Burdick Atria 3000 Physician S Guide
Burdick Atria 3000 Physician S Guide
Burdick Atria 3000 Physician S Guide
Physician’s Guide
Welcome to the latest edition of the criteria handbook that accompanies the
ECG interpretive program. The aim of this handbook is to provide a list of the
criteria currently used for ECG interpretation in Burdick electrocardiographs.
The ECG interpretation criteria are part of a program for ECG analysis that has
evolved over many years and which was developed by the University of
Glasgow Division of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Section of
Cardiology based in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland. Burdick has
worked closely with the team at the University of Glasgow to adapt this
program for use by its customers. While some criteria are traditional, others
have been developed through research studies and the need to quantify what,
for many ECG abnormalities, has essentially been a subjective analysis of
A further major revision of diagnostic statements has taken place with the
release of this version of the software. One of the major changes has been the
introduction of criteria for ST elevation myocardial infarction or STEMI. Of
course, criteria for Q wave infarction remain! Several new statements dealing
with ST-T changes in the presence of ventricular hypertrophy have been
added. As for the previous release, all statements have been redesigned so that
reason statements are no longer necessary to supplement the diagnosis. In
addition, most of the diagnostic statements have been further shortened
compared to earlier versions. It is believed this will make the output more user
friendly; the use of upper and lower case characters should also assist in the
review process.
This version of the handbook also contains pediatric criteria. Such criteria are
automatically invoked when age is less than 16 to 18 years depending on the
particular criterion under consideration. A unique feature of the Glasgow
program is that continuous equations of upper limits of normal measurements
are used. In general, such measurements will increase linearly from birth to
adolescence. An example is QRS duration, which has an upper limit of 80
milliseconds at birth increasing to approximately 115 milliseconds at 18 years
of age. Some measurements may reach their adult value at less than 18 years of
The pediatric criteria can make use of lead V4R when it is available. While this
enhances the accuracy of ECG interpretation in this age group, the program
will still function when the conventional 12-lead recording positions are used
in children (although the use of V4R to the exclusion of V3 is preferred). Full
details of how to select the appropriate lead configuration for input to the
electrocardiograph can be found in the relevant Burdick electrocardiograph
operator’s manual.
Similarly, the mechanism for specifying the age of a patient can also be found
in the operator’s manual. In the case of neonates and infants, the age will be
calculated in days if the date of birth is input (for ages up to 364 days). If an age
is input in years only, the criteria will be less efficiently used because the
continuous equations employed allow the advantage of utilizing the age in
days or months (age in months can be used for ages over 1 year). For example,
for a patient who is 1 year and 11 months old, an age of 23 months should be
entered as opposed to an age of 1 year. Clearly, there will then be significant
differences in the upper limit of normal using continuous equations based on
the age in days or months compared to using an age in years.
A similar concept has been previously introduced for dealing with the upper
limit of normal voltages for the diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy in adults
and children. Instead of discrete limits being used for particular deciles of age,
continuous age dependent limits are now used.
Finally, with respect to the new methodology, a major effort has been made to
minimize the effect of diagnostic thresholds in ECG criteria. There has to be a
border between normal and abnormal but the newer approach tries to smooth
such boundaries by, for example, awarding only a small increment to a score if
a measurement exceeds a threshold by only a small amount.
A principal aim in preparing this manual was that the criteria should,
wherever possible, be presented in a relatively straightforward form. At the
same time, it was intended that the text should convey the unique flavor of the
approach used for ECG analysis within Burdick machines. For this reason, a
compromise has been adopted where, for some criteria, a generalized
statement has been made rather than a precise quantification of numerical data
being listed. Even so, the list of criteria is somewhat detailed but it should be
appreciated that computers do require a certain amount of precision! Detailed
criteria for arrhythmias are not listed although the various statements that can
be produced by the program are presented.
The layout of the criteria should be self-explanatory. In general terms, the wave
amplitudes have positive or negative amplitudes in the conventional sense,
e.g. the S wave is regarded as having a negative amplitude. Similarly, a
criterion which requires that T- < -0.1 mV means that the negative T wave
amplitude should be in excess of -0.1 millivolts, e.g. this would be true if
T- = -0.2 mV (see Figure 1). Occasionally, the absolute value of a negative wave
or ratio is denoted by | |.
Heart rate variability is becoming of increasing interest. Because heart rate
variability is based on a study of variation in RR intervals of sinus initiated
beats, the duration of each RR interval is now printed on the 12-lead ECG.
Users should be aware that estimates of RR variability calculated from a 10
second ECG recording, e.g., standard deviation of sinus initiated RR intervals,
will differ significantly from those calculated from a 24 hour recording.
Nevertheless, they may still be of considerable value.
A unique feature of the program is the ability to make use of age, gender, drug
therapy and clinical classification of the patient. The full list of clinical
classifications that may influence the interpretation is as follows:
Myocardial Infarction
P- Q
P S'
Overall P onset, P offset, QRS onset, QRS offset and T termination are
determined from all 12 leads. Individual lead wave amplitudes are then
P+ and P- are measured with respect to a straight line fitted between overall P
onset and offset.
Q, R, S, R’, S’, T+ and T- amplitudes are measured with respect to a horizontal
line through the lead QRS onset.
Durations are measured between relevant points.
Areas are measured in units of millivolts x milliseconds (mV x ms). Units of
measure are not specified when an area measurement appears in the criteria.
Isoelectric components between the overall QRS onset and an individual lead
onset are not included in a Q or R duration.
This introductory section of the diagnostic software checks the validity of the
leads. The criteria apply to ECGs recorded from patients of all ages.
This section of the program aims to detect the faulty application of the limb
leads and to differentiate it from dextrocardia. The criteria are age dependent
and allowance has to be made for the fact that Lead V3 may not be available in
The following statements can be printed in the event of faulty input of clinical
data. The analysis continues with default values chosen.
The limits for tachycardia and bradycardia are clearly age related in the
neonatal and pediatric age range. In the program, a continuous limit of
normality is used for certain age ranges such as from birth to 28 days (see
example below). These data were obtained from a study of over 1,750 healthy
neonates, infants and children.1
Age Range Rate in beats/min.
Birth - 28 days 163 → 180
29 days - 180 days 180
181 days - 17 years 180 → 100
≥18 years 100
Age Range Rate in beats/min.
Birth - 28 days 88 → 105
29 days - 365 days 105
1 year - 12.5 years 105 → 60
≥12.5 years 60
Example: For a neonate of 14 days of age, the tachycardia limit is 172/min and
the bradycardia limit is 96/min.
1Heart rate is calculated from the average RR interval. Users have the option of printing all
RR intervals (measured between two consecutive QRS onsets) at the bottom of the 12-lead
ECG printout.
ECG Interpretation Criteria Physician's Guide - Brief Format Statements 3-1
Chapter 3 Heart Rate
1. Short PR interval
(a) the PR interval is less than the lower limit for age
as specified in the table:
0 - 15 [75 + 0.006*age(days)]
16 and over 110
If the QRS duration ≥ 120 ms, or if the heart rate exceeds 125/minute, omit this
section. The criteria in this section use the corrected QT interval denoted QTc.
This is calculated from one of the following equations:
Hodges1 (default) QTc = QT + 1.75 x (heart rate - 60)
Bazett2, 3 QTc = QT (RR)-1/2
Fridericia4 QTc = QT (RR)-1/3
Framingham5 QTc = QT - 154 (RR - 1)
where RR = mean RR interval, in seconds
1. Prolonged QT interval
(a) male and QTc ≥ 460 ms
or (b) female and
i. age ≥ 50 years and QTc ≥ 470 ms
or ii. age < 50 years and
(rate < 110 and QTc ≥ 460 ms
or rate ≥ 100 and QTc ≥ 470 ms)
2. Short QT interval
(a) QTc ≤ 350 ms
3Taran LM et al. the duration of the electrical systole (Q-T) in acute rheumatic carditis in
The duration criteria for conduction defects are age dependent. As indicated in
the Introduction, it is possible to utilize an equation to calculate the upper limit
of QRS duration from birth to adolescence and a similar concept can be applied
to determine the normal limits of the duration of Q, R, S waves individually. In
order not to complicate the criteria listing, certain duration values are listed as
a constant value plus an age dependent variable denoted by LIM1 or LIM2 or
LIM3. The following table lists the values of these three variables at birth and
in adolescence. Adult criteria are obtained by using the higher of the values
while pediatric criteria are derived from an age dependent value intermediate
to the two limits.
Birth Adolescence
LIM1 0 32 ms
LIM2 29 35 ms
LIM3 40 45 ms
1. Extensive IVCD
(a) in Lead I, R or R' > LIM1 + 68
and (b) in Lead I, T+ < 0.1 mV and T- < -0.1 mV
and (c) in V1, R or R' > LIM3
and (d) the QRS spatial velocity at 4/8 or 5/8 < 40 mV/sec
and (e) in V1, both Q and S have duration ≤ LIM1 + 68 or
amplitude ≥ -1 mV
or B.
None of the previous statements is true and from the following
criteria either:
(a and b and c and d and f) is true
or (b and d and e and f) is true
3. Incomplete LBBB
(a) i. in V5 or V6, R > LIM1 + 38, with Q > -0.02 mV
or ii. in V5 or V6, R' > LIM1 + 38, with S > -0.02 mV
and (b) i. in V5 or V6, 100 ms < QRS < 130 ms
and ii. in V1 or V2, 100 ms < QRS < 130 ms
and (c) the QRS spatial velocities at 4/8 and
5/8 < 100 mV/sec
and (d) i. in I, S ≤ LIM2, or S ≥ -0.15 mV or |R/S| > 4
and ii. in I, S' ≤ LIM2, or S' ≥ -0.15 mV or |R'/S'| > 4
or B.
i. (a and b and c) or (d and e)
and ii. (f) is true
i. -120° < overall QRS axis < -30° and R > |S| in II
and ii. inferior myocardial infarction is not present
7. IV conduction defect
None of the previous statements is true and from the following criteria
(a) is true
or (b and c) is true.
(a) QRS duration ≥ LIM1 + 88 in any two leads
(b) in V1 or V2, Q or S > LIM1 + 68
(c) i. in lead I or V5, R > LIM1 + 68, and Q > -0.02 mV
or ii. in lead I or V5, R' > LIM1 + 68, and S > -0.02 mV
8. Incomplete RBBB
(a) i. in V1 or V2, R' ≥ 0.2 mV and, in the same lead,
R' -ST amplitude > 0.05 mV and S' > 0.2 mV, and
R' > R
and ii. QRS duration < LIM1 + 88 ms
and (b) i. there is no atrial fibrillation or flutter
or ii. there is atrial fibrillation or flutter
and R' amplitude > 3*max (P+, P-)
In order to keep the criteria as sensitive as possible, the age dependence of the
criteria in this section is extremely limited. The variable LIM1 is defined on
page 5-1.
1. WPW pattern
(a) A is true
and (b) i. (B and E) or (C and G) are true
or ii. (B and F) or (C and H) are true
A. amplitude (use only the maximum score from criteria
i - v). Each part scores 2 points. In addition, Part i,
scores 1 extra point for each 0.3 mV over the limit.
Parts ii, iii and v score 1 extra point for every 0.5 mV
over the limit for patients aged 17 and over. Also, 1
point is deducted from i - v if there are Q waves or
low R waves in the anterior leads.
i. the largest R in I or aVL ≥ an age and gender
dependent limit (LIM1 and LIM2 respectively)
ii. |S| in V1 or V2 ≥ an age and gender dependent limit
iii. R in V5 or V6 ≥ an age and gender dependent limit
iv. the Lewis Index (RI + |S|III) - (RIII+ |S|I) > an age and
gender dependent limit (for age 17 and over only)
v. the Sokolow Lyon Index |SV1| + RV5 > an age and
gender dependent limit (for age 17 and over only)
C. (2 points)
i. the P wave flag is set
and ii. the terminal amplitude of P in V1 < -0.11 mV
and iii. the terminal duration of P in V1 ≥ 40 ms
If C is not true, score 1 if atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter is present.
D. (2 points)
i. inferior infarction has not been detected
and ii. -120° < frontal QRS axis < -30°
E. (1 point)
i. the QRS duration in lead V5 or V6 ≥ 100 ms
ii. RBBB of any type is not present
F. (1 point)
i. the intrinsicoid deflection in V5 or V6 ≥ 60 ms
and ii. there are no pathological Q waves (see Myocardial
Infarction section) in the corresponding lead
For clarity, the criteria describe discrete thresholds and integer scores.
However, as in other parts of the program, the discrete thresholds have been
replaced by smooth continuous functions which return continuous scores.
These are combined, where required, with other criteria using algebraic rules
and the resulting overall score is used to determine the diagnostic statement
that is output.
A. (2 points)
i. in lead I, either S or S' > LIM1
and ii. in lead I, R > 0.1 mV
and iii. in Lead I, |S| > R or |S'| > R'
B. (3 points)
i. in lead I, either S or S' > 2.0*LIM1
with R > 0.1 mV(2.723 mV →1.0 mV)
or ii. in V5, either S or S' > LIM2
or iii. in V5, max (S,S') > max (R,R') and
max (S,S') > 0.6LIM2
C. (3 points)
i. in lead V1, the R or R' amplitude > LIM3
and ii. T+ in V1 ≤ 0.7 mV (age 12-30), or 0.5 mV (age ≥ 30)
or iii. In V4R, R > LIM4 or R' > 0.7 mV
and iv. T+ in V4R ≤ 0.7 mV
D. (1 point)
R' > 0.1 mV and R' > R in lead V1 and age ≥ 16 years
E. (2 points)
i. in V1, the R/|S| amplitude ratio ≥ LIM5 with
S > 0.1 mV
or ii. in V1, Q and S = 0 mV and age > 5 years
and iii. in V1, either R or R' > 0.4 mV
and iv. T+ amplitude in V1 ≤ 0.5 mV
F. (2 points)
i. in V1, |Q| > 0.1 mV and Q ≥ 25 ms, and
R ≥ 0.25 mV with R-STj ≥ 0.04 mV and S = 0 mV
or ii. in V1, |S| > 0.1 mV and S > 25 ms, and
R' > 0.25 mV with R'-STj > 0.04 mV, and
R < 0.075 mV
G. (1 point)
in aVF, the P+ amplitude ≥ 0.3 mV
H. (0.5 point)
i. in aVF, the ST junction is negative
or ii. in aVF, T- < -0.1 mV, and the T wave is not (biphasic,
starting positive)
J. (1 point)
i. in V2, STj < 0.02 mV with downward slope < -5
and ii. in V2, T- < -0.1 mV
and iii. age ≥ 5 years
K. (1 point)
LIM6 < QRS axis < 270°
L. (0.5 point)
LIM6 + 20° < QRS axis < 270°
M. (1 point)
i. in all the leads I, II, and III, |S| > 0.2 mV
and ii. QRS axis > 0°.
1. Biventricular hypertrophy
(a) i. LV hypertrophy score ≥ 5 points
and ii. RV hypertrophy score ≥ 5 points
or (b) the maximum QRS vector > an age dependent limit
A (see table)
or (c) i. LV hypertrophy score ≥ 11
and ii. the maximum QRS vector (in I, aVF, V2) > age
dependent limit B (see table)
There are two types of criteria used to determine infarction. The first type uses
criteria for acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and the second
uses criteria based on Q waves and ST-T amplitudes.
There is one statement output if STEMI is detected and the Q wave criteria are
not met in the corresponding leads, namely:
For female patients, a constant value is used as a limit across all ages. The
constant is lead dependent. For V1, the limit is 100µV.
• presence of LBBB
• age ≤ 18
there are low R waves so that the appropriate reason statement can be
For clarity, the criteria describe discrete thresholds and integer scores.
However, as in other parts of the program, the discrete thresholds have been
replaced by smooth continuous functions which return continuous scores.
These are combined, where required, with other criteria using algebraic rules
and the resulting overall score is used to determine the diagnostic statement
that is output.
The tests for Q1 to Q4 are carried out on II, III, and aVF. The following
statements therefore refer to findings in these leads.
(a) i. |Q| > 0.2 mV or |Q| > 0.15 mV and |Q/R| > 1/2
and ii. Q > 30 ms
and iii. peak to peak amplitude > 0.2 mV
or (b) i. R=0
and ii. |S| > 0.2 mV
and iii. S > 30 ms
and iv. peak to peak amplitude > 0.2 mV
(a) i. |Q| > 0.14 mV
and ii. Q > 15 ms
and iii. |Q/R| > 1/4
and iv. peak to peak amplitude > 0.2 mV
or (b) i. R < 0.065 mV
and ii. |S| > 0.14 mV
and iii. S > 15 ms
and iv. |S/R'| > 1/4
(a) i. R < 0.11 mV
and ii. R' < 2R amplitude, or RBBB is present
and iii. |R/S| < 0.125
and iv. the peak to peak amplitude > 0.2 mV
and v. RVH is not present
(a) i. R in V(n) - R in V(n+1) > 0.05 mV in the adjacent
precordial lead, (e.g. RV3 < RV2)
and ii. R < 0.3 mV in those two leads
and iii. R' < R in those two leads
(a) i. R > 0.3 mV with S = 0 mV or R < 0.1 mV with
R' > 0.3 mV
and ii. RBBB or IVCD are not present
and iii. ST in V2 ≤ 0.12 mV or ST < 1/2 T+
or (b) i. R < 0.3 mV or S is not 0 mV
and ii. in lead I, S or S' < -0.5 mV
and iii. there is a clinical classification of congenital heart
disease, rheumatic heart disease, pericarditis,
respiratory disease, pulmonary embolism, post
cardiac surgery, cardiomyopathy or other/not known
and iv. RBBB or IVCD are not present
(a) i. Male and R V3 < 0.3 mV and R' V3 < 0.3 mV
or ii. Female and R V3 < 0.25 mV and R' V3 < 0.25 mV
and (b) none of VQ1 - VQ4 is true
The tests for VQ1 - VQ4 are applied to V3, V4. The following statements
therefore apply to findings in these leads.
The tests for VQ1 and VQ2a are applied to V1, V2.
The following statements therefore apply to findings in these leads.
(a) i. R in V1 > 40 ms
and ii. R in V1 > 0.8 mV
and iii. T+ in V1 > 0.5 mV
and (b) i. R in V2 > 40 ms
and ii. R in V2 > 1 mV
and iii. T+ in V2 > 0.8 mV
(a) i. there is a Q1 in V5
or ii. there is a Q2 in V5 with lateral myocardial infarction
and (b) i. there is a VQ1 or VQ2 in V4
or ii. there is a VQ3 in V4 or VQ4 in V3, V4
Any anterolateral statement will suppress the separate lateral, anteroseptal,
and anterior statements.
or 2.
(a) there is a high score for ST elevation in 2 or more of
V2, V3, and V4
and (b) i. there is no LVH
or ii. there is a clinical classification of myocardial
or iii. there is a clinical classification of pericarditis
Moderate ST elevation is defined as:
(a) a moderate score for ST elevation in 2 or more of
leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF, V5, V6
and (b) i. there is no LVH
or ii. there is a clinical classification of myocardial
ECG Interpretation Criteria Physician's Guide - Brief Format Statements 8-1
Chapter 8 ST Abnormalities
or iii. there is a clinical classification of pericarditis
or iv. the QRS axis is positive
or 2.
(a) there is a moderate score for ST elevation in 2 or
more of V2, V3, and V4
and (b) i. there is no LVH
or ii. there is a clinical classification of myocardial
or iii. there is a clinical classification of pericarditis
In the diagnostic output relating to ST abnormalities, there is a “reason”
statement printed above or beside the diagnostic statement, e.g.
Inferior ST elevation
1. Inferior ST elevation
(a) Q wave inferior infarction is not true
and (b) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation in
the inferior leads
2. Lateral ST elevation
(a) Q wave lateral and anterolateral infarction
are not true
and (b) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the lateral leads
3. Anteroseptal ST elevation
(a) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the anteroseptal leads
4. Anterior ST elevation
(a) 3 is not true
and (b) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the anterior leads
6. Extensive ST elevation
(a) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the inferior leads
and (b) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the anterolateral leads
7. Anterolateral ST elevation
(a) there is acute, marked or moderate ST elevation
in the anterolateral leads
Combinations of the above are possible, e.g.
Inferior and lateral ST elevation
8. Anteroseptal ST depression
(a) STj < -0.1 mV and STj ≤ T- + 0.05 mV in any of
V1 - V6
and (b) there is ACUTE inferior MI
and (c) there is not RBBB
and (d) age ≥ 18 years
If any of 1 to 7 (or combinations) above is true, print one of the following.
4. suggests pericarditis
(a) statements 1 - 3 are false
and (b) there is marked inferior and anterolateral ST
5. - consider pericarditis
(a) statements 1 - 4are false
and (b) there is moderate inferior and anterolateral ST
The criteria for ST-T changes are essentially classical in nature relating to ST
depression or T wave inversion. In practice, however, their logical relationship
to diagnostic statements is somewhat involved. For this reason, a simplified
version is set out below.
(a) there is ST depression or T wave inversion in inferior
(b) there is not inferior myocardial infarction
(c) none of WPW or LBBB is true
(a) there is ST depression or T wave inversion in lateral leads
(b) there is not lateral infarction
(c) none of WPW or LBBB is true
(a) there is ST depression or T wave inversion in
anteroseptal leads
(b) there is not (anterior) septal or anterior infarction
(c) none of WPW, RBBB, RBBB with left anterior
fascicular block, RBBB with left posterior fascicular
block or Extensive IVCD is true
(a) there are not ST-T changes in the anteroseptal leads
(b) there is ST depression or T wave inversion in the
anterior leads
(c) none of WPW, RBBB, RBBB with left anterior
fascicular block, RBBB with left posterior fascicular
block, Extensive IVCD or LBBB is true
(a) there are not ST-T changes in the anteroseptal or
anterior leads
(b) there is ST depression or T wave inversion in the septal
(c) there is not anteroseptal or anterior or septal infarction
(d) none of WPW, RBBB, RBBB with left anterior
fascicular block, RBBB with left posterior fascicular
block or Extensive IVCD is true
(a) there are ST and/or T wave changes in both anterior
and lateral leads as defined above
(a) there are ST and/or T wave changes in the inferior
leads and either the anterolateral or lateral leads
together with septal, anteroseptal or anterior leads
There are several possible “reasons” that can precede the main part of the
diagnostic statement but which are an integral part. For example, “Inferior ST-
T changes” may precede the statement “are non specific” to produce “Inferior
ST-T changes are non specific”. Thus statements in this section of the manual
are built up from a “reason” and a diagnostic component. The following
summarize the reasons:
1. * ST changes
The location of the abnormality, denoted *, can be chosen from the
following: Inferior, Lateral, Anteroseptal, Anterior, Septal, or Anterolateral
2. ST junctional depression
3. Extensive ST changes
4. * T wave changes
The location of the abnormality, denoted *, can be chosen from the
following: Inferior, Lateral, Anteroseptal, Anterior, Septal, or Anterolateral
6. * ST-T changes
The location of the abnormality, denoted *, can be chosen from the
following: Inferior, Lateral, Anteroseptal, Anterior, Septal, or Anterolateral
If any of the previous “reasons” is true, it is printed together with one of the
following statements, which are presented here in almost a hierarchical form,
i.e. a statement towards the end of the list would only be printed if those near
the top were not relevant. In the interest of brevity there are marked
simplifications in presenting the list.
An example of the output in this section is as follows:
Lateral ST-T changes may be due to hypertrophy and/or ischemia
In the pediatric age range, statements involving “Myocardial Ischemia” are
suppressed and are replaced by a more appropriate statement, e.g. “Non-
specific changes”.
1. are nonspecific
(a) there are T wave changes in any lead group
and (b) there is demand pacemaker activity
41. is nonspecific
(a) there is no T wave abnormality or ST segment
depression but there is junctional ST depression
and (b) there is no myocardial infarction, conduction defect
or WPW syndrome result
and (c) there is not LVH with ST/T reasons
and (d) the ST slope > 0° with the ST amplitude ≤ -0.02 mV
for any TWO leads (excluding aVR)
If the P wave flag is not set, or rhythm is not sinus, omit this section.
A. P duration ≥ 150 ms
B. P+ amplitude > 0.3 mV in any one of II, III, aVF
C. i. P- amplitude in V1 ≤ -0.15 mV
and ii. P terminal duration in V1 ≥ 40 ms
D. (a) i. Age > 30 days
and ii. P+ in V1 > 0.20 mV
or iii. P+ in V2 > 0.225 mV
or (b) i. Age ≤ 30 days
and ii. P+ in V1 > 0.25 mV
or iii. P+ in V2 > 0.25 mV
The section on frontal plane abnormalities is omitted if Leads I, II, III are not
available. The following age dependent equation is used to calculate the upper
limit of normal QRS axis for patients with an age ≤ 6 months.
LIM = [230 - 0.66*age (days)]
The maximum value of LIM is set at 110° for patients over the age of 6 months.
1. Indeterminate axis
(a) the (algebraic) sum of the amplitudes of Q, R and
S < 0.15 mV in Leads I, II and III
If this statement is true, omit the remainder of this section.
There are seven summary codes available. Each diagnostic statement and
dominant or supplementary rhythm statement is assigned a summary code
and the highest code present in an interpretation is then printed. The various
codes in ascending order are as follows:
1. Normal ECG
2. Normal ECG except for rate
3. Normal ECG except for rhythm
4. Normal ECG based on available leads
5. Borderline ECG
6. Abnormal ECG
7. Technical error
The rhythm section of the program will always select one statement (only)
from the list of dominant rhythms and if appropriate will select up to three
additional statements from the list of supplementary statements.
1. Sinus rhythm
2. Sinus tachycardia
3. Sinus bradycardia
4. Sinus arrhythmia
7. Atrial tachycardia
8. Atrial flutter
9. Atrial fibrillation
6. with PVCs
7. with PACs
The following four statements are added to other rhythm statements where
In this appendix you will find a scoring methodology that advises users of the
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of the criteria used in this
handbook whenever possible. In addition, the type of database from which
these values have been derived will be described and an estimate of the
prevalence of abnormalities given.
The so-called Bethesda Conference on optimal electrocardiography (Am J.
Cardiology, 1978; 41:158-70) recommended that ECG abnormalities be classed
into three types, namely:
Type A — Statements which describe lesions or cardiac abnormalities
which can be determined by non-ECG methods such as
echocardiography or cardiac catheterization, e.g. ventricular
Type B — Statements which refer to abnormalities detected primarily by
the ECG itself, e.g. left bundle branch block or cardiac
Type C — Statements which are essentially descriptive or which cannot
easily be confirmed by non-ECG methods, e.g. left axis
deviation, non specific ST-T changes.
With respect to the data provided for Type A abnormalities in adults, the CSE
database has been used. This database contains 1220 cases documented by
non-ECG methods (New England Journal of Medicine, 1991; 325:1767-73). The
data for the Type A statements were obtained from a test submission made in
the autumn of 2002. For Type B abnormalities, 204 ECGs were selected from a
larger database of 500 highly abnormal ECGs. None of these 204 ECGs had
pure sinus rhythm. These ECGs were obtained from a large, 1000 bed,
university teaching hospital. In order to obtain examples of other selected
rhythm abnormalities such as interpolated VES, a database of volunteers in a
pharmaceutical trial was examined from which a further 196 ECGs, all with
rhythm abnormalities, were obtained. The prevalence figures detail the
frequency of occurrence of various statements within each individual study
group and not within a total hospital or study population.
Type A, B and C abnormalities in ECGs from children were investigated in two
separate groups. A large group of healthy children were screened either in
hospitals (neonates mainly), postnatal clinics, playgroups, junior schools and
high schools. Parental permission was obtained on every occasion. A total of
ECG Interpretation Criteria Physician's Guide - Brief Format Statements 12-1
Chapter 12 Appendix A
2015 ECGs from such apparently healthy children were reviewed in order to
address the specificity of the pediatric criteria. On the other hand, there is no
large internationally available database of ECGs from children with congenital
heart disease. In order to assess the sensitivity of the diagnostic criteria in such
children, ECGs from 181 children referred for investigation of suspected
cardiac abnormalities were reviewed by experienced electrocardiographers.
Data on sensitivity of various abnormalities are based on this group. It should
be noted that a number of children with cardiac murmurs did not demonstrate
any significant abnormalities on their ECGs. The incidence of arrhythmias in
the total group of children was negligible and could not be commented on in
this study.
Estimates of sensitivity and specificity relate to the combination of all
categories within a single abnormality; e.g. statements on “possible,”
“probable” and “definite” left ventricular hypertrophy are combined, while
some infarct locations such as septal, anteroseptal and anterior have results
grouped together under “anterior” in view of the way that results from the CSE
database were made available. To a certain extent, this latter point pertains to
statements on “probable” and “possible.”
Whenever possible, comments on results are cross-referenced with the relevant
pages of the criteria handbook where the mechanism for grading statements
into “possible,” “probable,” etc. can be found.
Specificity = TN + FP
Positive Predictive Value = TP + FP
Negative Predictive Value =
Number of Cases with the Abnormality
Prevalence = Total Number of Cases on the Database
‘Sensitivity’ in normal is
essentially the
Normal 97% 78% 67% 99% 382/1220 percentage of ECGs
reported as normal in
healthy persons.1
A scoring system is
used for diagnosing
LVH 55% 98% 85% 93% 183/1220 LVH. The methodology
for LVH is discussed on
page 6-1 of this guide.
Same as above for LVH,
RVH 42% 100% 96% 97% 55/1220 but methods are on
page 6-4 of this guide.
See page 6-7 of this
guide for details of the
BVH 47% 99% 78% 98% 52/1220
scoring methodology for
‘Anterior’ infarction
(AMI) includes Septal,
Anteroseptal, Anterior,
Lateral, and
Anterolateral. The
AMI2 71% 98% 88% 95% 170/1220
qualifier ‘probable’
depends on Q-wave
duration etc. as detailed
beginning on page 7-7
of this guide.
Inferior infarction criteria
IMI2 74% 98% 91% 93% 273/1220 are detailed on page 7-4
of this guide.
MIX refers to
combinations of anterior
MIX2 69% 98% 68% 98% 73/1220 and inferior infarction
and includes ‘extensive’
1Specificity and positive predictive value for ‘NORMAL’ should be interpreted carefully. A report of
‘NORMAL’ in a case of ‘MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION’ or ‘hypertrophy’ contributes to decreased
specificity for ‘NORMAL’ (even though the ECG may appear ‘NORMAL’). In the CSE study, an ECG report
stating only ‘MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA’ was mapped to ‘NORMAL’ even if the true answer was
‘INFARCTION’, thereby also contributing to decreased specificity for ‘NORMAL’.
*The above data were obtained from an assessment of the program in November 2002. The original CSE evaluation
was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1991; 325:1767-73).
2The accuracy of the program in dealing with acute myocardial infarction was assessed with respect to
interpretation of ECGs by cardiologists. 100 ECGs with a mixture of inferior and anterior myocardial
infarction and thought to show evidence of acute myocardial infarction according to experienced
cardiologists, were used to assess the sensitivity of the program. On the other hand, to assess specificity, 144
ECGs from patients with proven left ventricular hypertrophy but not with any evidence of acute
myocardial infarction were used. The results were as follows:
Sensitivity for acute MI = 95/100 = 95%. (CI = 90.7%, 99.3%)
Statements were of the type “Acute MI” or “MI Possibly Acute” or “MI Probably Acute”.
Specificity for acute MI = 138/144 = 96%. (CI = 92.6%, 99.1%)
There were two statements of “Acute Myocardial Infarction” and four false positive statements
of the type “Consider Recent Myocardial Infarction”.
ARRHYTHMIA’. This was regarded as 50% correct. There was one other false positive case.
3These data are from a separate study on atrial flutter published in Annals of Noninvasive
Electrocardiology 2000; 5 (4): 358 - 364
4One case was reported as POSSIBLE JUNCTIONAL RHYTHM (regarded as partly correct).