College of Design Student and Alumni Board Constitution and Bylaws

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College of Design

Student and Alumni Board

Constitution and Bylaws
updated 7/31/13

Section 1: Name:
The official name of this organization is the College of Design
Student and Alumni Board.

Section 2: Role:
The Board is a combination of the College of Design
Student Board (undergraduate and graduate) and the College of Design
Alumni Society Board.

Section 3: The Board shall operate as a non-profit organization.

Section 4: The Board shall abide by the applicable rules and policies of the
University of Minnesota.

Section 5: Purpose:
This organization shall exist to:

Enhance the student experience by supporting the transition from college to

career, thereby connecting alumni, students, and the professional community in
lifelong support of the college, the U, and each other.


Section 1: Current students (undergraduate and graduate) in the College of Design (CDes)
programs, and any current member of the University of Minnesota Alumni
Association (UMAA) CDes Alumni Society may apply or be nominated to serve
on the board.

Section 2: All society and student members of the Board are voting members (students and
society members vote separately, and all the voters participating in a student vote
will be currently registered University of Minnesota students). A 2/3 majority for
student and alumni voting members is required for new member approval.
Currently registered students at the University of Minnesota must comprise no
less than 2/3 of the total voting membership.

Section 3: Society membership is open to all CDes students, alumni and friends of the U of
M and CDes without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender,
age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual
orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Section 4: Board membership will consist of student and society representatives from across
the disciplines in the college, with every effort made to include as many academic
majors and undergraduate and graduate degree programs as possible.

Section 5: Nominations and Elections:

Procedures for becoming a Board member: Each spring a call for
applications and nominations is put out by the college to the college
community, including all faculty, staff, students and alumni society.
Application and nominations are reviewed and voted on by current
Board members.

Sections 6: Society members are expected to be current members of the UMAA / CDes
Alumni Society. Student members will receive complimentary UMAA / CDes
Alumni Society membership during their term of service.

Section 7: Ex Officio Members and Administrative Contacts: The Assistant Dean for
Student Services, the College to Career Coordinator, and the Director of Alumni
Relations shall serve as advisers and administrative contacts for the Board. A
UMAA designee and UMAA National Board Representative(s) for the College of
Design will also serve as ex-officio members. The above members are non-
voting except for the UMAA National Board Representative(s).


Section 1: The board shall determine leadership structure and officers, and selection
processes through a consultative and democratic process.

Section 2: The officer positions for the Board are as follows:

Student and Alumni Presidents: one member from the student board and one
member from the Alumni Society.

Alumni Vice President (President-elect): One society board member who will
serve as alumni president during the next year.

Student Officers at Large: four student members to represent DSAB in its role
as a collegiate student board. The student president serves as a fifth officer and
primary contact for SAO.

Section 3: Executive Committee: the Executive Committee shall consist of the Alumni
President, Student President (SAO officer), Alumni Past President, Vice President
(President-elect), College to Career Coordinator, and the Director of Alumni

Section 4: All student officers shall be currently enrolled students at the University and the
College of Design registered for 6 credits minimum. Only currently registered
students will hold officer positions as part of the College of Design Student
Board, sign the officer declaration form and be listed as officers on the University
of Minnesota website. The alumni president shall be a current member of the
College of Design Alumni Society.

Section 5: Officers shall be elected during the spring term and shall serve for a period
of one year. Officers shall be elected, in person or electronically, by a
majority vote providing a quorum is present.


Section 1: The work of the Board shall be carried out through committees and task forces
formed or confirmed on an annual basis to support the strategic initiatives of the

Sections 2: Each committee and task force shall identify a chair that leads the group and
provides reports and updates to the Board and Executive Committee regarding the
status of the groups activities.

Section 3: Role of the Executive Committee:

Helps set meeting agendas, vision, and strategic priorities of the
Board. Coordinates human and financial resources for the Board including
committee efforts, alumni society membership, nominations and elections,
budget, UMAA connections, legislative advocacy, and board development.

Sections 2: Each committee shall have a society or student chair that leads the work of the
committee and represents his or her committee on the Executive Committee as
needed for planning purposes.


Section 1: The official meeting schedule shall be established at the beginning of

every academic year.

Section 2: Members are expected to attend all official meetings of the board and scheduled
committee events. Individuals with two unexcused absences will lose their seat on
the board. Student members who study abroad during their term on the board will
be required to find an alternate student from their academic program to represent
them during their absence.

Section 3: A quorum shall be present in order to conduct official business of the board. A
quorum shall consist of 50% of the voting membership plus one.

Section 4: The officers and board facilitators may call special meetings as needed.


Section 1: Unless otherwise specified by the board members at the time of dissolution of the
Board or Society, residual assets shall be distributed to the College of Design
scholarship fund.


Section 1: Amendments to the constitution or bylaws may be proposed by any member of

the Board. Normally, such proposals must be in writing for review by the board
at least one week prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be
voted on.

Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be submitted for a vote by the voting members
of the Board providing there is a quorum present. A 2/3 majority in favor shall be
required for adoption of amendment.

Constitution ratified: ___October____/_15__/__2018__

Officer__Cassandra Connery_________________Date____10/16/2018___________

Officer__Danielle Jurichko__________________Date___10/16/2018______

Officer__Emily Seifert______________________Date______10/16/2018_________

Officer_Kayla Samuel______________________Date______10/16/2018_________

Officer_Leilen Farias_______________________Date_____10/16/2018__________

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