Example of Areas Affected by Nanotechnology Possible Benefits Concerns

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Example of Areas

Affected by Possible Benefits Concerns

1. Environment Nanotechnological products, processes and Beyond the toxicity risks the environment
applications are expected to contribute which are associated with first-generation
significantly to environmental and climate nanomaterials, nanotechnology has
protection by saving raw materials, energy and broader societal impact and poses broader
water as well as by reducing greenhouse gases and social challenges. Social scientists have
hazardous wastes. Using nanomaterials therefore suggested that nanotechnology's social
promises certain environmental benefits. issues should be understood and assessed
not simply as "downstream" risks or
impacts. Rather, the challenges should be
factored into "upstream" research and
decision-making in order to ensure
technology development that meets social
2. Health Numerous prospective benefits for health and the In reality, a one-size-fits-all approach to
environment are offered by nanotechnology, with evaluating the potential risks and benefits
engineered nanomaterials being developed for of nanotechnology for human health is not
renewable energy capture and battery storage, possible because it is both impractical and
water purification, food packaging, environmental would be misguided. There are many types
sensors and remediation, as well as greener of engineered nanomaterials, and not all
engineering and manufacturing processes. Some are alike or potential hazards. Many factors
examples of the latter include highly efficient, low should be considered when evaluating the
energy lighting sources, and smart clothing potential risks associated with an
including a layer of piezo-electric crystals in engineered nanomaterial
nanomaterials for powering the wearer’s electronic
3. Transportation Nanotechnology offers the promise of developing Nanomaterials used in transportation
multifunctional materials that will contribute to vehicles can cause toxic effects such as
building and maintaining lighter, safer, smarter, inflammation and DNA damage through
and more efficient vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, various stages from manufacturing to
and ships. In addition, nanotechnology offers recycling. Due to their small size,
various means to improve the transportation nanomaterials are more active and can
infrastructure: easily enter cells and disturb their function.
4. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably transitional effects such as displacement of
Communication improve, even revolutionize, many technology and traditional industries as the products of
industry sectors: information technology, nanotechnology become dominant, which
homeland security, medicine, transportation, are of concern to privacy rights advocates.
energy, food safety, and environmental science, These may be particularly important if
among many others. Described below is a sampling potential negative effects of nanoparticles
of the rapidly growing list of benefits and are overlooked.
applications of nanotechnology.
5. Economy In addition to improving our fundamental quality The environmental impact of
of life as a result of positive developments in nanotechnology is the possible effects that
nanotechnology-related medicine, energy the use of nanotechnological materials and
production, national security, environmental devices will have on the environment. As
protection, and education, the commercialization nanotechnology is an emerging field, there
and adoption of new technologies resulting from is debate regarding to what extent
nanoscale R&D are expected to yield a positive industrial and commercial use of
economic return in the form of benefits such as the nanomaterials will affect organisms and
creation of businesses, jobs, and trade. ecosystems.

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