Gaseous Fuels: Burners

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Gaseous Fuels

Flow and Heating Value Changes in
Gas burner

Gas fuel is burnt in gas burner which typically has fixed

orifice nozzles. Heat output from the fixed orifice burner is
proportional to flow (Q) and heating value (HV) of the gas
fuel. As fuel composition change, flow will have to be
changed to maintain a correct heat output. However, the
magnitude of flow and heating value changes may not
change linearly or there is not fix relation between flow
and heating value. How to relate these two parameters ?
Wobbe Index
Wobbe Index is used to compare the combustion
energy output of different composition fuel gases.

Two fuels with identical Wobbe Index at given

pressure and valve setting (orifice size) the energy
output will be identical.
The variation in WI is typically upto 5%.
Wobbe Index

 Wobbe Index is the parameter. Mr. Wobbe found


 Flow is proportion to gas specific gravity (SG)


 Heating Value is also proportion to gas specific

gravity (SG)

 Wobbe Index (WI) is define as

WI = HHV / Sqrt (SG)
 The three important variables affecting the
performance of this system are the size of the
orifice, the pressure across it (or the supply
pressure if the combustion zone is at ambient
pressure) and the calorific value of the fuel,
which determines the heat release rate.
 If two gaseous fuels are to be
interchangeable, the same supply pressure
should produce the same heat release rate.

 If we consider the restriction to
behave like a sharp-edged
orifice plate, and if the cross-
sectional area of the orifice
(A0) is much less than the
cross-sectional area of the
supply pipe then the mass flow
rate of fuel is given by:
m = C A (2ρ△p)0.5
d 0
or in terms of volume flow rate:
 2p 
V  Cd A0  
  
where Cd is a discharge
ρ is the density of fuel

 The heat release rate, Q, will be obtained by
multiplying the volume flow rate by the volumetric
calorific value of the fuel:
 2P 
Q  CVCd A0  
  
 If we have two fuels denoted as 1 and 2, we would
expect the same heat release from the same orifice
and the same pressure drop △p, if
0.5 0.5
 2p   2p 
CV1Cd A0    CV2Cd A0  
 1   2 
i.e.  0.5
1 0.5

 This ratio is known as the Wobbe number of a
gaseous fuel and is defined as:
Gross calorific value (MJ/m3 )
 Relative density (air=1)

 Some typical Wobbe numbers are:

Fuel Wobbe number (MJ/m3)

Methane 55
Propane 78
Natural gas 50
Town gas 27

Wobbe Index
 Calculate the Wobbe Index for the
following gaseous fuel (Natural Gas):
%age C.V. Kcal/m3

CH4 89 % 9500
C2H6 8 % 16644

C3H8 2% 23688

C4H10 1% 30714
 Gross C.V. of Natural Gas
= 0.89×9500 + 0.08×16644 + 0.02×23688 + 0.01×30174
= 10,571 kcal/Nm³
Average Mol. Weight of Natural Gas
= 0.89×16 + 0.08×30 + 0.02×44 + 0.01×58 = 18
 Average Mol. Weight of Air

= 0.79×28 + 0.21×32 = 29
 Specific Gravity of Natural Gas (when Air=1)

= 18 ÷ 29 = 0.62
 Wobbe Index of Natural Gas

= C.V. ÷ √ Sp. Gravity = 10571 ÷ √0.62

= 13,350 kcal/Nm³
Modifying Appliances to Burn Other Gases
Burners Classification
There are numerous ways to classify burners. Some
common ones are discussed below
 how the fuel and the oxidizer are mixed, premixed burners,
diffusion-mixed burners, staged air and staged fuel burners
Gas, liquid, solid
 The fuel choice has an important influence on the heat transfer from a
 In general, solid fuels (e.g., coal) and liquid fuels (e.g., oil) produce
very luminous flames that contain soot particles that radiate like
blackbodies to the heat load.
 Gaseous fuels such as natural gas often produce nonluminous flames
because they burn so cleanly and completely without producing soot
 hydrogen is completely nonluminous as there is no carbon available
Air, oxygen
Forced draft, natural draft
direct or indirect heating
 There are two primary shapes for the outlet nozzle
of industrial burners: round or rectangular
Burners for Gaseous Fuels
 Classifying Burners on
 (i) The gas and air is pre-mixed
and then fired ( premix or
inside mixing type of burners
e.g. Bunsen burner)

 (ii) The gas and air flow

separately and mix together as
combustion proceeds ( Outside
mixing type or diffusion flame
Bunsen Burner
The device is named after Robert
Bunsen, the German chemist who
introduced it in 1855.
The kinetic energy of the gas is used
to draw primary air from the atmosphere
into a mixing tube which has burner
head at its end
The primary air gas mixture velocity is
kept more than the flame speed
Secondary air is supplied from
atmosphere to the flame so that flame
does not flash back/backfire/strike back
down the bunsen tube
The parts of a Bunsen burner.
Chimney: A mixture of
Air holes: Will allow air (containing oxygen)
air to mix with fuel in and methane flows
different proportions through here.

Collar: This can spin if

the holes are to be
opened or closed.

Gas inlet:
Will be
attached to
the gas
supply with a Base: The Bunsen must also be
rubber tube. placed on a heat mat before it is lit.
Bunsen Burner
 If the velocity of the
primary air gas mixture
velocity is much greater
than the flame speed the
flame can be blown off the
tube and the burner get
 With insufficient primary air
supply the flame produced
is long, lazy and luminous
which gives low heat
Flame stability
 There are several important components briefly considered here
that impact the burner design
 The ignition system is an important component in the burner
system to ensure safe and reliable operation.
 The ignition system is often built into the burner, but in some
cases it may be separate from the burner.
 The system may be fully automatic or completely manual.
 Different types of ignitors are available.
 In many cases, a pilot is used to ignite the main flame. This may
be continuous or interruptible, depending on the system design.
The pilot may be permanent or removable, and
 may be ignited by something like a spark-ignitor or by an external
 Pilots require a separate fuel supply and are typically premixed.

 Plenums are used to homogenize the incoming gas flows to evenly

distribute them to the outlet of the burner.
 This is important to ensure proper operation of the burner over the
entire range of operating conditions.

 These gases may include combustion air, premixed fuel and air, or
partially premixed fuel and air.

 If the plenum is too large, then the flows may be unevenly distributed
across the burner nozzle outlet.

 If the plenum is too small, then the pressure drop through the plenum
may be excessive

 The burner tile, sometimes referred to as a block or quarl, is an

important component because
 it helps shape the flame and protects the internal parts from

 In the majority of designs, the burner tile is made of some type of

ceramic that often contains alumina and silica, depending on the
temperature requirements

 Controls refer not to the control equipment for the flows coming
to the burner, but to controls that may be on the burner.

 For example, there is often a damper built into natural-draft

to control the incoming air flow and the furnace draft.
 Other controls on a burner may be for adjusting the distribution of
fuels or air throughout the burner.

 For example, if a burner has multiple fuel injectors, particularly

for fuel staging, controls on the burner can be used to control
how much fuel goes to each injector.

 The flame safety system is critical to the safe

operation of the combustion system.
 This may include some type of flame
scanner to ensure that either the burner or
the pilot is operating.
 These are connected to the fuel supply
system so that the fuel flow will be stopped if
the flame goes out to prevent a possible
explosion for unignited fuel gases contacting
a hot surface somewhere in the combustor.

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