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coll`s fracture may possibly cause injury to which of the following ?

a-flexorpollicis b-abductor pollicis c-adduuctorpollicis d-

extensor pollicislongus

in SCI which of the following in not of complications?

a-hyperreflexia b-systemic hypertention c-pressursorses d-
orthostatic hypotention

in yellow and red flags which of the following not considered as red
flag in these situations?
a-history of carcinoma b-psychosocial factor c-bowel problems d-
excess weight los

which of following not needed in testing the trapezius ms?

a-head flexion b-head extension c-head rotation d-head lateral

which of following not needed in testing the splenius capitisms?

a-head flexion b-head extension c-head rotation d-head lateral

whichms draw air brows together to downward and inward making

horizontal wrinking?
a-pectineus b-corregaor c-orbicularis oris d-lateral ptyroid

whichms of body flexes hip and abducting it and (medially) rotates

a-sartorius b-tensor facialata c-illiopsoas d- rectus

rickets is deu to defficincy of vitamine?

a-C b-B c-K d-D

applied electrical stimulation to area for long lasting period cause?

a-skin irritation b-weakness of ms c-edema occure

Obesity is a risk factor for

a) Osteoporosis b) Osteoarthritis c) Both d) Neither

which of following not risk factor for osteoporosis?

a-enclosed family history b- #in gym exercises c-low calcium
intake d-corticosteroid medications

coronary arteries suppling heart when?

a-diastole b-systole c-in between d-not related to systole or
diastole supplying heart every time

the heart valve responsible in preventing blood from return to right

atrium from right ventricle is ?
a-mitral or bicuspid b-tricuspid c-pulmonary

the term dysapraxia refers to?

a-inability to perform purposfull movements b-swallowig c-
slow motion d-involuntary movement
patient coming to you suffering from pain at calves due to walking
200 feets this patient has?
a-calf strain b-arterial insufficiency c-thrombosis d-
varicos vein

what is the best electrical modality shosen to treat infective wond?

a-Low Level laser b-ultraviolet radiation c-galvainc stimulation

in electrical stimulation intensity of muscle contraction(shortening)

depend on ?
a-shape of current and electrical device used b-duration of ttt
c-size of electrodes d-intensity and
frequency of current

whish nerve supplying Deltoid ms

a-axillary b-suprascapular c-long thoracic d-

when you sit-up a patient from long sitting after prolonged period
of bed rest following major back surgury, the patient experience an
orthostatic hypotention and suddenly will fallwhat is your
a-immediatly return patient to original long sitting c-write down
this in patient`s review
b-call the phycitian d-assure him it`s OK dont worry it`s normal
decrease in BP due to a long rest period
in normal milestone baby can jump by both legs in swing at?
a-12monthes b-24 monthes c-18 monthes d-30

in degenerative joint disease which is not occure?

a-increased with weight bearing on the joint b-gradual onst
c-stiffness at morning d-increaser after prolonged period of

Bennett's fracture is?

a-little finger b-thumb c-middle finger d-distal end of

in clinical examination you must do all of the following except?

a-observe the patient examin both affected unaffected b-
review patient sheet
c-focus only on areas of patient`s complains d-
respect the sesitizers of patients

which of the followin fractures treated by skeletal traction?

a-knee b-patellofemoral c-shaft of femur d-tibia

osteomyelities is?
a-infective inflammation of the bone due infective bacteria entered into
bone c-vit D defficiency
b-decreased bone density and increased porosity
d-due to repetitive trauma
when patient coming for you has limited ROM due to pain to
decrease edema in addition to leg elevation you can use which type
of electrical stimulation?
a-faradic b-tens c-galvanic d-dyadinamic

iontophoresis uses which type of current?

a-dyadinamic b-direct current c-ultrasonic d-tens

hyperextension of the hips, an anterior pelvic tilt and anterior

displacement of the pelvic
A) Flat back B) Sway back c) lordosis d) thoracic kyphosis

anterior pelvic tilting is causing exaggerated lumbar lordosis due

a-adductor tightness b-tightness of tensor fascia lata
c-bilateral fixed hip flexor contracture d-tightness in hamstring ms

in angina pectoris chest pain present in?

a-pain at pectoral region b-pain at base of the heart c-pain
referred to shoulder

which of the following is a possible cause of anterior pelvic tilting?

a-weak lateral trunk ms b-tightened tensor facialata c-tight hamstring
d-sever weakness of abdominal ms

in contracture of lower lumbar back ms it affect pelvis by?

a-anterior pelvic tilting with upper thoracic kyphosis b-anterior pelvic
tilting with lordosis
c-posterior pelvic tilting with lordosis d-no effect on
the pelvis

incondromalacia consider in the ttt?

a-patellar tapping and strengthening of the quadriceps b-strengthening
vastusmedialis only
c-strengtheningvastuslateralis only d-
strengthening of hamstring

inRynaudesdiseaes it is?
a-vascular insufficiency disease b-intermittent claudication c-
thromosis in lower limb d-varicose veins

raynaud’s disease
a-Bilateral symmetrical b-Unilateral symmetrical c- Cyanotic

the bronchitis is:

a-dry cough b-wheezing sound c-peripheral cyanosis d-
cough with expectoration

in bronchitis there is?

a-dry cough b-cyanosis c-extended clear mucus secretions
d-edema in lower limbs

in early stage of bronchitis there is

A- dry cough B- bronchi spasm + expectoration C- hymopsis D-
peripheral cyanosis

chronic bronchitis symptoms

a-nocturnaldysnea b-frothy sputum c-bronchospasm and
productive cough

Which is true about SA node:

a-It’s type of myocardium with higher rhythm c- consist of nerve cell
b- type of myocardium which generate electrical impulse d- in AV node

location of SA node
A- top of rt atrium B- Top of lt atrium C- Inter ventricular

pacemaker is
a- locating in AV node b- contain connective tissues c- contain nerve
tissues d- in SA node

impulses reach atrium early to contract before ventricles through:

a-Purkinje fibers b-AV node c-Bundle of His d-Atrioventicular

infant can make rolling at age of

a-3months b- 4months c-6months d-12 months

all the following is true about spascity except:

A- usuallyoccure cerebral palsy infantB- occur in sci
C- associated with lower motor neuron legionD- can cause hip

oldpt comes with fever, productive cough and pulmonary

congestion diagnosis is:
a- cystic fibrosisb- pulmonary odemac- heart diseased- bacterial & viral

pulmonary ventilation means

a- gas exchange between alveoli and veinous bloodb- exchange
between atmospheric air and lung air
c utilizing o2 by cells which essential for all vital process

in pulmonary edema there is

a-lower limb ischemia b-lower limb edema and forthy secretions c-
thin clear sputum


A-club footb-maybe congenitalc-p,f and inversiond-d.f and inversion

a- D.F everted adducted b- P.F inversion abducted c- D.F everted
abducted d- P.F INVERSION adducted
the arterioles charactarized with?
a- large thick walls supplying organs b- a networks of small vessels
have thin walls
c- a networks of small vessels have thick walls

the main ms responsible for climbing stairs and coming from

reclined position,bringing knee to chest

which modality has greater effect in decrease pain in knee joint in

fatty pt
a-ultra sonicb-infraredc-hotpackd-parafin wax

fat patient which modality that increase the fat temperature

a-hot packsb- short wavec-infraredd-utrasonic
If the proximal bone of joint fixed the distal part of joint move in
sequence so this is
a-ACL Training b-closed chain ex c-open chain ex d-non of the

maximum knee flexion occur in any phase from this

a-mid stance b-toe off c-mid swing d-heel strike

in Erbs palsy the most affected muscle

a – elbow flexors and supinators b- shoulder flexor and abductors c –
medial rotators d – a and b

baby supine lying abducting both shoulders with 90 elbow flexion

lower limbs extended and adducted at hips and extended at knees
and planter klexed ankles , what is this reflex
a-Tonic labrynthinen reflex b-Moro reflex c-STNR d-ATNR

from supine when there is shortening of this ms the arm rased

above table and not down ,the ms is?
a-biceps b-brachioradialis c-brachialis d-pectoralis major

which of the following muscles is weak and the patient cant

supinate forearm to open the door using it
a-brachialis b-biceps brachii c-brachioradialis d-

which muscle doesnt affected in carpal tunnel syndrome

a-flexor pollicis longus b-adductor pollicis longus b-abductor
pollicis longus

in carpal tunnel syndrome there is compression on

A-ulnar nerve B-radial nerve C- mediane nerve D-
musculocutaneous nerve

*in carpal tunnel syndrome the most affected ms is

a-flexor degotorum profundus b-flexor carpi ulnaris c- adductor

in carpal tunnel syndrome the entrapped nerve is the?

a-radial b-median c-ulnar d-axillary
median nerve most probable compressed Region
a-elbow b-fingers c-shoulder d-wrist

in which location the median nerve freqently or mostly entrapped?

a-forearm b-arm c-elbow d-wrist

pt has median Nerve compression assesst him by

a)Weak of medial 2 fingers & decrease grasping objects b)Numpness
of 3 ½ fingers & weak opponents ms

P.T detect alarm signs for cardiac 60-patient during training

program through
a-monitor H.R AND B.P B- BLOOD OXYGEN LEVEL c- o2

one of the following is not an aerobic exercise

a- weight lifting b-jogging c-running a marathon d- runnin1000

physiological effects of warming up

a-Decrease oxygen deficiency b-Increase myocardial demands

one of the following dose not use phosphotognase of the body:

a- weight lifting b-jogging c-running a marathon d- diving

one of the following is not depends on oxygen of the body:

a- weight lifting b-jogging c-running a marathon d- diving

exercises there energy demand not depend on oxygen?

a-aerobic b-anaerobic

patient has weak muscle in hip abduction therapist give him poor
grade that mean patient unable
a-Complete full range of motion in supine position c-complete full
range of motion in side lying
b-incomplete full range of motion in supine position d-incomplete full
range of motion in side lying

child came to u with erbs palsy c5,c6 diagnosed by erb engram

where is the affection
A- weakness of external rotators B- spasticity of external
C- Up normal pattern of movement +weakness of ant deltoid +biceps
spasm D- weakness elbow extensors

infrared can cause burn . what’s distance should be between

patient and the device
a-75 cm b-30 cm c-10 cm

in wax therapy it`s temperature should be kept at

a-30-35 b-40-44 c-50-53

U.S can be mostly absorbed by skeletal muscle as it mostly contain

a- adipose tissue b- connective tissue c- nerve endings

A- 1-3 MHZ b- 1-3 HZ C- 1-3 KHZ

When you treat patient using U.S in deep muscle strain to decrease
pain you can use
a- pulsed us 1MHZ B- NON pulsed US 1MHZ c- non pulsed us 3

using the following U.S parameters to heat a deep muscle strain

a- pulsed 1 Mhz b- continues 1 Mhz c- pulsed 5 Mhz d-
continues 5 Mhz

accessory movement is not

a-necessary to copletion of joints ROM b-Passivly occure c-under
voluntary control

a- device that replace the absent part of the body b- person who
fabricates orthosis
c -an external device used in rehabilitation of patients with
neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders.
d- company which fabricates the orthosis

A- device that replace the amputated limb of the body B - material from
which the device are fabricated
C -person who fabricate and design the prosthesis D-company
which fabricates the device

*burn affecting epidermis and superficial part of dermis

A-superficial partial thickness B-deep partial thickness C-full

25 years old with burn of dermis,epidermis,and subcutaneous

tissues the type of burn
a-full thickness b-partial thickness c-full thickness d-
superficial partial thickness

which is incorrect about burn in shoulder and pectoral region

a-put airplane splint b-put in ext and abduction c-put in flex add int

burn .Ant of neck which is wrong

A- Rigid neck collar B- Neck hyper .ext C- Neck flexion to
avoid deformity
-neck in side bending -stretchig scar tissue so put head in extention -
ultra sonic to decrease adhesions

bunion deformity is
a-hallucis varus b-hallucis rigidus c-hallucis valgus d-
hammar toe

fixed stiffness of 1st IPJ joint of big toe called

a-hallucis varus b-hallucis valgus c-hammar toe d-
hallucis rigidus

valgus position of foot

a-planterflexion b-dorsiflexion c-eversion d-inversion

what is the best electrical modalities chosen to treat infective

A-low level LASER B-UV C-Galvanic Stimulation D- SWD

patient came to clinic with pain and stiffness in morning means

a-systemic degenrative disease b-ms spasm c-joint infection

SWD is contraindicated in
a-Infected wounds b-Peripheral vascular disease c- haematoma

short wave (SWD) contraindications

A-Phelpitis B-Sprain C-Muscle strain D- Heamatoma

to treat patient with deep heat, which is not form of deep heat

if there is tendonitis in this muscle the best method for treatment

a- US with deep friction massage b-tens c-SWD

patient has fracture upper tibia and fixated by plate and secrow.
Complain from complication of knee limitation and pain. Which
modalties is contra-indicated:
a-ultra sonic b-faradic current c-short wave d-ice

normal ROM of hip joiont :

a- extension 35 flexion 125 b- extension 10 flexion 125 c- extension
0 flexion 125

knee joint ROM:

a- flexion 110 extension 0 b- flexion 130 extension 0 c- flexion 140
extension 0

all of the following are objective measurements used in evaluation

a- time used for performance activity b- visual analogue scale c-
goniometric ROM d-disability discus

meaning of rigidity is:

a- decreased ROM b- Muscle stiffness

pt referred to u suffering from bradykinesia that’s means:

a-abnormal involuntary movement b- stereotype movement c-
slowness of movement d- in complete ROM

which is not correct about oxford scale?

a-0 no contraction b-1 flicker contraction c-4 can make full
ROM without gravity

generally the ROM depends on:

a-elasticity of muscle , ligament and tendon b-bony structure
c-tightness of muscle, ligament and tendon d-bulk of the soft tissue

when measuring ROM of the wrist put the axis in:

a- trapezoid b- trapezium c- lunte d- capitate

Patient has contracture lower back that make

A- ant tilt of the pelvis + lordosis B- ant tilt of the pelvis + kyphosis
C- pos tilt of the pelvis + lordosis D- no lumbar spin change

Severe kyphoscoliosis will lead to

a- Left rather than right ventricular failure b- Right rather than left
ventricular failure
c- Frequent respiratory infections d- No cardiac abnormalities

if there is weakness of right gluteus medius dropping of pelvis

occurs at:
a-right pelvic drop at stance phase b-left pelvic drop at stance phase
c-right pelvic drop at swing phase d-left pelvic drop at swing phase

therapist performed trendlinburg test for pt with (Rt) weakness

gluteus medius , when test is (+ ve) when patient perform single
limb support on RT lower limb what is correct of the following about
pelvis drop
a-pelvis dosent drop as the patient lean by trunk to RT b-pelvis wiil
drop at left side
c-pelvis dosent drop as the patient lean by trunk to LT d-pelvis will
drop at Right side

which m.s when shorten if arm raised above table while in supine
cant return to table
A- Brachio radialis B- Triceps C- Pect.major

PT performin test for patient and test was (+ ve) the thigh of the
patient rased some inches above examination table what is the test
name? what is the shortened muscle
a-ober test> ilio tibial band b-sraight leg raising test>
c-thomas> illiopsoas d-thomson> gastrocnemeius

THOMSON test for the?

a-SHORTENING OF illiotipial band b-INTEGRITY TEST OF achillis
quadriceps tendon

pt with lordosis from standing and +ve Thomas test due to

a-strong lumbar ext b-fixed flex deformity c-hamstring strain

which muscle make hip abduction flexion internal rotation:

a- gluteus medius b- external oliques c- sartorious d- tensor
fascia latae

to strenth tipialis anterior muscle you should

a-maintain D.F and walking some steps on heel b-walking on toes
c-sit at edge of plinth. rest foot on ground and dorsi flex to the full D.F
which of following muscle dosent closes the mouth?
a- masseter b-ptrygoidus medialis c-temporalis d-suprahoid

which of following ms compress cheecks?

a- buccinators b- platysma c- orbicularis occuli d- nasalis alar

which of following ms closes lips and protrode them forward?

a-platysma b-orbicularis occuli c-orbicularis oris d- depressor

spine position ,we can measure the range of motion of all following
movements except :
a-shoulder flexion b-shoulder extension c-hip extension d-hip

*Monteggia fracture
a-frature ulna and sublaxation of radius. b-fracture radius and
sublaxation of ulna

cardiac and normal person can achieve gaol from training ex by

a-decrease o2 consumption at max ex level b-decrease o2
c-increaseindurance and capacity for ex training

Parasympathetic action of heart

a-decreasehert rate from 120 ppm to 70 ppm b-increase in female more
than male
c-decrease in adults more than child d-decrease in athelets
more than athelets

pat has chronic brachialgia which BEST tens use

a-conventional b-low freq c-burst d-intense

*burger disease lead to leg pain so ur goal to decrease pain is

a-open collaterals b-increase venous return c-decrease leg spasm
to decrease pain

for denervatedms we use at least

A-10 m.sec B-50 m.sec C-100 m.sec D-300

which is not related to the shoulder triangle

a) Clavicle b) Sternum c) humeros d)scapula

Pt cannot raise hand in abduction or mentain abduction position

due to:
a) Adhesive capsulitis b) Supra spinatoustendenitis c) Rotator
cuff tear

*reynads disease : which skin color

a) Bilateral asymmetrical b) Unilateral asymmetrical c) Latral
asymmetrical d) Asymmetrical & cyanosis
decreaseodema in ankle joint by :
a) H.V.P.G.S b) Interfrencial c) Russian current d) Monophasic

coll's fracture may cause late :

a-flexor pollicis b-abdutors pollicis c-extensor pollicis logus d-
adductor pollicis

which ms of body flexes hip and internal rotation and abducting it ?

a-sartorius b-tensor facia lata c-illiopsoas d- rectus femoris

when using UV radiation erythema occure and the skin is

pigmented due to release of which hormone?
a-melanine b-histamine

convalescent stage of polio:

a-2weeks-2years b-2weeks-4years c-0-2week d-2week to through

which of the following frequencies can produce titanic muscle

A- 50 hz B- 30 hz C- 10 hz D- 5 hz

normal action potential

A - 30 to 60 mVolt B - 60 to 90 mVolt C - 30 to 90 D - 20 to

prevention of transmission of painbeyond the dorsal horn

A-peripheral n injury B-gate control theory C-spinal cord injury
D-opiate theory

patient has fracture upper tibia and fixated by plate and

secrow.Complain from complication of knee limitation and pain.
Which modalties is contra-indicated:
a-ultra sonic b-faradic current c-short wave d-ice aplication

which of the following Closes the jaw:

a- masseter b- levator lipii c- mentalis d- orbicularis oris

which current used for stimulated denervated muscle

a- TENS b- faradic c-diadynamic d-direct galvanic

while evaluating knee in gait cycle,, it maximum flexion is during:

a-initial contact b-feet flat c-midswing d-terminal swing

the inner most layer in the heart is

a-pericardium b-epicardium c-endocardium d-myocardium

congenital dislocation occur in

a-hip j b-knee j c-shoulder j d-elbow j

when evaluating Parkinson’s pt ;you observed uniform muscle

resistance ; this means
a- cogwheel rigidity b- leadpipe rigiditiy c- spasticity
ankylosing means:
a- loosed packed position b- joint stiffness c – closed packed

which of the following muscles compress the checks;

a- buccinators b- corregator c- frontalis d- depressor
main character at cardiac patient:
a-bluish limbs b-pain at the calf c-edema of limbs d-abdominal

acute adhesive capsulitis:

a-acute inflammation capsule with fibrous b- chronic inflammation
capsule with fibrous
c-capsule inflammation d-fibrous capsule

patient has Depressing which causes him to have the following :

a-behavior problem b-emotional problem c-memory problem d-

which of the following is not benefit in physiotherapy :

a-increase muscle fiber size b-increase heart rate
c-increase ligaments and tendons d-increase the power structure of

phantom pain is due to :

a-amputation b- meniscectomy c-neurotemesis d-

patient uses crutches and move the crutches forward and move his
body to the crutches the gait is
a- Swing to b- Swing through c - Two point gait

deformity associated with coll’s fracture ( fracture lower end of

a- Dinner fork deformity b - Pes planus c- Talipus equinovarus

type of contraction that make shortening of muscle length

a- Eccentric b- Isometric c- Concentric

Burger’s disease associated with

a-smoking b- athlete performing max effort c- the amount of blood
reaching d-skeletal muscle reaches

which of the following is not included in shoulder complex

a- clavicle b- scapula c- humerus d- sternum

-maximum stability of hip joint depends on;

a-bone,ligament,muscles b-muscles,ligament,bone c-bone only

-baby with flaccid klumps palsy need stimulation by

a-galvanic stimulation b-reciprocal stim c-didynamic

-in phase 1 cardiac rehabilition aim;

a-prevent bed rest complication begin with passive movement to
b-increase ex endurance capcity c-assist in progress functional ADL

-which statement incorrect about passive movement

a-passive movement segment must hold gently b-proximal part
must supported
c-passive movement from proximal to distal to increase lymph and
venous return

-hypertoncity means
a-decrease tone in uscle b-increase tone c-incoordination

All the following is true about ligaments except ,

A- high collagen content B- laxity lead to hyper mobility
C- connect on bone to another D- usually heals fast and need not

Pt walk with extended back during bearig on leg & difficulty go up

ramp this your plain is to
A- stretching hip ex B- Strengthening hip ex C- Strengthening knee
flexor D- Stretching knee flexor

patient with elbow pain for 5 months and just stopped playing
tennis, which type of TENS would you use:
a-Conventional TENS b-Acupuncture like TENS c-Brief intense

muscle that close the jaw

Masseter Mentalis Buccinators

muscle that moves angle of mouth inferior and back

Platysma Mentalis Masseter

when you examine a muscle with no evidence of contraction, which

muscle grade would you give
Poor Trace Good zero

when you apply TENS for a patient and you find sever pain, what
would you do
Decrease frequency Increase wave length Decrease pulse width
Switch off device

sudeck’s atrophy :which is not true

Sever burning pain Sympathetic hyperactivity Trophic changes
occur More perspiration

patient with a contaminated surgical wound on lumbar region, what

would you use to clean the wound
infrared ultraviolet shortwave low laser

patient complain from leg pain after walking 200 feet, pain is
removed by rest, diagnosis is
peripheral vascular disease nerve lesion calf muscle spasm

what is best for scar tissue

ultra sound infrared shortwave
patient with angina pectoris, pain distribution
apex of heart chest only chest with left shoulder and arm

decreased sensation over big toe what level of lesion would you
L3 - L4 L4 – L5 L5 – S1

while you examine a patient you find decreased tendon jerk at

Achilles tendon, what is the level of lesion
L4 – L5 L5 – S1 s1 – s2

Parkinson’s gait, which is not true

Propulsion gait Festinating gait Retropulsion Wide
base of support with arm swing

Motor area
Control motor activity of opposite side of the body Control motor
activity of same side Receive sensation

Difficult speech is called

Dysarthria Dysphagia

During evaluation of a hemiplegic patient you found that there is

balance deficiency, the cause is
weakness of glutei weakness of quadriceps spasticity of planter
flexors weakness of dorsi flexors

myotome of this biceps muscle is

c3-c4 c5- c6 t1- t2

patient is suffering from pain at the insertion of this muscle, the

diagnosis is
rotator cuff tear infraspinatus tendinitis supraspinatus

best treatment of supraspinatus tendinitis is

infrared shortwave ultra sound with deep friction

close pack position of knee is

flexion 20 degrees extension extension with lateral

which of the following you cannot palpate while examining shoulder

2nd rib Sternoclavicular joint 1st rib
during examination of shoulder, you found increased motion (laxity)
in anterior, posterior and inferior directions, the condition is
Global shoulder instability Rotator cuff tear

what is the best position for artificial hip ankylosis

-Flex 20 , abd 10, ext rotation 5 -No flex , abd 10, ext rotation 5 -
Abd 5 , ext rotation 10

An athlete with stable fracture of neck of humerus, referred to you

to improve mobility, which form of exercise will you choose
-Isometric -Resistive exercise in all directions -

Motor neuron disease, which of the following is not true

-It may affect anterior horn cells and cause lower motor neuron
-It may affect cranial nerve nuclei and cause upper motor neuron

spastic diplegia means

-primarily affecting the legs but arms are less involved -only legs are
involved -only arms are involved

which statement is about golgi tendon organ

a-it monitor muscle lenghth b-its affected by muscle contraction
c-its more scattered in tendon d-its in the same sreies of muscle


a-asymetrical and bilateral b-asymetricl and unilateral c-
unilateral and cyanotic

patient complains of cystic fibrosis in LT lingula

a- put patient on RT sidelying b-put patient on LT sidelying c- half
lying c-prone lying

most compression site of ulnar nerve

a-shoulder joint b-spinal groove of humerus c-elbow d-wrist

which statement is correct in grade poor means

a- no flicker contraction b- full ROM with counterbalance gravity c-
patient against resistance full ROM

PATIENT ASK TO DO FLEX wrist and adduct is

a-test of F.C.R.L b-F.C.R.B c- ADDUCTOR LONGUS d-
flexor carpi ulnaris

*muscle acting over two joint can not contract on two joint at
same time
a-active insuffiency b-passive insuffiency c- isometric

physiotherapist asks pt to flex the wrist and abduct it ; which

muscle acts in this action
a- flexor carpi ulnaris b- flexor carpi radialis c-flexor digitorum
profundus d- biceps brachii

physiotherapist asks pt to flex the wrist and adduct it ; which

muscle acts in this action
a- flexor carpi ulnaris b- flexor carpi radialis c-flexor digitorum
profundus d- biceps brachii

all of the following muscles affected in tennis elbow except

a- Extcarpi radialis brevis b – Ext carpi ulnaris c – Ext digitorum d-
flex carpi ulnaris

ulnar nerve most probable compressed region

a-elbow b- finger c-shoulder d- wrist
patient with neck pain and he could not extend his elbow because
its painful this pain refered to
a-C5 B- C6 C-C7 D-C8

*best muscle to strengthen for ascending stair and initiating stand

up from sitting is
a-Gluteus maximums b-Quadriceps c-Hamstring d- Soleus

which of the following not needed in testing splenius capitus ms

a-Head flexion b -head extension c -head rotation d - head lateral
coupling media of US Which of the following of least effect
a-liquid paraffin b-Aquasonic Gel c-KY Gel d-Creams

which muscle used in swimming

a- pectoralis minor b- serratus anterior c- teres minor d- latissmus

patient is suffering from pain at the insertion of this muscle, the

diagnosis is
-rotator cuff tear -infraspinatus tendinitis -supraspinatus tendinitis

which of following not needed in testing splenius capitus ms?

a-head flexion b-head extension c-head rotation d-head lateral

patien during use of tradmail complains of chest pain the

physiotherapist call for cardiologist because he suspect angina
pectoris as the pain was :
A sever strapping pain in chest B pain at chest radiating to left
shoulder &arm
C pain at apex of heart D pain in chest radiatig to both medial
&lateral pectoral region

abnoral pattern of gait that not occur in Parkinson d is

A festinating gait B Propulsive gait C retropulsive gait D high
steppage gait

chronic inflammation of inner most layer of arteries is called

A thrombosis B plaque C atherosclerosis D neuritis

patient with left above knee amputation complains of phantom limb

pain. simply that means :
a- Dull aching pain at the thigh of the diseased side
B-distressing pain sensation felt by patients in the limb that is no longer
c- pain is described variously as cramping,squeezing, burning, sharp and

What muscle make lateral rotation of Humeral :

a-Pectoral major b-Tears minor c-Tears major d-Rotator

TYPE OF ex WHICH MS cannot stretch over two joint muscle at

same time
a-active insuffiency b-passive insuffiency c-isometric cont

which of following not needed in testing the scalene ms

a-head flexion b-head extension c-head rotation d-head lateral

which of following not needed in testing the sternocledomastoid

a-head flexion b-head extension c-head rotation d-head lateral

problems interfere with growth bone is due to decrease

a-a b-b c-k d-d

shortness of whitch muscle cause limitation in shoulder abduction

and latral rotation
a-pectoralis major b-serratus ant c-sub scapularis d-teres

the type of exercise where distal part is fixed and proximal part
moving over distal part
a-open packed position b-closed packed position c-curcit ex d-
isometric ex

what is not correct about bone

a-contain 90% of inorganic tissues b-compose of 2 typese sponge
c-bone is hard d-has blood supply,nerve endings

patient has C V A and middle cerebral artery affected whitch part

will have the best complete recovery
a-shoulder b-elbow c-hand d-hip

anterior horn cell in gray matter not include

a-ventral root b-alpha motor neuron c-gamma motor neuron d-
sensory neuron

when o2 demand in heart decrease what happened?

a-decrease HR multiplied by systolic pressure b-decrease
diastolic pressure
c-increase coronary arteries d-increase HR
multiplied by systolic pressure

absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle

a-slower than in skeletal muscle b-contain whole systole and begging
of diastole c……..

parkinsonism patient has complain of falling and decreased

balance what will you do
a-lowering COG b-decrease BOS c-traction d- passive movement

patient during walking raise his hip to clear toes from ground due to
a-paralysis of dorsiflexors b-paralysis of planter flexors c-paralysis
of quadriceps
patint has lung cancer and make right lung pneumoectomy this
leading to except
a-decrease vital capacity b-decrease residual volume c-increase tidal
volume d-rt shift of trachea

Patient has chondromalacia chontraindicated to use?

a-mobalization b-taping , bandage c-strengh hamstring

muscle make elbow flexion from neutral position

Brachioradialis ……..

function of golgi tendon organ

A-detect muscle stretch b- detect muscle tention

-type of exercise where training occur in sequence

a-open packed position b-closed packed position c-curcit ex d-
isometric ex

injury to long thoracic nerve leading to weakness of

a-pectoralis major b-serratus ant c-sub scapularis d-teres major

winging of scapula due to weakness of

a-pectoralis major b-serratus ant c-sub scapularis d-teres

protraction and retraction of shoulder occurs at

a-glenohumeral joint b-scapulothoracic interface d-
acromioclavicular joint

hyaline cartilage innervated by

a-blood vessels b-synovial fluid c-epiphyseal growth

*therapist measure target heart rate to determine

a-frequency of exercise b-intenisty of exercise c-duration of
exercise d-type of exercise

therapist use electrical method for pumping action with limb

elevated and compressed to
a-decrease edema b-increase circulation c-increase venous return

which action not needed during test of longssimus capitus

a-extension b-flexion c-sidebending d-rotation

which statement in correct about prevenion of D.V.T

A-use elasting stocking b- abdominal binder c-put patient with
head elevated

FRACTURE GALLZI which is not correct

a-fracture of raduis and sublaxtion of ulna b- fracture of ulna and
sublaxtion of radius c-its occur by falling

which part not included in posterior neck triangle*

a-clavicle b-trapezuis c-strenoclidomastoid d-sternum

nerve supply to deltoid

a-axillary nerve b-suprscapular c-long thoracic d-
which of this muscle not found in rotator cuff :
a- teresmajor b- suraspinatus c- infraspinatus d- subscapularis

Burger’s disease associated with

a- smoking b- elderly people c- pregnancy women

SA nod location
a- R atrium b- R ventricle c- L atrium d- L ventricle

sudeck’s atrophy :which is not true

- Sever burning pain - Sympathetic hyperactivity - Trophic changes
occur - More perspiration

deformity associated with coll’s fracture

- Dinner fork deformity - Pes planus - Talipus equinovarus

PT is assessing a patient’s ability to perform basic activities of daily

living. The assessment tool chose by PT measures bathing,
toileting, dressing, transfers, continence and feeding. The tool does
not assess the patient’s ability to maneuver in a wheel chair The
therapist is using which of the following tests?
A. Barthel Index C. Kenny Self-Care
B. Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living D. Functional Status Index

when the fracture accurse in neck of humerus what nerve affected

Redial N Median N Ulnar N Subcotenuis nerve

prosthesis means
a-field which fabricate devices to replace missing limb b-persons
who fabricate prosthesis
c-extenl device support existing limb d-field which fabricate any
type of supporting devices

which statement in correct about prevenion of D.V.T

A-use elasting stocking b-abdominal binder c-put pationt with
head elevated

o.A in old age due to:

a- traumatic b- tesr and wear process

artial blood pressure means

a-difference between systole and dystole c-max blood comes from
ventricles at end of dystole
b- lat pressure exerted on artial pressure d- max blood comes from
ventricles at beginning of systole

all of these are non equilibrinm-coordination tests except

a-finger to finger b-jumping 3-grasp 4-jogging

the most important factor to TTT endurance :

a-intensity b-duration of TTT c-repetitions per set

patient suffering from pain insartion of this muscle the diagnosis:

a-rotator cuff tear b-infra spinatus tendindinits c-surpaspination

radial nerve injury due to

a-proximal part of humers b-ahaft of humers c-surgical neck of

which movement not accompony with hyper extension of cervical

a-poking chin b-decrease flexion lower cervical region c-increase
activity of SCM & levator scapulae

*patient with disc herniation and decrease back motion PT ASSIST:

a-sterocostal angle b-lumbosacral angle c-cobbs angle d-cubitis

type of cont which entire MS acting over two joint:

a-active insuffiency b-passive insuffiency c-isometric cont

Which not complication in spinal cord injury

A- Bed sores B- Ortho static hypo tension C- Systemic hyper
tension D- Hyper reflexia

which decrease edema


to decrease edema
A- H.V.P.C(high voltage pulsed current) B- Rectingular mono fasic

Pt complain of pain in the hip region from 3years increasing. Whith

time &WB its
A- O.A of hip joint B- Tight hip flexor C- Trocantric bursitis

*all is true about med. meniscus except

A- More injured than B- Absorb of about 90% of load on knee
joint C- Injury from hyper ext injury

*M.s responsible forgetting up from sitting &climing stair &walking

oninclining surface
A- Glut.max B- Q.c C- Tensor fascia lata

*Burgers disease pt complain of pain after walking in calf m.s in ttt

your goal is to
A- Decrese m.s spasm B- Strength hamstring C- Increase venous

all of the following in the shoulder complex except ?

A- Sterno-claviculer joint B- Acromio-clavcular joint C- Gleno-
humeral joint D- Costo-strrnal joint

all of the following in the gait cycle except

A- Swing phase B- Mid swing C- Initial contact D- Heal flat

the ability of the posture to modify external inviroment and

pneserve aligment of one body part to another?
A- Postural control B- Strength C- Balance

PNF initially voulantny relaxation then passive or active assisted

contration and lastly resistive mov it’s
A- Rhythmic intiation B- Rhythmic stabilization C- Contract-relax
D- Hold-relax

Cardiac output means ?

A- Blood pumped from ventricle / min B- Blood pumped from
ventricle /beat
C- Blood still in ventricle during systole D- Blood still in ventricle during

ex’s do with optimal performance and max capacity with well being
is ?
A- Fitness B- Power C- Co-or diration

internal rot & ext.rot on which plane can performed

- Longitudinal plane around horizontal axis - Axial plane around
horizontal axis.

in ttt chondromalacia which not needed?

A- S.W B- Manipulation C- Bandaging D- Strength hamstring

R-C Scoliosis we find?

A- Lateral trunk flexion & concave side to RT B- Lateral trunk flexion
&convex side to RT
C- Lateral trunk flexion &convex side to LT D- Lateral trunk flexion &
shorten RT musculature

whichis incorrect about spasticity

A- In C.P child B- There’s hyper reflex C- In L.M.N lesion

Pt of bells palsy long time treated with (E.S) you

A- M.S weakness B-no change C-fibrosis in the affected side

motor unit contain

A- Motor neuron and their axons & all m.s supplied B- Motor neucli in
A.H.C & axons supply m.s
C- Motors neucli in P.H.C &axons supply m.s

patellar tendon loading-orthosis which isn’t correct?

A- Carry proximal leg load B- Carry 50% of load C- assistive elbow
cruches D- Decrese load in hip joint

sudden after using (E.S) in back pain there’s irritable sensation you
A- Decrease pulse duration B- Continue ttt C- Switch of the device

heating with (E.S) witch not correct?

A- V.D B- V.D metabolic-rate C- Decrease m.s spasm
D- V.C

YEARS FEMALE hs acute sever RH.ARTHRITIS Physiotherapy in

future do strengthening ex which one is better
a-isometric exer b-isotonic ex c-iso kinetic ex d-immobilization
Blood pressure is( arterial blood pressure)
a) Differencde between systole & diastole b) Latral pressure exerted on
arterial wall

shortness of whitch muscle cause limitation in shoulder abduction

and latral rotation
a-pectoralis major b-serratus ant c-sub scapularis d-teres

when evaluation inspiration capacity using spirometer :

a- max inspiration after normal expiration b-- max inspiration after max
c—normal inspiration after normal expiration

one of these electrical st.methods does not stimulat denervated

a- high voltage interrupted long duration b- TENS c- Galvanic d-

Patient with DM, the exercise benefit :

a- Not affect b- Increase uptake of glucose by ms

motor unit is :
A motor neuron and all muscle fiber supplied by it B motor neucli of
ant spinal segment and axons branches
C sensory nuclei of posterior spinal segment and axons branches

chronic inflammation of inner most layer of arteries is called

A thrombosis B plaque C atherosclerosis

other name of fracture head of radius is

A Galeazzi fracture B Colles' fracture C Monteggia fracture

patient with emphysema and has brallel chest which statement

document it:
a-depreesed ribs ange b-increase transverse diameter
c-decrease ant post diameter d-increase intercostal space

what the other name of fracture raduis

a-no name b-pontine fracture c-bennt fracture d-colles fracture

when evaluating Parkinson’s pt ;you observed uniform muscle

resistance ; this means :
a- cogwheel rigidity b- leadpipe rigiditiy c- spasticity

ankylosing means :
a- loosed packed position b- joint stiffness c –closed packed

pt complain of groin pain with limited abduction with external

rotation ; you expect the diagosis is :
a-inguinal hernia b- adductor strain c- abductor sprain d-
external obliques weakness

which muscle make shoulder ;flexion ;external rotation”:

a- subscapularis b- teres major c- teres minor d- pectoralis

which of the following muscles compress the checks ;

a- buccinators b- corregator c- frontalis d- depressor angulii

which of the following Draws the eyebrow downward and inward,

with vertical wrinkles:
a- buccinators b- corregator c- frontalis d- depressor angulii

which of the following Closes the jaw:

a- masseter b- levator lipii c- mentalis d- orbicularis oris

which muscle Raise the skin of the chin.:

a- buccinators b- levator libii c- mentalis d- platysma

which muscle Close and protrude the lips, as in whistling:

a- masseter b- mentalis c- orbicularis oris d- depressor libii

in ttt of parkinsonion’s pt :
a- strengthening of elongated muscles and stretching of rigid flexors
b- strengthening of elongated muscles and stretching of rigid extensors
c- strengthening of flexors & extensors d- none of the the above .

when evaluation inspiration capacity using spirometer :

a- max inspiration after normal expiration b-- max inspiration after
max expiration
c—normal inspiration after normal expiration

which muscle act in Medial rotation,adduction and extension of

shoulder joint:
a- pectoralis minor b- serratus anterior c- teres minor d- latissmus

All the following is true about ligaments except ,

A high collagen content B laxity lead to hyper mobility
C connect on bone to another D usually heals fast and need not

All of the following is clinical features in fracture neck of femur

a-pain in hip region b-abduction of leg c-shortness of the limb
d- lateral rotation of the leg

when u pushing automobile with shoulder flexion ,elbow extended

the main muscle of action is
a-serratus anterior b biceps brachial c pectorals major d-triceps

pt with new sci reffered to u for prevention of bed rest complication

which not included in your program
a passive movement b elastic bandaging for prevention of deep
venous thrombosis
c alternative positioning to avoid bed sources d respiratory ex

acromegaly is due malfunction of

A pituitary gland B thyroid gland C thymus

patient reffered to u post lamectoy operation for physio therapy

with examination found heave adhesions over operative region best
modalty to soften this scar is
A us B sw C hot backs D ir

pt is refferd to physio dept wih diagnosis of flexion deformity of rt

knee with examination we will found
A flexion knee +planter flexion +shortening of qudricepes
B flexion knee +dorsi flexion +shortening of hamstring
C flexion knee +no ankle changes +shortening of quadriceps
D flexion knee +planter flexion +lenghing of soles

22-a 65 years old pt wuth well treated collas fracture ,few monthes
later came with sever pain in hand with coldness color changes . x
ray show big callus around radial head???not remember This may
be due to :
A osteoarthritis of wrist B prearticular ossification C psuede's

pattelar tendon loading orthosis from choice

A reduce stress on hip by 50 % B can uses with assitive devices of
both hands C carry overall leg st/

the angle between longitudinal axis passing throw fermal neck and
longitudinal axis of fumer is decreased in the case of :
A genu valgum B genu varum C genu recurvatum D coax

pt sufrring from weakness of biceps brachials the corresponding

myotome is
A B c5 C c6 D longthoacic nerve

other name of fracture head of radius is

A Galeazzi fracturea B Colles' fracture C Monteggia fracture

prevention of transmission of pain beyond the dorsal horn

A-peripheral n injury B-gate control theory C-spinal cord injury D-
opiate theor

about Tennis elbow all the following is true except

A also called lateral epichondylitis B precipated by ulnar neuritis C
usually occur in dominant side

patiet first time prosthesis wear with sever pain at stump sit what
will u do
a- ask pt not to wear prosthesis till meet prosthesis b assure the pt it
normal and he will adapt it
c ask the pt to meet his physician d ask pt to meet prosthesitist with
continue wearing it

type of ex in which entir muscle is lengthening against external

A eccentric B concentric C closed chain ex D Open chain ex
paralysis of all intrinsic muscles of hand except ab po br
A median n B ulnar n C radial n

Pt walk with extended back during bearig on leg & difficulty go up

ramp this your plain is to
A stretching hip ex B Strengthening hip ex C Strengthening knee
flexor D Stretching knee flexor

pt with nerological condition with evaluation foud is unable to

perform movement ,afteral repetition with adequate est period
comes normal this pt is
A mythenia graves B myopathy C hyprertonia

which action not needed during test of longssimus capitus

a-extension b-flexion c-sidebending d-rotation

before provide ex programe must do WARM UP its benefit

a-pooling of venous blood b-increase O2 demand of heart c-
decrease 02 deficiency

patient with controlled diabetus mellitus adviced with exercise

a-increase blood glucose uptake by ms b-no effect c-increase insulin

doctors see on patients door word(terminal illness) what does this

a-disease with eldery people b-with adult people c-irrevsable course
d-neurologic origin

arterial blood pressure means

a-difference between systole and dystole c-max blood comes
from ventricles at end of dystole
b-lat pressure exerted on arterial pressure d-max blood comes
from ventricles at begining of systole

which statement in correct during training with cane up and down

a-unaffected leg put first during upstairs b-unaffected leg put
down during up stairs
c-affected leg put first in down stairs d-affected and cane
becomes after unaffected leg during downstairs

*which statement is incorrect about golgi tendon organ

a-it monitor muscle lenghth b-its affected by muscle contraction
c-its more scattered in tendon d-its in the same sreies of muscle

name of muscle cell is

a-sarcomere b-actin c-myosin d-no name


A=contralateral leg b-ipsilateral leg c-ipsilateral arm
what of these statement NOT prameters of functional skeletal
muscle function
a-balance b-produce force c-joint mobility d-endurance

inner most layer of heart is

a-myocarduim b-epicarduim c-endocarduim

most compression site of ulnar nerve in

a-shoulder jt b-spinal groove of humerus c-elbow d-wrist


a-fracture of medial epcondyle of humerus c-fracture lower third of
b-fracture of lat epicondyle of humerus d-surgical neck

radial nerve injury due to fracture of

a-proximal part of humerus b-shaft of humerus c-surgical neck of

which movement not accompany with hyper extension of cervical

a-poking chin b-decrease flex of lower cervixcal region c-increase
activity of SCM AND levator scapulae

which statement in correct grade poor means

a-no flicker contraction b-movement with full R.O.M with
counterbalance gravity
c-patient against resistance through full R.O.M

orthotics means
a-field which fabricate devices to replace missing limb b-persons who
fabricate prosthesis
c-extenl device support existing limb d-field which fabricate any
type of supporting devices

which statement in correct about prevenion of D.V.T

A-use elasting stocking b-abdominal binder c-put pationt with
head elevated

which is not correct about GALLZI FRACTURE

A-fracture of raduis and sublaxtion of ulna b- fracture of ulna and
sublaxtion of radius c-its occur by falling

patient with emphysema and has brallel chest which statement

document it
a-depreesed ribs angle b-increase transverse diameter
c-decrease ant post diameter d-increase intercostal space

patient with depression of metatrsal pad and claw toe the clinical
a-hyperext of metatarsal bone and ext of I.P.JT B-FLEX of
metatarsal bone and ext of I.P JT
C-ABDOF metatarsal bone AND FLEXION I.PJT D-hyper ext of
metatarsal bone and flex of I.P JT

PATIENT move crutches first then move legs to them

a-swing through b-swing to c-2 point gait

what the other name of fracture raduis

a-no name b-pontine fracture c-bennt fracture d-colles

patient suffer from double vision means

a-hemianopia b-anomia c-diplopia d-agnosia



50-which statement not correct about fracture neck offemur

a-its fatal b-need arthoplasty
c-lead to avascular necrosis d-occur mostlu in children

pastient with prosthesis has excessive flxion durng gait due to

a-rigid S.A.C.H B-SOFT S.A.C.H C-the socket too big

what is correct about sup abdominal reflex innervation

a-T7-T9 B-T11-T12 C-T6-T8

PATIENT ASK TO DO FLEX wrist and adduct it




60 YEARS FEMALE hs acute sever RH.ARTHRITIS PT in future do

strengthining ex which one is better
a-isometric ex b-isotonic ex c-iso kinetic ex d-immobilization

closed pack position of knee is

a-ext knee b-flex knee c-ext knee with lat tibial rot

The angle between Neck of femur and Shaft of femur :

90 Degree 120 Degree 150 Degree 170 Degree

What the true about apex of heart :

Is downwards of the left side Is downwards of the
right side
3rd degree of intercostals ribs in line of sternum 5th degree of ribs

What is not true about spine bifida :

Inadequate of folic acid intake Diagnostic of fatel by
The injury related of degree of affect of spine Major affected of
thoracic regain

Acromegaly is due malfunction of :

Pituitary gland Thyroid gland

What muscle make lateral rotation of Humeral :

Pectoral major Tears minor Tears major Rotator cuff

*The therapist treatment patient by phototherapy what this modality

Low Laser therapy Fluid Therapy Ultrasound TENS

patient is suffering from pain at the insertion of supraspinatus

muscle, the diagnosis
- rotator cuff tear - infraspinatus tendinitis - supraspinatus

arterial blood pressure means

a-difference between systole and dystole ? b-lat pressure
exerted on arterial pressure
c-max blood comes from ventricles at end of dystole d-max blood comes
from ventricles at begining of systole

WHICh statement incorrect about BROWN SEQUARD SYNDROME

a-ipsilateral babinski sign b-ipsilat loss of pain and temp c-
contralat loss of pain and temp

Abduction to Adduction in which plan occurs

From segital plan to coronal plan From coronal plan to segital plan
From longitudinal to transverse

history of foot ball players has injured by twisted knee and take out
of game and after little time it swelling and warm . after few days it
locks during climbing stairs and painful and cannot put full weight
in walking :
patella fracture tibia fracture MCL rupture Rupture of
something of fibers

Patient with facial palsy in LT side he cannot make horizontal Lt

lateral side by eye which ms affected
LT latralies RT latralies Rt mediales 1 and 3 both right

myositis ossificans most affected

wrist Jt Elbow Jt Shoulder Jt Knee Jt

Reflex of quadriceps ms
L4 L5 S1 S2

to strenth tipialis anterior muscle you should?

a-maintain D.F and walking some steps on heel b-walking on toes
c-sit at edge of plinth. rest foot on ground and dorsi flex to the full D.F

A pitcher is exercising in a clinic with a sports cord mounted

behind and above his head. The pitcher simulates pitching motion
using the sports cord as resistance. Which proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) diagonal is the pitcher using to
strengthen the muscles involved in pitching a baseball?
A. D1 extension B. D1 flexion C. D2 extension D. D2 flexion.

What is the closed-packed position of the shoulder?

. Inter rotation and abd . Exter rotation and abd . Inter rotation and
add -Exterl rotation and add

treat effectively most patients with Parkinson’s disease,

thetherapist should emphasize which proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) pattern for the upper extremities?
A. D2 extension B. D2 flexion C. D1 extension D. D1 flexion

67-year-old woman presents to an outpatient facility with a

diagnosis of right adhesive capsulitis. The therapist plans to focus
mostly on gaining abduction range of motion. In which direction
should the therapist mobilize the shoulder to gain abduction range
of motion?
A. Posteriorly B. Anteriorly C. Inferiorly

which statement is incorrect about golgi tendon organ

a-it monitor muscle lenghth b-its affected by muscle contraction
c-its more scattered in tendon d-its in the same sreies of muscle

-the name of muscle cell

a-sarcomere b-actin c-myosin d-no name

patient with C.V.A damage LT ANTERIOR CEREBRAL

a-contralateral leg b-ipsilateral leg c- ipsilateral arm

-radial nerve injury due to fracture of

a-proximal part of humerus b-shaft of humerus c-surgical neck
of humerus


a-fracture of medial epcondyle of humerus b-fracture of lat epicondyle
of humerus
c-fracture lower third of humerus d- surgical neck

which muscle Raise the skin of the chin

a-buccinators b-levatorlibii c-mentalis d-platysma

electrotherapy has physiological effect of heat that not dependant

on which of the following
A - type of the wave b- size of the area to be treated
c – duration of the application d – way application

Legg calve perthe's disease -

a- vascular necrosis of femoral head ….

muscle that moves angle of mouth inferior and back

a- Platysma b- Mentalis c- Masseter

A patient with adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint should

demonstrate the greatest limitation of motion when performing
A. flexion. B. abduction. C. medial rotation. D- lateral rotation.
with controlled diabetus mellitus adviced with exercise patient
a-increase blood glucose uptake by ms b- NO effect c-increase
insulin metabolism

which of the following Draws the eyebrow downward and inward,

with vertical wrinkles:
a- buccinators b- corregator c- frontalis d- depressor angulii

Monteggia fracture means which of the following

a – # of the radius and sublaxation of the lower end of ulna c– fracture
of the radioulnar joint
b – # of the ulna with radial head sublaxation d- green stalk
fracture with minor angulation

best muscle to strengthen for ascending stair and initiating stand

up from sitting is
a- Gluteus maximums b- Quadriceps c- Hamstring d- Soleus

WHICH IS not correct about hip during gait

a-max hip flexio occur in terminal swing b-slight hip extension before
c-hip extension occur during double limb support

C.O.G during locomotion observation can change the gait dueto

a-c.o.g go upward and oblique to stance phase c-side to side
b-downward during double limb support d-move forward
and backward

cardiac and normal person can achieve goal from training ex by

a-decrease o2 consumption at max ex level b-decrease o2
c-increase indurance and capacity for ex training

ex which occur in round and consist of continuous training

a-open kinematic chain b-close kinematic chain c-circuit training

which is CORRECT ABOUT patellar tendon bearing orthosis

a-increase loading of proximal leg b-suspect decrease 50 load %
c-unload of hip jt d-use with elbow assistive device

during ex theres subtalar pronation that’s mean

a-femur,tibia,pelvic internal rotation b-femur,tibia,pelvic ext rot
c-femur ,tibia int rot with pelvic ext rot d-femur ,tibia internal rot with
pelvic int rot

which is correct about volkmans ischemic contracture

a-affect flexor of forearm b-affect palmar fascia c-lead to ulnar

Parasympathetic action of heart

a-decrease hert rate from 120 ppm to 70 ppm b-increase in female
more than male
c-decrease in adults more than child d-decrease in athelets
more than athelets

supracondyler ridge of humerus injury to

a-radial nerve b-brachial c- radial

patient has scoliosis c on rt thoracolumbar we found

a-lat flexion of thoracolmbar on rt convex b-lat flexion and lt convex
c-lat flex and concave on lt side

person fall on lat aspect of shoulder last thing occur is

a-dislocation scjoint b-dislocate acromio clavicular g=jt
c-# medial cdlavicle d-#middle third of clavicle

pat has chronic brachialgia which BEST tens use

a-conventional b-low freq c-burst d-intense

pt close his eyes and move his shoulder and then ask him about
degree and postion of limb so we test
a-light touch b-fine touch c-propioception

burger disease lead to leg pain so ur goal to decrease pain is

a-open collaterals b-increase venous return c-decrease leg spasm
to decrease pain

rheumatoid arthritis
a-cold limb b-radial deviation c-pain ,wet ,swelling

for denervated ms we use at least

A-10 m.sec B-50 m.sec C-100 m.sec D-300 m.sec

which is not correct of spina bifida

a-motor paralysis according to level of lesion b-affect thoracic spine
c-dueto decrease folic acid d-detected by

ttt of parkinsonism patient depends on

a) Stretch strong flexor muscle & strength weak extensors
b) Elongate strong extensor & strength flexor muscle

Apraxia means
a) Inabilty to do purpose full movement b) Slowness of movement

Blood pressure is
a) Differencde between systole & diastole b) Latral pr exerted on
arterial wall

Which is correct about Golgi

a) Detect limb inspace b) Detect muscle length c) Detect ms

Pt has 32 years with spinal deformity & dyspnea due to :

a) Muscle weakness b) Spinal orthosis c) Decrease lung volume

# of thumb affected :
a) Abductor policis longus b) Extensor policis longus
– which ms not related to rotator cuff :
a)Teres minor b) Teres major c) Supra spinatous

Pt cannot raise hand in abduction or mentain abduction position

due to:
a) Adhesive capsulitis b) Supra spinatous tendenitis c) Rotator
cuff tear

reynads disease : which skin color

a) Bilateral asymmetrical b) Unilateral asymmetrical
c) Latral asymmetrical d) Asymmetrical & cyanosis

*Type of laser used in PT ttt

a) High b) Soft c) Mid

Heat produced by electrical stimulation not depends on :

a) Size of ttt area b) Method od application c) Shape of wave

most compression site of superfacial peroneal nerve is :

a) Latral condyle of femure b) Latral head of fibula

sciatic nerve injury due to

a) Post dislocate hip b- Ant dislocate hip

pt ask to go upstairs with crutch

a)Sound limb go up 1st b)Affected limb go up 1st

pt has cruciate ligament injury

a) Strength Quad b) hamstring c) Both

Above knee prothesis with pelvic band

Supraspinatus ms 4 quiz about it name, action, weakness
lead to , nerve supply
This is important pages to read
ms of face
To know ares & ms supplied by
This is important page to read
ms of shoulder

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