Technorama Vol 1 Issue 8 PDF
Technorama Vol 1 Issue 8 PDF
Technorama Vol 1 Issue 8 PDF
AUGUST - 2020
Highly confidential
2. Patent Portfolio 06
3. Leadership talk 07
4. Achievements 08
5. Food for Thought 10
© ABMCPL, 2020. All Rights Reserved Restricted Circulation
Overview of the Business
and Technology
Brief Timeline:
Their product basket can be categorised as below, which has a detailed value chain:
Both Caustic Soda and Value Added Products Approach 1: Improving existing products/
(VAPs) have markets within as well as outside process for higher realisation
India. Products are distributed directly to the
end customer as well as through a network of SAB 18+:
distributors, dealers, commission agents and
sales representatives, within and outside India. Normal SAB18 Poly aluminium chloride (PAC)
liquid has a shelf life of 15-30 days, and
Product differentiation through application- settling of aluminium species is observed with
based approach for VAP yielded results in new time. Similarly, the powder made from this
products for refinery wastewater treatment, liquid also has deterioration nature of polymer
demulsification of resinous wastewater, with time. This nature of PAC product has
handling of dispersed and reactive dye residue, attracted a lot of customer complaints and has
processing of ceramic ingredients, etc. These a restriction for supplying SAB18 liquid where
products have been commercialised under the storage/ transportation time is higher.
brand name Vytal. There is a pipeline of at least
5 more products with initial success, which will A stabiliser was developed to ensure solubility
be commercialised shortly, converting RandD of the polymer in solution for a prolonged
efforts into solutions. time, which resulted in an extended shelf-life
of 4-6 months against earlier 15-30 days for
New product development and SAB18 liquid, and a patent has been filed for
improvement: the process. It enabled the business to develop
the overseas market and has a monopoly in the
New product development and improvement domestic market as a differentiated product,
in the existing product portfolio have been a which has also resulted in the development
great success in the water sector. Few of the of new applications with considerable higher
examples are as follows: product realisation.
Differentiation in water treatment portfolio During the refining of crude or edible oil, a lot
was required to capture the marketplace. of emulsified oil is carried over to the ETP,
New chemistry was identified and initially, which is difficult to remove and leads to the
the process was developed in-house. High- poor performance of Biological Treatment. The
alumina, high-basicity product manufactured industry is not able to run secondary treatment
by Grasim in India with a present manufacturing and subsequently difficult to meet end-use
capacity of 5000 MT per annum, having quality/discharge norms.
high potential for speciality solution in both
domestic and export markets. It has supported VYTAL 2810, a de-emulsification cum
the business to launch performance chemicals coagulating agent was developed for the
for both water and wastewater segments with removal of emulsified oil in wastewater, leading
considerably high realisation. to a removal of nearly 98% of emulsified oil.
This is a robust solution to treat wastewater
Process for removal of TOC from HCl: from mineral/vegetable oil source, containing
few ppm to % level of oil, and performing even
One MT of chlorinated paraffin product at 70- 90°C where most other commercial
consumes ~1.2 MT of chlorine and results in products get decomposed. The product has
~1.6 MT of high-strength, yellow organic-rich been commercialised in both oil exploration
hydrochloric acid. Degraded paraffin and low- and refinery oil industries and is performing
volatile organics present in paraffin are also well to meet customer expectations with great
solubilised in water during scrubbing of HCl realisation and EBITDA.
vapours. This organic-rich HCl having yellow
appearance has a higher negative price of Textile Industry:
selling compared to virgin HCl. It was difficult
to dispose of this HCl and it was hampering Dispersed dyes and pigments used in dope
the production capacity of the CP plant. dyeing of manmade fibres, lead to generation
of coloured effluent, which is difficult to treat.
Inhouse development of simple processes The industry is facing this problem from
resulted in a reduction of TOC content below past several decades. Treated wastewater
containing colour has issues for surface water final stage, where cost of the treatment will be
discharge and even for reuse in other process recovered out of loss of material and cost of
applications. ETP operation.
The Chemicals business has accelerated R&D the areas of water treatment, raw material
efforts at its Aditya Birla Water Application and and process improvement. The Business has
Product Development Centre. The busines has partnered with reputed institutions viz. Institute
focused on customer-driven R&D, resulting in of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Malaviya
providing solutions and solving problems at the National Institute of Technology, Jaipur; Central
customer end. The R&D team has also shown Institute for Brackish Water Aquaculture,
improvement in existing processes in terms of Chennai, National Environmental Engineering
efficiency and quality. Research Institute, Nagpur, Central Leather
Research Institute, Chennai, Vasantdada Sugar
The Business has also filed a few patents in Institute, Pune etc. on various projects.
Implementation of Central Control processes to capture and use supply chain data
Tower: Live tracking of logistics to provide enhanced visibility for short- and
long-term decision making that is aligned with
Supply Chain Visibility is the key enabler strategic objectives. All the vehicle movement
for managing a business both within the can be controlled from a central location with
organizational boundaries as well as across accurate and real-time data for improving
the boundaries. This visibility provides speed, the en-route and plant safety in logistics
reliability and flexibility in order to gain a by advance technology. Control Tower is an
competitive advantage in the form of well ultimate source of all SCM/Logistics solutions.
controlled and managed supply chain functions. It offers centralised control and visibility of
In response to the need for Supply Chain the end-to-end supply chain. It facilitates
Visibility, the leading Supply Chain Visibility management and handling of supply chain
principles are increasingly being embodied in shocks and shifts real-time. From a business
Supply Chain Control Towers. perspective, it provides visibility of the impact
across the end-to-end chain, which is crucial
A supply chain control tower is a central hub for launching corrective actions.
with the required technology, organization and
Following are the key focus areas planned to be addressed through this initiative:
• Distributed dry Ration kits to Migrant Labour, • IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality
Office of DC- Bharuch and DY Director Award
IV. Awareness Campaign:
• Chairman’s WCM and Business Excellence
• Displayed leaflets, posters in various public Awards
places to raise awareness on COVID-19.
The rapid spread of COVID-19 brought about More proactively, the Korean Intellectual
massive global events that led to a dizzying Property Office has launched multiple initiatives
array of changes—including in intellectual to encourage innovative responses to the
property law around the world, shaking up pandemic, including a fast-track examination
administrative procedures, court rules, and law for related technologies. Brazil implemented
firm best practices. similar measures on April 7.
On March 23, the Supreme Court of India took Australian patent office will allow patentees and
suo motu cognizance of challenges faced by owners to request an extension of the deadline
the country due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) if the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their
pandemic, including the difficulties that legal ability to respond by a deadline.
practitioners and litigants may face. To obviate
such difficulties and also limit physical presence, There has been no uniform response to the
the Supreme Court invoked its plenary powers pandemic by courts to date, and different
under Article 142 of the Constitution to extend jurisdictions have widely varying and quickly
the period of limitation in all proceedings with changing procedures. One issue of ongoing
effect from March 15 till further orders. The concern is whether various companies were
High Courts and IP Offices have also announced sufficiently prepared for mass remote working
measures that will affect IP proceedings such arrangements to ensure that their trade secrets
as delay fee waiver. In a notice published in remain adequately protected.
March, the Patent Office advised applicants
and parties to use the provisions of Rule 6 Conclusion:
(6) of the Patents Rules 2003 to request an
extension of time or condone the delay in filing As the virus is spreading rapidly all over the world,
documents and other responses. it is expected that a greater number of national
IP offices will introduce measures to overcome
The European Patent Office issued a blanket the impact of the virus and may provide relief
extension of time limits expiring on or after to the IP holding companies, and practitioners.
March 15 to May 4, 2020 (an end date that For now, professionals, IP owners/holders and
could be extended further) and provided certain practitioners are suggested to manage their IP
remedies for earlier time limits “for users portfolio diligently to identify non-performing
located in areas directly affected by disruptions assets. IP holders should also design some
due to the COVID-19 outbreak.” Likewise, oral clever strategies which will help them adapt to
proceedings in examination and opposition the post-pandemic environment. To address IP
proceedings have been postponed until further infringement concerns related to crisis critical
notice. products during a pandemic, compulsory
licensing, IP pledges, and IP pooling are
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office becoming beneficial. Also, it is important to
has authorised extensions of deadlines for capture and protect any essential IP that is
trademark oppositions, in addition to patent- generated from the mass manufacturing of
related deadlines. Crisis Critical Products.