Zircon U-Pb Age of The Paramo Rico Tonalite-Granodiorite, Dorr Et Al 1995
Zircon U-Pb Age of The Paramo Rico Tonalite-Granodiorite, Dorr Et Al 1995
Zircon U-Pb Age of The Paramo Rico Tonalite-Granodiorite, Dorr Et Al 1995
187-194, 1995
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd & Earth Sciemes & Rwources Institute
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0895-9811195 $9.50 + 0.00
’ Institut fiir Geowissenschaften und LithospKrenforschung, JLU GieBen, Senckenbergstra8e 3, D-35390 Giessen.
2 INGEOMINAS Bogota, Diag. 53 No. 34-53, A.A. 4865, Bogota, Colombia.
3 Institut fur Mineralogie, Universibit Mtinster, Corrensstra8e 24, D-48149 Miinster.
188 W. DGRR. et al.
m Quaternary
Mesozoic (undivided)
@J Fm. Silgara (pre-Devonian)
m Bucaramanga Gneiss (3 Precamb.)
aQ uartz-Monzonite (undivided)
m Santa Barbara Quartz-Monzonite
h$ ParamoRicoGranodiorite/Tonalite
m Orthogneiss
/EJJSample locations
Fig. 1. (I!&) Published age data for plutonic rocks of the Santander and Floresta Massifs, Cordillera Oriental. 1 Granodiorita de Pam-
plona (Boinet er al. 1985); 2 Granito de Pescadero (Goldsmith et ul. 1971); 3 Granodiorita de Santa Barbara (Goldsmith et al. 1971); 4
Batolito de Mogotes (Goldsmith et al. 1971); 5 Monzonita de Onzaga (Cordani in Etayoer al. 1983); 6 Granito de Chuscales (Ulloa and
Rodriguez 1982); 7 Granodioritflonalita de Paramo Rico. Fig. 2. (Right) Geological map of the Paramo Rico pluton simplified after
Ward et al. (1973) with sample points and sample numbers referred to in the text.
The Paramo Rico plutonic body (PRP) covers an area Lower Paleozoic granitoids (Ward et al., 1973; Ulloa and
of approximately 50 km* north of the small town of Berlin, Rodriguez, 1982) and gabbros (Boinet et aE., 1985). This
between Bucaramanga and Pamplona (Fig. 1). unit is supposed to be of Lower Paleozoic age because it
The Paramo Rico pluton intrudes the Bucaramanga underlies fossiliferous Middle Devonian strata.
Gneiss (Fig. 2) which consists mainly of metasediments
These metamorphic series are covered by epicontinen-
with minor amounts of amphibolites and orthogneisses.
tal to terrestrial sediments of Middle Devonian to Jurassic
This metamorphic basement represents a possible Precam-
brian unit, but has yielded a minimum age of approxi-
mately 420 Ma (K-Ar data from Goldsmith et al., 197 1). The contact with the Santa Barbara batholith, probably
The Paramo Rico pluton also intrudes the Silgara For- a fault contact, is not exposed. K/Ar biotite ages from
mation, which consists of metamorphic siliciclastic rocks Goldsmith ef al. (1971), yielded ages of 192 + 7 Ma and
with intercalations of orthoamphibolites intruded by 194 + 7 Ma for this batholith.
Zircon U-Pb age of the Paramo Rico tonalite-granodiorite, Santander Massif (Cordillera Oriental, Colombia) 189
Ala&e-dikes and quartz-monzonitic aplites of the La for the blank-U. The isotope ratio of the initial lead was
Corcova quartz-monzonite intrude the Paramo Rico plu- calculated after Stacey and Kramers (1975) for a crustal
ton. These dikes have yielded a WAr biotite age of 1 11 + 4 model lead with an age of 215 Ma (38.237 for 208Pb/204Pb,
Ma and a K/Ar muscovite age of 195 rt 7 Ma (Goldsmith 15.612 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 18.372 for 206Pb/204Pb). The
et al., 197 1). Field evidence shows these intrusives to be calculation and correlation of errors for the 206Pb/238U-
younger than the Paramo Rico pluton. and 207Pb/235U-ratios was carried out after Ludwig (1980)
Cretaceous sedimentary rocks surround the Santander for a confidence level of 95%. This also accounts for the
Massif and are preserved as erosional relicts within the errors connected with the measured isotope ratios, the
Massif. uncertainty of the U/Pb ratio of the mixed spike, the error
Therefore, the age of intrusion of the Paramo Rico plu- magnification by the spike/sample ratio, and the uncertain-
ton is bracketed between approximately 420 Ma and 195 ties of the blank- and initial-lead corrections. The relative
Ma (see also Ward et cd., 1973, Etayo et al., 1983). Most error for the isotope ratios of the initial lead and the blank-
authors have favored a Paleozoic intrusion age. lead are set at l%, for the U/Pb-ratio of the spike at 0.15%,
The best exposures within the Paramo Rico pluton are and for the concentration of the blank lead at 50%. The
found along the road that runs from Berlin to Vetas and estimated correlation factor for initial lead and blank lead
near the small town of California in the northern part of is 0.7. The error ellipses thus calculated were plotted for
the pluton (see Fig. 2). the samples on the concordia diagram (Fig. 6). Element
concentrations and ages were calculated using the con-
stants of Steiger and Jager (1977) and Jaffey et al. (197 1).
Regression lines were calculated with the least squares
Major elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence method of York (1969).
spectrometry (XRF) using fused glass discs. Trace ele-
ments were analyzed in pressed powder pellets by XRF
using a Philips PW 1400 calibrated to the international
standards BM, BR, BHVO-1, and BIR-1. Total volatiles Modal analysis (approximately 500 points per analysis)
were determined by loss on ignition (LOI) at 1000°C on show that the plutonic body consists mainly of granodior-
samples dried overnight at 105’ C. U-Pb systematics of ite and tonalite. The main petrographic features are shown
zircons were determined from a tonalite (7-l-l-89; 4 kg) in Table 1. Streckeisen’s (1973) classification is followed.
and a granodiorite (10-l-4-89; 5 kg). The samples from the southern part are a tonalite (7-1-1-
After removal of the weathered surfaces, the samples 89) and a granodiorite (IGM 37435); rocks of the northern
were crushed to l-2 cm, and then further reduced by part of the pluton are granodiorites (lo- l-4-89, lo- l-5-89)
repeated treatment in a roller mill. After each treatment in and a quartz-monzonite (10-l-2-89) (Fig. 2). The horn-
the mill, the fraction smaller than 0.18 mm was separated blende-biotite bearing rocks of the Paramo Rico pluton are
by sieving, and heavy minerals were further concentrated shown in the QAPF double triangle, in comparison to
by flotation. The concentrate was then gravity settled in other plutonic rocks of approximately the same age of the
Bromoform (2.8 g/cm3) and separated magnetically in a Santander Massif in Fig. 3. This figure also includes the
isodynamic separator (20” inclination, 15” tilt of the proposed fields for talc-alkaline granites (CAG) and
groove, steps of 0.4 amp up to 1.6 amp). This treatment island-arc granites (IAG) taken from Maniar and Piccoli
yielded almost pure concentrates of zircon, which were (1989).
split into size fractions with nylon sieves. Euhedral zircons
The occurrence of hornblende in these rocks, the
without inclusions were selected from these sieve frac-
absence of muscovite and the presence of sphene are typi-
tions. Both tonalite and granodiorite samples contain simi-
cal of I-type granitoids (Chappell and White, 1974).
lar zircons. They are light pink or colorless and belong to
the subtypes 53 or S23 in the classification of Pupin Further indicators of I-type characteristics of the East-
(1980). ern Cordillera plutonic group are the porphyry copper
The chemical decomposition of the zircons, the separa- mineralizations in the Mesozoic plutonics of the Santander
tion of U and Pb, and the mass spectrometric isotope anal- Massif and a relatively broad spectrum of felsic to mafic
ysis were performed at the Central Laboratory for compositions (Chappell and White, 1974). There are no
Geochronology (University of Miinster) and the IGL (Uni- geochemical data available from other Jurassic-Triassic
versity of Giessen) using the standard procedures plutons of the Santander Massif.
described by Persson et al. (1983) and Krogh (1973), The analyzed samples have Si02 contents between 54
except that the zircons were washed in cold 3 N HCl. and 59 wt.%. The rocks belong to a talc-alkaline suite
The analyses were carried out with a NBS-Type 12”-90 with an alkali-lime index around 57 (Table 2). The log
solid-source mass-spectrometer (mass fractionation 0.12% CaO/K20+ Na20 - Si02 diagram (Fig. 4A) reveals that our
a.m.u.) and a MAT 261 (mass fractionation 0.076% rocks compare well with other talc-alkaline suites, and
a.m.u.). The measured isotopic ratios of lead were cor- plot in a field intermediate between typical continental arc
rected by the initial lead and blank lead values. The iso- and island arc intrusives. The rocks are metaluminous
tope ratios of the blank lead are 37.5 for 20*Pb/204Pb, 15.52 based on Shand’s index and plot in the field of IAG in the
for *“Pb/*“Pb and 17.72 for 206Pb/204Pb. The measured A120s/(Na20 + K20) - A1203/(Ca0 + Na20 + K20) dia-
quantity of blank-lead was 90 pg on the average, and 40 pg gram (Fig. 4B) (Maniar and Piccoli 1989).
190 W. DORR, et al.
Table 1. Mineralogical composition of the investigated specimen from the Paramo Rico pluton.
Microcline tr. -
Biotite 12.8 12.8 18.6 12.6 13.0
Pyx. - 0.2 -
Table 2. Major and trace element geochemistry of samples from the Paramo Rico pluton.
Cr 30 24 33 45
co I5 n.d 19 n.d.
Ni 12 IY 13 12
CU <lO n.d. <lO 10
Zn 80 70 112 96
Ga 22 n.d. 23 22
Rb 107 168 120 101
Sr 693 594 615 665
Y 37 SO 41 32
Zr 235 266 202 196
Nb II 12 9 12
Pb 12 Rd. 11 11
Th 11 n.d. 8 5
V ad. 173 n.d. n.d.
Zircon U-Pb age of the Paramo Rico tonalite-granodiorite, Santander Massif (Cordillera Oriental, Colombia) 19 1
Fig. 5. Concordia plot of the analysed zircon fractions from the Paramo Rico pluton of the tonalite (7-l-l-89) (open ellipses) and the
grkodiorite (lo- l-2-89) (filled ellipses).
Table 3. U-Pb analytical data for the investigated specimen of the Paramo Rico pluton.
SIEVE mg U Pb Pb 208 Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 207Pb 207Pb
FRACTION (ppm) tot. radiog. 206 Pb 206Pb 204Pb 238U 235 U 206Pb 238U 235U 206Pb
(MICROMETER) (ppm) (ppm)
-250 (1) 3.30 253.2 11.1 9.1 0.340376 0.103372 279.7 0.032935 0.231136 0.050899 208.9 211.1 236.3
-200 (2) 5.21 293.9 18.2 10.6 0.593377 0.203255 96.7 0.032180 0.228920 0.051593 204.2 209.3 267.4
-160 (3) 4.39 319.3 11.9 11.0 0.278179 0.079458 533.8 0.031618 0.226800 0.052024 200.7 207.5 286.5
-125 (4) , 4.56 , 361.7 113.5 112.6 10.269328 10.070912 1753.4 I 0.031653 I 0.224533 I 0.051447 I 200.9 I 205.7 I 260.9 I
-200 (5) 1.50 248.1 9.62 9.47 0.225310 0.056910 3489.8 0.034992 0.254333 0.052715 221.7 230.1 316.5
-250 (6) 3.02 163.3 7.33 6.33 0.291564 0.093546 370.1 0.035995 0.268256 0.054051 228.0 241.3 373.2
-160 (7) 2.85 179.6 6.65 6.42 0.215287 0.061652 1398.0 0.033474 0.236142 0.051163 212.3 215.3 248.2
-125 (8) 2.16 213.6 8.26 7.77 0.235117 0.070325 834.6 0.033933 0.246990 0.052791 215.0 224.1 319.8
reinterpreted to represent cooling ages after the solidifica- reported several plutonic bodies with ages around 200 Ma.
tion of the magmatic melts, rather than ages which repre- These bodies are characterized by quartz-diorites, monzo-
sent cooling after Mesozoic metamorphism as proposed by nites, and tonalites (e.g. Alvarez 1983). Moreover, Tschanz
Boinet et al. (1985). et al. (1974) reported granodiorites and quartz-monzonites
Field relations, xenoliths of metamorphic rocks and with ages around 180 Ma from the Sierra Nevada de Santa
inherited lead component of the zircons demonstrate that Marta.
the Paramo Rico pluton was intruded into a continental This widespread magmatic activity at the Triassic-
crust. Furthermore, epicontinental and terrestrial sedi- Jurassic boundary suggests a geotectonic position of the
ments were deposited in the region of the Santander Mas- Cordillera Oriental similar to the present collision front of
sif in Triassic/Jurassic times - coeval with the Paramo the Nazca and the South American plates.
Rico pluton. These relationships, together with the results Further geochronological, petrographical, and
of the petrographic and geochemical investigations, give geochemical work is necessary for a better understanding
clear evidence that the geotectonic setting of the pluton of the mechanisms and geotectonics of this important
was a continental arc, not an island arc. northwest comer of South America.
Acknowledgements - This study was supported by the German Aca-
On the basis of our findings and the paleogeographic
demic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Research Foundation
considerations of Aspden er al. (1987), we propose an (DFG, grant no. GR 94411-l).
eastward subduction of Pacific ocean crust under the west-
We are grateful to R. Emmermann, U. Haack (Giessen) and B. Grauert
em margin of the Guayana Shield, possibly beginning dur-
(Mtlnster), who made available the geochemical analysis and isotopic
ing the Triassic (Fig. 6). This is in accordance with studies. We would also like to thank J. Leveque and S. Philippe (both
geochronological and petrological data from other parts of from Giessen) for their invaluable help. We are grateful to F. Stibane
the Eastern Cordillera and the Central Cordillera of (Giessen) for fruitful discussions about Colombian geology. H. Mendoza
Colombia: initiation of a subduction related magmatism (Ingeominas Regional Bucaramanga) from the Ingeominas Bogota, and
the Universidad National Bogota provided important help during field
along the western border of the Guayana shield at the Tri-
work. We thank D. Tanner and T. Schmidt (both from Giessen) for cor-
assic/Jurassic boundary is indicated by plutonic activity rections of the English text.
around 200 Ma in the Santander Massif (Goldsmith et al.,
Last but not least, the reviews of H. Duque-Care (Bogota) and D. Kim-
1971). This plutonic activity also seems to be widespread
brough (San Diego) improved the paper.
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