16,9.bill Bilderback Was Able To Determine The Activity Times For Constructing His Weed

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Bill Bilderback was able to determine the activity times for constructing his weed-
harvesting machine. Blinderback would like to determine ES,EF,LS,LF and slack for each
activity. The total Project completion time and the critical path should also be determined.
Here are the activity times:

Activity Time (weeks) Immediate Predecesor (s)

A 6 ----
B 5 ----
C 3 A
D 2 A
E 4 B
F 6 B
G 10 C,E
H 7 D,F

Anazando the times of each activity could determine the critical route by which you can
reduce the time of process, thus making the most effective in terms of time and money.
Also the route that was obtained was the A, C, G or the route B, E, G with an optimal time
of 19.
16.10. Riddick Wiring and Electric installs wiring and electrical fixtures in residential
construction. Anne Riddick has been very concerned with the amount of time it takes to
complete wiring Jobs. Some of her workers are very unreliable. A listo f activities and their
optimistic completion time, the most likely completion time and the pessinistic completion
time (all in days) are given in the table below. Determine the expected completion time and
variance for each activity.

Activity a m b
Predecossor (s)
A 3 6 8
B 2 4 4  
C 1 2 3  
D 6 7 8 C
E 2 4 6 B,D
F 6 10 14 A,E
G 1 2 4 A,E
H 3 6 9 F
I 10 11 12 G
J 14 16 20 C
K 2 8 10 H,I
According to the analysis of the activities and their respective times, it was determined that
the most optimal activities are C, D, E, F, H, K, in the previous image you can see the
variations in each activity and the completion time .

16,19. Bill Trigiero, director of personnel of TrigieroResources , Inc., is in the process.

Some of the activities include preparing resumes , writing letters, making appointments to
see prospective employers, researching companies and industries, and so on. Some of
the information on the activities appears in the following table:
The optimal route found was A, D, F, H, J, K, in addition, in the previous image you can
see the variance presented by the different activities, their optimal times for the activity.

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