I & M Mark 57: Ideal Installation
I & M Mark 57: Ideal Installation
I & M Mark 57: Ideal Installation
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
[email protected] • www.jordanvalve.com Mark 57 (1/2” to 6”) Pressure Regulators
Warning: Jordan Valve pressure regulators must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these
Installation & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the
event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure
or a general hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized fluid. Before disas-
sembling a valve, be sure to release all spring tension.
Please read these instructions carefully! should be exercised to prevent pipe-sealing com-
Your Jordan Valve product will provide you with long, pound from getting into pipelines. Pipe sealing
trouble-free service if it is correctly installed and main- compound should be used sparingly, leaving the
tained. Spending a few minutes now reading these in- two end threads clean. Jordan uses, and recom-
structions can save hours of trouble and downtime later. mends, thread sealer Teflon ribbon.
When making repairs, use only genuine Jordan Valve 6. The flow arrow on the valve body must be pointed
parts, available for immediate shipment from the factory. in the direction of the flow. Ideally the valve should
be installed in the highest horizontal line of pip-
Ideal Installation ing to provide drainage for inlet and outlet piping,
to prevent water hammer, and to obtain faster re-
Main Steam Line sponse.
7. If possible, install a relief valve downstream from
the valve. Set at 15 psi above the control point of
3 the valve.
4 8. In hot vapor lines, upstream and downstream pip-
ing near the valve should be insulated to minimize
R condensation.
1 2 1
9. In gas service, expand the outlet piping at least
one pipe size, if the control pressure (downstream)
1 1 Shut-off Valve is 25 percent of the inlet pressure or less. A stan-
2 Jordan Regulator dard tapered expander connected to the outlet of
3 Strainer and Drain Valve the valve is recommended.
1 6 4 Pressure Gauge 10. Where surges are severe, a piping accumulator is
5 Relief Valve
Condensate Return Line 6 Steam Trap recommended.
11. On steam control applications, install a steam trap
with sufficient capacity to drain the coil or condens-
er. Be sure to have a good fall to the trap, and no
backpressure. Best control is maintained if the coil
1. To protect the valve from grit, scale, thread chips or condenser is kept dry.
and other foreign matter, ALL pipelines and piping
components should be blown out and thoroughly Start-Up
cleaned before the installation process begins.
2. Shutoff valves, pressure gauges, and by-pass pip- 1. Fully open the outlet shutoff valve.
ing should be installed as indicated in the diagram 2. Slowly open the inlet shutoff valve.
above to provide easier adjustment, operation and 3. Slowly open and close the outlet shutoff valve sev-
testing. eral times. This fully strokes the valve to insure sat-
3. A line strainer should be installed on the inlet side isfactory operation.
of the valve to protect it from grit, scale, and other 4. With the outlet shutoff valve open, slowly screw
foreign matter. A 0.033 perforated screen is usu- down the adjusting screw until the desired pres-
ally suitable for this purpose. Line strainers are sure is shown on the outlet pressure gauge.
available from Jordan Valve. 5. To change the controlled pressure, turn the ad-
4. For best control, 3’0” straight sections of pipe justing screw clockwise to increase the pressure,
should be installed on either side of the valve. counterclockwise to decrease pressure.
5. In preparing threaded pipe connections, care
Trouble Shooting following steps are recommended:
1. Close the inlet shutoff valve.
The first step in trouble-shooting a piloted back pressure 2. Allow pressure to bleed off through the down-
regulator is to classify the action of the controlled pres- stream piping. Do not attempt to reverse the flow
sure into one of the following categories: through the valve by bleeding pressure from the
upstream side of the valve.
A. Over Pressure - Controlled pressure too high; not 3. When the pressure gauges indicate that all pres-
enough flow or no flow through valve. sure has been removed from the system, close the
B. Under Pressure - Valve will not close or controlled outlet shutoff valve, and the valve may be serviced.
pressure decreases after valve closes. Note: refer to the drawing at the end of this docu-
C. Pressure Fluctuates - Controlled pressure rises and ment for description and proper orientation of parts.
falls, will not settle out under low relief loads.
Pilot Valve
The next step is to determine what could cause the trou-
ble. The third step is to locate and remedy the cause by The pilot valve is a Jordan Mark 50 Back Pressure Regu-
the process of elimination. Make no assumptions and lator. For maintenance, refer to the Mark 50 Installation
check the easy ones first. The guide below lists the con- & Maintenance sheet.
trolled pressure action, common causes and procedure
for checking each cause.
Main Valve
Controlled Pressure Action OVER PRESSURE
It is necessary to remove the main valve from the line
Valve undersized for application. Check capacity
only if the main valve seats must be replaced, inspected
required and valve capacity.
or adjusted. All other operations can be performed with
Line strainer screen clogged. Blow down strainer or
the valve in the line and without disturbing the stroke
visually check that it is clear.
Incorrect setting on range spring. Vary the setting
and check response.
Main valve diaphragm ruptured. See section on To Repair Main Valve
Main Valve Maintenance.
The sliding Gate Seats of Jordan Valves are lapped to
Controlled Pressure Action UNDER PRESSURE light band flatness. Maintaining such tolerances is of
Incorrect setting on range spring. Vary the setting paramount importance for your assurance of excellent
and check response. control and tight shutoff. DO NOT use metallic objects in
Pilot Valve or main valve seats leaking. Close inlet removing the seats. Care in handling is imperative.
shut-off valve. Close outlet shut-off valve and re-
move loading pressure tubing. Both pilot valve and To Remove Main Valve Seats
main valve are closed. Barely open inlet shut-off
valve until fluid issues from pilot valve port, then 1. Remove the pilot tubing and the pilot valve with the
close inlet valve. Flow from pilot valve port should mounting nipple.
cease. If it does not, the pilot seats are leaking. If 2. With the main valve out of the line, remove the
fluid issues from main valve port, the main valve bolts securing the main valve cap to the main valve
seats are leaking. body and lift the cap straight up.
By-pass shut-off valve leaking. During period of 3. Lift the disc from the plate and place on a clean
leakage, close inlet shut-off valve, observe pressure surface with the seating side up.
gauge. 4. Place the valve body on a side. Hold one hand over
Bleed port in main valve clogged. Remove Upper the plate to receive it and tap lightly on the back
Bonnet to gain access bleed port and clean bleed of the plate with a soft, blunt object; push the pate
port. Follow instructions in section TO REMOVE out evenly. Place the plate on a clean surface seat-
Valve oversized. Check capacity required and valve To Remove Main Valve Diaphragm
capacity. and Disc Pin
Maintenance 1. Remove the bottom cap. The spring and spring
guide will come out with it.
Caution: Make certain that there in no pressure in 2. Disconnect the loading pressure tubing from the
the valve before loosening any fittings or joints. The upper case, remove the case bolts and upper case.
3. Lift out the diaphragm assembly consisting of the the disc always points to the wording “TOP
diaphragm retainer, stroke stop shim (2 ½ or 3” REVERSE” on the plate. Check that the index
valve size only), diaphragms and diaphragm plate. pins in the valve body engage the plate to align
4. Fasten the hub of diaphragm plate in a vise and the plate in the body.
unscrew diaphragm retainer. 1/2” to 1-1/4” has 3. Place the diaphragm assembly on the stem with
one diaphragm and 1-1/2” to 6” has two the diaphragm in its recess in the lower bonnet.
diaphragms. Hold the diaphragm assembly firmly against the
5. To remove stem and disc pin, hold the disc pin stop in the lower bonnet and push on the bottom
with a wrench and loosen the locknut, unscrew the of the stem so that it fully enters the socket in the
stem. Lift the stem out through the bonnet and pull diaphragm retainer. In this position, the disc should
the disc pin through the body bore. be in its lowermost position with the orifices of the
6. Assemble valve in the reverse order of above, fol- disc and plate fully aligned. If the orifices are not
lowing the procedure for MAIN VALVE STROKE fully aligned, rotate the stem clockwise to move
ADJUSTMENT. the disc up, or counterclockwise to move the disc
Main Valve Stroke Adjustment 4. When the orifices are aligned; remove the disc and
plate and lock the locknut on the stem against the
1. Do not tighten locknut on the stem; run it to the disc pin. Replace the disc and plate and recheck
upper end of the thread with the disc pin located at the orifice alignment.
about the center of the threaded section.
2. Place the plate and disc in the valve body so that Torque Procedure for Cap and
the disc pin protrudes through the center slot in Spring Housing Bolts
the plate and engages the disc. Use the following
as a guide to properly install the plate and disc. 1. Install all bolts hand-tight.
• ½” THROUGH 1 ¼” VALVE SIZES- The scribed 2. Torque the bolts in order of the bolt pattern to
line on the side of the valve body locates the a valve equal to ¼ of the recommended torque
position of the index pin hole in the face of the valve.
plate. The arrow which is stamped on the disc 3. Re-torque each bolt to the recommended valve us-
should point to the index pin hole. (Since the ing the same bolt pattern as shown.
disc can be rotated 180° in some sizes without
affecting the stroke adjustment, there may be
no arrow on the disc.) The vertical milled por-
tion of the disc guide serves as a guide for the 3
disc. A 0.005” feeler gauge should be should 5 3 7 5
2 1 2 1
be used to check the clearance between the
4 6 8
valve disc and disc guides. If the clearance is 6 4
less, clean the guide surfaces of the disc guide
with a fine file.
• 1 ½” and 2” VALVE SIZES- Place the disc on 6 bolts 8 bolts
the plate and install the disc guide screws. (or multiples) (or multiples)
Tighten the screws but make sure that they do
not bind the disc against the plate. Place the Torque Values
assembly in the valve body so that the orifices
will be open when the disc is stroked down. ½” - 2” Body/Cap: 200 In. - Lbs.
(With wording “TOP REVERSE” on plate at the Upper Bonnet: 240 In. - Lbs.
top nearest diaphragm.) Engage the disc with Pilot Dome: 350 In. - Lbs.
the disc pin and check to be sure that the plate
seats solidly against the shoulder in the body. 2½” - 6” Body/Cap: 1080 In. - Lbs. (90 Ft. - Lbs.)
Rotate the assembly slightly to align the disc Upper Case: 240 In. - Lbs.
screws with the vertical centerline of the valve. Pilot Dome: 350 In. - Lbs.
The arrow on the disc should be pointing up to
the diaphragm.
• 2 ½” THROUGH 6” VALVE SIZES- The plate
are stamped on the backside with the wording,
“ TOP DIRECT” and “TOP REVERSE” to indicate
their proper position in the valve body. The
wording “TOP REVERSE” is at the top, nearest
the diaphragm and the engraved arrow on
Illustration and Parts List
1/2” to 6” Mark 57 40
Item Description
5 1 Body
2 Cap
3 Lower Case
4 Upper Case
5 Diaphragm
3 36
11 6 Diaphragm Plate
18 7 Diaphragm Retainer
6 37
2 9 Spring Seat
10 Return Spring
20 11 Gasket (Lower Bonnet)
23 12 Stem
13 13 Locknut
14 Disc Pin
15 Stem Bushing
16 Gasket (Bottom Cap)
12 17 Bottom Cap
18 Gasket (Body)
*19 Plate
1 20 Guide Pin
22 15
21 Gasket (Cap)
9 *22 Disc
*23 Disc Spring
32 Cap Screw
33 Lock Washer
35 Bolt
36 Nut
44 37 Cap Screw
45 Stroke Stop Shim
(2-1/2” - 3” Only)
40 Pipe Plug
44 Bottom Guide
45 O-Ring
46 Gasket
10 * Recommended Spare Parts