LOPA - Know Your Onions PDF
LOPA - Know Your Onions PDF
LOPA - Know Your Onions PDF
richard gowland
AYER of Protection Analysis (LOPA) has become a popular
and convenient method for simplified risk assess- typical workflow
ment and as an important part of the life cycle of safety
instrumented systems which are covered by IEC 61511 (see
Figure 1, IEC 61511 part 3). It offers assistance in answering
the questions: is an operating system optimised for safety or
the environment? Does the operating system appear to be
under-protected when predictable hazards are considered? CONCEPTUAL DEVELOP
When I have a defined frequency target based on the severity of REQUIREMENT
an unmitigated hazard, does my system ensure that this target SPECIFICATION MAINTENANCE
is met? And if not: what is the scale of the deficiency and how PROCEDURES
might it be rectified?
The layer of protection concept is often described using PERFORM PERFORM SIS
the LOPA ‘onion’ (see over). It shows that an operating facility PROCESS CONCEPTUAL
is controlled for its designed purpose and is surrounded by ANALYSIS SAFETY REVIEW
‘layers’ which are intended to prevent harm to persons or the & RISK MEETS
environment. The Center for Chemical Process Safety produced
an excellent guide to LOPA in 2001 (Layer of Protection Analysis –
Simplified Process Risk Assessment, ISBN 0816908117, available from
IChemE). When LOPA is itself ‘mapped’, we get something like SIS STARTUP,
the diagram from appendix 2 of the Process Safety Leadership PROTECTION DETAIL DESIGN MAINTENANCE,
Group Final Report on the Buncefield Accident (2009) Safety and LAYERS TO PERIODIC
Environmental Standards for Fuel Storage Sites (see Figure 2). TESTING
The whole study starts from an understanding of hazardous HAZARDS OR
scenarios developed before LOPA is attempted.
Obviously in an operating facility there may be several COMMIS-
significant scenarios which need study. LOPA is a method SIONING &
which is based on assessing single scenarios. This means that ACCEPTANCE MODIFY
several LOPA studies would be required for a typical unit. An NO TEST OR DECOM-
example is the case of a gasoline storage facility such as the REQUIRED?
tank which overflowed at Buncefield in 2005. The two imme-
diately obvious scenarios would be for fire and explosion. This
would mean that a LOPA study would be done for each. In
turn, each of these studies would need to address the various DEFINE
initiating events which could start a train of events leading to ING
an overflow.
examine identified scenarios Figure 1: iec 61511 life cycle. LOPA fits well from the process
The obvious starting point in a LOPA study will be to examine hazard analysis step through to the question “Is SIS required?”
each identified scenario for its potential severity. This
/S U
the LOPA ‘ONION’: Depicting the layers of protection normally arranged to control the hazards on an operational facility
would ideally proceed or emanate from a hazard identifi- People (R2P2), The Buncefield Final Report appendix 2 (Dec
cation process such as HAZOP or HAZID, where deviations, 2009), and the Chemical and Downstream Oil Industry Forum
causes, consequences and safeguards will have been identi- (CDOIF) guidance on environmental hazards.
fied. The consequences at this stage may or may not have been It is not the purpose of this article to tell the reader what
sufficiently studied to allow a proper estimation of severity to to do here. It requires logical thought and effort to choose a
be established. It is important to gain agreement from the study target frequency. If too high a frequency target is chosen (eg for
team on this severity, usually in terms of harm to persons or to a single fatality), it is unlikely to pass the ‘ALARP test’ which
the environment. In some cases, this might be quite a simple will be needed at the end. It may also fail to meet a regula-
step in the sense that the identified consequence is most likely tor’s expectations. Again, reference to the publication Safety
to affect a limited number of persons. This might be true for a and Environmental Standards for Fuel Storage Sites, appendix 2 is
pool fire, but is much less clear when an explosion is considered. very helpful.
A conservative approach is therefore vital.
initiating events
Once the consequence has been defined, it needs Having established a target frequency, the first (of perhaps
to be assessed for a ‘target frequency’ which is several) initiating events needs to be considered. This will
related to internal guidance from the company likely come from the cause section of the HAZOP/HAZID. The
and that of the competent authorities most convenient first initiating event will probably be a failure
in a process control or indication such as a level, pressure,
Once the consequence has been defined, it needs to be assessed or temperature control loop. This needs to have a failure
for a ‘target frequency’ which is related to internal guidance frequency assigned to it. The source of this information is
from the company and that of the competent authorities (eg ideally from the user’s own documented failure and main-
the Health and Safety Executive of Great Britain, and the UK’s tenance records. The equipment manufacturer can provide
Environment Agency). This guidance is related to the concepts typical results. Failing that, there are databases available
of ‘Broadly Acceptable’ and ‘ALARP’ frequencies described in which indicate typical ranges. Whichever is chosen, justifi-
the HSE’s approach to risk described in Reducing Risks, Protecting cation will be required. Clause 8.2.2 in IEC 61511 specifies the
desire. This could be one of the reasons that many companies studies but do not represent ‘science’. LOPA works well when
avoid using SIL 3 SISs anywhere in their systems if they can. considering events which start from a well-understood severity
In the UK, the ALARP question will now need to be addressed. evaluation. Describe the scenario as simply as possible and
The issue arises about a cost benefit analysis at the end of a include a description of the final outcome, eg single fatality to
LOPA study which addressed the question: is a reduction in patrol operator. Remember to start the LOPA assuming that the
frequency of the top event achievable at reasonable cost? A top event happens, and then bring in all the factors which affect
cost benefit analysis can be quite simple to do, but the diffi- its outcome and frequency. A top event with severity lower than
culty comes when assessing if the attendant cost of capital and serious injury often produces results which could have been
regular testing is greatly disproportionate to the benefit gained. worked out much earlier without resorting to LOPA. So be ready
The HSE publication Reducing Risks Protecting People (R2P2) gets to allow other evaluations to solve the problems (permit to
you started, although the figures quoted for values are from work, job safety analysis etc).
2001 and need to be adjusted. Furthermore, the values associ- LOPA requires at least approximate (not wet finger)
ated with an event are likely to be determined by a court. The estimates of initiating event frequency and probability of failure
HSE has some more advice on its website (www.hse.gov.uk). In of demand of safeguards. Initiating events for which no data
the end, this leads to a reasonable framework. There are state- exist can lead to a lack of credibility, although there is some
ments in the procedure for checking for ALARP which suggest merit in understanding which IPLs may apply even when the
that a cost benefit analysis may not be necessary, however it is data are guessed. This at least helps us to focus on preventive
difficult to see how this might always be possible. Even when measures even if the initiating event or some IPLs cannot be
the ALARP question is not part of a regulator requirement, it quantified. There have been cases of working LOPA backwards
makes sense to carry out a cost benefit analysis to establish that by establishing a tolerable frequency and then allowing for all
resources are assigned wisely. the normal factors in LOPA to arrive at a required frequency of
the initiating event. A reality check may then be applied to this
– does this make sense if we examine history?
The practicalitieS Human factor evaluation can be tricky. The use of HEART
Any LOPA study needs to have documentation on the source of requires significant judgement when addressing proportion
the scenarios (eg HAZOP), and the names and competences of of affect (sic) of error producing conditions (EPCs). However,
the LOPA study team. Usually this would be: simply comparing a task to the generic tasks described in the
method allows a baseline to be drawn for a probability of error.
• trained leader/facilitator; At this stage, task simplification can be considered. The influ-
• production operator(s) – for existing facility studies; ence of the proportion of affect can minimised by making sure
• project engineer – for new facilities; that the described error producing conditions are eliminated
• process technology specialist; or minimised.
• process control specialist;
• production engineer;
• maintenance; Conclusion
• instrumentation design engineer; and LOPA is a simple method but requires you to know and obey the
• scribe (preferably using proprietary recording and rules. A well-run study gains the confidence of all participants
calculating software such as ABB TRACS or simple including the essential operating staff who know the actual
EXCEL software in IChemE training course) conditions at the plant (and may reveal problems unknown
by the other study participants). Anyone familiar with HAZOP
The resources for the study would include: should know that sometimes provision of information or
• process description; decisions need to be made by persons outside the LOPA team.
• piping and instrument diagrams; This would be normal and needs to be managed properly.
• operating instructions; As with other methods, manipulating the outcome to suit a
• outcomes from previous studies (eg HAZOP); and pre-existing requirement is not a good idea. If this is attempted,
• lists of systems which are bypassed or in ‘manual’ the clarity of the LOPA method will soon reveal shortcuts or
(recommended – software for recording and calculating rule violations. This is one of its greatest advantages. Like most
outcomes) risk assessment methods, LOPA is not an exact science, so there
needs to be a reality check on its results. And lastly – LOPA is
The study outcomes include actions on improving existing more fun than HAZOP!
systems and additional protection required to meet the target
frequencies for the scenario; full descriptions for the safety
functions of all IPLs along with required PFDs; and review dates. Disclaimer: This article is provided for guidance alone. Expert
I have a number of rules of thumb. These have assisted some engineering advice should be sought before application.