Introcrim-Lesson 2
Introcrim-Lesson 2
Introcrim-Lesson 2
Using the scope of criminology as your basis, answer the following questions:
1. Psychiatry is applied in the investigation of suspect. With that respect, Criminology is: the
study of human mind in relation to criminality.___________________________.
2. Arrest is applied anywhere in the Philippines: _Penology_______________________.
3. Ballistics is applied to know the nature of the bullets and firearms in the commission of the
crime: __________________________.
Now that you already have an idea on the various aspects of Criminology, let us now
go into the multidisciplinary nature of Criminology. Write the first word that comes to your
mind upon reading the different fields below. Write your answers on the space provided for
4.Sociology: Society
5.Psychology: Emotions
6.Psychiatry: Disorders
Identify the field of study that corresponds to the definition given.
A 7. Sees crime as an individual and social problem and A. Sociological Criminology
believe that it cannot be properly understood
without examining the surrounding social, political
and economical context
E. 8. The study of the victims of crime and the B. Psychological
psychological effects on them of their experience. Criminology
C 9. Examines personality and the psyche (particularly C. Psychiatric Criminology
the unconscious) for motive in crime.
D 10. Scientific study of mental disorders, including D. Psychopathological
efforts to understand their genetic, biological, Criminology
psychological, and social causes
B 11. Focused on the diagnosis, treatment and E. Victimology
prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral
Lesson 2
The first ever educational institution offering the criminology course, is the Philippine
College of Criminology (PCCr), at Sta. Cruz, Manila, formerly known as Plaridel College. This
pioneering College of criminology became scientific crime detection in the whole of Southeast
Asia, in the 1950’s.
In the early part of 1960’s, criminology course was offered by the following schools:
At present, there are more or less than 300 criminology schools entire the country.
Further, the course title was changed from College of Criminology into College of Criminal
Justice Education (CCJE) based from CHED Memorandum Order No. 21, s. of 2005. Under
the same law includes the following sub-course:
1. BS in Criminology
2. BS in Forensic Science
3. BS in Industrial Security
4. BS in Correctional Administration
On January 13-15, 1983, the author organized and founded the Philippine Educators
Association for Criminology Education (PEACE), during the National Conference of
Criminology Deans and School Heads and Presidents, held at the University of Negros
Occidental-Recoletos, College of Criminology.
Before we will go on with our lesson, let’s have a glimpse of the different
nomenclature of laws existing in the Philippines.
1. Criminology
Study includes the incidence and forms of crime as well as its causes and
consequences as well as social and governmental regulations and reactions to crime.
Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in the behavioral sciences, drawing especially on the
research of sociologists and psychologists, as well as on writings in law. Criminology is a
rather broad field of study that encompasses the study of law making, law breaking, and
societal reactions to law breaking.
2. Criminal Justice
Refers to the system used by government to maintain social control, prevents crime,
enforce laws, and administer justice. The Philippine Criminal Justice System (PCJS): Law
enforcement, Prosecution, Courts, Corrections and Community are the primary agencies
charged with these responsibilities.
Note: When processing the accused through the criminal justice system, government
must keep within the framework of laws that protect individual’s right. The pursuit of
criminal justice is, like all forms of "justice", "fairness" or "process", essentially the pursuit of
an ideal. In the United States, Law enforcement, Courts, and Corrections are the three (3)
pillars of their criminal justice.
3. Criminalistics
Criminology and criminalistics are often mixed up in the minds of the people.
Comparatively speaking, criminology is the study of criminal people, and criminalistics is the
study of criminal things, or the sum total of the application of all sciences in crime detection.
A criminal commits crime by means of things, or that something he left in the crime
scene. Those things he used or left in the crime scene are the objects of criminalistics known
as evidence such as but not limited to the following:
Through R.A. 6506, a criminologist is any person who is a graduate with the Degree of
Criminology, who passes the examination for criminology and is registered through Board of
Examiners of the PRC. The term criminologist is one who has been engaged in the practice of
criminology if he holds himself out to the public in any of the following capacities:
Divisions of Criminalistics
There are six (6) divisions of criminalistics. The first three are scientific and the other
three are technological. The following are:
1. Scientific
a. Chemistry
The original name for ciminalistics is Forensic Chemistry. E.x. alcoholic analysis,
toxicology, narcotic and substance abuse testing, firearms discharge residues, etc
b. Physics
c. Biology
Biology is the study of living things. Deals with the origin, history, physical
characteristics, life, processes, habits, etc. of plants and animals. The biologists in a
police laboratory study all kinds of living things- blood, semen, urine, hairs, and skin.
He is particularly skilled in the use of a microscope. His most important role in
criminalistics is to examine bloodstains in order to find out if they are of human or
animal origin.
2. Technological