Creating Secure Iot Systems: Radboud Universiteit
Creating Secure Iot Systems: Radboud Universiteit
Creating Secure Iot Systems: Radboud Universiteit
Erik Poll
Max Tijssen
Martin Sandren
March 3, 2017
1 Introduction 1
3 Related work 9
3.1 Literature on IoT (security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Different solutions for luggage tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.2 Current Baggage Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.3 TRACE ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.4 BagTrack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.5 EVIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.6 Track & Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 System Design and Implementation 31
6.1 System Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.2.1 Communication/Identification Technology . . . . . . . . . 32
6.2.2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.2.3 Passenger Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendices 54
.1 RFID Tags and Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
.2 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
I would like to warmly thank everyone who played a part in helping me create
this thesis.
Firstly I would like to thank Accenture and their security team for allowing
me to write this thesis during an internship at their company, as well as providing
me with all the help and tools I needed. Special thanks go out to Martin
Sandren, my supervisor at Accenture, our regular meetings helped make both
my internship as well as this thesis a success.
I would also like to thank Guido Pommer from Schiphol as well as Peter
Huisman from KLM. They were able to provide a unique and very relevant
perspective on this research.
Lastly I would like to give a special thanks to my academic supervisor Erik
Poll, of the Radboud University. Without his feedback and input this thesis
would not have been possible.
This thesis explores the security issues which arise when implementing an
IoT system. To this end we will implement an RFID system as a simplified
IoT example, and explore these issues this way. The research will also show
a number of different technologies available when implementing such a system,
showing their differences and why certain ones can be chosen over others for
certain functional or security requirements.
As stated the prototype IoT system will serves as a running example. The
system implemented serves as a way for passengers at an airport to track their
baggage after checking it in.
The findings of implementing this system, combined with a literature study
led us to find five main differences between IoT and traditional systems. Briefly
summarized these differences are the following:
1. Technical limitations of IoT devices.
2. Physical environment plays a larger role in IoT systems. Many compo-
nents of an IoT system will not be in a controlled environment.
The Internet of Things(IoT) is a relatively old concept [17] that is just now
starting to gain a lot of traction. By connecting all imaginable devices to the
Internet, from cameras and phones to fridges and wind turbines, people are
quickly coming up with new ways to use IoT to improve our quality of life.
A problem with this fast expanding sector is that security unfortunately
takes a backseat to functionality and cost of production. Most of the devices in
IoT systems are quite simple, but this does not at all mean they are harmless.
This is shown for instance by the recent large scale DDoS attack, which left many
major websites (Twitter, Amazon, PayPal, etc.), unreachable by flooding a key
DNS server [18]. For this attack a botnet was used which contained (among
other devices) improperly secured IoT devices, often with default passwords.
This highlights the importance of adequately securing IoT systems.
In this thesis we will be exploring how to design an IoT system in such a way
that it can be said to be reasonably secure. The primary research question of this
thesis is the following: What security concerns arise when implementing
an IoT system? This can be reduced to the following sub-questions:
smartphone to track when his bag has passed certain scanners in the system,
as a toy implementation. A cheap passive RFID-tag will be attached to every
bag entering the system, which can then be picked up by scanners set further
along the track. The reasoning for this technology can be found further on in
this thesis in Chapter 6.
It can be said that this system is not “true IoT”, or at least a quite simplified
version, since it is a closed system with a limited amount of readers, which only
communicate with one central application server. In a well set-up system this
server is the only device actually connected to the wider Internet. We feel this
does not hinder our goals, as the technological difficulties which would arise in a
more complex or widespread system would offer little new insight. The system
being rather straightforward helps both by reducing implementation time, as
well as making the research more compact and easy to follow.
As noted in sub-question 3. we will also be looking at some different tech-
nologies which can be used for an IoT system. The technologies we will examine
are: RFID, Visual Identification, NFC, Bluetooth Low Energy, Cellular, Lora
and SigFox. We will examine both constraints with regard to usability, as well
as looking at their differences regarding security aspects. For the security as-
pects we will mainly focus on their ability and ways to perform identification,
authentication, prevent unwanted tracking and confidentiality.This comparison
can be found in Chapter 4, and an overview table be found in Section 4.7.
Chapter 2
Background on IoT
(security) and RFID
Figure 2.1: Venn-Diagram showing the different visions of IoT, from [14].
IoT design processes. The devices involved will often have to be mass produced
cheaply, and there seems to be a general apathy towards security by consumers
when buying these devices. These two factors put together make it quite obvious
why producers would not be to interested in investing heavily in security. This
problem is further compounded by the fact that when the inevitable security
issues are found there is often no way to patch these devices.
IoT devices have also proven themselves as being an interesting target, not
necessarily for any data stored on them, but in order to use them as a further
vector in a DDoS attack. This was proven by the recent large scale DDoS attack
on a DNS server [18] which took down several large American based websites.
The overall lack of security (thus ease of hacking) and large number of IoT
devices naturally make them ideal targets to use in a botnet for these kinds of
attacks. A Gartner forecast strengthens this claim [24]:
By 2020, over 25% of identified attacks in enterprises will involve
IoT, although IoT will account for less than 10% of IT security
This also signals the need for increased spending on IoT security. This relates to
our previous point where we discussed cost often being seen as a more important
factor than security in IoT systems.
The last issue concerns the usage of many IoT systems. They will often be
systems which somehow compromise the privacy of their user by making them
trackable, either directly (tagged clothing) or indirectly (transportation). Due
to these privacy concerns the security of these systems should be paramount,
although as already mentioned, it unfortunately is not. A current major hurdle
to broad acceptance of IoT systems is trust from the users [14]. These privacy
concerns of course play a major role in this trust, so if IoT systems are to become
more widely accepted these concerns have to be addressed.
These factors combined indicate that security has to be a focus point in
the development of any IoT system, more so even than for other information
systems. This opinion is shared by the American Federal Trade Commission
which published a FTC staff report: “Internet of things: Privacy & security
in a connected world” [20] where they seek to inform producers of the possible
benefits, but also the risks of IoT systems.
2.2 RFID
As noted in the previous section, in an IoT system there are many (possible
different kinds of) devices. These devices have to somehow be identified in order
for the system to function. Radio Frequency IDentifiaction (RFID) technology
is one of the more common ways of doing this. Note that there are many other
technologies that are used in IoT systems for identification (as will be discussed
later on), as well as many other uses for RFID other than IoT systems. As
the name implies it uses radio wave communication to send data between two
devices. In the most simple use case a simple “tag” (often little more than
an antenna and a chip) sends an ID number stored in its memory to a more
complex reader in order for the tag to identify itself to the reader. Although
a fairly old concept (with earliest publication stemming from 1948 [10]) it has
only the last couple of decades really started to take off, due to advances in
overall computer capabilities and the ever decreasing size of transistors.
There are two variants of RFID devices: active and passive. Active devices
have their own power source, while passive ones rely on the energy they capture
through their antenna to power the chip. The passive chips either use magnetic
induction (near field) or electromagnetic waves (far field) to capture the energy
sent by the reader [11]. There are also three different frequency bands which
passive RFID uses. This frequency influences both its range as well as how
easily it penetrates materials. A general rule of thumb is that lower frequencies
lead to a better penetration of non-air mediums, but smaller read ranges. The
different types of passive devices and their ranges are the following:
• 125 - 134 KHz Low Frequency (LF): Range less than 10 cm, typically
around 1cm.
• 13.56 MHz High Frequency (HF): A range of about 10cm up to 1
meter. Note that this is the same frequency that NFC uses, and NFC
readers can also read these tags.
• 865- 960 MHz Ultra-High Frequency (UHF): A range of up to about
12 meters.
Powered devices operate on either 433 or 915 MHz, both of which have a
range of up to about 100 meters [15]. A functioning system will always exist of
either an active and a passive device (with the active one powering the passive
one), or two active ones. In either case there will always be a “Tag”, which sends
information, as well as a “Reader”, which reads it. Two-way communication is
possible (for instance for some authentication protocols), but for the most part
information travels only from the tag to the reader.
The active as well as the passive variants have their own use cases of course.
Active ones are often more expensive (and bulkier for protection), but also able
to communicate over larger distances and have a higher possible power usage.
They are perfect for identifying large expensive devices such as planes or cars.
Passives tags meanwhile are much cheaper and can easily be mass produced, to
be used for instance in retail industries to track stock and sales, as companies
like Wal-Mart are doing [11]. There are of course many different ways for RFID
technology to benefit a corporation(see [13] for a good overview) but they all
come down to somehow identifying (and possibly authenticating) some mobile
thing to a mobile or stationary reader.
The costs of an RFID system depend largely on the system being imple-
mented. Individual tags are extremely cheap (a few cents, up to a few dollars
for very heavy duty ones), while the readers are more expensive and cover a
wider price range, from ten dollars for a cheap featureless system to a few thou-
sand for a fully equipped industrial reader. Even with tags being as cheap as
they are they can still be the bottle-neck if you are identifying millions of items
(such as at an airport or large warehouse). In these scenarios the cost of the
readers is relatively minor, while the tags will make up the majority of the costs.
Obviously the inverse can also be the case, such as for the access-management of
a building. In this last example you will only need relatively few tags (as many
as their are people to identify) while, depending on the amount of entrances
and different areas within the building itself, you might need significantly more
RFID contains no inherent confidentiality or authentication, although indi-
vidual tags or readers may offer this. There is no direct link between type (un-
powered or powered) or frequency of the device and security features, although
there is some legacy of low frequency devices only being used for identification
and thus not having received much security attention. Each type of device in
theory has enough computational power to implement a algorithm like AES [28],
but it is not standard, so care has to be taken when a system requires this.
Unauthorized tracking is a major concern when dealing with RFID technol-
ogy. For the most part, RFID only serves to identify or authenticate a certain
device. It makes sense that if there is no confidentiality or reader authentication
involved that this same functionality can be used by unauthorized attackers to
track these devices.
The frequency chosen has a large impact on security because it determines
the range at which the tags can be read. Although from a usability perspective
a longer range might sound like an advantage, do keep in mind that this also
increases the range for eavesdropping or using illegitimate readers.
For a full technical specification of RFID see ISO 18000 [44], 14443 [45] and
15693 [46]. ISO 18000 is a set of a documents which describe RFID technologies
for item identification at five different frequency ranges. ISO 14443 and 15693
describe Proximity and Vicinity cards respectively. Proximity cards function
within 10cm and Vicinity cards 50cm. Furthermore security is more of a focus
in Proximity cards (ISO 14443), due to their uses.
A note about the ranges mentioned: using antennas specifically designed for
the purpose of capturing the radio waves used by RFID cards the range can
be further extended as shown in [48]. Here the authors managed to activate
and read the response of a ISO 14443 Proximity Card at a distance of 75cm.
The authors expect further distances can be reached by using Digital Signal
Processing. This means that when technologically advanced attackers are a
threat you can not trust upon the normal maximum ranges of RFID, or at least
this subset of the technology.
A good way to make sure a chosen system has certain security features in
place is by making sure it is compliant with ISO/IEC 29167 [43]. This ISO
standard defines for ISO 18000 the architecture for implementing security, as
well as providing a more general architecture for other RFID standards. Note
that ISO/IEC 29167 is split into multiple documents, each describing a different
possible security suite that can be used. The following suites are described:
• AES128
• CryptoGPS
• Grain-128A
• AES128-OFB
• Present-80
• Ramon
These suites are named after the cryptographic primitives which are used in
their protocols.
Be careful when selecting a suite, since they don’t necessarily offer the same
features. Some suites for instance only support tag authentication or don’t
have any encryption in place to facilitate confidentiality. For a full overview see
Table 4.1 on Page 24. Be warned that although the ISO gets cited as a way
of checking compliance it is quite difficult to find tags/readers which actually
implement this standard, or at least ones that advertise this fact. We hope that
in the future these standards would see more widespread use.
Chapter 3
Related work
This chapter serves as an overview of the work that has already been done on
our subject. We do this in two parts. First by giving an overview of existing
literature on IoT security. After this we showcase some other solutions already
developed and possibly on the market when it comes to tracking baggage at an
by step fashion. A more general overview of security in IoT is given by [19].
Gartner also has a forecast on how they expect IoT security budgeting and
threats to evolve [24]. A more academic view on IoT security is given in [33],
where the authors propose a systematic approach for looking at IoT security.
They do this by highlighting the tensions between different aspects of an IoT
system and capturing this in a model. For a much more complete overview of
the different guidelines about handling or implementing IoT systems see [55], a
recent blog post by Bruce Schneier.
Our own research contributes to the topic of IoT security by taking a dif-
ferent approach than these other sources. Where these sources follow a more
theoretical line of thinking, our own combines this approach with the practical
work of implementing a system. The findings about the difficulties of creating
secure IoT systems in this research stem from the design decisions taking dur-
ing implementation of our prototype system. We have also created an overview
of the different attributes of communication technologies, both security specific
and more general, which can aid academic and business personnel in choosing
a technology that fits their system requirements.
3.2.1 Overview
An overview of all of the solutions we will discuss can be found in Table 3.1. As
can be seen from this table, although the use of all these solutions is similar,
there are still significant differences. We argue that these differences are largely
caused by the technologies chosen. In the next chapter we will discuss these
(and other) technologies, and show these differences. See Sections 3.2.2 up to
3.2.6 for a more detailed description of these technologies.
Table 3.1: An overview of baggage tracking solutions
Technology System Owner Usage range
Visual identification
Base (no tracking) Airport Global
Visual identification
TRACE ME (cooperation Airport
from airport)
BagTrack RFID Airport Airport
GSM, GPS, Bluetooth &
EVIATE Passenger Global
70m range from
Track & Go Bluetooth Passenger
3.2.3 TRACE ME
TRACE ME luggage tracker ( is a solution devel-
oped by a British company by the same name. It consists of a barcode tag
that can be attached to your luggage, with a unique ID number. This system
relies on existing airport luggage tracking, which it communicates with through
SITA, the baggage tracking system used by the majority of major airports. It
then forwards this information onto the passenger, who can this way stay up to
date on where his bag is, depending on airport implementation. As such we feel
this is more a service, than truly a technical solution.
3.2.4 BagTrack
A very similar system to the one we plan to implement is BagTrack by Lyngsoe
Systems (
Implemented already at Hong Kong international airport, Milan, and Lisbon,
it uses RFID tags attached to the device and readers to track the passenger’s
luggage throughout the system. Although it is not claimed on the website itself
we believe the tags used are passive UHF ones, since these are the ones recom-
mended by the International Air Transport Association, which Lynggsoe claims
to abide by.
This system is designed to replace existing baggage handling systems. This
system is thus not only concerned with tracking baggage for the passenger, but
also for the airport itself, to use in for instance sorting.
3.2.5 EVIATE
The EVIATE system ( was developed by
the FastTrack company, in collaboration with (among others) Airfrance KLM. It
is a separate high tech device that has to be inserted into your bag during travel.
It allows for real time tracking of your luggage through GPS. It contains its own
power source (rechargeable batteries). Fastrack’s website claims EVIATE uses
GSM, GPS, Bluetooth & RFID, although it fails to mention which technology
is used for what purpose.
Besides tracking your luggage it also allows for some other features, such
as automatically shutting off when it arrives on the plane (to save power and
presumably complying with airline regulations) and alerting the passenger if his
luggage is opened.
The system is scheduled to be released somewhere in 2017, so some of the
details might be subject to change.
Chapter 4
Communication Technology
This chapter examines some of the technologies that could be used for our use
case, or similar use cases. These technologies all serve to facilitate the commu-
nication between different devices in IoT systems. The technologies we examine
are: RFID, Visual Identification, NFC, Bluetooth Low Energy, Cellular, Lora
and SigFox. There are of course many more technologies that could have been
used (for instance Wi-Fi, Zigbee and Satellite), but we chose the ones mentioned
since we felt they were the most relevant. Note that we evaluate the technologies
not only based on the specifications of our use case, but also their more general
Gathering the information for this chapter proved to be a more difficult
task than expected. Many of the technical specifications such as the range vary
widely depending on which vendor is making the claims, while clear descriptions
of security features were often even harder to find. Often it is easy to find some
promise of a system being “secure”, but it becomes necessary to dive into white
papers and technical manuals to find just what is meant by the system being
“secure”, and how these features are achieved.
case this would mean the reader also authenticates itself to the tag, so the
tag will only reveal its information or identity to a legitimate reader.
4.1.1 Layers
In our consideration of the technologies we focus on two different layers of the
software & communication stack, the “Application layer” and the “Transport
layer”. For a graphic representation of these layers see Figure 4.1. This model
is a very simplified version of the widely used OSI model [50]. The Application
Layer contains the application which you control, the Transport Layer is dictated
by the technology chosen, so mostly immutable.
Our comparison will focus on whether the Transport Layer has the security
features described in the previous section. There are a few reasons for this:
1. It is not always feasible to implement your own security protocols in the
application layer, due to shortcomings of the device. It might have enough
computing power in theory but have a high development cost due to having
to work with these limitations, or the limitations might be more strict
such as only being able to send packets of 12-bytes, and being limited
in the amount of packets you can send. The device might not even be
programmable at all, such as QR-codes or very basic RFID tags.
2. The ease of making mistakes when working with cryptology. Developing
an application without sufficient specific security knowledge, even when
using secure primitives, is likely to result in the end product containing
Figure 4.1: Layers for our technology comparison.
3. There are some things in the Transport Layer that can not be fixed in
the Application Layer. Often a packet being send by the Transport Layer
consists of a few parts, with the payload (which the application chooses)
only being one of these. If you are for instance interested in privacy and
want to make sure your messages cannot be linked to one another you
can not use a technology which packets contain some unique identifier.
Nothing you do on the Application Layer would fix this problem, since
you only control the payload.
4.3 NFC
NFC is a closely related to RFID technology [27], with NFC readers even being
compatible with some RFID tags. NFC, like the other technologies, serves to
allow wireless communication between two devices. Just like RFID the reader
can supply power to the card, or both can have their own power source [26].
NFC functions at the same frequency as High-Frequency RFID (13.56 MHz),
which means it only has a range of up to about 10cm. Because of the similarities
with RFID we won’t dive much further into technological descriptions.
What makes NFC unique is the number of devices which can function as a
reader, most brands of smart phone for instance. This leads to a technology
that is very consumer friendly, and less industry focused than RFID, with its
dedicated readers, of which the higher end ones can cost thousands of dollars.
Security in NFC is quite a hot topic with much academic research published
on it [26,40,41,48]. A full technical specification can be found in [47]. In this ISO
specification there is no mention of any encryption or authentication standard,
so this would have to be implemented in the Application Layer. Eavesdropping
is for this reason considered a significant threat in all of the research cited, since
it is quite cheap and easy to capture radio waves. An advantage NFC has in this
regard is that the range that the signal can be captured is quite small, according
to [40] 1m for passive and 10m for active devices.
Unauthorized tracking is in our opinion a major concern as well. Due to there
only being one-way authentication, it is trivial to use unauthorized readers in
key locations to track who goes where. It could be argued that with NFC this is
even easier than with visual identification, because the tags can be scanned even
when concealed. The range helps lessen this issue, but this could be overcome
by placing your readers in locations that you know people will be forced to be
close to, such as door frames.
up till 14 years, depending on the frequency of polling and the number of times
the slave can ignore a polling attempt, and thus not turn on its radio. These
factors combined lead to a choice about how often the slave has to respond,
from once every 7.5ms to once every 32 seconds. The power supply delivers 3V
and 220 mAh, which amounts to 660mW. Furthermore BLE can communicate
up to 58.48 kbps. These figures were taken from [21].
An interesting example of the BLE technology is called “BLE beacons”.
They are similar to masters in that they initiate communication but all they do
is simply periodically send an “advertisement” of where they are. These beacons
have a significantly higher range than conventional BLE slaves. Their signal can
then for instance be picked up by a mobile phone, which can use it to determine
its own position (with much better accuracy and coverage than something like
GPS could). An example of this being used in practice is Schiphol airport,
where the beacons can be used to navigate [22].
Security-wise BLE offers mostly everything that could be necessary. The
following facts were taken from the technical specifications of the Bluetooth
Protocol version 5.0 [34], as well as from a white paper published by the Blue-
tooth Special Interest Group describing the security that BLE offers [54]. Note
that BLE is described in the technical specification alongside the larger Blue-
tooth protocol. Authentication and Confidentiality is achieved through AES in
CCM mode. BLE uses three different cryptographic keys (all three unique per
device, and generated on the device). They are used for the following:
• Confidentiality of data and device authentication
• Authentication of unencrypted data
• Device Identity
The pairing of devices is done by entering a code generated by the master
into the slave. This is necessary for the other security features, since it is
used to create the shared symmetric key between the two devices. The goal of
this pairing is to prevent passive eavesdropping, as well as man-in-the-middle
There are even some precautions to prevent unauthorized tracking of BLE
devices, thus increasing privacy. This is done by frequently changing the address
(identity) of the BLE device, which means that the device has to be re-identified
by the tracker each time it changes, complicating the process of unauthorized
Of the technologies discussed BLE is the only one where pairing is a part
of the communication process. The other technologies are either too simplistic
(visual ID), designed to work with a wide variety of scanners (RFID, NFC) or
simply designed not to require pairing (Lora, SigFox, Cellular).
Internet access. This way virtually any device can obtain Internet access, and
thus communication abilities, anywhere there is cellular coverage.
A large advantage of the cellular network is coverage. This network can
be connected to in nearly any civilized part of the world, the exception being
very rural areas. A possible difficulty with the coverage lies in the fact that
although many areas are potentially covered, some interference (tunnels, thick
walls, etc.) can block the signal, with no easy way to boost it yourself, apart
from convincing the telecommunication companies from building another tower.
Throughput on the other hand is another great advantage of cellular networks,
with 4G networks being able to reach up to 1 Gbps.
The major drawback in using cellular services lies in the price. Although
the hardware needed to connect is not that expensive (antenna), you need a
subscription in order to connect to the local telecommunication network, where
prices vary greatly. This price is aimed at having maybe one or two devices per
person which connect to the network and use it extensively, making it a rather
poor choice for many IoT use-cases, since you will often have many devices using
only very limited bandwidth.
A possible way of reducing these costs is using GPRS [56] instead of a more
expensive protocol like 4G. GPRS is a service which allows 2G and 3G pro-
tocol using devices to send IP-packets through the standard GSM network to
the wider Internet. A downside of GPRS is that it functions as as best-effort
service, so there are no guarantees on latency or throughput, as well less error
correction. The throughput when using GPRS is also rather low compared to
the 4G network, with speeds only reaching up to 100 kb/s The major advantage
in pricing comes from the fact that you are charged per MB used, instead of
a flat subscription service with a cap. The price per MB is significantly more
expensive (roughly a euro per MB) than a subscription where you can use a
capped amount of GB per month, but the total costs will still be much lower
when only using a few MB. If the IoT device in question does not need to send
a lot of data you could this way end up paying significantly less. An example
of GPRS being used for cost saving reasons can be found in [57], where GPRS
was found as a cost-effective way to communicate between a GPS system and a
web server.
Security wise is it quite hard to make assumptions about the cellular network.
Eavesdropping on standard GSM (voice) data is quite possible using open-source
software and relatively cheap hardware [42]. The security of mobile data is more
up for debate, due to the many different protocols available (2G,3G,4G etc.), as
well as differences between carriers in what kinds of encryption or authentication
are used. Fortunately there are standard protocols which can be used on top
of the communication layer (TLS, IPSEC, etc.) which can be used to create a
secure tunnel, even over a insecure network. Although it could be argued that
this is true for all technologies mentioned, cellular is one of the only ones with
the throughput necessary to guarantee these function properly.
Trackability is a major concern when using cellular networks. When com-
municating over GSM, the authentication process includes sending the identity
of mobile system [58]. GSM attempts to fix this by introducing Temporary
Mobile Subscriber Identifiers, which is a good first step, but the problem is that
when switching the phone on the base-identity is send out, so someone tracking
a device from power up can still easily track this. These concerns are of course
only made more severe by the great range of cellular devices.
Anyone seeking to use cellular networks for an IoT system would do well
to carefully examine just over what carrier and using what protocol the data
will travel. Also keep in mind that using mobile devices it might be possible
to switch carriers when changing locations, possibly exposing your system to
for instance weakened encryption. Many of these concerns can be alleviated by
using the protocols described earlier to create a secure tunnel.
Figure 4.2: Lora Architecture. From [7].
Figure 4.3: Map of The Things Network coverage in Europe.
Numbers indicate Gateways. From:
through the Lora network to be confidential, as well as authenticated. Integrity
is assured by the use of MAC values.
There does seem to be some possibility of tracking Lora devices. As part
of the header of any message send by the end-device to the Gateway is the
DevAddr, which is the address of the device in the current network [59]. From
our understanding this part of the message is not encrypted, and can thus be
intercepted and read. The fact that this key is unique per network does increase
the difficulty of tracking, since devices which switch networks will also switch
key, so continuous tracking would be necessary.
Finding information about security features of Sigfox was the most difficult
out of all technologies. From what we can gather Sigfox does do message authen-
tication using Message Authentication Codes (MACs) made with a unique sym-
metric key on the device [37]. They call this “AES encrypted signatures” [49],
but we feel this term is a little misleading due to the fact that signature seems
to imply asymmetric cryptography, which is not the case. The receiver de-
crypts the MAC and authenticates the sender to itself, as well as checking the
message integrity. The message itself does not seem to be encrypted. Instead
Sigfox relies on two tricks to increase the difficulty of eavesdropping: channel-
hopping and communicating over the Ultra Narrow Band(UNB) [38, 39]. We
feel these techniques are not nearly sufficient to protect against eavesdropping.
Channel-hopping can be trivially circumvented by listening to all channels, and
the equipment used simply has to able to receive UNB. For these reasons we
expect tracking to be possible, as long as the messages contain some device
identification. Note that our sources for this information are a forum post, a
sales pitch and a blog post, so they are of questionable quality, but they were
the best available to our knowledge. A possible explanation of the difficulty of
obtaining this information is SigFox’s business model, where they feel no need
to reveal these details since nobody would implement the systems themselves,
although this is purely speculative.
Both technologies thus use symmetric cryptography (with the same key for
both encrypting and decrypting), since they both use AES as a their security-
primitive. For this reason it is important that each device has a unique key,
otherwise the leaking of one key would bring down the entire system instead of
one device. Fortunately for both of the technologies this is true.
Table 4.1 has two different columns for cost, “Device cost” and “Data cost”.
Device cost capture the cost of a single device in the network, for example an
RFID tag, BLE beacon or QR-code. Similarly the Data cost capture the cost
per month of one device communicating in a network, so for a single device
Figure 4.5: Overview of range and throughput of the different technologies.
using the SigFox or cellular network. There is also a third kind of cost, namely
“Infrastructure cost”, which we did not add to the table. Within Infrastructure
cost we capture the cost of for instance readers or connecting the system with
itself, or other systems. The reason for not including this cost is that it is too
dependent on the specifics and environment of the system being implemented.
The infrastructure of an RFID system can be extremely cheap if it only needs
2 cheap readers which do not need to connect to further systems, or it can be
massive it it requires many industrial-strength readers. Similarly the infras-
tructure cost of setting up a global RFID system versus a global cellular system
are very different. Since there is no real ground to objectively compare the
technologies this way we simply recommend that anyone choosing a technology
carefully consider the infrastructure costs they would incur.
The costs have values ranging from “Low” to “High”. We have made a
deliberate choice not to attach concrete values to these labels, since the actual
costs differ enormously depending on all kinds of factors such as vendors, bulk
orders, implementation, etc. These values roughly translate as follows: Low →a
few cents, Medium →a few euros, high →more than ten euros.
Table 4.1: Overview communication Technologies
Range Throughput Device cost Data cost Authentication Confidentiality
Visual ID
Line of sight Limited by tag Low None None No
NFC <10cm Up to 2.5kb/s Low None Implementation dependent Implementation dependent
Bluetooth Medium
<100m 1 mb/s None One-way Yes
Low Energy to low
Carrier-dependent Carrier-dependent
(4G) High
Cellular 2-3km >1Gb/s Medium (but can create (but can create
(GPRS) Medium
secure channel) secure channel)
Up to 22 kb/s,
Lora 10km Medium Possibly none Mutual Yes
limited by day
No, but some counter-
12 byte packets,
Sigfox 10km Medium Low One-way measures in place
limited per day
(channel-hopping, UNB)
(LF) <10cm
(HF) Between
From a few to
RFID 10cm and
multiple hundred tags Low None Implementation dependent Implementation dependent
Base 1 meter
a second
(UHF) <12m
(Powered) <100m
AES-128 (One-way)
(LF) <10cm ECC-DH (One-way)
(HF) Between CryptoGPS (One-way) Yes, apart from the
RFID From a few to
10cm and Medium Grain-128A (Mutual) CryptoGPS suite,
ISO 29167 mulitple hundred tags None
1 meter to low AES-OFB(Mutual) which does not offer
Compliant a second
(UHF) <12m ECDSA-ECDH (Mutual) confidentiality
(Powered) <100m Present-80 (One-way)
Ramon (Mutual)
Chapter 5
This chapter showcases the requirements that our system should fulfill, as they
were set before the implementation of the system. The system in question is a
way for passengers to track their luggage after they check it in at an airport.
Note that in the development of a ’real’ system more care should be given to
the functional and non-functional requirements, and things like user-stories etc.
should be taken in account. For simplicity’s sake we have decided to keep these
rather limited since they are not the focus of this research.
The security requirements on the other hand are of course vital. Here we
will first create an attacker model of the kinds of adversaries we want to protect
against, and which kinds of attacks these might be capable of (threat model).
We will then use these to create concrete security requirements. Lastly we will
create some Security Scenarios, which serve to evaluate how our system would
perform under certain kinds of attacks or threats. Doing this kind of analysis
and creating these requirements prior to implementation is vital in the process of
Security by Design [8], in contrast to only looking at security as an afterthought.
There are many ways of conducting requirement analyses, we have chosen a
rather informal one since it best serves our purposes, but a more advanced or
extensive system could very well benefit from a more formal analysis.
5.1 Prerequisites
In order for our system to function there are certain prerequisites which have
to be met. In this section we will state which these are.
P1. A tag is inserted into the baggage label, which can be scanned and iden-
P2. The passenger has a smartphone with a connection to the Internet.
P3. There is an existing baggage handling system which our tracking system
can piggyback onto.
P4. The baggage handling system and path to the airplane are physically
protected from unauthorized persons from entering.
P5. The system is used in both the airport of departure as well as the desti-
• The airport: The airport will be the system owner. Their main concerns
lie in increasing passenger satisfaction and lowering the cost associated
with lost baggage. They would furthermore not want the system to impact
their existing baggage transport/sorting systems, and minimize the cost
per item as well as the costs associated with getting passengers familiar
with using the system.
(e) At airplane loading
(f) On baggage carousel number N
FR5. A piece of baggage has to be able to be removed from the tracking system
without the passenger’s knowledge. See Section 5.5.2 Tracking a bag for
the reason for this Requirement.
• Paparazzi: This attacker is someone with limited means whose main goal
is to be able to following someone’s baggage without proper authorization
for this. Although we have given this attacker the name “Paparazzi”
this could of course be anything from paparazzi following a celebrity to a
jealous spouse tracking their partner.
• Thieves: This attacker describes a technically limited attacker whose
primary goals it is to steal the baggage. The system described can be
both detrimental and beneficial to this category of attackers. On the one
hand it can help them identify the specific piece of luggage they want, if
they can somehow breach the system. If the thief identifies and scans a
target bag he wishes to steal in the time between the moment it is tagged
and before it enters the sorting area they can later use this same identifier
to re-identify the bag. It is even possible this could be done on the baggage
carousel, even if the tag is no longer recognized by the system it can still
be scanned. The tracking system can also be a hinder, by alerting the
owner of the luggage when the bag has disappeared after a certain point
in the system. Note that there are two variants of this attacker, both an
insider (baggage handler) and an outsider.
• Organized crime: Criminals with a lot more technical and financial
means to deploy their attacks. As has been shown in the past these crimi-
nals will often employ people working at the baggage handling areas itself
so they can be assumed to have at least limited access to the physical
system. The end goal of “Organized crime” is to somehow make money
by exploiting some part of the system. The possibilities for this are dis-
cussed in the next Section. Note that we consider “professional” hackers
as being a part of this category, even if they work solo, as well as the more
traditional large criminal organizations.
• Government actors: With any security related system government ac-
tors have to be at least considered. These actors will have near unlimited
means to break through a system, and can easily force physical access, in
this case probably with the help of the airport. For our system we will
not specifically defend against these attackers, since this would be both
extremely difficult, as well as ultimately futile since the system owner will
likely cooperate.
• Terrorists: As with any system that operates within or around an airport
terrorists are always a concern that has to be addressed. Terrorists would
most likely use the system as intended, just for a more nefarious purpose.
By tracking their bag, they can be assured of it having reached a certain
destination (such as the plane). If such an attacker has managed to for
instance smuggle explosives into their bag, it would be a great advantage
to be sure that the bag has reached its destination before detonating these.
• Tracking a bag: Similar to the last threat but subtly different. Here
the attacker only wishes to track a certain bag, irregardless of who the
owner is. This attack is the primary interest of Organized crime. The
reason for this is that smugglers are known to employ the bags of random
travelers in order to smuggle illegal substances (often drugs) from one
country to another1 . A baggage handler in country A will plant the goods
and identify the bag using the RFID tags, after which a baggage handler
in country of destination B will scan and find the same bag, and remove
these substances.
There is also the variant of this threat where the owner of the bag is
actually the one doing the tracking. This would be the attacker described
as Terrorist in the previous section. Although this attacker is using the
system precisely as it is meant to be used, we still consider this a threat to
the system. If a terrorist is able to use this system to assist in his terror
attack, then beside the obvious other horrible consequences, this system
would also lose all its credibility and most likely be discontinued.
• Stealing a bag: This attack is not made possible due to the system, but
actually made more difficult. A bag that has been stolen will no longer
be traveling its standard route, so the tracking system will (unless fooled)
detect this, and the owner of the bag will be alerted. Someone wanting to
commit this attack would have to take this into account.
• DoS-ing the system: Somehow disrupting the system enough that it
(temporarily) seizes functioning. An Organized crime attacker could use
the threat of DoSing the system as a way to extort money from the airport,
or simply do this out of spite. It is not even necessary for someone to
consciously attack the system, a system that is not adequately set up
could be disrupted by something as simple as old tags not being removed.
• DDoS-ing with the system: Instead of DoS-ing the system, the readers
in the system can also be used as a way of DDoSing other online services,
if they are able to communicate through the Internet. An example of this
is the recent attack already mentioned earlier in the paper [18]. This kind
of attack is of course an inherent threat nearly every IoT system faces, we
won’t go to much in depth on this attack other than saying that Readers
(or any connected device) should not be directly connected to the Internet,
unless necessary.
SR4. Readers transmit only a read ID number in addition to their own id.
SR5. All channels of communication need to be secured in such a way that
confidentiality and integrity of data can be reasonably assumed.
Chapter 6
Figure 6.1: Use case upon arrival.
6.2 Components
6.2.1 Communication/Identification Technology
In our system the identification of luggage is of course vital, so a technology
needs to be chosen in order to allow the luggage to send this identification. As
noted in Section 5.5.3 SR5 it is necessary for communication to be secured (to
safeguard integrity and confidentiality of data). This is another factor to keep
in mind when selecting a technology.
See Chapter 4 for an overview of the different technologies we considered, in
addition to Section 2.2 for RFID. As is already hinted at by the fact that it has
its own section RFID is the technology we have chosen. In this section we will
expand on how we came to this decision.
First let us consider condensed the requirements that this technology has to
abide by. These are the following:
1. The price per item being identified has to be very low (a few cents), since
each piece of baggage has to be separately identified, and the system owner
(airport) has to pay for each one.
2. Throughput is not a concern, only an ID has to be sent.
3. The system needs to somehow secure the ID being sent, in order to prevent
unwanted tracking. This can be done in two ways:
Figure 6.2: Use case upon depart.
(a) Enforcing authentication (so only legitimate readers can read) and
being non-eavesdroppable (so legitimate readers cannot be overheard).
(b) The range of the technology is short enough that it is not-feasible
for an attacker to track the baggage, since the area that the baggage
enters is secured.
Figure 6.4: Structure of communication.
6.2.2 Application
As described in the previous section the reader and laptop configurations send
their output through SSL to a Java program. This Java program (which we will
refer to as “the tracking application”) has a few key responsibilities.
Firstly it manages the enrolled tags. It handles both enrollment of the tags,
as well as their end-of-life. At the startup the tracking application will first
request you to scan the tags that will be active during this run. It will store
these IDs in an internal data structure (Array, Collection, etc.). In a real world
example this would be a database, in order to efficiently store many different
tags. The tracking application also removes tags from the enrolled store upon
them reaching their end-destination, so that left-over tags do not accidentally
(or purposefully) confuse the system on subsequent journeys. At this point,
although the tags are still functional (in that they can be read), they will no
longer be recognized by the tracking application.
Next it stores the currently known whereabouts of enrolled tags (and thus
baggage). When the tracking application gets input from the readers it does
several things. First, it checks whether the ID it received is of an enrolled tag, if
not it disregards the message. Then it checks whether the reader it received the
ID from has a recognized location and whether it is the next location along the
path. Here a choice can be made whether the path should be followed strictly
or not. Being lenient and accepting out-of-order reads makes the system more
fault tolerant.
loyalty programs. We would in principle advice against this, or at least advise
carefully considering the consequences, which we will now discuss. In the current
system the ID in a tag can not be tied to a specific passenger, other than through
already having knowledge of the ownership of the bag. This alleviates a lot of
privacy concerns, and makes the system much less sensitive. When coupling this
system with existing loyalty systems you lose this advantage. There is also the
concern that coupling the tracking system to the larger passenger loyalty systems
means that these loyalty systems get exposed to attack from this potentially less
secured tracking system.
Chapter 7
In this chapter we will evaluate to which extend the system meets the require-
ments stated earlier in Chapter 5. We will also compare it to the other baggage
tracking applications available, to see how it holds up.
FR2. This is met, a passenger can ask not to have his luggage tracked. The best
way to implement this would be to not enroll the tag at this point. This
way there is no need to produce both tagged as well as non-tagged luggage
labels, since a tag that is not enrolled will be ignored by the system. There
is some lingering threat here that the not enrolled tag can still be tracked
by illegitimate readers. If you want to counter this there would need to
be untagged labels, or simply pierce the label at the spot of the RFID tag
to disable it. There is a device capable of destroying these tags remotely
called a “RFID Zapper” [61]. To the best of our knowledge it was never
commercially produced, but the specifications for creating it are out there.
Such a device could be used to more easily permanently disable the tags.
FR3. Our prototype system uses tags/readers that are cheap enough so that
this requirement is not met. The tag can be read from approximately
1cm, which means that the reader and tag would have to positioned very
carefully in order for them to always connect. In a real system we would
recommend using HF tags, with a range of between 10cm and 1m. This
would leave plenty of wiggle room for the tag to be positioned anywhere
on the bag.
FR4. Each bag has a unique tag and its location is tracked separately, so this
requirement is met.
FR5. Removing a bag from the system without alerting the bag’s owner can be
done easily, simply physically remove the bag from the baggage handling
system but keep the baggage-label. The baggage-label can then proceed
along the normal route, and be scanned along they way. The passenger
will thus be updated of the progress of the tag, instead of the bag, and
there is no way for him to be determine the difference. If removing the
label is undesirable (for instance because it could later be discovered by the
passenger or other parties) it is even possible to simply directly manipulate
the database, since this is under the direct control of the airport.
NFR2. Most RFID readers can read from ten to a few hundred tags a second,
so there is no need for this to slow down the existing baggage handling
systems. The only slow down will be at check-in desk, where passengers
will be handed their QR-code and login credentials. We expect that with
wider adoption and familiarity with the system this slow-down will also
become minimal.
NFR3. As noted before the readers can handle many tags a second so they will
not become a bottle-neck, neither will the program nor its storage. The
system can thus easily handle the same amount of bags as the existing
baggage handling systems.
NFR4. For the most part there is no need for personnel to interact with the sys-
tem, with the exception of handing over the qr-code and login credentials
upon check-in. This could also easily be handled by an automatic termi-
nal, but we feel that for early adoption it might be better to leave this
to the attendant. This way any questions, for instance about privacy,
can immediately be answered. After logging into the application there
is only a screen with information on it, which automatically updates, so
passengers should have little difficulty using this.
NFR5. Baggage already has to comply with size regulations and has to able to
have a label attached to it. Our system adds no new requirements in this
regard and can thus accept any bag that the existing baggage handling
system can.
NFR6. The regular baggage handling system is not influenced by this tracking
system and can proceed regardless of any issues with the tracking system.
The only possibility is that repairs have to be made to the tracking sys-
tem for which the baggage handling system would have to be temporarily
suspended. This should be a rare enough occurrence not to cause any real
issues, and even when it does happen the repairs could be done during the
downtime of the baggage handling system.
NFR7. Each piece of baggage only needs a tag which costs a few cents at most,
we consider this to be sufficiently low.
SS2. We would first like to mention that these readers are in well guarded areas,
namely the baggage handling areas in airports and the runways. This is
also noted in Prerequisite P4 in Section 5.1. If these areas are breached,
attacks much more severe than the ones we describe and unrelated to our
system, could be committed. This means that the chance for readers to
be stolen is quite low.
Due to the simple nature of our tags and readers there is no real impact
of a reader getting lost or stolen, other than it needing to be replaced.
Our readers contain no key material, and can only be stolen by being
physically disconnected from the system, since they can not communicate
In order to do some more interesting analysis we will also take a look
at the case where the readers contain key information, as well as them
staying connected to the system after being stolen. The key material
would concern both the keys necessary for authentication with the tag as
well as the back-end application. This would be true for the majority of
readers you would use for a fully implemented system.
If there is some key material (or even a master key) on these readers then
the picture changes. An attacker which manages to recover this key might
be able to decrypt all information sent between tags and readers, or cre-
ate his own authenticated readers. As has been shown in research like [51]
if there are vulnerabilities in the implementation of for instance authen-
tication, it is possible to in trivial time recover a master key protocols.
Even if the protocol has absolutely no weaknesses there are still ways of
recovering this key if you have unlimited access to the physical device,
such as side-channel analysis. The best choice would be to make sure that
the information on one reader being lost does not break the entire system.
This can be done by making sure that these keys are unique per reader
and that there is some way for new tags to no longer trust the key of a
lost reader. At that point old tags can be disenrolled, and the lost reader
in theory be made harmless.
More problems arise when a reader can be stolen without disconnecting it
from the system. An attack would be possible where you have the reader
continuously send updates on as many id’s as he can, and effectively DOS
a part of the system this way. This can be mitigated by making sure
that the connection to readers can be disconnected from the application
server side, which our tracking application can, so that these readers can
be ejected from the system.
SS3. This is similar to the scenario in SS1, but here a tag which remains in the
system becomes malicious. As noted before the tag contains no sensitive
information and can not do a lot of damage. The tags used in our system
are not programmable, and thus they can not simply “become malicious”.
What could happen though is for an attacker to supply his own per-
programmed tag.
A tag could lie about its ID, but due to the small chance of the chosen
ID colliding with that of a currently enrolled tag this would in effect only
impede the tracking of the malicious tag itself. This assumes that IDs are
chosen randomly and not ordered, which would be a good practice regard-
less. Note that this attack is not possible if the tag has to authenticate
itself, instead of only identification.
SS4. A malicious reader could quite easily temporarily disrupt the service. We
define a malicious reader as a legitimate reader in the system, which has
somehow been corrupted by an attacker to attack the system. As already
noted in SS2, this is difficult to manage in reality, due to the readers being
in a controlled and protected environment. For the rest of this evaluation
we will assume this has somehow been done and that the primary goal of
the attacker is to disrupt the system.
The reader can do all kinds of things to make the data being shown to the
passenger unreliable. It could for instance put random delays on sending
the IDs to the application server, omit sending some, or even simply send
stored IDs. This all serves to obfuscate which data is real, and which isn’t.
If done correctly this is attack would require some time to detect, since
the malicious reader would seem to be functioning as a normal reader.
The reason the attack described above is a threat in this scenario, and not
in SS2 is that in SS2 you know which reader is maliciously sending wrong
information, while here you do not. For a considerable amount of time you
might not even know that you are being attacked in the malicious reader
scenario, since the system would function but simply produce unreliable
data. In SS2 you know that a reader has to be removed from the system.
This scenario becomes a lot more dangerous if there is some kind of master
material on the reader, as explained in scenario SS2.
SS5. The readers are a in a secured area per Prerequisite P4. Thus the only
thing that a attacker can control is what is being read by the readers.
The most obvious way of conducting a DoS attack on the system is simple
putting hundreds or thousands of tags in your bag, and hoping to over-
load the system this way. Here there are three factors that could become
overloaded: the reader, the application or the connection between these
Industrial RFID readers can read hundreds of tags a second, so most of
the tags within the bag will be read. Even if there are too many tags for
the reader to keep up with, or a cheaper reader which reads fewer tags is
used, this will cause no long term problems. It will simply miss some of
them. Due to these tags not being part of the system nothing of value
is lost. The only possible problem here is that the tags of the luggage
immediately next to the attacking one might be missed as well.
The connection between the reader and the application could in theory be
overloaded by forcing the reader to send too much data, but due to the
small amount of data contained in a RFID tag we do not find this to be
a realistic attack.
Lastly the tracking application itself. The steps undertaken for each mes-
sage received by the application are simple enough that we feel that it
could handle every reader sending its maximum amount of read tags at
any one time. We verified this by having our reader laptops send as many
messages to the server as they were able, which were properly handled.
Do note that there is always the threat of the server upon which this ap-
plication is running getting DDoS’ed, but this is a more general problem
which we consider out of scope.
Due to the analysis above we feel our system is sufficiently robust against
(D)DoS attacks.
There is one more attack that we do feel still warrants some attention
and that is disabling the system by using a radio wave jammer. These
jammers are cheap to produce and there are plenty of sources online on
how to create your own. When one of these jammers with sufficient range
is used the system will no longer function, since the tags cannot be read.
There are no real technical defenses against this kind of attack, since you
are effectively making the communication medium (radio waves) unusable.
This is an area where we have to trust upon the physical security already
in place at airport, luckily these should be more than well enough equipped
to locate and deal with these kinds of jammers.
SS6. This scenario looks at how easily the system can be used to DoS other
systems. If the readers get compromised, and if they are able to communi-
cate directly or indirectly through the Internet then there is a risk of them
being turned against other systems. Due to the relatively low number of
readers (a few dozen at most), we feel this is not a major concern. Re-
gardless since there is no reason for the readers to communicate directly
with the Internet this should be restricted as much as possible, so they
can only directly communicate with the application server.
SS7. The impact of an enrolled tag failing is minimal, it will simply stop up-
dating its location. This might cause some confusion for passengers, but
this should be a rare enough occurrence that it doesn’t warrant to much
One detail here is that if a tag fails midway through the process it won’t
reach its destination and thus never get disenrolled. The easiest way to
fix this is simply to have enrolled tags wiped after the last flight of the
day, or after a set amount of time.
SS8. A reader failing would mean that one of the key-points being tracked in
the system will no longer update. This should be easy to detect, since
one of the reader will cease to send messages. Until this reader is repaired
or replaced the tracking system should be considered non-functional, but
there will be no lasting effects.
SS9. As described in Subsection 7.1.1 Requirement 5., the answer to this sce-
nario is yes, a bag can be silently removed. This takes care of the threats
attributed by the Terrorist attacker model (see Section 5.5.1), where they
would use the system to track when their baggage reaches a certain desti-
nation to aid in their terror attack. Of course this does not mean that the
system can in any way detect which bag would have to be removed, but if
this is detected by the regular means at an airport, then the system will
not hinder the process by alerting the terrorist of his bag being seized.
SR1. This requirement is met, tags are disenrolled upon reaching their destina-
tion, as well as at every startup of the system.
SR2. This requirement is met, tags contain no information other than their ID.
SR3. This requirement is met, in the current application there is no way to
link an ID to a passenger, other than by physically observing who receives
what tag.
SR4. This requirement is met, the messages send by the application have the
following form: Read ID + ReaderID.
SR5. In our current system this is met by having a very low read range, so
that an attacker would need to be almost touching the bag in order to
identify/trace it. If in a system RFID technology with a larger read range
is used then there would need to be some safeguards such as mutual au-
thentication and confidentiality in order to meet this requirement.
Figure 7.1: BagTrack RFID readers, from
7.2.1 TRACE ME
As noted in its description in Section 5.5.2 on page 28 we feel TRACE ME is
more of a service offered to passengers than a technological system. It satisfies
roughly the same goal of tracking your luggage, but it is very much dependent
on implementations at airports for how precise this can be done.
Furthermore we feel that the privacy issues with a system like TRACE ME
are a major concern. The barcode tag which you attach to your luggage is unique
and links directly to your person, meaning that outside parties can trivially use
it to track you. An advantage for TRACE ME here is that they use traditional
barcodes, so that line of sight is necessary in order to read them.
7.2.2 BagTrack
BagTrack is basically our system implemented in the real world. From the
passenger’s perspective there are a few small differences such as the defined
key-points or how a passenger is alerted to the location of their bag but these
are quite minor. BagTrack is a more complete overhaul of existing baggage
handling systems then our own. Whereas our system seeks to work alongside
existing sorting systems, BagTrack seeks to replace (and improve) these systems.
In Figure 7.2.2 you can see at what points during the journey the BagTrack
system has set up RFID readers, this can be compared to our own in Figures
6.1 and 6.2.
There is little indication of whether or not security was major concern during
the design of this system, so this might be an area where our solution holds an
advantage. More thorough information about the BagTrack system would be
necessary to guarantee this. On that note there is also the choice of technology.
As stated in Subsection 3.2.4, we believe BagTrack uses UHF RFID tags. We
recommend using either LF or HF tags, because of their reduced ranges, which
complicates unwanted tracking. In a real world scenario there probably would
be no choice but to use UHF, since this is the standard set by the International
Air Transport Association, but we feel this choice should be reversed. The
range with UHF is sufficient to easily allow unwanted tracking. We also expect
it complicates the sorting process in an unnecessary way, since any reader will
be reading multiple tags at the same time, and be unable to pinpoint which tag
belongs to what bag.
This solution is a good indication that systems such as the one we proposed
and implemented can function in the real world.
7.2.3 EVIATE
The most notable difference between EVIATE and our own system lies in the
way that this solution allows you to track your bags. Our system only alerts you
when your bag reaches certain key-points. The EVIATE system on the other
hand will through using GPS allow you to continuously pinpoint the location of
your bags. A side note we would like to make here is that we are not aware of
just how the producers overcame the shortcomings of GPS in hard to penetrate
buildings (such as airports), if they did indeed overcome this.
Furthermore EVIATE has some additional features which our solution does
not, such as alerting you when your bag is opened.
These advantages come with a price though. The cost of a device such as the
EVIATE system is high enough that this is truly a consumer product, instead
of our solution where the airport/airline offers this to all passengers. Since the
system is not released yet some of the facts mentioned might change.
Chapter 8
In this chapter we will give a conclusion to our thesis, by summing up what our
contributions and important findings were. We will also look at what work is
still to be done in Future Work, and what other avenues of research related to
this subject could be pursued.
8.1 Conclusion
One of the major contributions of this research is our technology comparison
in Chapter 4. It gives an easy to understand overview table, as well as more
in depth information per technology in their relevant sections. The aspects we
examined are both general technical aspects such as range, cost and throughput
as well as the security aspects authentication, unauthorized tracking counter-
measures and confidentiality. We found that the differences per technology were
large, but that each technology fulfilled a special niche, especially when consid-
ering cost. This chapter will be useful for people seeking to implement their
own (IoT) systems as well as academics wanting to expand their knowledge of
relevant technologies in the field of IoT.
In our comparison we found some interesting differences between Lora and
SigFox, which mostly stem from their different business models. Lora provides
technology and a protocol which can setup a world-wide network, but leaves the
implementation of this network to its users. SigFox on the other hand sells both
the device to connect to the network, as well as setting up the network itself
(through partners), and providing this network to its customers. This leads
to differences like paying subscription costs to SigFox, as well as differences in
coverage between the two. Lora’s more open design also means that there is a
lot more information available about the workings of Lora, while SigFox keeps
most of its proprietary protocol a mystery.
Here we would again like to remind the reader to be careful when making
a choice for a certain technology. As we also experienced while gathering this
information, the promises made by vendors of the technologies we compared
differ greatly. Certain implementations might miss certain security features for
instance, or even offer more than the base technology. Range is another attribute
which differs greatly per implementation, with many implementations not even
approaching the theoretical maximum of the technology. For this reason it is
always wise to do some independent research when selecting a vendor after
making a technology choice.
The other part of our research questions was examining the differences be-
tween traditional IT systems and IoT systems. We found five major differences:
1. Technical limitations of IoT devices.
2. Physical environment playing a larger role. Many components of an IoT
systems will not be in a controlled environment.
2. In the evaluation of our requirements we relied on the fact that our readers
are in a controlled environment, and not easily accessible. If this were not
the case, additional measures would be necessary to safeguard the system.
3. We explicitly considered security in our design process, in order to counter
this. An example of this is how we consider short ranges to be an advan-
tage, due to them increasing the difficulty of eavesdropping.
4. Less relevant for our system. The “Things” of our system of which we
have many, tags, are not able to DDoS another system.
5. Our system is a good example of something seemingly innocent which can
have many privacy implications as described in Section 5.5.
We found the implementation of our use case to be valuable, but the sup-
porting literature research to also be crucial. The value of the implementation
lay mostly in guiding what questions to pursue in our literature research. The
choice of technology is the best example of this. The technology comparison
chapter (Chapter 4) came about because we needed a technology for our own
use case. We found no comparison in existing literature which would meet our
demands so we created our own. So although the implementation process did
not answer any questions in of itself, it did help us create the questions which
we end up answering and confirmed some of our findings.
We do feel that despite the positive results the implementation brought, that
the amount of time that was spent on this was not in proportion to these results.
The chapters of this thesis also reflects this: Chapters 5,6 and 7 are all specific to
our system and design/implementation process. While these chapters do contain
interesting information, it is less relevant to a more general case. We feel the
earlier chapters are more useful in this regard. If in our research we placed less
focus on implementing our use case and more on the literature research, that
these general chapters could have been improved or extended.
An interesting observation is that our main use case, tracking a bag, is also
our main security concern: the unauthorized tracking of a person or bag. We feel
that for most IoT systems unauthorized tracking will be one of the major threats,
because of obvious privacy concerns as well as the technology’s tendency to allow
precisely this. Use cases which have nothing to do with tracking something or
someone might still use a technology which allows unauthorized tracking. An
example of this would be tracking drivers by their vehicles sporadically using
SigFox to send their fuel-levels to a central server. Bad press related to these
kinds of incidents have to ability to greatly undermine the acceptance of these
technologies. In our case we tackled this by making sessions short-lived and the
ids unlinkable to real identities, but each system will require its own solution
and attention spent on this problem.
During our security requirement analysis we also discovered some threats
less obvious than tracking. For instance the need to remove bags without the
owner knowing to counter terrorist threats, or the system being used to smuggle
drugs in other passengers’ bags. This strengthens the case for systems requiring
specific security attention during their design phases, because otherwise these
might have been missed.
is no real technical specification, or something resembling one, available for
SigFox. These technical details could be made more clear by means of either
reverse-engineering, or by trying to work together directly with SigFox, if they
are willing to reveal this information.
In our Chapter 3 (Related Work) we already touched upon a blog post by
Bruce Schneier [55], where he outlines nineteen different security guidelines for
handling or implementing IoT systems. This overview is of course already very
useful as a general view on what guidelines are available but still leaves the
reader with nineteen different documents and hundreds of pages of technical
text. It would be interesting to attempt to combine these guidelines together,
see where they differ or on what they agree. This way a much more manage-
able general guideline could be created. There is also the possibility of finding
interesting conflicting views, finding out what causes these could lead to more
interesting insights.
Repeating the research, but taking a very different use case would lead to
some interesting new questions being asked. As we noted, many of the things
we ended up diving into were a result of the system we were implementing.
Choosing a use-case sufficiently different that you would, for instance, use Lora
instead of RFID could lead to new interesting questions. We also feel that
choosing a larger scale project, instead of the prototype we developed, could
lead to new insights in the same way.
Another interesting angle would be to take an IoT use case and find different
implementations of this system. See Section 3.2 for an example of the ones we
found for our use-case. After gathering these analysis could be done on how
these systems would be vulnerable to attack, this could even be extended into
trying to turn this into workable attacks. We feel that this could give a good
overview of flaws often present in IoT systems.
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.1 RFID Tags and Readers
The tags and readers used were the following: Neuftech ID Card Reader USB
125KHZ RFID EM4100/EM4001/TK4100 Contactless Card Reader Plug and
Play With 5pcs keys. Available at
Easy to use plug and play reader and Low-Frequency tags, for a very rea-
sonable price. Reader acts as keyboard and inputs the read ID plus an enter.
Reader offers no real other options, contains an audio cue upon reading a tag
(has to disconnected to disable). Tags can (with some difficulty) be opened
in order to repackage them. Security-wise this set offers next to nothing, only
identification, so not recommend for real-world implementation, but it is great
for these kinds of projects.
.2 Code
The code for the reader application, central application and user interface (web-
site) can be made available upon request. The reader and central applications
concern Java code, while the website is written in PHP with Ajax scripts.