that insertions by nurses were less rate of approximately 5% reported following interval insertion.17 PPIUD
likely to result in expulsion compared with insertions performed by should therefore not be limited to women undergoing a cesarean.
senior doctors. Perhaps their skills with normal vaginal insertions sur- Timing of insertion after vaginal delivery also appears to have an
pass those of the senior doctor. In all countries where other health impact on expulsion rates. Expulsions were slightly less likely if PPIUD
cadres perform insertions, insertions occur more frequently follow- was inserted between 10 minutes of placental delivery and 48 hours
ing vaginal delivery than following cesarean. Doctors are not always rather than within 10 minutes of placental delivery. It may well be that
available immediately following vaginal deliveries as they are during the uterus has had more time for involution at between 10 minutes
cesarean, where they tend to be the main providers. Therefore, PPIUD and 48 hours and have progressively less frequent uterine contrac-
became more accessible to all women. tions and blood flow, which may have contributed to a lower chance
Expulsion rates and removal rates varied from country to country of expulsion. It may also be easier to correctly place the IUD at the
and our experience monitoring this initiative suggests that removal fundus with a more involuted uterus. However, expulsion rates when
rates depended on the quality of counselling. Women were less likely insertion occurred within 10 minutes of placental delivery are not high
to ask to have the IUD removed at follow-up if inclusive and compre- enough to warrant that this practice should be replaced by later inser-
hensive counselling had been undertaken prior to insertion. In Nepal tion. A “one-stop” procedure following delivery is more efficient and is
this has been a problem throughout the initiative, with removal rates likely to be more attractive to women who may be reluctant to return
always slightly higher than in the other countries. High volume of for a second procedure within 48 hours of delivery.
patient to staff ratios and reliance on group counselling may explain
this. Compared with the other five countries, Nepal trained fewer
providers (only 210) owing to restrictions by the government on who 5 | CONCLUSION
could be trained. Another postulated reason is that Nepal has a large
migrant population where husbands often work abroad, leaving their The vast data from this initiative of over 36 000 recorded insertions col-
wives alone during pregnancy and only returning briefly for the birth lected across six different countries have demonstrated that PPIUD is
of the child. Consequently, they were not present during counselling a safe and effective method of contraception that can be delivered by
sessions and often objected to the method once they returned home, a variety of cadres of health staff. Although expulsion rates are lower
particularly given their perception that once they had left their wife to when inserted intraoperatively at cesarean delivery, they are still low
return to work, there was no more need for contraception. and comparable to interval IUD insertion when inserted within 48 hours
Tanzania also had a high removal rate, but interestingly, a very low of vaginal delivery. Given the immediate benefit of a one-stop approach
expulsion rate. Some removals were reported to have been under- for women who struggle to return to health facilities after giving birth,
taken due to partial expulsion. Unfortunately, the questionnaire was governments should consider adopting PPIUD into the mix of contra-
not robust enough to pick up these subtleties, but it may be that a pro- ceptive methods currently offered as a matter of urgency. Given that the
portion of the removals were in fact partial expulsions. There was also copper IUD is cost-effective and readily available, the only extra issue
concern that visualization of the stem of the IUD in the cervical canal with implementation is training healthcare providers in counselling and
may have been erroneously construed as a partial expulsion, resulting insertion, which this initiative has demonstrated to be highly feasible.
in an unnecessary removal.
Overall expulsion rates were much lower than those recorded in
the literature. However, expulsion and removal rates are very similar
to those published by Pfitzer et al.2 who also conducted an implemen- AM wrote the manuscript with assistance from NT. Data clean-
tation study across six countries using the same methodology for ing, analysis, and presentation were performed by MS and KM. SA
insertions. There is a general perception that high expulsion rates are planned the initiative and directed implementation together with AM.
a consequence of the inability of the inserter to place the PPIUD high PM, EO, HD, FP, KT, and GP coordinated activities in their respective
at the uterine fundus. Insertion during cesarean delivery is straightfor- countries. All authors reviewed the manuscript before submission. MS
ward given that the inserter has the uterus open and is therefore able worked on the project while employed by FIGO.
to place the PPIUD under direct vision.
During training it was evident that for vaginal insertions, using the
Kelly forceps takes skill in ensuring that the PPIUD is correctly positioned.
Consequently, during monitoring and evaluation throughout the life of We wish to acknowledge the past and present members of the
the initiative it was observed that all the countries showed a learning PPIUD team at FIGO headquarters and each country team that has
curve when teaching the technique to new trainees. As experience and worked hard to make this initiative possible. We would like to thank
expertise increased, expulsion rates dropped. When staff moved on and a the six national societies SLCOG (Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians
new batch was trained, expulsion rates would rise again. It is not surpris- and Gynaecologists), OGSB (Obstetrical and Gynecological Society
ing then that the data demonstrated that expulsion is 67% less likely fol- of Bangladesh), NESOG (Nepal Society of Obstetricians and
lowing insertion during cesarean than following vaginal insertion. Overall, Gynaecologists), KOGS (Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological
expulsion rates after vaginal delivery were 3.6%, which is similar to the Society), AGOTA (Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians
Makins ET AL. |
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