Monthly Fimantial Repotr
Monthly Fimantial Repotr
Monthly Fimantial Repotr
Cash In Hand For the Month Of August 2020 ( 68,162- 6615 – Direct Bill @ 3,680) = 57,867/
Month: 31 August’ 2020.
Name :Razan Mehedi Mukul Date of Reporting: 7 September’2020.
Desination: General Manager Working place: Manikgonj District
Days present: 22 Dayes, Days late: 0 Days leave: 9
Special Initiative taken to yield good result next month: 1 activities is going.
Any outstanding achievement: 1st floor in site civil work finish.
Period Detail (Major) Activities Remark
1 week Communication with advocate, police and social
st th
1 day to 7 welfare officer. Meeting with contactor &
Engineer about building work.
2 week Civil work – 1st floor roof breaking and shattering
8th day to 14th work is going. Communication with manikgonj
PBS office about transfer pillar. Communication
with manikgonj Brac nursery , MDPOD nursery ,
forest & Sathy all amin nursery. We
communication with social well fair office, D.D
office, D.c office & Doil foundation office about
Rahimunnesa Enaith foundation.
3 week Civil work – 2nd floor staring work & wall made.
15th day to 21st Shewra tree & fruit garden in the bandutia EID
office campuses. 2nd floor front site and backside
roof casting is finished. Purchase Shewra tree &
fruit tree. Clean & Plantation shewra tree and
some trees. Soil label in the bandutia EID office.
Survey the Kapalypara land and problem solation
the electrics. Meeting with monshiabry family
about present situation of EID.
4 week Communication with advocate about date of case
22 day to 31st 24/09/2020 and 06/10/2020 in manikginj court.
Meeting with manikgonj social welfare
department officer about EID committee and
answer the advocate notice. Meeting with
monshiabry family about present situation of EID.
(This from to submitted by 7th of the next month)
Signature of the
Reporting Officer