Soybean and Its Products: Nutritional and Health Benefits
Soybean and Its Products: Nutritional and Health Benefits
Soybean and Its Products: Nutritional and Health Benefits
Volume 1 | Issue 2
*Corresponding author: Anil Kumar, Professor and Head (Retired), School of Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road,
Indore-452001, INDIA, Tel: 91-9425058373. E mail: [email protected]
Citation: Garima Dukariya, Shreya Shah, Gaurav Singh and Anil Kumar (2020) Soybean and Its Products: Nutritional and Health
Benefits. J Nut Sci Heal Diet 1(2): 22-29.
Received Date: June 18; 2020; Accepted Date: July 3; 2020; Published Date: July 7; 2020
Soybean is a nutritional and economically important crop originated in Asia. Soybean is utilized globally for a healthy diet due
to its high contents of iso-flavonoids and folic acid. Dietary Soy products are the subject of increasing scientific interest due to
their potential beneficial impact on human health. The important soy components that exhibit biological activity are proteins or
peptides, saponins, isoflavones, and protease inhibitors. Soybean and its components possess anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-
proliferative, anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties. Their consumption has been correlated to various potential health
benefits and in reduction of numerous chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune disorders, certain types of
cancer and obesity. Several investigations have proved that soy products ample in protein help in reduction of cholesterol. This
mini-review article is focused on soybean, its products and their potential roles in prevention and treatment of various chronic
diseases. Studies on novel bioactive compounds of soybean having health benefits can lead towards their application in functional
foods and pharmaceutical development which can replace synthetic drugs having various ill effects.
Introduction On the basis of dry weight of mature raw seeds, soybean is normally
comprised of nearly 35 to 40% protein, 20% lipids, 9% dietary fibre, and
Soybean (Glycine max) crop is considered to be the main source around 8.5% of moisture [4]. This composition varies with the location,
of oil globally, and is important due to its nutritional value and climate of the planting and variety of soybean. Soy foods are great
commercial importance [1]. Cultivation of soybean was originated sources of minerals, proteins, fibres, and vitamins and are also low in
in Asia about 5000 years ago, first in China and then followed saturated fats. Soy products of wide varieties have been prepared such
by Japan. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century and then as roasted soybean, boiled soybean, soymilk, soy mayonnaise, miso,
to the United States in the 19th century [2,3,4]. Since it is an soy cheese, soy yogurt, tempeh, soy sauce, tamari, Textured Vegetable
excellent source of vegetable oil and proteins, thus has become an Protein (TVP), or Textured Soy Protein (TSP) and tofu [9].
economically important crop worldwide [5,6].
The important soy components that exhibit biological activity are
In forthcoming years, it is expected that purchasing power and proteins and peptides, saponins, isoflavones, and protease inhibitors
world’s population will increase economy of developing countries [10,11,12].
especially in Asian countries, which concentrates the maximum
consumption potential. The studies have predicted that by 2050, Soybean is used globally for a healthy diet due to its high content
population of the world will rise to nine billion demanding 333.674 of isoflavonoids and folic acid. Soybean and its products are considered
million tons of food [7]. Apart from various industrial utilization of as important sources of plant protein as they are constituted of a high
soybean, it has immense importance in animal feed [6]. There will amount of essential amino acids and they have various benefits on
be continuous increase in the demand for its grain in the future [5]. human health [Figure 1]. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids
Soybean is commercially cultivated as the main oilseed crop in about and quality fats in soybean are also essential from the nutraceutical
35 countries [8]. perspective [8,13]. 22
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
Soy proteins are also a great source of different bioactive peptides and
have exclusive health advantages, which are utilized for the prevention
of chronic illnesses related to age, such as obesity, impaired immune
function, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Various soy components,
their health benefits and molecular mechanism are mentioned in Table 1.
Modern research proposes that, due to the valuable nutritional contents,
soybean may be beneficial in decreasing the risk of osteoporosis and
other bone degenerative diseases, colon, prostate, and breast cancers,
and lessen hot flashes related with menopause [16]. In this mini- review,
nutritional and health importance of soybean and its products has been
discussed. 23
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
It has been reported that soy products enriched in isoflavonoids effective in the prevention of a variety of cancer. It has been reported
illustrated the anti-diabetic effect. It has also been shown that that fermented soy milk beverages were effective in suppressing
soybean extract is helpful in the inhibition of the glucose uptake the in-vitro proliferation of the human colon cancer cell lines
into brush border membrane vesicles [9,20]. Caco-2 and HT-29 [30]. Investigations have been performed on the
inhibition of generation of reactive oxygen species and the growth
Anti-diabetic activity of stigmasterol from soybean oil has of estrogen-receptor positive MCF-7 human breast cancer in mice,
been studied by targeting the Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4). The utilizing fermented soy milk [31]. The consumption of soybean and
anti-diabetic activity and the potential mechanism of stigmasterol its products may have a considerable impact on the regulation of
(SMR) was investigated in-vitro and in-vivo. Stigmasterol is a MMP (matrix metallopeptidase) levels and prevention of cancer
phytosterol derived from the edible soybean oil which showed [32].
significant impact on the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
[21]. Chungkookjang, a Korean fermented soy product consisting of Various investigations have been done on fermented soybean
isoflavonoid aglycones and smaller peptides has also been studied with antitumor and anticancer properties; however, there are
for its improved insulinotropic activity in islets of type 2 diabetic only a few reports on peptides having potential against cancer.
rats [22]. Anticancer properties of peptides in fermented soybean can be
due the peptides formed on hydrolysis of soybean protein or the
Screening of fermented soy and flaxseed milk (FSFM) was surfactants (containing cyclic peptide) or lipopeptides generated by
done for their antidiabetic role in alloxan-induced diabetic rats the starter culture [33,34]. Soy peptides have also been recognized
utilizing the oral route. Fermented milk with probiotics enhanced in various experimental systems to have anti-cancer properties
the effectiveness of isoflavones in the cure of diabetic mellitus. The [35,36,37]. Kim et al. reported that purified hydrophobic peptide
study on flaxseed and soy milk showed that it is potent in reduction X-MLPSYSPY from defatted soy protein arrested the cell cycle
of type 1 diabetes with no side effects [23]. progression at G2/M phase, of murine lymphoma cells (P388D1)
[38]. It has been revealed in various studies that most of the soy
Anti-Oxidant Effects peptides exhibiting anti-cancerous properties belong to the minor
2S fraction of soybean proteins [11, 35, 39, 40].
Oxidative stress takes place due to the imbalance between
antioxidant mechanism and free radicals [24]. It continues as a Soy isoflavones have gained much attention over the years due
major mechanism in a range of diseases including cancer, diabetes, to their potential role in prevention of cancer [41]. Soy isoflavones
etc. The soybean and its products are very effective in decreasing have been described as dietary components with potential role in
the oxidative stress and scavenging the free radicals [25]. Many reducing the occurrence of various cancers like prostate and breast
studies have been performed on antioxidant activity of soybean cancers. Genistein, the prevailing isoflavone present in soybean,
and its products. Dou-chi, a traditional soybean food which was has been shown to be effective in the inhibition of carcinogenesis in
fermented using Aspergillus sp. showed potential to scavenge free animal models. There are various investigations that demonstrated
radicals. In the study, isolation of various phenols and flavonoids the inhibitory effect of genistein on human cancer cells through
was done and among them, 3’-hydroxydaidzein was found with the modulation of genes associated with the regulation of cell cycle
high 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and apoptosis. Furthermore, it has been reported that genistein is
effects [9,26,]. effective in inhibition of the activation of NF-κB and Akt signalling
pathways, which are recognized to manage a homeostatic balance
Soy milk is an essential soy product which has been found to between cell survival and apoptosis [42]. The translocation of NF-κB
inhibit oxidative stress in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in human dimers to the nucleus and their binding to DNA has been reported
trials. The analysis showed that fermented soy milk is beneficial to be inhibited by the genistein, interrupting the transcription of
in regulation of the total antioxidant, oxidized glutathione, 8-iso- NF-κB downstream genes [3, 43].
prostaglandin F2α, glutathione peroxidase, malondialdehyde, and
reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and in improvement of oxidative The antiproliferative influence of soy isoflavones has been
stress in T2DM [27]. generally associated to the interaction of estrogen receptor.
The control of apoptosis, cell growth and survival, antioxidant
Antioxidant peptides isolated from fermented soybean properties or inhibition of angiogenesis and metastasis, have been
protein meal hydrolysate utilizing Sephadex G-15 gel filtration investigated utilizing different isoflavone dosage and various breast
chromatography, revealed strong antioxidant activity [28]. cancer cells [44, 45].
Development of fermented soy foods with high nutritional Effects on Coronary Heart Disease
constituents and effective biological properties has also been
tested. Lee et al reported the alterations in nutritional components There are reports suggesting the significant impact of soy
(fatty acids, isoflavones, and amino acids) and antioxidant protein products on health. On the basis of total diet and nutritional
potential of the fermented soybean against ABTS [2,2’-azino-bis perspective, various studies have explained the difference in
(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)], DPPH, and hydroxyl mortality rates from different types of cancer and Cardiovascular
radicals [29]. Furthermore, they also examined the variations of Disease (CVD) in various countries. A number of investigations
total phenolic contents, β-glucosidase effects, and α glucosidase described that animal protein such as casein, is more cholesterolemic
inhibitory activities. and atherogenic as compared to plant derived protein. Carroll
showed that soy proteins have significant potential in lowering
Anti-Cancer Effects the cholesterol level of normal and hypercholesterolemic persons
[46]. Anderson et al. conducted a meta-analysis and reported that
Cancer is an anomalous cell growth which either inhabits at a by consumption of soy protein, blood lipid levels (total cholesterol,
specific site or keeps extending within the body. Various dietary triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol) decreased significantly in
materials ample in nutrients have anti-cancer qualities and are humans [47,48]. 24
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
uncoupling protein-1 in adipose tissue [63]. Ali et al. reported that
It has been reported that the use of soy isoflavones decreases soy isoflavone mixture (0.1% of meal, containing daidzein, glycitein
the risk markers of cardiovascular disease in men [49] and during and genistein) caused reduction in fat deposition in both lean and
the early menopause, they help in improvement of cardiovascular obese rats in a two-week treatment [64]. It also lowered total, low-
disease risk markers in women [50]. density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol in lean rats, while in obese rats, isoflavones reduced
Blood pressure imbalance occurs as a crucial event in several only total and LDL cholesterol.
cardiovascular diseases and it can be taken as a caution for
cardiovascular symptoms. Tsai et al. reported the antihypertensive There are two essential characteristics of adipose tissue driving
activity of peptides derived from the Lactobacillus fermented soy to obesity, hypertrophy (increased adipocyte size) and hyperplasia
milk [51]. The results showed that with the increased peptide (increased adipocyte number). Soy isoflavones are shown to be
levels, there is reduction in the systolic blood pressure and thus it effective in the reduction of both the processes. Genistein has been
can be the explanation for the maintenance of blood pressure under reported to reduce adipose tissue in-vivo primarily by attributing to
control [9]. decrease in adipose size while daidzein could decrease overall fat
mass in-vivo by reducing adipocyte numbers in mice [65]. Various
Anti- Obesity Effects studies demonstrated soy protein as well as peptides to be the
active ingredient to reduce LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol in
Obesity is the major health issue globally and has attained a human body [66].
pandemic proportion. New targets have been set to recognize the
molecules that regulate adipose tissue distribution, arrangement, Other Health Effects
and decomposition which will help in prevention and treatment
of obesity. Advances in food sciences and nutrition studies have In addition to the major health benefits mentioned above, soy
highlighted the probability of balancing some specific physiological and soy products also exhibit various other health benefits such
functions and molecular signalling in the human beings through as prevention of osteoporosis, maintenance of bone health and the
food-sourced components, which focus at regulating and decreasing normal endothelial function. Nattokinase (natto derived) activates
obesity progression at molecular level [52,53]. fibrin degradation and acts as a therapeutic substitute in protection
from comorbid asthma [67]. It also has essential role in maintenance
Soy foods are good sources of isoflavones, which probably of good condition of thyroid and impact on the developmental
combine with intracellular estrogen receptors and help in reduction effects and fertility. Soybean products have also been revealed to
of lipids accumulation and adipose tissue distribution. Various be effective in immuno-stimulation. Cheonggukjang is a soybean
studies have shown the anti-obesity influence of soy foods and its paste in Korea, fermented by Bacillus subtilis. The polysaccharides
components. Soy isoflavones and their derivatives have structural gained from this soybean paste induced mRNA expression of
resemblance with 17β- estradiol (E2) and they revealed to exhibit various metabolic factors and help to stimulate the immune system
estrogenic effect with binding affinity to estrogen receptors. by regulating the related parameters [68].
Estrogen receptors are expressed in different types of cells and
organs including adipose tissues, which perform important Hyperlipidemia and inflammation are always related with
function in metabolism regulation and lipid or fat distribution [54]. several pathological conditions. The existence of hyperlipidemic
condition and low-grade inflammation collectively in atherosclerosis
The anti-adipogenic effect of genistein in primary human provides evidence for the disorder. The high n-3 FAs contents in soy
adipocytes regulated by its ER-dependent pathway has been products and bioactive components consisted of isoflavonoids and
investigated [55]. Genistein also exhibited lipolytic properties plant steroids may be effective on various low-grade inflammation-
in fully differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocyte by increasing basal and related diseases [69, 70]. Investigations have been performed on
epinephrine-induced lipolysis and elevating cellular cAMP level in the impact of genistein in prevention of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-
fat cells [56,57]. induced cognitive dysfunction [71]. 25
Helics Group Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet
but a complete investigation of the different molecular level studies mented soy products. Food Chem. 2019;271:362-371.
and further clinical trials are required to conclude that soy products
are advantageous for the human race as a dietary nutrient. More 10. Omoni AO, Aluko RE. Soybean foods and their benefits: poten-
analyses are required for the identification of the quantity of active
tial mechanisms of action. Nutrition Rev. 2005;63(8):272-283.
soybean peptides liberated by various methods (for instance, in-
vivo or in-vitro digestions), and the influence of age and gender on
the action or generation of bioactive soybean peptides. In addition, 11. Wang W, Dia VP, Vasconez M., de Mejia EG, Nelson RL. Anal-
the study on synergistic multi-component impacts of soybean on ysis of soybean protein-derived peptides and the effect of
biological functions is advised for further analysis. cultivar, environmental conditions, and processing on luna-
sin concentration in soybean and soy products. J. AOAC Intl.
SS acknowledges the award of Golden Jubilee Fellowship of Devi
Ahilya University, Indore. Authors acknowledge the facilities of the 12. Asif M, Acharya M. Phytochemicals and nutritional health
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, benefits of soy plant. Intl. J. Nutr. Pharmac. Neurol. Dis.
Government of India, New Delhi (DBT) present in the Department 2013;3(1):64–69.
under the Bioinformatics Sub Centre as well as M.Sc. Biotechnology
program and used in the present work. 13. Tidke SA, Ramakrishna D, Kiran S, Kosturkova G, Ravishan-
kar GA. Nutraceutical potential of soybean. Asian J. Clin. Nutr.
Conflict of interest
Authors declare that no conflict of interest exists.
14. Board J. A comprehensive survey of international soybean re-
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