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Articulo para Exposicion
Environmental Research
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Keywords: The presence of metals in agricultural soils from anthropogenic activities such as mining and agricultural use of
Agricultural soils metals and metal-containing compounds is a potential threat for human health through the food chain. In this
Heavy metal study, the concentration of heavy metals in 83 agricultural soils irrigated by the Sinú River, in northern
Enrichment factor Colombia, affected by mining areas upstream and inundated during seasonal floods events were determined to
Geoaccumulation index
evaluate their sources and levels of pollution. The average concentrations of Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Hg and Zn were
Risk assessment code
1149, 661, 0.071, 0.040, 0.159 and 1365 mg/kg respectively and exceeded the world normal averages, with the
exception of Pb and Cd. Moreover, all values surpassed the background levels of soils in the same region. Soil
pollution assessment was carried out using contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation
index (Igeo) and a risk assessment code (RAC). According to these indexes, the soils show a high degree of
pollution of Ni and a moderate to high contamination of Zn and Cu; whereas, Pb, Cd and Hg present moderate
pollution. However, based on the RAC index, a low environmental risk is found for all the analysed heavy
metals. Multivariate statistical analyses, principal component and cluster analyses, suggest that soil contam-
ination was mainly derived from agricultural practices, except for Hg, which was caused probably by
atmospheric and river flow transport from upstream gold mining. Finally, high concentrations of Ni indicate
a mixed pollution source from agricultural and ferronickel mining activities.
1. Introduction north for 415 km, mostly through the Córdoba Department, until
flowing into the Caribbean Sea. The soils of the Sinú Valley are
Metal content in soils is the result of metals arising from human primarily used for livestock and agriculture, and the sources of heavy
activities and natural processes. Inputs of metals from anthropogenic metals are mainly influenced by parent materials, mining, application
origins to the soil are much greater than the contribution of metals of agrochemical fertilizer and pesticides, and atmospheric deposition.
from natural sources (Desaules, 2012; Li et al., 2012; Teng et al., Agricultural soils are mainly used for maize (548 km2), cotton
2014). In agricultural soils, the presence of metals is of increasing (227 km2) and rice (96 km2) but also for yucca, kidney beans, red
concern because they have the potential to be accumulated in less pepper, sorghum, bananas and corn. Although regional surveys con-
soluble forms, transferred into soil solution and subsequently deterio- tinue to monitor pesticide residues in water and sediments (Marrugo,
rate groundwater and crop quality (Kelepertzis, 2014). Although 2005; Marrugo et al., 2014, studies on heavy metals in agricultural soils
fertilisers are essential for providing adequate nutrients and ensuring and degrees of pollution are not developed. Therefore, an intensive
successful harvests, long-term repeated application of fertilisers and survey was conducted in the present study to profile the accumulation
metal-containing pesticides and fungicides can gradually accumulate to and sources of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd and Hg in 83 soil plots within the
potentially harmful levels in soils (Jiao et al., 2012). Additionally, agricultural system of the Sinú River Basin, covering an area of
because fertilisers tend to be local and ingredient specific, the chemical approximately 300 km2. Several indexes, (i.e., enrichment factor,
composition of soils receiving fertiliser inputs is expected to vary contamination factor and geoaccumulation index) and multivariate
according to application rates and raw mineral sources (Nziguheba and analyses were combined to investigate the current state of soil in this
Smolders, 2008). area and to identify the spatial patterns and possible sources of the
The Sinú River is in northwestern Colombia and flows south to heavy metals. Such research will be used to provide baseline informa-
Corresponding authors.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Marrugo-Negrete) and [email protected] (S. Díez).
Received 3 November 2016; Received in revised form 13 January 2017; Accepted 17 January 2017
Available online 08 February 2017
0013-9351/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
tion for the soil quality status in Colombian agricultural soils, as a basis ignition of 2.0g of sediment in an oven at 450 °C for 4 h (Coquery and
for effectively targeting policies to protect soils from long-term Welbourn, 1995). The pH was determined in a relationship soil-water
accumulation of heavy metals and for ensuring food crop quality and 1:1 with a combination glass electrode pH meter coupled to a computer
protecting human health. (WTW, 330i). The soil texture was determined by measuring the
proportions of clay, silt and sand particles present in the soil. These
2. Materials and methods constituents were measured using the pipette method and the soil type
was classified using the soil texture triangle (Pla, 1983). The cation
2.1. Study area exchange capacity (CEC) of the mineral soils was calculated as the sum
of Ca+Mg+K+Na+Fe+Al+Mn extractable with 1 M of NH4-acetate
The Sinú River Basin is located in northwest Colombia, South (IGAC 1979). A sequential extraction scheme was used to study the
America, within the departments of Córdoba and Antioquia in the fractionation of metals in the soils and determine the bioavailability
southwestern region of the Colombian Caribbean coast. The Sinú River and speciation by employing the Bureau of Community Research (BCR)
Basin originates in the Paramillo Massif located between 7° 8′ 9″–9° method (Rauret et al., 2000). Therefore, water-soluble and exchange-
27′ 2″ N and 75° 55′ 31″–75° 58′ 18″ W. The Sinú River is the primary able metals (F1), reducible metals bound to Fe and Mn (F2), oxidisable
water system in the department of Córdoba and its valley is home to metals bound to organic matter and sulphides (F3), and residual metals
agricultural and livestock activities (Feria et al., 2010). Due to the bound to silicate minerals (F4) were investigated. To 1.0g of soil
annual flooding of the Sinú River, the Sinú Valley has some of the most sample, 40 mL of 0.11 mol L-1 acetic acid was added and shaken for
fertile soil in Colombia (Marrugo et al., 2014). Rainfall in this area is 16 h at 25 °C in a mechanical shaker to extract water-soluble,
highly seasonal, with a dry period between January and March, a rainy exchangeable and carbonate-bound metals. The samples were centri-
season between April and December and a short dry period around fuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min and the supernatant passed through
June. An average of 1100–2000 mm of rain falls in this region per year, 0.45 mm filter. To the residue, 40 mL of 0.5 mol L-1 hydroxylamine
with the southern parts of the valley being wetter than those in the hydrochloride was added and shaken for 16 h to extract the reducible
north. The average annual temperature is between 26 and 30 °C (Ruiz metals. To the residue, 10 mL of 8.8 mol L-1 hydrogen peroxide was
et al., 2008). The valley of the Middle Sinú covers an area of 5178 km2 added and digested for an hour at 25 °C and left for another hour at
and contains the municipalities of Monteria, Cereté, San Pelayo, 85 °C in a water bath. The solvent was evaporated and 50 mL of
Ciénaga de Oro and San Carlos. Most of this subregion is composed 1 mol L-1 ammonium acetate was added to the residue and shaken for
of alluvial plains derived from the dynamics of the Sinú River. In 16 h to extract oxidisable metals at pH 2. Finally, aqua-regia digestion
general, the soils are deep or very deep with moderate to high fertility was carried out in a microwave digester to determine the status of the
and are suitable for temporary or permanent crops such as cotton, rice, metals in the residue by atomic absorption analytical method.
maize, beans and pasture (Marrugo et al., 2014). The Lower Sinú valley
covers an area of 1752 km2 and contains the municipalities of Cotorra, 2.3. Quantification of soil pollution
Chimá, Momil, Lorica and Purisima. Soils are composed of recent
alluvial deposits with moderate fertility and are used for agriculture 2.3.1. Contamination factor
and livestock. In this region, land use is divided as follows: 70% is used The contamination factor (CF) is the ratio obtained by dividing the
for livestock, 23% comprising extensive swamps and marshes, and the concentration of each metal in the soil by the baseline or background
remaining 7% is dedicated to agriculture (Viloria de la Hoz, 2004). value:
Cheavy metal
2.2. Soil sampling and chemical analysis CF=
A total of 83 topsoil samples (0–20 cm) were collected from
The contamination levels may be classified based on their inten-
agricultural and pasture areas from the Middle and Lower Sinú River
sities on a scale ranging from 1 to 6 (0=none, 1= none to medium,
Basin during January-March 2015 (dry season). The locations of the
2=moderate, 3=moderate to strong, 4=strongly polluted, 5=strong to
sampling sites are shown in Fig. 1. Each sample was a composite of 5
very strong, 6=very strong) (Muller, 1969). The highest number
subsamples collected from a 10 m×10 m grid using a stainless steel
indicates that the metal concentration is 100 times greater than what
hand trowel and transported to the laboratory. Soil samples were then
would be expected in the crust.
air-dried, passed through a 2 mm polyethylene sieve and finally ground
into fine powder with an agate mortar. The ground samples were stored
in polyethylene zip-type bags for further analysis. 2.3.2. Enrichment factor
For Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd and Pb analysis, the soil samples (0.5 g) were The enrichment factor (EF) for each metal is calculated by dividing
digested with HNO3/HCl 8:2 v/v in a microwave oven (in triplicate) its ratio to the normalising element by the same ratio found in the
using Method 3051 A (USEPA, 2007a). The Hg concentrations were chosen baseline (Taylor, 1964):
determined following the US EPA Method 7471B (USEPA, 2007b), (metal/Al)sample
whereby 0.5 g of soil was digested with H2SO4/HNO3 7:3 v/v and 5% EF=
w/v KMnO4 at 100 °C for 1 h. All analyses were performed using a
spectrometer Thermo Elemental Solaar S4 coupled cold-vapour (Hg), The EF values close to unity indicate crustal origin and EFs > 10
flame (Cu, Zn, Ni), and graphite furnace (Cd, Pb). are considered to be non-crustal source. EF > 1.0 suggest an anthro-
The method for heavy metal estimation was validated with the pogenic origin and those < 1.0 suggest a possible mobilisation or
certified reference material ‘Trace Metals Soil – Sediment’ (CRM008- depletion of metals (Zsefer et al., 1996). The degree of metal pollution
050: certified value; Hg 0.72 mg/kg, Cu 36.4 mg/kg, Ni 26 mg/kg, Pb was based on seven enrichment factor classes (Taylor, 1964).
95.3 mg/kg, Cd 0.82 mg/kg). The percentages of recovery average for Accordingly, an EF value of 50 corresponds to extremely severe
heavy metals were 98.4% (n=3). The sequential extraction method enrichment; EF=25 – < 50 to very severe enrichment; EF=10 – < 25
showed no statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) between the ∑ to severe enrichment; EF=5 – < 10 to moderately severe enrichment;
Heavy metal of the extracted fractions and the concentrations of heavy EF=3 – < 5 to moderate enrichment; EF=1 – < 3 to minor enrichment
metals determined by digestion of the soils, demonstrating that the and EF < 1 to no enrichment. For most heavy metals of environmental
method shows good precision ( < 2.5%) and accuracy ( < 5.0%). interest, concentrations in soil easily vary over two to three orders of
The organic matter was determined as the percentage loss on magnitude depending on the parent materials (Blaser et al., 2000). In
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
Fig. 1. Location of the Lower and Middle Sinú River basin and the sampling stations of the agricultural soils collected in each part of the basin.
this regard, the background values in the present study (Table 1) were Cn
lgeo = log2
calculated from the mean concentrations of heavy metals analysed in 1.5Bn
soils with no agricultural management from unflooded zones in the
Lower and Middle Sinú River. where Cn is the concentration of metals examined in soil samples and
Bn is the geochemical background concentration of the metal (n).
Factor 1.5 is the background matrix correction factor due to lithologic
variation in the soils (Stoffers et al., 1986). The lgeo consists of seven
2.3.3. Geoaccumulation index grades or classes (Muller, 1981): Class 0 (uncontaminated) Igeo ≤0;
Geoaccumulation index (Igeo) for the metals were determined Class 1 (from uncontaminated to moderately contaminated) 0 < Igeo
using (Muller, 1979): < 1; Class 2 (moderately contaminated) 0 < Igeo < 2; Class 3 (from
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
Table 1
Statistical summary of chemical elements in soils (n=83) from Sinú River basin (in mg/kg).
Mean values compiled from Mason and Moore (vide Hedrick, 1995) and Reimann and de Caritat (1998).
Mean values compiled from Kabata-Pendias (2011)
moderately to strongly contaminated) 2 < Igeo < 3; Class 4 (strongly contamination in the study area and source identification, PCA was
contaminated) 3 < Igeo < 4; Class 5 (from strongly to extremely used with Varimax rotation to minimise the number of variables with a
contaminated) 4 < Igeo < 5; Class 6 (extremely contaminated) 5 < high loading on each component. Hierarchical CA was developed
Igeo. Class 6 is an open class and comprises all values of the index according to the average linkage (between groups) method and the
higher than Class 5. The elemental concentrations in Class 6 may be Pearson's correlation as a similarity measure. The results are reported
hundred-fold greater than the geochemical background value. in the form of a dendrogram, thus providing a visual summary of the
cluster. The results from the PCA were interpreted according to the
2.3.4. Risk assessment code hypothetical sources of chemical elements. Statistical analysis was
The Risk Assessment Code (RAC) considers the ability of metals to performed with SPSS v23.0.0.0.
be released and subsequently enter into the food chain and is based on
the strength of the bond between metals and other components in soil. 3. Results and discussion
Therefore, the RAC assesses the availability of metals by applying a
scale to the percentage of metal in the carbonate and exchangeable 3.1. Heavy metal concentrations of soil samples
fractions (i.e., F1). When the percentage F1 is less than 1% there is no
risk (NR). For a range of 1–10%, there is low risk (LR), medium risk The agricultural soils irrigated by the Sinú River waters and flooded
(MR) for a range of 11–30%, high risk (HR) for 31–50%, and very high during flooding events contain high levels of metal, although their
risk (VHR) for 51–100% (Sundaray et al., 2011). contents vary depending on the location of the soils. The descriptive
statistics of the heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils of the
2.4. Statistical analysis Sinú Basin are listed in Table 1. The median values of elemental
contents in soils follow a decreasing order as: Zn > Cu > Ni > Hg > Pb >
The results for each sample were calculated as the mean ± the Cd, in both the middle and lower Sinú River Basin and if all sampling
standard deviation from triplicate determinations. A Student's t-test points are considered altogether. Mean levels of all the analysed heavy
was used to evaluate if there were significant differences between the metals in the agricultural soils were higher than the corresponding
average concentrations from two different sampling stations or expedi- values determined for the reference soils (i.e., unpolluted Colombian
tions. The criterion for significance was set at P < 0.05. soil) (Table 1), and except for Pb and Cd, values were higher than
Multivariate cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis crustal and average worldwide soils. Moreover, levels for Ni are 50-
(PCA) were employed with the aim of identifying associations and times higher than predicted from unpolluted Colombian soils
common origin among metals. Thus, CA was applied to identify (14.1 mg/kg) and 5-times to 13-times higher for the rest of the metals.
different geochemical groups, clustering the samples with similar heavy Heavy metal concentrations present statistically significant differences
metal contents; whereas, for further evaluation of extent of metal between sampling stations for the middle and lower areas (P < 0.05).
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
Fig. 3. The percentage of heavy metal in different fractions in the agricultural soils.
Mean ± SD. F1: water-soluble and exchangeable; F2: reducible metals; F3: OM-
sulphides; F4: residual metals.
Fig. 3 shows the percentage of the chemical fractions of Ni, Hg, Cd,
Cu, Zn found in soils, with the order F3 > F2 > F4 > F1. Metal content
in soils mainly associated with the F3 (OM-sulphides), represents 47%
(Ni), 56% (Hg), 65% (Cd), 46% (Pb), 53% (Zn) and 55% (Cu) of the
total content. This fraction, although being a large proportion, has a
moderate mobility. In this phase, metals may be associated with
organic ligands (e.g., humic and fulvic acids). There are also reduced
sulphur species that bind to metals such as Hg (Xia et al., 1999)
present in the OM. The F2 fraction represents 29% (Ni), 29% (Hg),
24% (Cd), 39% (Pb), 31% (Zn) and 32% (Cu), showing that a great part
of metals at the different sampling stations is associated with amor-
phous aluminosilicate materials, such as oxides of Fe and Mn. The
residual or lithogenic fraction (F4) represents 17% (Ni), 7% (Hg), 6%
(Cd), 12% (Pb), 6% (Zn) and 9% (Cu). In this phase, the metals are
bound to minerals as part of their crystal structures. The release of
metals in this phase within a reasonable period of time is unlikely. The
bioavailable fraction (F1) represents 4% (Ni), 1% (Hg), 3% (Cd), 3%
(Pb), 5% (Zn) and 4% (Cu). Therefore, since the RAC is calculated
based on the percentage of F1, according to our results the environ-
mental risk is low for all the analysed heavy metals.
The CF, Igeo and EF values in soils are summarised in Fig. 4. The
range of CF for the different metals was 0.7–21 (Cu), 0.6–125 (Ni),
1.9–11 (Pb), 1.1–10 (Cd), 1.5–15 (Hg) and 2.7–25 (Zn). According to
our results (Fig. 4a), the CF average for all metals follow the decreasing
order as: Ni (47) > Zn (13) > Cu (10) > Pb (6)=Hg (6) > Cd (5). The CF
average based on background values for all metals indicates contam-
ination by human sources (CF > 1), with metals such as Pb, Cd and Hg
presenting moderate degrees of contamination (CF of 3–6), whereas
Cu, Zn and Ni showed high contamination (CF > 6). In comparison
with other countries, values of CF in different soils collected in the
Lower and Middle Sinú River are higher than those reported along the
Jishui River, China (Liu et al, 2013) and in agricultural soils in
northern Bangladesh (Bhuiyan et al., 2010).
On the other hand, EF values calculated for each one of the metals
studied are shown in Fig. 4b. EF values were interpreted with the
support of the classification of Taylor (1964). The mean EF values
suggest minor enrichment for Ni (EF: 1.79), unlike Zn (0.49), Cu Fig. 4. Box and whisker plots display the distributions of the different contamination
(0.37), Pb (0.23) Hg (0.21), Cd (0.19) with EF values < 1.0, indicating indexes: Contamination Factor (a), Enrichment Factor (b), and Geoaccumulation index
no enrichment. Cd and Pb are anthropogenic metals usually generated (c). Boxes depict 25th, 50th (median), and 75th percentiles and whiskers minimum and
by human activities. However, while no enrichment was showed, these maximum values. Mean values (О); outliers (*).
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
Table 2
Pearson correlation matrix for heavy metal in soil samples.
Cu 1 Ni
Ni 0.327* 1 Pb
Pb 0.620** 0.269* 1 Cd
Cd 0.687** 0.325* 0.953** 1 Hg
Hg −0.050 0.084 0.028 −0.056 1 Zn
Zn 0.718** 0.343* 0.917** 0.965** −0.058 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
surface runoff that can be easily transported in the Sinú River flow,
which could reach the fields as a result of flooding. Enrichment of Ni
can be attributed to the extraction process of ferronickel smelting
plants in the San Jorge River Basin, located relatively close to our study
area. Previous studies reported elevated concentrations of Ni in rainfall
and dry deposition at locations 30 km away from the ferronickel
mining area (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2014).
The Igeo was also used as a reference for estimating the extent of
metal pollution (Fig. 4c). Mean Igeo values are in the order Ni (4.6 ±
1.5) > Zn (3.0 ± 0.7) > Cu (2.4 ± 1.1) > Pb (1.9 ± 0.5) > Hg (1.8 ± 0.8)
> Cd (1.6 ± 0.7). Therefore, the Igeo indicates moderate to heavy
pollution of metals in the study area, depending on each metal and
sampling station location. Then, Pb, Cd and Hg present a moderate
contamination (1 < Igeo < 2), while Zn and Cu present moderate to
heavy contamination (2 < Igeo < 3). Again, Ni is significantly accumu-
lated in the soils and its Igeo indicates heavily pollution (4 < Igeo < 5).
Inter-element relationships in the soil matrix provide information
on heavy metal sources and pathways in the geoenvironment (Dragovic
et al., 2008). According to the values of Pearson correlation coefficients
(Table 2), except for Hg, the rest of the heavy metals are all positively
correlated. A significant strong positive correlation exists between Cd
and Zn (r=0.965, P < 0.01), Cd and Pb (r=0.953, P < 0.01) and Pb and
Fig. 5. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results. (a) Loading plot of the two
Zn (r=0.917, P < 0.01). Ni shows a relatively weak positive correlation components influencing geochemical variation of agricultural soils from Sinu River
with Cu (r=0.327, P < 0.05), Pb (r=0.269, P < 0.05) and Cd (r=0.325, P basin, (b) Score plot PC1 vs. PC2 of sampling sites. White circles: S1-S45: lower Sinú
< 0.05) and significant moderate positive correlations exist between Cu River: black squares: S46-S83: middle Sinú River. Codes in bold indicate sampling sites
and Pb (r=0.620, P < 0.01) and Cd (r=0.687, P < 0.05). with relatively high scores in first or second component.
These significant and relatively strong correlations indicate that
these metals in the Sinú River soils were derived from similar sources, that shows an increased accumulation in soils after long-term direct
which mainly originate from anthropogenic activities. For further use of Cu-based pesticides and fungicides (Epstein and Bassein, 2001).
evaluation of the extent of metal contamination in the study area and Increased Pb levels in cultivated soils have also been ascribed to
source identification, PCA was used following the standard procedure mineral fertiliser application, mainly phosphate fertilisers (Nziguheba
reported in literature (Dragovic et al., 2008). This technique clusters and Smolders, 2008). Cd accumulation in agricultural soils under
variables into groups, such that variables belonging to one group are intense application of phosphate fertiliser with high Cd content is also
highly correlated with one another. well documented (Atafar et al., 2010). Zn is proposed to exhibit a
The results of the PCA of heavy metal contents and sampling points mixed source of both lithogenic and human origin in agricultural soils
are shown in Fig. 5. Two principal components with eigenvalues (Keleperzis et al., 2014). Animal manure is suggested to contribute to
greater than 1 (before and after rotation) were extracted. The PCA Zn levels in agricultural soils (Nicholson et al., 2003). However, the
method leads to a reduction of the initial dimension of the dataset to high association of Zn with Cd as revealed by the Pearson correlation
two components explaining 77.5% of the data variation. Therefore, (Table 2) and CA (Fig. 6) points out that the application of phosphate
these two factors play a significant role in explaining metal contamina- fertilisers is the most important source of Zn in the agricultural system
tion in the study area. As shown Fig. 5a the rotated component matrix under study here.
demonstrated that Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn were involved in the first An atypical behaviour was revealed in the present study for Ni. The
component (PC1) whereas the second component (PC2) included Hg. moderate loadings of this element observed on PC1 and PC2 suggest
Ni was the only element that did not demonstrate a clear association that this metal probably has anthropogenic sources but that these are
with either the first or the second component and had similar moderate different than those related with agricultural activities. Previous studies
loading plots for PC1 (0.424) compared to PC2 (0.454). In more detail, reveal that Ni concentrations were detected in atmospheric deposition
PC1, which has the highest loadings of Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn accounts for (rain and dry) and could be attributed to the extraction process of
60% of variance and is the most important component. PC1 could be ferronickel smelting plants, located a few kilometres north of our study
better explained as an anthropogenic source, specifically related to the site (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2014).
agricultural activities taking place in the area for a long period of time. PC2 accounts for 17.5% of the total variability and can be presumed
Cu is a well-known marker element of agricultural activities, to represent anthropogenic sources, however from a different origin
specifically related to application of fertilisers (Acosta et al., 2011) than those related to farming. Atmospheric and river flow transport of
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388
4. Conclusions
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. Environmental Research 154 (2017) 380–388