Review and Related Literature
Review and Related Literature
Review and Related Literature
Islam is a way of life, we try to do what the Prophet said. This chapter
Muslims and some religions school. Given the importance of being punctual, this
study aims to explore and find out the life of Muslims students in a Sectarian
This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section outlines some
background about Islam and Muslims with respect to their beliefs and values; the
second section outlines the Religious school: The Christian, The INC and
Islamic Faith
This section of the chapter mainly outlines the Islamic faith and Muslim
world (Mohammed, 1996). Muslims are considered the most poorly understood
Muslim to further engage in the practice of their religion. Recent survey show that
more Muslims increasingly Practice their faith, attend mosques regularly, and
this final Prophet and believe in the Days of Judgement. Islamic is currently the
fastest growing religion in the world, with about 1.6 billion Muslims. (Pew
Research Center, 2009). That is 23% of the world population. "Islam" comes from
an Arabic word "Salima)" which has two meanings: "to submit to the will of
God";to surrender and "peace" (Emerick, 2002)" Islam is surrendering your will
In this section are the outlined three main concepts in Islam that are
important for this study:( a) the five pillars of Islam; (b) Islam is not monolithic;
The five pillars of Islam comprise it's outward manifestation. The five
and "visible Muslims". Knowing the five pillars helps to understand these
definition. The five pillars are in a specific order, based on their importance.
1. The declaration of faith "to believe in God and the Prophet Mohammed
school setting, while others are not relevant. The first pillars "affirms Islams
second Pillar -prayers -only one (sometimes two) of the five daily prayers occur
pillar are contingent upon the movement of the sun. An hour or so before sunrise
is when the morning prayer performed. The afternoon prayer occurs when the sun
has crossed the celestial meridian (exactly halfway between sunrise and sunset),
followed by the evening prayer, the sunset prayer, and finally the night prayer.
The third pillar of fasting during the month of Ramadan may pose a particularly
difficult challenge for students. Ramadan is the with month of the Islamic Lunar
calendar every year it falls on a different month of the Solar Gregorian Calendar,
that Muslims in the West follow In 2018, Ramadan fell within the month of May,
when the Days were the longest. Fasting is from dawn to dusk for 29 to 30 days
(depending when the new moon occurs ). For example, Muslims in Dinas
Zamboanga Del Sur about to 18 to 19 hours every day in May of 2018. There are
primarily two objectives of fasting (a) to disconnect from the material world and
focus on the spiritual world; (b) to experience and understand the struggles of
those who are unable to consistently eat and drink. There are many other
secondary reason for fasting, such as detoxifying one's body. The challenges that
fasting many pose for students are discussed in the next chapter. The fourth pillar-
alm giving or giving charity- is when Muslims give a percentage of their total
wealth to charity. This particular pillar is not relevant to the challenges that
Muslims students may face in their schools. The fifth pillar of performing the
Pilgrimage requires a Muslim to go to Mecca and stay from ten days to two
weeks, performing various rituals that date back to the Prophet Mohammed and
able to perform these rituals may ask for time off from school if the time of the
Pilgrimage occurs during the school year. All the above are outward manifestation
guiding principle for behavior, attitude, and interactions with other people. Islam
has a specific character trait that it espouses and that is Hayaa, which is discussed
(Ibadaat), which include the five pillars of Islam and 2.)Duties to others vis-a-vis
social interactions (muamalat), which are dictated by the religion's valve system
like many other religion's Islam upholds valve such as honesty, compassion,
Islam, but not exclusive to Muslims, is termed as Hayaa, which encompasses such
The Prophet Mohammed said; "Every religion has a distinct call, and
two that go together. If one is lifted, the other is also lifted"(Hadith Database)
identify it's four manifestation. The first dimension of Hayaa is from God, where
thought that displeases God. This level of shame is more dominant when an
individual commits a sin without the presence or knowledge of anyone else. Even
though practicing Muslims around the world may follow the outward
manifestation of Islam (the fire pillars) and the inner manifestation (the
There is one single Islam, meaning the religion is built on a single set of
and prophetic tradition (Sunnah): the pillars of Islam; and it's notion of the state of
injunction a believing consciousness must live within his own time, at the heart of
his society, among other human beings and put his energy into his constant
worldwide, Islam is one and unites all traditions, including Sunning and Shia
"way of life"
institutions that teaches the doctrines, customs and practices, rites, etc to specific
Adventist Seventh-day
Catholic Schools
values and character, our school will be: Learning faith communities, rooted in
the Catholic tradition, nurturing the multiple intelligence of students and teachers,