SM E-5 One Up Market Research - AK
SM E-5 One Up Market Research - AK
SM E-5 One Up Market Research - AK
Meenakshi the brand Manager at One Up, developed a new taste/flavor variant to target
the adult market---
a) She wanted to conduct a full-scale unbiased product test.
Recommend a research design that covers research method and question areas, location,
period, sample size, sample profile, recruitment of respondents etc. Explain the rationale
for the design and its limitations
b) Meenakshi wanted to know about adult perception and preference about
Milk additives
Preference about consuming as is versus with milk additives
Preferred time of consumption
Awareness about daily nutritional requirement and what is served by milk and
incremental nutritional gain from additives
Was there a negative perception about coffee or tea?
How did house holds make tea and coffee?
Is there an opportunity for coffee or tea flavored malted milk food?
Recommend a research design that covers type of study, location, period, sample
size, sample profile, recruitment of respondents etc. Explain the rationale for the
design and its limitations
c) Meenakshi was wondering whether she can do a market study to be able to project
the sales of the product before launch?
Research Design:
i. Panel 1: Blind product taste test in a common location
where the product is prepared and served
ii. Panel 2: Blind product taste test for customer to prepare in
his house and taste.
iii. Comparative Panel 3: New product taste test Vs
benchmarked current brand Vs Ideal product
Where to test:
i. Customer prepares and consumes the product at his
convenience in his house
ii. Taste trial of drink by consumer in a hall
Test Process in detail
i. Select customers that meet the TG/selection criteria
a. Selection criteria age, drinks MFD or such brand at
least 3 times in a week ( I am just illustrating)
b. Likes MFD drink
ii. Invite selected respondents to a hall
iii. Provide hot drink ( Do a separate study for cold?)
iv. Customers taste the product and then fill a questionnaire
a. Supplement filled questionnaire by interview and
ask more Why questions
v. Tasting and responding to happen in privacy for each
Alternate test process
i. Select customers that meet the TG/selection criteria
a. Selection criteria age, consumes MFD or such brand
at least 4 times in a month ( I am just illustrating)
b. Likes MFD as a food
ii. Provide a “brand-not-indicated test sachet --- 12 to 24
with the customer
iii. Visit the customer after 3 days and get feedback from the
person who prepared and the TG who consumed