Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
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Books in this series
I W.l\I.L. Holcombe AlgebraIc automata theory
2 K. Petersen Ergodzc theory
~ P.T. Johnstone Stone spaces
4 W.H. Schikhof UltrametTic calculus
.T.-P. Kahane Some mndom senes oj Junctions, 2nd ed,tton
6 H. Cohn Introductum to the construction oj class fields
7 J. Lambek & P.J. Scott lntroduetum to h,gher-order categorical logic
8 H. r\'latsumura C(}ntTnutahvf~ ring theory
9 C.B. Thomas CharnetcTls!ie classes and the cohomology oj finit.e grollpS
10 M. Aschbacher Fzmt" group theory
11 .T.L. Alperin Local rep",;sentatlOn theory
12 P. Koosis The [ogarithrnic integral I
1:3 A. Pietsch Eigenvalues and S-numbers
14 S.J. Patterson An mtT'Oduction to the theory oj the Rzemann zeta-Junetton
15 H.J. Baues Algebmu: homot.opy
16 V.S. Varadarajan Introduction to haT7nonic analysis on sernisirnple Lie groups
17 W. Dicks & I'd. Dunwoody Groups aelmg on graphs
lR L.J. Corwin & F.P. Grcenl,'af Repr'esentations oJ nilpotent Lie g7'OUpS
and t.hezr appizcat.ions
19 R. Fritsch & R. Piccinini Cellular structures m topology
20 H Klingcn Introductory ledun:s on Siegel rrwdular f01lns
21 1'. Koosis The logarit.hmic integral II
22 )'I.J. Collins Representations and characters of finite groups
24 II. Kunita St.ochastic flows and stochastic differential equat-ions
2.'; P. Wojtaszczyk Banach spaces Jor analysts
26 .T.E. Gilbert &. I'\I.A.I'\1. i\lurray CizlTm'd algebras and Dirac opemt.ors
in harmonic analysis
27 A. Frohlich &. 1'\1 ..1. Taylor Algebraic number thmry
2R K. C;oebel & W.A. Kirk Top":s m metric fixed pmnt theory
29 .1.F. Humphreys Reflectum groups and Coreter g1'OUpS
:lO D . .1. Benson Representations and cohonwlogy I
:31 D ..J. Benson Itepresentalions and cohoTrtology II
:12 C. Allday &. V. !'uppe CohomologlCllI n",thoris m tmnsJornwtwn gl'Oll)!S
:l:l C. Soule et al Lectures on Arakdo't, georndr-y
:H A. Ambrosetti &~ G. Pro(li A printer of nonlinear analysis
:l~ .1. Palis &: F. Takens f1ypcrbolicity and sensiti1'C chaotic dynarnic.') at
hornoclinic bifurcation..,
:lfi 1'\1. Auslander,!. Reiten & S. Smalo Represn<iation thmry oj Art.m algebras
:l7 Y. f\leycr Wavelets and operators
:18 C. \-V'eihcl An inlroduction lo horrwlogical algebra
:l9 \\!. Bruns Ii.: .T. Herzo" Cohen-Macrwlay rings
40 V. Suaitb 8xpllelt Brauer mduction
41 G. Laumon Cohomology of Drinfdd rnodular varu~ties I
42 E.B. Davies Sl'(:cfml theory and dtfJercntwl operat.ors
4:1 .1. Die,tel. II . .1archow & A. Tonge Absolutely summmg operat.ors
,14 P. f\Jattiia Georndry oj sds and nwasur'cs in Euclidean spaces
4.'; R. Pinsky Positive harrnonic functions and diffusion
,16 G. 'J'cncnbaulll Introduction to analytic and probabilistic ruunlwr tlwory
47 C. Peskinc A n algebraic introduction to complex projectivr geon~etl~lJ I
4il Y. i\lcycr . v
. R. Coifmiln Wavelets and oJwrntors II
49 R. St anley Enurnerali'ue cornbinatories
;,0 I. PorteollS Clifford algt:bras and thc da ..,sical groups
51 ~1. Audin Spinning tops
~2 V . .lurdjevic GeonLel1"ic contI'ol thf'0771
~:l II. Voelklein Groups as Galois groups
,,4 .1. Lc Potier Led-UTes on vrctor bundle,';
,55 D. Rump AutoIrwTphic forms
nG G. Laumon COhol1wlogy of J)Tinfcld Irwdular varieties II
G7 D. Clark & B. Davey Nnt.uml [)un/it.ies Workmg Algebrai"t.
fl9 P. Taylor Practical foundations of rnathnnatics
60 ~1. Brodmanll . \~ . R. Sharp Lor-al cohonwlogy
til ~I. du Sautoy & D. Segal Analyli.c Pro-P Croups 2nd edition
G2 R. Stanley 6'nurneralive C01nbinator1.cs II
(i:l R. Dlldlc~' UniJorrn (:ndml Umit Thw":m,,
64 .1. Jost &. X. Li-.Jost Calculu" oj variatIOn"
65 J. Berrick &. :-1. Keating An IntroductIOn 1.0 Iii".,!" f'1 Module"
66 S. ~Iorosawa ct al. nololTwrphic dyrul1nic8
67 J. Herrick & hI. Keating Catf'g()rw.'i and AI()(/uks
68 KCIl-iti Sato Lh,'y pToc:essc.<; (lnd injinddy (llf)'t.<;I}Jh' di.<;/.rdmliml,,<;
(i!l II. lIida Alodular form.') and (,'nlol,,<; ('o/wlIwi()9.11
70 R. .J. Iorio f...' V. d(' ~lagallJ(-H':-; Iorio /,'01/..,.;'..,. /t'rHlly ... '/..'; and parrillI dljTn'('nfw.l ('qu(l.fwns
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Fourier Analysis and Partial
Differential Equations
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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this tide:
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
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