IOT Based Fault Detection of Underground Cables Through Node MCU Module

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IOT Based Fault Detection of Underground

Cables through Node MCU Module

Laxmi Goswami Manish Kumar Kaushik Rishi Sikka
Department of EE Department of E.Er Department of ECE
Sanskriti University Aman Engg.Association Sanskriti University
Uttar Pradesh, India Gurgram, India Uttar Pradesh, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Vinay Anand Dr: Kanta Prasad Sharma Madhav Singh Solanki

Department of EE Department of CSE Department of CSE
Sanskriti University GL BAJAJ MATHURA Sanskriti University
Uttar Pradesh, India Uttar Pradesh, India Uttar Pradesh, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— In the downtowns, underground cables are used have to suffer various problems due to aging and different
rather than of overhead transmission lines. It is hard to go
types of faults. To overcome these problems in cables, lots of
through the specific spot of the shortcomings. As India become
prominent as a progression country, civilized field is too Research work has been done. Here we proposed a method to
boosting every day. The underground lines are beat under the
rectify these problems.
same circumstances its uses is additionally growing a result of
its clear advantages such as lower line losses, lower maintenance There are so many online and offline methods available for
cost and they are less powerless to the effects of serious climate. detection of fault and life into underground cables. Murray
As it isn't clear it move extreme to identify propel area of the
shortcoming. In this proposed work we are trying to rectify this loop, varley loop, ohm’s law & Fourier transformation etc.
problem by proposing a method which is good enough to the methods are used for fault detection of earth or underground
digital world. In this paper we have used IOT based technique
with Google database for the fault detection with the help of cables [2, 4].
Node MCU Wifi Module. It is totally based on IOT. We used • Murray loop method- This method, generally used
here Node MCU which connects arduino sensors to Internet.
We had created a Hot spot through router for communication.
for identifying the faults in earth cables. This test is
We connected each MCU Module with transformer and used based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge. By
Google data base to checking the status of transformers. The
using this assessment, fault spot in an earth cable
accuracy and efficiency of our proposed method is more as
compare to the other techniques. can be finding by arranging a Wheatstone bridge in
it [8].
Keywords— IOT, Node MCU Wifi Module, Arduino, Power
Lines, Google Database, LL, LG and LLL; • Varley loop method.
Electricity becomes a basic need in our daily life. Mostly • Fourier transformation.
activities of our life style depend upon electricity. Electricity
has been involved in our life style in such a way that it plays For power network stability it is obligatory to minimize the

a very important role in every field. The transformer is fault as fast as possible. For this precise (accurate) methods

decisive equipment in power system for transmission and or procedures are needed with fast speed of operation, to

distribution. In power system underground cables are used to identifying the fault, thereby power distribution might be

transmit the electric power from generators. Stations to removed in little period. The fault detection is very easy in

Distribution point then it is transferred to the consumer ends over head cables, while it is very complex in underground

by overhead and underground cables. Underground cables cables because for this numbers of techniques are limited.

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In this paper we have study few techniques to minimize the A. Murray Loop Method
various problems related to the underground cables but these
For Fault exposure Murray loop technique is used. This
techniques are not very efficient to detect the problem [3].
scheme is very straightforward. For observation or exposure
The principle highlight of the electric transmission and
of short circuit faults in underground line this method is
dispersion frameworks is to stir electric vitality from the age
unit to the clients. For the most part, while flaw happens on
These two loop tests (Murray & Varley Loop) are usually
transmission follows, identifying deficiency is significant for
used for identifying the faults in earth cables. This trial is
quality machine while in transit to clean blame before it will
based on the law of Wheatstone bridge. By using this
expand the harm to the power device in spite of the way that
experiment, fault site in an earth cable may be finding by
the underground link framework gives preferable
arranging a Wheatstone bridge in it. In this scheme we first
dependability over the overhanging line gadget, it is miles
need to connect a sound cable of same length as of defective
tough to search out the issue territory. The call for consistent
cable. Sound cable means the cable without any error and we
assistance has caused the improvement of procedure of
have to short circuit the ends of both the cables (sound cables
discovering issues. At the time of bearing of late years,
& faulty cable) [5]. Now we connect a galvanometer in
advancements of the shortcoming conclusion have been
between beginning of both working cable & not working
improved with projects of sign preparing methods & results
cable. Now we connect two registers crosswise the working
in a nutshell based procedures. It has been discovered that
cable & not working cables in such manner that these both
the wavelet change is fit for researching the impermanent
the registers are variable. Now the entire loop will form as a
sign produced in quality framework.
Wheatstone bridge. Then we attach one battery via the
So, we have proposed a new technique to diminish the fault
ground. For balancing the bridge we regulate the value of
related harms in underground cables. And the accuracy of
both the registers till the galvanometer shows the zero value.
our proposed scheme is high as compare to the range of
We shall carry out the shortcoming spot by comparing the
methodologies. In this paper we have used IOT based
resistances. We should have the values of both the
technique with Google database for the fault exposure by
resistances [1, 6].
means of the help of Node MCU Wifi Module. It is totally
based on IOT. The accuracy and efficiency of our proposed B. OHM’S Law
scheme is more as evaluate to the other techniques.
Under this practice an unsophisticated OHM’s law is applied
II. RELATED WORK to establish the short circuit shortcoming. A DC voltage is
There are lots of methodologies to identify shortcomings in tested at the feeder side over a series resistor; rely on the
power lines. In the current era faults are major problems in distance end to end of shortcoming of the cable current
the power transmission lines. For better power quality and deviate. The voltage leak crosswise the series resistor adjusts
continuity of power it is necessary to reduce the faults from consequently, this voltage drop is used in estimate of fault
power lines as soon as possible. So many methods are zone. This scheme is made with a compilation of resistors
proposed related to fault identification and reduction in showing the cable length in KMs & fault formation is made
power system. Some of them are explained here for example by a set of switches at each known KM to cross ensure the
Murray loop method, Ohm’s law method and many more. exactness of the same [7]. The voltage go down over the
feeder resistor is specified to an ADC which builds up an
exact superior information which the made to order

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microcontroller would show the alike in Kilo Meters, the medium where the interference of the line at cut off, where
deficit happening at what division and which phase is shown the convergence of the two mediums is the function of event
on a 16X2 LCD interfaced through the microcontroller. In of short out. (ii) Travelling wave method: The wave spread
this approach we utilize a microcontroller ATMega8 which is course of action [4, 5] measure the production time of the
of 8-piece. The program is baked into ROM of wave coming about because of the event of a happening on
microcontroller written in either Embedded C or low level the transmission line.
computing construct. The power contribution comprises of a Voltage or flow of charge information can be utilized. This
stage down transformer 230/12V, which steps down the tactic requires very precise time organization when the
voltage to 12V [3, 7, 9]. occurrence area is resolved, When the episode wave on the
That is changed over to DC utilizing a Bridge rectifier. power lines or on the other hand at abundant areas on the
Waves are evacuated utilizing a capacitive channel and it’s electrical framework. Working experience shows that, this
then managed to +5V utilizing a voltage controller 7805 policy is exceptionally exact and the probability of issues is
which is mandatory for the activity of the microcontroller ceaselessly found. To decide the area of the issue, a heartbeat
and diverse parts. Comprises of venture down X_mer which is useful to the transmission line. Contingent upon the
is 230 V step-down to 12 V. In which circuit DB107 is greatness and the stage point, we can settle on the situation of
utilized to shape attach rectifier which conveys throbbing dc the deficit. Reflector strategy to decide cut off in the control
voltage and then bolstered to capacitor channel the yield network is appeared in [1, 4].
voltage from rectifier is encouraged to channel to take out The intelligent heartbeat comprises of two primary sorts,
any ac segments nearby considerably after amendment. The voltage and flow heartbeats. The qualities of those heartbeats
sifted DC voltage is specified to controller to produce 12V are lofty recurrence and lofty plentifulness. In request to
steady DC voltages. Murray loop method applies the acquire the reflect heartbeat from the short out deficiency
whetstone bridge to estimate accurate distance of fault site point, the estimating gear must have a decent class with an
from base station and sends it to the users mobile. While in adequate inspecting time (barely any kHz) and a vast
Ohm’s law, when any shortcoming take place, voltage fall estimating plentifulness (a few kV). (iii) Impedance system.
will fluctuate depending on the length of fault in line, since The process of decisive the fault site is based on the estimate
the current varies. Both the methods deploy voltage of the flow of charge and the voltage together with the data
convertor, microcontroller & potentiometer to stumble on the of the total resistance of the line for the period of the
fault sight underneath LG, LL, and LLL shortcoming. operation instantly before the short circuit occurred to
Consequently, a gadget which can identify the area of calculate the fault site. The impedance system [6] really
shortcomings doesn't exist. So as to distinguish the area of depends on the shortcoming resistance and inaccuracy in the
issues of UGCs, a few techniques have been formed and can case of too much fault resistance [10]. The technique of
lists into three. Primary techniques: feedback pulse method, aggregation can be separated into two categories: (i) based on
travelling wave method, and impedance system. a wiring and (ii) based on two terminals depends on the
Junction of two diverse transmission mediums, approaching number of terminals at which the voltage and flow data are
waves will deliver yield a reflected wave and come back to composed. This scheme frequently used with digital reserve
the first stipulation [9]. This rule has applied in the Time relays is situated on the shield side of 110kV line.
Domain Reflection procedure with the imminent medium
being the conductor of a conductor and the approaching

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In this technique we are using Node MCU module WIFI,

system. The function of the Node MCU is, to provide the
connectivity between arduino sensors to internet. For the
internet communication in the Node MCU we are creating a
Hotspot through router. We are connecting every Node MCU
with a transformer (means one node MCU for every
transformer individually). We are using Google database for
checking the status signal of transformer in case of the
failure, status signal will send. In the flow chart we are
showing all the process of the method step by step. We are
starting the technique by using transfer and Node MCU WIFI Fig.1. Architecture of proposed methodology.

module. It is IOT based program [11, 12]. Node MCU Wifi In the connection diagram, we are showing the Power
module is connected with Transformer sets, one MCU Transformation from power generating point to distribution
module for each Transformer [1, 8]. Node MCU Wifi centre by underground cables. Four distribution steps down
module will take signal status of transformer sets and will transformers are connected as shown in connection diagram
pass it to the next step. If power is passing through the Node the four transformers are 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. All
MCU (If signal is receiving by Node MCU module from transformers are connected for a particular area individually.
Transformer) individually, then by Wifi connection it is All transformers are connected in parallel. A Node MCU
detected that line is safe and the notification is saved in Wifi Module with Google data base system is connected with
Google data base. If the signal is not received by the Node the underground cables. In this system, a set of MCU Wifi
MCU Wifi module that means fault occurrence is notified Modules are connected [10]. One MCU Wifi module is
and action against this fault will be taken. By this method connected with each transformer by underground cables. The
with the help of Node MCU Module Wifi connection, we Node MCU Wifi module will receive the status signal of the
easily detect the fault occurrence of the line with very fast transformers individually, and pass it to the notify centre,
operation. And the architecture of proposed method is given where it is recorded in Google database. If in any condition
in “fig.1.”. status signal is not received by Node MCU that means fault
is occurred in that particular line. And after detection of fault,
next step will be taken.

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Y B Phase for LLL fault and get efficient and more precise
results for fault detection in underground lines. In “fig.4.”
We are showing the results analysis of LLL fault.

Fig.2. Circuit Connection of for Underground cables connected with Google


In this procedure, with the help of Node MCU Module Wifi
link, we can easily identify the fault happening of the line
with very fast process. The fault location is detected by
MURRAY LOOP Method and the spot of the fault is
Fig.4. Window display LLL fault.
detected with the help of Node MCU Module. By applying
the Node MCU method on the outcomes in B Phase for LG In the “fig.5.” We are showing the results analysis of LG
fault. Y R Phase for LG fault and get efficient and more
fault are calculated and the same approach is applied on the
exact results for fault detection in underground lines.
Y B Phase for LL fault and get efficient and more precise
results for fault detection in underground lines. In “fig.3.”
We are showing the consequences analysis of LL fault.

Fig. 5. Window displaying LG fault.

Fig.3. Window display LL fault.

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Table I. Outcomes in B Phase for LG fault. V. REFERENCES

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and accuracy compare then other methods. This technique is 2020.

also given that a very fast speed of operation, which is very

essential for the continuity and stability of power quality. In
the future we can use this technique for detection of faults in
power lines/cables as well as for transformers by connecting
various sensors. And here the average accuracy of our
praposed system in Y B Phase for LL fault respectivelly, are
94.53% and 98.63%.

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