Cred&coll Reviewer Midterms
Cred&coll Reviewer Midterms
Cred&coll Reviewer Midterms
CREDIT MANAGEMENT- The science of evaluating the RISKS- This element can cause a creditor sleepless nights, especially
creditworthiness of a person and its grant. Art of collecting what has when he begins having second thoughts about his decision to extend
been granted in credit to persons and maintaining continued patronage credit.
and goodwill in the process.
SYNERGISTIC COOPERATION- The "raison-d-itre" of business SECURITY FACTOR- The analysis of a credit risk always involves
for all operating units to cooperate positively with each other to attain five factors which are as follows:
overall business objectives.
COLLECTION MANAGEMENT- The art of collecting what has RISK- Credit risk is composed of:
been granted in credit to person and maintaining continued patronage
and goodwill in the process. CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS- This involves the
judicious, timely and prudent checking of the five basis of credit;
CONFIDENTIALITY- Credit information is confidential. character, capacity, capital, condition and collateral in applicable
COMPLETENESS- An inquiry should clearly describe the subject,
state its object and scope and show that it is made responsibly. PERIOD OR TERM OF PAYMENT- Refers to the length of time
within which the debtor must pay the credit, whether this credit be in
money, goods or services
EXCHANGE OF VALUE- For the credit transaction to have DENYING OR EVASIVE- This debtor's defense is motivated by the
meaning and attain its purpose, there must be a positive debtor's inability to pay with good reason or to avoid payment without
__________________. good reason.
THE UP-TO-DATE OR DOG TYPE- A debtor who pays on time DEFIANT- A defense generally used by debtor who is either
and who responds to available prompt payment incentives offered. unscrupulous or a habitual bad debtor.
debtors become this type because there is no perfect matching of their defense is either a victim of an accident or misfortune or has been
income and expenses placed in such an unfavorable health financial position that he cannot
earn enough to pay back his debt.
must be the target of strict collection efforts to prevent his account THE NEGLIGENT- Does not bother about due dates of his debts
becoming bad.
THE HONEST BUT CONFUSED- One who did not understand in
THE CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCE OR CHAMELEON TYPE- the first place the terms or conditions of the sale or debt/obligation he
A debtor who, for health, social, economic or political reasons; by law, entered into
contract, accident or fortuitous event, suddenly cannot pay his
obligation. THE CAN'T BE BOTHERED- A debtor's who refuses to pay a -
small balance of a debt until these add up to a substantial amount and
TYPE- A debtor who, in the first place, should be avoided and
noticed. SEASONAL DELINQUENT- Fall behind in paying debts because
his business/cashflow slows down at certain periods of the year
OFFENSIVE OR AGGRESSIVE- A debtor's defense is generally
used by one who is premeditated delinquent debtor. One who, from the HONEST LATE PAYER- Pays late because his own debtors - also
inception or obtaining the credit, had no intention of paying at all. pays him late
CHRONICALLY SLOW- A debtor who makes all creditors wait FUNCTIONS OF CREDIT
until they give more liberal payment terms
1. Facilitates the movement of goods and services through the
CHARACTER- The credit applicant's personality, moral values, channels of trade to the consumers.
family, social and business relationship. 2. Sustains and promotes production.
3. Establishes rules for credit and collection transactions.
CAPITAL- The property the credit applicant own in his name whether 4. Leads to efficient collection of accounts receivable
movable or immovable. 5. Contribute as a profit center to the attainment of a company’s
desired profit targets.
CAPACITY- The ability of the credit applicant to earn enough to
6. Helps in teaching debtors good credit habits and practices.
repay credit obtained.
7. Can serve as a tool in attaining personal and business goals.
GOVERNMENT MECHANISMS TO ADMINISTER CREDIT the amount extended by the recognized leaders of the credit manager’s
1. Increasing or decreasing the legal/ liquidity reserve
requirements of banks and other financial institutions
2. Issuing government credit instruments such as bonds, 3. Historian Credit Man
Many credit managers unwittingly practices this mode of managing This type of credit differs from other types in that the proceeds of
their department operation generally due to lack of education, training loan are not usually used in such a way as to facilitate its payment by
or experience and challenges met in the demanding role of their the borrower. Most lenders ask a borrower to sign a promissory note,
position. commonly called a note, which is simply a written promise that the
amount barrowed will be paid on certain date. The borrowers who sign
the note are the maker.
5. Necessary Evil Credit Man
Retail credit
This kind of credit manager will invariably pose no objection in having Is a typical example of consumer credit, which is held synonymous
some losses in the management of his receivables, conscious of the with one another, as with personal credit, the use of which is obtained
fact that not all credit transactions can be collected. through charge account and installment credit?
On the other side of the same coin, installment buying suffers from sense that the former is brought about by transactions involving
the following serious disadvantages. transfers of goods for business purposes, unlike the latter which is
intended specifically for consumption purposes.
1. Installment purchases cost more than articles purchase.
2. Some people do not know what to buy or what not to buy, thereby Commercial Bank Credit
overburdening themselves with financial obligations that they may Bank credit refers solely to the credit given by commercial banks to
be find difficult to meet. businessmen instead to assist them in the operation of their business.
3. It is observed that in some cases, individual may be encouraged to Businessmen, aside from purchasing merchandise on credit are.
buy things which they actually do not need, such that eventually Moreover, heavy users of short-term credit in the form of loans are
they find difficulty in purchasing their real necessities. used for a number of purposes as, for instance, the financing or in the
transaction of or for the purpose of production, in the storage or in the
transportation of, Or for the purchase of raw materials.
Mercantile credit
Mercantile credit, sometimes also called as commercial credit, which Relationship between Mercantile and Bank credit.
may be described as that type of credit which one business men may The use of mercantile credit brings about the use of a vast amount of
extend to another when selling goods on time for resale of commercial credit instruments which are documents instead to serve as the basis
use, is a characteristic feature of our modern economy. Parties to a for the grant of bank credit. In customary business practice, when
goods are bought with the intention of resale, or for industrial and
commercial use, the transaction may be consummated through 3. Bank credit is, as a standard practice, extended in order to enable
payment in cash or on the basis of time. Thus, in order to the purchaser the borrower to secure funds foe general “working capital”
to pay cash and therefore, be entitled to a cash discount, the purchase purposes, without any necessary reference to a specific single
may borrow from his bank by giving the bank his promissory note. In transaction. In the case of mercantile credit, it is extended only in
the event that the buyer fails to make payment prior to due date, the connection with purchase of a definite bill of goods.
seller of necessity will have to carry the financial burden which he 4. Furthermore, the bank takes for grater precaution before it extends
may, however, transfer to his bank giving his own promissory note or credit than are considered necessary by the merchant selling
by discounting the notes or acceptances obtained from his customers. merchandise on credit.
In the first case, the bank may either discount the seller’s paper or the 5. Moreover, the presence of competition is keen among businessmen
buyer’s paper in indorsed by the seller. who grant mercantile credit.
time. The soundness of an investment contract depends mainly upon Besides the present necessity of obtaining goods and services on
the continuous and profitable operation of the borrowing enterprise. credit, consumers are likewise confronted with the need for money
Investment credit is evidence by negotiable bonds or long-term notes. which they try to obtain through borrowing. Such borrowing of money
Still, in some instances, they may also be evidenced by real estate is an example of credit transaction manner as that of buying on open
Commercial credit
Many such commodities are stored in cold storage warehouse which
This type of credit, which is sometimes termed as mercantile credit,
store the perishable goods. The warehouse is required to be license to
has already been indicated in a foregoing discussion.
issue negotiable receipt, to meet all specification as to financial
stability, inspection to furnish such security bond coverage, etc. In
Real Estate credit
most instances the receipt on an approved warehouse can be readily
When credit is purposely for construction, acquisition, expansion or
accepted for collateral purposes.
improvement of real estate properties, it is termed as real estate credit.
This type of credit was extended previously by the defunct
Export Credit
rehabilitation finance corporation which was expressly established to pledging of the good faith and the resources of the nation for the
assist in the rehabilitation program of the government. repayment of debt incurred on behalf of the people, could not have
emerge until certain other definite development has occurred. For
instance, the extensive development market, in which there is a certain
amount of liquid capital, funds seeking investment.
According to maturity
Base on maturity, credit may be classified as: short, medium, or
intermediate, and long term.
Government or public Credit At first glance, the advantages can seem appealing: you can negotiate
Public credit is a branch or a form of credit in general and, as such, is the interest rate and payment terms with them directly. But a word of
subject to rules and principles that govern the use of all credit. caution: if you have trouble repaying them, your relationship could be
However, unlike other form of credit, public credit, which means a damaged forever.
Plan (HBP) allows you borrow from your RRSP to purchase your first
Financial institutions
Retail stores
Many stores offer their own credit cards. Some also offer financing
plans that allow you to pay for your purchases over time or even at a
later date. Be careful: if you don’t pay your balance in full on the due
date, you’ll be charged much higher interest rates than a regular credit 1. Character
card. 2. Capacity
3. Capital
4. Collateral
Loan companies 5. Condition
6. Connection
Some companies specialize in giving out loans, often to people are
turned down by other lenders. Since the risk is higher for the lender,
the interest rates paid by borrowers are also higher.
• Credit is classified according type of user, purpose and
maturity. The sources of credit are the financial institutions.
Usurer is also a source of fund but it is prohibited by the
Some people can lend themselves funds from their own investments,
• The risks of credit are used as a guide or bases in granting
insurance policies or othersources. For example, the Home Buyers’
loans to credit applicants.
• Commercial Credit- sometimes termed as mercantile credit 5. Sources and mode of payment
6. Nature of business (income
• Consumer Credit- extended to consumers in order to facilitate
the process of consumption
1. Who is requesting for credit accommodation in returns generated from sales and investments
2. Amount and type of the credit applied for 4. Efficiency Ratios- measures how efficient and effective is the credit
4. Collateral (Security)
NON-FINANCIAL FACTOR TO CHECK Needs for a Credit Scorecard:
1. To determine the risk level or degree on the credit applicant.
1. Payment performance
2. To evaluate the adequacy of risk cover or security or collateral.
2. General experience/ background
3. To determine the risk level or degree on the credit applicant.
3. Age of business and evidence of sound growth potential
4. To evaluate the adequacy of risk cover or security or collateral
4. Impression of the applicant and its management
5. Adequacy of resources/ availability of financing
6. Trend
1. Recent litigation
2. Recent distressful condition/ illiquidity 100
Credit Instrument- an instrument used in the banking and finance * Drawn on another office of the same / another bank
world to describe a time agreed upon that can used as a currency. * It is payable on demand
* Its payment has to be made to the person whose name is mentioned
Classification: therein or according to his order
1. Check
2. Bank Draft
3. Bill of Exchange 3. Bill of Exchange- a written order to a person requiring the person to
5. Government Bond
6. Treasury Bills * The instrument must be in written and must be signed by the drawer
7. Traveller’s Cheque * The amount of money to be paid must be certain an order to pay
* The payment must be in the legal tender currency of country
* Money must be paid to a definite person and properly stamped.
1. Check- is a document that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of
money from a person’s account to the person in whose name the check
has been issued. 4. Promissory Note- a signed document containing a written promise
to pay a stated sum to a specified person or bearer at a specified date or
on demand.
* The promissory note must be in writing 1. Exchange of ownership
* It must contain an express promise 2. Employment encouragement
* The payee must be certain 3. Increase consumption
* It should be signed by the make 4. Saving encouragement
* The amount must be certain 5. Capital formation
6. Easy payment
7. Development of entrepreneurs
5. Treasury Bills- are short-term secure investments issued by the
Philippine government through the Bureau of Treasury.
* Maturity time period less than a year
1. Encouragement of expenditure
* High liquidity
2. Encourage weakness
* Low risk
3. Danger beyond limit
4. Encourage inefficient
5. Economic crisis
6. Treasury Bond (Government Bond)- medium to long-term
investments issued by the Philippine government. They form part of
the government’s program to make securities available to small
Forces of Collection:
1. The Salesmen
2. The House Collectors
3. Attorneys (Legal Counsels)
7. Traveler’s Check- a certified note issued by a bank that may be
4. Government
used by traveler’s a risk free substitute for a paper currency.
1. The Negligent- does not bother about the due dates of his debts. paying time, but is always around when borrowing.
2. The Honest but Confused- one who did not understand in the first
place the terms or conditions of the sale or debt/ obligation he entered
3. The Can’t be Bothered- a debtor who refuses to pay a small balance 1. Impersonal effort
of a debt until these add up to a substantial amount and then pays. 2. Impersonal appeals
4. Seasonal Delinquent- fall behind in paying debts because his 3. Personalized efforts
business / cashflow slows down at certain periods of the year. 4. Coercive or legal efforts
5. Honest Late Payer- pays late because of his own debtors- also pay
him late.
6. Chronically Slow- a debtor who makes all creditors wait until they
give more liberal payment terms. 1. Notice or reminder
8. The Stretcher (Plastic Man)- a debtor who is temporarily over- 4. Third party letters
1. Double Teaming- in that tactics, one collector acts as the good guy
and the other one the bad guy but both to exploit the debtor’s fear of
losing creditworthiness and need for relief from debt and friendship.
2. The Turn Down- refusing from a debtor who will not bring his 1. What’s in a name (Sino ka ba?)
account to an acceptable balance or condition being aware that he has 2. Favor (lagay) Power
5. Fighter’s Stance- be sure that this does not boomerang on you since
your debtor may also take a fighter’s stance on you.
10. Debtor’s business have been assigned/ transferred or taken over by
1. Those who want to get paid, must insist on payment-on time
a new company
2. Use your aging schedule positively and aggressively
3. Always be a good reason in using your aging schedules
4. Stand your ground
5. Don’t hesitate, enforce your credit
6. Never threaten, unless you mean and do your threat 1. Sending of proper demands to the party-obligor-debtors
3. Signed by an Attorney-in-fact crime, vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
7. Summons cannot be served 2. Slander or Oral Defamation- uttering publicly, writing grave or
8. Debtor’s properties are encumbered or disposed insult or defamation which is of a serious or insulting nature.
9. Debtor have filed for voluntary insolvency and/ or suspension of 3. Unjust Vexation- it is equated with anything that annoys or irritates
without justification.
4. Incriminating Innocent Person- any person who, by any act not civil case which relates to the case, is proven false, given in malicious
constituting perjury, shall directly incriminate or impute to an innocent manner with the intent to affect the issue presented in the case.
person the commission of a crime. 13. False Testimony in Other Cases and Perjury in Solemn
5. Intriguing Against Honor- any person who shall make an intrigue Affirmation- any person who, knowingly making untruthful statements
which has for its principal purpose to blemish honor and reputation of under oath or make an affidavit, upon any material matter before a
another person. competent person authorized to administer an oath in cases in which
6. Qualified Trespass to Dwelling- any private person who shall enter the law so requires.
the dwelling of another against the latter’s will. - Any person who, in case of a solemn affirmation made in lieu of an
7. Other Forms of Tresspass- any person who shall enter the closed oath, shall commit any falsehood.
premises or the fenced estate of another, while either of them are
14. Assault and Battery
Assault- an unlawful offer or attempt with force or violence to do
8. Grave Threats- any person who shall threaten another with the physical harm to another.
infliction upon the person, honor or property of the latter or of his Battery- unlawfully touching the person whether wilfully committed or
family of any wrong, amounting to a crime. arose from want of due care.
9. Light Threats- a threat to commit a wrong not constituting a crime 15. Falsification by Private Individual and Use of Falsified
which for money or that other conditions is imposed, even though not Documents- any person who, to the damage of a third party, or with
unlawful whether or not the offender attained his purpose. the intent to cause such damage, shall in any private document commit
10. Grave Coercion- any person who without authority of law shall, any of the acts of falsification.
by means of violence, prevent another from doing something not
prohibited by law or compel him to do something against his will
11.Extortion- collecting money with the use of harassment, coercion, 1.The use of threat of violence or another criminal means to harm the
simulated legal process to threaten debtors may be a ground for being physical person, reputation or property of any person
liable for extortion. 2. The use of obscenities, insults, or profane language which amounts
12. False Testimony in Civil Cases- any person who gives testimony in to a criminal act or offense under applicable laws
3. Disclosure of names of consumer or credit card holders who QUIZ
allegedly refuse to pay debts.
4. Threat to take any action plan than cannot legally be taken.
1. TRUE A credit instrument is a written or printed paper by
4. Communicating or threat to communicate to any person credit
means of which funds are transferred from one person to another.
information which is known to be false, including failure to
communicate that a debt is being disrupted 2. TRUE A drawer is a person upon whom the bill of exchange or
collect any debt or to obtain information concerning a cardholder or 3. TRUE A payee is the person whose order the drawee is to
consumer make payment or to whom the money is to be paid.
6. Making a contact at unreasonable or inconvenient times or hours
4. TRUE One of the key elements in the bill of exchange is the
which shall be defined as contact before 6:00 A.M. or after 10:00 P.M.
place of payment.
unless the accout is past due for more than 60 days or the consumer or
cardholder has given express permission of said times are the only 5. TRUE In promissory note, there is no need to accept the
reasonable or convenient opportunities for contact. instrument if it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time.
A credit information is confidential. A credit scorecard is a source of auditing information for all credit
Credit is intended to assist a prospective creditor in reaching a
decision. Credit scorecard must be developed when the credit information
desired are readily available.
2. T-T
6. T-T
A trustworthiness implies confidence in the debtor’s integrity.
Analysis of credit information is the primarily concerned of credit
Credit granting is a risk
4. F-F 8. T-T
Liquidity ratios measures the extent to which the credit applicant has Character to a credit applicant comprises the inherent integrity.
been financed by debt.
Character is the most important basis of credit.
Leverage ratios measures the firm’s ability to meet its maturing short-
term obligations.
9. T-F
Capacity – character – capital = fraudulent risk 7. Government credit The following credit are classified as according
to purpose except:
Capacity + capital – character = limited risk
8. Short-term credit This type of credit usually covers the purchase
of consumers goods.
10. F-F
9. Industrial credit The following credit are classified according to
Payment performance is a basic factor of financial evaluation. users except:
Recent litigation is a bonus factor in financial evaluation. 10. Usurer Which among the following sources of credit is
prohibited by the government?