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Outsourcing Policy in Ethiopia

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Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the

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This dissertation attempts to assess how HRM is evolving and developing in private and public
organizations in Ethiopia. The research is qualitative and makes use of the few quantitative researches
previously conducted by other researchers. This paper will examine the extent, public and private
organizations in Ethiopia practice western hrm and the problems associated with the implementation
process. Private and public organizations should employ effective hrm practices for better organizational
performance results. In addition, the government must put in place proper economic policies to aid the
activities of the private or public organizations as it will indirectly affect the economic performance of
the country. The main finding shows that the current decentralized power structure of Ethiopia has
promoted regional investment which in turn has made an impact on hrd, but still cultural and social
factors are slowing down the development process. It is difficult to clearly identify the challenges and
prospects of hrm in Ethiopia due to lack of researches done on the field. The dissertation may provide an
insight into hrm practices in Ethiopia and contribute to future researches studies.



The Global market competition has forced private and public organizations in Africa to make
organizational adjustments that may well help them participate in the competition. Parallel to financial
strength, organizations are forced to develop their human capital as it has become an important factor
in increasing their economic performance. Hence, focal attention is awarded to human resource
activities to this end.

In Ethiopia, the change of the political system in June 1990 has introduced a different market oriented
free economic system. One of the major issues in this new economic policy is the privatization of
government owned enterprises. This change process has brought with it the reduction of labour force,
change in the employment contract and different work appraisal policies.

In privatization, hrm activities have an important place. When aiming to bring a new culture change,
human resource managers need to act through recruitment and training of staff that suit the new
culture while removing staffs that opposes the new culture. For this, better and consistent human
resource programmes need to be in effect in order to attain the steadiness of the process (Parker, 1992).
There are only few Researches done that prove the effectiveness of western management practice in
the developing world and almost none regarding hrm practices in Ethiopia. Thus the lack of information
has created a gap in understanding how management is practiced in Ethiopia. This research paper would
contribute to the existing literature in two major ways. First, the paper argues that as the present
economy of Ethiopia is growing and with its reformed economic policy, researchers need to investigate
the hrm practices in Ethiopia. Second, it is crucial to find out whether or not western hrm policies can be
adopted in a developing country.


Modern management practice has its roots in the western world. Western hrm is transferred to African
countries to aid their industrial development. But a direct transfer without regard to the cultural and
social setting of African countries has decreased the effectiveness of the western management practices
(Alfred & Kabindra, 1990). This paper does not promote the direct transfer of western hrm to Africa nor
does it claim the dominance of the western practice over African indeginous management system, such
as UBUNTU- a local management system in South Africa- which is believed to have the potentiall to fill
the gap in management. Rather this paper hints that some local cultural practices are conducive for the
transfer of modern management practices and to this they are applied in some environments (Jackson,
2000, 2004). This paper follows this approach considering the adaptive nature of organizations due to
cultural influences evident in some African organizations, as Kamoche (2002) stress that national and
organizational cultures have an effect in the convergence and divergence of hrm practices.

In 1996 following the political transition from a unitary system to a federal system, the Ethiopian
government introduced a new civil service programme. This programme was initiated by donor
countries and mainly IMF and World Bank, and was aimed at improving the civil service operating
system mainly in the hrm, ethics and service delivery areas. This programme has an influence from
reforms practiced in New Zealand under their new public management programme (Peterson, 2001).
Even though the programme had some implementation problems at the initial stage, later on it has
proven to be successful mainly in the public service organizations. Despite strong cultural and social
structure, this new trend had also made limited indirect effect on the managment of private service
giving organizations as it has proven to have various advantages .


Ethiopia has opened its door to foreign investors in line with its new market oriented economy policy.
But the progress of the economy is still unsatisfactory as there is a limited development in the countries’
human capital as well as management system. A better understanding on how human resource is
managed in Ethiopia and looking at the cultural and social setting of the country can help as a
framework for further research and development of hrm in Ethiopia. Over and above, adding up to the
data available, this study shall also add up to the existing body of knowledge. It shall also broaden my
understanding of research and be a partiall fulfilment of my Masters degree.


The paper would try to address the following questions;

1.How does hrm practice in Ethiopian organizations differ from the westerm hrm practice?

2. What are the factors that affect the transfer of western hrm to Ethiopia?

3.What practical measures has Ethiopia taken to improve its hrm practices in private and public

The research paper has the following specific objectives;

To assess the influential factors that affect the transfer of western hrm to Ethiopia

To analyse the interrelation between economic development and hrm practices in Ethiopian

To suggest and recommend effective hrm practices in recruitment, performance appraisal, training and
development and rewards and compensation of employees.


The study focuses on employee recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development and
rewards and compensation in organizations in Ethiopia. These human resource activities have an
important role compared to other hr activities. Hence, major focus is given to these selected
management activities.


There are generally three types of research methodologies identified by Creswell (2003). These are
highlighted below along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Quantitative approach

Quantitative data is about numbers in general terms. They are all such data that are usually quantified
to help answer research questions and meet pre specified objectives (Lewis et al, 2007). These claim
post positivism knowledge with experimental strategies of enquiry. Quantitative analysis uses methods
such as, cost and effect thinking, Measurement and observation as well as test of theories. Proponents
of this approach claim that it is a great example of deductive logic of natural science. This is because it
allows for comparison which is done through objectively determined validity and reliability. However,
since by this approach variables may only be measured by specific point in time, one may not achieve an
in-depth analysis of for example psychological factors.


Qualitative data is about words so to speak in general terms. These include all non numerical data that
are not quantified or quantifiable and can be a product of all research strategies. This type of analysis
claims constructivism of set of knowledge and mainly uses ethnographic and narrative strategies of
enquiry. Qualitative analysis uses methods including, field observation, open ended interview and
theory deductions among others. The main advantage of such approaches is that there is a greater
degree of wholeness and richness of data collected since it focuses on natural occurrences within
natural settings. This makes it a powerful tool to study the process.

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Mixed approach to a research incorporates elements of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. It
claims the knowledge of pragmatic assumptions for its rigor and validity. In essence, it uses both
qualitative and quantitative strategies and methods of enquiry. This approach draws advantages of the
two approaches discussed above. It as well draws a complexity of disadvantage of these approaches.
This makes mixed method of research more time consuming and thus inevitably inappropriate for a
master’s research given the limited time and resources.

From the above argument, this research paper shall lend itself to the quanlitative analysis and tools that
go with it.


Secondary data shall be used for analysis. These shall be outsourced from the relevant sources pertinent
to the issue. These include International management journals, online company performance reports,
company Journal reports on management and financial performance of organizations and text books
shall be used. The study shall observe all the stipulated data access and usage policies for each of these


Ethical considerations are expected to arise in any kind of research study. This paper therefore takes
into consideration of those ethical issues on formulating and clarification of the topic, design, access and
use of data, analysis and report of the findings in a moral and responsible way. The following may arise;

To begin with the paper shall consider the prevailing code of ethics for researches that is in use
worldwide. In case of permission required, this shall be sorted out with the help of the university
department office. While sufficient efforts shall be made to seek authority from relevant participant of
the study, information on all aspect of the study shall be availed.

The integrity of all stake holders to the study shall be upheld with the objective and other processes of
the study made explicit. The data shall be kept for analysis within the stipulated acceptable time period.
Ownership rights, Privacy and interest of the stakeholders shall be respected.

The study shall use ways and methods of analysis and report the same in the manner that shall not be
embarrassing, stressful, discomforting, painful or harmful to the readers and the participants.

The study shall take proactive stance not to engage in fraudulent procedures that affect the study
results neither shall it misuse the same. The researcher aims at maintaining responsible behaviour and
objectivity as much as possible in conducting the study.


HRM has many functions but due to time constraints this research paper is limited only to the main four
activities namely employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal and reward
and compensation. Hence, the paper may not give a complete full account of hrm practice in Ethiopia. In
addition, the lack of ample reference data on the subject has limited the research investigation.


The dissertation paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter one sets out the background of the
research paper, statement of the problem, the significance of the study, research question and
objectives, scope of the study, methodology, data resource management, ethical issues, limitation of the
study and organization of the paper. In chapter two the literature review presents the key concepts of
hrm and its four activities; employee recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development and
rewards and compensation. In addition, New Public Managment theory and culture are discussed . In
chapter three ethiopias’ politics, economy and culture are discussed. This discussion helps as a
framework to analyse hrm activities in Ethiopia. Lastly in chapter four the researcher makes conclusion
and recommendation based on the given facts on how to improve hrm practice in Ethiopia.


The subject of Human resource management increased in leaps and bounds in the last decade, and
many scholars have contributed their share of knowledge to the development of management practice
across the world. Even though all scholars revolve a central issue of developing the human capital, they
differ in their approach on how it is done.

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Bratton and Gold (2003) put Human resource management as a strategic formula, combining human
capital and company policies in order to achieve a competitive advantage.

Dowling and Welch (2004) in their book International human resource management, say that HRM is a
combination of activities in an organization that includes human resource planning, staffing,
performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits and industrial
relations. Human resource professionals perform the above activities as they see fit in order to address
the organization objective.

Torrington et al. (2005) define HRM using two approaches. One is the generic term used to define the
main objectives of human resource activities, i.e. staffing, performance, change management, and
administration objectives. These objectives will set the plan and rules on how an organization handles
and exploits its human resource capital. The second approach describes HRM as a distinct approach to
the management of people. This approach is an extension or developed form of personnel
management. Personnel management demanded employee compliance, pluralist perspective, external
control of staff and held short term perspective but HRM holds a long term and unitary perspective,
commitment from staff and promote self control perspective.
As stated by the above mentioned authors, although in different ways, the authors share a common
point that HRM is a process accomplished by an organization on managing its human resource to
achieve its goal efficiently and effectively..


It was accepted that lack of capital is the only obstacle in the development of an organization. But now,
an organizations inability to employs competent manpower and management system is taken as the real
obstacle organization dread to face (Desler, 2003). An organizations’ competitiveness lies on its human
resource. In order to achieve a competitive advantage, an organization needs to motivate its employee.
The management section responsible for employee development and compensation, play an important
role with this regard. This assumption has grown to form a plan, Strategic human resource management.
This strategic practice is the connecting line between the HRM and the strategic objectives of the
organization for performance efficiency (Beardwell and Claydon, 2010). In the present high competitive
time, organizations are forced to devise their strategic plan assisted by technology. One thing that has
defined and changed management is technology. It has enabled managers to efficiently execute their
duty and control their employee appraisal, benefits and training needs. But still technology could not
cover the duty of the manager in the personal interaction with the employees.

According to Desler (2003), the key functions of HRM are recruitment, benefits and compensation,
training and development, employee security and safety. Of the mentioned factors staff recruitment is
the major one that management need to focus at is, getting the right people at the right time for the
right place as it is an a fundamental issue to execute an organizations action plan correctly. A clear work
description and detail assists the manager in charge to make correct staff recruitment, appraisal and
timely evaluation. In order to do this task the manager first does the planning to identify the right
number and the needed qualification for recruitment.


Acquiring the right person for the vacant position is an important factor in securing a competitive
advantage. Recruitment is a programme where organizations …” attract a high proportion of well
qualified candidates who are interested in accepting a job offer. ” (Fisher et al., 1999, pp 250)
The selection process is what comes next to the recruitment. It involves choosing the best candidate
from the recruited group using different selection criterias. Organizations have different recruitment
philosophies. Big companies like General Electric and Universal Postal Service emphasise on recruiting
and promoting employees from within their organizations, on the other hand organizations may also
choose to recruit on long and short term basis with their own recruitment procedures (Fisher et al.,
1999). Thus organizations may choose to apply internal or external recruitment methods or both at the
same time. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Internal recruitment have the
advantage of giving employees motivation and also reduce socialization and training time. While its
disadvantages are reducing diversity and it creates vacant positions as employees are upgraded to new
posts. The external recruitment may hold advantage in bringing new ideas and new faces to the
organization while its disadvantages are the risk of hiring the wrong person and also decreases work
motivation of active employees as it bypass internal promotion. For the internal recruitment employee
referral, internal advertisements on notice boards and higher up recommendations are used to draw in
interested applicants but for external recruitment, advertising in different mass Medias and
employment offices as well as associations are involved in the process (Torrington et al. 2005, pp 124-

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“Performance management is a systematic process for improving organizational performance by

developing the performance of individuals and teams. It is a means of getting better results by
understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, standards and
competency requirements.”(Armstrong, 2009, pp618)

There is no universal system to manage and control performance but according to Fisher et al. (1999,
p497) there are four common parts found in most organizations’ performance managment system. They
are defining performance, empowering employees, measuring performance and feedback and coaching.
Depending on their organizational culture, organizations would adopt specific performance
management system as they see fit for their system. Organizations appraise their employees and use
the feedback for developmental uses, administrative decisions, organizational objectives maintainance
and documentation purposes. It would also help identify employees in need of training, transfer to new
job assignments, promotions, layoffs, HR planning, evaluation of HR system and for other legal
requirements (pp 498). In the UK a new performance management was introduced in 1997 which set
out five dimensions to measure performance management in the public sector. The five objective are
strategic objective of the service, cost and efficiency, service delivery outcomes, quality and fair access
of the service (Bratton and Gold, 2003. Pp 263). This system has created an incentive to develop a
performance measurement system whereby organizations would set and define departmental,
managerial and employee performance targets which would then be measured against the set targets
initially incorporated and outlined in the performance strategy plan (2003, pp263-264).


Organizations improve their competitive advantage by improving employee performance through

training programmes. For efficient performance employees need to learn what is expected of them from
the organizations and know beforehand how they should perform their tasks (Torrington et al., 2005, pp

The purposes of training are to acquaint new staff members to their new job assignment, to enhance
employees performance to the standard and level of the organization, to acquaint employees with new
technologies or change and to prepare them for higher job qualifications(Fisher et al, 1999, pp 397).
Organizations need to timely asses their training needs in three areas; Organizational, Task and
Individual analysis. The organizational analysis takes into consideration the organizations strategy, goals
and culture together with the proposed training scheme to assess the computability of the training with
the need and aim of the organization. Task analysis is analysing jobs and identifying the specific job
requirements needed to perform the job well. Identifying the detailed procedures, knowledge and skills
is important to this analysis. The individual analysis which is the final analysis is about the employee to
be trained. Attention must be given on the required skills and knowledge needed to participate in the
training. For better outcome employees with a background knowledge for the required training should
be considered (Fisher et al., 1999, pp 397-398). The training and development would not be restricted to
training courses and international assignments, temporary transfers within the company and job
rotation also help employees to acquire additional knowledge and skills (Lucas et al., 2006, pp 156-7).
Organizations with effective training and development programmes benefit through high performance,
well informed and committed employees and also reduces future employment training costs
(Armstrong, 2009, pp 684).


The term reward according to Bratton and Gold (2003, pp278) is” refers to all the monetary, non-
monetary and psychological payments that an organization provides for its employees in exchange for
the work they perform. ” Further on it is discussed that there is a reward system and pay system. The
reward system is divided into intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic is the psychological satisfaction
gained from performing the job and the extrinsic is the outer job satisfaction that gives security and
satisfaction to the employee. The pay reward is dealing with the monetary and other non-financial gains
provided by the employer. Focusing on the pay system, employees receive reward or compensation
either in direct financial payments like salaries, commissions, wages and incentives or through non-
finacial payments such as insurance coverage, paid out leaves/vacations, child support and so on
(Dessler,2003, pp302-303). The main objective of reward or compensation lies on motivating employees
for performing higher results and in doing so organizations may choose to devise their own reward
system as they see fit with their strategic organization plans. To this, Vroom’s expectancy theory, which
links rewards and performance is widely used method. Organizations apply this theory as it increases
employee motivation, save compensation cost and help clearly communicate the organizations
objectives (Fisher et al., 1999, pp 606-612).

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The basic concept behind New Public management theory is the transfer and use of valuable and
productive management values from the private sector to the public administration. The important
activities in this transfer includes efficiency, best management performance, flexibility, and
responsibility (Polidano, 1999, 5). Hence, in the process there would be a shift from public
administration to public management. In this transition there are certain actions needed to be
accomplished (Hood, 1991, p96). These activities include reduction of public sector expenses,
application of private sector management model, use of result oriented management system, high
degree of efficiency and accountability. The process of establishing New Management reform needs the
full participation of the public sector. To this end, inviting the civil service society for taking part in the
process is paramount to the success of the reform programme. The main mechanisms to carry out this
transition are decentralization, privatization and contracting-out.

Decentralization is the transfer of authority or responsibility of management, resource distribution and
planning from central government to local government , public authorities or private organizations
(Rondineli and Cheema, 1983, Hope, 2002). Centralized government structure have been blamed for
public administration failure, government office bureaucracies and inefficiency. Nations under central
command government system has the tendency of lower responsiveness to local public service delivery
requirements (Friedman, 1992).

The main gains from decentralization as applied under New Public Managment plan are enabling
government administration to provide better service to the public, increase management freedom in the
public offices’, facilitate and enhance performance, encourage public participation and provision of good
governance (Hope, 2002, Silverman, 1992). Hence, decentralization is important to the reform of the
public sector. It also assists developing countries in the restructuring of their economies.


Privatization is the transfer of ownership of public assets from the state to the private sector (Hope,
2002). This process of transfer can be done through ,the creation of joint venture set up between the
private and the public organization, partial or full auction sale of government services to the private
sector and through the lease or rent of government assets or properties. Privatization help governments
to reduce their expense from holding up unprofitable organizations and at the same time generate an
income from the lease or sale of the entities.


Contracting out is acquiring of goods and services from outside instead of getting it from in-house
(Walsh, 1995). Contracting out can be done between a private and public organizations. It is cost
efficient and reduces government bureaucracies. The strict control on the government side benefits the
public at large on getting better and efficient services or goods.


Decentralized management is part of the new Public Management Theory which aims to reduce the
bureaucracies in the public sector (Hood, 1991). The main goal is giving managers the liberty to
administer their offices or organizations as they see fit and efficient. To empower managers the free
reign of managing organization, organizations must undergo organizational restructuring, outline clear
and open work responsibilities and set up transparent board of governance (Bangwa, 2000). To
accomplish these steps, organizations would need to downsize and break up the old bureaucratic
governance structure. This can be done by setting up control or limiting mechanism on the cost/expense
and size of the public offices (Larbi, 1999).



In Ethiopia, based on the ruling party ideology the country’s economic policy and strategies are shaped
and implemented. The previous government of Ethiopia, which was in power from 1974-1991 followed
a socialist ideology with centralized power structure (Paulos, 2001). When the new government took
power in may 1991, it started with a socialist ideology but later on in 1995 formed the Federal
Constitution which distributed administration power to regional government bodies. Hence, the civil
service was revised and rewritten to increase regional human resource capacity and development (UN-
HABITAT, 2002, p89). Following this, regional governing bodies took the power to execute their
respective regional resource recruitment, training, promotion and other human resource activities. At
this point the problem most regions encountered was the lack of trained manpower and the finance to
recruit and train new employees (Paulos, 2007).

Together with the civil service reform agenda, the country had declared to use free market economy
system which had liberalized and transferred most of public organizations to private ownership. This had
initiated both foreign and local investors to devote their capital towards various investment
programmes. But still the country lags behind economically due to various economical and sociall

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