Problems Encountered by The Bureau of Fire Protection in The Province of Capiz

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Background of the Study

Disaster as defined by IFRC(International Federation of

Red Cross) is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously

disrupts the functioning of a community or society and

causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses

that exceed the community’s or society’s ability to cope

using its own resources. Though often caused by nature,

disasters can have human origins. A disaster in their

natural forms includes typhoons, earthquake, tsunami and

volcanic eruptions whereas there is one destructive man-made

disaster which is war. Fire is an example of a disaster that

can be caused by both factors stated above.

Fire is combustion or burning, in which substances

combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically

give out bright light, heat, and smoke (Oxford Dictionary).

A fire disaster can be providential (natural) such as

wildfires, accidental (human error or negligence) or

intentional such as the crime of arson. An intentional cause

of fire, legally termed as arson, is the wilful malicious

burning of property (as building) especially with criminal

or fraudulent intent (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) is a crime

stated in criminal laws of most countries one of which is

the Philippines. However, fires, even in accidental causes,

displaces hundreds to thousands of families from their

homes, costs hundreds of thousands to millions worth of

damage to property and may even be a cause of several


In connection to the disastrous effects of fire, the

Bureau of Fire Protection(BFP) under the DILG and by virtue

of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as DILG Act of 1990,

is primarily to perform and be responsible for the

prevention and suppression of destructive fires on

buildings, houses or other structures, forest lands, land

transportation vehicles and equipment, ships and vessels

docked at piers or wharves anchored in major seaports,

petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other

similar activities. The recent statistics available at the

National Statistical Coordination Board(NSCB) shows that

there are 12,301 total fire incidents occurred in the year

2013 nationwide which is 39.8% higher than 8,798 fire

reported in 2012 and 39.4% higher than the fires recorded in

2011and 14.2% higher than the 10,773 fires posted in 2010.

The Bureau of Fire Protection data shows that 1,478

incidents and 85 fire-related injuries happened in Region VI

in 2013, higher than 990 incidents with 67 injuries recorded

in 2012. Whereas Capiz had only 59 cases coming in third

from the second highest province, Negros Occidental with 518

cases and the first which is Iloilo with 739 cases.

As shown by the most recent, available statistics,

ranking at the third in highest related fire incident, it

can be construed that the Bureau of Fire Protection in the

province of Capiz has problems dealing with fire. Problems

can be categorized into three namely: Human/Personnel,

Material/Facilities and Economic/Financial. In the Personnel

side, according to the Philippine Figures of the National

Statistics Office(NSO), the ratio of fireman to population

as of 2012 is 1:589 from the 16,252 total firemen

nationwide. In the material side, the common problems

encountered are lack of fire trucks, fire hydrants

available, and more will be included in this research as the

study progresses. Financial problems originate from the

Department of Budget Management appropriation towards the

Bureau of Fire Protection. Lack of financial support is a

prime cause that allows the two other problems (Human and

Material) to manifest.

Fire-fighters, before being inducted into the Bureau of

Fire Protection, undergo a series of training in which

concerns of not only extinguishing fire, but also the

prevention or suppression of the same. The number of the

firemen as well as their ratio to the population, as stated

above, is not suffice to actually prevent fire especially in

the province of Capiz in which there are only seven fire

stations serving the whole province of 16 municipalities a

city, two for the First Congressional District, in which has

the city has one sub-station and five for the Second

Congressional District.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the problems encountered

by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the

Province of Capiz.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What are the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire

Protection firefighters in the Province?

2. What is the degree of seriousness on the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in term of Human Resources factors,

Financial Resources factors and Material Resources

factors and as a whole in the province of Capiz?

3. Is there a significant difference in the problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection in the

province of Capiz in terms of location of fire station

in the Province of Capiz?

4. Is there significant relationship on the three problems

encountered such as Human Resources, Financial

Resources and Material Resources and the degree of

seriousness on the problems encountered by the Bureau

of Fire Protection firefighters in Province of Capiz?


In this study, the researchers have advanced their null


1. There is no significant difference in the problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection in the

province of Capiz in terms of location of fire station

in the Province of Capiz?

2. There is no significant relationship on the three

problems encountered such as Human Resources, Financial

Resources and Material Resources and the degree of

seriousness on the problems encountered by the Bureau

of Fire Protection firefighters in Province of Capiz.

Theoretical Framework

Systems theory was originally proposed by Hungarian

biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1928, although it has

not been applied to organizations until recently (Kast and

Rosenzweig, 1972; Scott, 1981). The foundation of systems

theory is that all the components of an organization are

interrelated, and that changing one variable might impact

many others. Organizations are viewed as open systems,

continually interacting with their environment. They are in

a state of dynamic equilibrium as they adapt to

environmental changes.

Senge (1990) describes systems thinking as:

understanding how our actions shape our reality. If I

believe that my current state was created by somebody else,

or by forces outside my control, why should I hold a vision?

The central premise behind holding a vision is that somehow

I can shape my future, Systems thinking helps us see how our

own actions have shaped our current reality, thereby giving

us confidence that we can create a different reality in the


Systems theory as applied to the study of this

research, is that the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire

Protection firefighters in the Province of Capiz. As

identified, we identified 3 major problems that the Bureau

of Fire Protection encounters namely: Human Resources,

Material Resources and Financial Resources. Systems theory

suggests that one area of difficulty may have an impact on

another area that will result to another difficulty.



Problems encountered by

Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the

Province of Capiz

Location of Fire Station

 Human Resources

 Financial Resources

 Material Resources

Degree of seriousness of

problems framework
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the conceptual

showing differences and the relationship of variables.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Illustrates the descriptive variables covered

in the study. As shown, the study is focused on problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the

Province of Capiz, and finding out if there is significant

difference in the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire

Protection firefighters in terms of Location of the Fire

station in the in the Province of Capiz. The independent

variables are the location of Fire Station Capiz and the

three identified categories of problems namely: Human

Resources, Financial Resources and Material Resources.

Whereas, the dependent variable are the problems encountered

by Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the Province of


Significance of the Study

This study would be of importance to the following:

Bureau of Fire Protection. As the target of this research,

the study aims to identify, analyse and give out

recommendation to the involved to address the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in

the province to improve prevention and suppression of

destructive fires.

Department of Interior and Local Government. As the

agency who directly supervises the Bureau of Fire

Protection, this research and its findings may allow the

agency to solve specific problems that are addressed in this


Local Government Unit. As the local executive unit,

it is the function of the LCUs to see the welfare of its

community. This research will allow Local Government Units

to focus onto the Bureau of Fire Protection problems and

giving solution to its existing burden.

Community. As a society which needs the help in times

of disaster, the community will benefit the addressing of

the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters to better perform their duties and


Future Researchers. This study would benefit the future

researchers by using it as a reference for their study of

related field.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study limited to finding out the problems encountered

by Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the Province of


The instrument will used in this study is a survey

questionnaire. The respondents will be all firefighters

assigned in the Roxas city Fire Marshal and different

municipality in the Province of Capiz.

The descriptive research design will be utilize in this


The demographic profile of the respondents will be

limited to age, sex, civil status, length of service.

Definition of Terms

For the better understanding of the readers/researchers

the following definitions are defined conceptually and


Bureau of Fire Protection. Created by virtue of RA

6975 under Department of Interior Local Government.

Primarily to perform and be responsible for the prevention

and suppression of destructive fires on buildings, houses or

other structures, forest lands, land transportation vehicles

and equipment, ships and vessels docked at piers or wharves

anchored in major seaports, petroleum industry

installations, plane crashes and other similar activities.

It is the research target in which the study aims to

identify the problems and give out recommendations to the

concerning agency to aid in providing solution to the


Encountered. To come upon a person or a difficulty

such as a problem. (www.merriam-

In this study, it is the identification of the

problems being experienced of the Bureau of Fire Protection

fire fighters.

Fire-fighters. A person whose job is to extinguish

fires. (

In this study, they are the targeted respondents on

what are the problems encountered.

Problems. A question raised for inquiry,

consideration, or solution. (www.merriam-

It is the focus of the study to identify the problems and

give out recommendation to solve these specific problems.



This chapter presents a review of literature relevant

to the present study. It consists of related literatures and

studies in the Philippines and abroad and likewise studies

whose implications are to some extent related to the

investigation at hand.

Foreign Studies

According to Kirtley et. al, (2007), on a study

titled: Mitigation of the Rural Fire Problem: Strategies

Based on Original Research and Adaptation of Existing Best

Practices. The following are recommendations for further

research and for implementation of

programs for USFA, NFPA, and other national and local

organizations interested in mitigating the rural fire

problem .

(1) We recommend the development and implementation of a

model multihazard survey for homes that could be

incorporated as a voluntary outreach program and used to

identify homes that need changes in their equipment.

Equipment checked could include both portable and stationary

space heaters, electrical wiring and related parts of the

electrical distribution system, and smoke alarms .The survey

also could check related conditions, such as locked,

blocked, or inoperable doors and windows that are part of

primary or alternate escape routes. For greatest

effectiveness and least burden on the households, the survey

would be conducted by trained professionals, though not

necessarily certified fire inspectors or electricians, with

the consent of the households .Despite the term “survey,”

this is not envisioned as a hand-off instrument for

households to use to review their own equipment. After the

survey the residents of the household would be given a list

of prioritized safety hazards that should be corrected .In

an ideal program there would be community block grants or

other funding that would help the property owner to follow

through on some of the improvements suggested by the survey;

(2) We recommend partnering with national and regional

organizations and agencies such as the U .S .Environment

Protection Agency (EPA), the Southwest Indian Foundation;

the U .S .Department of Agriculture (DOA); the Hearth, Patio

and Barbecue Association; and the HEARTH Education

Foundation to develop programs that would replace problem

space heaters; (3) We recommend the development of a program

for improvement of rural electrical system safety that will

set priorities in terms of the range of hazards and

conditions that may be identified in a survey and will

identify affordable modifications suitable for use in

existing homes; (4) We recommend the development of a

national strategy to install working smoke alarms in every

rural home; (5) We recommend the development of a DVD/video

that would communicate the importance of reaching rural

communities and would portray the variety of rural

communities in the United States by region and group type;

and (6) We recommend increased research on effective ways to

meet the needs of the rural fire service.

Local Studies

According to Bacareza, (2012), on a study titled:

Capability of The Bureau of Fire Protectionnational Capital

Region in Responding to Chemical Biological Radiological

Nuclear Explosives and Hazardous Materials in Metro Manila:

an Assessment. The findings of the study are as follows: The

study arrived at the following findings: On the status of

the BFP with regard to its expanded role, the BFP was

created by virtue of RA 6975 primarily to perform

following functions: Responsible for the prevention and

suppression of destructive fires; Enforcement of the Fire

Code of the Phil. (PD 1185); Investigate its causes

and if necessary file case in court; and In times

of emergency, upon the direction of the President

assist the AFP in meeting national emergency. With the

passage of RA 9514 or the Fire Code of the Philippines

of 2008, the BFP’s role was extended to include:

enforcement of the Fire Code, Inspection and Ensuring

Safety Measures for Manufacture, Storage, Handling& Use of

Hazardous Materials. On the level of its capability in

handling HAZMATs and CBRNE incidents in terms of its

mandate, policies, and identified implementing unit

(personnel, policies and systems, human resource

capabilities, logistics, funding, coordinative mechanism,

public information management, and drills/exercises), it can

be concluded that the respondents’ highest assessment with

90% approval score was in terms of awareness to RA 9514 or

the New Fire Code of the Philippines in application

to responding HAZMATs and CBRNE. On the other hand,

the highest assessment with regard measuring the

capability of the BFP-NCR in responding to CBRNE and

hazardous materials is on policy on response specifically

at Office/Fire Station level with a total approval rating of

89% while the lowest assessment provided by the respondents

is in terms of improving human resource capabilities

relative to the personnel’s participation in Operation Level

CBRNE training. Hence, it can be construed that the

BFP-NCR should enhance its human resource capabilities

taking into consideration the expanded role of the BFP in

responding to HAZMATs and CBRNE incidents. This was further

supported by the fact that the respondents were one in

saying that the conduct of regular drills and exercises as

part of CBRNE Station Preparedness Plan should be

the key priority for the BFPNCR. While their lowest

assessment in terms of the BFP-NCR’s capability in

responding to CBRNE with regard to the BFP Operational

Manual on CBRNE means that there is no Operational Manual in






This chapter presents the method of research used, the

respondents, the instruments including its validity and

reliability, the manner of fielding, gathering and

processing procedures, the statistical tools used for the

analysis and interpretation of data.

Place of the Study and Respondents of the Study

This study will conduct on the second semester of

academic year 2015-2016 in the Province of Capiz

specifically in the Fire Stations of: Roxas City, President

Roxas, Dao, Dumarao, Cuartero, Mambusao, Dumalag, Ivisan,

Jamindan, Sigma and Tapaz.

Table 1. Distribution of the respondents in relationship to

their respective Fire Stations.

Fire Station Frequency Percentage

Roxas City 31 22.43%
Dao 9 6.57%
Tapaz 10 7.19%
Sigma 8 5.90%
Ivisan 13 9.34%
Mambusao 25 17.99%
Jamindan 11 7.99%
Dumarao 9 6.59%
Dumalag 11 7.99%
President Roxas 11 7.99%
Total 139 100%

This study had utilized one hundred thirty-nine (139)

Fire personnel in the Province of Capiz.

Roxas City has the greatest number respondents of

thirty-one (31), Mambusao with twenty-five (25) respondents,

Ivisan with thirteen (13) respondents, Jamindan, President

Roxas and Dumalag with eleven (11) respondents each, Tapaz

with ten (10) respondents, Dao and Dumarao with nine (9)

respondents each, and Sigma with the least number of

respondents of eight (8).

Table 2. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents when

classified according to sex, age, civil status and length of


Independent Variables Frequency Percent (%)


Male 110 79.14

Female 29 20.86

Total 139 100%


21 years old and below 0 0

21 years old to 40 years old 85 61.15

41 years old and above 54 38.85

Total 139 100%


Single 48 34.53

Married 90 64.75

Widow/er 1 0.72

Total 139 100%


8 years and below 89 64.03

9 years to 15 years 33 23.74

16 years and above 17 12.23

Total 139 100%

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents. The data in table 1 revealed that of the 139

respondents, 110 or 79.14% were males and the remaining

twenty-nine (29) or 20.86 % were females.

In terms of age, none of the respondents was twenty-one

(21) years old and below. Eighty-five (85) or 61.15% of the

respondents were twenty-two to forty (22 - 40) years old and

the remaining fifty-four (54) or 38.85% of the respondents

were forty-one (41) years old and above.

In terms of civil status, forty-eight (48) or 34.53% of

the respondents were single. Ninety (90) or 64.75% of the

respondents were married and the remaining one (1) or 0.72%

of the respondents were widowed or widower.

Finally, when the length of service was put into

consideration, eighty-nine (89) or 64.03% of the respondents

had eight (8) years and below of service, thirty-three (33)

or 23.74% of the respondents had nine to fifteen (9 - 15)

years of service and the remaining seventeen (17) or 12.23%

of the respondents had sixteen (16) years and above of


Purpose of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine of what are

the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the Province of Capiz during the Calendar

Year 2015-2016. Furthermore, this study also determine if

the three major factors such as Human Resources, Financial

Resources and Material Resources has a significant relation

in the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in Province of Capiz.

Research Design

This study will use the descriptive type of research

which endeavors to describe systematically and objectively a

situation, problem or phenomenon.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in gathering data will be a survey

questionnaire this will be composed of three parts. Part I

dealt on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents

such as age, sex, civil status, length of service and

educational attainment. Part II it deals on the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in

the Province of Capiz. Part III dealt on degree of

seriousness on the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters in term of Human Resources

factors, Financial Resources factors and Material Resources

factors and as a whole in the province of Capiz?

Data Analysis Procedure

Scoring Items

In order to interpret and analyze the data on the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the province of Capiz and the degree of

seriousness of the same problems, each item was scored and

tabulated using the following scoring guide as basis:

Score Scoring Interval Response Categories/

Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.0 Always/Very Serious

4 3.40-4.19 Frequent/Serious

3 2.60-3.39 Often/Fairly Serious

2 1.80-2.59 Seldom/Not Serious

1 1.0-1.79 Never/Not Very Serious

Statistical Tools

The data gathered in this study will be organized and

tabulated for statistical treatment in order to answer the

specific problems of the study. The frequency count, mean

and percentage, ANOVA and Chi Square Test will be used to

arrive the specific result.

Frequency Counts and Percentage. These were used to

determine number of observations.

Frequency Count = n/N = x 100%


n = sample size

N = total population

Mean. This was used to determine the average of each


The formula used for the mean will be adapted from

Downie and Heath, 1984


X =

Where: X = Mean

Σx = sum of scores

N = number of cases

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). This test was set at 0.05

alpha level, was used to determine if there was a

significant difference among several variables considered in

the study.

Mean square between

F =
Mean square within

Chi Square Test of Independence. This test was used to

determine the significant relationship between the three

categorical variables namely: Human Resources, Material

Resources and Financial Resources.


( O−E )2
x 2=Σ

Where: x = the p value of the variables

Σ = the sum of

O = observed frequency

E = expected frequency



The gathered presents the findings, analyses, and

interpretation of the gathered data from the respondents of

the study to find out the problems encountered by the Bureau

of Fire Protection firefighters in the Province of Capiz of

this year 2015 – 2016.

Table 3. Mean and Verbal Interpretation of problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in
the Province of Capiz.
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. Delay in fire response due to

congested traffic route. 2.58 Not Serious

2. Deficiency in personnel training

and management. 2.53 Not Serious

3. Slow fire response due to

physically unfit fire personnel. 2.37 Not Serious

4. Lacking needed manpower for

personnel 2.66 Fairly Serious

5. Poor planning with regards to

responding to fire incidents. 2.57 Not Serious

6. Inexperienced firefighters. 2.68 Fairly Serious
7. Lack of fire investigators. 2.53 Not Serious
8. Firefighters do not undergo an

upgrading program such as responding

to HAZMAT or CBRNE incidents. 2.83 Fairly Serious

9. Firefighters are unable to

communicate properly through radio

communication. 3.14 Fairly Serious

10. Fire personnel do not have

extensive knowledge to treat fires

according to specific chemicals used

in firefighting. 2.91 Fairly Serious

AVERAGE MEAN 2.68 Fairly Serious
1. Poorly maintain fire trucks in

responding several fire incidents. 2.66 Fairly Serious

2. Old or dilapidated fire trucks. 2.71 Fairly Serious
3. Lack of fire hydrants present

near or on fire incident. 2.58 Not Serious

4. Old or rusted fire hose. 2.30 Not Serious
5. Lack of fireproof uniforms. 2.49 Not Serious
6. Not separated gender-concerned 2.37 Not Serious

facilities (e.g. sleeping quarters,

bathrooms, etc.)
7. Inadequate communication

equipment. 2.52 Not Serious

8. Lack of investigative gear for

fire investigation. 2.64 Fairly Serious

9. Outdated equipment. 2.70 Fairly Serious
10. The current Bureau of Fire

Protection does not utilize advanced

firefighting technology such as

specific chemicals to specific type

of fire (e.g. Aqueous Film Forming

Foams (AFFFs) to Class B Fire, FM-

200 to Class C Fire) 3.05 Fairly Serious

AVERAGE MEAN 2.60 Fairly Serious
1. Lack of incentives in regards

with hazard pay. 3.15 Fairly Serious

2. Lesser salary grade. 3.00 Fairly Serious
3. Insufficient budget for

purchasing up-to-date equipment. 2.94 Fairly Serious

4. Funds are not properly allocated

according to the needs of the fire

station. 3.06 Fairly Serious

5. Bureau of Fire Protection does

not have enough resources to conduct

Fire Prevention Program. 3.22 Fairly Serious

6. Bureau of Fire Protection do not

have any means to collect auxilliary

funds to increase self-allocation 3.01 Fairly Serious

other than mentioned in Sections 13

and 14 of PD 1185.
7. The Bureau of Fire Protection of

the Province of Capiz has high

obligation in its allocation leading

to lower annual allocation. 3.28 Fairly Serious

8. The Bureau do not have

substantial gains in their fees

collection of two-percentum (2%)

from premiums, gross sales of fire

equipment or service fees (Section

13 and 14 of PD 1185) 3.63 Serious

9. The Fire Inspection Fee

equivalent to ten-percent (10%) of

all fees charged is not enough to

add to the allocation of the Bureau

of Fire Protection in the Province

of Capiz. 3.54 Serious

10. The Bureau of Fire Protection do

not have a standard disbursement to

personnel training and facility

management leading to a under

trained firemen and old or lacking

facilities. 3.65 Serious

AVERAGE MEAN 3.25 Fairly Serious
GRAND MEAN 2.84 Fairly Serious

Problems encountered by the
Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters
in the Province of Capiz

Table 3 has shown the mean and verbal interpretation of

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the Province of Capiz. Statements with the

greatest mean among the three categorized variables such as

Human Resources, Material Resources and Financial Resources

are stated as follows: firefighters are unable to

communicate properly through radio communication with a mean

of 3.14, The current Bureau of Fire Protection does not

utilize advanced firefighting technology such as specific

chemicals to specific type of fire (e.g. Aqueous Film

Forming Foams (AFFFs) to Class B Fire, FM-200 to Class C

Fire) with a mean of 3.05 and The Bureau of Fire Protection

do not have a standard disbursement to personnel training

and facility management leading to a under trained firemen

and old or lacking facilities with a mean of 3.65.

Statements with the least mean among the three categorized

variables such as Human Resources, Material Resources and

Financial Resources are respectively stated as follows: slow

fire response due to physically unfit fire personnel with a

mean of 2.37, old or rusted fire hose with a mean of 2.30

and insufficient budget for purchasing up-to-date equipment

with a mean of 2.94.

Table 4. ANOVA result on the difference in the problems
encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the
province of Capiz in terms of location of fire station.
Source of Sum of Mean F -
Variation Squares Df Square value Prob.
Between Groups 2.31 9 0.257 1.107 n.s.
Within Groups 2.32 10 0.232
Total 4.63 19      

Tabular F - Value = 3.02

df = 9 - 10
Level of Significance = 0.05

Difference in the problems encountered

by Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters
in the province of Capiz in terms of
location of fire station

The location of fire station of the respondents did not

yield a significant difference in the problems encountered

by Bureau of Fire Protection. The result was reflected in

table 4. The respondents were classified according to their

location of fire station. There is no significant

difference found based on the Computed F Value (1.107) which

is greater than the alpha level 0.05. This indicated that,

the respondents, regardless of their location of fire

station, has the same perception on the problems encountered

by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters. Thus the

hypothesis which stated that there is no significant

difference in the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire

Protection in the province of Capiz in terms of location of

fire station in the Province of Capiz was accepted.

Table 5. Chi square test result on relationship of the

three factors: Human Resources, Material Resources and
Financial Resources in the problems encountered by the
Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in Province of Capiz

Problems Encountered On
Human Material Financial
Resources Resources Resources
Not Very
Serious 31 27 2
Not Serious 39 43 29
Fairly Serious 29 38 55
Serious 25 20 38
Very Serious 15 11 15
Total 139 139 139

χ2 = 81.777
df = 8
α = 0.05
critical value of χ2 = 15. 507

Relationship of the three factors:

Human Resources, Material Resources
and Financial Resources in the
problems encountered by the
Bureau of Fire Protection
firefighters in Province
of Capiz

The Chi-square test of independence in table 5 revealed

that there is a significant relationship that existed

between the three categorical variables in the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in

the Province of Capiz. The table reveals that the three

categorical variables namely: Human Resources, Material

Resources and Financial Resources yield a result of χ2 =

81.777 significantly greater than the critical value of χ 2 =

15. 507 at eight (8) df and significance level of 0.05. Any

value larger than the critical value of χ2 leads to the

rejection of the null hypothesis. Thus, the hypothesis which

stated that there is no significant relationship on the

three factors such as Human Resources, Financial Resources

and Material Resources in the problems encountered by the

Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in Province of Capiz

was rejected.



This chapter presented the summary of the study, its

findings, conclusions, recommendations, and implications.


This study was conducted to determine the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters. The results were expected to

provide implications to alleviate the problems encountered

by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in the

province of Capiz.

Specifically, it sought to determine the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters: (1) What are the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in

the Province?; (2) What is the degree of seriousness on the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in term of Human Resources factors, Financial

Resources factors and Material Resources factors and as a

whole in the province of Capiz?; (3) Is there a significant

difference in the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire

Protection in the province of Capiz in terms of location of

fire station in the Province of Capiz?; (4) Is there

significant relationship on the three factors such as Human

Resources, Financial Resources and Material Resources in the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in Province of Capiz.

The null hypotheses of this study were the following:

There is no significant difference in the problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection in the province of

Capiz in terms of location of fire station in the Province

of Capiz.

There is no significant relationship on the three problems

encountered such as Human Resources, Financial Resources and

Material Resources and the degree of seriousness on the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in Province of Capiz.

The data needed for the study were gathered with the

use of the researcher-made instrument. The data-gathering

instrument was composed of two parts. Part I, it gathered

the respondent’s socio-demographic profile which includes

sex, age, civil status, and length of service. Part II,

these are the items that described the degree of seriousness

of the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the province of Capiz. Participants were

asked to check the appropriate column that corresponded to

their choice that best interpreted their perception.


Statistics revealed that out of 139 respondents,

majority 110 or 79.14% were males and the remaining twenty-

nine (29) or 20.86 % were females. If the respondents were

classified according to age, none of the respondents was

twenty-one (21) years old and below. Eighty-five (85) or

61.15% of the respondents were twenty-two to forty (22 - 40)

years old and the remaining fifty-four (54) or 38.85% of the

respondents were forty-one (41) years old and above. In

terms of civil status, forty-eight (48) or 34.53% of the

respondents were single. Ninety (90) or 64.75% of the

respondents were married and the remaining one (1) or 0.72%

of the respondents were either widowed or widower. In terms

of length of service, eighty-nine (89) or 64.03% of the

respondents had eight (8) years and below of service,

thirty-three (33) or 23.74% of the respondents had nine to

fifteen (9 - 15) years of service and the remaining

seventeen (17) or 12.23% of the respondents had sixteen (16)

years and above of service. The degree of seriousness of the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters, as revealed by the overall mean of 2.84 is

“Fairly Serious”. The result implied that all problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in

the province of Capiz has somehow significant in the

performance of their duties.

Results revealed that there was no significant

difference existed in the degree of seriousness of the

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection in the

province of Capiz when the location of fire station is taken

into consideration, Tabular F value, F0.05 (9 – 40) = 3.02 was

greater than the Computed F Value (1.107). This indicated

that, the respondents, regardless of their location of fire

station, has the same perception on the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters. Thus the hypothesis which

stated that there is no significant difference in the

problems encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection in the

province of Capiz in terms of location of fire station in

the Province of Capiz was accepted.

Lastly, data revealed that there is a significant

relationship across the 3 categorical variables used to

determine the degree of seriousness of the problems

encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection in the province

of Capiz, χ2 = 81.777 significantly greater than the

critical value of χ2 = 15. 507 at eight (8) df and

significance level of 0.05. This indicates that Human

Resources, Material Resources and Financial Resources are

significantly related to one another. Thus, the hypothesis

which states that there is no significant relationship on

the three factors such as Human Resources, Financial

Resources and Material Resources in the problems encountered

by the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters in Province of

Capiz was rejected.


Considering the findings of the study, the

researchers concluded that the most common encountered

problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the Province of Capiz are the statements

with the greatest mean across the 3 categories, Human

Resources, Material Resources and Financial Resources are

stated as follows respectively: firefighters are unable to

communicate properly through radio communication with a mean

of 3.14, The current Bureau of Fire Protection does not

utilize advanced firefighting technology such as specific

chemicals to specific type of fire (e.g. Aqueous Film

Forming Foams (AFFFs) to Class B Fire, FM-200 to Class C

Fire) with a mean of 3.05 and The Bureau of Fire Protection

do not have a standard disbursement to personnel training

and facility management leading to a under trained firemen

and old or lacking facilities with a mean of 3.65.

Findings revealed that the degree of seriousness of

the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the Province of Capiz in the category of

Human Resources was “Fairly Serious” with an average mean of

2.68, whereas in the category of Material Resources was

“Fairly Serious” with an average mean of 2.60, and finally,

the category of Financial Resources was “Fairly Serious”

with an average mean of 3.25 when the responses were taken


Findings revealed that the degree of seriousness of

the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire Protection

firefighters in the Province of Capiz was “Fairly Serious”

when the responses were taken as a whole, with a grand mean

of 2.84.

There is no significant difference in the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters in the province of Capiz when

the respondents were classified according to the location of

fire station.

Furthermore, there is a significant relationship in

the 3 categorized variables such as Human Resources,

Material Resources and Financial Resources and the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered by the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters in the Province of Capiz.


Based on the results and findings of this study, the

following recommendations were made:

1. The Bureau of Fire Protection should request for an

increase for their allocated budget to improve the

performance of the fire officers.

2. The Bureau of Fire Protection should purchase more

up-to-date equipments through the government’s

Modernization Program.

3. The Bureau of Fire Protection must intensify their

Fire Inspection Procedures on buildings in order to

stabilize gains as mentioned in Sections 13 and 14

of PD 1185.


The findings of the present investigation had led to

certain implications for practice in relation to the degree

of seriousness of the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire

Protection firefighters in the province of Capiz.

The degree of seriousness encountered by the Bureau

of Fire Protection in the province of Capiz were “Fairly


The degree of seriousness of the problems encountered

by Bureau of Fire Protection had no significant difference

in terms of the location of fire station.

Lastly, the degree of seriousness of the problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection had a significant

relationship when the categorical variables Human Resources,

Material Resources and Financial Resources are taken into



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