Tablas Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook PDF
Tablas Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook PDF
Tablas Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook PDF
Aluminum Wire Data
Tensile Strength and Elongation
(ASTM Specifications)
product identification and data
Solid Round 1350 Aluminum Wires
Sizes, Weights, de Resistance, and Nominal Breaking Strength
bare aluminum wire and coble
All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Stranded Bare Conductors
Area, Weight, and Strength of AWG and kcmil Sizes
Physical Properties 1350-H19 ASTM B 231
Bold face code words indicate sizes most otten used.
product identification and data
All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Stranded Bare Conductors
Electrical Properties of Sizes Listed in Table 4-5
135()'H19 ASTM B 231
Bold face code words indicate sizes most often used,
60 Hz Reactance
ae-60hz at One fI Spacing
2O'C 25'C SO'C 75'C GMR !
Size Ohmsl .Ohmsl Ohmsl Ohmsl Inductive Capacitive
Code Word i AWG or kcmil Mile i MUe Mile Mile fI Ohms/Mile X. i Megohm-Miles X'•
Peachbell 6 3,481 I 3,551 3.903 4,255 0,00555 . 0,630 0,145
Rose 4 2,188 .2,232 2.453 2,674 0,00700 ; 0,602 0,138
Iris 2 1,374 ; 1,402 1,541 1.680 0,00883 0,574 0,131
Pansy 1 1,091 1.114 1,224 1,334 0,00991 0,550 0,127
Poppy 110 0,8646 1°,682 0.970 1,057 0,0111 0,546 0,124
Aster 210 0,6856 .0,700 0.769 0,838 0,0125 0,532 0,120
Phlox 3/0 0,5441 . 0.556 0,611 0.665 0,0140 0.518 0,117
Oxlip i 410 0,4311 i 0.441 0.484 0.528 0,0155 0,504 i 0,114
Daisy 266.8 0,3418 I 0,350 ! 0,384 0.419 ; 0,0177 i
0.489 0,110
All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Bare Stranded Conductors 1350-H19 ASTM B 231 r
Physical and Electrical Properties of Even kcmi! Sizes
Bold face code words indicate sizes most otten used. §
..--. .
I Resistance
80-60 Hz
Phase-to-Neutral 60 Hz
Reactance atOne Foot Spacing
Weight , de Shunt i'il
Code Word
kcmll Class of Wires
Wire Conductor
in. In.
Sq.ln. Ib
Rated Ohmsp
Size Stranding Number Diameter Diameter Area 1000 ft Strength
er 1
Ohms/Ohmsl Ohms! GMR
Mile Mile Mile ft
25"C 15O'C 1 I Inductive Capacitive
Ohms per Megohm-
Mile X. Miles X'.
.. r' ..... r-' ........ r' .._...- ----- ---- 8
Peony 300 A 19 0.1257 0.629 0.2356 281.4 5,480 0.3040 0.311 0.342 0.372 0.0198 0.476 0.108
Daffodil 350 A 19 0.1357 0.679 0.2749 327.9 6,390 0.2509 0.267 0.294 0.320
----- r' ...... _0.0214
0.466 0.106
GOldentuft 450 AA 19 0.1539 0.770 0.3534 421.8 7,890 0.2028 0.209 0.229 0.249 0.0243 0.451 0.102
Zinnia 500 AA 19 0.1622 0.811 0.3927 468.5 8,760 0.1826 0.188 0.206 0.225 0.0256 0.445 0.101
HyaCinth 500 A 37 0.1162 0.813 0.3927 468.3 9,110 0.1827 0.188 0.206 0.225 0.0260 0.443 0.100
Meadowsweet 600 AA,A 37 0.1273 0.891 0.4712 562.0 10,700 0.1522 0.157 0.172 0.188 0.0285 0.432 0.0977
Verbena 700 AA 37 0.1375 0.963 0.5498 655.7 12,500 0.1305 0.161 0.0308 0.422 0.0954
Cattail 750 A 61 0.1109 0.998 0.5890 703.2 13,500 0.1217 0.127 0.139 0.151 0.0321 00417 0.0943
...- ........ r' .._.... ._. . . .- ----- -----
Cockscomb 900 AA 37 0.1560 1.092 0.7096 844.0 15,400 0.1014 0.106 0.116 0.126 0.0349 0.407 0,0917
Snapdragon 900 A 61 0.1215 1.094 0.7069 644.0 15,900 0.1014 0.106 0.116 0.126 0.0352 00406 0.0916
Hawkweed 1,000 AA 37 0.1644 1.151 0.7854 937.3 17,200 6 0.0963 0.105 0.114 0.0368 0.401 0.0901
Camellia 1,000 A 61 0.1280 1.152 0.7854 936.8 17,700 0.0913 2 0.0964 0.105 0.114 0.0371 0.400 0.0901
.. 1---. ----- -
Jessamine 1,750 AA 61 0.1694 1.525 1.374 1641 29,700 0.0521 4 0.0585 0.0634 0.0683 0.0490 0.366 0.0818
Cowslip 2,000 A 91 0.1482 1.630 1.570 1873 34,200 0.045E 6 0.0525 0.0567 0.0609 0.0526 0.357 0.0798
lupine 2,500 A 91 0.1657 1.823 1.002 2365 41,900 0.036e 9 0.0446 0.0479 0.0512 0.0588 0.344 0.0765
Trillium 3,000 A 127 0.1537 1.998 2.350 2640 50,300 0.0307 2 0.0392 0.0418 0.0445 0.0646 0.332 0.0737
.- f--.. .- 1---.- f - - -
Bluebonnet 3,500 A 127 0.1660 2.158 2.749 3345 58,700 0.0265 ;3791;04021 0.0697 0.323 0.0715
----- .. ..'----
1. Data shOwn are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, 3, Direct current (de) resislance is based on 16.946 ohm-cmilJft at for nominal area of
2. Class AA slranding is usually specified for bare condUctors used on overhead lines. Class the conductor with standard stranding increments ASTM B 231.
A stranding is usually speCified tor conductors to be covered with weather-resistant 4. AltemaUng current (sc) resistance is basad on dc resistance corrected for tempefature,
(weatherproof) materials and for bare conductors where greater flexibility is required than using 0.00404 as temperature coeffiCient of resistivity per degrees C" al 20"C and for
afforded by Class AA. The direction of lay of the outside layer of wires with Class AA and skin effect
Class A will be right-hand unless otherwise specified. 5. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Figs. 3-11 and 3-12.
product identification and data
All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class B, C, and D Stranded Bare Conductors
Physical Properfies-ASTM B 231
1350-H19 (Hard Drawn); 13S0-H16 & -H26 (3/4 Hard); 13SD-H14 8. -H24 (112 Hard)
Direct current (de) resistance is the same as given in Tables 4-6 and for corresponding sizes; ac resistance and reaciance may be taken as
the values for Class A conductors of equivalent size, as the slight difference caused by stranding variation is not significant in usual
engineering calculations. For ampaclty ratings of bare conductors, interpolate from Figs. and 3-12.
Rated Strength
Conductor Size Ib
Number Con- Weigh!
AWG and Dis. dUelor per
or Square of Wires, Dia., 1350-H26 135O-H24 1,000 It
kcmil Inches Class in. in. 1350-H19 135D-H16 1350-H14 I
bare aluminum wire and cable
Rated Strength
Conductor Size Number Con- Ib Weight
and Dia. ductor per
Square Of Wires, Ola., 1350-H26 1350-H24 1,000 It
kcmil Inches Class in. in. 1350-H19 1350-H16 1350-H14 Ib
product identification and data
All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Compact-Round Stranded Bare Conductors
Physical and Electrical Properties
135G-H19 Hard-Drawn ASTM B 400
These conductors have lay of outer layer. The ac resistances at various temperatures are to be taken from Tables 4-6 and
tor the corresponding AWG or kcmil sizes.
Weight de 20"C
Conductor No. Compact Sectional per Rated Resistance
Slze,AWG of Conductor Non-Compact Area 1000 It Strength Ohms per
or kcmil Wires Dia., In. Dia., in. Sq. In. Ib Ib Mile
produd identification and data
TABLE 4-10
All-Aluminum Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Conductors AACITW
Physical and Electrical Properties
ASTM B no in Fixed Diameter Increments
! Resistance : Phase--to-Neutral
1 60 Hz, Resistance
• • ac-60Hz 1
at One ft Spacing
! i Weight I de 1
! Conductor per ! Rated 2O"C 25'C 5O"C 7S'C' Inductive Capacitive
Code Size No. of. No. of: Diameter 1000 ftSlrength Ohms! Ohms;,Ohmsl Ohms!. GMR Ohms; Megohm-
Word !<cmil !Wires I Layers, in. Ib' Ib Mile Mile Mile Mile I It Mile X. Miles X;
Logan/TW 322.5 17 2 0.60 302.11 5.960 0.27890.2855.0.3140 0.3425:0.0188: 0.482 ! 0.1094
WheelerlTW 449.4 17 2 0.70 421.0: 8.030 0.2001 0.2055 i 0.2259 0.2463.0.0220' 0.463 0.1048
Robsonrrw 595.8 17 2 0.80 558.2 10.700 0.1510 0.1557! 0.1710,0.1864.0.0252, 0.447 0.1009
McKinleyrrw 761.5 17 2 0.90 713.31 13,400 0.1181 0.1225 0.1344!0.1464Io.0284 0.432 i 0.0974
Rainierrrw 918.8 31 3 1.00 864.3 16,100 0.09830.103010.1129 0.1227 0.0319 0.418 0.0912
Helens/TW 1123.1 31 3 1.10 1056 19,700 0.0804 0.086310.0932 0.1012 0.0352 00406 0.0915
Baker;TW 1346.8 31 3 1.20 1267 23,600 0.0670 0.0722! 0.0788 0.0854 0.0385 0.395 0.0889
HoodlTW 1583.2 34 3 1.30 1489 27.200 0.0570 0.0625 0.0680 0.0736 0.0419 0.385 0.0865
Whitneyrrw 1812.7 49 4 1.40 1713 ! 31,100 0.0501 0.056310.0610 0.08580.0454! 0.375 0.0843
Powell,rrw 2083.6 49 4 1.50 1976 35,900 0.0433 0.0499! 0.0540 0.0581 :0.0489: 0.366 0.0822
Jefferson.rrw 2388.1 52 4 1.80 2256 I 40,100 0.0380 0.045O!0.0465!0.0520I0.0524 0.357 0.0803
ShastafTW 2667.2 71 5 1.70 2528 I 45,200 0.0341 0.0418 0.04490.0460,0.05611 0.349 0.0785
Adams/TW 3006.2 71 ! 5 1.80 2648 ! 51.000 : 0.0303 0.0384 0.0411 0.0438
1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
2. Direct current (00) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-cmi.'ft at 20' 62% lACS conductivity.
3. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature and skin effe<:t.
4. Properties of the industrial wires are those of the equivalent round wires of ASTM B 230.
bare aluminum wire and cable
TABLE 4-11
All-Aluminum Shaped Wire Concentric-lay Compact Conductors AACrrw
Physical and Electrical Properties
ASTM B 778
Area Equal to Standard AAC Sizes
Resistance Phase-la-Neutral
60 Hz, Resistance
ac-60 Hz at One ft Spacing
Weight dc
Conductor per Rated 20"(; 25°C 50"(; • 75°C Inductive Capacitive
Code Size No. of No. of Diameter 1000 ft Strength Ohms/Ohms! Ohms/Ohms! GMR Ohms! Megohm-
Word kcmll Wires Layers In. Ib Ib Mile. Mile Mile. Mile ft MiIeX.
TuliplTW 336.4 17 2 0.612 315,2 6,220 0,2673 0,2737 0,3010 0,3284 0,0192 0.480 0,1088
Canna'TW 397,5 17 2 0,661 372.4 7,230 0,2262 0,2319 0,2551 0,2781 0,0208 0.470 0,1086
Cosmos,'TW 477.0 17 2 0,720 446,9 8,530 0,1885 0,1936 0,2128 0,2321 0,0228 0.460 0,1040
Zinnia;TW 500,0 17 2 0,736 468,4 8,940 0,1798 0,1848 0,2031 0,2215 0,0232 0,457 0,1033
Mislletoe,'TW 556,5 17 2 0,775 521,3 9,950 0,1616 0,1684 0,1829 0,1993 0,0244 0,451 0,1018
MeadowsweetfTW 600,0 17 2 0,803 562,1 10,700 0,1498 0,1545 0,1697 0,1850 0,0253 0,446 0,1008
OrchidlTW 636,0 17 2 0,825 595,8 11,400 0,1414 0,1460 0,1603 0,1747 0,0260 0,443 0,0999
VerbenafTW 700,0, 17 2 0,884 656,7 12,500 0,1 329 0,1459 0,1590 0,0272 0,437 0,0986
NasturtiumfTW 75O.0i 17 2 0,893 702,6 13,400 0,1 243 0,1384 0,1486 0,0281 0,433 0,0976
ArbUluS,'TW 795.01 17 2 0,919 744,7 13,900 ,0,1131 175 0,1289 0,1404 0,0290 0.430 0,0968
CockscombfTW 900.01 17 3 0,990 846,6 15,800 10,1004 0,1051 0,1152 0,1253 0,0316 0,419 0,0946
MagnoliafTW 954,01 31 3 1,018 897,4 16,700 10,0946 0,0994 0,1089 0,1184 0,0325 0.416 0,0938
HawkweedfTW 1000,0' 31 3 1.041 940,6 17,500 0,0903 0,0951 0,1041 0,1131 0,0333 00413 0,0931
BlueballfTW 1033,5 31 3 1,057 972,2 18,100 0,0874 0,0922 0,1009 0,1096 0,0338 00411 0,0927
Marigold'TW 1113,0 31 3 1,095 1047 19,500 0,0811 0,0850 0,0941 0,1022 0,0350 00407 0,0916
HawthomfTW 11192,5 31 3 ! 1,132 1122 20,900 0,0757 0,0807 0,0882 0,0957 0,0362 00403 0,0905
NarcissusfTW 11272.0 31 3 1.156 1196 22,300 0,0710 0,0760 0,0830 0,0901 0,0374 0,399 0,0896
ColumbinefTW 11351.5 31 3 1,202 1271 23,700 0,0656 0,0720 0,07850,0851 0,0386 0,395 0,0888
CamationiTW 11431.0 31 3 1.236 1346 24,600 0,0631 0,0884 0,07450.0807 0,0397 0,391 0,0880
CoreopsisfTW 11590,0 49 4 • 1.315 1503 27,300 0,0570 0,0829 0,0684 0.0739 0,0425 0,383 0,0861
JessaminefTW '1750,0 49 4 1,377 1654 30,000 0,0518 0,0579 0,06290,0679 0,0446 0,377 0,0848
Cowslip,TW 2000,0 49 4 1,468 1890 34,500 0,0453 0,0518 0,0561 0,0604 0,0478 0,369 0,0829
LupinefTW 2500,0 71 5 1.648 2369 42,400 0,0364 0,0439 0,04720,0505 0,0543 0,353 0,0794
TrilliunvTW 3000,0 71 5 1,799 2843 50,900 0,0303 0,0385 0,04120,0439 0,0597 0,342 0,0768
1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
2. Direct CUrrent (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-<:millft at 20° 62% lACS conductivity.
3. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de reSistance corrected for temperature and skin effect.
4, Properties of the industrial wires are those of the equivalent round wires of ASTM B 230,
product identification and dote
TABLE 4·12
AII·Aluminum Alloy Concentric· Lay Stranded Bare Conductors
Physical and Electrical Characteristics
6201·T81 ASTM B 399 ACSR Equivalent Diameter
These conductors have right-hand lay of outer layer, unless otherwise specified. ASTM B 399 lists both Class AA and Class A
stranding (see footnote 2 of Table 4-5 for explanation). As the difference is slight, it is trade custom to supply cables that meet the
Class AA requirements unless othelWise specified, and the listings herewith apply to either Class AA or Class A.
Size of
ACSR Nearest Resistance
of Equal AAC ac-60 Hz
Dlam. Con- Diameter Size of Weight dc-20'C
Each duClor AWGor Approx. per Rated Ohms 25'C SO'C : 75°C
Code Size No. of Wire Diam. Area kcml! and Equal 1000 It Strength per Ohmsl OhmslOhms!
Word kcml! Wires In. in. Sq. In. Stranding Resistance Ib Ib Mile Mile Mile Mile
Akron 30.58 7 0.0661 0.196 0.02402 6-6/1 6 28.5 1110 3.479 3.54 3.84 4.14
AHon 48.69 7 0.0834 0.250 0,03824 4-6/1 4 45.4 1760 2.185 2.22 2.41 2.60
Ames 77,47 7 0.1052 0.316 0.05084 2-6/1 2 72.2 2800 1,373 1,40 1.52 1,64
Azusa 123,3 7 0.1327 0.396 0.09681 1/0-6/1 1/0 114.9 4460 0.8631 0,878 0.953 1.028
Anaheim 155.4 7 0,1490 0.447 0.1221 210-6/1 210 144.9 5390 0.6848 0,697 0.758 0.816
Amherst 195.7 7 0.1672 0.502 0.1537 3/0-6/1 310 182.5 6790 0.5437 0.554 0.601 0.648
Alliance 246,9 7 0.1878 0.563 0,1939 4/0-6/1 410 230.2 8560 0.4309 0,439 0.476 0.514
Butte 312.8 19 0.1283 0,642 0,2456 266.-2617 266.8 291.6 11000 0.3402 0.347 0,376 0.406
Canton 394.5 19 0.1441 0.721 0,3098 336.-2617 336.4 367.9 13300 0.2697 0,276 0.299 0,322
Cairo 465.4 19 0,783 0.3855 397.-2617 397.5 433.9 15600 0.2286 0,234 0.254 0.273
Darien 559,5 19 0.1716 0.858 0,4394 477,-26/7 477.0 521.7 18600 0.1902 0,195 0,211 0.228
Elgin 652,4 19 0,927 0,5124 556.-2617 556.5 608.3 21900 0,1631 0.168 0,182 0.196
Flint 740,8 37 0.1415 0.991 0,5818 636.-2617 636.0 690.8 24400 0,1436 0.148 0,161 0.173
Greeley 927.2 37 0,1583 1.108 0.7282 795.-26/7 795.0 864.6 30500 0.1148 0,119 0.129 0,139
bare aluminum Wlre and cable
TABLE 4-13
All-Aluminum Alloy Concentric-Lay Stranded Bare Conductors
Physical and Electrical Characteristics
6201-T81 ASTM B 399 Even AWG and kcmi! Sizes
These conductors have right-hand lay of outer layer. unless otherwise specified. ASTM B 399 lists both Class AA and Class A
stranding (see footnote 2 of Table 4-5 for explanation). As the difference is slight, it is trade custom to supply cables that meet the
Class AA requirements unless otherwise specified. and the listings herewith apply to either Class AA or Class A.
, Resistance
Conductor Diam. Weight
Size Each Conductor per Rated do-2Do(; 25'C I 500(; 75°C
AWGor No, of Wire, Diam. Area 1000 II Strength Ohms per Ohms! ! Ohms! Ohms!
kcmil , -Wires in. in. Sq. in. Ib , Ib Mile Mile Mile Mile
, i .
6 ! 7 0.0612 0.184 0.0206 24.5 ! 949 4.058 4.13 4.48 4.83
4 7 0.0772 0.232 0.0328 38.9 1510 2.550 2.60 2.59 3.04
2 7 0.0974 , 0.292 0.0521 61.9 2400 1.602 1.63 1.77 1.91
i I i
110 7 I 0.1228 0.368 0.0829 98.3 3820 1.008 1.03 1.11 1.20
210 7 , 0.1379 0.414 0.1045 i 124.1 4620 0.7993 0.814 0.883 0.952
310 !
7 . 0.1548 0.464 0.1317 156,4 ! 5820 0.6343 , 0.646 !
0.701 0.756
4/0 7 i 0.1739 0.522 0.1663 197,4 7340 0.5026 0.512 0.556 0.599
250. ! 19 0.1147 0.574 0.1963 233.1 8760 0,4258 0.434 I 0.471 0.508
300. 19 0.1257 0.629 0.2358 280.0 10500 0.3544 0.361 0.392 0.423
350. 19 0.1357 0.679 0.2748 326.3 11800 0.3041 0.310 0.337 0.363
400. !
19 ! 0.1451 0.726 0.3142 373.0 !
13400 0.2660 0.272 0.295 0.318
450. 19 0.3534
! 419.6
TABLE 4-14
Bare Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ASCR), Concentric-Lay Stranded ASTM B 232
with Class AA and A Stranding and Various Types of Steel Core
Physical Properties
Bold-face code words deSignate sizes most commonly used.
Conductor Size Outside Diameter Rated Strength-Ib
Square Inches Strendlng Weight per 1000 Feet TypeZlnc Coaling or Core
AWG In. Complete Steel --- Aluminum
or Aluml- Conductor Core Total Aluminum Steel Standard Coated
CodeWord Clan kcmil num Total Aluminum Steel in. in. Ib Ib Ib Weight e C (AZ) Core
Turkev AA-A 6 0.0206 0.0240 6x.0661 lx.0661 0.198 0.0661 36.0 24.4 11.6 1,190 1,160 1,120 1,120
Swan AA-A 4 0.0328 0.0383 6x.0834 lx.0834 0.250 0.0834 57.4 39.0 18.4 1,860 1,810 1,760 1,760
Swanate AA-A 4 0.0328 0.0411 7x.0772 lx.l029 0.257 0.1029 67.0 39.0 28.0 2,360 2,280 2,200 2,160
Sparrow AA-A 2 0.0521 0.0608 6x. 1052 1x.l052 0.316 0.1052 91.2 61.9 29.3 2,850 2,760 2,680 2,640
Sperate AA-A 2 0.0521 0.0653 7<.0974 lx.I299 0.325 0.1299 102.0 62.3 44.7 3,640 3,510 3,390 3,260
- - - -------- --
Robin AA-A 1 0.0657 0.0767 6x.l1Bl lx.1181 0.355 0.1181 115.0 7B.l 36.9 3,550 3,450 3,340 3,290
Raven AA-A 1/0 0.0829 0.0967 6x.1327 lx.1327 0.398 0.1327 145.0 98.4 46.6 4,380 4,250 4,120 3,980
Quail AA-A 210 0.1045 0.1219 6x.1489 lx.1489 0.447 0.1489 183.0 124.2 58.8 5,310 5,130 5,050 4,720
Pigeon AA-A 3/0 0.1318 0.1538 6x.1672 lx.1672 0.502 0.1672 230.0 155.9 74.1 6.620 6,410 6,300 5,880
Penguin AA-A 4/0 0.1662 0.1939 6x.1878 lx.1878 0.563 0.1878 291.0 197.6 93.4 8,350 8,080 7,950 7,420
-------_. ----------
Waxwing AA 266.8 0.2095 0.2211 18x.1217 lx.1217 0.609 0.1217 289.0 249.8 39.2 6,880 6,770 6,650 6,540
Partridge AA 266.8 0.2095 0.2436 26x.l013 7x.0788 0.642 0.2364 366.0 250.4 115.6 11,300 11,000 10,600 10,640
Ostrich AA 300,0 0.2355 0.2738 26x,1074 7x.0835 0.680 0.2505 412.0 262.2 129.8 12,700 12,300 12,000 11,950
Merlin AA 336.4 0.2642 0.2789 18x.1367 1x.1367 0.684 0.1367 365.0 315,5 49.5 8,680 8,540 8,400 8,260
Linnet AA 336.4 0.2640 0.3070 26x.1137 7x.0884 0,720 0.2652 462.0 316.5 145.5 14,100 13,700 13,300 13,300
Oriole AA 336.4 0.2642 0.3259 30x.l059 7x.l059 0.741 0.3177 526.0 317.0 209.0 17,300 16,700 16,200 15,900
Chickadee M 397.5 0.3122 0.3295 18x.1486 lx.1486 0.743 0.1486 431.0 372.5 58.5 9,940 9,780 9,690 9,530
Ibis AA 397.5 0.3120 0.3628 26x.1236 7x.0961 0.783 0,2883 546.0 374.1 171.9 16,300 15,800 15,300 15,100
Lark M 397.5 0.3121 0,3849 30x.1151 7x.1151 0.606 0.3453 622.0 375.1 246.9 20,300 19,600 18,900 18,600
Pelican AA 477 0.3747 0.3955 18x.1628 1x.1628 0,814 0.1628 517.0 446.8 70.2 11,800 11,600 11,500 11,100
Flicker AA 477 0.3747 0.4233 24x.1410 7x.0940 0,846 0.2820 614.0 449,5 164.5 17,200 16,700 16,200 16,000
Hawk AA 477 0.3744 0.4353 26x.1354 7x.l053 0.858 0.3159 655.0 448,6 206.4 19,500 18,900 18,400 18,100
Hen M 477 0.3747 0.4621 30x,1261 7x.1261 0.883 0,3783 746.0 449,7 296.3 23,800 23,000 22,100 21,300
- - -------- --
Osprey M 556.5 0.4369 0.4621 18x,1758 lx.USB 0.879 0,1758 603.0 521.1 81.9 13,700 13,500 13.400 12,900
Parakeet AA 556.5 0.4372 0.4938 24x.1523 7x.l015 0.914 0.3045 716.0 524.2 191.8 19,800 19,300 18,700 18,500
Dove AA 556.5 0.4371 0.5083 26x.I463 7x.1138 0.927 0.341 765.0 523.9 241.1 22,600 21,900 21,200 20,900
Eagle AA 556.5 0.4371 0.5391 30x.1362 7x.I362 0.953 0.409 871.0 523.3 345.7 27,800 26,600 25,800 24,800
- ---- ------- - --- - - - --------- - - - ----
...f" (See footnotes at end of table,) (Continued)
1,03 .5
5 0.9350 45x.1573
5 0.9854
,7 1.0014 45x.1628
5 1.0552 54x.1486 19x.0892
7x. 1085
., 1.338
roo 973
- ----- ---- - ,---- , -- - --- ----
(See footnotes at end 01 table.) (Continued)
TABLE 4-14 (Continued)
Conductor Size Outside Diameter Rated Strength-Ib
Square Inches Stranding Weight per 1000 Feat TypeZincCoatingorCore
AWG in. Complete Steel Aluminum
or Aluml- Conductor Core Total Aluminum Steal Standard Coated
CodeWord Class kcmil num Total Aluminum Steel In. in. Ibs Ibs Ibs Weight B C (AZI Core
Blttem AA 1.272 1.0676 45x.168 7x.1121 1.345 0.336 1432 1198 234 34,100 33,400 32,800 32,400
Pheasant AA 1,272 0.9993 1.1259 54x.1535 19x.0921 1.382 0.461 1634 1205 429 43.600 42,400 41,200 40,700
Dipper AA 1,351.5 1.0614 1.1348 45x.1733 7x.1155 1.386 0.347 1521 1273 248 36,200 35,500 34,800 34,400
Martin AA 1,351.5 1.0614 1.1958 54x.1582 19x.0949 1.424 0.475 1735 1279 456 46,300 45,100 43,800 43.200
Bobolink AA 1,431 1.1235 1.2012 45x.1783 7x.1189 1.427 0.357 1611 1348 263 38,300 37,600 36,900 36,500
Ptover AA 1,431 1.1240 12664 54x.1628 19x.0977 1.465 0.489 1836 1355 483 49,100 47,700 46.400 45,700
Nuthatch AA 1,510.5 1.1862 1.2681 45x.1832 7x.1221 1.466 0.366 1700 1422 278 40,100 39,300 38,500 37,700
Parrot AA 1,510.5 1.1856 1.3357 54x.1672 19x.l003 1.505 0.502 1938 1429 509 51,700 50,300 48,900 46,200
Lapwing AA 1,590 1.2492 1.3355 45x.1880 7x.1253 1.504 0.376 1790 1498 292 42,200 41,400 40,500 39,700
Falcon AA 1,590 1.2489 1.4072 54x.1716 19x.l030 1.545 0.516 2042 1505 537 54,500 53,000 51,600 5O,BOO
.... ...
r-' .. . -------
Chukar AA 1,780 1.3986 1.5122 84x.1456 19x.0874 1.602 0.437 2072 1685 367 51,000 49,900 48,900 48,900
Mockingbird AA 2,034.5 1.5979 1.6671 72x.1681 7x.1122 1.661 0.336 2163 1929 234 46,800 46,100 45,500 45,100
Bluebird AA 2,156 1.6931 1.8309 84x.1602 19x.0961 1.762 0.481 2508 2040 468 60,300 59,000 57,700 57,100
Kiwi AA 2,167 1.7022 1.7758 72x.1735 7x.1157 1.735 0.347 2300 2051 249 49,800 49,100 48,400 48,100
Thrasher AA 2,312 1.8155 1.9144 76x.1744 19x.0814 1,802 0.407 2523 2188 335 56,700 55,800 54,800 54,800
Jorea AA 2,515 1.9750 2.0828 76x.1819 19x.0850 1.880 0.425 2749 2384 365 61,700 60,700 59,700 59,700
... ------- ------ --------
Grouse AA 80.0 0.0628 .0847 8x.l000 lx.1670 0.367 0.1670 149.0 75.1 73.9 5,200 4,990 4,890 4,470
Petrel AA 101.8 0.0800 .1266 12x.0921 7x.0921 0.461 0.2763 254.0 95.9 158.1 10,400 9,910 9,460 9,240
Mlnorca AA 110.8 0.0870 ,1378 12x.0961 7x.0961 0.481 0.2883 276.0 103.9 172.1 11,300 10,800 10,300 10,100
Leghom AA 134.6 0.1057 .1674 12x.l059 7x.1059 0.530 0.3177 336.0 127.0 209.0 13,600 13,000 12,400 12,100
------- I-- .
Guinea AA 159.0 0.1249 .1977 12x.1151 7x.1151 0.576 0.3453 396.0 149.1 246.9 16,000 15,300 14,600 14,200
Dotterel AA 176.9 0.1389 .2200 12x.1214 7x.1214 0.607 0.3642 441.0 166.4 274.6 17,300 16,600 15,800 15,000
Dorklng AA 190.8 0.1499 .2373 12x.1261 7x.1261 0.631 0.3783 476.0 179.7 296.3 18,700 17,900 17,000 16,200
Brahma AA 203.2 0.1598 .3020 16x.1127 19x.0977 0.714 0.4885 625.0 189.9 485.1 28,400 27,100 25,800 26,100
Coch!n AA 211.3 0.1660 .2628 12x.1327 7x.1327 0.663 0.3981 527.0 198.8 326.2 20,700 19,800 18,900 17,900
- -------- L •.
1. Dala shown are subject to norma! manufacturlng tolerances.
2. Class AA stranding is for bare conductors on overhead lines, Class A stranding is for conductors to be covered with weather-resistant materials.
3. The High-Strength Conductors listed at bottom of Section 148 of this table have a high ratio of mechanical strength to ampaclty, and are used for ground wires and for extraAong span
construction .
bore aluminum wire and cable
TABLE 4-15
Bare Aluminum Conductors. Steel-Reinforced (ACSR)
Electrical Properties of Single-Layer Sizes
Resistances (Approximate)
,---,--------1lnductlve Reactance X••
(Approximate) 1 ft Equivalent Spacing' Capacitive
; Stranding de ac-60 Hz 60 Hz Reactance
I--.----J Assumed Q; 1 ft Equivalent
Conductor 75'C 20'C 2S'C 50'C 7SOC 25'C 50 C i 75"C Hz
Size Current i Ohms! Ohms! Ohms/ Ohms! Ohms/ Ohms/ Ohms/ r::::------
Code Word kemll AI. Steel i Amps ! Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile i Megohm-Miles
Turkey 6 6 1 110 3.3893 3.460 3.960 4.308 0.6341 0.734 0.760; 0.1423
SWan 4 : 6i 1 145 2.1291 2.175' 2.531 i 2.755 0.608, 0.694 0.723 i 0.1354
Swanate 4 7' 1 145 2.1060 2.150. 2.446 2.727 0.598' 0.654 0.588 0.1345
Sparrow 2 i 6 1 195 1.3381 1.358 i 1.626 ,1.774 0.580. 0.652 0.674 0.1285
Sparate 2 7 1 195 1.3230 1.363 1.586! 1.741 0.574 i 0.621 0.637 0.1276
Robin 1 6 1 i 220 ! 1.0617 1.087 1.306 1.427 0.564' 0.629 0.646 0.1250
Raven 110 6 1 255 i 0.8410 0.862 1.041 1.141 0.549 0.601 0.614 0.1216
Quail 210 6 1 295 : 0.6679 0.687 0.853 0.929 0.537 i 0.590 0.599 0.1182
Pigeon 310 6 1 340 . 0.5297 0.546 0.638 0.763 0.524' 0.572 0.578 0.1147
Penguin 410 6 1 390 '0.4199 0.434 0.563 0.611 0.509 0.553 0.556 0.113
Grouse 80. 8 1 200 1.0901 1.114' 1.247 ,! 1.380 0.563 0.596 0.607 0.1240
Petrel 101.8 12 7 250 0.8360 0.858 1.094 1.254 0.538 0.613 0.677 0.1173
Minorca 110.8 12 7 265 0.7678 0.787 1.020' 1.179 0.537 0.621! 0.670 0.1160
Leghorn 134.6 12 7 300 0.6323 0.651 0.865' 1.000 0.527 0.606 0.548 0.1131
Guinea 159. 12 7 ! 330 0.5353 0.552 0.753' 0.873 0.517 i 0.590 0.628 0.1107
Dotterel I 9 12 7 350' 0.4612 0.499 0.587 0.799 0.512 0.582 0.617 0.1091
product identification and data
TABLE 4-16
Bare Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
Electrical Properties of Multi-Layer Sizes
Phase-to-Neutral, 60 Hz
ac--60 Hz Reactance at One It Spacing
Number of 20°C 25°C 50°C 75°C GMR Inductve Capacitive
Size Stranding Aluminum Ohmsl Ohmsl Ohmsl Ohms! OhmslMile Megohm-Miles
Code Word kcmil A!./St. Layers Mile Mile Mile Mile It X. X'•
Waxwing 266.8 181 1 2 0.3398 0.347 0.382 0.416 0.0197 0.477 0.109
Partridge 266.8 261 7 2 0.3364 0.344 0.377 0.411 0.0217 0.465 0.107
Ostrich 300. 261 7 2 0.2993 0.306 0.336 0.366 0.0230 0.458 0.106
Merlin 336.4 181 1 2 0.2693 0.276 0.303 0.330 0.0221 0.463 0.106
Linnet 336.4 261 7 2 0.2671 0.273 0.300 0.327 0.0244 0.451 0.104
Oriole 336.4 301 7 2 0.2650 0.271 0.297 0.324 0.0255 0.445 0.103
Chickadee 397.5 181 1 2 0.2279 0.234 0.257 0.279 0.0240 0.452 0.103
Ibis 397.5 261 7 2 0.2260 0.231 0.254 0.277 0.0265 0.441 0.102
Lark 397.5 301 7 2 0.2243 0.229 0.252 0.274 0.0277 0.435 0.101
Pelican 477 181 1 2 0.1899 0.195 0.214 0.233 0.0263 0.441 0.100
Flicker 477 241 7 2 0.1889 0.194 0.213 0.232 0.0283 0.432 0.0992
Hawk 477 261 7 2 0.1883 0.193 0.212 0.231 0.0290 0.430 0.0988
Hen 477 301 7 2 0.1869 0.191 0.210 0.229 0.0304 0.424 0.0980
Osprey 556.5 181 1 2 0.1629 0.168 0.184 0.200 0.0284 0.432 0.0981
Parakeet 556.5 241 7 2 0.1620 0.166 0.183 0.199 0.0306 0.423 0.0969
Dove 556.5 261 7 2 0.1613 0.166 0.182 0.198 0.0313 0.420 0.0965
Eagle 556.5 301 7 2 0.1602 0.164 0.180 0.196 0.0328 0.415 0.0957
Peacock 605 241 7 2 0.1490 0.153 0.168 0.183 0.0319 0.418 0.0957
Squab 605 261 7 2 0.1485 0.153 0.167 0.182 0.0327 0.415 0.0953
Teal 605 30/19 2 0.1475 0.151 0.166 0.181 0.0342 0.410 0.0944
Kingbird 636 181 1 2 0.1420 0.147 0.162 0.175 0.0301 0.425 0.0951
Rook 636 241 7 2 0.1417 0.146 0.160 0.174 0.0327 0.415 0.0950
Grosbeak 636 261 7 2 0.1411 0.145 0.159 0.173 0.0335 0.412 0.0946
Swift 636 361 1 3 0.1410 0.148 0.162 0.176 0.0300 0.426 0.0964
Egret 636 30/19 2 0.1403 0.144 0.158 0.172 0.0351 0.406 0.0937
Flamingo 666.6 241 7 2 0.1352 0.139 0.153 0.166 0.0335 0.412 0.0943
Crow 715.5 541 7 3 0.1248 0.128 0.141 0.153 0.0372 0.399 0.0920
Starling 715.5 261 7 2 0.1254 0.129 0.142 0.154 0.0355 0.405 0.0928
Redwing 715.5 30/19 2 0.1248 0.128 0.141 0.153 0.0372 0.399 0.0920
Coot 795 361 1 3 0.1146 0.119 0.130 0.142 0.0335 0.412 0.0932
Cuckoo 795 241 7 2 0.1135 0.118 0.128 0.140 0.0361 0.403 0.0917
Drake 795 261 7 2 0.1129 0.117 0.128 0.139 0.0375 0.399 0.0912
Mallard 795 30/19 2 0.1122 0.116 0.127 0.138 0.0392 0.393 0.0904
Tern 795 451 7 3 0.1143 0.119 0.130 0.141 0.0352 0.406 0.0925
Condor 795 541 7 3 0.1135 0.117 0.129 0.140 0.0368 0.401 0.0917
Crane 874.5 541 7 3 0.1030 0.107 0.117 0.127 0.0387 0.395 0.0902
Ruddy 900 451 7 3 0.1008 0.106 0.115 0.125 0.0374 0.399 0.0907
Canary 900 541 7 3 0.1002 0.104 0.114 0.124 0.0392 0.393 0.0898
bare aluminum wIre and cable
Phase-to-Neutral, 60 Hz
Reactance alOne fI Spacing
Number of 20'C 2S'C SO'C 7S'C GMR Inductve Capacitive
Size Stranding Aluminum Ohms! Ohms/ Ohms/ Ohms/ Ohms/Mile Megohm-Miles
Code Word kcmil Ai./St. Layers Mile Mile Mile Mile fI X. X'•
Comcrake 954 20/ 7 2 0,0950 0,099 0,109 0,118 0,0378 0,396 0,0898
Rail 954 45/ 7 3 0,09526 0,0994 0,109 0,118 0,0385 0,395 0,0897
Towhee 954 48/ 7 3 0,0950 0,099 0,108 0,118 0,0391 0,393 0,0896
Redbird 954 24/ 7 2 0,0945 0,098 0,108 0,117 0,0396 0,392 0,0890
Cardinal 954 54/ 7 3 0,09452 0,0983 0,108 0,117 0,0404 0,389 0,0890
Ortolan 1033,5 45/ 7 3 0,08798 0,0922 0,101 0,110 0,0401 0,390 0,0886
Curlew 1033,5 54/ 7 3 0,08728 0,0910 0,0996 0,108 0,0420 0,385 0,0878
Bluejay 1113 45/ 7 3 0,08161 0,0859 0,0939 0,102 0,0416 0,386 0,0874
Finch 1113 54/19 3 0,08138 0,0851 0,0931 0,101 0,0436 0,380 0,0867
Bunting 1192,5 45/ 7 3 0,07619 0,0805 0,0880 0,0954 0,0431 0,382 0,0864
Grackle 1192,5 54/19 3 0,07600 0,0798 0,0872 0,0947 0,0451 0,376 0,0856
Bittern 1272 45/ 7 3 0,07146 0,0759 0,0828 0,0898 0,0445 0,378 0,0855
Pheasant 1272 54/19 3 0,07122 0,0751 0,0820 0,0890 0,0466 0,372 0,0847
Dipper 1351,5 45/ 7 3 0,06724 0,0717 0,0783 0,0848 0,0459 0,374 0,0846
Martin 1351,5 54/19 3 0,06706 0,0710 0,0775 0,0840 0,0480 0,368 0,0838
Bobolink 1431 45/ 7 3 0,06352 0,0681 0,0742 0,0804 0,0472 0,371 0,0837
Plover 1431 54/19 3 0,06332 0,0673 0,0734 0,0796 0,0495 0,365 0,0829
Nuthatch 1510,5 45/ 7 3 0,06017 0,0649 0,0706 0,0765 0,0485 0,367 0,0829
Parrot 1510,5 54/19 3 0,06003 0,0641 0,0699 0,0757 0,0508 0,362 0,0821
Lapwing 1590 45/ 7 3 0,05714 0,0620 0,0674 0,0729 0,0498 0,364 0,0822
Falcon 1590 54/19 3 0,05699 0,0611 0,0666 0,0721 0,0521 0,358 0,0814
Chukar 1780 84/19 4 0,05119 0,0561 0,0609 0,0658 0,0534 0,355 0,0803
Mockingbird 2034,5 72/ 7 4 0,04488 0,0507 0,0549 0,0591 0,0553 0,348 0,0788
Bluebird 2156 84/19 4 0,04229 0,0477 0,0516 0,0555 0,0588 0,344 0,0775
Kiwi 2167 721 7 4 0,04228 0,0484 0,0522 0,0562 0,0570 0,348 0,0779
Thrasher 2312 76/19 4 0,03960 0,0454 0,0486 0,0528 0,0600 0,343 0,0767
Jaree 2515 76/19 4 0,03643 0,0428 0,0459 0,0491 0,0621 0,338 0,0756
1. Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.946 (61.2% lACS) at 20°C for nominal aluminum area of the conductors, and 129.64
ohm-cmillft. (8% lACS) at 20°C for the nominal steel area, with standard increments for stranding. ASTM B 232.
2. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on the resistance corrected for temperature using 0.00404 as temperature coefficient of resistiVity per
degree C for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree C for steel, and for skin effect.
3. The effective ac resistance of 3-layer ACSR increases with current density due to core magnetization. See Chapter 3 for details.
4. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Figs. 3-13 and 3-14.
product identification and data
TABLE 4·17
Bare Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Steel
Reinforced (ACSRlAW)
Physical and Electrical Properties
NOTE: For a cable of same dimensions and Code Word, the values in Table 4-14 (A and B) may be used for cross-sectonal
area of aluminum wires; total cross-sectional; the number of wires and diameter of wires in strand; diameter of complete
cable; and diameter of core. The values in Tables 4-15 and 4-16 may be used for GMR, inductive reactance, and capacitive
reactance. For approximate ampacity, multiply value from Fig. 3-13 or 3-14 by the square root of the ratio
of the total aluminum area to the aluminum wire area in circular mils. Thus, for Penguin at 60" rise Fig. 3-13 shows
305 amp. Hence, 305 X (220,4601211,600)'" =
311 for Penguin!AW.
ac--60 Hz
Area of Total de Weight
Aluminum Aluminum :WC 25"C 5O"C I 75°C per Rated
ACSR Wires Area Ohms! Ohms! Ohmsi Ohmsl 1000 It Strength
Code Word emil cmil mile Mile Mile Mile Ib Ib
II i i
SwaniAW 41,740 43,470 2.060 2.102 2.309 2.516 54.6 ! 1,780
SwanateiAW 41,740 44,370 2.005 2.046 2.246 2.447 62.7 2,280
SwaJlOWiAW 52,620 54,370 1.632 1.665 1.829 1.993 68.9 2,230
SparrowlAW 66,360 69,170 1.295 1.321 1.451 1.581 86.8 2,760
SparatelAW 66,360 70,630 i 1.260 1.285 1.411
1.537 99.9 3,510
Robin/AW 83,690 ) 87,320 1.026 1.047 1.150 1.252 109.5 3,460
RavenlAW 105,600 110,100 0.9136 0.8304 0.9121 0.9938 136.2 4,250
QuaiUAW 133,100 138,800 0.6457 0.6568 I 0.7235 0.7883 174.2 ! 5,140
Pigeon!AW 168,800 174,700 0.5126 0.5233 0.5747 0.6262 219.4 6,300
PenguinlAW 211,600 220,400 0.4083 0.4149 0.4557 0.4965 276.8 7,690
bare aluminum wire and cable
a0---60 Hz
Area of Total de Weight
Aluminum Aluminum 2O'C 25°C 50'C Rated
ACSR Wires Area Ohms! Ohms! Ohms! Strength
CodeWord emil emil mile Mile Mile Ib
FlamingolAW ,
666600 ,
638500 01317 01357 01488 ,
GannettiAW 666.600 693,600 i 0.1214 0.1252 0.1373 0.1494 873.0 26.000
Crow!AW 715.500 738,600 0.1228 0.1267 0.1389
I 0.1512 883.4 25.300
i !
StariinglAW 715.500 774,700 0.1214 0.1252 0.1373 0.1494 937.3 !
--... i 715,SOO 775,900 0.1193 0.1228 i 0.1347 0.1466 I 1044 33,400
TernlAW 795,000 808.500 , 0.1127 0.1169 0.1281 0.1393 ! 873.4 21,500
Condor!AW 795,000 821,600 0.1104 0.1142 0.1251 0.1361 981.3 27,800
DrakeiAW 795,000 827,700 0.1093 0.1129 0.1238 0.1346 i 1042 30,500
MaliardiAW 795,000 840,SOO 0,1073 0.1107 0.1213 0.1320 1161 37.100
i 795,000 820.700 0.1105 0.1143 0.1253 0.1363 981.8
i 0.1004
CraneiAW 874,500 903.400 ! 0,1041 0.1141 I 0.1240 1081 30,600
RuddyiAW i 900,000 915,200 0.0996 0.1039 0.1136 0.1235 , 988.9 23.970
Canary!AW 900,000 927,200 0.0976 0.1014 0.1110 0.1207 1111 31.000
RaiUAW 954,000 970,500 0.0939 0.09812 0.1074 i 0.1167 1049 25,400
Cardinal!AW 954,000 984,700 0.0921 0.09585 0.1049 0.1141 1178 32,900
OrtolanlAW 1,033,500
i 1,052,000 0.0886
0.09087 0.09938 0.1079 1135 27,200
CurlewlAW 1,033,SOO 1,068.000 O.08SO 0.08868 0.09704 0.1054 1275 35,200
BluejayiAW 1,113,000 ! 1,133,000 0.0805 0.08476 0.09254 0.1006 1224 29,300
Finch/AW 1.113,000 1,149,000 0.0794 0.08312 , 0.09091 0.09872 1374 , 37,500
BuntinglAW 1,192.500 1,213,000 0.0751 0.07949 0.08682 , 0.09418 1311 31,300
-- ..
GrackleiAW 1,192,500 1,230,000 0.0741 0.07791 0.08515 0.09243 1471 40,200
Bittem!AW 1,272,000 I 1,294,000 0.0705 0.07491 0.08175 0.08863 i 1398 33,400
PheasantlAW 1,272,000 1,313,000 i 0.0694 0.07332 0.08009 0.08689 1570 42,400
DipperlAW 1,351,500 1,375,000 0.0663 0.07085 0.07726 0.06372 i 1485 ! 35,400
MartiniAW 1,351,500 I 1,394,000 I 0.0654 0,06932 0.07567 I 0.08205 1667 i 45,100
product identification and data
ae-60 Hz :
Area of Total de Weight
Aluminum Aluminum i 20"C 25'C sooC 75'C per Rated
ACSR Wires
I 1000 ft
i !
bare aluminum WIre and coble
TABLE 4-18
Compact-Round Concentric-Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductor
Steel Reinforced (ACSR Compact Round) with Single Core
Wire of Class B Zinc-Coated or Aluminized (AZ) Steel
13So-H19 ASTM B 401
Physical and Electrical Properties
I , I Diam. I
I Weight per 1000 ft Rated
Aluml· . Diam. of . of Dlam. of I Strength-Ib Resistance
Size num ' No. of Single • Complete Non- . dc-20'C
AWGor Area Alum. Core Compact Compact Total I Alum. Steel I Class B i Aluminized Ohms!
kcmil ,Sq. in. Wires: Wire, in. Cable, in. . ACSR, in. Ib Ib Ib Zinc Core , AZCore Mile
6 0,0206 6 I 0,0661 0,182 0.198 36.0 ' 24.4 11.6 i 1160 1120 3.3893
4 0.0328 6 , 0.0934 0.229 I 0.250 57.31 38.9, 18.4 ' 1810 1760 2.1291
4 10.0328, 7 0.1029 0.236 0.257 67.0, 39.0 ' 28.0 2260 2160 2.1060
2 I 0,0521 I 6 0,1052 0.290 I 0.316 91.2 ! 61.91 29.3 2760 2640 1.3381
2 : 0.0521 7 0.1299 0.298 0.325 106.61 61.9 44.7 3510 i
3260 1.3230
1 0.0657 i 6 0.1181 I 0.326 0.353 115.0 i 78.1 36.9 3450
I 3290 1.0617
liO 0,0629 ' 6 0.1327 ' 0.365 0.398 145.2, 98,6 46.61 4250 3980 0.8410
2/0 0.1045 6 0.1469 0,410 0.447 182.8 ' 124.0 588 : 5130 4680 0.6679
, I
3iO ,0.1318 6 0.1672 0,461 0.502 230.5 156.4 74:1 I 8410 5860 0.5297
410 : 0,1662 6 0.1878 0,517 0.563 290.8 197.4 93.4 8060 7420 0.4199
266.8 I 0.2095 18 0.1217 0.559 0.609 289.1 249.9 39,2, 6770 6540 0,3398
300.0 ,0,2356 18 0,1291 0,593 0.646 326.0 282.0 ' 44,0 7610 7360 0.3020
336.4 i 0,2642 18 0,1367 0,628 i 0.664 364.8 315.3 . 49.5 8540 8260 0.2693
477.0 '0,3746, 18 0.1628 0.742 0,814 518.0, 447.8 70.2 11,600 11,100 0,1899
795.0 '0,62441 36 0.1486 1 0,948 1.040 605.0, 746.0 54.0 16,600 16.300 0,1144
874.5 i 0.6868 36 0.1559 0.994 I 1.091 885.0 ! 821.0 64,0, 17,900 I 17,500 0,1039
, 0.09530
954.0 . 0.7493 ' 36 0.1628 ' 1,039 1.140 I 896,0 70,0 ' 19,600 i
1468.0 11.15321 36 0,2019 ! 1.288 1.413 1494,0 1386,0 108.0 I 30,100 29,300 0.06196
.. I ... i
product identification and dolo
TABLE 4-19
Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW)
Physical Properties
ASTM B 779
Area Equal 10 Standard ACSR Sizes
i Area
, Square Inches ' Complete' Steel 1 , Rated
, Type Conductor Core I' Total Aluminum Steel i Strength
Code Word I kernll 'Aluminum I Total No. Aluminum Steel : in. in. Ib Ib 'Ib I Ib
Merlin/TW 336.41 0.2642 0.2788 6 14 lxO.1367 0.6300.1367! 365.0 315.5 16494'45'!, 8,560
FlickeriTW 477.0, 0.3747 0.4233 13 18 7xO.0940 0.776 0.2820, 612.8 448.4 . 17,200
HawkiTW 477.0: 0.3746 0.4356 16 18 7xO.l053, 0.789 0.3159 655.0 448,7 ,206.3 19,400
ParakeeVTW 556.5, 0.4371 0.4937 13 1 18 0.835 0.3045 714.9 523.2 ,191.71 20,000
Dove!TW 556.51 0.4371 0.5083, 16 ' 20 7xO. 11381 0.852 0.3414 764.5' 523.5 1241.01 22,600
SwiftiTW i 636,Oj OA995 0.5133 27 lxo.13291 0.850 0.1329' 646.0 599.2 i46.8' 13,500
RookiTW 636.0: 0.4995 0.5643 13 I 19 7xO.1085' 0.890 0.3255 816.0 597.9 '219.1 I 22,900
GrosbeakiTW 636.0' 0.4995 0.5608, 16 20 7xO.12161 0.908 0.3648 873.5, 598.4 1275.1 25,400
TerniTW 795.0 0.6244 0.6675 7 17 , 7xO.08SS 0.980 ,0.2658 692.0 745.9146.1 21,000
PuffiniTW 795.0 0.6244 0.69191 10 18 i 7XO.ll08i 0.980 10.3324, 975.3 1 746.9 i228.4 25,900
DrakeiTW 1
0.6244 0.7261' 16
I. 7xO.1360'
7xO.12031 0.993
10.3639 1021
IOA080 1092
747.2 1273.8 28,200
747.8 '344.2, 13,600
PhoeniXlTW 954.01 0.7493 0.7876 5 30 7xO.0837 1.044 0.2511 1032 901.6 I 130.4! 23,700
RailiTW 954.0 1 0.7493 0.8011 7 32 7xO.0971 1.061 10.2913' 1075 900.0 175.0, 25,900
GardinaliTW 954.01 0.7493 0.6464 13 20 7xO.1329 1.084 :0.3987 1226 897.3 328.7 33,500
SnowbirdiTW 0.8117 0.8534
1033.5, 5 30 7xO.0871, 1.089 10.2613 1115 973.8 141.2 25,700
OrtolanfTW 0.8117 0.8678
1033.5! 7 32 7xO.l010! 1.102 10.3030 1185 975.2 188.8i 28,100
CurlewiTW 0.8117 '0.9189 13!
1033.5, 22 7X0.1383 , 1.129 0.4149 1327 971.1 ,355.9 36.300
AvoceVTW 0.8742 0.9191, 5
11113.0 30 7xO.0904, 1.129 1 0.2712 1201 1048.9 ,152.1 27,500
BluejayiTW 0.8742 0.9347, 7
'1113.0 33 I 7xO.l049, 1.143 ,0.3147 1257 I 1052.2 ,204.8 30,300
FlnchiTW i 1113.0
0.8742 0.9851 13 36 0.4310,1429 376.4 39,100
Oxbirdrrw ,1192.5 0.9366 0.9848, 5 30 7xO.0936I 0.2808 1286 1163 29,500
BuntingiTW i 1192.5 0.9386 1.0013 7 33 7xO.l085 ,0.3255 1343 219 32,400
Grackle.iTW ,1192.51 0.9366 1.0554 13 38 19xO.0892' 1°.4460 ,1530 '403 41,900
ScissortaillTW 1272.0' 0.9991 1.0505 5 30 7xO.0967 1.203 '0.2901,1372 174 31,400
BitternlTW 1272.0 0.9990 11.0681, 7 35 7xO.1121 1.220 0.33631 1433 234 34,600
PheasanVTW 1272.01 0.9990 1.1256 13 39 19xO.9210 i 1.264 OA805 1632 1202 '430 44,100
DipperiTW ,1351.5' 1.0815 1.1348 7 35 7xO.1155 1.256 0.3465 1522 1274 248 36,700
Martin,rrw : 1351.5 1.0615 1.1959 13 39 19x0.0949I 1.300 0.4745 1734 1278 456 46,800
BobolinkiTW 11431.0 1.1236 1.2017' 7 36 , 7xO.1189' 1.291 ,0.3567 1613 1350 263 36,900
PlovertTW '1431.0 1.1239 1.2664' 13 37 119.0.0977' 1.337 ,0.4895 1636 1353 483 49,600
LapwingiTW 1590.0 1.2488 1.3351 7 36 7x0.1253 1.358 '0.3759 1791 1499 292 42,200
FalooniTW ,1590.0. 1.2488 1.4071, 13 42 . 19xO.l030, lA08 0.51502040 1503 537 55,100
ChukariTW , 1780.0: 1.3986 1.512, 8 37 i 19xO.08741 1.445 0.43702063 1676 367 50,700
Bluebirdrrw : 2156.0! 1.0934 1.8312! 8 64 , 19xO.0961 1,608 0.4805 2515 2047 489 61,100
1. Data stlown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
2. AlUminum strands are of a trapezoidal shape and thus round wire sjze is not shown.
3. Rated strengths of the complete conductors are calculated In accordance with ASTM B 779.
4. Weights are based on 1350 aluminum and Class A zinc-coated steel.
5, The type no, is the ratio of the steel to aluminum areas expressed as a percentage.
bare aluminum wire and cable
TABLE 4-20
Shaped Wire Concentric-lay Compact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRlTW)
Electrical Properties
Area Equal to Stranded ACSR Sizes
60 Hz Resistance
ac-60 Hz I at One ft Spacing
MerlinfTW 336.4 6 1411 2,0.2654 ; 0.2715 '0.2966 0.3258' 0.0200 0.475 0.1079
FlickeriTW 477.0 13 18/7 2 0.1860 10.1904 0.2094 0.2284 0.0257 0.444 . 0.1017
HawkfTW 477.0 16 1817 2 1
0.1854; 0.1878 0.2087,0.2277 0.0264 0.441 i 0.1013
ParakeetITW 556.5 13 18/7 2 0.1593 i 0.1633 0.1796 0.1959 0.0277' i 0.435 I' 0.0994
DovefTW 556.5 16 20:7 2 i 0.1588; 0.1628; 0.1790 i 0.1953,0.0286 i 0.431 0.0991
-.-------'-- --\---l----j-----r--,---,---j-----i-----i---"-
SwiftfTW 636.0 3 2711 3 [0.1416 ! 0.1461 0.1605\ 0.17481 0.02731 0.437 II 0.0991
RookiTW 636.0 13 18/7 2 0.1395,0.1432 0.1574,0.1717.0.0296, 0.427 0.0978
GrosbeakiTW 636.0 16 20/7 2 ; 0.1390 ! 0.1426 0.1568 i 0.1710 '0.0305 I 0.423 0.0971
TernlTW 795.0 7' 1717 2 iO.1123Io.1160 0.1274 '0.1388 0.0312' 0.4209 , 0.0955
PufflnfTW 795.0 10 i 18/7 2 ,0.111810.1152 0.1266 0.1380 0.0323; 0.4165 I 0.0949
CondoriTW ! 795.0 13 20/7 2; 0.1113! 0.1147 0.1260 i 0.1373 0.0331 0.4137 i 0.0945
Drake.rrw , 795.0 16 2017 2 i 0.1111,0.1144 0.1257' 0.1370 0.0339 0.4105 . 0.0940
Phoenixrrw I 954.0; 5 30;7 3; 0.0942 0.0982 0.1077' 0.1172 0.0343 0.4094 i 0.0928
RaillTW 954.0 , 7 32/7 3 Ii 0.0940 0.0979 0.1073 0.1160 0.0349. 00407 i 0.0925
CardinallTW 954.0 i 13 ,20:7 2 0.0931 0.0962 0.1056 0.1151 0.03621 0.403 0.0919
SnowbirdlTW 1033.5 5 30/7 3 , 0.0868 1 0.0908 0.0995 0.1083 0.0356 0.405 0.0917
OnolanrrW 1033.5 7 327 3 I, 0.0867 i 0.0906 0.0993, 0.1081 0.0363 0.402 0.0914
CurlewfTW 1033.5 13 21/7 2 , 0.0859 '0.0389 0.0976 i 0.1063 0.0377 0.398 , 0.0906
AvocetiTW 1113.0 5' 30/7 3 I 0.0607 ; 0.0847 0.0928,0.1009 0.0369. 0.400 0.0906
BluejayfTW 1113.0 7 i 33,7 3 '0.0805 0.0845 0.0926 0.1005 0.0376; 0.398 i
FinchiTW 1 1113.0 i 13 38119 i 3 '0.0602 0.0837 0.0917 0.0998 0.0399 0.391 I 0.0891
OxbirdfTW 11192.51 5 I 3017
3 0,0753 0.0794 0.0869 0.0945 0.0382 0.396 , 0.0896
Bunnng:'TW .1192.5, 7 33'7 3 . 0.0752 0.0791 0.0866 0.0941 0.0390 1 0.394 ! 0.0893
GracklefTW ,1192.5 13 38/19 3 0.0749 0.0783 0.0859 0.0934 0.0412. 0.387 i 0.0883
ScissortailfTW 1272.0 5 3017 3 0,0706 0.0747 0.0817 0.0689 0.0394 1 0.392 0,0888
BittemlTW 1272,0 7 35/7 3 0.Q705 0.07451 0.0815 0.0885 0.0403. 0.390 0.0984
PheasantiTW 1272.0
Dipper,'TW i 1351.5 1; I
1 0.0701 ,0.07361 0.0806 I 0.0876 0.0426 I 0.383
•g:: \
MartinfTW i 1351.5 13 • 39/19 3 i ; i I
i, 0.0865
BobolinlvTW ; 1431.0 7 !
36,7 3 •0.0627 0.0668; 0.0730 0.0792 0.0427' 0.383 0.0867
PloverfTW 11431.0 i 13 39/19 3 I 0.0824 0.0659 1 0.0721 0.0784 0.0451 0.376 I 0.0860
1 1590.01 7
36.'7 3 I0,0584 0.0606 0.0661 0.0717 0.0449 0.377 1 0 0851
Falcon,rrw . 1590.0; 13 42119 3 • 0.0561 0.0598 0.0653 0.Q709 0.0476, 0.370 ; 0:0841
ChukarfTW '1780.0 i 8 37/19 3 0.0503 0.0545 0.0594 0.0644 0.0482, 0.368 i 0,0632
BluebirdfTW . 2156.0 I 8 ; 84/19 4 0.0415 0.0465 0.0504 0.0544,0.0538 I 0.355 1 0.0801
1 1
1. Dir.;ct CtJrrent (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-crnil/ft (62.0% lAGS) at 2O'G for nominal aluminum area of the conductors, and 129.64
ohm·cmilift (8.O"k lAGS) at 20'G for the nominal steel area.
2. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature using 0.00409 as temperature coefficient of resistIVity
per degree G for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree G for steel. and for skin effect.
3. The effective ac resistance of a layer ACSRfTW increases with current density due to core magnetization. See Chapter 3 for details.
4. For ampaclty ratings of TW conductors, approximate values can be obtained from Figs. 3-13 and 3-14.
product identification and data
TABLE 4-21
Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay COmpact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW)
ASTM B 779 Physical Properties
Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR COnductors
Conductor Outside
Size Stranding Diameter Weight per 1000 ft
Size &
Area : Stranding at
Square Com- ! ACSR with
Inches plete I equal diameter
I CondUC-i Steel !Alumi.. Rated
AJumi-! :TypeiAlumi-, I I
Total. num Steel Strength
CodeWord i kcmll num : Total,, No. 1, num : Steel In. In. Ibs 'Jbs Ibs Ibs kcmil Stranding
MonongahelaITW 405.1 p.3181 0.33621 6 14 lx.1520i 0.860 10.1520 441.0 379.8' 61.2 10,200 336.4 18/1
MohawkilW 571.7'0,4490 0.5074 13 18 7x.l030 0.846 !0.3090 734.7 537.31 197,4 20,700 477.0 2417
565.3 0.4439
686,6 0.5236 , 18
523.1 i191.7
22.900 , 477.0
24,000 556.5
Oswego,'TW 684.8 0.5221 ,0.6072: 16 , 20 1 7x.1244 0.927 10.3732 913,4 625,4i288.O 26,600 556.5 26.17
, ,
NechakoiTW ' 768.9'0.6039 3 27 : 1x.1520 0.980 0.1520 781.9 720.7 61.2 16,400 , 636.0' 3611
MaumeaITW 768.20.6034 0.6819, 13 20 7x.1195i 0.977 iO.3585 987.8 722.' 265.7 27,700 1 636.0 24/7
WabashiTW 762.8'0.5992 0.6986 16 20 7x.1331' 0.990 !0.3343 1047 717 330 ! 30,500 ! 636.0 2617
KettleiTW 957.2 0.7518 0.8038, 7 : 32 7x.0973 1.060 :0.2919 1079 902.8 176.2 26,000 • 795.0 45.17
FraserlTW 946.7 0.7436 0.8168i 10 35 .7x.1154 1.077 .0.3462 1142 i 894 248 , 29.600 1 795.0 2217
ColumbialTW • 966.21 0 .7589 0.8573 13 21 I 7x.1338 1.092 0,40141241 ' 908 i333 34,000 795.0 54.17
Suwannee!1W ' 959.6:0.7537 0.8762 16 22 : 7x.1493 1.108 0,4479.1318 903 415 37,000 795.0' 26.17
CheyenneiTW 1186.10.9175 0.9646 5 30 7x.0926 1.155 0.2778'1260 1100.4 159.6 28,900 954.0 4217
Geneseel1W 1158.0'0.9095 0.9733 7 33 7x. 1078 1.165 0.3234 1308 1092 216 , 31,600 954.0 4517
Hudsol1l1W 1158,4 0.9098 1.0281, 13 26 7x.1467i 1.196 0.4401 1489 1089 400 ' 39,600 954.0 54(7
CatawbalTW :1272.0 0.9991 1.0505 5 30 7x.0967 1.203 10.2901 1372 !1198 174 31,400 il033.5 42/7
Nelsom1W :1257.1 0.9674,1.0557 7 35 , 7x.1115 1.213 0.3345 1417 1185.7i231.3 34,200 1033.5 45.17
Yukon.rrw i1233.6 0.9669'1.0925 13 38 :19x.0910 1.245 0.455 1586 11186.5 '419.5 42,900 1033.5 54.17
TruckeeiTW 1372.5 1.078 ,1.1334 5 30 • 7x.l004 1.248 0.3012 1481 :1293.4187.6 33,400 1113.0 4217
MackenziaITW 1359.7 1.067911.1418 7 36 ' 7x.1159 1.259 0.3477:1630 1280 250.0, 36,900 1113.0: 45.17
ThameslTW 11334.6 1.348 1.1609. 13 39 19x.0944 1.290 '0.4720 1713 46,300 .1113.0 54119
SI. CroixiTW i1467.8 1.1529 1.21241 5 33 7x.l041 1.292 .0.3123 1585 il363202 35,800 11192.5 42/7
Miramichi,'TW :1455.3 1.1430,1.2222 : 7 36 7x.1200 1.302 '0.3600 1540 1372 i2 68 39,200 1192.5 45.17
MerrimacklTW 1433 6 1.125 :1.2677: 13 39 i19x.0978 1.340 0.489 1840 1358 '434 49,700 1192.5 54/19
Plattel1W 11589.0
. 1.2323,1.2957 i 5 33 • 7x.l074 1.334 0.3222 1693 !1478 215 38,200 1272.0 , 4217
Potomacl1W .1557,4'1.2232 1.3079 7 36 7x.1241 1.345 1,0.3723 1755 1468 <:87 41,900 i1272.0 45.17
Rio Grande,rrw 11533.3 1.2043 1.3571. 13 39 19x.l012 1.382 :0.5060 1968 1449 !519 53,200 1272.0 54/1
SchuytkmiTW i1657.4 1.3020 0. 3920 1 7 36 7x.1280 1.366 :0.3840 1868 11 563 :305 44,000 11351.5 45.17
Pecos/1W 1622.0 1.2739 1.4429 i 13 39 19x. 1054 1.424 iO.5320 2107 '1533 :574 57,500 1351.5 54/19
Pee Deel1W i1758.6 1.3810 il,4770 7 37 i 7x.1319 1.427 0.3957 1982 1658 1324 46,700 1431.0 45.17
JamesiTW 11730.6.1.359 1.6314113 34 19x.l075, 1.470 ,0.6375 '2221 1636 1585 59,400 ,1431.0 54/19
AlhabaskaiTW ,1949.6'1.5312 1.6377: 7 42 7x.1392' 1.504 10.4176 2199 1838 i361 i 51,900 i1590.0 45.17
CumberiandiTW 11926.9 1.5134 1.7049. 13 42 19x.113S 1.545 :0.5665 2471 1821 1650 ' 65,300 1590.0 54i19
PowderiTW i2153.8 1.6912 1.8290 1 8 54 19x.0961 1.602 .0.4805 2498 ,2030 :468 • 61,100 ,1780.0 84/19
Santee,'TW '2627.3 2.063 2.2268 i 8 54 19x. 1062 1.762 10.5310 3048 :2477 :571 1 74,500 12156.0 84/19
1. Data shown are subjec1 to normal manufaC1uring tolerances.
2, Aluminum strands are of a trapezoidaJ shape and thus round wire Size is not shown.
3. Rated strengths of ti1e complete conductors are calculated in accordance with ASTM B 779.
4. Weights are based on 1350 aluminum and Class A steel.
S. The type no. is the ratio of the steel to aluminum areas expressed as a percentage.
bare aluminum wire and cable
TABLE 4-22
Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW)
Electrical Properties
Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR Conductors
I Phase-to-Neutral
i 60 Hz Resistance
ac-«I Hz at One It Spacing
i' , No. of I 2O·C ' 25'C ' SO'C '75'C GMR Inductive' Capacitive
Size Type Stranding Aluminum' Ohms! OhmEl/ 1Ohms!' Ohmsl I Ohmsl i Megohm-
Code Word I kcmil No. AlJS!. Layers Mile i
Mile, Mile Mile: It Mile X. ! Miles X;
James.'TW 1730.6 13 39/19 3 I' 0.0516 0.0553,0.0804 0.0654 0.0494 0.365 0.0929
Athabaska;'TW 1949.6 7 42/7 3 0.0460 0.05061 0.0550 0.0595 0.0500 0.363 0.0822
CumberlandlTW 1926.9. 13 42/19 3,0.0462; 0.0501 • 0.05461 0.0591 ,0.0523 0.358 0.0815
PowderfTW 2153.8 ' 8 4 : 0.0414 i' 0.0464 i 0.0503,0.0543, 0.0538 0.355 0.0803
• 1 . ' .
__ 1
/1_9---''--_4_......• 0.0341 . 0.0395 • 0.04271 0.0459,-1 0.0775
1. Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-cmillft (62.0% lACS) at 20'C for nominal aluminum area of the conductors. and 129.64
(8.0% lACS) at 20'C for the nominal steel area.
2. Alternating current (ac) resistance Is based on de reSistance corrected for temperature using 0.00409 as temperature coefficient of resistivity
per deg,ee C for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree C lor steel, and lor skin effect.
3. The effective ac resistance of 3 layer ACSRt1W increases with current densIty due to core magnetizatiOn. See Chapter 3 for details.
4. For ampacity ,atings 01 TW conductors, apprOximate values can be obtained from Figs. 3-13 and 3-14.
product identification and data
TABLE 4-23
ACAR Aluminum Alloy Conductors,
1350·H19 with 6201-T81 Reinforcement
ASTM B 524 Sizes
Physical and Electrical Properties
Size Stranding Resistance
Weight per 1000 Feet' ac-60Hz
Cross dC
AWG Section • Outside '1350 6201 Rated 25"C
20'C 5lrC ' 75"
or : Square : i Diameter ,: Alumi- Alumi-I' Strength Ohms! Ohms! Ohms! 1Ohmsi
kcmil , Inches 1350-H19 : 6201-T81! in. num num Total Ibs Mile Mile Mile Mile
30.6 0,0240 4xO,0661 3XO,0661,1 0,198 I:,
16.4: 12.2! 28,6 826 13,178 ! 3,24 3,54 ! 3.84
4 0,0328 4xO.0772 3xQ,0772, 0,232 22.3 16.7: 39,0 1120 : 2.330 ' 2.37 2,60 ,2,82
48.7: 0,0382 4xO,0B34 , 3xO,0834 i 0,250 26,1 19,51: 45,6 1290 ,,1.996 i 2,03 2.22 12.42
2, 0,0521 4xO,0974: 3xO,0974! 0.292 1 35,6 26.5 62,1 1750 1.464 :1.49 1,63 .1.77
350 i 0.2748 12xO,1357. 7xO,1357! 0,679 i 207.0 120.6: 327,0 8410 : 0,2753 : 0.282 • 0,308 ,0.334
400 0,3142 15xO.1451I' 4xO.1451 I 0,726 296,0 78.5,' 374,5 8430 0,2352 i 0,241 10,284 ! 0.287
400 0,3142 12xO,1451 7xO,1451! 0.726 237,0 137,0 374.0 9520 0,2408 : 0.247 0.270 .0.293
450 : 0,3534 15xO,15391 4xO,15391 0,770 . 333.0, 88.3 i 421,3' 9350 I 0.2091 10,215 i 0.235 0.258
450 ,0,3534 12xO,1539: 7xO.1539! 0.770 i 266.0 155,0: 421.0 10500 : 0,2140 0.220 : 0,240 0,261
500 I·0.3926 15xO,16Z: I 4xO, 1622 . 0.811 370.0 98.1, 468,1 10400 ,0.1882 0,194 10,212 0.230
500 0.3926 12xO,1822I 7xO,16221 0.811 1
296,0 172,0 468,0 11800 10.1927 0.198 0.216 0,235
SOO ! 0,3924 33xO,1162 4xO.1162I i 0.813 418.0 50.4 468,4 I 10000 i 0.1855 , 0.191 i 0,209 . 0.228
500 . 0.3924 3OxO.1162I 7xO.11621 0,813 380.0 . 88,1 468,1 10800 10,1877 0.193 ! 0.211 0.230
500 '0,3924 24xO,1162,13xO,1162: 0.813 304.0 184,0 468,0 11900 , 0.1923 0,198 ,0,216 0,234
500 0,3924 18xO,1162' 19xO,11621 0.813 228.0 239,0 467.0 13200 0,1971 0.202 0,221 0,239
550 0,4318 15xO,1701 4XO.17011 0,851 407 108 515 11400 0.1711 0,176 0,193 0,210
550 . 0.4318 , 12xQ,1701, 7xO.1701, 0.851 325 189 514 13000 0.1752 0.180 ,0,197 0,214
5SO 10,4320 : 33xO,1219. 4xO.1219: 0,853 460 55.4 : 515.4 10800 : 0.1686 0.174 0,190 0.207
550 0.4320 130xO,1219 , 7xO, 1219 I 0.853 418 97 515 11700 '0,1708 0.176 '0.192 0.209
550 0,4320. 24xQ,1219 13xQ,1219! 0,853 334 180 514 12900 0.1747 0.180 0.197 0.213
550 0.4320 118xO.1219 19xO,1219: 0,853 251 263 514 14400 0.1791 0,184 0.201 0,218
bare aluminum wire and cable
I· Cross.: I'
Weight per 1000 Feet
AWG Section:
i : Outside . 1350 I 6201 ' Rated 20'C 25'C 5O'C 75'
or : Square Diameter I' Alumi- i Alumi- . Strength Ohms! i Ohms! Ohms! Ohms!
kcmi! . Inches 1350-H19 i 6201-181 in. num num Total Ibs , Mile I Mile Mile Mile
i ,
600 I 0.4712 115xO.1777 4XO.1777: 0.889 444 118 562 12500 0.1568 1,0.162 0.177 0.192
600 i 0.4712 i 12XO.1777 7XO.1777 0.889
650 i 0.5102 18xO.1325: 19XO.1325 0.928 296 : 311 607 ! 17100 0.1516 0.156 10.171 0.185
700 : 0.5494 '33XO.1375 4xO.1375 i 0.963 i 585 1 71 656 13600 : 0.1325 , 0.163
700 : 0.5494 Ii 3OXO.1375 7xO.1375 0.963 : 532 ! 123 655 :1 14700 10.1341 : 0.165
700 I 0.5494 24xO.1375 13xO.1375 0.003 : 425 , 329 654 16100 : 0.1373 0.142 : 0.155 0.168
700 • 0.5494 18xO.1375 i 19x0.1375 0.003 I 319 i 335 654 i 17900 10.1407 0.146 : 0.159 0.172
: ! I
750 I 0.5892 ! 33XO.1424 4xO.1424, 0.997 , 627 76 703 14400 .0.1235 .0.128 '0.141 10.153
750 , 0.5892 '30XO.1424 7xO.1424 : 0.997 ! 570 ,1 132 702 15500 10.1250 0.130 10.1420.154
750 i 0.5892 ' 24xO.1424 13XO.1424 0.997 456 : 246 702 : 17100 : 0.1280 0.133 10.145 10.157
750 I 0.5892
18xO.1424. 19XO.1424 0.997 i 342 , 359 701 19000 0.1312 0.136 '0.148 0.160
800 I: 0.6280
0.6280130XO.1470· 7xO.1470, 1.029 I
141 749 165000.11730.122
500 · 0.6280 24XO.1470 I 13xO.1470 i 1.029 I
, 365
486 262
! 363
748 18200 i 0.1202 0.125 I· 10 .136 .0.148
800 , 0.6280 i 18xO.1470: 19xo.1470 1 1.029 748 : 20300 ,0.1231 0.128 10.139 10.151
850 0.6679 : 33XO.151614xO.1516 i 1.061 1 711 86' 797 16000 10.1090 10.114 10.125 ,0.135
850 0.6679 I30XO.1516 , 7xO.1516: 1.061 646 150 796 17400 ,0.1103 10.115 !0.126 10.137
850 : 0.6679 I 24XO.1516· 13XO.1516i 1.061 I
517 279 796 19200 iO.1130 iO.118 0.128 10.139
850 , 0.6679 i 18XO.1516 i 19XO.1516! 1.061 ! 388 ! 407 795 21400 10.1156 10.121 10.131 0.142
900 0.7072! 33xO.1560 4XO.1560 , 1.092 753 91 644 17000 10.1029 ,0.108 0.118 ! 0.128
900 0.7072, 30xO.1560 7XO.1560 I 1.092 !1 684 159 ' 643 18400 0.1042 iO.l09 0.119 10.129
900 0.7072 I24XO.1560 ,13XO.1560: 1.092 547 295 842 20300 :0.1067 10.112 !0.122 10.132
900 : 0.7072 I 18xO.1560. 19XO.1560 i 1.092 i 411 431 842 22400 : 0.1093 : 0.114 ,0.124 : 0.134
950 0.7458! 33.0.1602 4xO.1602 1.121 794 96 : 890 17900 0.09761 0.103 0.112 0.122
950 0.7456 :30XO.1602 7XO.1602 1.121 ,1 722 167 , 889 19400 0.09877 0.104 0.113 0.123
950 0.7458: 24xO.1602 13XO.1602 1.121 : 577 311 889 21400 0.1012 0.106 0.116 0.125
950 ,0.7458! 18xO.1602, 19xO.1602. 1.121 , 433 455 888 23900 :0.1037 0.109 !0.118 0.128
1,000 . 0.7853 133x0.1644 4xO.16441 1.151 836 101 937 I 18900 0.09269 0.0977 0.107 0.116
1.000 0.7853: 3OXO.1644 7XO.1644 1.151 760 176 936 20400 0.09379 0.0988 0.108 0.117
1,000 0.7663: 24xO.1644 13XO.1644I 1.151 608 328 936 22600 0.09606 0.101 0.110 0.119
1,000 0.7853 i 18.0.1644 19xO.1644: 1.151 ! 456 479
1.000 0.7849 54XO.1280 7xO.1280 I 1.152 829 i 107 ,936 19700 !0.09283iO.097810.107 :0.116
1.000 0.7849 48XO.1260 13xO.1260: 1.152 737 199 I 936 21100 10.09417 0.099110.108 Ii 0.117
1,000 0.7849: 42XO.1280 19xO.1280 1.152 845 290 935 22900. 0.09555 0.101 0.110 0.119
1,000 0.7849: 33xO.1280 28.0.1280 I 1.152 ! 507 428 1 935 ....-1i_2_75_00_L!'0_.09_7_69-,-0_.1_0_3-,-i0_.1_1_2-,-0_.1_2_1_
(See footnotes at end of table)
product identification and data
1,100 0.8637 33><0.1724, 4><0.1724 1 1.207 919 111 '1030 20700 '0.09429' 0.0894 0.0975, 0.106
1,100 0.8637 ,30><0.1724 i 7><0.1724, 1.207 836 194 ; 1030 i 22500 ,0.08528 I 0.0904 0.0985' 0.107
1,100 0.8637 : 24><0.1724 I 13xO.1724 i 1.207 669 360 [ 1029 24800 i 0.087351 0.0924 0.101 0.109
1,100 0.8637 ,18.0.1724 19xO.17241 1.207 501 , 547 I 1028 27700 '0.089531 0.0945 0.103 0.111
1,100 0.8641 54xO.13431 7xO.1343 i 1.209 913 118 [1031 I, 21600 I 0.09433 [ 0.0895 , 0.0976 10.106
1,100 0.8641 48xO. 1343' 13><0.13431 1.209 811 219 '1030 22900 I 0.08554 I 0.0906 ' 0.0986 , 0.107
1,100 0.8641 42><0.1343 , 19><0.1343' 1.209 710 319 ,1029 [' 24800 ,0.09679,0.0918,0.100 10.108
1,100 0.8641 '33.o.1343! 28xO.1343I 1.209 558 471 ! 1029 26600 i 0.086741 0.0937! 0.102 0.110
1,200 0.9426 33XO.180114XO.1801 1.261 1003 : 121 , 1124 22600 '0.07723. 0.0826 ,0.0899 0.0973
1,200 0.9426 3OxO,1801 7xO.1801 1.261 912 ' 212 1124 ,I,
24500 10.07815, 0.0834 '0.0908 0.0982
1,200 0.9426 24xO.1801 113><O.1801 1.261 730 ! 393 1123 27100 0.08004! 0.0852 0.0926 0.100
1,200 0.9426 18xO.1801 119.0.1801 1.261 547 575 1122 30200 0.08204' 0.0871 0.0948 0.102
1,200 0.9430 54.0.1403 7><0.1403 1.263 996 ! 128 i 1124 , 23100 i 0.07727 '0.0826 0.0899 0.0974
1,200 0.9430 48xO.1403 13xO.1403 ' 1.263 886 I 239 11125 24700 I 0.07838 0.0836 0.0910 0.0986
1,200 I 0.9430 42x0.1403 19xO.1403 1.263 775 349 11124 26700 • 0.07953 0.0847 0.0921 0.0996
1,200 '0.9430 33><O.1403128xO.1403 1.263 609 i 514 i 1123 28800 10.08131 0.0864 0.0939 0.101
1,250 0.9817 33xQ.1838 4><0.1838 1.287 1045 126 .1171 23600 .0.07415,0.0795 0.0866 I 0.0937
1,250 0.9817 3OxQ.1838 7xO. 1838 I 1.287 950 220 i 1170 i 25600 i 0.07503 I 0.0804 0.0874 0.0948
1,250 0.9817 24.0.1838 13xO.1838 1.267 760 410 11170 28200 ,0.Q7685 0.0821 0.0892 0.0964
1,250 I 0.9817 1&0.1838 19xO.1838 1.287 570 598 ,1168 31500 • 0.07877 0.0839 0.0911 0.0982
1,250 0.9810 54xO.1431 1 7xO.1431 1.288 1036 ! 134 1170 1 24100 10.07427 ! 0.0796 0.0867 0.0938
1,250 0.9810 48xO.1431 113xO.1431 1.286 921 248 1169 25700 '0.07535' 0.0607 0.0878 0.0949
1,250 0.9810 142><0.1431 i 19xO.1431 1.288 806 , 363 1169 , 27800 0.07645 I 0.0817
'I' 0.0888 0.0960
1,250 0.9810 • 33xO.1431 '28xO.1431 1.288 i 633 I 535 1168 30000 ,0.07816 0.0834 0.0905 0.0976
1,300 1 1.0205 4xO.1874 1.312 1086 131 ,1217 24500 ,0.07133 0.0768 I 0.0836 0.0904
1,300 1.0205 3OxO.18741 7xO.1874 1.312 1217 26600 0.07218 0.0776 0.0844 0.0912
1,300 '1.0205 24xO.1874, 13xO.1874 1.312 I 1216 29300 0.07393 0.0793 0.0861 0.0929
1,300 i 1.0205 ,18xO.1874! 19.0.1874 1.312 593 622 1215 32700 0.07577 0.0810 0.0878,0.0947
1,300 11.0212, 54xO.1480 I 7xO.1460 1.314 1079 I 139 11218 25100 I 0.07135 0.0788 0.0836 0.0904
1,300 ,1.0212! 48xO.1480, 13.0.1460 1.314 959 258 ,1217 26800 10.07238 0.0778 0.0946 0.0914
1,300 I 1.0212 142x0.1480 19.0.1460 1.314 839 378 , 1217 28900 '0.07344 0.0788 0.0856 0.0924
1.300 1.0212 133x0.1460 28.0.1480 1.314 659 557 1216 31200 0.07509 0.0804 0.0872 0.0940
1,400 1.0996 54xO.1515 7xO.1515 1.364 1162 150 1312 26500 0.06827 0.0719 0.0781 0.0844
1,400 1.0996 48xO.1515 13.0.1515 1.364 1033 278 1311 28400 0.06722 0.0728 0.0791 0.0854
1,400 1.0996 42xO.1515 19.0.1515 1.364 904 407 1311 30800 0.06821 0.0737 0.0800 0.0863
1,400 1.0996 33xO.1515 28.0.1515 1.364 710 599 1309 33300 i 0.06974 0.0752 0.0815 0.0878
(See footnotes at end Qf table)
bare aluminum wire and cable
2,000 1,570 72x0,1482 i 19xO, 1482' 1,630 ! 1482 389 1871 , 41000 i 0.0470610.0538 0,05
2,000 1.570 '63xO.1482 28xO,1482 1,630 .1297
573 1870 43400 : 0.04775 ' 0,0544 0.0586 80 1, 0,0629
2,000 !
1.570 54xO,1482.37xO,1482 1,630 i 1112 i
758 1870 46600 , 0.04646 , 0.0550 0.0593 0,0635
, ,
2,250 1.766 72xO.1572 ' 19xO, 1572 ' 1,729 ,1640 442 2126 45500 , 0,04224 0.0494 , 0,0581 0.0568
2,250 1.766 63xO.1572 , 28.0, 1 1.729 i 1474 652 2126 46300 • 0.04286 0.0499, 0,0536 0.0574
2,250 1.766 54xO.1572I 37xO, 1572 1,729
, 861 2124 ,
I ,
51900 : 0.04350 ! 0,0505 ! 0,0542 0.0580
' 1263
2,500 1,962 72xO.1657, I 19xO.1657 i 1,623 11871 491 ,2362 I
50600 0.03801 0,04561 0.0489 ' 0,0522
2,500 11,962 63xO.1657 , 28xO, 1657 : 1.823 '1637 724 2361 53700 ,0,03857 0.0461 ,0.0494 0.0527
2,500 1.962 54.0.1657 ' 37xO, 1657 , 1.823 i 1403 957 2360 57700 0,03915 0.0466 ' 0.0499 0.0532
(See footnotes at end of lable)