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Educational implications of
Erickson’s theory

Presented by Ms Daphney Mawila

Self-reflection (Individual activity): (Hardman et al., 2012)
 1. Using Erikson’s theory, recall your own experiences at
school in stage 4 (Industry versus Inferiority). Think about
how this experience shaped your development. How will
you use this insight to promote the development of your

 2. Consider the cultural beliefs and practices in your own

social context. How do you think they could shape the
development of children from stage 1 to 4 in Erikson’s
Erikson Psychosocial Stages
Stage (age)
: Psychosocial crisis Significant relations Psychosocial virtues

I (0-1) -- infant trust vs mistrust mother hope, faith

II (2-3) -- toddler autonomy vs shame and doubt parents will, determination

III (3-6) --
initiative vs guilt family purpose, courage
IV (7-12 or so) -- school-age
industry vs inferiority neighbourhood and schoolcompetence

V (12-18 or so) -- adolescence ego-identity vs role-confusion peer groups, role models fidelity, loyalty

VI (the 20’s) -- young

intimacy vs isolation partners, friends love

VII (late 20’s to 50’s) -- middle adult generativity vs self-absorption household, workmates care

VIII (50’s and beyond) -- old adult integrity vs despair mankind or “my kind” wisdom
What are the educational implications of
Erickson’s theory?

Psychosocial interaction
Erikson’s theory reinforces how you as
a teacher constantly need to recognise
the influence of social context in
understanding your students, yourself,
and the interaction between you.
 Active involvement
Erikson sees people as active in their
own development. As with cognitive
development, you as a teacher need to
create opportunities for your learners
to explore and re-explore the
psychosocial challenges they are
confronting at the moment, as well as
those they have previously
Individual variation
Although people may be experiencing
similar challenges at any one stage,
individual people vary in what they
bring to that stage and how they will
progress through it.
The theory underlines the importance
of recognising diversity and individual
 Interdependence of developmental
In line with Erikson’s theory, not only
the emotional and social aspects, but
also the physical, cognitive, moral, and
spiritual aspects of development are all
implicitly integrated and
interdependent in the whole cycle.
Seeing your students as whole persons –
more than their cognitive or scholastic
‘parts’ alone

 1. Small group discussion: What are the educational

implications of Erikson’s theory?
 • Social construction of knowledge
 • Psychosocial interaction
 • Individual variation
 • Interdependence of developmental aspects

 2. What do you think are important issues, problems and

concerns related to childhood development in Africa that
teachers should be trying to understand and respond to?

“’Donald, D., Lazarus, S., & Lolwana, P. (2010). Educational psychology in social
‘context. Cape Town: Oxford
 Hardman, J., Jansen, J., Moletsane, M. Neves, D. Soudien, C., Stroud, L. Swartz, S
‘& Wild, L. (Eds.). 2012). Child and adolescent development: A South African
\‘sociocultural perspective. Cape Town: Oxford University Press

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