Isidro Bambalan y Prado
Isidro Bambalan y Prado
Isidro Bambalan y Prado
The defendants admit in their amended answer those paragraphs of the complaint wherein it is
alleged that Isidro Bambalan y Colcotura was the owner, with Torrens title, of the land here in
question and that the plaintiff is the sole and universal heir of the said deceased Isidro
Bambalan y Colcotura, as regards the said land. This being so, the fundamental question to be
resolved in this case is whether or not the plaintiff sold the land in question to the defendants.
The defendants affirm they did and as proof of such transfer present document Exhibit 1, dated
July 17, 1922. The plaintiff asserts that while it is true that he signed said document, yet he did
so by intimidation made upon his mother Paula Prado by the defendant Genoveva Muerong,
who threatened the former with imprisonment. While the evidence on this particular point does
not decisively support the plaintiff's allegation, this document, however, is vitiated to the extent
of being void as regards the said plaintiff, for the reason that the latter, at the time he signed it,
was a minor, which is clearly shown by the record and it does not appear that it was his real
intention to sell the land in question.
What is deduced from the record is, that his mother Paula Prado and the latter's second
husband Vicente Lagera, having received a certain sum of money by way of a loan from
Genoveva Muerong in 1915 which, according to Exhibit 3, was P200 and according to the
testimony of Paula Prado, was P150, and Genoveva Muerong having learned later that the land
within which was included that described in said Exhibit 3, had a Torrens title issued in favor of
the plaintiff's father, of which the latter is the only heir and caused the plaintiff to sign a
conveyance of the land.
At any rate, even supposing that the document in question, Exhibit 1, embodies all of the
requisites prescribed by law for its efficacy, yet it does not, according to the provisions of section
50 of Act No. 496, bind the land and would only be a valid contract between the parties and as
evidence of authority to the register of deeds to make the proper registration, inasmuch as it is
the registration that gives validity to the transfer. Therefore, the defendants, by virtue of the
document Exhibit 1 alone, did not acquire any right to the property sold as much less, if it is
taken into consideration, the vendor Isidro Bambalan y Prado, the herein plaintiff, was a minor.
As regards this minority, the doctrine laid down in the case of Mercado and Mercado vs.
Espiritu (37 Phil., 215), wherein the minor was held to be estopped from contesting the contract
executed by him pretending to be age, is not applicable herein. In the case now before us the
plaintiff did not pretend to be of age; his minority was well known to the purchaser, the
defendant, who was the one who purchased the plaintiff's first cedula used in the
acknowledgment of the document.
In regard to the amount of money that the defendants allege to have given the plaintiff and her
son in 1992 as the price of the land, the preponderance of evidence shows that no amount was
given by the defendants to the alleged vendors in said year, but that the sum of P663.40, which
appears in the document Exhibit 1, is arrived at, approximately, by taking the P150 received by
Paula Prado and her husband in 1915 and adding thereto interest at the rate of 50 per cent
annum, then agreed upon, or P75 a year for seven years up to July 31, 1922, the sate of Exhibit
The damages claimed by the plaintiff have not been sufficiently proven, because the witness
Paula Prado was the only one who testified thereto, whose testimony was contradicted by that
of the defendant Genoveva Muerong who, moreover, asserts that she possesses about half of
the land in question. There are, therefore, not sufficient data in the record to award the damages
claimed by the plaintiff.
In view of the foregoing, the dispositive part of the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed,
without any express findings as to the costs in this instance. So ordered.