Ordering Lab Tests: Alphabetical List of Tests
Ordering Lab Tests: Alphabetical List of Tests
Ordering Lab Tests: Alphabetical List of Tests
Lab tests can be ordered using the Hospital's Electronic Order Entry System in EPIC or by using a manual
laboratory requisition form.
The information listed below must be provided when submitting any specimen to the Clinical Laboratory.
Refer also to the preceding section on Specimen Identification . For information regarding the appropriate
form to use for a specific test, please refer to the section on Requisition Forms which follows this section, or
For manual test ordering, a completely and correctly filled out laboratory requisition form is a legal
requirement that must be satisfied for the request to qualify as a valid order.
All paper lab requisitions MUST be filled out completely and legibly. Each test must be clearly marked
with an “X.” Some locations will have barcode printers that can generate labels to place on the lab
requisition. The following information MUST be provided on the laboratory request form:
1. Requesting Physician’s name, CHN ID number, and contact information.
2. Patient’s first and last name.
3. ZSFG medical record number or other lab-approved unique number. Numbers must be
4. ZSFG patient account number.
5. Test (s) requested.
6. Specimen source.
7. Date and time of specimen collection.
8. ICD 10 Code – establishes medical necessity.
9. Patient’s birth date (needed for reference ranges and patient ID).
10. Gender (needed for gender-specific reference ranges).
11. Location (needed for critical results contact).
All requisitions require an ICD 10 Code, which establishes medical necessity for the test(s) requested.
Serology specimens sent to the SF Department of Public Health, State Health Services or CDC Labs may
require additionally that the date of onset, suspected diagnosis, significant clinical symptoms and signs, lab
test results, and therapy given be noted on the requisition.
Remember to include the requesting physician’s name, physician’s CHN ID number, and contact information
or pager number on the requisition. Should any questions arise regarding the test(s) requested, or in case of
an out of range value, the physician may need to be contacted.
1. Any specimen not accompanied by a legible, correctly and completely filled out requisition
will be retained by the Clinical Laboratory for up to 24 hours, but will not be processed. The
ordering provider will be notified.
3. If still suitable for analysis, the specimen will be processed when the Laboratory receives the
completed requisition. After 24 hours, all specimens without completed requisitions will be
1. Be certain to use the proper laboratory requisition form for the test or service that is requested.
2. Most tests are listed on the requisition form and can be checked off by the requesting physician.
3. Some tests, generally those sent to reference labs, are not listed on the laboratory requisition and
must be ordered by writing in the request under “Other Tests.”
4. Test requests ordered on non-Clinical Laboratory requisitions will not be accepted. The request
and the specimen will be returned to the originator via messenger service.
5. Requisition forms are ordered through Materials Management. Fill out a Moore Order Form
(generally used for all forms in the hospital) designating the desired Lab requisition form and
submit it to Materials Management, telephone number 206-5315 for assistance. Allow up to a
week for delivery.
1. Main Laboratory (2M) Requisition - BLOOD/SERUM (Form # 5788146)
Blood Bank requisitions require the following information: Patient’s complete name, ZSFG medical
record and patient numbers (“B” and “A” numbers), birthdate, sex, ward or clinic, diagnosis, reason for
transfusion, date to be transfused, number of units each of blood component being requested, name of
requesting physician, signature of person who drew the blood specimen, date of request. Sample
requisition is shown in Transfusion Service/Blood Bank Procedures section.
Physicians who wish to add an additional test to a previously obtained specimen must complete the
following steps:
• Added tests require a new order or manual requisition with all required information including
when the original sample was collected and which test is to be added.
• For Microbiology tests, the requisition may be tubed to station # 23, delivered to Specimen
Collection and Management, or faxed to (415) 206-3589.
If a STAT test needs to be performed, it is the responsibility of the physician or ward staff to draw the
sample and send it to the laboratory by messenger service, or by pneumatic tube to station # 21.
To change to STAT a routine that was not drawn by the phlebotomy team, physicians must:
• Send a new requisition clearly labeled with the necessary information to tube station # 21, or
hand deliver directly to Specimen Processing.
Physicians who wish to cancel tests should submit a new requisition stating which tests to cancel and when
the blood was drawn.