Mulesoft Salesforce Connectivity Workshop

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MuleSoft Salesforce Connectivity


The MuleSoft Salesforce Connectivity Workshop is designed for the Workshop participants should bring:
Salesforce Practices of MuleSoft Partners to understand how
Salesforce and MuleSoft work together, get hands-on experience ● Laptops with internet connectivity
with MuleSoft's market-leading Anypoint Platform and learn best ● Remote Desktop Client installed
practices on API-Led Connectivity.
● An own Salesforce Developer Account
MuleSoft’s and Salesforce’s top Solutions Consultants and Architects with Security Token
will walk you through the MuleSoft go to market messaging for ● Given this is a virtual setting: having an
Salesforce, give an Anypoint Platform overview and show how external screen is recommended to ease
MuleSoft Anypoint Platform can be used along with the API Led the attendees experience.
Connectivity Approach to accelerate Salesforce projects deliveries
on Digital Transformation programs and Integration opportunities
including an introduction to the MuleSoft Accelerators for Salesforce. Participant Profile and System Requirements:
Workshop Objectives
● Workshop participants are encouraged to
● Salesforce Partners are able to identify use cases where have a basic understanding of integration
MuleSoft’s pillars for success: API Led Connectivity, concepts. Deep integration or
Anypoint Platform and C4E can be leveraged development experience is not required.
● Salesforce Partners understand the value brought by the ● Being comfortable using an Eclipse-based
MuleSoft Accelerators for Salesforce Clouds. IDE to design integration workflows could
● Salesforce Partners get a first understanding on how to be an advantage but is not required.
design and implement Salesforce Integration Solutions with ● This workshop is not meant to be a
3rd party systems using MuleSoft replacement of the MuleSoft trainings we
● Get a first hands on experience to Design, Implement, have available. If you already have
Deploy APIs and integrations using Anypoint Platform MuleSoft extensive knowledge, contact
your workshop host to clarify if you should
Workshop Format join.
The workshop consists of theoretical sessions where we will walk ● This workshop is not addressing
you through the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform capabilities, MuleSoft developer or delivery focused.
Accelerators for Salesforce Clouds, MuleSoft Salesforce
Connectivity Use Cases, followed by practical exercises. For this we
will take you through a set of hands-on labs around API Design and
Implementation, Salesforce Integrations with Platform Events and
Triggers, reuse via FlowDesigner Templates using MuleSoft Anypoint
Find below a generic agenda which will be updated in the morning according to preferences and
logistics. The timezone use below is CET.

Time Duration Topic

8:20 15 min Join the virtual event

8:35 20 min Welcome and Introductions

8:55 5 min Workshop Objectives

9:00 60 min Overview of the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform for
Salesforce Specialists
Our GTM Message
API Led Connectivity
Platform Overview and Components
Platform Benefits
10:00 30min Morning Break
10:30 45min MuleSoft Salesforce Connectivity Use Cases
11:15 30 min Overview - MuleSoft Accelerators for Salesforce
Accelerating Integration with MuleSoft
11:45 60 min Lunch
12:45 1h45min Integration Labs
Overview Lab Environment and Use Cases
Lab1: Salesforce Sample Integration using Flow Designer
Lab2: Setup Platform Events in Salesforce
Lab3: MuleSoft Platform Events using Flow Designer
Lab4: MuleSoft Triggers using Flow Designer
14:30 30min Coffee Break
15:00 45min Integration Labs
Lab5: Salesforce Lead to Email using Flow Designer Template
Lab6 (Optional): OData Enabled API to Salesforce
15:45 15min Next Steps, Feedback & Closing

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