Stability of Buildings Part 4 Moment Frames
Stability of Buildings Part 4 Moment Frames
Stability of Buildings Part 4 Moment Frames
Part 4:
Moment frames
A Gardner MEng(Hons) MA(Cantab) CEng MIStructE (The Institution of Structural Engineers)
P Perry BSc(Hons) CEng MIStructE MICE MHKIE (CH2M Hill) Chairman of the Reviewing Panel
O Brooker BEng CEng MIStructE MICE MCS (Modulus)
N D Eckford CEng FIStructE MICE (Consultant to David French Partnership)
Dr G J Evans BSc PhD CEng FIStructE FICE MBCS (Seawork Marine Services Ltd)
J Guneratne BSc(Hons) CEng MIStructE (CH2M Hill)
G Mantzouridis MSc CEng MIStructE MICE (AMEC FW)
Dr Y Pan MSc PhD CEng MIStructE (Sir Robert McAlpine Design Group)
A Yates BSc(Hons) BEng(Hons) MBA CEng MIStructE FGS (Webb Yates Engineers)
Secretary to author and consultees
Y Da Silva (The Institution of Structural Engineers)
Photographs and other digital imagery have been supplied courtesy of (and are
published with the permission of) the following organisations and individuals:
Figure 3.10: British Standards Institution (BSI)
Figures 7.13, 7.26, 7.30, 7.35: Arup
Figure 7.17: Structural Timber Association and B&K
Figures 7.18, 7.20: Timberbuilt Solutions Pty Ltd
Figure 7.21:
Figure 7.27: Concast Precast
Figure 7.31: Kirk Roberts
Figure 7.34: Rob Young
Figure 7.36: Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress
Box 2.1: Kirk Roberts
Box 2.2: CH2M Hill
Box 6.1: Steel Designers’ Manual (7th ed.) # 2012 Steel Construction Institute/Wiley-
Box 6.3 (charts): Steel Construction Institute (SCI)
Box 7.3: Architecture:WK/Paul Smith
Hand-drawn illustrations: Y Da Silva, A Hammad and A Gardner (The Institution of
Structural Engineers)
The Institution of Structural Engineers and those individuals who contributed to this Guide have
endeavored to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, the guidance and recommendations
given in the Guide should always be reviewed by those using the Guide in the light of the facts of
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The following definitions are provided to explain how the listed terms are used specifically in this Guide. They
may differ to definitions found in other documents.
Term Definition
Battery A configuration of similar sub-frames arranged in an array; each parallel and at regular centres.
Boundary The stiffnesses applied to the degrees of freedom at the support points (extents) of a structural analytical model.
conditions These are typically at the ground interface but may be to any sources of stiffness (e.g. structural elements)
omitted from the particular model.
Elastic analysis Analysis in which stresses are linearly proportional to strains. In particular, analysis in which curvature is
proportional to the bending moment.
Elastic-plastic Analysis which is elastic until a plastic yield – at which point it becomes plastic.
In-plane The plane that the sub-frame of interest is arranged within. Where used to describe a characteristic (be this a
deformation, failure mechanism or resistance of either a sub-frame, element or joint), it is the characteristic that
is aligned to the plane of the sub-frame being considered.
Out-of-plane is the orthogonal plane/characteristic.
Note that these definitions are not to be confused with those for the major and minor axes of elements.
Instantaneous A point in space, defined for a specific geometry of a mechanism, about which a part of the mechanism will
centres instantaneously rotate.
Load reversal A load combination that causes stresses within an element to reverse relative to a norm or baseline case. The
norm is often the case with maximum gravity loads.
Major axis The axis of maximum flexural stiffness of an element in a plane that is orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the
element. It is defined uniquely for each element of a frame.
Minor axis The axis orthogonal to both the major axis and the longitudinal axis of an element.
Plastic analysis Analysis in which energy dissipation is proportional to ductile deformation following yield, but deformation is not
proportional to stress.
Portal frame Herein, the term portal frame refers specifically to a single-storey moment frame used as the primary structure to
a pitched-roof ‘shed’.
Rigid-plastic Plastic analysis in which zero deformation (and zero energy dissipation) is assumed prior to yield.
Slender An element with slenderness greater than a critical limit and which is likely to buckle under an axial compression
less than the material capacity.
Slenderness A measure of the likelihood of a section, element or frame to buckle when experiencing a compressive stress
less than the yield stress. An element’s slenderness is traditionally measured as the effective length divided by
the radius of gyration of the section about the axis under consideration.
Statically A structure in which the static equilibrium equations (i.e. those defined by Newton’s first law of motion) are
indeterminate insufficient for determining the internal stress resultants and reactions.
Stocky An element with slenderness less than the critical limit and which is not expected to buckle when subject to a
pure axial compression.
Stress resultant A term used to reference bending moments, shear forces and axial forces collectively as they act across a
section of an element. Each of these can be evaluated as the integral of a stress component.
Sub-frame A 2-dimensional, planar system of structural elements that is a subset of a more extensive system. A sub-frame
will usually be expected to be stable in-plane.
Note that elements within one sub-frame will often be considered within an orthogonal sub-frame where the two
An applied force
A transverse uniform load acting along an element
A uniform axial force acting along an element (shown here to represent compression)
An axial force profile acting along an element
A movement/displacement
An idealised simple joint or boundary condition (i.e. a pinned or nominally pinned joint)
The following notation is used in equations. Further notation is defined in the body text and within figures where
A Cross-section area
E Young’s modulus of elasticity
I Section second moment of area
L Length
Le Effective length for Euler buckling
LLTB Effective length for lateral torsional buckling
My Major axis bending moment
Mz Minor axis bending moment
N Axial force
V Shear force
i Radius of gyration
k Stiffness coefficient
w Applied load
acr Critical load amplifier necessary to cause buckling
D Global displacement at node within frame
d Local displacement at point along element
1 Strain
l Slenderness
s Stress
f Angular rotation (deformation)
4 Plastic analysis 22
4.1 Introduction 22
4.2 Plastic hinges 22
4.3 Rigid-plastic and elastic-plastic analysis 23
4.4 Collapse mechanisms 23
4.5 Material suitability 24
4.6 References 25
This Guide is the fourth and final part of a series reading it will not in itself equate to ability. Rather, this
concerning lateral load resisting ‘stability’ structures. Guide aims to supplement supervised learning by
Its focus is the use, analysis and design of unbraced increasing awareness and promoting thoughtfulness
moment frames. in design.
Moment frames are deceptively simple. To the In line with Part 1 of this series1.1, earthquake design
untrained eye they play down stability; they have is omitted from this Guide. So too are the advanced
fewer elements than triangulated systems and topics of non-linear and dynamic analysis. Although
nothing as bold as a wall to form a focal point for introduced in Part 1, these are considered too
lateral resistance. Indeed, the regular arrangement of advanced for these introductory texts. This is not to
members can have the effect of being little more than say these matters are not important, or that moment
an efficient system to support gravity loads. This frames are not suited to earthquake-prone locations.
perception is possibly not helped by the widespread Indeed the opposite is often true and moment
use of moment frames in lightly utilised everyday frames, when suitably detailed to ensure ductility, can
objects such as tables and chairs. These structures behave favourably under seismic loads.
are everywhere and generally show little evidence of
careful engineering.
Designers’ checklist
Actions – applied:
Are minimum and maximum gravity load cases considered?
Are wind, soil, ground surcharge and hydrostatic lateral forces considered?
Are accidental and extreme actions including impact, fire and earthquakes considered?
Actions – induced:
Will actions result from the restraint of arches, domes, catenaries, nets?
Will actions result from initial imperfections?
Will actions result from inelastic strains?
Will actions result from the restraint of post-tensioning and other elastic strains?
Second-order PD effects:
Is the structure sway sensitive/do PD effects need to be considered?
Combinations of actions:
Are all critical combinations for all elements/failure mechanisms evaluated?
Accommodating movement:
Are viable movements understood and quantified?
Are any movement joints necessary and/or incorporated?
Are these accurately portrayed in the analysis?
Are significant movements resisted by the structure?
Are corresponding forces (actions and reactions) allowed for throughout the load path?
Does the design take due account of force redistribution resulting from creep or ground movement?
Are all parts of the structure adequately served by load paths to ensure stability, noting load paths and movement joints are irreconcilable?
How many independent structures exist; is each one stable?
Load paths:
How do forces acting on the façade transfer to the horizontal stability systems? Where the façade spans onto beams, are they
restrained or bending in their minor axis?
How do forces acting on the horizontal stability structures transfer to the vertical stability structures?
How stiff are the horizontal stability structures and the connections from the horizontal to vertical stability structures?
How do forces transfer through the vertical stability structures?
How are forces transferred from the superstructure into the substructure?
How are forces transferred from the substructure into the soil?
Are the interfaces of the above six line items each adequate?
Are there any aspects of the structure, small or large, that do not follow the normal pattern? Do these have suitable load paths of
Are all eccentricities accounted for in the analysis?
Braced or unbraced:
Is the structure braced, unbraced, or a hybrid?
Are effective heights correctly determined, taking account of relative stiffnesses and joint rotations where necessary?
Design – stability, strength, service and robustness:
Is the structure in static equilibrium: rotational and linear?
Are all elements and connections adequate to transfer the design actions?
Are deflections, rotations and the natural frequency each within permissible bounds?
Is the structure deemed robust in the event of failure to any of the stability structures? Does the design safeguard against
progressive collapse?
Is the disposition of the stability system, and are all design assumptions communicated to the contractor?
Are all parties clear and in agreement on their responsibility?
Is the transfer of information understood by and compatible to all parties, e.g. are actions characteristic or factored values?
Where existing structures are involved, is the stability of these understood before demolition works start?
Are new and existing parts to be connected or isolated from one another?
Alterations and maintenance:
Will new structure provide support to, or act on existing structures?
Are ‘as built’ records available for the existing structure?
Are these accurate to the structure and inclusive of any previous modifications?
Can elements within the completed structure be maintained?
Figure 1.1 Designers’ checklist for design of lateral load resisting stability systems
A number of possible frames are shown in Figure 2.1. Deflected shape and force transfer
Each is a system that has in-plane stability and will Unbraced moment frames can be identified by their
transfer forces acting on the structure in any in-plane characteristic ‘shear deflection’ when subject to
direction to the supports. lateral force (Figure 2.4). This is a global behaviour
Figure 2.2 Side-by-side comparison showing elevations for each of (a) moment frame (b) braced frame (c) shear wall
Figure 2.6 Joint configurations for four similar frames that will influence internal stress distribution and reactions
Note that a similar set of figures could be produced for frames of varying joint stiffness.
Figure 2.7 Bending moments and deflected shapes for similar frames with elements of varying stiffness
These are shown in Figure 2.8. Critical to each is the (for imperfections), indirect actions (e.g. those
analysis of second-order effects. Chapter 3 discusses resulting from thermal effects) and second-order
this topic in more detail. effects. Portal frames with pitched or curved roofs
need to be analysed for both symmetrical and
Continuity between elements means that pattern asymmetrical load configurations. Other symmetrical
loading should be considered. Furthermore, direct frames with horizontal floor and roof systems are
actions must be combined with equivalent actions generally governed by asymmetric load combinations
only (noting that all analytical results for symmetrical
frames must be reflected about the axis of
only possible because of their relatively non-invasive – Particular temporary conditions during construction,
form with only columns impacting on the e.g. where site constraints necessitate that an
accommodation at each floor (Fig. 2.2). access route is maintained across the ground floor
of the building footprint, or ahead of an infill panel
The most common configuration is to use a battery system being installed
arrangement of similar frames; each parallel and
ideally, spaced at a regular pitch. This has a number By far the most common application of 1-way
of advantages – one being to limit the load acting on moment frames is in single storey ‘sheds’
any single frame so that column and beam sizes can (Section 7.1). Contributing to their efficiency, and thus
be kept to a minimum. Further advantages include: widespread use, is a freedom to utilise an optimal
regularity in the design and fabrication of the frames; frame geometry with each of the pitch of the roof, the
greater potential to omit or vastly reduce horizontal size of the joints (including haunches) and the height
plan bracing in the floor and roof planes; greater of the eaves and/or ridge only loosely constrained by
stability during erection and greater overall operational requirements. Multi-storey buildings do
robustness. not often afford these luxuries. Storey heights,
structural beam depths and clearances under beams
Figure 2.9 shows (on plan and in elevation) how (with or without haunches) are often governing
battery arrangements can be used for 1-way and criteria.
2-way moment frames. A 2-way braced frame is
shown for comparison. Collectively the three images
highlight the openness of moment frame systems but Further reading: hybrid systems and arrangements of
also that the column sections are generally larger stability structures
than in braced frames.
– Institution of Structural Engineers. Stability of buildings.
Buildings are often anisotropic in their layout, Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed bracing.
functionality and/or site constraints. It is therefore London: IStructE Ltd, 2014
often practical to adopt a hybrid system with
orthogonal moment-resisting and braced frames. This
will usually aid the construction allowing 1-way planar
moment frames to be designed, fabricated and
erected largely independently of one another.
2.4 Superstructure materials and
Relative to 2-way moment frames, 1-way moment
frames (with orthogonal bracing) usually lead to less
cumbersome and costly joints. 1-way systems will Reinforced concrete, steel and timber are common
also often promote a natural hierarchy within floor or materials for moment frame construction. Each can
roof frames that is efficient for the floor and roof be designed to exhibit the combined shear, flexure
constructions and equally for services distribution. and axial compression resistance that is necessary
Hence, use of 2-way moment frames is generally for the force transfer.
restricted to a ‘needs-must’ basis. Common
scenarios where needs are such include: Material availability, local construction preferences and
– Sheds with loading bays along the entirety of the local environmental conditions together with regulated
eaves elevations performance requirements can influence the
– Open canopy roofs devoid of a solid envelope prevalence of material by region, while site constraints
– Low-rise and large footprint reinforced concrete can often rule out or favour options for a specific site
frames in seismic areas (Boxes 2.1 and 2.2).
The monolithic nature of in situ reinforced concrete assembled on site. Limiting dimensions for
lends itself to moment frames. However, it is the transportation generally mean that joints are at or very
arrangement of reinforcement that is ultimately critical near to cranks (e.g. column-beam junctions) where
to the behaviour, not least to the overall ductility. bending moments tend to be high (Fig. 2.5). Hence,
site joints will often need to have comparable
Timber, steel and precast concrete each tend to be resistance (stiffness and strength) to that of the
transported and erected as a kit of parts to be elements (Chapter 5).
Box 2.2 Hybrid concrete frame construction at Bond Street Station upgrade, London
The over-site development above the new satellite ticket hall to the Bond Street Station upgrade has a structural system that was
dictated by the temporary use as a Tunnelling Crane Hall, prior to completion as a retail and residential development. Here, precast
concrete columns with moment connections to steel floor beams were adopted, providing a moment frame that works in unison
with an offset shear wall2.2. This allowed the first and second floor to be omitted in the temporary configuration.
Each precast column has cast-in steel splice details and connectors to which the floor beams fix.
Precast concrete
Steel floor
steel splice
Braced structure
Many local construction industries recognise the although this does depend on the nature of the joints
dangers of site welding and prefer bolted site through the moment frame (the frame in Fig. 2.11(c)
connections for steel. Timber is similarly bolted for example, demands that the substructure is
either with or without steel inserts. Thus, rotationally stiff).
connections in both steel and timber tend to
necessitate haunches to accommodate the bolt The degree of base fixity will always be critical to the
group. Each of reinforcement area, bar spacing, reactions and internal stress distribution. It must
bending radii and laps have similar influence on the therefore be considered in a similar manner to other
overall dimensions of reinforced concrete and it is joints throughout a frame (refer to Section 4). Each of
not uncommon to detail haunches within concrete the horizontal, vertical (Box 2.3) and rotational
profiles. stiffnesses are variables to be considered. As with all
variables, the assumptions adopted within analysis
must be suitably in-keeping with the behaviour of the
realised structure to avoid significant analytical errors
2.5 Substructure materials and misleading the design.
Irrespective of the various joint stiffness (but not
independent of them), a notable characteristic of a
Moment frames can use traditional foundation moment frame’s reactions are the horizontal forces
systems (e.g. piles, pads, rafts, strips etc.) where that result from vertical loads. These thrusts are not
extending to ground. Alternatively they may found dissimilar to those acting on an arch. Different
onto a braced structural system (e.g. an atrium roof approaches to resist these forces in foundations are
that is stooled up above the surrounding structure shown in Figure 2.12. Strategies either contain the
(Figure 2.10)). Either way, the reactions at the base of force within the structure or exert it onto the
the moment frame will be dependent on the linear surrounding soil.
and rotational stiffnesses of the connections and
‘substructure’ elements below. It should be noted that examples shown in
Fig. 2.12(b–e) are specifically for self-opposing thrusts
Reactions on the substructure for three moment and these systems will not work for external
frames are shown in Figure 2.11. The figure illustrates horizontal actions (such as wind) that cause a net
how the frames may be stable (in plane) with either horizontal shear force. Net forces must be resisted by
pinned or moment-resisting column base details, the soil.
Load case 1
Load case 2
extends through
(c) Moment frame structure with settlement
Differential settlement is the critical parameter here and would typically depend on the foundation system and site geology.
In addition to variation across a site, soil stiffness can also be time-dependent. In particular, pore-water pressures and permeability
mean that a soil’s stiffness can vary depending on the load duration. In practice, this means it may be possible and/or necessary to
assume different soil stiffnesses for short and long term actions (short term possibly affording a higher soil stiffness).
Fig. 2.12 makes no reference to base friction. Friction evaluate whether it is safe to utilise the passive
should only be assumed for the minimum reaction pressure, considering the specific circumstances of
pressure, taking account of any uplift action on the a given project (e.g. the site, building class, design
superstructure and hydrostatic action on the life and proximity to other structures, highways,
foundations. It is, however, common practice to hard standings, buried services, soakaways etc.).
ignore friction particularly for lightweight sheds.
Even where passive ground pressure can be relied
Unlike friction, the horizontal passive ground upon without unacceptable risk, the displacement
resistance is independent of the vertical reaction. necessary to mobilise a passive force may be
However, the loaded ground is often outside the too large to be within tolerances for the
building footprint and may be outside the site superstructure. The ground stiffness and its
boundary. As such, it can be uncontrollable and variability are critical parameters in this regard and
vulnerable to future or immediate excavation that may structural engineers should consult the project
influence both short and long term performance. geotechnical engineer to ascertain bounds on the
Engineers should carry out a risk assessment to reaction stiffness.
Figure 2.12 Horizontal restraint of columns within pitched roof portal frames due to vertical actions
Ground beams and ties are the most direct and of battery configurations (as introduced in
certain means of providing resistance but are Section 2.3) which means that stability of the
expensive and need to be designed to withstand global structure is often shared across a number
long-term corrosion. They can also impede mobile of sub-frames.
plant and influence the installation of buried services
during construction. However, continuity imparts requirements that are not
applicable to simple-jointed braced frames.
Ties into a floor slab can provide an efficient solution
but only where the slab is free of free-movement It is generally favourable to design the elements of
joints in the direction of the thrust. Tying the slab to a moment frame so that failure will occur in beams
the frame can also make detailing for vertical in advance of the columns. This is commonly
movement more complicated (e.g. where the slab is referred to as a ‘weak beam-strong column’
ground bearing). Temporary restraint may also be approach (although this phrase is not universal and
needed in advance of the slab being cast. does not, for example, appear in BS EN 1992
Part 1-1 Clause 5.6.2(3)2.3). The logic is that there
Finally, it should be noted that it can be hard to is usually less redundancy in the vertical elements
determine whether passive pressure, ground beams, and therefore it is most important to maintain the
ties or ties into the slab are acting within existing integrity of these. This is illustrated in Figure 2.13
structures. Engineers working on new developments for a local extreme action.
should document clearly what systems are being
employed so as to provide a clear record. Meanwhile, For global actions (e.g. seismic actions), a weak
those engineers working on existing structures beam-strong column approach will usually
without thorough documentation should arrange for maximise the number of plastic hinges necessary
exploratory studies to be conducted to ascertain the to cause lateral instability. For the undamaged
tie system before any significant demolition is frame shown in Fig. 2.13, 16 hinges (two hinges
conducted. The same obviously applies for moment per beam) are needed in the beams to achieve a
frames atop braced structures, although these are mechanism, while only six are needed in the
usually more easily inspected. columns (two hinges per column). Meanwhile, if the
column bases were pinned, only three hinges
would be needed in the columns (one hinge per
2.6 Robustness
In line with this, splice joints between lengths of
columns should have strength commensurate to the
Moment frames are often inherently resilient to strength of the ‘strong column’ and not the ‘weak
disproportionate collapse. This is in part a result beam’.
Failed column
Failure propagates
as columns fail
(e.g. explosion)
Weak column
Failure contained
‘Strong’ column designed for locally
lateral tie force of catenary floor
Failed beam. Catenary action
prevents propagation to floor below
Strong column
Note that in the absence of more accurate data, the accidental loading on key elements should be taken as 34kN/m2 when
designng in accordance with EN1991 Part 1-72.4.
2.7 References
This chapter provides an overview of the behaviour of The rules apply irrespective of whether the frame is
unbraced, statically indeterminate moment frames. statically determinate or indeterminate.
The focus is on in-plane behaviour as this is the most
influential characteristic in differentiating unbraced The first and second rules ensure overall equilibrium
moment-resisting frames from braced counterparts. while the third and fourth rules define relationships
Elastic analysis is considered as this goes hand-in- outlined in Box 3.2.
hand with buckling stability. However, parts of this
chapter apply equally to plastic analysis which is Collectively the four rules allow the approximate
discussed separately in Chapter 4. shape of the first-order bending moment, shear force
and axial force profiles to be determined manually for
Both local Pd and global PD second-order effects are regular sub-frames undergoing elastic deformation.
discussed herein, with both being critical to moment Figure 3.1 shows an example of this, displaying the
frame design. The difference between these is profiles for a simple rectangular ‘goalpost’ frame
defined in Box 3.1. subject to a uniform load; it reveals how elements
within a loaded moment frame are generally subject
to each of axial forces, shear and bending moments
3.2 Statics and elastic theory
For moment frames in particular it should be noted
that it is impossible to quantify salient values within
Four non-material rules apply in the static analysis of these profiles without considering component
a sub-frame: stiffnesses (because moment frames are statically
– Forces must be in equilibrium at all points S(F ) ¼ 0 indeterminate).
– Moments must be in equilibrium at all points
S(M) ¼ 0
– The differential of moment is transverse shear
f 0 (M ) ¼ V 3.3 Second-order PD effects
– The differential of a transverse shear is a transverse
force f 0 (V ) ¼ w
Global PD effects are introduced in Stability of
In these rules, ‘transverse’ describes a direction that buildings Part 1 and 2 3.1, where a derivation of the
is orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the element sway modification technique is provided. The
and the differentials (denoted f 0 ( _ )) are with respect discussion therein holds true for braced and
2nd order ∆
2nd order δ
The extent to which a frame is affected by global PD effects is dependent on the sway stiffness which, for a moment frame,
is dependent on the local Pd effects on the elements within that frame.
Box 3.2 Elastic theory: relationships between actions, shear forces and bending moments
The following relationships can be determined from the differential equations that relate actions, shear forces and bending
– A free body that is not subject to a transverse action throughout its length will exhibit constant shear and a linear bending
moment profile:
Load Shear force Bending moment
In the particular case where the shear force is zero, the bending moment will be constant and may be zero.
– A free body subject to a constant (or uniform) transverse action will exhibit a linear shear profile and a quadratic bending
moment profile:
– A free body subject to a concentrated transverse action will exhibit a stepped shear profile and an abrupt change in gradient of
the bending moment profile:
unbraced structures alike; anywhere that a vertical with the bending moment, stiffness and support
action acts on an initially vertical or near vertical conditions. This deflection can be determined from
element, it will induce a horizontal component force first-order analysis and can be estimated accurately
or bending moment that is dependent on the sway using elastic theory (Figure 3.3). It can also be
deformation of the element. proven experimentally using a simple physical
Elements with moment-resisting joints can
themselves offer resistance against PD effects. An axial compression can cause a similar element to
Meanwhile orthogonal pinned-frame elements, in the deflect or bow. Like bending, this deformed shape
absence of bracing, cannot resist PD effects and will can be proven easily with a physical model.
always cause a force to act on an adjoining stability However, less obvious, the behaviour is not apparent
frame. Thus, any pin-ended prop within a moment from a first-order mathematical analysis. Indeed
frame will cause a force on the moment-frame that bowing is dependent on second-order Pd effects
will increase the PD effects, increasing the overall (Figure 3.4).
sway-sensitivity. This is shown in Figure 3.2.
Euler accurately predicted that, in the absence of a
Moment-resisting frames are often particularly prone transverse action, failure of a pin-ended initially
to sway instability because they deform in a shear straight element (or ‘strut’) will occur at a critical axial
mode with maximum inter-storey sway coinciding force Ncr where:
with maximum column axial force at or close to the
ground floor. Ncr ¼ p2EI/L2 . . . Eqn 3.1
E is the Young’s modulus of the element
3.4 Second-order Pd effects I is the second moment of area of the element
L is the length of the element between pinned
supports (the ‘strut length’)
A transverse force will cause an element to deflect
or bend with rate of change of curvature consistent This is an elastic buckling failure.
Note that the elastic deflected shape can be approximated from the bending moment profile, knowing that the elastic bending
moment is proportional to curvature.
Destabilising force
onto bracing structure
δB δB
(a) With pinned joints (b) With moment-resisting joints (c) Combined
Figure 3.2 Sway-induced PD effects for elements with and without moment-resisting joints
When an axial force acts concurrently with a actions, and that second-order analysis is needed to
transverse load the axial force at which buckling evaluate local Pd effects accurately.
occurs reduces as the transverse load increases
(Figure 3.5)3.2. Reversing this statement, the bending Significant Pd effects can prohibit the use of the sway
moment capacity of a section decreases as the modification method (as introduced in Parts 1 and 2
coincident axial compression increases. An axial of this series3.1) for global PD analysis. BS EN 1993
compression thus has a destabilising effect on Part 1-1 Clause defines a limit on what it
flexural elements. considers ‘significant’ for steel moment frames.
Bringing Figs 3.1 and 3.5 together, it should be BS EN 1992 Part 1-1 Clauses 5.8.7 and deal
apparent that moment frames are susceptible to the with Pd effects by stipulating that either an additional
destabilising effects of combined axial and flexural moment should be applied or the applied moment
amplified (both to take account of the increased
Figure 3.3 Flexural deflection, d of a pin-ended beam subject A typical resistance curve for compression elements
to transverse force w is shown in Figure 3.6. The graph plots the capacities
of an element of constant cross section when varying
the length between pinned supports. It exhibits two
dominant component lines: a non-linear buckling limit
N N as defined by Equation 3.1, and an upper bound
plateau defined by the material strength.
1st order: N N N
Ncrit 1
Buckling failure
Stocky Slender
Strut length
Figure 3.6 Idealised resistance curve for axial compression, Reinforced concrete M
N capacity
Fig. 3.6 defines the horizontal axis as the ‘strut
length’ consistent with Eqn 3.1. However, it is typical
to assign ‘slenderness’ to this axis (Box 3.3). It
should be noted that element slenderness, as would
be used in this instance, is different to section
slenderness used primarily to determine the plastic
bending moment capacity of a section. The two must
not be confused.
Most codes of practice consider the utilisation ratios 3.6 Defining Ncapacity
of both an element (against buckling) and its cross-
section (against crushing/yielding) by means of two or
more utilisation expressions. A generalised form of 3.6.1 Introduction
which is listed as Equation 3.2:
Fig. 3.6 shows that two dominant lines define
Ndesign My:design Mz:design Ncapacity : a straight line for the strength limit and a
þ þ 1:0 . . . Eqn 3:2 curved line for the buckling limit. These are material
Ncapacity My:capacity Mz:capacity
and system characteristics and apply irrespective of
the analysis technique.
N is an axial force The strength limit relates to the net cross-section area
Mi is a bending moment in the i’th axis and the material strength. It is independent of the
Equivalent point of
max curvature
Point of
max curvature
Le/2 Equivalent pin
(M = 0)
Figure 3.8 Effective lengths of columns within single storey unbraced moment frames
element length, the position of the element within a two example frames. The effective lengths for the
frame, and of the behaviour of the frame. It is also beams will be similar in both frames and the form is
independent of second-order effects (although these shown in Figure 3.9.
may influence Ndesign ). This capacity applies only
where the element is ‘stocky’. 3.6.3 Calculating the effective length of an element
To the contrary, the buckling limit is intrinsically linked The effective length of an element is dependent on
to the strut length and, hence, to the frame geometry. the rotational stiffnesses of the two end fixings, on
Furthermore, in moment frames where elements the position of any points of inflection along the
cannot be considered to act as pin-ended Euler element, and on the restraint against lateral sway.
struts, it is also linked to the joint/frame stiffness. In Figure 3.10 (a reproduction of BS EN 1992 Part 1-1
this scenario, Eqn 3.1 needs to be modified to Figure 5.73.4) summarises the different scenarios.
account for this stiffness, usually via the adoption of Columns b, e and g relate to unbraced sub-frames
an ‘effective length’. where the element is not restrained against lateral
sway. Of these, column e is an idealisation that
3.6.2 Effective lengths assumes infinitely rigid end conditions.
An effective length Le (otherwise known as an All real-world moment frames have non-ideal end
equivalent buckling length3.5 ) is the analytical length conditions with finite rotational stiffness provided by
used to account for the buckling behaviour of an the stiffnesses of the joint and the connecting
element. It equates the real element, as it exists elements. These need to be considered when
within a frame, to the strut length (that of an evaluating effective lengths.
equivalent pin-ended element considered in isolation
that conforms to the Euler buckling limit). As such, it Finally, the effective length is dependent on the
can be substituted for the strut length L in Eqn 3.1. accuracy of the analysis; in particular, how accurately
Figure 3.8 defines effective lengths for columns within it evaluates Ndesign . Eqn 3.2 requires that the force
vectors Ncapacity and Ndesign share a common axis to
be comparable. Two analytical methods are
Dimension varies as a function introduced that deal with this requirement quite
of the column stiffness differently:
(a) Le = L (b) Le = 2L (c) Le = 0.7L (d) Le = L/2 (e) Le = L (f) L/2 < Le < L (g) Le > 2L
N= + N=V
cos θ sin θ
Le > 2L
Le = 2.2L
joint rotation
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.11 Equivalent struts for elements with one pin-end in unbraced frames
The method is highly accurate and also suitable for in-plane stiffnesses of connected elements to
irregular frame geometries that do not fit standard determine the approximate end rotation and
simplifying assumptions. It is however almost curvature of a subject element. Every element that is
impossible to implement without the use of a suitable loaded in compression should be evaluated as the
computer analysis package. subject element in turn, considering the influence of
sufficient connecting elements so that the end
Sub-frame analysis conditions can be accurately assessed. As a
Effective lengths can be approximated by first-order minimum, all elements connecting directly to the
sub-frame analysis. This method uses the relative subject element are usually considered (Figure 3.12).
Simplified boundary
conditions assumed
Figure 3.12 Sub-frame model for determining the effective length of a subject element
However, equivalent guidance is omitted from all α
parts of BS EN 1993. It is instead included within
UK Non-Contradictory Complementary x-b
Information3.5. θ m
Le-LTB column
In p
(a) Compression buckling of a sub-frame that is ‘simple’ and braced out-of-plane
(b) Compression buckling of a sub-frame that is unbraced with columns part of orthogonal moment frames
(c) Lateral torsional buckling of unrestrained elements subject to in-plane major-axis bending moments
Figure 3.14 Out-of-plane failure mechanisms (in-plane movements omitted for clarity)
capacity being defined by two component curves: a the capacities of an element of constant cross
section strength limit (determined by either elastic or section when varying the length between points of
plastic methods as appropriate) and an element restraint.
buckling limit (Figure 3.15).
An effective length LLTB for lateral torsional buckling is
Note that the intersection of the two curves is itself a typically used to determine the slenderness and
curve for real sections owing to element hence My:capacity . It must be recognised that this
imperfections. This is not shown in Fig. 3.15 but is effective length is independent of (but may be similar
included in Figure 3.16. Both these figures plot to) the compression effective lengths Le .
Lateral torsional
buckling failure
Figure 3.16 Resistance curves for major axis bending
Figure 3.15 Idealised resistance curve for major axis bending moments M y:capacity , showing curves for different bending
moments M y:capacity moment profiles
n mn
olum fc olu
of c x is o
axis or a
M ajo
r Min
Min Ma
or a jor
xis axis
of c of c
olu olu
mn mn
This column
will not undergo
lateral torsional
buckling due to
This column may in-plane actions
be susceptible to
lateral torsional
buckling due to
in-plane actions
ane pla
o f -pl f -
t- s t-o s
Ou axi Ou axi
In-p In-p
lan lan
ea ea
xis xis
(a) (b)
Requirements of the joint such as stiffeners or haunches are omitted.
Case (b) is typically preferred only where an orthogonal sub-frame dictates the column to be in this orientation.
Figure 3.17 Cases where lateral torsional buckling is either possible or impossible for columns subject to in-plane bending moments
Lateral torsional buckling can only occur in the minor 3.8 Second-order frame buckling analysis
axis due to a major axis bending moment. Although it
is usual for elements to have their major axis in the
plane of the dominant moment-frame, this will not As an alternative to completing an element utilisation
always be the case. Lateral torsional buckling can calculation (as introduced in Section 3.5), a second-
therefore occur either in the in- or out-of-plane axis order frame buckling analysis can be completed. This
with respect to a moment frame (Figure 3.17). is largely similar to, and an extension of, the global
second-order analysis introduced in Section 3.6.3.
As an aside to the effective length, the shape of the
bending moment profile can be critical to the major Analogous to an element having a critical buckling
axis capacity My:capacity, potentially influencing this for force Ncr, a frame (whether a 2-dimensional sub-
a particular slenderness. This is shown indicatively in frame, or a complete 3-dimensional frame) subject to
Fig. 3.16. As the figure illustrates, a bending moment a specific load combination will have a critical
profile that causes contraflexure within a segment buckling load. This can be defined as the load which
(as is common in continuous beams and columns of causes the first instance of buckling failure within the
multi-bay/multi-storey moment frames) is far less frame (Figure 3.18).
influential on lateral torsional buckling than a uniform
bending moment (as is common in single-storey/ A separate frame buckling analysis is needed for
single-bay moment frames). each combination of loads. Provided that the smallest
acr (as defined in Fig. 3.18) from each of these
Further reading: lateral torsional buckling
– Gardner, L. Stability of steel beams and columns: in w αcrw
accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. N αcrN
SCI Publication P360. Ascot: SCI, 2011
– Access Steel. NCCI: Effective lengths and destabilizing load
parameters for beams and cantilevers – common cases.
– Access Steel. NCCI: Elastic critical moment for lateral
Applied load Critical buckling load
torsional buckling. SN003b-EN-EU
Minor axis bending moments Mz:capacity αcr is the minimum load amplifier for the applied loads
The minor axis bending moment Mz:capacity of an to reach the critical buckling load
element will always be the strength capacity of the N, w are applied loads
section, determined via either elastic or plastic
methods as appropriate. No buckling modes affect Figure 3.18 Elastic critical buckling of a 2-dimensional sub-
this. frame
It should be noted:
– It is usually impossible to restrain against in-plane
buckling without adding bracing elements that
fundamentally change the structure.
– Parallel out-of-plane elements do not provide any
restraint in themselves unless they are either part of
an out-of-plane moment frame (i.e. have moment-
resisting connections) or link to a braced system
(a diaphragm or triangulated frames).
3.10 References
Work done = w θ + 3w φ
4.2 Plastic hinges 3 3
h1 a2 h1
θ =θ θ Plastic hinges can only form where an element can
h2 a1 h2 undergo considerable rotation without local failure.
On the basis that global and element buckling are
restrained, this concerns the material ductility and
a1 a2 the element’s cross sectional (local) buckling
Figure 4.4 Use of ‘instantaneous centres’ to determine a compatible collapse mechanism
Hinges suitable for plastic analysis must sustain a
from which the hinge forms. Conversely, an ‘incorrect’ reasonably constant rotational stiffness throughout
mechanism is one which needs to deform against the their ductile range. Both steel and reinforced concrete
bending moment; such a mechanism would never can be suitable.
form naturally as a result of component yield.
Standard grades of steel are generally ductile
Meanwhile, a ‘complete’ mechanism is one which when used within standard environmental
has exactly the number of hinges needed to provide conditions and without heightened risk of fatigue.
the necessary degrees of freedom for the mechanism However, cross sectional buckling can often be
to take hold (a number equal to the degrees of critical. BS EN 1993 Part 1-1 Clause 5.54.3
redundancy plus one). A system with an ‘incomplete’ classifies cross section geometries as Class 1, 2,
number of hinges cannot form a mechanism and a 3 or 4. Sections must be Class 1 within twice the
system that is ‘over-complete’ has superfluous section depth of a plastic hinge location in order to
hinges. While theoretically possible, over-complete permit plastic analysis.
mechanisms will never be realised in a real structure
with real-world imperfections. Note that the local buckling that may occur in a steel
section with geometry of Class 2, 3 or 4 is different to
Mechanisms that are either ‘incorrect’ and/or ‘over- the member and frame buckling discussed in
complete’ can be immediately disregarded from Chapter 3. It is an additional failure mechanism.
Note that many more hypothetical mechanisms exist for the frame shown. Which mechanisms are ‘false’ will depend on the loading.
Figure 4.5 Example hinge configurations; (a) is an incomplete mechanism, while (c) and (d) are ’false’
4.6 References
Elastic analysis
5.2 Models Elastic analysis concerns elastic material behaviours
and the compatibility of deformations throughout a
system. Thus, a stiffness classification is necessary.
Joints may be modelled as either: This is based on the rotational stiffness of the joint,
– simple usually measured relative to the in-plane flexural
– semi-continuous stiffnesses of the connecting elements. It concerns
– continuous the influence of the joint on the wider stress
distribution. Stiffnesses are classified as either
The behaviours are shown in Figure 5.1. ‘rigid’, ‘semi-rigid’ or ‘nominally-pinned’ (Figure 5.2).
BS EN 1993-1-85.4 defines the cut-off limits
In reality all joints (even pins experiencing between zones 1 and 2, and 2 and 3. Joints that
imperfections and friction) are semi-continuous with can be classed as either ‘rigid’ or ‘nominally-pinned’
an elastic stiffness and plastic yield and/or rupture can be modelled as idealised continuous or simple
capacity. However, in the interest of simplicity, simple components (of infinite or zero stiffness
and continuous idealisations are permitted where the respectively).
Figure 5.1 Joint types (shown with simple base plate joints)
Where a joint is semi-rigid, it is usual to model the As with stiffness, three classifications relate to the
joint behaviour using a linear rotational stiffness model three modelling assumptions (Figure 5.4). ‘Nominally-
when completing an elastic analysis. With this model, pinned’ joints can transfer forces (shear and axial) but
the angular rotation within the joint is linearly can rotate without developing significant bending
proportional to the applied bending moment moments. Here, ‘significant’ is a relative measure
(Figure 5.3). relating to the plastic hinge capacity of the elements;
nominally-pinned joints should be sufficiently ductile
It is worth noting that detailed analysis of deflections to accommodate a rotational strain of 0.03 radians
at the serviceability limit state, as well as assessment (1.7 degrees)5.6.
of second-order sway, can assume some resistance
from nominally pinned connections. This is most In contrast, a ‘full-strength’ joint must have capacity
applicable to steel column baseplates which generally not less than that of the connecting elements to
ensure that plastic hinges form away from the joint.
M Rd
M Rd element
Gradient defines
rotational stiffness Partial-strength
φ Simple Nominally-pinned
Figure 5.3 Linear elastic stiffness model Figure 5.4 Rigid-plastic classification of joints
M Semi-continuous Continuous
Moment resistance of beam Full-strength joint column
Rigid strength
Semi-rigid Non-ductile Ductile
Elastic-plastic analysis
An elastic-plastic analysis needs to take account of
both stiffness and strength characteristics. As a Figure 5.6 Joint modelling
minimum, this requires a bi-linear moment-stiffness
model for the joint material.
arrangement of the bolts are each critical. The
Figure 5.5 amalgamates Figs 5.2 and 5.4. It also detailing of reinforcement is equally influential for
plots typical true and idealised characteristics for a reinforced concrete.
semi-rigid partial-strength steel connection.
It is not always possible to provide a joint that is as
Further reading: analytical modelling of joints strong or stiff as the members, and analytical models
must reflect this. It is particularly common in light
– Access Steel. NCCI: Column base stiffness for global gauge steel and timber construction.
analysis. SN045a-EN-EU
6.1 Introduction of that book have been translated into English6.1 and
direct extracts of the content have been adopted by
the SCI6.2,6.3. Similar data is contained in Reynolds’s
It is widely recognised that the analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook6.4.
frames is increasingly being completed by purpose-
written software. Indeed computer-aided design has Kleinlogel set out algebraic equations for salient
made manual calculations almost redundant for values within statically indeterminate frames; an
detailed design. Manual methods do, however, remain example of which is contained in Box 6.1. Critical
valued for initial sizing of members and model underlying assumptions include:
verification. This chapter looks at common techniques – Linear elastic behaviour of all elements
for both the ultimate and serviceability limit states. – Infinite stiffness (rigid) moment-resisting joints
– Ideal (rigid/free) boundary conditions with regard to
both rotational and translational stiffness
– Axial and shear deformations are neglected
6.2 Formulaic elastic analysis of – Constant element properties along the full length of
each element
standardised frames
Global second-order PD effects are neglected, and
Kleinlogel first published Rahmenformeln in 1913, the analysis makes no attempt to consider section-
listing design formulae for standardised rigid, single- or buckling-capacity limits. However, being linear,
span frames subject to regular actions. Later editions superposition of results is possible, allowing the
effects of different loads to be combined.
Box 6.1 Extract from Kleinlogel’s Rahmenformeln Another publication, Multibay frames: ready-to-use
formulas...6.5, provides similar, although less
simplistic, formulae for multi-span frames.
wL 8
Box 6.2 Derivation of internal bending moments and shear forces resulting from horizontal forces
‘n ’ columns
. h
Fi + 1
L/2 L
(i –1) (i –1)
VCI(i – 1) = ∑1 F ik I VCE(i – 1) = ∑1 Fi k E
(i +1 floor)
VB(i +1) = B(i +1) M CE(i +1) = VCE(i +1)
h/2 (L /2) 2
M CI(i +1) = VCI(i +1)
(i +1) (i +1)
VCI(i +1) = ∑1 Fi k I VCE(i +1) = ∑1 Fi k E
kI 1/(n 1) when columns and beams are of similar stiffness
1/n when beam stiffness column stiffness
kE 1/[2(n 1)] when columns and beams are of similar stiffness
1/n when beam stiffness column stiffness
n is the number of columns
1. Determine shear forces in the columns Vc
2. Determine the bending moments in the columns Mc ¼ Vc h/2
3. Determine the bending moment necessary in the beams to maintain moment-equilibrium at the beam-column joints MB
4. Determine the shear forces in the beams V B ¼ M B /(L/2)
Note that the expressions listed for k I and k E assume all columns (and separately all beams for a given storey or floor) are of equal
stiffness. For frames where the element stiffnesses vary (either by virtue of their cross section or length), the column shear forces
must be apportioned in accordance with this stiffness.
h h
Figure 6.3 Column base fixity and ground floor column bending moments
An amplification (sway modification) of the first-order For a design to comply with the first assumption, it is
horizontal actions can be applied. This can be in line important that the joints are:
with both the guidance given in Stability of buildings – Sufficiently strong and stiff to resist moments and
Parts 1 and 26.9, and by using the deflection deflections owing to lateral actions
calculation outlined in Section 6.5 of this publication. – Sufficiently ductile in rotation to accommodate
However, in the absence of any insight into the sway curvature in the beams under vertical actions
sensitivity, it is recommended that a 15% without attracting bending moments that exceed
amplification is applied to horizontal actions for a first- those derived for lateral actions
pass analysis.
Satisfactory connections are generally semi-
The amplification will increase VC and therefore continuous (semi-rigid þ partial-strength) as
increase MC , MB and VB , (each as defined in described in Section 5.3.
Box 6.2). However, it will have no impact on the
design axial force in the columns.
Li Lii Liii
F3 F3 kB3
kC3 h3
F2 F2 kB2
kC2 h2
F1 F1 kB1
kC1 h1
Beams: kB ¼ 3S B:i Columns: kC ¼ S C:i
LB:i h C:i
I B:i is the in-plane flexural stiffness of the i’th beam
LB:i is the length of the i’th beam
I C:i is the in-plane flexural stiffness of the i’th column
h C:i is the height of the i’th column
k Bt
k Bb
kC þ kCt kC þ kCb
Top: kt ¼ Bottom: k b ¼
kC þ kCt þ kBt kC þ kCb þ kBb
kC is the stiffness of the equivalent column at a given storey
kCt is the stiffness of the equivalent column above the given storey
kCb is the stiffness of the equivalent column below the given storey
kBt is the stiffness of the equivalent beam above the given storey
kBb is the stiffness of the equivalent beam below the given storey
Note that kCt ¼ 0 for the upper-most storey, kb ¼ 0 for a fixed base and kCb ¼ kBb ¼ 0 for a pinned base.
Using kt and kb , the sway index f can be read from the following graph for each storey:
Finally, the inter-storey sway deflection D can be calculated for each storey:
Fj h 2j fj
Dj ¼
Fj is the total (cumulative) horizontal force acting on the equivalent column at the j’th storey
hj is the storey height
E is the Young’s elastic modulus
6.6 References
7.1 Single-storey pitched roof ‘sheds’ axis aligned to the gable ends and a longitudinal axis
aligned to the eaves.
Gable end
Cladding rails
Wind posts
Longitudinal axis
Transverse axis
Portal frame column
Vertical bracing Haunch
Simply supported The span, column height and roof pitch collectively
rafters influence the efficiency of the portal frames and more
broadly the building as a whole. A well-conditioned
structure is one that:
– Gains benefit from thrust within the pitched rafters
without excessively penalising the columns
(Box 7.1)
– Has elements restrained against buckling
– Is not unduly sensitive to either sway or splay
Braced gable bay deformation
– Is not unduly tall and susceptible to excessive wind
Load-bearing columns – Is not unduly voluminous and inefficient to heat or
– Does not have an excessively large envelope (either
Figure 7.3 Single-span duo-pitch shed with a braced gable
due to eaves height or roof pitch) that is inefficient
to clad
– Meets all internal and external operational
Transverse gable end bays generally also have girts requirements including minimum clear headroom,
spanning horizontally. These end bays may contain column-free clear spans etc.
portal frames that are similar or identical to the – Achieves necessary roof drainage
intermediate ones; in which case vertical elements
can be non-loadbearing windposts (Fig. 7.1). The portal frame spacing (bay size) should be
Alternatively, gable ends can often be braced in plane decided by considering:
with diagonal bracing and load-bearing intermediate – The span capacity and size of the cladding rails/
columns (Figure 7.3). Despite the additional elements, purlins
this is often a more cost-effective solution that allows – The overall structural depth of the rafters (including
end rafters to be a series of shorter simply supported haunches) together with the purlins and the
beams. The bracing also adds stiffness to the façade influence this has on the building height
and can be an economical solution when the – The size and quantity of the foundations
cladding system demands a deflection limit that is – The operational requirements of the facility and the
more onerous than that adopted for the internal bays. restrictions these impose on column centres
(C) – Converting the continuous beam into a goal-post frame (C), bending moment
continuity applies around the corners and the bending moment profile remains
unchanged. However, to achieve force equilibrium, shear and axial forces
develop at the eaves (D) that are compatible with the action and the bending
moment (Section 3.2).
(E) – The shear and axial force acting on the rafter at the eaves create a diagonal
resultant that is most efficiently resisted when aligned as a pure axial force in
the rafter (E).
(F.1) – However, the horizontal thrust that develops from this pitch and the bending
moment at the eaves are collectively dependent on the overall frame geometry
and stiffness. Thus there is an optimal balance (G), considering each of the
(F.2) rafters, the columns, and the joints, that lies between the four idealisations
(F1 to F4).
(F.4) Notes
– With the loading shown, the only stress resultant that is independent of the
frame stiffness is the axial force in the columns which is a function of the span
and load magnitude only.
– The example illustrates a 2-pin portal frame. Similar can be presented for
fixed-base and 3-pin frames alike.
Tied frame These frames include a tie usually positioned at eaves level to limit splaying of the
eaves. This can be particularly favourable for structures with travelling cranes.
The tie will reduce the bending moments in the columns and rafters but can add
significantly to the compressive force in the rafters. It adds a degree of
indeterminacy to the analysis, and each of the relative stiffnesses of the elements
and joints, the construction sequence and any locked-in stresses (including any
introduced by post-tensioning) should be considered.
Lateral forces can be far more significant on the design of tied systems because
the tie locks up the pitched roof.
Propped frames Props can be used to reduce the bending moment resulting from vertical loads,
allowing reduced element sizes. They are suited to large spans, where the ridge
height is not critical and the internal columns can be accommodated.
Props are usually simple pin-ended struts that do not contribute to the lateral
resistance. Any sway results in a destabilising second-order effect on the portal
Mansard and curved frames Mansard (faceted) and curved frames are used primarily for aesthetic reasons.
They can also reduce overall height and internal volume; the latter offering a
potential saving for heating and cooling mechanical services.
It should be noted that ribbon-cut steel cellular beams can often be curved at
little/no additional cost. These sections cannot develop plastic hinges, preventing
the use of plastic analysis.
Mono-pitched frames Mono-pitched frames are used primarily for short spans or where site constraints
prevent drainage from a duo-pitch roof.
These frames can be particularly sensitive to asymmetric wind loading.
– Each statement of a relative nature is a comparison to the basic frame shown in Fig. 7.1.
– In each instance where the bending moments are said to be reduced, column base shear will also be reduced (Section 3.2).
– Normal span ranges are qualified for various materials in Section 7.1.6.
Figure 7.4 Variations on principal frame
Variations on the standard form only the transverse moment frames and are
Variations on the standard 2-pin and fixed-base commented on in turn in Figure 7.4.
portals include tied, propped, mansard, curved and
mono-pitched frames. These variants each concern Two further variations on the transverse portal frame
– A multi-span frame (Figure 7.5)
– A 3-pin frame (Figure 7.6)
Friction on the eaves and roof surfaces can add a This labelling is in keeping with global load paths; it is
further significant component of lateral action and also usually in keeping with the scale of the
is critical for very large buildings with large surface components and with the erection sequence.
area. However, it downplays the interdependency of the
elements with regard to out-of-plane buckling
Actions on the roof plane must transfer laterally to the restraint.
eave elevations. This can be via diaphragm action of
the roof sheeting but is usually via in-plane roof Careful coordination of primary, secondary and
bracing (a ‘wind girder’) spanning from eave to eave. cladding systems can lead to frames being designed
This is commonly positioned in the end bay to most efficiently. An approach working ‘from the
provide immediate support to the gable elevation outside in’ is often optimal for the derivation of
without inducing unnecessary longitudinal resistance and derivation of actions simultaneously
compression in the roof plane. (Figure 7.8). Indeed this workflow could be
advantageous for many types of building. However,
Additional lateral actions caused by frame the simplicity of sheds means that they are often
imperfections (equivalent horizontal forces) acting on commoditised systems. This allows a highly refined,
the intermediate portal frames may be resisted by integrated design to be developed without
tension in the purlins and/or tension in any additional unreconciled design assumptions.
Environmental actions
Cladding design
Span limit defines the spacing of the secondary elements. Self-weight established
Span limit defines the spacing of the portal frames. Self-weight established
Local stability of the primary moment frame The rails provide direct restraint to the outer
The primary moment frame will be most efficient with extremities of the section to which they are fixed.
elements that are: However, the bending moment envelope (Figure 7.10)
– Orientated to bend about their major axis dictates that additional restraint is often needed to
– Restrained against out-of-plane Euler and lateral the inner extremities along most of the frame. This is
torsional buckling traditionally provided by ‘fly bracing’: steel ties that
are fixed at 458 and locally brace the inner extremities
Cladding rails and purlins complete with bracing can of the portal frame elements to the cladding rails
provide a component of this restraint. These fix to the (Figure 7.11).
outer extremities of the elements (Figure 7.9).
It should be noted that parallel purlins and cladding
rails only provide restraint where they are braced
against racking (Figure 7.12). The bracing that is used
is commonly the same wind girder system used to
Purlins brace the gable elevations. However, care is needed
where this does not node out with each purlin.
Fly bracing
Unrestrained columns
with discontinuous Column
side rails
Section through column and
discontinuous façade frame
Instantaneous centre
Plastic hinges
below haunches
(a) (b)
With combined vertical With vertical load only
and horizontal loading
Figure 7.14 Plastic hinge mechanisms for standard portal frame sheds
Primary portal frames will often use standard rolled
sections, usually I-section (universal beams)
orientated with major axis orthogonal to the in-plane
bending moments. Where plastic design is adopted,
sections must be Class 1 ‘plastic’ at the positions of Figure 7.15 Nested steel column, used to enhance minor axis
plastic hinges, and Class 2 ‘compact’ elsewhere buckling resistance and stiffness
Figure 7.16 Steel frame eaves haunch depth profiled to include general tapers and/or local
nib is approximately equal to the sagging moment Standard glulam sections are limited to a maximum
closer to the rafter midspan. Eaves haunches are breadth of 185mm (the largest standard cross-
usually cut from the same standard section as that of section dimension for planed timber). Although the
the rafter (Figure 7.16). This is an industry norm. depth is largely unconstrained, lateral instability can
make very deep sections inefficient.
Apex haunches tend to be fabricated from plate.
Their size tends to be dominated by the requirements Plywood web beams are a far less aesthetically
of the bolted rafter splice, acknowledging the access pleasing solution than either LVL or glulam but are
requirements to fit and tighten bolts (in addition to the most economical. Larger spans generally use a
strength and stiffness requirements). box construction with glulam, LVL or sawn timber
flanges, connected with face-fixed plywood webs
Connections (Figure 7.18). Elements are suitable for span of the
Each of the eaves and ridge connections tend to be order of 40m and can be site-spliced. For optimal
bolted end-plate connections with all bolts contained efficiency, the depth of the web should be
within the depth of the rafter and haunch combined. receptive to the standard dimensions of locally
available plywood sheets (2400 1200mm in the
Baseplates are usually nominally pinned with bolts set UK) – i.e. a section that is 2600mm deep could be
between the column flanges. significantly more expensive than one that is
2400mm deep. Timber
Sawn timber, glue laminated timber (glulam), Purlins tend to be sawn timber or plywood webbed
laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and plywood webbed beams and are economical for spans in the range
beams are all common for portal frames. 3.6–6m. They tend to be simply supported and sit
within the depth of the rafters. This generally means
Load-duration factors mean that the dead plus long- their depth is inconsequential (neither adding anything
term imposed loads often govern. Timber is therefore to the overall building height nor infringing on the
often most competitive in regions with relatively high clear headroom). Where sufficiently deep, the purlins
short-duration wind and/or seismic loads.
Both glulam and LVL are solid products that are well
suited to moderately-loaded portal frames, especially
those where the appearance of the structure is critical
(Figure 7.17). Both are suitable for spans up to
approximately 35m and can have sections with their Figure 7.18 Plywood web beam of a box-format (with cavity end blanking piece)
Glulam column
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
These are shown for each of moment-resisting eaves Precast concrete
and ridge joints in Figure 7.19. Here, face-mounted Precast, reinforced or pre-tensioned concrete can be
gusset plates are shown which are economical but used efficiently for portal frames.
often aesthetically unattractive; centrally located ‘flitch’
plates can be used where the appearance is critical. Site splices are inefficient and thus economic spans
are limited by the length of rafter that can be
Moment-resisting ridge joints can be particularly transported.
onerous within timber portals. Where adopted, it is
best to have rafters pitched above 108 to the Sections and connections
horizontal. Frames typically use non industry-standard
proprietary sections. Rafters are mostly of an I- or
Alternative 3-pinned timber portals are common T-profile with a general taper or haunch increasing the
(Fig. 7.6). These frames are efficient with the roof section depth towards the moment-resisting column
pitched 20–508 to the horizontal. joint (which typically comprises a ‘turn-key’ or similar
In-plane roof bracing will usually comprise steel rods
or cables, crossed in a Modified Fink truss format. Figure 7.21 Precast concrete portal frame with pinned apex connection
w1 w1 w2 > w1
Full or partial
strength end plate
joint to beams
column web
Continuous column
Figure 7.24 Inadequate beam-column joints resulting in local distortion of column web
design reciprocates the analytical model. Figure 7.24 7.3 Further scenarios
illustrates a steel example whereby moment-resisting
joints maintain moment-continuity through the beams
but the unstiffened web fails to engage the columns. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 each consider moment frames
Such a detail would be adequate in a braced frame as primary systems on a building-wide scale.
to achieve continuity of the beams, but is critically Moment frames are, however, used far more
inadequate in an unbraced moment frame where commonly for both primary and secondary systems
continuity between the beams and columns is of stability. This section introduces a few common but
essential (Box 7.2). Similar can be true in reinforced less obvious scenarios.
concrete where either the area, effective depth and/or
curtailment to the reinforcement (in either the column Cantilevering columns
or beam) is inadequate to resolve the bending Arguably the most simple ‘moment frame’, tied
moment around the corner. cantilevering columns of dissimilar inertias are
statically indeterminate and adhere to all the
discussion herein. They are effectively inverted
Box 7.2 Design communication moment frames and share the same characteristics
as regularly orientated counterparts (Figure 7.25).
Where joints are contractor-detailed based on performance
They rely on moment continuity at their bases,
data, it is critical that the required resistance and load path is
provided via connecting superstructure or
clear without ambiguity. Notation such as the following is
substructure/soil-structure interaction.
widely adopted on general arrangement (GA) drawings:
Cantilevering columns are often used for canopy roof
Simple, nominally pinned connection
structures (Figure 7.26). They are also used for sheds
as an alternative to the portal frame structures
Moment resisting (continuous or discussed in Section 7.1. This variation on the portal
semi-continuous) connection frame form is particularly common with precast
However, this notation can be ambiguous. When shown on
plan, as per the following figure, it is unclear whether
bending moment-resistance at the beam ends is to be
transferred from beam to beam only (as it would in a
continuous floor frame supported on simple columns) or into
the column (as is essential for a moment frame). The
engineer must provide further clarity, generally via detailed
drawings (elevations and or sections) for the connection that
clearly shows the arrangement of stiffeners (for steel
sections) or reinforcement (for reinforced concrete).
V = 150 kN
Apportioned load to
single cantilever column
Semi-rigid or idealised
rigid connection
Bending moment
Shear force
Figure 7.33 Relative reactions from walls, box and goalpost frames
clusters, each one a compact core-like arrangement It should be noted that the global moment frame
of four columns linked with beam elements at each resulting from the mega-bracing is not dissimilar to
storey, work locally as a series of vierendeel trusses. the statically indeterminate system created when
These are braced via mega-bracing at intervals outriggers are used in combination with a central
through their height and work collectively in pairs to core, even where the outrigger to perimeter column
form a global moment frame system that is devoid of connection is pinned. This is also the system adopted
diagonal bracing through much of the building’s for the International Finance Centre, Hong Kong
height (Figure 7.34). (Figure 7.35).
Local behaviour
Global behaviour (due to local
horizontal floor
Global behaviour
By contrast, Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade engineering principals set out in this Guide.
Center, New York, were at the opposite extreme to Collectively, the buildings show how engineering is
the HSBC Building. These towers employed a both a science and an art. Take these, and other
hierarchically flat approach, with a uniform moment precedent projects as inspiration: hone your skills and
frame system wrapping around the entire façade of practice ingenuity.
each tower. The moment frames formed tube-like
systems, with global behaviour for each tower akin to
that of single-element statically determinate vertical
cantilevers (Figure 7.36). 7.4 References
Perhaps the beauty of structural engineering is that
these three structures – the HSBC Building, the 7.1 Salter, P.R. et al. Design of single-span steel portal
International Finance Centre and the World Trade frames to BS 5950-1: 2000. SCI Publication P252.
Center – are almost as visually different as they are Ascot: SCI, 2004
systematically similar. Each was conceived by
engineers who overcame the project-specific 7.2 Steel Construction Institute. Wind-moment Design of Low
challenges by applying a sound understanding of the Rise Frames. SCI Publication P263. Ascot: SCI, 1999