Speaking (A2 Pre-Intermediate) : English For Life
Speaking (A2 Pre-Intermediate) : English For Life
Speaking (A2 Pre-Intermediate) : English For Life
2. Put students in pairs or groups which match the Using Get speaking
characters in the photographs, and give each group the
Get speaking is a roleplay that self-study students can do
appropriate photograph.
with the CD, but the classroom environment allows you to
3. Get students to give the characters names and to use it in a different way and extend its scope.
imagine what they may be talking about.
1. Before the class ask students to take a photograph of
4. The pairs/groups can then start to write a conversation their room at home, or their office, or some other place
between the characters. familiar to them. They can bring it in on their phone
5. Set a goal, e.g. they must include at least one word/ or camera, or print it out. (If this is not appropriate or
phrase from each of the categories in Conversations possible, provide them with a generic photo of the same.)
Exercise 2 (i.e. non-precise objects, quantities, etc.) 2. Instead of using the CD for the Get speaking exercise,
6. Let students perform their conversations within their photocopy the two halves of the dialogue in the Get
groups at this stage, and monitor for accuracy of speaking matching activity sheet below.
usage. 3. Cut the dialogue up and get pairs of students to match
the question and reply.
Using Saying it clearly and Saying it appropriately
4. The pairs can then practise the dialogue together.
1. At the end of these parts, get students into the pairs or
5. Then get the pairs of students to show each other their
groups from the roleplay exercise in which they wrote
photos of home, and ask each other similar questions of
their own conversation, and ask them to annotate their
what they see.
dialogues with the linking from Saying it clearly and the
(rising) intonation from Saying it appropriately.
Using My review
2. If they don’t have at least three examples of each, they
1. Get students to review the dialogues they have written
should elaborate their conversation further to include
as groups or pairs, and find three examples in their
dialogues of each of the can-do statements. If they
3. Let students perform their conversations within their cannot find three, get them to elaborate their dialogue
groups at this stage, and monitor for clarity and further until they have.
2. Students practise in pairs or groups one last time before
performing the scene for the whole class.
English Readers
English for Life Speaking (A2 Pre-intermediate)
Getting started photographs
English Readers
English for Life Speaking (A2 Pre-intermediate)
Roleplay photographs
English Readers
English for Life Speaking (A2 Pre-intermediate)
What have you got in these boxes? Some old photos, a few books, and bits and bobs.
How many pairs of shoes have you got? I’ve got hundreds of pairs of shoes.
What’s your favourite item of clothing? My coat. It’s a bluey colour and it’s really warm.
Have you got lots of English textbooks? Yes, I’ve got tonnes of them.