2010 Bovid Mortality Profiles in Paleoecological Context Falsify Hypotheses of Endurance Running-Hunting and Passive Scavenging
2010 Bovid Mortality Profiles in Paleoecological Context Falsify Hypotheses of Endurance Running-Hunting and Passive Scavenging
2010 Bovid Mortality Profiles in Paleoecological Context Falsify Hypotheses of Endurance Running-Hunting and Passive Scavenging
Quaternary Research
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y q r e s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The world’s first archaeological traces from 2.6 million years ago (Ma) at Gona, in Ethiopia, include sharp-
Received 21 February 2010 edged cutting tools and cut-marked animal bones, which indicate consumption of skeletal muscle by early
hominin butchers. From that point, evidence of hominin meat-eating becomes increasingly more common
throughout the Pleistocene archaeological record. Thus, the substantive debate about hominin meat-eating
now centers on mode(s) of carcass resource acquisition. Two prominent hypotheses suggest, alternatively,
Bovid mortality profiles
Carcass foraging
(1) that early Homo hunted ungulate prey by running them to physiological failure and then dispatching
Early Homo them, or (2) that early Homo was relegated to passively scavenging carcass residues abandoned by carnivore
FLK 22 Zinjanthropus predators. Various paleontologically testable predictions can be formulated for both hypotheses. Here we
test four predictions concerning age-frequency distributions for bovids that contributed carcass remains to
the 1.8 Ma. old FLK 22 Zinjanthropus (FLK Zinj, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) fauna, which zooarchaeological and
taphonomic data indicate was formed predominantly by early Homo. In all but one case, the bovid mortality
data from FLK Zinj violate test predictions of the endurance running-hunting and passive scavenging
hypotheses. When combined with other taphonomic data, these results falsify both hypotheses, and lead to
the hypothesis that early Homo operated successfully as an ambush predator.
© 2010 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0033-5894/$ – see front matter © 2010 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
396 H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404
appropriately viewed in an ecological context. In this paper, we 1998). Bunn and Kroll (1986) reported a catastrophic mortality profile
develop further the application of ungulate mortality data and for the larger ungulates from FLK Zinj, but its meaning was left in doubt
vegetational context to the ER-PH hypothesis. in deference to Klein's (1982: 153, 1986: 446–447, 1999: 461)
In addition, our data provide a relevant test of the well-known preference for a very young life-history threshold for defining the
passive scavenging hypothesis (e.g., Binford, 1981, 1985, 1988; onset of old age (i.e., 40%–50% of potential ecological longevity [PEL] in
Blumenschine, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1995; Blumenschine et al., African buffalo [Syncerus caffer] and, he argued, other large ungulates as
1994), which contends Pleistocene hominins enjoyed very limited well (Klein, 1978, 1982: 153; Klein and Cruz-Uribe, 1984: 50, 56, 1996:
access to fleshed carcasses. According to this view, even those carcass 322)).
parts that hominins infrequently secured were already picked-over by Here, bolstered by a new, behaviorally relevant consideration of
carnivores, leaving no appreciable “surplus” resources for hominin bovid age classes (summarized here and fully explicated in an
scavengers to share. Binford's argument for passive scavenging was accompanying paper; Bunn and Pickering, 2010), we use the FLK Zinj
based simply on a rejection of the results of comprehensive bovid mortality data to test four discrete predictions that emanate
taphonomic analysis of skeletal element representation and cut- from the ER-PH and passive scavenging hypotheses. One prediction
mark abundance that belied his beliefs on the bone assemblage from for each hypothesis concerns large, size group 3 bovids and one for
FLK Zinj. Blumenschine, in contrast, acknowledged the taphonomic each hypothesis concerns smaller, size group 1–2 bovids (see Brain
evidence, including the abundance of cut marks on once-meaty long (1974, 1981) or Klein (1976) for definitions of bovid size classes, and
limb bone shafts, but questioned its interpretation by arguing that a Bunn (1986; Bunn et al, 1980) for definitions of more inclusive
perceived abundance of carnivore gnawing on long limb elements mammal size groups developed from them).
indicated that most meat had already been consumed by primary
carnivores prior to acquisition of the carcasses by hominins. According Test prediction 1 (large bovids)
to Blumenschine, passive scavenging from defleshed and abandoned
lion kills of large bovids and leopard (Panthera pardus) kills of small If early Homo used ER-PH to obtain the size 3 bovids at FLK Zinj,
bovids would have yielded marrow bones but marginal remnants of then the mortality data should match what cursorial predators of
meat, without requiring either hunting or aggressive scavenging by large bovids are known to kill (which, preferentially, is the relatively
hominins. vulnerable young and old, more than prime adults).
Additional actualistic and experimental research, however, contra-
dicts the evidence and reasoning underlying the passive scavenging Test prediction 2 (large bovids)
hypothesis in several ways. First, observations of lion (P. leo) kills by
Domínguez-Rodrigo (1999) document complete defleshing of midshaft If early Homo passively scavenged from large felids to obtain the
portions of upper long limb elements (i.e., humeri and femora), leaving size 3 bovids at FLK Zinj, then the FLK Zinj mortality data should match
no meat to remove in the precise anatomical locations where defleshing what lions (as the best available modern proxy for large felid
cut marks are abundant in the FLK Zinj fauna. Second, strong similarities predators of size 3 bovids) are known to kill (i.e., a relatively higher
in the anatomical patterning of cut marks on long limb bone shafts from percentage of prime adults than cursorial predators such as spotted
thorough defleshing of fully-fleshed limbs by Hadza foragers and from hyenas [Crocuta crocuta]).
hominin butchery at FLK Zinj, indicate that hominins at FLK Zinj Even though ER-PH and passive scavenging are generally consid-
similarly possessed fully-fleshed limbs and butchered them for ered less productive and less likely as strategies for acquiring small
significant amounts of meat (Bunn, 2001, 2007). Third, Domínguez- bovids, test predictions are similar to those for large bovids. Rapid
Rodrigo and Barba (2006; Domínguez-Rodrigo et al., 2007a) established destruction by feeding carnivores (i.e., large felids or hyenas) of entire
that the incidence of carnivore gnaw marks on long limb elements at FLK small carcasses, bones and all, renders passive scavenging for small
Zinj is actually far lower than what Blumenschine reported, because bovids unlikely, although the possibility that early Homo, as a non-
biochemical processes damaged bone surfaces and left many marks hunter, could have scavenged from abandoned, tree-stored leopard
mistakenly identified as carnivore gnawing by Blumenschine. For kills, has been proposed (Cavallo and Blumenschine, 1989). For
expanded discussion of carcass acquisition by early Pleistocene present purposes, test predictions using mortality data as the test can
hominins, see reviews by Domínguez-Rodrigo (2002) and by Pickering be tailored directly to these scenarios for small bovids.
and Dominguez-Rodrigo (2006).
Test prediction 3 (small bovids)
Predictions and tests of the ER-PH and passive scavenging hypotheses
If early Homo used ER-PH to acquire smaller, size group 1–2 bovids
We test the ER-PH and passive scavenging hypotheses using the at FLK Zinj, then the FLK Zinj mortality data should match what
bovid mortality data from the ca. 1.8 million year old (Ma) FLK Zinj cursorial predators are known to kill (again, the relatively vulnerable
zooarchaeological assemblage excavated by Mary Leakey (1971) in young and old).
Bed I at Olduvai Gorge. As discussed above, the FLK Zinj assemblage
exhibits the strongest signal of butchery by hominins of any Bed I site, Test prediction 4 (small bovids)
and indeed, any early Pleistocene site, which implicates early Homo as
the dominant taphonomic agent in the transport and systematic If early Homo passively scavenged from tree-stored leopard kills to
butchery of large prey animals recovered there (Bunn, 1981, 1982, obtain small bovids at FLK Zinj, then the FLK Zinj mortality data should
1986; Bunn and Kroll, 1986, 1987, 1988; Potts, 1988). From match what leopards are known to kill (i.e., a non-age-selective,
taphonomic analysis of the FLK Zinj assemblage, Bunn reported more living-structure sample).
than 200 bones with cut marks, abundant hammerstone percussion
damage, and an abundance of limbs and mandibles of an estimated 48 Materials and methods
large mammals (minimum number of individuals, MNI) represented.
More recent taphonomic analyses have refined the evidence and Paleontological samples
debated its meaning but without changing the fundamental conclusion
that early Homo had the dominant role in forming the bone assemblage In addition to testing the ER-PH and the passive scavenging
(Blumenschine, 1995; Bunn, 2001, 2007; Capaldo, 1997; Domínguez- hypotheses with the bovid mortality data from the FLK Zinj
Rodrigo and Barba, 2006; Domínguez-Rodrigo et al., 2007a; Selvaggio, assemblage, we also present comparative paleontological data from
H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404 397
eight other excavated early Pleistocene levels in Tanzania and South From the same perspective, we also analyze fossil bovid mortality
Africa. As with FLK Zinj, three of these levels are in Bed I at Olduvai data from three South African cave sites (five stratigraphic levels),
Gorge. But, in contrast to FLK Zinj, FLK North level 1–2 (FLK N 1–2), which are inferred predominantly as products of large carnivore
FLK North North level 2 (FLK NN 2) and FLK North level 6 (FLK N 6) predation, although recent taphonomic analyses have established that
show little or no evidence of anthropogenic input. Leakey (1971) hominin butchery activities also contributed to site formation in some
interpreted FLK N 1–2 as a hominin living floor based on her recovery cases (Brain, 1981, 1993; Watson, 1993a; Pickering et al., 2004a,b,
of ~ 1205 stone artifacts and 3294 taxonomically varied large mammal 2005, 2007, 2008; Adams, 2006; Thackeray, 2007). Swartkrans,
bones (plus abundant microfauna) from the ~ 65 cm-thick level at the Kromdraai and Gondolin all formed as phreatic maze-caves in the
site. From preliminary taphonomic analysis, Bunn (1982, 1986) dolomites of the Chunniespoort Group, probably sometime in the
tentatively agreed, based on the finding of a few cut-marked Miocene and only opened to the land surface at various times
specimens but a notable lack of cut marks in anatomical locations throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene, when they were then able to
where they are common at FLK Zinj (e.g., distal humerus shafts) and a capture and incorporate terrestrial debris into their paleoanthropo-
paucity of hammerstone damage or refitting long limb bone shafts logically productive breccias. Swartkrans is the best understood of the
(which are also common at FLK Zinj). A more recent taphonomic sites in terms of stratigraphy and has yielded the richest traces of early
analysis reported butchery damage on these bones and interpreted hominin behavior—including Developed Oldowan/Early Acheulean
the fauna as anthropogenic in origin, even more so than FLK Zinj stone tools, butchered animal bones and bone digging tools—in its
(Capaldo, 1998; Blumenschine et al., 2007). In a thorough reanalysis three Pleistocene units, Members 1–3 of the Swartkrans Formation;
using a more inclusive, current understanding of taphonomic and Member 3 also produced bones that were possibly burned in
diagenetic processes, Domínguez-Rodrigo et al. (2007a) demonstrate hominin-tended fires (Brain, 1993). While it is important to stress
convincingly that the anthropogenic damage alleged by Capaldo and that, overall, hominins contributed only minimally to the ca. 1.0–
Blumenschine is, in fact, a product of trampling of the bones by large 1.8 Ma faunas from Swartkrans Member 1–3, it is equally important to
animals, sediment abrasion, and large carnivore gnawing. While emphasize that those fossils that were modified by hominins are
acknowledging the presence of a few bones with actual stone-tool cut informative behaviorally: the total butchered sample from each
marks, Domínguez-Rodrigo et al. (2007a) attribute the fauna member is comprised of high proportions of meat-bearing upper
predominantly to predation and feeding by large felids. and intermediate (i.e., radioulnae and tibiae) long limb elements,
At FLK NN 2, Leakey (1971) reported a low-density scatter of 481 indicating early access to carcasses by hominin foragers (Pickering
bones, but no stone artifacts, from a ~30 cm-thick layer of tuff with et al. 2007, 2008) (see preceding discussion).
clayey patches, which she attributed to hyena activity. Bunn (1982, No hominin fossils have been recovered from Kromdraai A.
1986) reported abundant carnivore damage on the bones, plus one However, Thackeray et al. (2005) employed X-ray diffraction analysis
specimen with stone-tool cut marks, and generally concurred with to detect bone apatite on one of the polyhedral core artifacts
Leakey's interpretation, as did Potts (1988). Reanalysis by Domínguez- discovered at the site (Kuman et al., 1997). Subsequently, Thackeray
Rodrigo et al. (2007a) indicated large felid, rather than hyena, activity as (2007: 67) elaborated that this finding, combined with the site's
the source of the bones. carnivore:ungulate ratios and long limb bone shaft fragment size
At FLK N 6, Leakey (1971) recovered an essentially entire skeleton distribution, indicates that hominins used the Kromdraai A artifacts to
of an elephant (Elephas recki), 123 stone artifacts, and ~ 400 bones of “opportunistically…obtain bone marrow from [the site, which was
other large mammals, from a ~45 cm-thick layer of silty clay. Leakey also] used at least temporarily by large carnivores such as saber-tooth
interpreted the site as an elephant butchery by hominins in a swampy cats, which preyed primarily on juvenile alcelaphines.” Large
area, a notable conclusion that was at least partially supported by carnivores have long been implicated as primary bone collectors at
subsequent reports of rare cut marks on a few of the elephant bones Kromdraai A (e.g., Brain, 1981). Thackeray's specific accusation of
(Bunn, 1982, 1986; Potts, 1988). From taphonomic analysis of the Dinofelis is based, in part, on its presence in the Kromdraai A fauna
non-elephant (mostly bovid) bones, Bunn (1982, 1986) concluded (Brain, 1981). Thackeray and his co-workers (Thackeray and Van
that the fauna was predominantly a non-anthropogenic, natural Leuvan Smith, 2001; Lesnik and Thackeray, 2006) argue that the
background, with a bovid MNI of 35, many complete bovid long limb mortality profiles (based on molar crown height measurements) of
bones (likely biased during excavation against recovery of fragmen- alcelaphines and Equus show a pattern similar to that created by
tary long limb bone shafts), many specimens striated from trampling, modern lions: with the old of smaller species and juveniles of larger
and several specimens (bovid long limb elements and a hippopota- species preferentially represented. Thackeray and Van Leuvan Smith
mus metacarpal that had been misidentified as a rhinoceros) (2001: 11) then cite that “Lewis (1997) has previously suggested that
exhibiting probable stone-tool cut marks. Domínguez-Rodrigo et al. Dinofelis displayed behavior similar to that of modern lions.”
(2007a: 110) conclude that all of the linear grooves on elephant and A fossil assemblage excavated by E.S. Vrba and D. Panagos from
bovid bones (the hippopotamus metacarpal was not located for sediments adhering to the northeastern cave wall of Gondolin does
reexamination) at FLK N 6 “can be best explained as abrasion marks.” not contain hominin remains or artifacts (Watson, 1993b). More
For present purposes, we analyze bovid mortality data from FLK N recent excavation of a test trench into an ex situ breccia dump, created
1–2, FLK NN 2, and FLK N 6, as samples of probable non- by early 20th century lime miners at the site, has yielded the isolated
anthropogenic, natural background occurring on the Olduvai paleo- M2 of a robust australopithecine and an isolated M1 or M2 of a non-
landscape during the Bed I time interval under study. This enables an robust hominin (Menter et al., 1999). No stone tools were recovered
initial investigation for any resemblances or differences in bovid from the dump excavation, but one of us (TRP) did identify, in the
mortality between these likely natural samples and the predomi- field, an ungulate long limb bone shaft fragment that preserves
nantly anthropogenic sample from FLK Zinj. We do not regard these possible stone-tool cut marks. However, an exhaustively detailed
data as “controlled,” simply because many of the specific events and study of the Gondolin faunas (Adams, 2006) supports Watson's
processes involved are unknown or unknowable. We view all of these (1993b) earlier conclusion that the bovids from the Vrba–Panagos
sites as natural history sites, or palimpsests (e.g., Isaac, 1984; sample were probably collected and modified exclusively by leopards.
Domínguez-Rodrigo et al., 2007a), in which multiple taphonomic
agents, including hominins, had varying contributions. For more Paleontological analyses
controlled comparative analysis, we then rely on data from modern
wildlife research in which the predation patterns of various large Because the Olduvai and South African bovid dental samples are
carnivores are known (see below). differentially preserved we employed multiple analytical methods
398 H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404
that best matched the condition of each assemblage. For the Olduvai modern control samples, in which they are relatively common.
samples, all excavated dental specimens that could be identified to Second, hypotheses of hominin hunting discern between “gathering”
taxon (species or otherwise unrepresented bovid tribe or size group) of weak, slow and naïve baby animals and dispatching older animals
were used to determine MNI and age, including partial and complete that possess adult or near-adult strength, speed and savvy. In
hemimandibles (most MNIs were based on these), maxillary denti- contrast to young juveniles, subadult juveniles meet this latter
tions, and isolated teeth. Tooth eruption sequence, homologous tooth description in physical and behavioral capabilities and we thus
size, and the progressive loss of molar infundibula with advancing age restrict analysis of juveniles to this substage, defined dentally by
(generally from mesial to distal), were all used in these determina- moderately to heavily worn or shed deciduous premolars and
tions. In contrast, the bovid samples analyzed from Kromdraai A and erupting permanent premolars and third molars.
Gondolin were restricted to non-antimeric hemimandibles. For each We use three categories, early prime, late prime and old, to classify
hemimandible, individual teeth were first assigned an eruption/ adult animals. Early prime, is from ~ 20%–50% of PEL (in some studies,
attritional score, and then the specimen as a whole was assigned to an this extends to ~60% of PEL); an early prime animal has full permanent
age class (see Bunn and Pickering, 2010). The Swartkrans samples dentition showing light to moderate and substantial occlusal wear but
were not available for study so we used Watson's (1993a) published
data on bovid mortality for the site. Even with the inclusion of
fragmentary specimens from Olduvai, sample sizes are small, ranging
from MNIs of 1–9 per bovid species, whereas the South African
samples are larger, ranging from MNIs of 10–27 per bovid species. To
achieve usable sample sizes, some analytical pooling of species
MNIs into size groups based on estimated live animal weights was
Ungulates enter adulthood when they lose all deciduous teeth and
begin to show occlusal wear of all permanent teeth. Prior to
adulthood, an individual is considered a juvenile, a major stage of
life history that is ~20% of its total lifespan or PEL. We divide the
juvenile stage into young juvenile (newborn through yearling) and
subadult juvenile substages. Bovids classified as young juveniles Figure 1. Fossil bovid dentitions from FLK Zinj illustrating occlusal wear stages for three
possess light to moderately worn deciduous premolars and erupting adult age categories. Specimens D 41 and D 122 are the associated hemimandibles of a
M1 and sometimes M2. Young juveniles are excluded from our prime adult Kobus sigmoidalis; note the considerable wear on the occlusal surfaces of the
analyses for two reasons. First, young juvenile teeth are usually teeth, but that all molar infundibula are still intact (a). Specimens D 42 and B 347 are
the associated hemimandibles of an old adult (just beyond the late prime-old age
destroyed when subjected to rigorous biostratinomic and diagenetic threshold) Parmularius altidens, which show the recent loss of the mesial infundibula
forces (e.g., Munson, 2000; Munson and Garniewicz, 2003) and are from the M1s (b). Specimens G 294 and D 35 are the associated hemimandibles of an old
thus relatively uncommon in paleontological samples compared to adult male Antidorcas recki, which show loss of all molar infundibula (c).
H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404 399
Presentation of data Test prediction 1. If early Homo used ER-PH to obtain the size 3
bovids at FLK Zinj, then the mortality data should match what
For visual comparison of different mortality samples we followed cursorial predators of large bovids are known to kill (which,
methodology developed by Stiner (1990), who divided data into preferentially, is the relatively vulnerable young and old, more than
juvenile, prime, or old groups, then converted those data to prime adults).
percentages for each sample, and plotted each sample as a discrete
point on a triangular graph. To control for differences in sample sizes Test prediction 2. If early Homo passively scavenged from large felids
we used computer software (modified triangular graph program) to obtain the size 3 bovids at FLK Zinj, then the FLK Zinj mortality data
created by Steele and Weaver (2002) that employs bootstrapping should match what lions (as the best available modern proxy for large
statistics to produce a density contour around each graphed sample felid predators of size 3 bovids) are known to kill (i.e., closer to an
point, approximating a 95% confidence interval. unselective, living-structure prey sample, with a relatively higher
Table 1
Age frequency distributions in African fossil and modern samples of bovid dental remains.a,b
Table 2 from FLK Zinj also contradict aggressive, power scavenging from lions,
Age frequency distributions of bovid dental remains from modern carnivore kills and an alternative hypothesis developed, in the absence of evidence of
Olduvai fossil sites grouped for modified triangular graph analyses (subadult juvenile,
prime and old).a
hunting by hominins, to account for the abundance of the very
skeletal elements defleshed quickly by lions and the abundance of
Sample Subadult Prime Old MNIb defleshing cut marks on them. The large bovid mortality data from FLK
Juvenile n (%) n (%)
Zinj correspond to Stiner's definition of a “prime-dominated” pattern,
n (%)
which she attributes exclusively to selective hunting by humans
Small (size 1 and 2)
(Stiner includes young juveniles, which are excluded here; including
Leopard-killed Gazella thomsonic 4 (19) 15 (71) 2 (10) 21
Leopard-killed G. thomsonic 4 (5) 66 (84) 9 (11) 79 young juveniles increases the statistical separation between lion-killed
Lion-killed G. thomsoni 12 (9) 93 (68) 32 (23) 137 wildebeest [Connochaetes spp.] and size-group 3 bovids at FLK Zinj).
Cheetah-killed G. thomsoni 2 (3) 44 (65) 22 (32) 68 To add a comparative perspective, however, the mortality data for
Spotted hyena-killed G. thomsoni 0 35 (63) 21 (38) 56 large bovids at FLK Zinj also show strong similarity to other Bed I
Wild dog-killed G. thomsoni 2 (6) 21 (68) 8 (26) 31
Olduvai assemblages in which butchery evidence is uncommon or
FLK Zinj bovid sizes 1 and 2 1 (14) 1 (14) 5 (71) 7
FLK N 1–2 bovid sizes 1 and 2 3 (21) 10 (71) 1 (7) 14 absent (Fig. 3), which warrants further discussion.
FLK N 6 bovid sizes 1 and 2 1 (17) 4 (67) 1 (17) 6 The restated test implications for smaller, size-group 1–2 bovids
Large (size 3) are:
Lion-killed Connochaetes taurinus 50 (26) 78 (41) 62 (33) 190
Lion-killed Kobus ellipsiprymnus (♂) 2 (22) 4 (44) 3 (33) 9 Test prediction 3. If early Homo used ER-PH to acquire smaller, size
Spotted hyena-killed C. taurinus 15 (27) 15 (27) 25 (45) 55
group 1–2 bovids at FLK Zinj, then the FLK Zinj mortality data should
FLK Zinj K. sigmoidalis 0 7 (100) 7
FLK Zinj bovid size 3 3 (18) 12 (71) 2 (12) 17 match what cursorial predators are known to kill (again, the relatively
FLK N 1–2 bovid size 3 3 (27) 7 (64) 1 (9) 11 vulnerable young and old).
FLK N 6 bovid size 3 3 (27) 5 (45) 3 (27) 11
FLK NN 2 K. sigmoidalis 2 (33) 3 (50) 1 (17) 6
Test prediction 4. If early Homo passively scavenged from tree-
Pooled Olduvai “background” 8 (28) 15 (54) 5 (18) 28
bovid size 3d stored leopard kills to obtain small bovids at FLK Zinj, then the FLK
Zinj mortality data should match what leopards are known to kill (i.e.,
Modern wildlife data are from Schaller (1972), Kruuk (1972) and Spinage (1982).
All fossil data were generated by the authors. Bovid size groups follow Bunn (1986); see
a non-age-selective, living-structure sample).
text for discussion and additional references.
MNI = minimum number of individuals. As shown in Figure 4, the small-bovid data from FLK Zinj are
The first leopard-killed G. thomsoni sample reflects Schaller's (1972) observations
of gazelle age classes, the second sample includes Schaller's unaged adults (n = 58),
dominated by old adult Antidorcas recki, which, based on their size and
which we have assigned to age class based on proportions occurring in Schaller's rugosity, are male animals. The mortality distribution of small bovids
smaller, aged sample. from FLK Zinj is statistically distinct from and, thus, contradicts the
The pooled Olduvai “background” sample is the combined data from FLK N 1–2, FLK test implications of passively scavenging from leopard or cheetah
N 6 and FLK NN 2.
(Acinonyx jubatus) kills. It is probable, at a 95% confidence level, that
the small bovids whose butchered bones were found at FLK Zinj were
percentage of prime adults than cursorial predators, such as spotted not acquired by passive scavenging from leopard kills. Small-bovid
hyenas, take). mortality data from Swartkrans, Kromdraai A, and Gondolin, on the
As revealed in Figure 2, the large-bovid data from FLK Zinj are other hand, do support the attribution of those remains to leopard (or
dominated by prime adults and contradict directly the test implica- another felid ambush predator) kills, which has been argued
tions of hypotheses that posit ER-PH or passive scavenging from lion previously from evidence of prey body size, skeletal part represen-
kills. Both the ER-PH hypothesis and the passive scavenging tation and bone damage (e.g., Brain, 1981, 1993; Pickering et al.,
hypothesis are, thus, falsified by the FLK Zinj mortality data for large 2004b, 2007, 2008) (Fig. 5). Similarly, small-bovid mortality data from
bovids, which were probably (at a 95% confidence level) derived from FLK N 1–2 and from FLK N 6 also exhibit a living-structure pattern that
a different source than that predicted by ER-PH hunting or by passive is statistically indistinguishable from leopard prey, which contrasts
scavenging from lions. Additionally, the large bovid mortality data
Figure 3. Modified triangular graph comparing mortality data for large (size group 3)
Figure 2. Modified triangular graph comparing modern Serengeti lion-killed wildebeest bovids (excluding young juveniles; see text for definition) from FLK Zinj and from the
and FLK Zinj large (size group 3) bovid mortality data. Data for lion-killed wildebeest “background” sample at Olduvai, pooled from the FLK N 1–2, FLK NN 2, and FLK N 6
from Schaller, 1972. assemblages.
H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404 401
Figure 4. Modified triangular graph comparing modern Serengeti leopard-killed Figure 6. Modified triangular graph comparing mortality data for modern Serengeti
Thomson's gazelles and FLK Zinj smaller (size groups 1–2, Antidorcas recki and leopard-killed Thomson's gazelles, for smaller (size groups 1–2) bovids from FLK Zinj
Antilopini size group 2) bovid mortality data. Data for leopard-killed gazelle from and for the “background” sample at Olduvai, pooled from the FLK N 1–2 and FLK N 6
Schaller, 1972. assemblages. Data for leopard-killed gazelles from Schaller, 1972.
young juvenile specimens in all of these assemblages argues against ambush predator, alert to all animal movements in these relatively
severe, density-mediated biasing from biostratinomic (carnivore vegetated settings.
scavenging) or diagenetic (profile compaction) processes. At FLK At the risk of being branded ethnographic tyrants again (and
Zinj, for example, in addition to very young juvenile (or fetal) bovids, falsely), we recall our empirical observations that small bovids can be
there are also teeth of a young juvenile suid and hemimandibles of a walked to exhaustion—not requiring ER—by modern, highly skilled
young juvenile giraffe, and in each of the background assemblages, Kua hunters at a significant physical cost to them, in the sparsely
multiple young juvenile suid individuals are also represented. Figure 7, vegetated, soft sandy substrate of the Kalahari that is the ideal context
which includes young juveniles and subadult juveniles in the juvenile for using sophisticated tracking skills. In the more heavily vegetated
class, shifts the distributions toward the juvenile side and shows more savanna–bush–woodlands that characterize the East African Rift
clearly the living-structure pattern of the “background sites.” If the Valley today, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the habitats
young juveniles bovids at FLK Zinj are actually fetal (these deciduous in which early Homo evolved in the Pleistocene, even greater tracking
upper premolars are essentially unworn, and Spinage (1967) reports skills beyond those possessed by modern foragers would be required to
this condition at birth but not at six months of age in modern succeed at ER hunting. Despite long-term ethnographic research, the
waterbuck [Kobus ellipsiprymnus]) and excluded (as in Fig. 3) because Hadza have not been observed either attempting, much less
they were not directly hunted and killed, then there is an even clearer succeeding at ER hunting in the more vegetated East African Rift
separation between the prime-dominated mortality at FLK Zinj and Valley. This demonstrates a likely cause–effect relationship between
the living-structure mortality at the “background” sites. This likely vegetation cover and viability of tracking, and it casts doubt on the
indicates a derivation from a different source: ambush hunting by likelihood of highly sophisticated, successful tracking by early Homo.
early Homo at FLK Zinj, rather than any form of scavenging from felids This, of course, does not mean that ER-PH never happened in the
or ER-PH. Since the initial writing of this paper, two additional Pleistocene. It simply illustrates that a different ethnographic example
maxillary and mandibular specimens of waterbuck have been (i.e., hunting with bow-and-arrow) emphasized by Lieberman et al.
identified by HTB in the original fossil assemblage from FLK Zinj. (2007: 442), when viewed in broader and better-matched ethno-
These specimens (catalog numbers B 4 and C [no number, so it was graphic and ecological perspective, does not provide quite the
likely recovered from the screen]) represent two additional indivi- epiphany about the evolution of ER-PH hunting that is desired: “In
duals that died younger than the two fetal or neonatal individuals fact, without projectiles, it is hard to imagine how early Homo in the
previously known (as discussed above) and are clearly fetal (unworn [Early Stone Age] would have either scavenged or hunted safely or
upper and lower deciduous premolars). This raises an intriguing effectively unless they employed ER to some extent.” Ironically,
possibility in relation to the small prime adult waterbuck individuals Lieberman et al. base that claim on their assertion that because of
(MNI = 7 adults, of which three are smaller, early prime females and technology, hunting strategies of recent foragers are not useful
four are larger, late prime males) from FLK Zinj: the targeted prey of analogs for early Homo, which they then justify using survey results
hominin ambush hunting was likely pregnant or recently pregnant of ethnographic hunting technology (e.g., spear efficiency). Lieberman
female and somewhat older, perhaps non-territorial male waterbucks. et al. confuse and conflate the concepts of hunting efficiency and
Even though ER-PH was argued to be most productive for hunting capability. In all likelihood, hunting efficiency is significantly
hominins when used against large, size group 3 prey, we reiterate increased in recent contexts with bows and arrows, relative to the
that the old-male-dominated pattern in A. recki mortality at FLK Zinj Pleistocene, but it does not follow from relative efficiency, that
does not contradict the prediction of the ER-PH hypothesis for small hunting capability in the absence of bows and arrows was lacking
bovids. We question, however, the relative merits and adaptive value (except by ER).
of targeting small, old gazelles in their preferred bush–woodland Logically extending such hyperbole to include actual scientific
habitat by jogging with eyes fixed to the ground in a most challenging evidence, would mean that in the vast array of paleoecological contexts
tracking exercise right through the prime hunting habitat of large in which hunting is reconstructed—from Gona to the most recent hunter
felids, when the same bovids could have been exploited by Homo as missing his bow and arrows, from flat, sandy terrain to steep, wooded,
rocky slopes, and from tropical and temperate regions—premodern or
past human hunting (and scavenging) without bows and arrows
reduces to ER (or to hopeless inefficiency?). To learn about past human
foraging strategies, including all forms of hunting and scavenging, it is
not justifiable scientifically to assume and attribute to early Homo, or to
their immediate ancestors, the sophisticated tracking skills of modern
humans or skills beyond those of modern humans—essential to the
success of ER-PH—when the evolution of hunting capabilities is the very
topic being investigated.
Rudimentary tracking skills would not enable successful,
much less, efficient ER, in the vegetated East African Rift Valley
paleoenvironments in which early Homo evolved. And it is not
reasonable to assume sophisticated tracking skills in early Homo,
while at the same time discounting any intellectual ability to ambush
prey. In the absence of direct evidence, we do not know how early
Homo would have hunted large prey (sensu Bunn and Kroll (1986),
who for that reason raised the alternative of aggressive, power
scavenging; contra Lieberman et al.'s characterization), but there is
compelling evidence that Pleistocene Homo had early access to intact,
prime adult, large bovids.
A plausible method of ambush hunting would require that
hominins had the ability to get close enough to prey animals to inflict
Figure 7. Modified triangular graph comparing mortality data for large (size group 3)
bovids (including young juveniles; see text for definition) from FLK Zinj and from the
a mortal wound and that they had the technology to do so. One likely
“background” sample at Olduvai, pooled from the FLK N 1–2, FLK NN 2, and FLK N 6 method of achieving exceedingly close encounters with prey animals
assemblages. that is known to be effective in modern contexts is climbing into a tree
H.T. Bunn, T.R. Pickering / Quaternary Research 74 (2010) 395–404 403
along a game trail and simply waiting for animals to walk by with hominin carcass foraging by addressing the following substantive
their gaze fixed horizontally to guard against terrestrial predators. As points:
for lethal weaponry, wooden spears are a distinct possibility, although
we emphasize that there is currently no direct evidence of such 1. The falsification of the ER hunting hypotheses by bovid–mortality
technology. We pose three questions: 1. Was there a wood-chopping evidence;
function for Oldowan choppers whose edges are battered through use 2. The probable implications for Pleistocene Homo of a likely cause–
as tools (e.g., Hayden 2008), comparable to the woodworking effect relationship between vegetational habitats and success rate
activities reconstructed by Domínguez-Rodrigo et al. (2001) from of human tracking;
wood phytoliths on Acheulean tools at Peninj (Tanzania)? 2. What 3. The logic of assuming sophisticated tracking skills in early Homo
was the hominin task that produced microwear evidence of wood and their immediate ancestors, while discounting any intellectual
sawing or scraping on Oldowan stone flakes at Koobi Fora (Kenya) ability to ambush prey.
(Keeley and Toth 1981)? 3. If a chimpanzee level of cognitive ability
can yield a sharpened branch stabbing weapon for killing small George Schaller (1972: 195) stated that “Predation is exceedingly
mammal prey (Pruetz and Bertolani, 2007), then how capable would complex.” So is the reconstruction of ancient predation from fossil
more encephalized early Homo have been at fashioning wooden teeth. Paleoanthropologists are well-advised to keep both declara-
weapons and tools? A fourth question is directed to any who would tions of counsel in mind when constructing models of early hominin
discount the very idea of large mammal hunting with wooden spears carcass foraging.
by Pleistocene Homo: How can science ever determine when this
behavior actually began, if we allow our investigations to be guided by Acknowledgments
ideology rather than evidence and if we do not ask such provocative
questions and then explore ways of answering them? HTB's research was supported by the National Science Foundation
Moving beyond hunting, in creating a diurnal scavenging niche for (USA), the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, and the University of Wisconsin-
early Homo made possible by ER, Bramble and Lieberman (2004) Madison. HTB thanks the Tanzania Commission for Science and
reason that ER would have aided early Homo in competitive Technology (COSTECH) for permission to study the Olduvai collec-
scavenging against hyenas, wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), and other tions from Mary Leakey's research and to conduct research with
hominins. Yet, Lieberman et al. (2007: 441) seek to enhance their ER Hadzabe foragers, and the National Museums of Kenya for access to
scavenging niche by misrepresenting the timing of scavenging by Olduvai collections. TRP thanks his family for their support and
various carnivores, including spotted hyenas, as an exclusively Francis Thackeray, Stephany Potze, and the Transvaal Museum for
nighttime activity, or at least discounting their ability to run and permission to study the Gondolin and Kromdraai faunas. TRP's
scavenge effectively during the day, stating that “With ER capabilities, research was supported by the National Science Foundation (USA),
hominins may have had a previously unrecognized advantage the LSB Leakey Foundation (USA), the Palaeontology Scientific Trust
scavenging in open habitats during the day when other scavengers (South Africa) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (through a
are prevented from running long distances because of thermoregu- Vilas Fellowship). We thank Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo, José
latory constraints (hyenas confine their running to dawn, dusk and Yravedra, Gail Ashley, and Kathryn Remer for suggestions that
night). Scavenged meat is always an ephemeral resource, requiring improved this paper. We also thank Teresa Steele for providing the
speed.” Ironically, what started as endurance running now requires Modified Triangular Graph software used in the analysis. Special
speed running, and hunting/scavenging toward flying vultures by thanks to Gary Haynes and an anonymous reviewer for their insightful
cursorial carnivores is now prevented during the day, according to comments.
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