Investment Management: CAFTA Webinar
Investment Management: CAFTA Webinar
Investment Management: CAFTA Webinar
CAFTA Webinar
15 May 2020
Written by
What we will cover: Session 01
Section 1: Investment Treasury investments, Objectives, Financial Risks and Key Risk
Management – Basic Metrics for Debt and Equity
Section 2: Investment
products for an Indian Different investment products in Indian and Global market
Q &A
Scenario 1
MF Corporate Bond
Annualized ROI of 8% p.a. The benchmark has given Annualized ROI of 7% p.a. The benchmark has given
a return of 7% p.a. a return of 6% p.a.
Both asset classes have done equally well. The Treasurer shall be indifferent
Scenario 2
MF Corporate Bond
Annualized ROI of 8% p.a. The benchmark has given Annualized ROI of 7% p.a. The benchmark has given
a return of 7% p.a. a return of 6% p.a.
Standard deviation of returns .80 Standard deviation of returns is .50
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Investment management:
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1.1 Treasury Investments – What does this mean ?
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1.2 Treasury Investments – What does this mean ?
Identify whether the below investment are strategic investments (No) or treasury investments (Yes)
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1.3 Investment Objectives
Corporate investment Treasury follows the following criteria's while evaluating an investment option
Credit risk Risk of default on a debt that may arise from a Analyse the capacity of the company to meet
borrower failing to make required payments. its financial obligations. How ?
Risk includes loss of principal and interest, Credit Rating, Current Ration, Free ccsh
disruption to cash flows, and increased
fllow, Debt servicing ratio, Interest
collection costs.
coverage ratio
Risk that changes in interest rates may reduce
Interest rate risk (or increase) the market value of a bond. How I do measure interest rate risk ?
Interest rate risk is also referred to as market Duration
Risk associated with the early return of Refer to the prospectus before
principal on a fixed-income security. For investing
Prepayment risk example embedded call options that may be
exercised by the issuer (A callable Bond). This
risk may lead to reinvestment risk.
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1.5 Most Important Risk Metrics – Macaulay Duration
The greater duration of the bond, the greater its percentage price volatility
In other words, duration is the elasticity of the bond's price with respect to interest rates
Higher the coupon rate, shorter the duration provided term of the bond is constant
Since the Macaulay duration measures the weighted average time an investor must hold a bond until
the present value of the bond’s cash flows is equal to the amount paid for the bond, it is often used by
bond managers looking to manage bond portfolio risk with immunization strategies
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Investment products for an Indian
Time: 30 mins
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2.1 Investment products in India – Highly Liquid
Overnight Money
Market in India
Bilaterally Repo Bilaterally
Daily Average Trading Volume (%) Daily Average Trading Volume (INR crore)
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2.2 Investment products in India – G-Sec
30% 26.20%
10.30% 12.40%
Banks Insurance Provident RBI FPI Others
Cos. Funds
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2.2 Investment products in India – Corporate and FI debt
exchanges 10% 8% 7% 8% 9%
5% 1% 1% 1%
Banks Body FI FPI MF Residents Trusts Others
Corporates Others include AIF, CM, FII,
Private Placement Public Issue NRI, residents, HUF and QIB
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2.2 Investment products in India – Corporate and FI debt
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2.2 Investment products in India – Equities
Global Stock Listed companies on stock exchanges
Total Market Capitalisation
20 22.9 Exchanges, by
(USD trillion)
4.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 2.0
participants 30%
22.4% 21.6%
turnover : 20% 15.1%
2018-19 12.4%
7.9% 7.5%
2.1% 2.8%
Proprietary Domestic FPI MF Others
trades Institutions Others include retail investors, partnership
firms, HUF, NRI and QII
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2.2 Investment products in India – Equities
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2.2 Investment products in India – Equities ETF
Retirement funds have started to invest in ETFs and this has led to a
significant rise in ETF assets. The government has also used ETFs as a
tool for divestment of its holdings (CPSE ETF and Bharat 22 ETF)
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2.2 Investment products in India – Mutual Funds
Diversi- Income
fied Fund Fund Multi-asset
ELSS Duration
Fund Fund Arbitrage
Arbitrage Gilt Fund
Funds / Corp
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2.2 Investment products in India – Mutual Funds
AUM break-up by
asset class: INR 25
lakh crore market
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2.2 Investment products in India – Summary
Real Estate
Debt CP
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2.3 Investment products in global markets
EUR $121.2
Initial Return at
Investment Maturity
when when
EUR/USD = EUR/USD = 1.175
1.212 or
EUR/USD = 1.233
➢ Return of Investment @ ➢ Return of Investment @
Maturity Maturity
▪ Receive a min of 90% of ▪ Entire investment in
initial investment, subject another currency, as
to issuer’s credit risk specified at the time of
➢ Hedging
▪ Allows hedging
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2.3 Investment products in global markets
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Behaviour Finance and Human
Psychology in Investment
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Why Behaviour Finance
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We develop outstanding leaders who team
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EY refers to the global organization, and
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Ernst & Young Associates LLP is one of the Indian client
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