Context Caching Using Neighbor Graphs For Fast Handoffs in A Wireless Network
Context Caching Using Neighbor Graphs For Fast Handoffs in A Wireless Network
Context Caching Using Neighbor Graphs For Fast Handoffs in A Wireless Network
Abstract— User mobility in wireless data networks is in- lend themselves to what we call continuous mobility where
creasing because of technological advances, and the desire for the user moves while utilizing the network.
voice and multimedia applications. These applications, however, Voice based applications are the usual application in con-
require fast handoffs between base stations to maintain the
quality of the connections. Previous work on context transfer for tinuous mobility as seen in the current cellular networks, and
fast handoffs has focused on reactive methods, i.e. the context we expect voice and multimedia applications will serve as the
transfer occurs after the mobile station has associated with the catalyst for continuous mobility in Wi-Fi networks much as
next base station or access router. In this paper, we describe they did for the cellular networks once multi-mode handsets
the use of a novel and efficient data structure, neighbor graphs, and end-user applications become more widely available.
which dynamically captures the mobility topology of a wireless
network as a means for pre-positioning the station’s context Supporting voice and multimedia with continuous mobility
ensuring that the station’s context always remains one hop ahead. implies that the total latency (layer 2 and layer 3) of handoffs
From experimental and simulation results, we find that the use between base stations must be fast. Specifically, the overall
of neighbor graphs reduces the layer 2 handoff latency due to latency should not exceed 50 ms to prevent excessive jitter [5].
reassociation by an order of magnitude from 15.37ms to 1.69ms, Unfortunately, the vast majority of Wi-Fi based networks
and that the effectiveness of the approach improves dramatically
as user mobility increases. do not currently meet this goal with the layer 2 latencies
contributing approximately 90% of the overall latency which
Index Terms— System Design, Simulations, Experimentation exceeds 100 ms [6], [7]. [6] suggests various mechanisms to
with Testbed, Network Measurements.
reduce the layer 2 latency to within 20 to 60 ms depending
on the client. Handoffs involve transfer of station context
I. I NTRODUCTION [8], which is the stations’s session, QoS and security related
state information, via inter-access point communication. This
Wireless networks, specificially those based on the IEEE
transfer only furthers the handoff delay by an average 15.37
802.11 standard (Wi-Fi), are experiencing rapid growth due to
their low cost and unregulated bandwidth. As a result of this
One method of reducing the context transfer latency of
tremendous growth, pockets of connectivity have been created
handoffs is to transfer or cache context ahead of a mobile
not unlike those created during the first few years of the cel-
station in a pro-active fashion. Unfortunately, the previous
lular systems. The logical next step for Wi-Fi based networks
work on context transfer has focused solely on reactive context
is support for fast roaming within the same administrative
transfers, i.e. the context transfer is initiated only after the
domain and then eventually between overlapping pockets of
mobile station associates with the next base station or access
connectivity or different administrative domains. Thus, we
router resulting in an overall increase in the latency of the
expect users to become more mobile once technological ad-
handoff rather than reducing it [7], [9]. The problem with
vances such as multi-mode (Wi-Fi and GSM/CDMA cellular)
pro-active approaches, however, is how to determine the set
handsets become more available much as users became more
of potential next base stations without examining the network
mobile in the traditional cellular networks once handsets
topology and manually creating the set.
became smaller and more affordable.
In this paper, we introduce a novel and efficient data
Previous studies of wireless network mobility have shown
structure, the neighbor graph, which dynamically captures the
that users tend to roam in what we call discrete mobility where
mobility topology of a wireless network through real-time
the user utilizes the network while stationary (or connected
examination of the handoffs occurring in the network in either
to the same base station) and before moving the user ceases
a distributed fashion, e.g. at a base station or access point, or
operation only to continue using the network after moving
in a centralized fashion, e.g. at the authentication server.
to a new location [1], [2], [3], [4]. That is the users do not
A neighbor graph is an undirected graph with each edge
usually move while using the network because the majority
representing a mobility path between the vertices, or access
of current network applications and equipment do not easily
points. Therefore, given any edge, e, the neighbors of e
This research was supported in part by a grant from Samsung Electronics represent the set of potential next access points. While there
and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. are numerous uses for this information, we focus in this paper
E New AP Old AP
the new-AP based on the data rates and signal strength2 .
Probe Delay is the time spent by the STA in scanning and
ication selecting the next AP. After the probe, the STA and new-
tion Requ
AP exchange 802.11 authentication frames, and the latency
Send secu
rity block
incurred is the authentication delay (messages E and F). After
authentication, the STA sends an 802.11 reassociation request
curity bl
Ack Se to the AP (message G) and receives a reassociation response
tify from the AP (message H) which completes the handoff
Move R
esponse process. The latency incurred during this exchange is the
reassociation delay and this process is called the reassociation
iation R
H Reassoc
process. 3 During reassociation, the APs involved exchange
802.11 IAPP station context information. This is achieved through the use
of the Inter Access Point Protocol (IAPP, [10]). The next
Fig. 1. The handoff procedure by the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.1f. subsection discusses the broader role of IAPP in managing
the distribution system (DS).
relationship. In infrastructure mode, an access point (AP) B. Inter Access Point Protocol
provides network connectivity to its associated STAs which An early draft of the IAPP recommended best practice
forms a Basic Service Set (BSS). Multiple APs as a part of the specified two types of interaction for completing context
same wireless network form an Extended Service Set (ESS). transfer [9]. The first form of interaction occurs between APs
Because of mobility, load conditions, or degrading signal during a handoff and is achieved by the IAPP protocol, and the
strength, a STA might move to another AP within the same second form of interaction is between an AP and the RADIUS
wireless network. This process is referred to as a handoff. The server[18].
mechanism or sequence of messages between a STA and the
IAPP plays a significant role during a handoff. The two
APs resulting in a transfer of physical layer connectivity and
main objectives achieved by inter-access point communication
state information from one AP to another with respect to the
are : (a) Single Association Invariant: Maintaining a single
STA is referred to as a handoff. While the process involves
association of a station with the wireless network, and (b) the
various MAC and network layer functions, we only focus on
secure transfer of state and context information between APs
the layer 2 aspects in this paper.
involved in a reassociation. The client context information [8]
We use the following terms in the paper: STA, station, client can include but is not limited to IP flow context, security con-
or user refers to a computing device capable of performing the text, QOS (diffserv or intserv as needed), header compression
role of an 802.11 mobile station. We use old-AP to refer to the and accounting/AAA information.
AP to which a STA was associated prior to a handoff, and new- Association and reassociation events change a station’s
AP to refer to the AP to which the STA is associated after the point of access to the network. When a station first associates
handoff. The term current-AP refers to the AP to which a STA to an AP, the AP broadcasts an Add-Notify message notifying
is currently associated to. The term distribution system (DS) all APs of the station’s association. Upon receiving an Add-
refers to the interconnection architecture for communication Notify, the APs clear all stale associations and state for the
between the APs and other network devices (authentication station. This enforces a unique association for the station with
server, routers, etc) which together form the ESS. respect to the network. When a station reassociates to a new-
Figure 1 shows the sequence of steps that are designed to AP, it informs the old-AP of the reassociation using IAPP
occur during a handoff. The first step (not indicated in the messages, see figure 1.
figure) is the termination of a STA’s association to the current At the beginning of a reassociation, the new-AP can op-
AP. Either entity can initiate a disassociation for various tionally send a Security Block message to the old-AP, each
reasons ([17], page 53). Due to mobility or degradation of of which acknowledges with an Ack-Security-Block message.
physical connectivity (signal strength), it might not be possible This message contains security information to establish a
for the STA or the AP to send an 802.11 disassociate message. secure communication channel between the APs. The new-AP
In such cases, a timeout on inactivity or communication sends a Move-Notify message to the old-AP requesting station
between APs or the receipt of an IAPP Move-Notify message context information and notifying the old-AP of the reasso-
(discussed later) terminates the association.
During the second step, the STA scans for APs by either 2 The exact method is proprietary for each STA.
sending probe request messages (active scan) or by listening 3 For a detailed analysis of the probe and authentication process, see [6].
In this section, we describe the notion for neighbor graphs, Physical Topology of the Wireless Network Corresponding Neighbor Graph
Reassocia Reassocia
Request n Request n
Security−B Delay Cache−not
ciation ify
Reasso nse
dge Respo
Reassociation Acknowle
Delay Move−no Cache−
ciation resp
Reasso nse Move− Old AP NeighborAPs
Respo NeighborAPs NeighborAPs
Cache−not lock
ify Cache−Inv
alidate dge
Cac he−resp Move−no
Move− Cache−Inv
(a) Reassociation with IAPP and cache miss (b) Reassociation with IAPP and cache hit
client. The reassociation latencies were measured by capturing 3) Experiment Results: Figure 4 depicts the (3D) neighbor
management frames on channels 1, 6 and 11. This was done by graph created during the experiment. The graph was con-
the sniffer which had a wireless card dedicated to capturing structed by observing the reassociation request frames cap-
traffic on each channel (1, 6, and 11). Since the APs were tured by the sniffer. The directed edges indicate the direction
configured only on the above three channels, it was guaranteed of the reassociation (from the old-AP to the new-AP). The
that the sniffer would capture all management frames destined solid edges are intra-floor edges and the rest are inter-floor
to or transmitted by an AP in the testbed (with respect to the edges. The graph shows 23 distinct pairs of APs, between
STA) (primarily reassociation request and response frames). which the STA could reassociate.
Three wireless interfaces in two laptops constituted the sniffer. Experiment A: Figure 5 shows the reassociation latencies at
Two experiments were conducted. The first experiment each AP 4 . The Y-axis is the latency in logarithmic scale. The
was conducted with fresh APs, i.e. there were no neighbor circular points represent reassociation with a cache-miss and
relationships prior to the start of the experiment. The goal cross points are the cache-hits. Most of cache-miss latencies
of this experiment was to study the effect of the learning reside around 16 ms except an outlier of 81 ms at AP-8. The
process on the reassociation latencies with time. The second cache-hit latencies are clustered around an average of 1.69
experiment (following the first) was to confirm guaranteed ms. There are a few cache-hits with latencies more than 4
cache hits once the neighbor graph had been learnt by the ms. We reason that these outliers (involved with AP-4 and 5)
APs. We discuss the detailed setup of each experiment below. are due to poor coverage design with respect to the building
Experiment A: The first experiment consisted of a random topology. AP-4 and AP-5 had a relatively small transmission
walk with the mobile unit, through the physical span of the range when compared to other APs and they were physically
testbed. There were no neighbor relationships existing among close to each other. Since they were the only APs covering a
APs prior to the start of the experiment. The experiment large area, the reassociation latencies were effected by packet
started with the client associating to AP-2 (refer figure 4), errors/retransmits. There was another extreme outlier of 2.36
and a random path of motion covered all APs on third floor. seconds with a cache-hit caused by a sniffing error. This value
The unit then moved to the second floor, covered all APs, and was excluded from the analysis.
returned to the initial point of association (AP-2). This was Figure 6 shows the reassociation latencies observed over
one round of the experiment and nine rounds were conducted time. During the experiment, there was a cache-miss for the
for statistical confidence in the measurements. This resulted first reassociation to each AP (except AP-2) as the neighbor
in one association, and 114 reassociations during the entire graph was built. Figure 6 clearly shows how context caching
experiment. decreases reassociation latencies with time. Except the very
Experiment B: The second experiment, followed the first, first reassociations and a few outliers, most reassociation
consisted of two short rounds using a different client. The latencies lie below 2 ms. In total, there were 8 cache-misses
purpose of this experiment was to verify the existence of
neighbor graphs (i.e learned from the first experiment) at each
AP by observing a cache hit on all reassociations. 4 The reassociation latency is attributed to the new-AP
CH = 11
et 310
244 fe 3 feet
CH = 6
CH = 1 2
CH = 11
8 9
2nd floor 1
CH = 1 CH = 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Access Point Number
Fig. 4. Experiment Environment and the Neighbor Graph. Fig. 5. Reassociation latencies at each access point.
1.5 ms.
Thus the experiment results show that proactive caching
with neighbor graphs reduces the reassociation latency by an 8
order of magnitude.
B. Simulations 2
25 2) Simulation Results:
1) Mobility Improves Proactive Caching Performance: Fig-
Number of APs