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Mantra (S) Associated God or Goddess Life Stage

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Academic preparation
Saraswati, [goddess of
eng, em, enga, ema, aing, from kindergarten to
learning. music, speech
aim, ainga, aima college, typically given for
and fine arts]
ages 5 to 24
Career development,
gaining wealth to
Mahalakshmi or Lakshmi, support a family,
shiring, shirim
[goddess of wealth] typically given for ages
18 to 32, when an
individual is working
Parenting, transmission of
Bhuvaneswari, or values and wisdom to the
hring, hirim Mahamaya [goddess of next generation, typically
wisdom] given to parents, ages 25
to 40
Integration of the
experiences of life,
fulfillment of remaining
Kalika [goddess of
personal aspirations and
kiring, kirim fulfillment of desires,
desires, given for middle
destroyer of obstacles]
age and above when the
children are grown, as
early as age 40
Attraction of a life mate,
may be typically given at
any age from 18 to 36,
Krishna [the god of love,
shyam, shyama when issues of loneliness
the all-attractive one]
or being single are
paramount for the
Personal mastery and
overcoming obstacles in
career or life, given as an
alternate mantra for the
same age groups as
Shiring or Shrim when the
individual is seeking
ram, shri ram Agni [the god of fire]
achievement and success
in their career as their
primary objective; this
mantra is associated with
the achievement of
leadership and personal
Below here I present the sanskrit version of the Nakshatra Pada Sounds :
What is the great difference between Transcendental Meditation and Primordial Sound Meditation ?
Transcendental Meditation creates a state of dynamic Silence.
Primordial Sound Meditation creates a state of static Silence.
The TM mantras are dynamic mantras, because they are derivations of Shakti mantras. Shakti is the
principle of Movement and Vibration. Therefore you get a state of dynamic Silcence, which means that
there are still prana flows going on while being in the Silent state.
The Primordial Sound Meditation mantras are not Shakti mantras. They are mantras which contain a
seed sound (bija beej beeja mantra mantras) that is incorporated in a bigger mantra (Aum "seed
mantra" namah. These sounds correspond to the position of the Moon in our horoscope athe the time of
our birth. The Moon governs the Mind principle in our astrological chart (horoscope). Therefore, that
specific sound that is associated with the specific position of the Moon at our time of birth, is also a
sound which is very closely related to our Mind. Normally it is not possible to meditate with just the
"seed sound", that is why "Aum" has been placed in front of it and "Namah" after it. Thus we get the
Primordial Sound Mantra. Meditating with this mantra creates a faster and deeper Silence then the
Silence with Transcendental Meditation.  In Transcendental Meditation the effects are very much
dependent of the way or the manner in which you meditate. In Primordial Sound Mediattion it doesn't
matter : the mantra is so strong that by just thinking it, a sort of silence is produced that deepens
during meditation and at times you wil just "be present" wtithout any thought or any breathing or
anything at all. In this kind of meditation a part of the pranic currents in our body-mind system become
silent, especially the pranic currents that cause the mind to be active. So the mind become inactive and
you get a state of Static Silence (,because there occurs a stop or slowing down of the pranic currents
that cause our mind to be active).
Both mediations are good to practice, because there is a slight difference between the states that are
Both states are enjoyable. For example, you can practice the Transcendental Meditation in the morning
and  the Primordial Sound Meditation in the evening, or vice versa, dependent of what suites you.
Aum Gurudev Shree VishvaDevtAya Namah

Paramhansa Yogananda's (Autobiography of a Yogi)

Close yourself to outside distractions by covering your eyes and ears. Place your
thumbs over the ear openings, little fingers over the lowered eyelids and the
remaining fingers on the forehead.

Turn eyeballs upward and inward, converging your gaze at the central point in the
forehead, slightly above and in-between the eyebrows. Now, mentally chant Om,
Om... without making any sound or moving the tongue. Lookout for any sound you
may hear.

Focus all your attention on listening to any vibrations emanating within you. Become
one with them.

Keep a small bench to support your elbows if you feel tired. It is important that you
keep your ears and eyes covered at all times while doing this meditation.
In time, you will start to discern the physical vibrations first followed by the astral
vibrations and then finally the sound of Om resonating like a mighty ocean.

Different cerebra-spinal centers or chakras emit different vibrations.

The coccygeal (mooladhara) chakra at the base of the spine emits a humming sound.
The Sacral centre or the swadhishthana chakra has a flute like sound. Lumber centre
(manipura chakra) sounds like a harp and the dorsal centre (anahata chakra) has a
bell-like sound.

Cervical (vishuddha chakra) sounds like rushing water and the medulla oblongata
(ajna chakra) is the symphony of all sounds together.

Do this meditation for 10 minutes in the morning and for 20 minutes before sleeping.

Regular practice will instill a deep calmness and great intuitive ability in you, which in
turn will help you deal with your life situations better.

Ancient beej mantra technique as taught by Deepak

This meditation involves chanting of "Om beej (seed) mantra namah!"

The beej or the seed mantra is derived from the sound of each

individual's nakshatra-pada. Nakshatra is one of the 27 sectors along the ecliptic
covering 13 degrees and 20 minutes while pada is one quarter of the nakshatra
covering 3 degrees and 20 minutes.

The position of the moon at the time of a person's birth determines his or her
nakshatra-pada, thus making the seed mantra unique to that person.

The sound of the nakshatra-pada is suffixed with 'm' to arrive at the individual's own
primordial sound mantra. You can find your nakshatrahere (will open in new window)
by entering your date, time and place of birth.

Once you have your nakshatra ready, all you need is your pada to derive
your beej mantra. Scroll down to the middle of this page(opens in new window) to
find yours.

For example, if you were born in New York City on January 1, 1970 at 5.30pm, your
nakshatra will be Chitra and pada will be 1, making your seed mantra Pe (as in Peru)
and your personal primordial sound meditation mantra: Om Pem Namah!

Begin your meditation with observing a minute of silence with closed eyes, then start
chanting the mantra gently for 10-15 minutes and finish by sitting still for a couple of
minutes with no chanting toward the end.

Primordial sound meditation, like all other meditations, needs to be done effortlessly
without taxing yourself mentally.
The idea is not to force yourself into chanting the mantra in a set fashion or to resist
any thoughts that may flood your consciousness and distract you from the chanting.

Let the tempo of the mantra flow naturally - it may be long or short, fast or slow,
loud or soft. Just be one with whatever you experience. 

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