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Dampak Pandemi Terhadap Pola

Konsumsi Kontrasepsi Pil & Suntik

Aditya A. Putra
Head of Strategic Planning & Development
Latar Belakang
• Pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh terhadap consumer purchase
behavior secara umum

• DKT melakukan survey bersama dengan lembaga riset independent

untuk mengukur pengaruh pandemi terhadap pola konsumsi

• Survey terbatas dilakukan di wilayah DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya

dengan melibatkan 200 akseptor Pil KB dan Suntik (pengguna 6
bulan terakhir), 50 bidan, dan 50 apotek di bulan Agustus 2020

• Metode Kontrasepsi yang paling banyak digunakan: (1) Suntik KB

(29%), dan (2) Pil KB (12%) → SDKI 2017
Trend Pertumbuhan Peserta KB Aktif
Jumlah Peserta KB Aktif 2017 - YTD Agutus 2020
24.258.532 24.196.151


2017 2018 2019 2020

Sumber: Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2017 – 2019; Data Peserta KB Aktif Kumulatif Agustus 2020, BKKBN
Bidan (N=50)
Profil Responden
Place of Practices (%) – Base : N=50

Independent clinic / at Age (%) – Base : N=50

Public health center 22

Integrated Healthcare

Hospital 4

Other Clinics 2

16 16
Education (%) – Base : N=50
10 10

Diploma 80 6

Bachelor or above 20
22-27 yo 28-33 yo 34-39 yo 40-45 yo 46-50 yo 51-55 yo 5
Sebagian responden menyampaikan Covid-19 berdampak terhadap pemasukan klinik mereka (26%),
sementara sebagian besar menyatakan bahwa situasi pandemi tidak berdampak terhadap kegiatan
praktek (56%). Umumnya responden menyatakan bahwa pasien merasa khawatir untuk datang ke
tempat layanan kesehatan.

Impact of Covid 19 – Base=50 Prompted Reactions (Q10) – Base=50 B3B / T2B M.S

Patients are more worried about going to 58 / 42 3.26

18 40 40 2
health facilities such as hospitals, health…
Decreased clinic income 26 You have limited clinic operating hours
48 26 22 4 74 / 26 2.82
since COVID-19
Limited service hours 20 There has been an increase in the number
44 38 16 2 82 / 18 2.76
of unplanned pregnancies during the…
The clinic must be… 18 COVID-19 has had an impact on my overall
4 50 22 18 6 76 / 24 2.72
clinical business decline
Decreased number of… 18 The patient feels uncomfortable /
12 30 36 22 78 / 22 2.68
complicated with the Health protocol that…
The number of… 8 The number of your patients is increasing
8 30 52 82 90 / 10 2.66
due to COVID 19
Product shipments… 8 There are still many maternal patients who
12 34 18 18 2 80 / 20 2.64
do not comply with the health protocol…
Clinic income has… 2 The number of family planning acceptors
6 54 20 14 6 80 / 20 2.6
has decreased due to the COVID-19…
It's easier to get the… 2 The number of injection family planning
4 58 20 12 6 82 / 18 2.58
acceptors has decreased due to the…
Has no impact 56 The family planning injection service is
64 18 16 2 82 / 18 2.56
limited to acceptors who have made an…
You only serve patients who have made a
2 60 26 12 88 / 12 2.48
previous appointment
Injection contraceptive acceptor services
2 70 16 102 88 / 12 2.4
have decreased due to the limited…
The purchase price for contraceptives is
74 18 62 92 / 8 2.36
more expensive
COVID-19 prevents you from opening a
Strongly Disagree (1.0) Disagree (2.0) 8 64 18 82 90 / 10 2.32
Between Agree and Disagree (3.0) Agree (4.0) It was difficult for you to get supplies of
10 76 14 100 / 0 2.04
Strongly Agree (5.0) contraceptive injections during the…

Jumlah layanan pada Suntik KB pada mayoritas Praktek Mandiri Bidan (PMB) tidak mengalami
perubahan. Pada sebagian kecil responden yang mengalami penurunan layanan suntikan
menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh menurunnya daya beli konsumen, dan karena
akseptor mereka takut untuk datang ke klinik
Trend of injection during pandemic – Base = 50
Reasons of rarely selling injection (Q35) – Base = 8 (very small base)

Service Trend (Q8) 20 74 6

The purchasing power of

acceptors decreases
Supply Trend (Q34) 16 78 6

Decreasing Same Increasing Lockdown (self-limitation

to exit)

80 80
70 70 Acceptor Economics Shipments from
distributors are pending
The acceptor is afraid
to go to the clinic Switching to another
Service Restrictions contraceptive method 13%
(acceptors using other…
There are activity
restrictions Difficulty getting
Factors that are the cause of the service of the injection to experience a
decreased – in % (Q8a) - Base = 10 (small base)
Terjadi sedikit peningkatan terhadap harga layanan metode suntik KB di PMB selama masa pandemi di
bandingkan dengan sebelumnya. Peningkatan harga layanan masih dibawah 10%, baik untuk metode
suntik 1 bulanan maupun 3 bulanan

Price of Purchase – Base : N=50 Average Price

Before pandemic (Q46a) 2 42 34 14 4 4 Rp 33,800

Injection 1 month + 1,200

During pandemic (Q47a) 4 30 42 12 10 2 Rp 35,000

Before pandemic Q46b) 4 32 54 10 Rp 32,000

Injection 3 months + 1,800

During pandemic (Q47b) 4 28 52 10 42 Rp 33,800

Rp. 10,0001 - Rp. 20,000 Rp. 20,001 - Rp. 30,000 Rp. 30,001 - Rp. 40,000
Rp. 40,001 - Rp. 50,000 Rp. 50,001 - Rp. 60.000 Rp. 60,001 - Rp. 70,000

Mayoritas akseptor suntik KB masih melakukan suntik ulang secara teratur.

Impact on acceptor behaviour using injection in maternal practice clinics (Q9) - in % [Base = 50]

The acceptors routinely administer family

planning injections

The acceptor prefers vitamin injections 18

The acceptors prefer to buy other drugs 16

The acceptors switch to using other Base = 3 (Very small base)

Switch to IUD/Spiral 67%
The acceptors stop the family planning 4 Switch to Condom 33%

The acceptors go to Public health center so

the injection is free

Pola demand terhadap suntik KB mengalami penurunan pada masa penetapan PSBB, namun
sudah mulai meningkat pada periode 1-2 bulan terakhir. Secara umum tidak terjadi perubahan
pola rekomendasi metode secara drastis
Contraceptive devices currently provided – in %

Injection 100 In the period 5-6

96 4
months ago (Q11)
Family… 94

Implants 64 The Most desirable

During pandemic
82 2 8 4 4
IUD / Spiral 60

Condom 34 In last 1-2 months

88 24 42

Type of contraception has the most contribution to the

business of midwives in terms of economics – in % In general (Q14) 54 16 10 6 24 8

The Most Recommended

Injection 82
During pandemic
54 18 10 222 12
IUD / Spiral 8
Injection IUD / Spiral Family planning pills
Condom Implants Sterilization
8 Do not know None
In % - Base : N=50
planning pills

Pharmacy (N=50)
Profil Responden
Type of Pharmacies Gender Role – in %

Base S1, N = 50 Base S3, N = 50 Base S2, N = 50

72% 56
Female 44

28% 48%
Independent Chained Owner Store Manager

Age – in % Education – in %

Base S4, N = 50 Base S5, N = 50


16 16 26
14 24
12 12

22-27 yo 28-33 yo 34-39 yo 40-45 yo 46-50 yo 51-55 yo Senior High Diploma Bachelor Degree
School 12
Secara umum, responden merasa bahwa pandemi Covid-19 memberikan keuntungan bagi bisnis
apotek, terutama pada segmen produk untuk peningkatan vitalitas dan daya tahan tubuh. 34%
responden menyatakan terjadi penurunan penjualan pada masa PSBB
B3B / T2B Mea
Overall Impact – in % Prompted Reactions (Q20) – in % (%) n
Base Q1, N = 50 Increasing interest in 20 / 80 4.04
2 18 54 26
products to enhance…
Sales decreased due to
34 Covid-19 prevents
PSBB 4 28 22 34 12 54 / 46 3.22
shop from opening…

There has been a surge in Consumers prefer to

18 40 32 10 58 / 42 3.34
demand for some products, 30 save more by…
but now it's stabilised… The pharmacist
12 58 28 2 70 / 30 3.20
business benefits…
There is an increase in
demand but insufficient 16 Covid-19 causes
6 32 36 22 4 74 / 26 2.86
stock/insufficient supplied drastic decrease in…

Some products increased, Sales of KB pills 74 / 26

6 44 24 22 4 2.74
meanwhile other products 14 dropped low…
Limited supply of KB
2 54 24 20 80 / 20 2.62
pills during the…
Sales are not too affected 36 Covid-19 limits the
8 38 36 18 82 / 18 2.64
budget to buy KB…
Strongly disagree

Kontrasepsi menjadi salah satu best selling item di sektor Apotek
selama masa pandemi
Specification of Product Sold – in % (Q2b)

Vitamin C 95 Sanitizer 95 31
51 % %
84 23 %
Immun… Mask Pain…
% % %
Multivit… 7% 24 15
Hand… Cholester…
% %
Sangob… 5% Liquid soap 3% KB… 9… Various… 15 High blood… 50%
Vitamin B 5% Plester 3%Con… 2… Paraceta… Prescription… 50%

Product Sold During Covid 19

Pandemic (Q2a)

82% 76% 40% 26%

4% 4%
Q2a. What's your best-
selling item during Covid-
Vitamins Medical Tools Contraception OTC Drugs Drugs with doctor's Theres no
19 pandemic ? [M]
Base = 50
prescription items sold

Mayoritas Apotek menyatakan tidak ada gangguan stock Pil KB, 28% melaporkan
penurunan penjualan
Impact of availability of the Contraception stock that you
Impact occurs in the sale of Contraception pills – in % (Q2d)
sell in general – in % (Q2c)

Decreased Sales – Base=14 (small base)

Decreased sales 28
Low purchase power 29%
Lockdown/limited activity 14%
Shipments from distributors Less visit 14%
12 Temporarily closed 14%
Laid off 7%
Customers rarely buy Switch to BPJS service 7%
contraceptions during 8 Consumer afraid to go out 7%
pandemic Switch to vitamins 7%

Stocks of contraceptions run

out quickly (sold out)

Stock piled up in the


No impact 56

Pil KB dan Kondom adalah metode KB yang paling tersedia di apotek – dan tidak terjadi
perubahan pola ketersediaan dari masa sebelum pandemi, dan saat penetapan pandemi
Contraception sold before covid- Contraception sold in the past 5-6 Contraception currently sold (Q9) Reasons of choosing – BUMO
19 pandemic (Q7) – Base=50 months (Q8) – Base=50 – Base=50 (Q19) – Base=50

Pil KB 96% Pil KB 96% KB Pills 100%
The brand is
well known

Good margins 60%

Condom 78% Condom 76% Condom 76%

recommende 50%
d by…

Injection 4% Injection 6% Injection 4%
Good delivery

Users (N=200)
Respondent Profiles - All

Age (%) – Base : Marital Status (%) – Base : N=200 Number of Children (%) – Base : N=200
32 24 27
20 Single
Divorce More
22-28 29-34 35-40 100 than 2 49

Occupation (%) – Base : N=200 SEC (%) – Base : N=200

Education (%) – Base : N=200

Housewives 89 2 35 44 18 1
8 6 5
Rp 1,500,001-Rp 2,200,000
Rp 2,200,001-Rp 3,000,000
Workers 11 Rp 3,000,001-Rp4,000,000
Rp 4,000,001-Rp 6,000,000

18 18
Mayoritas responden (69%) menyatakan bahwa pandemi Covid19 mempengaruhi pemasukan rumah
tangga mereka. Dampak lain yang muncul akibat situasi saat ini adalah kesulitan untuk membayar
tagihan rutin rumah tangga (13%), kesulitan membayar cicilan (9%), dan mengalami penurunan daya
beli (8%)

Impact on Economic Situation – in % (Q1)

69 70 68

25 25 25

15 14 16 16 16 16
13 13 12 12 13 13
10 10
7 7
9 8 8 7 8 10
5 5
3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

Reduced Be more Increase Difficulties to Rearrange Laid off Unable to Business Reduced Lower Business Considering No impact
income creative to emergency pay bills (eg financial pay slowing buying investment temporarily life
earn income funds taxes, priorities installments down power, price return closed up insurance
utilities, etc.) increases

All (Base=200) Pills User (N=100) Injection User (N=100)

50% dari responden mengatakan bahwa pengeluaran mereka meningkat untuk membeli produk
Kesehatan seperti masker, makanan sehat, dan sanitizer. 35% juga menyampaikan peningkatan
pengeluaran untuk membiayai sekolah online anak-anak mereka

Spent on unbudgeted items (eg. Masks, 55%

sanitizer, foods, etc.) 55%
Increasing monthly expenditure 56%
Increasing costs for education needs / 35%
online schooling 29%
Increasing prices of basic necessities 31%
Cut back on transportation spending 24%
Unable to pay installments on time 20%
No impacts 13%
Declining business turnover / income 8%

All (Base=200) Pills User (Base=100) Injection User (Base=100)

Survey menunjukkan adanya peningkatan frekuensi aktifitas seksual, khususnya pada kelompok usia
pasangan yang lebih muda

Frequency of Sexual Activity in the Past Month (S11a) Frequency of Sexual Activity in the Past Month (S11a)

All (Base=200) 12 57 22 71
2 22-28 years old (Base=40) 28 63 100

Pill User (Base=100) 8 58 22 8 12 29-34 years old (Base=63) 13 57 14 14 2


Injection User (Base=100) 15 56 21 50

2 35-40 years old (Base=97) 4 55 31 4 31

More than 4 times a week 2-4 times a week More than 4 times a week 2-4 times a week
Once a week Once in 2 weeks Once a week Once in 2 weeks

Change of Frequency in Sexual Activity Change of Frequency in Sexual Activity

All (Base=200) 7 78 15 22-28 years old (Base=40) 3 73 25 0

Pill User (Base=100) 6 79 15 29-34 years old (Base=63) 6 79 13 2

Injection User (Base=100) 7 76 15 2 35-40 years old (Base=97) 8 78 121

Somewhat less often (4) Same (3) Somewhat less often (4) Same (3)
Somewhat more often (2) A lot more often (1) Somewhat more often (2) A lot more often (1)

Situasi pandemi secara umum tidak terlalu mempengaruhi pola konsumsi kontrasepsi khususnya
untuk metode Pil KB. Penurunan konsumsi terlihat terjadi pada metode suntikan KB.

OVERALL Contraceptive Ever Contraceptive Used Before Contraceptive Used During Pandemic Contraceptive used Currently
BASE=200 Used (Q7) Pandemic (Q8) (Q9) (Q10)

57 48 50 50 0
Pills +
% % % %

54 43 40 39
Injection 3 mo -3 -1
% % % %

26 16 12 -4
Injection 1 mo -1
% % % %

10 2% 1%
Condom 6% -4 -1

IUD/Spiral 5% 1% 1% 0 0% -1

Do not buy 5% 5% 3% - 0% -3
*Do not buy including Coitus Interruptus, using Calendar, and Non contraceptive

Kesimpulan & Rekomendasi

• Situasi pandemi dan penetapan PSBB mempengaruhi distribusi dan

pelayanan kontrasepsi, namun belum menunjukkan dampak
penurunan yang signifikan terhadap keseluruhan pola konsumsi

• Penurunan konsumsi teridentifikasi pada metode Suntikan KB,

walaupun gap antara current use dan ever use masih setara dengan
tingkat putus pakai dari laporan SDKI (26% vs 28% SDKI)

• Perlu di antisipasi penurunan kepesertaan KB akibat menurun-nya

daya beli masyarakat, serta pola distribusi dan pelayanan yang
dapat mengurangi resiko penularan Covid-19, baik bagi akseptor,
maupun bagi penyedia layanan (termasuk petugas apotik)


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